Results for 'Fuse Shōō'

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  1.  38
    A qualitative examination of changing practice in Canadian neonatal intensive care units.Bonnie Stevens, Shoo K. Lee, Madelyn P. Law & Janet Yamada - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):287-294.
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    Social Solidarity in Health Care, American-Style.Erin C. Fuse Brown, Matthew B. Lawrence, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey & Lindsay F. Wiley - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):411-428.
    The ACA shifted U.S. health policy from centering on principles of actuarial fairness toward social solidarity. Yet four legal fixtures of the health care system have prevented the achievement of social solidarity: federalism, fiscal pluralism, privatization, and individualism. Future reforms must confront these fixtures to realize social solidarity in health care, American-style.
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    What States Can Do to Address Out-of-Network Air Ambulance Bills.Erin C. Fuse Brown, Alex McDonald & Ngan T. Nguyen - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):462-473.
    Out-of-network air ambulance bills are a pernicious and financially devastating type of surprise medical bill. Courts have broadly interpreted the Airline Deregulation Act to preempt most state attempts to regulate air ambulance billing abuses, so a federal solution is ultimately needed. However, in the absence of a federal fix, states have experimented with a variety of approaches that may survive preemption and provide some protections for their citizens.
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    Remarks on the writing and conduct of J. J. Rousseau (1767).Henry Fuseli - 1960 - Los Angeles,: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California. Edited by Eudo Colecestra Mason.
    ... diflblved his name into that <)f Parthenio Etyro, and fell to writing pfalms , lifes of J. and the faints, prayers and meditations. ...
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    Health Reform and Theories of Cost Control.Erin C. Fuse Brown - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):846-856.
    Health care costs and affordability are critical issues to consumers. Just as we assess the coverage impacts of a health reform proposal, we should be able to evaluate how the plan will constrain health care costs: its theory of cost control. This essay provides a framework to assess health reform plans on their theories of cost control, identifying the key policy tools to constrain health care costs organized in a two-by-two matrix across the following dimensions: price vs. utilization and public (...)
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    Introduction A Bold Agenda for the Next Steps in Health Reform.Brietta R. Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown & Lindsay F. Wiley - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):390-392.
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  7. Shōō dōwa.Fuse Shōō - 1917 - In Tetsuzō Tsukamoto, Kyūō Shibata, Shōō Fuse & Baigan Ishida, Shingaku dōwashū. Tōkyō: Yūhōdō.
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    Protecting Participants in Genomic Research: Understanding the “Web of Protections” Afforded by Federal and State Law.Leslie E. Wolf, Catherine M. Hammack, Erin Fuse Brown, Kathleen M. Brelsford & Laura M. Beskow - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):126-141.
    Researchers now commonly collect biospecimens for genomic analysis together with information from mobile devices and electronic health records. This rich combination of data creates new opportunities for understanding and addressing important health issues, but also intensifies challenges to privacy and confidentiality. Here, we elucidate the “web” of legal protections for precision medicine research by integrating findings from qualitative interviews with structured legal research and applying them to realistic research scenarios involving various privacy threats.
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    INTRODUCTION Defining Health Law for the Future: A Tribute to Charity Scott.Stacie P. Kershner, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Leslie E. Wolf, Paul A. Lombardo & Yaniv Heled - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):216-218.
    This special edition of JLME celebrates the life of Charity Scott, Professor Emerita and Founding Director of the Center for Law, Health & Society at Georgia State University College of Law.
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    Congress, Courts, and Commerce: Upholding the Individual Mandate to Protect the Public's Health.James G. Hodge, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Daniel G. Orenstein & Sarah O'Keefe - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (3):394-400.
    Despite historic efforts to enact the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, national health reform is threatened by multiple legal challenges grounded in constitutional law. Premier among these claims is the premise that PPACA’s “individual mandate” is constitutionally infirm. Attorneys General in Virginia and Florida allege that Congress’ interstate commerce powers do not authorize federal imposition of the individual mandate because Congress lacks the power to regulate commercial “inactivity.” Stated simply, Congress cannot regulate individuals who choose not to (...)
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  11. Shingaku dōwashū.Tetsuzō Tsukamoto, Kyūō Shibata, Shōō Fuse & Baigan Ishida (eds.) - 1917 - Tōkyō: Yūhōdō.
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    Shooing the dead to paradise.Janet R. Goodwin - 1989 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 16 (1):63-80.
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    Fused Modality or Confused Modality?Christian Dahlman - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (1):80-86.
