Results for 'Fátima Gonçalves'

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  1.  26
    The Building of a Dam: Value Conflicts in Public Decision-Making.Ana Costa, José Castro Caldas, Ricardo Coelho, Maria De FáTima Ferreiro & Vasco Gonçalves - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (2):215-234.
    Public decisions concerning large projects with detrimental environmental or heritage impacts involve value conflicts which stem from the diverse interests and variety of ways of evaluating the costs and benefits of such projects. They are also framed by institutionalised procedures and practices which favour certain concerns to the detriment of others. This paper aims to contribute towards a better understanding of how these procedures and practices, namely decision support tools such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), tend to shape public (...)
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    (1 other version)A import'ncia das ações educativas nos museus.Verlaine Fátima Wazenkeski & Heloisa Helena Fernandes Gonçalves da Costa - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):64.
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    Role of a Media Arts Gallery in a Polytechnic University to Enhance Entrepreneurship.Joaquim Brigas, Fátima Gonçalves, Henrique Marques & Jorge Gonçalves - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (4):1-5.
    This paper explores the role of a media art gallery within a university setting. Specifically, it examines how can contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of the university community. The paper discusses the ways in which a media art gallery can promote interdisciplinary learning and research, foster creative collaborations, and engage with the wider community beyond the university campus. Therefore, through a quantitative approach, we analyzed the role of a media arts gallery in a higher education institution in (...)
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    Sobre la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of decolonial love de Leanne Simpson.Maria de Fátima Lopes Vieira Falcão, Naiana Siqueira Galvão, Gislãne Gonçalves Silva & Cícero da Silva - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):394-407.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la modernidad y el otro en la obra Islands of Decolonial Love, de Leanne Simpson. El autor presenta una voz indígena persuasiva que ha atraído la atención de muchos lectores más allá de las fronteras del Canadá sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la tierra y los indígenas, el extractivismo y el medio ambiente. En la obra enfocada, el autor acerca al lector no indígena a la construcción del conocimiento indígena presentando un material que va más (...)
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    Book Review - Canullo, Carla. O Quiasmo da Tradução. Metáfora e Verdade. Traduzido por Íris Fátima da Silva Uribe e Luis Uribe Miranda. Anhangabaú - Jundiaí, SP: Paco Editorial, 2020. [REVIEW]Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (2-3):1215-1220.
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    A linear approximation method for the Shapley value.Shaheen S. Fatima, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (14):1673-1699.
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    (1 other version)Schizophrenia and Common Sense, Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J., Pereira, J. (eds.). SpringerNature, Mind-Brain Studies.I. Hipolito, Jorge Goncalves & João G. Pereira (eds.) - 2018 - Springer.
    Schizophrenia is usually described as a fragmentation of subjective experience and the impossibility to engage in meaningful cultural and intersubjective practices. Although the term schizophrenia is less than 100 years old, madness is generally believed to have accompanied mankind through its historical and cultural ontogeny. What does it mean to be “mad”? The failure to adopt social practices or to internalize cultural values of common sense? Despite the vast amount of literature and research, it seems that the study of schizophrenia (...)
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    Vinciane Despret. Habitar como pájaro.Fatima Lomelin - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):268-273.
    Sería fácil afirmar que el objetivo de este texto es humanizar a los pájaros, concluir lecciones sobre los humanos a partir de su relación con ellos o utilizarlos como excusa para hablar de nosotros, pero Habitar como pájaro no hace nada de eso. De hecho, logra algo más minucioso, complejo y profundo: recoger sonidos y añadir opuestos. Así, el contrapunto como técnica melódica para conjugar voces es fundamental para entender el rigor y el detalle del libro, no sólo porque es (...)
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  9. Virtude E sujeito moral na filosofia moral de Alasdair Macintyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (5):82-90.
    Este trabalho apresenta como os conceitos de virtude e sujeito moral se encontram caracterizados na ética das virtudes de Alasdair MacIntyre. Alasdair MacIntyre propõe a ética das virtudes como forma de devolver a inteligibilidade à pratica e teoria moral contemporânea, por meio da reapropriação de conceitos como virtude, tradição, telos e comunidade. Apresentamos, especificamente, como o autor elabora o conceito geral de virtude e como apresenta o sujeito moral tendo em vista a ética das virtudes.
