Results for 'Gabriel Dall'Alba'

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    LAATS, A.; SIEGEL, H. Teaching evolution in a creation nation. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016.Guilherme Brambatti Guzzo & Gabriel Dall'Alba - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022027.
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  2. (1 other version)Learning Professional Ways of Being: Ambiguities of becoming.Gloria Dall’Alba - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):34-45.
    The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who we are (becoming). It (...)
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  3. Embodied knowing in online environments.Gloria Dall’Alba & Robyn Barnacle - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (5):719–744.
    In higher education, the conventional design of educational programs emphasises imparting knowledge and skills, in line with traditional Western epistemology. This emphasis is particularly evident in the design and implementation of many undergraduate programs in which bodies of knowledge and skills are decontextualised from the practices to which they belong. In contrast, the notion of knowledge as foundational and absolute has been extensively challenged. A transformation and pluralisation has occurred: knowledge has come to be seen as situated and localized into (...)
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    Re-imagining active learning: Delving into darkness.Gloria Dall’Alba & Søren Bengtsen - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1477-1489.
    Ample attention is being paid in the higher education literature to promoting active learning among students. However, critical examination of educational purposes and ends is largely lacki...
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    Embodying skilful performance: Co-constituting body and world in biotechnology.Gloria Dall’Alba, Jörgen Sandberg & Ravinder Kaur Sidhu - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (3):270-286.
    This article offers a philosophical-empirical account of embodied skilful performance in the practice of plant biotechnology. Drawing on the work of Merleau-Ponty and others, we elaborate how skilful performance emerges from and through reciprocal relations encompassing the body-in-the-world and the world-in-the-body. The contribution of this article lies in offering an account of skilful performance that is attentive to a perceiving, motile, feeling body entwined with world. In genetically modifying plants, scientists direct their senses of touch and vision to manipulating plant (...)
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    Exploring Education Through Phenomenology: Diverse Approaches.Gloria Dall'Alba (ed.) - 2009 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book explores the resurgence of interest in phenomenology as a philosophy and research movement among scholars in education, the humanities and social sciences. Brings together a series of essays by an international team of philosophers and educationalists Juxtaposes diverse approaches to phenomenological inquiry and addresses questions of significance for education today Demonstrates why phenomenology is a contemporary movement that is both dynamic and varied Highlights ways in which phenomenology can inform a broad range of aspects of educational theorising and (...)
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    Phenomenology and Education: An introduction.Gloria Dall’Alba - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (1):7-9.
    The purpose of professional education programs is to prepare aspiring professionals for the challenges of practice within a particular profession. These programs typically seek to ensure the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills, as well as providing opportunities for their application. While not denying the importance of knowledge and skills, this paper reconfigures professional education as a process of becoming. Learning to become a professional involves not only what we know and can do, but also who we are. It involves (...)
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    Introduction to Diverse Approaches to Phenomenology and Education.Gloria Dall'Alba - 2010-02-19 - In Exploring Education through Phenomenology. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 1–3.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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    Exploring Knowing/Being Through Discordant Professional Practice.Gloria Dall’Alba & Robyn Barnacle - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13-14):1452-1464.
    Despite an increasing array of ‘quality indicators’ and substantial investments in educating professionals, there continues to be clear evidence of discordant, or even negligent, practice by accredited professionals. We refer to discordant professional practice as being ‘out of tune’ with what is accepted as good practice. In a conceptual/theoretical analysis, we use discordant practice as a backdrop to exploring ways of being professionals. Our analysis is grounded in Heidegger’s notion of being-in-the-world. We explore how being-in-the-world can be uncanny and discordant, (...)
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    International Education and (Dis)embodied Cosmopolitanisms.Ravinder Kaur Sidhu & Gloria Dall'alba - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (4):413-431.
    This article is a critical examination of practices and representations that constitute international education. While international education has provided substantial contributions and benefits for nation-states and international students, we question the discourses and practices which inform the international education export industry. The ‘brand identities’ of receiving or host countries imply that they are welcoming, respectful of multiculturalism and have a well established intellectual history, in contrast to international students' embodied experiences. There is also a tendency to represent and regard international (...)
