Results for 'Gabriel Costa'

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  1.  38
    Human Rights, Interpretivism, and the Semantic Sting.Gabriel Costa Val Rodrigues - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (1):1-29.
    What are human rights? What makes a particular human rights claim ‘genuine’ or ‘valid’? These are difficult questions with which current philosophical literature on human rights is concerned. They are also the same kind of questions that legal philosophers asked about Law throughout the 20th century. Drawing from the similarities between the two fields, I attempt to do with the concept of human rights something similar to what Ronald Dworkin accomplished with that of Law in Law’s Empire. First, I offer (...)
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  2. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Chesterton as a Spiritual Guide.Gabriel Costa - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (3):424-424.
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    Multi-Sensor Wearable Health Device Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Elderly Patients Using a Mobile Application and High-Resolution Parameter Estimation.Gabriel P. M. Pinheiro, Ricardo K. Miranda, Bruno J. G. Praciano, Giovanni A. Santos, Fábio L. L. Mendonça, Elnaz Javidi, João Paulo Javidi da Costa & Rafael T. de Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Automatized scalable healthcare support solutions allow real-time 24/7 health monitoring of patients, prioritizing medical treatment according to health conditions, reducing medical appointments in clinics and hospitals, and enabling easy exchange of information among healthcare professionals. With recent health safety guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting the elderly has become imperative. However, state-of-the-art health wearable device platforms present limitations in hardware, parameter estimation algorithms, and software architecture. This paper proposes a complete framework for health systems composed of multi-sensor wearable health (...)
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  5. Combined Cognitive-Motor Rehabilitation in Virtual Reality Improves Motor Outcomes in Chronic Stroke – A Pilot Study.Ana L. Faria, Mónica S. Cameirão, Joana F. Couras, Joana R. O. Aguiar, Gabriel M. Costa & Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309844.
    Stroke is one of the most common causes of acquired disability, leaving numerous adults with cognitive and motor impairments, and affecting patients’ capability to live independently. Virtual Reality (VR) based methods for stroke rehabilitation have mainly focused on motor rehabilitation but there is increasing interest toward the integration of cognitive training for providing more effective solutions. Here we investigate the feasibility for stroke recovery of a virtual cognitive-motor task, the Reh@Task, which combines adapted arm reaching, and attention and memory training. (...)
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  6. Colaboradores de este número.Pablo Badillo O'Farrell, Manuel Barrios Casares, António Braz Teixeira, Francisco J. Contreras, Gustavo Costa, Alberto M. Damiani, Marcel Danesi, Thomas Gilbhard, Gabriel Livov & Fabrizio Lomonaco - 2002 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2001 (461):13-14.
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    Nietzsche's Ideal of Wholeness.Gabriel Zamosc - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 53 (137):9-31.
    Summary: In this paper I investigate Nietzsche’s ideal of wholeness or unity. The consensus among commentators is that this ideal consists in the achievement of psychic integration in a person whereby the various parts of the agent’s mind are restructured into a harmonious whole. Against this prevalent reading, I argue that Nietzschean wholeness concerns cultural integration: a person becomes whole by pursuing the ideal of freedom and humanity in himself and in all, an ideal that transcends national boundaries and that (...)
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    Esculpir em Argila - Albert Camus: uma estética da existência.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2014 - Educ.
    A imagem do “esculpir em Argila” como modo de enfrentamento do absurdo, usada por Camus, serve de motto para Gabriel Ferreira da Silva apontar a resposta de Camus ao niilismo do absurdo e de sua falsa solução, o suicídio, tal como é abordado em O Mito de Sísifo. A passagem do “mito” à “revolta” de O Homem Revoltado indica a rota de sua ética da paixão. Esse ato estético de “esculpir”, numa matéria finita e frágil, o sentido possível (estabelecendo (...)