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    What Does an Outsider Thing About Belonging?Fátima Barrera Argüello - 2023 - Questions 23:22-23.
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    Catalyzing Success: How Enthusiastic Leaders Drive Performance through Group Satisfaction and Positive Emotions.Gabriela Gonçalves, Cátia Sousa, Catarina Veras & Joana Santos - 2024 - Humanistic Management Journal 9 (3):397-415.
    Effective leaders employ a blend of transformational and transactional leadership styles to collaborate with their employees, working towards achieving organizational objectives. While the significance of enthusiasm in leadership is acknowledged, its specific role remains largely unexplored within the realm of leadership studies. We contend that enthusiasm assumes a pivotal and influential role in successful leadership, ultimately enhancing overall productivity. This study is dedicated to investigating how leader enthusiasm impacts perceived performance among team members and examine the mediation of group satisfaction (...)
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    Du tabou de la virginité au mythe de « l'inviolabilité ».Fatima Moussa, Badia Masmoudi & Rania Barboucha - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):91-102.
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    Colonialidade do poder e os desafios da integração regional na América Latina.Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves & Pedro de Araújo Quental - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Os processos de integração regional em curso hoje na América Latina têm sido marcados por uma lógica territorial que tem concebido grandes áreas do espaço geográfico latino-americano como “vazios demográficos” ou “terras disponíveis”. Essa forma de conceber o espaço geográfico latino-americano remonta ao legado colonial que atravessa a formação sócio-espacial da região e a própria posição que o continente americano ocupou no processo de formação do sistema-mundo moderno-colonial, a partir de 1492. Este artigo tem por objetivo problematizar os processos de (...)
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  14.  26
    Da Lógica do Favor à Lógica do Pavor: um ensaio sobre a Geografia da violência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves & Rodrigo Torquato da Silva - 2011 - Polis 28.
    O presente artigo trata da geografia da violência urbana na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Mostra como a ação do Estado está permeada por ignorâncias acerca das lógicas de experiências espaciais com que se organizam e operam as classes populares trabalhadoras do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo é estimular uma discussão que impulsione as análises para além dos discursos estigmatizadores com relação à população favelada. A metodologia adotada assemelha-se às sinuosidades dos becos e vielas, visto que optamos em nos entranhar (...)
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    Navigating the Berber Culture/Islamic Feminism Intersection.Fatima Sadiqi - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (2):146-156.
    This essay is an autobiographical journey through my intellectual career. It is a reflection on how my mother tongue Berber and my identity as a woman have impacted my career to the extent that they are interlocked in my research agenda. My Berber identity inspired my graduate theses and subsequent linguistics work, and my identity as a woman inspired my endeavors to help create the first Studies and Research on Women Center and the first graduate Gender Studies Program in my (...)
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    Discrimination of Urban Spaces with Different Level of Restorativeness Based on the Original and on a Shorter Version of Hartig et al.’s Perceived Restorativeness Scale.Fátima Negrín, Estefanía Hernández-Fernaud, Stephany Hess & Bernardo Hernández - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:275580.
    Restorativeness is defined as the potential of the environment to re-establish certain cognitive capacities related to human information processing. The most frequently used instrument for evaluating the restorativeness of places is the Perceived Restorativeness Scale, proposed by Hartig and colleagues (1991). Later on, shorter versions of the Perceived Restorativeness Scale were proposed. The aim of this work is to evaluate the discriminatory capacity of the original and of a shorter Spanish version of the PRS, considering urban settings previously selected for (...)
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    Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers.Fatima Tresh, Ben Steeden, Georgina Randsley de Moura, Ana C. Leite, Hannah J. Swift & Abigail Player - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. Expert System for Castor Diseases and Diagnosis.Fatima M. Salman & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (3):1-10.
    Background: The castor bean is a large grassy or semi-wooden shrub or small tree. Any part of the castor plant parts can suffering from a disease that weakens the ability to grow and eliminates its production. Therefore, in this paper will identify the pests and diseases present in castor culture and detect the symptoms in each disease. Also images is showing the symptom form in this disease. Objectives: The main objective of this expert system is to obtain appropriate diagnosis of (...)
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  19.  36
    Synthesis and function of mos: The control switch of vertebrate oocyte meiosis.Fátima Gebauer & Joel D. Richter - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):23-28.