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    Authentic assessment for student learning: an ontological conceptualisation.Thuy T. Vu & Gloria Dall’Alba - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (7):1-14.
    Authentic assessment has been proposed as having potential to enhance student learning for a changing world. Conventionally, assessment is seen to be authentic when the tasks are real-to-life or have real-life value. Drawing on Martin Heidegger’s work, we challenge this conceptualisation as narrow and limited. We argue that authenticity need not be an attribute of tasks but, rather, is a quality of educational processes that engage students in becoming more fully human. Adopting the mode of authenticity involves calling things into (...)
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    Guerra e paz: uma abordagem jurídico-filosófica.Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima, Cleide Calgaro & Gabriel Dall’Agnol Debarba - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (3):115-129.
    O debate contemporâneo nas teoria das relações internacionais é marcado por duas perspectivas: de um lado a perspectiva do realismo político que concebe a paz como um ideal inacessível e a guerra como meio necessário para a aquisição e manutenção do poder; e de outro lado a perspectiva do normativismo ou idealismo que pensa o fim das relações internacionais para além dos conflitos de interesse e da luta por poder. A primeira perspectiva trata as relações internacionais em nível do ser, (...)
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  13. Evaluation of parallel metaheuristics.Enrique Alba & Gabriel Luque - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4193--9.
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    Storia delle matematiche dall'alba della cività al secolo XIX by Gino Loria. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1951 - Isis 42:63-64.
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    Una prima tassonomia delle sfide politiche poste dall’intelligenza artificiale.Gabriele Giacomini - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:183-213.
    L’intelligenza artificiale (IA) ha compiuto recentemente un’evoluzione radicale, passando dai sistemi esperti, dove gli umani impartivano regole esplicite, a sistemi di apprendimento automatico, dove l’IA analizza grandi quantità di dati per dedurre relazioni statistiche. Questo cambio di paradigma rimane poco noto al grande pubblico. L’articolo analizza la natura di questa “intelligenza aliena”, così denominata per il suo modo peculiare, e in parte oscuro per gli esseri umani, di processare informazioni. A partire da queste caratteristiche, si esplorano tre potenziali questioni emergenti (...)
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    Inconscio del pensiero, inconscio del linguaggio: a partire dall'opera di Emanuele Severino.Gabriele Pulli - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    L'intuizionismo morale di George Edward Moore.Gabriele Scardovi - 2012 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Volume I. Dall'idealismo al realismo filosofico.
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  18. Il problema dell'oggetto della definizione nel commento di Tommaso d'Aquino a Metafisica Z 10–11.Gabriele Galluzzo - 2001 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 12:417-465.
    Lo studio presenta il commento tommasiano centrato sul problema dell'oggetto della definizione. L'A. tiene presenti due principali prospettive: da una parte il confronto fra l'interpretazione di Tommaso e i principali modelli interpretativi dei commentatori moderni; dall'altra rivolge particolare attenzione alle motivazioni dell'interpretazione dell'Aquinate, allo scopo di inquadrare lo stile esegetico tommasiano nel contesto della sua dottrina. È dato ampio spazio al problema aristotelico della distinzione fra oggetto della fisica e oggetto delle scienze matematiche, al rapporto fra il tutto e le (...)
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    The Imperfect Dialogic Democracy. Habermas’s Discourse Principle and Experimental Studies on Collective Reasoning.Gabriele Giacomini - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):284-293.
    _:_ Habermas believes that the foundation of democracy is to be found in the discourse principle. Also, some cognitive and experimental studies have suggested that democratic procedures can promote a debate between different opinions and ideas, thus improving the decision-making performance of public authorities. However, Habermas believes that, while, on the one hand, the democratic community is based on the premise that participants in the discourse collectively strive to find the best solutions, on the other, the democratic process allows citizens (...)
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    Curzio Cipriani;, Luciana Fantoni;, Luisa Poggi;, Alba Scarpellini. Le collezioni mineralogiche del Museo di Storia Naturale dell'Universita di Firenze dalle origini a oggi. xv + 236 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2011. €28. [REVIEW]Francesco Gerali - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):163-164.
