Results for 'Gérard Loiseau'

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  1.  14
    La démocratie électronique municipale française : Au-delà des parangons de vertu.Gérard Loiseau - 2000 - Hermes 26:213.
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  2. Sex After Natural Law.Gerard Loughlin - 2003 - Studies in Christian Ethics 16 (1):14-28.
    The Church is a sexed body, in both carnal and symbolic terms. The Church has sex, but being the Church it does so in a radically creative way. This article explores the contrast between sex as imagined by the Church and as imagined by evolutionary psychology (Darwinism). It argues that the latter reduces sex to reproduction (repetition) and makes this a metaphysical principle, whereas the Church transforms sex into a means for final beatitude. (Christian sex is not about self-perpetuation, but (...)
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    Duns Scot: la métaphysique de la singularité.Gérard Sondag - 2005 - Paris: Vrin.
    " Le concept d'un être infini est plus simple que celui d'un être bon ou d'un être vrai et autres semblables, parce que " infini " n'est pas une sorte d'attribut ou une propriété de l'être ou de tout ce dont il est prédiqué.
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    Syntactic structure assembly in human parsing: a computational model based on competitive inhibition and a lexicalist grammar.Theo Vosse & Gerard Kempen - 2000 - Cognition 75 (2):105-143.
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    L’instant et la fin. Sur l’anti-politique de Benjamin.Gérard Raulet - 2018 - Cités 74 (2):119.
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    The Ethical Asymmetry Between a Head/Body Transplant and Multiple Organ Transplants: Overall Health, Justice, and Risk.Gerard Vong - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (4):217-219.
    Canavero and Ren (2017) suggest that both public and bioethical objections to head/body transplantation will subside after patient outcomes prove successful in an analogous way to how similar objec...
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    Attunement, Deprivation, and Drive.Gerard Kuperus - 2007 - In Christian Lotz & Corinne Painter (eds.), Phenomenology and the Non-Human Animal. Springer. pp. 13--27.
    In his lecture course, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, Heidegger discusses three different forms of poverty and deprivation. First of all, the poverty in world of the non-human animal, second, the poverty in the being of contemporary Dasein, and, third, the deprivation of world in the fundamental attunement of profound boredom. This essay discusses these three forms of poverty or deprivation, with the goal to offer a preliminary analysis of Heidegger’s distinction between the human and the non-human animal.
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    La ciència no pensa: elements lògics i epistemològics d'un pensament científic.Gerard Vassalls - 1974 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
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    In gesprek met Nietzsche.Gerard Visser - 2012 - Nijmegen: Vantilt. Edited by Henk Hoeks.
    Essays over het gedachtegoed van de Duitse filosoof (1844-1900).
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  10. Direct connectionistic methods for scientific theory formation.Gerard A. W. Vreeswijk - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):375-403.
    Thagard's theory of explanatory coherence (TEC) is a conceptual and computational framework that is used to show how new scientific theories can be judged to be superior to previous ones. In Structures in Science (SiS), Kuipers criticizes TEC as a model that does not faithfully reflect scientific practice. This article tries to explain the machinery behind TEC, and tries to indicate where TEC falls short (conceptually speaking) and where it can be improved. The main idea proposed in this article is (...)
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    The Universal Language.Gerard Watson - 1975 - The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad 1 (2):3 - 16.
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    The Essential Works of Thomas More.Gerard B. Wegemer & Stephen W. Smith (eds.) - 2020 - Yale University Press.
    _The first comprehensive one-volume collection of St.Thomas More’s writing__ “[A] tremendous scholarly undertaking.... Accessible and transparent to both scholars and the general audience.”—_Renaissance and Reformation__ In this book, Wegemer and Smith assemble More’s most important English and Latin works for the first time in a single volume. This volume reveals the breadth of More’s writing and includes a rich selection of illustrations and artwork. The book provides the most complete picture of More’s work available, serving as a major resource for (...)
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    Gesammelte kleinere Schriften z. Philosophie.Gerard Heymans - 1927 - Haag,: M. Nijhoff.