    One distinguishing feature of vertebrate oocyte meiosis is its discontinuity; oocytes are released from their prophase I arrest, usually by hormonal stimulation, only to again halt at metaphase II, where they await fertilization. The product of the c‐mos proto‐oncogene, Mos, is a key regulator of this maturation process. Mos is a serine‐threonine kinase that activates and/or stabilizes maturation‐promoting factor (MPF), the master cell cycle switch, through a pathway that involves the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. Oocytes arrested at prophase I (...)
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  20.  40
    O neopentecostalimo da IURD: Emergência ético-religiosa. Dissertação (Mestrado).Delmo Gonçalves - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1652-1653.
    GONÇALVES, Delmo. O neopentecostalimo da IURD: Emergência ético-religiosa. Dissertação (Mestrado) 2013. 99p. - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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    Deaf to Deaf (Dispatch).Fatima T. Nafisa, Kainat Wahid, Shayla-Rae Tanner, Mustafa Alabssi & Joanne Weber - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):14-15.
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    A vivência ético-política-afetiva na comunidade.Fátima Maria Araújo Bertini - 2015 - Cadernos Espinosanos 31:81.
    O presente artigo propõe refletir sobre a vivência ético-política-afetiva na comunidade. Discute-se três pontos principais: 1. Como se dá a ética, a política e os afetos em uma comunidade a partir da Filosofia de Espinosa. 2. Partindo-se da compreensão da dinâmica dos afetos como se pode compreender a liberdade e a servidão na vivência comunitária. Como a comunidade age ou não de tal forma que a liberdade ou a servidão, respectivamente, passam a ser vivenciadas no ambiente comunitário? O que poderá (...)
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    O aparente descaso de Dostoiévski com a linguagem.Fatima Bianchi - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):214-227.
    RESUMO Este artigo procura mostrar como a linguagem e o estilo empregados por Dostoiévski já em seu romance de estreia, Gente pobre, contribuíram para a grande inovação realizada por ele na forma literária. Ao tomar como objeto de representação a realidade prática de camadas inferiores da sociedade e adotar em sua obra uma linguagem também considerada de nível inferior, própria à maneira de se expressar dessas camadas sociais, Dostoiévski não só transcende todas as regras literárias estabelecidas como também as já (...)
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    A transição do princípio do prazer ao de realidade segundo Ferenczi e Spielrein.Fátima Caropreso & João Alves Maciel Neto - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    O psicanalista húngaro Sándor Ferenczi elaborou uma teoria sobre a transição do princípio do prazer ao princípio de realidade, que permite complementar e aprofundar as hipóteses freudianas sobre esses princípios. De acordo com a sua teoria, esse processo envolve uma série de estágios, ao longo dos quais, gradualmente, a diferenciação entre o eu e o mundo externo é estabelecida e o sentimento de onipotência é abandonado. Freud e Ferenczi, contudo, não focaram a questão da maneira como o desenvolvimento da linguagem (...)
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    To Study or Not to Study.Fatima Castillo - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (2):147-149.
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    A morte e a vida da arte.Márcia C. F. Gonçalves - 2004 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (109):46-56.
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    A mancha verde - Um crime do abstrato.Lisbeth R. Gonçalves - 1976 - Discurso 7 (7):195-212.
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  28. La nueva fenomenología y el problema del sí mismo.Jorge Gonçalves - 2010 - Laguna 27:25-34.
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    Tradição, Tomismo e Teísmo na Filosofia Moral de Alasdair MacIntyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 9 (18):235.
    Alasdair MacIntyre ao realizar uma série de críticas à moralidade e filosofia moral modernas e contemporâneas defende a tese de que o desacordo moral e a ausência de justificação racional para a moralidade é fruto do abandono do elemento teleológico da ética, especialmente do abandono da ética aristotélica, o que o leva a propor a retomada da ética teleológica de Aristóteles. Essa retomada é justificada com a teoria da racionalidade das tradições, por meio da afirmação de que o modo tradicional (...)
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    Ética, tecnologia E responsabilidade: Uma abordagem a partir do pensamento de Hans Jonas.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves & Eryck Kawã Pereira Torres - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (20):01-11.
    Neste trabalho nos ocupamos centralmente em compreender a proposta ética de Hans Jonas e como ele apresenta o Princípio Responsabilidade como uma categoria ética a ser norteadora das ações humanas. Apresentamos um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da Filosofia da Tecnologia enquanto uma disciplina filosófica específica e, então, discutimos as principais considerações de Jonas sobre a necessidade de uma ética inteiramente nova que tome a técnica como objeto e a proposta que este apresente de uma ética do futuro pautada na responsabi (...)
