Results for 'François Mottas'

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  1.  12
    Voies et milliaires romains de Thessalie.Jean-Claude Decourt & François Mottas - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (1):311-354.
    Με βάση το σύνολο των μιλιαρίων και άλλων σχετικών μνημείων που βρέθηκαν εντός των ορίων της αρχαίας Θεσσαλίας (είκοσι πέντε λίθοι, ορισμένοι από τους οποίους έχουν χαθεί, ενώ άλλοι είναι αδημοσίευτοι), καθώς και τα δρομολόγια, « οδηγούς » και αρχαίους χάρτες (ιδιαιτέρως την TabuL· Peutingeriana), το πρώτο μέρος του άρθρου πραγματεύεται το ιστορικό της δημιουργίας του ρωμαϊκού οδικού δικτύου στην περιοχή, από τον Ιούλιο Καίσαρα ως τα ύστερα αυτοκρατορικά χρόνια, αναδεικνύοντας τη σημασία του έργου του Αδριανού και των Τετραρχών. Στο (...)
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    Harold Tarrant, Danielle A. Layne, Dirk Baltzly, François Renaud: Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Plato in Antiquity. [REVIEW]Anna Motta - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (1):171-178.
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  3. Truth-Conditional Pragmatics.François Recanati - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues against the traditional understanding of the semantics/pragmatics divide and puts forward a radical alternative. Through half a dozen case studies, it shows that what an utterance says cannot be neatly separated from what the speaker means. In particular, the speaker's meaning endows words with senses that are tailored to the situation of utterance and depart from the conventional meanings carried by the words in isolation. This phenomenon of ‘pragmatic modulation’ must be taken into account in theorizing about (...)
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    A Communicative Constitutive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility: Ventriloquism, Undecidability, and Surprisability.François Cooren - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):175-197.
    Adopting a communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) perspective on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) invites us to create the conditions of a dialogue, discussion, or debate between various stakeholders, who can then try to confront their respective positions on a given issue, and possibly come to a decision regarding how a situation should be evaluated and/or responded to. As shown in this article, getting human stakeholders to voice their concerns about a specific situation is a way not only (...)
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    Direct Reference.Francois Recanati - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4):953-956.
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    Non-Philosophy Project: Essays.François Laruelle (ed.) - 2011 - Telos Press.
    Are the things of this world given to thought? Are things really meant to be known, to be taken as the objective manifestations of a transcendental conditioning power? The Western philosophical tradition, according to François Laruelle, presupposes just this transcendental constitution of the real--a presupposition that exalts philosophy itself as the designated recipient of the transcendental gift. Philosophy knows what things really are because things--all things--are given to philosophy to be known. Laruelle's trenchant essays show how this presupposition controls (...)
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    La transparence et l'énonciation: pour introduire à la pragmatique.François Récanati - 1979 - Editions du Seuil.
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    Du modèle cartésien au modèle spinoziste de l’être vivant.François Duchesneau - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):539 - 562.
    Les considérations physiologiques sont étrangères, en tant que telles, au projet de l'Ethique, et sans doute, à l'ensemble des préoccupations philosophiques de Spinoza. Au début de Ia seconde partie de l'Ethique, Spinoza précise clairement: “j'expliquerai seulement ce qui peut nous conduire comme par la main à la connaissance de l’ Arne humaine et de sa béatitude suprême”. Pourtant, le livre ne laisse pas de contenir une révision intéressante du modèle mécaniste que Descartes appliquait à l'explication du corps humain; il contient (...)
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    (1 other version)Révolution scientifique et problématique de l'être vivant.François Duchesneau - 1996 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 94 (4):568-598.
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  10. Category Theory as a Conceptual Tool in the Study of Cognition.François Magnan & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes (eds.), The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 57-90.
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    The return of society.François Dubet - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (1):3-21.
    This article is a plea for the idea of society in sociological theory. Even though the industrial national societies no longer exist, the successive crises that we have encountered show that we need a general concept to account for social life. Thus sociology should be enabled to remain a moral and political philosophy.
