Results for 'Gabriel Robles'

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  1. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Carlos Robles & Gabriel Villa - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (2):186-201.
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    La ambigüedad de la justicia transnacional. El caso interamericano de los derechos humano.Gabriel Andrés Arévalo Robles, Luz Angela Arévalo Robles & Omaira Esperanza Castellanos Cortés - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:233-257.
    La justicia interamericana de derechos humanos es un fenómeno de transnacional influencia sobre los ordenamientos jurídicos de los Estados nacionales. La creciente interacción de la Corte Interamericana con los jueces nacionales y su labor como intérprete de la Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos (CADH) ha promovido un excesivo optimismo que resulta necesario revisar críticamente en aras de una mejor comprensión de la justicia transnacional en derechos humanos. Para cumplir este cometido, el presente documento presentará las discusiones doctrinales sobre justicia, validez (...)
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    Presentación: Puentes hacia la paz: retos y renovación en la justicia transnacional y restaurativa.Gabriel Andrés Arévalo Robles & Sergio Bedoya Cortés - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
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  4. Intentionality.Gabriel Segal - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  5. Lamarck Philosophe.Gabriel Gohau - 2006 - In Pietro Corsi (ed.), Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 9--36.
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  6. Justice in Finance: The Normative Case for an International Financial Transaction Tax.Gabriel Wollner - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (4):458-485.
    There has recently been much debate about the idea of levying a tax on particular transactions on international financial markets. Economists have argued about how much revenue such an international financial transaction tax would raise and they disagree about what effects it would have on trade volumes, financial stability, and overall growth. Politicians have argued about the feasibility of introducing such a tax internationally and they disagree on its adequacy as a policy response to the current financial and economic crisis. (...)
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    Three Images of Trade: On the Place of Trade in a Theory of Global Justice.Gabriel Wollner & Mathias Risse - 2014 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 1 (2):201-225.
    Economic theory teaches that it is in every country’s interest to trade. Trade is a voluntary activity among consenting parties. On this view, considerations of justice have little bearing on trade, and political philosophers concerned with global justice should stay largely silent on trade. According to a very different view that has recently gained prominence, international trade can only occur before the background of an international market reliance practice shaped by states. Trade is a shared activity among states, and all (...)
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  8. Ignorance of meaning.Gabriel Segal - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  9. La decouverte de la meiose et du centrosome par Edouard Van Beneden.Gabriel Hamoir & Frederik B. Churchill - 1996 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 18 (3):363.
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    The moral background: an inquiry into the history of business ethics.Gabriel Abend - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    In recent years, many disciplines have become interested in the scientific study of morality. However, a conceptual framework for this work is still lacking. In The Moral Background, Gabriel Abend develops just such a framework and uses it to investigate the history of business ethics in the United States from the 1850s to the 1930s. According to Abend, morality consists of three levels: moral and immoral behavior, or the behavioral level; moral understandings and norms, or the normative level; and (...)
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  11. Permanent beauty and becoming happy in Plato's Symposium.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield (ed.), Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 96.
    Our first encounter with Socrates in the Symposium is bizarre. Aristodemus, surprised to run into Socrates fully bathed and with his sandals on, asks him where he is going “to have made himself so beautiful (kalos)” (174a4, Rowe trans.). Socrates replies that he is on his way to see the lovely Agathon, and so that “he has beautified himself in these ways in order to go, a beauty to a beauty (kalos para kalon)” (174a7–8). Why does Socrates, who in just (...)
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    Saying What is Not.Markus Gabriel - 2020 - In Dominik Finkelde & Paul M. Livingston (eds.), Idealism, Relativism, and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 217-232.
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    The World of Worlds.Markus Gabriel - 2019 - In Ludger Kühnhardt & Tilman Mayer (eds.), The Bonn Handbook of Globality: Volume 1. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 53-64.
    In my contribution I argue that globalization cannot be reduced to an economic process that takes place regardless of the participant’s conceptualizations of it. The very process of globalization as such has repercussions in the symbolic order where agents represent the meaning of sociopolitical events to themselves. In particular, this feature becomes manifest when reflecting on the fact that theories of globalization bear all the marks of the phenomenon they aim at characterizing. The global market of ideas, which globalization is, (...)
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  14. Œuvres : II. La logique sociale, III. L'opposition universelle, coll. « Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond ».Gabriel Tarde, Éric Alliez, René Schérer, Jean-Clef Martin & le Plessis-Robinson - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (3):360-361.
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    Strengthening Brady’s Paraconsistent 4-Valued Logic BN4 with Truth-Functional Modal Operators.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (2):163-189.