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  21. Well Founding Grounding Grounding.Gabriel Oak Rabin & Brian Rabern - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (4):349-379.
    Those who wish to claim that all facts about grounding are themselves grounded (“the meta-grounding thesis”) must defend against the charge that such a claim leads to infinite regress and violates the well-foundedness of ground. In this paper, we defend. First, we explore three distinct but related notions of “well-founded”, which are often conflated, and three corresponding notions of infinite regress. We explore the entailment relations between these notions. We conclude that the meta-grounding thesis need not lead to tension with (...)
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  22. Beyond Resemblance.Gabriel Greenberg - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (2):215-287.
    What is it for a picture to depict a scene? The most orthodox philosophical theory of pictorial representation holds that depiction is grounded in resemblance. A picture represents a scene in virtue of being similar to that scene in certain ways. This essay presents evidence against this claim: curvilinear perspective is one common style of depiction in which successful pictorial representation depends as much on a picture's systematic differences with the scene depicted as on the similarities; it cannot be analyzed (...)
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  23. Semantics of Pictorial Space.Gabriel Greenberg - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (4):847-887.
    A semantics of pictorial representation should provide an account of how pictorial signs are associated with the contents they express. Unlike the familiar semantics of spoken languages, this problem has a distinctively spatial cast for depiction. Pictures themselves are two-dimensional artifacts, and their contents take the form of pictorial spaces, perspectival arrangements of objects and properties in three dimensions. A basic challenge is to explain how pictures are associated with the particular pictorial spaces they express. Inspiration here comes from recent (...)
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  24. Varieties of Indefinite Extensibility.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):147-166.
    We look at recent accounts of the indefinite extensibility of the concept set and compare them with a certain linguistic model of indefinite extensibility. We suggest that the linguistic model has much to recommend over alternative accounts of indefinite extensibility, and we defend it against three prima facie objections.
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  25. Perceptual Modes of Presentation as Object Files.Gabriel Siegel - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2377 - 2395.
    Some have defended a Fregean view of perceptual content. On this view, the constituents of perceptual contents are Fregean modes of presentation (MOPs). In this paper, I propose that perceptual MOPs are best understood in terms of object files. Object files are episodic representations that store perceptual information about objects. This information is updated when sensory conditions change. On the proposed view, when a subject perceptually represents some object a under two distinct MOPs, then the subject initiates two object files (...)
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  26. A neglected resolution of Russell’s paradox of propositions.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):328-344.
    Bertrand Russell offered an influential paradox of propositions in Appendix B of The Principles of Mathematics, but there is little agreement as to what to conclude from it. We suggest that Russell's paradox is best regarded as a limitative result on propositional granularity. Some propositions are, on pain of contradiction, unable to discriminate between classes with different members: whatever they predicate of one, they predicate of the other. When accepted, this remarkable fact should cast some doubt upon some of the (...)
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  27. Grounding Orthodoxy and the Layered Conception.Gabriel Oak Rabin - 2018 - In Ricki Bliss & Graham Priest (eds.), Reality and its Structure: Essays in Fundamentality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 37-49.
    Ground offers the hope of vindicating and illuminating an classic philosophical idea: the layered conception, according to which reality is structured by relations of dependence, with physical phenomena on the bottom, upon which chemistry, then biology, and psychology reside. However, ground can only make good on this promise if it is appropriately formally behaved. The paradigm of good formal behavior can be found in the currently dominant grounding orthodoxy, which holds that ground is transitive, antisymmetric, irreflexive, and foundational. However, heretics (...)
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  28. Map Semantics and the Geography of Meaning.Gabriel Greenberg - 2024 - In Ernest Lepore & Luvell Anderson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 489-522.
    This chapter develops a semantic theory for maps and situates it within the broader geography of meaning and semiotic significance. The discussion focuses on three central aspects of map semantics: the use of space, line marking, and linguistic tags. It is argued that the treatment of space in maps must be based on geometrical projection from a viewpoint rather than the traditional analysis in terms of spatial isomorphism. The chapter then shows how to integrate the projection-based semantics of maps and (...)
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  29. Phenomenological Laws and Mechanistic Explanations.Gabriel Siegel & Carl F. Craver - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):132-150.