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    Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives.Francois Dosse - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    In May 1968, Gilles Deleuze was an established philosopher teaching at the innovative Vincennes University, just outside of Paris. Félix Guattari was a political militant and the director of an unusual psychiatric clinic at La Borde. Their meeting was quite unlikely, yet the two were introduced in an arranged encounter of epic consequence. From that moment on, Deleuze and Guattari engaged in a surprising, productive partnership, collaborating on several groundbreaking works, including _Anti-Oedipus_, _What Is Philosophy?_ and _A Thousand Plateaus_. (...) Dosse, a prominent French intellectual known for his work on the Annales School, structuralism, and biographies of the pivotal intellectuals Paul Ricoeur, Pierre Chaunu, and Michel de Certeau, examines the prolific if improbable relationship between two men of distinct and differing sensibilities. Drawing on unpublished archives and hundreds of personal interviews, Dosse elucidates a collaboration that lasted more than two decades, underscoring the role that family and history—particularly the turbulent time of May 1968—play in their monumental work. He also takes the measure of Deleuze and Guattari's posthumous fortunes and the impact of their thought on intellectual, academic, and professional circles. (shrink)
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  13. Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault, and: Qu'est-ce que la philosophie antique?François Renaud - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (4):637-640.
  14. Recherches sur l'universalisme logique.François Rivenc - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (3):377-379.
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    Getting to why? Contemplative practice as reflection on intentionality.Francois Wessels - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    In my experience, conflict and other forms of being stuck or ‘stuckness’ are related to actions, behaviour or events. If we consider a narrative paradigm, they happen in the realm of the Bruner’s ‘landscape of action’. Efforts at escaping these problem-saturated experiences mostly resort to replacing these actions, habits, modes of operation or rules with a different set of rules, without first reflecting on the intentionality or ‘why’ behind the actions. Most often this only serves to perpetuate the problem. This (...)
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  16. Penser la Révolution française.François Furet - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):483-484.
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  17. Indexicality and context-shift.François Recanati - unknown
    I distinguish, and discuss the relations between, five types of context-shift involving indexicals. For 'intentional' indexicals - indexicals whose value depends upon the speaker's intention - we can shift the context more or less 'at will', by manifesting one's intention to do so. For other indexicals we can shift the context through pretense. Following a number of authors, I distinguish two types of context-shifting pretense, corresponding to two sets of linguistic phenomena. The fourth type of case is that of expressions (...)
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    When does every definable nonempty set have a definable element?François G. Dorais & Joel David Hamkins - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):407-411.
    The assertion that every definable set has a definable element is equivalent over to the principle, and indeed, we prove, so is the assertion merely that every Π2‐definable set has an ordinal‐definable element. Meanwhile, every model of has a forcing extension satisfying in which every Σ2‐definable set has an ordinal‐definable element. Similar results hold for and and other natural instances of.
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    Une œuvre en trois temps.François Dagognet - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (1):29 - 38.
  20. The Limits of Metalinguistic Negotiation: The Role of Shared Meanings in Normative Debate.François Schroeter, Laura Schroeter & Kevin Toh - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):180-196.
    According to philosophical orthodoxy, the parties to moral or legal disputes genuinely disagree only if their uses of key normative terms in the dispute express the same meaning. Recently, however, this orthodoxy has been challenged. According to an influential alternative view, genuine moral and legal disagreements should be understood as metalinguistic negotiations over which meaning a given term should have. In this paper, we argue that the shared meaning view is motivated by much deeper considerations than its recent critics recognize, (...)
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  21. What is said and the Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction.François Recanati - 2004 - In Claudia Bianchi (ed.), the semantics/pragmatics distinction. CSLI. pp. 45-64.
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    La métaphore est un transport.François Ascher - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 118 (1):37.
    La métaphore est un instrument indispensable pour les analyses scientifiques. Mais elle nécessite un usage réflexif qui en précise le statut car celui-ci peut être divers et n’est pas sans effet sur la théorie comme sur diverses pratiques. Ainsi, les analystes et acteurs des transports ont usé – et probablement abusé – du recours à la physique des fluides pour leurs métaphores. Aujourd’hui, les développements de la physique, par exemple dans les domaines des fractales ou de la percolation, ouvrent des (...)
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    Auxiliaries and War-Financing in the Roman Republic.François Gauthier - 2019 - Journal of Ancient History 7 (2):251-268.