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    Authority in morals: an essay in Christian ethics.Gerard J. Hughes - 1978 - Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
  15. Antiestética y arte contemporánea.Gerard Vilar - 2016 - In Ramírez Jaramillo, John Fredy, Javier Domínguez Hernández & Carlos Venegas Zubiría (eds.), Arte sin estética? Medellín: Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Antioquia.
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    La estética en España después de la transición.Gerard Vilar - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 50:179-189.
    Después de la muerte de Franco el número de filósofos españoles dedicados a la Estética aumentó considerablemente, aunque todavía hoy el grado de internacionalización de la disciplina no sea el adecuado. El artículo pretende describir la escena pluralista de la Estética española. Para ello, el autor diferencia tres áreas de trabajo mayoritarias entre los estetas españoles: en primer lugar la de los problemas clásicos de la estética, como la belleza, la representación o la emoción estética, en segundo lugar, sobre la (...)
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    Integral Ecology and Interdiciplinary Collaboration: Michael Northcott and Bernard Lonergan in Dialogue.S. J. Gerard Whelan - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):929-943.
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    Éditorial.Gérard Lavoie - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (2):91-92.
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    Cooperation, complicity & conscience: Problems in healthcare, science, law and public policy. Edited by Helen Watt.Gerard Magill - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (3):487–488.
  20.  46
    Julien Benda sous l'occupation : la démocratie à l'épreuve.Gérard Malkassian - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3 (3):333-343.
    Soumis aux conditions difficiles que lui impose l’Occupation, Julien Benda exprime dans La Grande Épreuve des démocraties une foi lucide en la démocratie, fondée sur un bilan critique du combat antifasciste. Appelant les Européens à privilégier dans leur passé les éléments d’une tradition républicaine d’inspiration libérale et sociale, il remet en cause la relative indifférence qu’il a longtemps entretenue, dans l’esprit de La trahison des clercs, à l’égard des systèmes politiques et de l’espoir de promouvoir la justice dans les sociétés (...)
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    Le problème inverse de Lévi-Strauss.Gérard Simon - 2007 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 1 (1):237-246.
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    Making Sense of Knowing‐How and Knowing‐That.L. U. M. Gerard - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):655-672.
  23.  14
    Some Theological Implications of the Holocaust.Gerard S. Sloyan - 1985 - Interpretation 39 (4):402-413.
    Auschwitz shattered forever the liberal dream of an ultimately perfectible humanity, revealing human sin in all its horrifying possibilities but also revealing the universality of grace.
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    (1 other version)Intelligence and Liberty.Gerard Smith - 1940 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 16:69.
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    Knowledge and expression.Gerard Smith - 1955 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 29:22-42.
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    Law, an Affair of Reason, first part.Gerard Smith - 1939 - Modern Schoolman 17 (1):2-4.
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    Philosophy and Rhetoric: An Abbreviated History of an Evolving Identity.Gerard A. Hauser - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (1):1 - 14.
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    La confrontation entre sciences, philosophie et théologie à la lumière du Système des sciences de Paul Tillich.Gérard Siegwalt - 2012 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 7 (1).
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    Artémis Sôteira à Délos.Gérard Siebert - 1966 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 90 (2):447-459.
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  30. Petre Botezatu şi cercetările asupra adevărului din epistemologia europeană.Gerard Stan - 2005 - Hermeneia:63-72.
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  31. Interpreting Vatican II. Questions of Style, Meaning, Truth.Gerard Whelan - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (3):606-616.
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    Moral Education in Aristotle.Gerard Verbeke - 1990 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
  33. The idea of critical cosmopolitanism.Gerard Delanty - 2012 - In Routledge handbook of cosmopolitanism studies. New York: Routledge. pp. 38--46.
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    Conceptualizing and formulating in sentence production.Gerard Kempen - 1977 - In Sheldon Rosenberg (ed.), Sentence production: developments in research and theory. New York: Halsted Press. pp. 259--274.