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    Les sondages dans les élections brésiliennes de 1989 : fer de lance de la campagne électorale.Fátima Jordão - 1991 - Hermes 8:29.
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    “ El sueno de rapiña" de Carlos reyles: Crítica de la modernidad Y contrapunto temporal.Fátima Regina Nogueira - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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    De Saberes y de Territorios - diversidad y emancipación a partir de la experiencia latino-americana.Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    El artículo versa sobre la relación entre epistemes, espacio y poder. Cuestiona la presunción de universalidad tal como es pensada por la tradición hegemónica europea -eurocentrismo- pero rechaza cualquier pretensión de universalidad unidireccional venga de donde venga. Propone la idea de múltiples universalidades posibles partiendo del supuesto de la incompletud de toda cultura. El artículo invita a la crítica de la colonialidad del saber y del poder que están imbricados mutuamente, y a la atención que debemos prestar al lugar de (...)
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  34. The gender debate in contemporary Morocco and the formation of the 'middle'.Fatima Sadiqi - 2024 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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  35. Utopia and Utopianism: Utopian Studies Journal, No.3 (review).Fátima Vieira - 2011 - Utopian Studies 22 (1):188-190.
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    L’éthique de la gestion : éléments de réflexion pour une distinction entre les organisations publiques et les organisations privées.Fatima Yatim - 2015 - Éthique Publique 17 (2).
    Dans cet article nous proposons une définition de l’éthique de la gestion et nous en identifions les conditions à travers une revue de la littérature. Nous postulons par la suite que l’éthique de la gestion diffère selon qu’il s’agit d’organisations publiques ou d’organisations privées. Nous montrons en effet que pour l’organisation privée, l’éthique est un engagement subjectif qui permet de pallier les lacunes d’une gestion instrumentale sans remettre en question les finalités premières de l’organisation. Tandis que pour l’organisation publique, l’éthique (...)
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  37. Scars from Home: Social Geography, Familial Relations, and Patriarchy.Saba Fatima - forthcoming - In Georgi Gardiner & Micol Bez (eds.), The Philosophy of Sexual Violence. Routledge.
    In this narrative, Fatima examines the interplay of critical consciousness, relational dynamics, and patriarchy within social-geographical spaces. Drawing on personal experiences, the chapter explores how patriarchal norms, internalized and perpetuated within intimate relationships and community networks, shape gendered expectations and limit agency from childhood through adulthood. While acknowledging the harms inflicted by these norms, it highlights the dual role of these spaces in fostering both oppression and connection. The essay looks at why simplistic solutions like geographic escape ignore the interdependence (...)
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    Review & Reply. Review of Gonçalves, R.T. (tr.) Lucrécio. Sobre a Natureza das Coisas(2021).Renata Cazarini de Freitas & Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03302-03302.
    Review & Reply. Review of Gonçalves, R.T. (tr.) Lucrécio. Sobre a Natureza das Coisas(2021).
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    An agenda-based framework for multi-issue negotiation.Shaheen S. Fatima, Michael Wooldridge & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (1):1-45.
  40. I Know What Happened to Me: The Epistemic Harms of Microaggression.Saba Fatima - 2019 - In Jeanine Weekes Schroer & Lauren Freeman (eds.), Microaggressions and Philosophy. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 163-183.
    How do we know that what has happened to us is a microaggression? I claim in this chapter that our understanding about how we perceive microaggression is grounded in the cultivation and critical reflection about experiences of people who occupy marginalized social locations. My aim is to explore the nature of epistemic harms of microaggression in order to highlight how they diminish the microaggressed’s ability to generate and participate in making knowledge claims. I differentiate between the primary (direct) harm of (...)
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    Rehashing the moral-conventional distinction: perceived harm marks the border.Fatima H. Sadek - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Turiel and colleagues divided norms into two kinds: Moral norms and conventional norms. Moral norms are universal, concerned with welfare, justice, fairness, equality and/or rights, and rule/authority independent. Conventional norms are local, rule/authority dependent, and concerned with maintaining social coordination, preserving tradition, and avoiding punishment. This account has been challenged, and the existence of a crisp distinction remains debatable. In this paper, I defend a version of the moral/conventional distinction on the basis that people generally judge norms concerned with welfare (...)