    According to Svein Eng there are propositions concerning the law which are descriptive as well as normative, but cannot be separated into one descriptive and one normative proposition. Eng calls these propositions “fused” (“sammensmeltede”). In Eng's theory a proposition with “fused modality” is partly descriptive and partly normative, but cannot be classified as a separable combination of a claim about what the law “is” and a claim about what the law “ought to be.” In a “fused” proposition modality is a (...)
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  14. The burning fuse model of unbecoming in time.John D. Norton - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part A):103-105.
    Please imagine a long fuse hanging down from the ceiling. It is a carefully woven tube of fabric that holds a core of gunpowder. We note that it is beautifully made, with brightly colored threads intertwined with the coarser bare cotton. It a masterpiece of the modern weaver's art.
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    Re-fusing nature/nurture.Nancy Tuana - 1983 - Women's Studies International Forum 6 (6):621–632.
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    Fusing the images.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21 (1):1-23.
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    Fusing Philosophy and Fieldwork in a Study of Being a Person in the World: An Interim Commentary.David T. Hansen, Jason Thomas Wozniak & Ana Cecilia Galindo Diego - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (2):159-170.
    In this article, we describe a longitudinal inquiry into what it means to be a person in our contemporary world. Our method constitutes a dynamic, non-objectifying fusion of empirical and philosophical anthropology. Field-based anthropology examines actualities: how people lead their lives and talk about them. Philosophical anthropology addresses possibilities: who and what people could become in light of actualities while not being determined by them. We describe and illustrate our fieldwork in the classrooms of 16 teachers who work in New (...)
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  18. fusing the Amputated Body: An Interactionist Bridge for Feminism and Disability.Alexa Schriempf - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (4):53-79.
    Disabled women's issues, experiences, and embodiments have been misunderstood, if not largely ignored, by feminist as well as mainstream disability theorists. The reason for this, I argue, is embedded in the use of materialist and constructivist approaches to bodies that do not recognize the interaction between “sex” and “gender” and “impairment” and “disability” as material-semiotic. Until an interactionist paradigm is taken up, we will not be able to uncover fully the intersection between sexist and ableist biases that form disabled women's (...)
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  19.  49
    Fused Modality. An Integral Part of Lawyers’ Form of Life.Svein Eng - 2005 - Ratio Juris 18 (4):429-433.
    . In this reply to Dahlman, the focus is on aspects that I take to be of general interest. The point to be emphasised is the absence of a critically reflexive mode of questioning on the part of Dahlman and, in general, on the part of the position he represents, namely, an empiricist and logical paradigm of atemporal cognition and control. It is argued that lawyers’ thinking de lege lata—with its distinctive connection to normativity and morals, through the unity of (...)
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  20. (Con)fusing the un(con)fusable.István Aranyosi - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):215–220.
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    Decentralized fused-learner architectures for Bayesian reinforcement learning.Augustin A. Saucan, Subhro Das & Moe Z. Win - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 331 (C):104094.
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    Fusing the horizons between aspirations of continuing professional development and the realities of educators’ experiences in practice: Interpretative hermeneutic phenomenology in early childhood education.Sharon Skehill - 2022 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 22 (1).
    This article presents an argument for the use of interpretative hermeneutic phenomenology as an insightful and innovative methodology for research in early childhood education. In providing guidance for the use of this methodology, this article will focus on a doctoral study investigating preschool teachers’ experiences of engagement with a continuing professional development (CPD) programme aimed to inform their pedagogical practice. The CPD programme focused on promoting and supporting inclusive pedagogy, practice and culture in the early education setting. The research study (...)
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    Fusing O-Minimal Structures.A. J. Wilkie - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):271 - 281.
    In this note I construct a proper o-minimal expansion of the ordered additive group of rationals.
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    Henry Fuseli and J. G. Herder's Ideen Zur Philosophie Der Geschichte Der Menschheit in Britain: An Unremarked Connection.Marcia Allentuck - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (1):113.
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    Henry fuseli's 'queen Katherine's vision' and Macklin's poets' gallery: A new critique.Marcia Allentuck - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):266-268.
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    (Con)fusing the un(con)fusable.IstvÁ Aranyosi - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):215-220.
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  27. Fusing significance coding with the stream of cognitive and conscious sequences: Generalizing from a neurocomputational model of motivated saccadic eye movements.M. Bernstein & J. Bickle - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S74 - S75.