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    A dimensão espiritual da comensalidade no filme “A Festa de Babette”: por uma compreensão ecumênica da hospitalidade e da eucaristia.Ceci Maria Costa Baptista Mariani, Breno Martins Campos & José Lima Júnior - forthcoming - Horizonte:206104-206104.
    A espiritualidade é o cuidado com a vida em sua integralidade. Como define Faustino Teixeira no artigo “Malhas da hospitalidade”, ela é a _capacidade de celebrar a vida em profundidade_, ou seja, a capacidade humana de reconhecer que a vida tem uma dimensão profunda – da qual irradiam amor desinteressado, gratuidade, atenção, cortesia e hospitalidade – e de se alegrar com isso. Diferentemente do que geralmente se pensa, a espiritualidade não se restringe aos templos e espaços religiosos, antes, diz respeito (...)
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    Review of Christa Davis Acampora's "Contesting Nietzsche". [REVIEW]Gabriel Zamosc - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 53 (135):129-135.
  11. Crítica de la "razón tecnocrática" en el pensamiento de Gabriel Marcel.Manuel Triana - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 74:65-70.
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  12. On the theory of inconsistent formal systems.Newton C. A. da Costa - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (4):497-510.
  13.  61
    Hume on the Very Idea of a Relation.Michael Costa - 1998 - Hume Studies 24 (1):71-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXIV, Number 1, April 1998, pp. 71-94 Hume on the Very Idea of a Relation MICHAEL COSTA I think it is a productive strategy in interpreting Hume's philosophy to examine very carefully exactly what constitutes for Hume the cognitive state of having a certain idea or belief. More often than not, interpretive pressures arise almost immediately when one comes to address the details in such (...)
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  14. Plural quantification and classes.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (1):67-81.
    When viewed as the most comprehensive theory of collections, set theory leaves no room for classes. But the vocabulary of classes, it is argued, provides us with compact and, sometimes, irreplaceable formulations of largecardinal hypotheses that are prominent in much very important and very interesting work in set theory. Fortunately, George Boolos has persuasively argued that plural quantification over the universe of all sets need not commit us to classes. This paper suggests that we retain the vocabulary of classes, but (...)
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  15. Rawls on Liberty and Domination.M. Victoria Costa - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (4):397-413.
    One of the central elements of John Rawls’ argument in support of his two principles of justice is the intuitive normative ideal of citizens as free and equal. But taken in isolation, the claim that citizens are to be treated as free and equal is extremely indeterminate, and has virtually no clear implications for policy. In order to remedy this, the two principles of justice, together with the stipulation that citizens have basic interests in developing their moral capacities and pursuing (...)
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  16. An Intensional Schrödinger Logic.Newton C. A. da Costa & Décio Krause - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2):179-194.
    We investigate the higher-order modal logic , which is a variant of the system presented in our previous work. A semantics for that system, founded on the theory of quasi sets, is outlined. We show how such a semantics, motivated by the very intuitive base of Schrödinger logics, provides an alternative way to formalize some intensional concepts and features which have been used in recent discussions on the logical foundations of quantum mechanics; for example, that some terms like 'electron' have (...)
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  17. Lamarck Philosophe.Gabriel Gohau - 2006 - In Pietro Corsi (ed.), Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 9--36.
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    Functions and Generality of Logic: Reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's Logicisms.Gabriel Sandu, Marco Panza & Hourya Benis-Sinaceur (eds.) - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Part I of Frege’s Grundgesetze is devoted to the “exposition [Darlegung]” of his formal system.
  19.  60
    Epistemic Conditionals, Snakes and Stars.Horacio L. Arlo-Costa - unknown
    Consider a rational agent X at certain point of time t. X's epistemic state can be represented in different ways.
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  20. Justice in Finance: The Normative Case for an International Financial Transaction Tax.Gabriel Wollner - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (4):458-485.