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    Does childhood religiosity enhance learning motivation? Testing the role of Islamic religiosity using moderated mediation model. Sulalah, Shameem Fatima & Minanur Rohman - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    The study assessed the role of childhood religiosity in adult religiosity and learning motivation in university participants. Participants were 338 university students (mean age = 20.42, SD = 1.53, 47% men) selected from Islamic (50%) and general universities (50%). The findings showed that participants from Islamic university compared to those from general universities scored higher on religious altruism among religiosity outcomes and on self-efficacy and active learning strategies among learning motivation outcomes. The hypothesized associations between childhood religiosity, religious altruism, religious (...)
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    Plant Studies May Lead Us to Rethink the Concept of Behavior.Fatima Cvrčková, Viktor Žárský & Anton Markoš - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Exploring the organizational factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior: a review-based article.Zoha Fatima - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):29-45.
    The selling environment is becoming more and more competitive and organizations are trying to gain edge over the other companies. Producing quality goods is not enough. In such a scenario, organizations are trying to make improvements in their salesforce which can be made by making them more ethical. Therefore, it becomes important for the organization to know the factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior. This paper makes an attempt in this regard and explores the organizational antecedents of salesforce ethical behavior. The (...)
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  45. On the Edge of Knowing: Microaggression and Epistemic Uncertainty as a Woman of Color.Saba Fatima - 2017 - In Kirsti Cole & Holly Hassel (eds.), Surviving Sexism in Academia: Feminist Strategies for Leadership. Routledge. pp. 147-157.
    The precise nature of microaggression purposely obscures the exploration of the intentionality of perpetrator and the quantification of the harm committed. The act fits neatly into a system that privileges some and validates their reality to themselves and to us. This paper explores microaggression and recommends strategies for avoiding its harms.
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    Interfaith Dialogue in Contemporary Europe: Challenges and Prospects for Religious.Fatima Mernissi - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):182-199.
    This study examines the dynamics of interfaith communication in modern-day Europe, emphasizing the obstacles to and opportunities presented by religious heterogeneity. The religious landscape of Europe is heterogeneous, with followers of many religions living side by side. But this variety also brings difficulties, like bias, political unrest, and resentment from the past, which can obstruct attempts to foster mutual understanding and collaboration across religious communities. Interfaith communication is essential for advancing religious freedom and social cohesiveness despite these obstacles. The research (...)
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    Role of change leadership in attaining sustainable growth and curbing poverty: A case of Pakistan tourism industry.Fatima Bashir, Zara Tahir & Amna Aslam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:934572.
    This study has proposed to apply change leadership as a vehicle forward for sustaining the growth of the tourism industry to eradicate poverty through the Pakistani tourism industry. Applying a mixed method approach, this article has attempted to uncover the role a change leader can play to help achieve the United Nations’ sustainable development goals of poverty reduction. In this study, one of the authors interviewed stakeholders of the tourism industry to find out the major drivers of the industry and (...)
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  48. Apresentação.Fernando do Nascimento Gonçalves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):7-9.
    A crise dos modelos de representação fundadas em unidades coerentes e ordenadas parece ter como um dos traços o que Bruno Latour (1993) chamou de “híbridos”(1). Os híbridos são a figura da multiplicidade que não cabe em categorias e que a modernidade “varia para baixo do tapete”. Atualmente, assistimos ao “retorno dos que nunca foram”, que interpelam de forma contundente nossas formas de vida, fortemente apoiadas na técnica. Mas como apreender os fluxos de discursos e práticas mediatizadas que nos atravessam (...)
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    Tell Me Where You Live… How the Perceived Entitativity of Neighborhoods Determines the Formation of Impressions About Their Residents.Fátima Bernardo & José Manuel Palma-Oliveira - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The studies presented here apply the concept of entitativity in order to understand how belonging to a particular geographical area – neighborhood - can determine the way others organize information and form impressions about area’s residents. In order to achieve this objective, three studies were carried out. The first study aims to verify if a neighborhood varies in terms of perceived entitativity, and identify the physical and social characteristics of the neighborhoods that are more strongly associated with the perception of (...)
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  50. O estrangeiro na comédia grega antiga1.Maria de Fátima Silva - 1999 - Humanitas 51:23.
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