  28. Fusings".Natalie Diaz - 2023 - In Dele Adeyemo, Natalie Diaz, Nadia Yala Kisukidi, Rinaldo Walcott & Christina Elizabeth Sharpe, Borders, human itineraries, and all our relation. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Resource: FUSE - Find, Use and Share.Peter Maggs - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (1):28.
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  30. Fusing fragments : repaired objects, refitted parts and upcycled pieces in the late bronze age metalwork of Southern Scandinavia.Karin Ojala & Anna Sörman - 2024 - In Anna Sörman, Astrid A. Noterman & Markus Fjellström, Broken bodies, places and objects: new perspectives on fragmentation in archaeology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Fusing and Defusing Horizons in Teaching and Translation.Harvey Shapiro - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:377-380.
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    Fusing Tradition and Modernity: A Strategic Marketing Approach for TCCEC Brand.Cao Shuran, Farah Akmar Anor Salim & Xu Ying - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:372-381.
    This paper examines the TCCEC (Traditional Chinese Culture Element Clothing) brand's challenges in integrating traditional Chinese cultural elements within a modern fashion context. Despite a unique artistic appeal, TCCEC faces market performance issues due to unclear positioning, misaligned product development, unengaging marketing, and subpar customer service. The study identifies these shortcomings using qualitative research methods and proposes strategies to enhance brand resonance, product relevance, marketing creativity, and customer satisfaction. The recommendations aim to improve TCCEC's market adaptability and serve as a (...)
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    Fused Modality. An Integral Part of Lawyers’ Form of Life.E. N. G. Svein - 2005 - Ratio Juris 18 (4):429-433.
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    What fuses sports fans?Dimitris Xygalatas - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
    Extreme self-sacrifice in the context of phenomena, such as sports hooliganism, combines aspects of local and extended fusion. How can we best account for such phenomena in the light of the theory presented here, and how can we make a tangible distinction between the two types? I propose ways to explore and operationalize this distinction and the concept of fusion more generally.
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    Emergence of the Fused Spacetime from a Continuum Computing Construct of Reality.Heather A. Muir - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-28.
    Since the emergence of computing as a mode of investigation in the sciences, computational approaches have revolutionised many fields of inquiry. Recently in philosophy, the question has begun rendering bit by bit—could computation be considered a deeper fundamental building block to all of reality? This paper proposes a continuum computing construct, predicated on a set of core computational principles: computability, discretisation, stability and optimisation. The construct is applied to the set of most fundamental physical laws, in the form of non-relativistic (...)
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    An Intelligent Fused Approach for Face Recognition.Tanzila Saba, Ayman Altameem, Amjad Rehman, Mohamad Dzulkifli & Khitikun Meethongjan - 2013 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 (2):197-212.
    Face detection plays important roles in many applications such as human–computer interaction, security and surveillance, face recognition, etc. This article presents an intelligent enhanced fused approach for face recognition based on the Voronoi diagram and wavelet moment invariants. Discrete wavelet transform and moment invariants are used for feature extraction of the facial face. Finally, VD and the dual tessellation are used to locate and detect original face images. Face recognition results based on this new fusion are promising in the state (...)
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  37.  40
    Practices of Reason: Fusing the Inferentialist and Scientific Image.Ladislav Koren - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers new insights into the nature of human rational capacities by engaging inferentialism with empirical research in the cognitive sciences. Inferentialism advocates that humans' unique kind of intelligence is discursive and rooted in competencies to make, assess and justify claims. This approach provides a rich source of valuable insights into the nature of our rational capacities, but it is underdeveloped in important respects. For example, little attempt has been made to assess inferentialism considering relevant scientific research on human (...)
  38.  80
    Wilfrid Sellars: fusing the images.Jay F. Rosenberg - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents Rosenberg's previously published studies of the central elements and implications of Sellars' philosophy, along with three new essays that ...
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  39. Melting musics, fusing sounds. Stumpf, Hornbostel and Comparative Musicology in Berlin.R. Martinelli - 2014 - In R. Bod, J. Maat & T. Weststeijn, The Making of the Humanities. Vol. III: The Modern Humanities. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 391-401.
    The ancient Greeks already used to give ethnic names to their different scales, and observations on differences in music of the various nations always raised the interest of musicians and philosophers. Yet, it was only in the late nineteenth century that “comparative musicology” became an institutional science. An important role in this process was played by Carl Stumpf, a former pupil of Brentano’s who pioneered these researches in Berlin. Stumpf founded the Phonogrammarchiv to collect recordings of folk and extra-European music (...)