    There has recently been much debate about the idea of levying a tax on particular transactions on international financial markets. Economists have argued about how much revenue such an international financial transaction tax would raise and they disagree about what effects it would have on trade volumes, financial stability, and overall growth. Politicians have argued about the feasibility of introducing such a tax internationally and they disagree on its adequacy as a policy response to the current financial and economic crisis. (...)
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    Three Images of Trade: On the Place of Trade in a Theory of Global Justice.Gabriel Wollner & Mathias Risse - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (2):201-225.
    Economic theory teaches that it is in every country’s interest to trade. Trade is a voluntary activity among consenting parties. On this view, considerations of justice have little bearing on trade, and political philosophers concerned with global justice should stay largely silent on trade. According to a very different view that has recently gained prominence, international trade can only occur before the background of an international market reliance practice shaped by states. Trade is a shared activity among states, and all (...)
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  22. The Relation between Sovereignty and Guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy.Gabriel Zamosc - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (S1):E107-e142.
    This paper interprets the relation between sovereignty and guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy. I argue that, contrary to received opinion, Nietzsche was not opposed to the moral concept of guilt. I analyse Nietzsche's account of the emergence of the guilty conscience out of a pre-moral bad conscience. Drawing attention to Nietzsche's references to many different forms of conscience and analogizing to his account of punishment, I propose that we distinguish between the enduring and the fluid elements of a ‘conscience’, defining the (...)
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  23. La Notion de temps: équivalence avec l'espace.O. Costa De Beauregard - 1963
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    Erkenntnis.Gottfried Gabriel - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The study aims at expanding the idea of knowledge beyond the notion of descriptive knowledge. It examines a pluralism of scientific, philosophical, literary, and aesthetic forms of knowledge. This pluralism is not relativistic but complementary. Different ways of knowing enrich each other thus facilitating a more comprehensive and differentiated conception of the world.".
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    Essays on the History of Organic Chemistry. James G. Traynham.Albert Costa - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):153-154.
  26.  77
    Seneca's Imagery.C. D. N. Costa - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):42-.
  27. Impredicativity and Paradox.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):209-221.
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Insincerity and disloyalty.Gabriel Falkenberg - 1988 - Argumentation 2 (1):89-97.
    Insincerity is the intentional conflict between a state of mind and a synchronic linguistic act. Three cases have to be distinguished: lying, as the opposition of belief and assertion (the act is untruthful); dishonesty, as the opposition of will and declaration of will (act empty); and simulation, as the opposition of emotion and exclamation (act ungenuine). One of the problems arising is: Are there insincere commands, and if not, why?Disloyalty, on the other hand, is a diachronic inconsequence, the breach of (...)
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    On paraconsistent deontic logic.Newton C. A. Da Costa & Walter A. Carnielli - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (3-4):293-305.
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  30. The political character of Aristotelian reciprocity.Gabriel Danzig - 2000 - Classical Philology 95 (4):399–424.
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  31. Metaphysical Journal.Gabriel Marcel & Bernard Wall - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):170-171.
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    Newton, Goethe e Schopenhauer sobre as cores: entre qualidade e quantidade.Gabriel Valladão Silva - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):15.
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    Nae Ionescu în conștiința contemporanilor săi: memorii, articole, eseuri, interviuri, corespondență.Gabriel Stanescu (ed.) - 1998 - Norcross, GA, U.S.A.: Criterion.
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    Introduction.Gabriel Gottlieb & James A. Clarke - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (4):563-565.
    It is, we think, fair to say that scholarship on post-Kantian philosophy1 has traditionally tended to focus on theoretical philosophy rather than on practical philoso...
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    Nichifor Crainic and the interwar “New Spirituality”.Gabriel Hasmaţuchi - 2011 - Annals of Philosophy, Social and Human Disciplines 2 (1):57-69.
    After long periods in which there was more assimilating from other cultures, rather than creating, Romanian culture has experienced, in the interwar period, also the phase corresponding to the creation of important spiritual values. In that time, if we use a Lucian Blaga’s phrase, there was a real “ontological mutation” in the field of culture. Unrests, attitudes, propositions of cultural directions, whether, judged now, were providing solutions or just stimulating the environment of thinking, illustrate today the desire of men of (...)