    In light of recent criticisms by Woodward (2017) and Rescorla (2018), we examine the relationship between mechanistic explanation and phenomenological laws. We disambiguate several uses of the phrase “phenomenological law” and show how a mechanistic theory of explanation sorts them into those that are and are not explanatory. We also distinguish the problem of phenomenological laws from arguments about the explanatory power of purely phenomenal models, showing that Woodward and Rescorla conflate these problems. Finally, we argue that the temptation to (...)
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  30. Plurals and Simples.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2004 - The Monist 87 (3):429-451.
    I would like to discuss the claim that the resources of plural reference and plural quantification are sufficient for the purpose of paraphrasing all ordinary statements apparently concerned with composite material objects into plural statements concerned exclusively with simples.
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  31. (2 other versions)Homo Viator.Gabriel Marcel - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:124-126.
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    The mystery of being.Gabriel Marcel - 1949 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    v. 1. Reflection & mystery -- v. 2. Faith & reality.
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  33. Can Basic Perceptual Features Be Learned?Gabriel Siegel - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-24.
    Perceptual learning is characterized by long-term changes in perception as a result of practice or experience. In this paper, I argue that through perceptual learning we can become newly sensitive to basic perceptual features. First, I provide a novel account of basic perceptual features. Then, I argue that evidence from experience-based plasticity suggests that basic perceptual features can be learned. Lastly, I discuss the common scientific and philosophical view that perceptual learning comes in at least four varieties: differentiation, unitization, attentional (...)
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  34. Plural quantification and classes.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (1):67-81.
    When viewed as the most comprehensive theory of collections, set theory leaves no room for classes. But the vocabulary of classes, it is argued, provides us with compact and, sometimes, irreplaceable formulations of largecardinal hypotheses that are prominent in much very important and very interesting work in set theory. Fortunately, George Boolos has persuasively argued that plural quantification over the universe of all sets need not commit us to classes. This paper suggests that we retain the vocabulary of classes, but (...)
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  35. Fundamentality physicalism.Gabriel Oak Rabin - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (1):77-116.
    ABSTRACT This essay has three goals. The first is to introduce the notion of fundamentality and to argue that physicalism can usefully be conceived of as a thesis about fundamentality. The second is to argue for the advantages of fundamentality physicalism over modal formulations and that fundamentality physicalism is what many who endorse modal formulations of physicalism had in mind all along. Third, I describe what I take to be the main obstacle for a fundamentality-oriented formulation of physicalism: ‘the problem (...)
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  36. Content and Target in Pictorial Representation.Gabriel Greenberg - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    This essay argues for a model of pictorial representation which aims to explain the relationship between pictorial content and pictorial accuracy. Focusing on cases where pictures are intended to convey accurate information, the model distinguishes between two fundamental representational relations: on one hand, a picture expresses a content; on the other, it aims at a target scene. Such a picture is accurate when the content it expresses fits the target scene it aims at. In addition, the model follows the traditional (...)
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  37. (2 other versions)Ethical perceptions of business students in a new zealand university: Do gender, age and work experience matter?Gabriel Eweje & Margaret Brunton - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):95-111.
    Ethical issues at the workplace have once again become topical and important due to considerable adverse publicity surrounding reports of unethical business practices by corporate managers. Accordingly, this paper re-visits the question of whether gender, age and work experience do have an effect on ethical judgement, using 655 business students as respondents. This is necessary as business students are likely to become managers during their career and will face complex ethical concerns and dilemmas in their daily, routine affairs. The findings (...)
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  38. The Price of Universality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (1):137-169.
    I present a puzzle for absolutely unrestricted quantification. One important advantage of absolutely unrestricted quantification is that it allows us to entertain perfectly general theories. Whereas most of our theories restrict attention to one or another parcel of reality, other theories are genuinely comprehensive taking absolutely all objects into their domain. The puzzle arises when we notice that absolutely unrestricted theories sometimes impose incompatible constraints on the size of the universe.
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    The Virtuous Manager: A Vision for Leadership in Business.Gabriel Flynn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):359-372.