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    Le "sujet" en désarroi dans les pratiques à haut gradient relationnel.Gérard Fath - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Dans les métiers de l'éducation au sens large, la difficulté de savoir qui s'adresse à qui suscite un désarroi. Toute incitation dominante découpe dans les personnes concernées par l'interaction un "sujet" d'un certain type qui, à peine instauré, s'effrite sous l'effet de ses propres ambivalences et sombre souvent dans l'indétermination ou la caricature des labellisations qui visent à éviter la complexité de ses composantes internes pour réduire le désarroi. Successivement, la face active, par trop valorisée, puis la face passive, souvent (...)
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  36. L’œuvre de l’art, tome II: La relation esthétique.GÉRARD GENETTE - 1997
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    The Logical Positivism of Berkeley's De Motu.Gerard Hinrichs - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 3 (4):491 - 505.
    1. Badly understood words are the main hindrance to the discovery of truth. But they need not be, especially in physical science, where the senses, experience, and geometrical reasoning prevail. Reflection on motion led ancient philosophers into opinions about it so absurd that they are almost forgotten and merit no attention. But even the better presentday scientists, in their treatment of motion, employ language too abstract and of doubtful reference--for example, the attraction of gravity, effort, latent forces, and the like--which (...)
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    Similarity-Based Interference and the Acquisition of Adjunct Control.Juliana Gerard, Jeffrey Lidz, Shalom Zuckerman & Manuela Pinto - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    We Hold These Truths and the Problem of Public Morality.Gerard V. Bradley - 2011 - Catholic Social Science Review 16:123-132.
    This essay maintains that although We Hold These Truths represented an important milestone in Catholic reflection on the American regime, Murray’s analysis of public morality and the state’s role in its promotion and enforcement is notably weak and of little assistance to us today. More specifically, it argues that Murray’s analysis is insufficiently philosophical and too concerned with the pragmatic task of forging an approach widely acceptable in the America of his day; that it rests on an artificial distinction between (...)
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    What's in a Name?Gerard V. Bradley - 2008 - The Monist 91 (3-4):606-631.
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    "Philosophy" or "Religion"? The Confrontation with Foreign Categories in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan.Gerard Clinton Godart - 2008 - Journal of the History of Ideas 69 (1):71-91.
    This article investigates how late nineteenth century Japanese philosophers responded to large categories of ideas imported from the West and for which there were no Japanese equivalents; mainly "science," "religion," and "philosophy." Discussions on whether Buddhism or Confucianism would fall under "philosophy" or "religion" accompanied a re-categorization of ideas. Some philosophers made elaborate reconstructions of Buddhism and Confucianism as modern philosophies. However, over time, Japanese categorizations of Buddhism and Confucianism shifted from "philosophy" (tetsugaku) to "thought" (shisō). Investigating Meiji philosophy from (...)
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    Le rapport de la commission rené sur le secret professionnel.Gérard Mémeteau - 1995 - Médecine et Droit 1995 (10):8-10.
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    Economic Democracy Before Political Democracy.Gerard Radnitzky - 1991 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 2 (1):171-174.
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    Luther and Free Choice.Gerard Smith - 1943 - Modern Schoolman 20 (2):78-88.
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    Query on the Natural End of Man.Gerard Smith - 1947 - Modern Schoolman 25 (1):38-38.
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    Le roman à la chaîne Les limites d'une métaphore (The chain novel The limits of a metaphor).Gérard Timsit - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie (233):393-411.
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  47. Autonomía proustiana.Gerard Vilar - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 27:64.
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    Thomas More on the “usefulness” of liberal education.Gerard Wegemer - 2022 - Moreana 59 (2):243-253.
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    Utopia: Entering the fortress of Europe's warrior culture.Gerard Wegemer - 2019 - Moreana 56 (1):42-66.
    Utopia repeatedly sets forth the rhetorical strategy of using pleasant and healing words to “enter” or “flow” or “steal into” fortresses of hardened opinion and custom without arousing warlike passions to keep them out. An important part of this strategy is the creation of a character who denounces major instances and causes of injustice but who nonetheless supports war and other means of force at the expense of law in rectifying that injustice; another part of the strategy is the creation (...)
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    Modeling complex systems: Do it!Gérard Weisbuch - 2006 - Complexity 11 (3):25-26.
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