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    Practices of Reason. Fusing the Inferentialist and Scientific Image.Ronald Loeffler - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (2):174-179.
    The last three decades have seen a renaissance in Anglo-American philosophy of efforts to think of human reasoning as constitutively social and, indeed, discursive. This approach does not see reaso...
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    The burning fuse: The unacceptable face of religion.J. W. Bowker - 1986 - Zygon 21 (4):415-438.
    For pragmatic reasons more attention should be devoted to the serious study of religion. Although religions inspire great achievements of human creativity, it is important to understand them because they also promote violence and warfare. One can understand the unacceptable face of religion when one sees why religions matter to those who belong to them; why they are bound to be conservative, especially in times of stress; and why, therefore, believers become very passionate about defending the boundaries of their particular (...)
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    Still at the fuse-box, arguing with Goldman about the power supply.David Braybrooke - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (4):269 - 272.
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    Two blown fuses in Goldman's analysis of power.David Braybrooke - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (6):369 - 377.
    There are many fine things in Alvin I. Goldman's paper 'Toward a Theory of Social Power' - much ingenuity, a good deal of exact careful thinking, some splendid feats of quasi-symbolical construction. There are also at least two places where the wiring short-circuits.
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    A Grenade With the Fuse Lit: William S. Burroughs and Retroactive Utopias in Cities of the Red Night.Sean Grattan - 2010 - Utopian Studies 21 (1):118-138.
    In 1981, William S. Burroughs—often considered a writer of devastatingly apocalyptic dystopian vision—published “Cities of the Red Night,” his first foray into utopian writing. This article examines Burroughs’s conception of the “retroactive utopia.” It highlights Burroughs’s ambivalence toward utopian projects and invokes both his hope and his disappointment in the ability for utopian writing to engender political change.
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    Knowledge Big Graph Fusing Ontology with Property Graph: A Case Study of Financial Ownership Network.Yan Liu, Wei-Gang Fu & Xiao-Bo Tang - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (1):55-71.
    The scale of know­ledge is growing rapidly in the big data environment, and traditional know­ledge organization and services have faced the dilemma of semantic inaccuracy and untimeliness. From a know­ledge fusion perspective-combining the precise semantic superiority of traditional ontology with the large-scale graph processing power and the predicate attribute expression ability of property graph-this paper presents an ontology and property graph fusion framework (OPGFF). The fusion process is divided into content layer fusion and constraint layer fusion. The result of the (...)
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    The Green fuse: the Schumacher lectures 1983-8.Fritz Schumacher & John Button (eds.) - 1990 - New York: Quartet Books.
  47. Bush and bin Laden's Binary Manicheanism: The Fusing of Horizons.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    In the current ongoing Terror War, both George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden deploy certain similar figures of speech, fusing their metaphysical and political discourses while reserving the demonology. In his speech to Congress on September 20, 2001 declaring his war against terrorism, Bush described the conflict as a war between freedom and fear. The coming Terror War was, he explained, a conflict between “those governed by fear” who “want to destroy our wealth and freedoms,” and those on the (...)
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    Apperception revisited: ?Subliminal? monocular perception during the apperception of fused random-dot stereograms.R. KunzendoRf - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):63-76.
    “Source monitoring” theory is applied to the turn-of-the-century argument that, whenever binocularly fused patterns are self-consciously apperceived, both eyes' monocular sensations are consciously perceived. According to monitoring theory's refinement of the argument, binocularly apperceived patterns are accompanied by selfconsciousness that one is perceiving patterns , whereas monocular sensations are accompanied by no self-consciousness of their source. In the current test of this refined argument, 32 subjects were monocularly presented with 6 letters of the alphabet, while binocularly fusing 6 different letters, (...)
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  49.  16
    Ideological Mind-Shaping or Brain-Shaping: Fusing Empirical Biopolitics and Political Philosophy of Mind.Leor Zmigrod - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (1):59-68.
    There are two primary philosophical approaches to examining the relationship between human bodies and political bodies. The first, reflected in traditional political theory on the body politic, is concerned with the question of how individuals aggregate into functioning or malfunctioning collectives—how singular citizen bodies come to constitute wider political entities. The second approach, maturing later in 20th century social and political philosophy, considers the opposite relation: instead of evaluating how the body politic emerges from the bottom-up, it focuses on how (...)
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  50.  24
    An application of formal argumentation: Fusing Bayesian networks in multi-agent systems.Søren Holbech Nielsen & Simon Parsons - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):754-775.
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