    Łukasiewicz presented two different analyses of modal notions by means of many-valued logics: the linearly ordered systems Ł3,..., Open image in new window,..., \; the 4-valued logic Ł he defined in the last years of his career. Unfortunately, all these systems contain “Łukasiewicz type paradoxes”. On the other hand, Brady’s 4-valued logic BN4 is the basic 4-valued bilattice logic. The aim of this paper is to show that BN4 can be strengthened with modal operators following Łukasiewicz’s strategy for defining truth-functional (...)
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  16. Der Philosoph und der Friede.Gabriel Marcel - 1964 - Frankfurt am Main,: J. Knecht. Edited by Gabriel Marcel.
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    Is past life regression therapy ethical?Gabriel Andrade - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 10.
    Past life regression therapy is used by some physicians in cases with some mental diseases. Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and gender dysphoria have all been treated using life regression therapy by some doctors on the assumption that they reflect problems in past lives. Although it is not supported by psychiatric associations, few medical associations have actually condemned it as unethical. In this article, I argue that past life regression therapy is unethical for two basic reasons. First, it is not evidence-based. (...)
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  18. Metaphysical Journal.Gabriel Marcel & Bernard Wall - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):170-171.
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  19. Inscripciones árabes halladas en las excavaciones de la sinagoga del Tránsito. Toledo.Ana María López Alvarez, María Luisa Menéndez Robles & Santiago Palomero Plaza - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (2):433-448.
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  20. Educación de pacientes Y familias como estándar de cali-dad.Sandra Hernández & Claudio Robles - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    (1 other version)William Edelglass, James Hatley et Christian Diehm , Facing Nature. Levinas and Environmental Thought.Gabriel Malenfant - 2014 - PhaenEx 9 (1):198.
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  22. Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit. 145 S. Dialog und Erfahrung. 2 Bände.Gabriel Marcel & Wolfgang Ruf - 1970 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 24 (2):307-309.
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  23. Das große Erbe.Gabriel Marcel & Robert Spaemann - 1954 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 8 (1):156-157.
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  24. La question de Dieu et la philosophie aujourd'hui–die philosophische Gottesfrage heute.Gabriel Widmer - 1972 - Studia Philosophica 30:9-20.
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    Considerações sobre a teoria do cérebro triuno e sua relev'ncia para uma filosofia da mente e das emoções.Gabriel José Corrêa Mograbi - 2015 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 60 (2):222-241.
    Este artigo estabelece algumas relações fundamentais entre evolução, a teoria do cérebro triuno e a relevância que esta pode ter para a fundamentação empírica de uma filosofia da mente e das emoções. Inicialmente, será especialmente considerada a posição do filósofo Ronald de Sousa no seu já clássico artigo “The Mind’s Bermuda Triangle: Philosophy of Emotions and Empirical Science”, parte do Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotions. A segunda seção discute a validade da teoria do “cérebro triuno” como abordagem neuroetológica evolutiva, (...)
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    Alvin Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology.Gabriel Mustață - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:55-71.
    Alvin Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology. Alvin Plantinga is a well-known defender of Reformed epistemology. The main thesis of the Reformed epistemology argues that faith in God is rational and justified without the aid of arguments or evidence. In this paper, we intend to describe Alvin Plantinga’s perspective, more precisely, the A / C model (Aquinas / Calvin) proposed by him, in which faith in God is innate and does not need arguments or evidence, and then to analyze the objections on this (...)
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    Newton, Goethe e Schopenhauer sobre as cores: entre qualidade e quantidade.Gabriel Valladão Silva - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (1):15.
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    Nae Ionescu în conștiința contemporanilor săi: memorii, articole, eseuri, interviuri, corespondență.Gabriel Stanescu (ed.) - 1998 - Norcross, GA, U.S.A.: Criterion.
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  29. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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    (2 other versions)The Third Wave of Theorizing Global Justice. A Review Essay.Gabriel Wollner - 2013 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 6:21-39.
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    Rite et liturgie.Nicole Gabriel & Alois Hahn - 2005 - Hermes 43:49.
    « Rites » sont d'abord de séquences d'actions corporelles définies socialement plus ou moins strictement. Très souvent, mais pas toujours les sociétés attendent qu'aux actes extérieurs correspondent des motivations, des croyances et des émotions intérieures ou « psychiques ». Il ya des sociétés où l'efficacité supposée des rites dépend de la correspondance entre mouvements corporels et «réalité » intérieure. Mais il y en a d'autres où ce qui compte c'est uniquement l'exécution minutieuse des gestes corporels en tant que tels. De (...)