    Auxiliaries are usually studied in the late Republic or the Imperial period. Despite this emphasis in modern research, auxiliaries were employed in substantial numbers during the third and second centuries BCE. Auxiliaries did make a crucial contribution to the Roman war effort in the Middle Republic, providing a substantial part of Rome’s military manpower. These troops were most often financed by the community providing them, allowing the Roman state to save a great deal of money if similar numbers of Roman (...)
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  24. Pragmatic Enrichment.Francois Recanati - 2011 - In Gillian Russell & Delia Graff Fara (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 67-78.
    It is commonly held that all truth-conditional effects of context result from a pragmatic process of value-assignment that is triggered (and made obligatory) by something in the sentence itself, namely a lexically context-sensitive expression (e.g. an indexical) or a free variable in logical form. Such a process has been dubbed ‘saturation'. It stands in contrast to so called ‘free' pragmatic processes, which are supposed to take place for purely pragmatic reasons — in order to make sense of what the speaker (...)
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    The Russo–Williamson Theses in the social sciences: Causal inference drawing on two types of evidence.François Claveau - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (4):806-813.
    This article examines two theses formulated by Russo and Williamson in their study of causal inference in the health sciences. The two theses are assessed against evidence from a specific case in the social sciences, i.e., research on the institutional determinants of the aggregate unemployment rate. The first Russo–Williamson Thesis is that a causal claim can only be established when it is jointly supported by difference-making and mechanistic evidence. This thesis is shown not to hold. While researchers in my case (...)
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    Une allocution d’Augustin pour la fête de Cyprien: s. Denis 15 (313B).François Dolbeau - 2023 - Augustinian Studies 54 (1):1-22.
    Noting how an hypothesis can turn into a truth simply by being repeated, this article examines carefully the basis for the date normally given for this sermon and the frailty of the textual tradition that is the basis for the Morin edition of this sermon. After a careful analysis of the factors that might help to date it, it is assigned an uncertain date. It remains, however, plausible to think that it was delivered ad mensam Cypriani. The analysis of the (...)
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  27. La polysémie contre le fixisme.Francois Recanati - 1997 - Langue Française 113:107-123.
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    The Impossible Nude: Chinese Art and Western Aesthetics.François Jullien - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
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    Panoramic trompe-l'oeil : C'est tout une vie.François Bon & Catherine Parayre - 2009 - In Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici & Ernesto Virgulti (eds.), Disguise, Deception, Trompe-L'oeil: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Peter Lang. pp. 99--99.
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  30. Josef pieper y el tomismo medieval. La controversia sobre la creaciÓn.Francois-Xavier Putallaz - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (216):491-506.
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    The Title of the Letter: A Reading of Lacan.François Raffoul & David Pettigrew (eds.) - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is a close reading of Jacques Lacan’s seminal essay, “The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason Since Freud, ” selected for the particular light it casts on Lacan’s complex relation to linguistics, psychoanalysis, and philosophy. It clarifies the way Lacan renews or transforms the psychoanalytic field, through his diversion of Saussure’s theory of the sign, his radicalization of Freud’s fundamental concepts, and his subversion of dominant philosophical values. The authors argue, however, that Lacan’s discourse is (...)
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    Deniers and the golden calf: From fetishes to idols.François Rastier - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (154 - 1/4):95-126.
    This study deals with money, especially coins, and intends to circumscribe the place of coinage among cultural objects. Money cannot be described without a semiotics of culture. We shall consider the definitions of value in order to define the evaluative foundations of meaning, and discuss the recurring parallel between signs and coins. Using a theory of anthropic zones, we will then attempt to determine the conditions necessary for the creation of objects of value, which should lead to a typology of (...)
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    Sémiosis et metamorphoses.François Rastier - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):145-162.
    Independently of the generative and enunciative theories, the dynamic structuralism of the Saussurian tradition has made it possible to pose the problem of semiosis, understood as the individuation of the sign from a structural germ. At a higher level of complexity, the processes that preside over this individuation seem to also govern the composition of texts. Literary and pictorial examples make it possible to detect them; they confirm that reflection on the arts is a major area of general and comparative (...)
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  34. The Simulation of Belief.Francois Recanati - 2000 - In Pascal Engel (ed.), Believing and Accepting. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 267-298.