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    Liberal Democracy and Radical Democracy.Gabriel Vargas Lozano - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:97-103.
    While the word “democracy” has proliferated in social and political discourse in recent decades, I suggest that the liberal democracy of the past, connected as it is (especially in the West) to the market economy, is insufficient for the challenges facing the contemporary Latin American context. I assess and criticize democratic ideas in order to suggest that the way forward is radical democracy based on socio-economic and political justice. These, however, have to be articulated at a variety of levels, from (...)
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    A Plotinian Turning Point: Revisiting the Relationship between Gnosticism and Platonism.Gabriel Martino - 2018 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 12 (1):57-63.
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    Contemporary Atheism and the Religious Mind.Gabriel Marcel - 1960 - Philosophy Today 4 (4):252-262.
  39.  33
    La mística plotiniana: experiencia, doctrina e interpretación.Gabriel Martino - 2010 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 5:67-76.
    Though “mysticism” in not a Plotinian idiom, it has been frequently used by scholars to identify an aspect of his philosophy. Thus, Plotinus’ mysticism comprises those passages of the Enneads in which he describes different transcendent experiences or presents his interpretation of these. Upon these two elements, we believe, Plotinus structures a coherent doctrine about the relation between man and the higher degrees of reality closely dependant, as well, on his metaphysical theory. In the present work we intend to provide (...)
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    La noción de ousía en el didaskalikós de alcinoo.Gabriel Martino - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 45:1-27.
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    Plotinus and the Moving Image, written by Botz-Bornstein, T. and Stamatellos, G.Gabriel Martino - 2019 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (1):118-120.
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  42. Searchings.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - New York,: Newman Press.
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    Justifying Deviant Behavior: The Role of Attributions and Moral Emotions.Yiannis Gabriel, Deanna Geddes & Dirk Lindebaum - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (4):779-795.
    We present two studies investigating the impact of causal perceptions and the moral emotions of anger, shame, and guilt on the justification of deviant workplace behavior. Study 1 tests our conceptual framework using a sample of undergraduate business students; Study 2 examines a population of practicing physicians. Results varied significantly between the two samples, suggesting that individual and contextual factors play an important role in shaping the perceptual and emotional processes by which individuals form reactions to undesirable affective workplace events. (...)
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  44. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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  45. Introduction: A plea for a return to post-Kantian idealism.Markus Gabriel & Slavoj Zizek - 2009 - In Mythology, Madness, and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism. Continuum.
  46. The politics of aesthetics : political history and the hermeneutics of art.Gabriel Rockhill - 2009 - In Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.), Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics. Durham: Duke University Press.
  47.  18
    Hors phénomène ou o trauma do acontecimento.João Paulo Costa - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (61):115-136.
    A reflexão que aqui propomos pretende ser somente uma nota introdutória ao pensamento do filósofo francês Emmanuel Falque, a partir da sua última obra Hors phénomène: Essai aux confins de la phénoménalité. Para tal, partiremos dos pontos fundamentais do seu livro, colocando-o no interior do seu já amplo, vigoroso e maturado projecto filosófico. Assim, esperamos mostrar não só a génese de um pensamento denso e criativo no âmbito da filosofia fenomenológica, e para além-dela, possivelmente, mas também evidenciar alguns horizontes que (...)
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    The Parmenidean Ascent by Michael Della Rocca (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2020).Emanuele Costa - 2022 - Philosophy 97 (2):259-263.
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    The inevitability of liminality in organising.Nuno Guimaraes Costa & Miguel Pina Cunha - 2013 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 7 (1):47.
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  50. G. Marcel.Gabriel Marcel & Mario A. Presas - 1967 - [Beunos Aires]: Centro Editor de America Latina.
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