    This article seeks to contribute to a vision for leadership in business based on a recovery of virtue. The vision for leadership articulated here draws principally on the writings of the classical philosopher Aristotle and of the contemporary philosopher Josef Pieper. Without discounting the ever-increasing complexity of modern business, this essay will attempt to reconstruct Aristotle’s emphasis on virtue and moral character, and argues for the philosopher’s relevance to modern management and corporate leadership. The paper concludes that the message of (...)
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  40. Plural Quantification and Modality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2011 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111 (2pt2):219-250.
    Identity is a modally inflexible relation: two objects are necessarily identical or necessarily distinct. However, identity is not alone in this respect. We will look at the relation that one object bears to some objects if and only if it is one of them. In particular, we will consider the credentials of the thesis that no matter what some objects are, an object is necessarily one of them or necessarily not one of them.
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  41. Counterfactuals and modality.Gabriel Greenberg - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (6):1255-1280.
    This essay calls attention to a set of linguistic interactions between counterfactual conditionals, on one hand, and possibility modals like could have and might have, on the other. These data present a challenge to the popular variably strict semantics for counterfactual conditionals. Instead, they support a version of the strict conditional semantics in which counterfactuals and possibility modals share a unified quantificational domain. I’ll argue that pragmatic explanations of this evidence are not available to the variable analysis. And putative counterexamples (...)
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  42. Scientific understanding as narrative intelligibility.Gabriel Siegel - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (10):2843-2866.
    When does a model explain? When does it promote understanding? A dominant approach to scientific explanation is the interventionist view. According to this view, when X explains Y, intervening on X can produce, prevent or alter Y in some predictable way. In this paper, I argue for two claims. First, I reject a position that many interventionist theorists endorse. This position is that to explain some phenomenon by providing a model is also to understand that phenomenon. While endorsing the interventionist (...)
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    El estado social en la filosofía del derecho de Hegel.Gabriel Amengual - 2022 - Studia Hegeliana 8:25-48.
    El Estado de Hegel es el Estado de Derecho. Sin embargo en su Filosofía del Derecho se encuentran fundamentos decisivos para una teoría del Estado Social. Siguiendo el hilo de las Líneas fundamentales de la Filosofía del Derecho, se empieza por ver el derecho al bienestar, tal como se formula en la Moralidad (1). En la familia aparece el derecho de los hijos "de ser alimentados y educados" (2). El Derecho al bienestar se concreta en la sociedad civil (3), se (...)
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    Independence in generic incidence structures.Gabriel Conant & Alex Kruckman - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):750-780.
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    There Are No Intermediate Structures Between the Group of Integers and Presburger Arithmetic.Gabriel Conant - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):187-207.
    We show that if a first-order structure${\cal M}$, with universe ℤ, is an expansion of (ℤ,+,0) and a reduct of (ℤ,+,<,0), then${\cal M}$must be interdefinable with (ℤ,+,0) or (ℤ,+,<,0).
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  46. The Origins of Business Ethics in American Universities, 1902–1936.Gabriel Abend - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):171-205.
    The history of the field of business ethics in the U.S. remains understudied and misunderstood. In this article I begin to remedy this oversight about the past, and I suggest how it can be beneficial in the present. Using both published and unpublished primary sources, I argue that the business ethics field emerged in the early twentieth century, against the backdrop of the establishment of business schools in major universities. I bring to light four important developments: business ethics lectures at (...)
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    Medical conspiracy theories: cognitive science and implications for ethics.Gabriel Andrade - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (3):505-518.
    Although recent trends in politics and media make it appear that conspiracy theories are on the rise, in fact they have always been present, probably because they are sustained by natural dispositions of the human brain. This is also the case with medical conspiracy theories. This article reviews some of the most notorious health-related conspiracy theories. It then approaches the reasons why people believe these theories, using concepts from cognitive science. On the basis of that knowledge, the article makes normative (...)
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    An axiomatic approach to free amalgamation.Gabriel Conant - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):648-671.
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    Morally Bankrupt: International Financial Governance and the Ethics of Sovereign Default.Gabriel Wollner - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (3):344-367.
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  50. Quantifiers and Quantification.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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