  35. Sentientism Still Under Threat: Reply to Dung.François Kammerer - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (3):103-119.
    In 'Ethics Without Sentience: Facing Up to the Probable Insignificance of Phenomenal Consciousness' (Kammerer, 2022), I argued that phenomenal consciousness is probably normatively insignificant, and does not play a significant normative role. In 'Preserving the Normative Significance of Sentience' (Dung, 2024), Leonard Dung challenges my reasoning and defends sentientism about value and moral status against my arguments. Here I respond to Dung's criticism, pointing out three flaws in his reply. My conclusion is that the view that phenomenal consciousness is distinctively (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Relativized Propositions.François Recanati - 2007 - In Michael O'Rourke & Corey Washington (eds.), Situating Semantics : Essays on the Work of John Perry. MIT Press. pp. 119-153.
    Can we solve the problem of the essential indexical, and account for de se belief, by appealing to 'relativized propositions' (functions from rich indices to truth-values)? According to John Perry, we cannot. This paper offers a detailed examination and a critique of Perry's argument.
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  37. La philosophie analytique est-elle dépassée? Note sur la philosophie "post-analytique".Francois Recanati - 1992 - Philosophie 35:77-86.
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  38. The Pragmatics of Performative Utterances.Francois Recanati - 1998 - In Asa Kâšer (ed.), Pragmatics: Critical Concepts. Dawn and delineation. Vol. 1. Routledge. pp. 511-518.
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    Building an epistemic logic for argumentation.François Schwarzentruber, Srdjan Vesic & Tjitze Rienstra - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 359--371.
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une œuvre interactive?François Zourabi - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 1 (1):93-96.
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  41. Les défis de l'islamisme.François Burgat - 1997 - Krisis 20:118-138.
    L'entretien présente les principales thèses exposées dans la première édition de L'Islamisme en face, (Paris, La Découverte, 1995) et répond aux questions et aux remarques formulées par la rédaction de la revue Krisis sur l'origine et les principales expressions du phénomène islamiste dans ses dimensions nationales (économiques, politiques et sociales) et internationale, au sein des sociétés arabo-musulmanes comme en Europe.
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  42. History of Structuralism: Volume 2: The Sign Sets, 1967-Present.Francois Dosse - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    Kants Theorie der formalen Bestimmung des Willens.François Schroeter - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (3):388 - 407.
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  44. Un kantisme orthodoxe est-il viable en éthique?Francois Schroeter - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (1-2):216-236.
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    Une nouvelle loi thasienne : institutions judiciaires et fêtes religieuses à la fin du IVe siècle av. J.-C.François Salviat - 1958 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 82 (1):193-267.
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  46. Indexical Thought: The Communication Problem.François Recanati - 2016 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Stephan Torre (eds.), About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 141-178.
    What characterizes indexical thinking is the fact that the modes of presentation through which one thinks of objects are context-bound and perspectival. Such modes of presentation, I claim, are mental files presupposing that we stand in certain relations to the reference : the role of the file is to store information one can gain in virtue of standing in that relation to the object. This raises the communication problem, first raised by Frege : if indexical thoughts are context-bound and relation-based, (...)
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    Etienne-Jules Marey: A Passion for the Trace.François Dagognet - 1992 - Zone Books.
    A study of Marey, physician, physiologist, aviation researcher, and inventor, delineates his innovative work in chronophotography.
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    Un sage est sans idée, ou, L'autre de la philosophie.François Jullien - 1998
    la 4e de couverture indique : "Nietzsche demandait : pourquoi avons-nous voulu le vrai plutôt que le non-vrai (ou l'incertitude ou l'ignorance)? La question se voudrait radicale, et même la plus radicale, mais elle est encore conçue du dedans de la tradition européenne, bien que la prenant à revers : elle ose toucher à la valeur de la vérité, mais sans sortir de sa référence : elle ne remet pas en question le monopole que la vérité à fait à la (...)
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  49. Essais sur l'historie de la Geologie en Hommage a Eugene Wegmann (1896-1982).Francois Ellenberger, Jean Gaudant & J. Jones - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (1):108-108.
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    [Archiv für Religionspsychologie].François Picavet - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78:223-224.
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