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    Introduction.Gabriel Gottlieb & James A. Clarke - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (4):563-565.
    It is, we think, fair to say that scholarship on post-Kantian philosophy1 has traditionally tended to focus on theoretical philosophy rather than on practical philoso...
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  33. Problematic man.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - [New York]: Herder & Herder.
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    A novel variable neighborhood descent algorithm for service restoration in radial electrical distribution networks.Gabriel F. Puerta, Leonardo H. Macedo, João Soares & Rubén Romero - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper presents a variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the service restoration problem (SRP) in electrical distribution systems. The restoration problem appears when a permanent fault occurs in the system. The fault must be localized and isolated from the rest of the system. As a consequence of the isolation, the downstream area is de-energized and requires restoration. The variable neighborhood descent algorithm features its ability to solve the SRP for radial distribution systems and introduces a strategy that helps to deal (...)
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    “The possibility of the poetic said”: between allusion and commentary.Gabriel Riera - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (3):121 – 135.
    Language would exceed the limits of what is thought, by suggesting, letting be understood without ever making understandable [en laissant sous‐entendre, sans jamais faire entendre] an implication o...
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  36. Mathematik und Harmonie. Über den vermuteten Pythagoreismus von Leibniz.Gabriel Menéndez Torrellas - 1999 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (1):34-54.
    The music theory of Leibniz was thought to be by most of the scholars a part of the Pythagorean philosophical tradition. This opinion was maintained without a founded knowledge of the Pythagorean sources nor a proper consideration of the contemporary scientific background, upon which Leibniz wrote. The purpose of this article consists of analysing to what extent the Pythagorean tradition in music theory had still an influence in a philosophical age, whose music had already thoroughly abandoned the main statements of (...)
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  37. KONNERSMANN, Ralf (2008) Kulturkritik Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 137 p.Gabriel Lemkow Tovias - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 46:201.
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    Erata: Receptacles.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2007 - Noûs 41 (2):354 -.
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  39. Las raíces veterotestamentarias de las "Consideraciones sobre Francia", de Joseph de Maistre.Gabriel Andrade - 2007 - Analogía Filosófica 21 (1):73-114.
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    A sensibilização das ideias estéticas: o belo como símbolo do bem moral.Gabriel Almeida Assumpção - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 17:144-160.
    Examinaremos como surge, na Kritik der Urteilskraft, a discussão acerca do belo como símbolo do bem moral, a saber: na Dialética da faculdade de julgar estética, na segunda divisão da Crítica da faculdade de julgar estética. Traçaremos paralelo entre a antinomia do gosto e sua resolução com a antinomia da razão prática, tal como apresentada na Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Pretendemos mostrar como ambas fazem recurso à distinção entre fenômenos e coisas em si como fonte de sua resolução. Discutiremos, em (...)
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  41. Etica social: familia, profesión y ciudadanía.Gabriel Chalmeta - 2003 - Pamplona: EUNSA. Edited by Gabriel Chalmeta.
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    Liberal Democracy and Radical Democracy.Gabriel Vargas Lozano - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:97-103.
    While the word “democracy” has proliferated in social and political discourse in recent decades, I suggest that the liberal democracy of the past, connected as it is (especially in the West) to the market economy, is insufficient for the challenges facing the contemporary Latin American context. I assess and criticize democratic ideas in order to suggest that the way forward is radical democracy based on socio-economic and political justice. These, however, have to be articulated at a variety of levels, from (...)
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    De l'audace en métaphysique.Gabriel Marcel - 1947 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 52 (3/4):233 - 243.
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    A “metafísica silenciosa” no Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Gabriel Gurae Guedes Paes - 2023 - Princípios 30 (62).
    Resumo: Lopes dos Santos, ao colocar o Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus no que denomina “tradição crítica”, mostra que Wittgenstein delimita o alcance da filosofia ao eliminar sua pretensão de ser um tipo de conhecimento que, como a ciência, possa formular proposições verificáveis sobre objetos. E Wittgenstein faz isso de modo distinto da crítica moderna à metafísica, pois elimina o sujeito do problema: não é preciso recorrer a faculdades subjetivas para fazer essa delimitação, mas apenas à linguagem na qual o pensamento se expressa. (...)
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    (1 other version)Position et approches concrètes du mystère ontologique.Gabriel Marcel & Marcel de Corte - 1949 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts. Edited by Marcel de Corte.
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  46. G. Marcel.Gabriel Marcel & Mario A. Presas - 1967 - [Beunos Aires]: Centro Editor de America Latina.
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    Contemporary Atheism and the Religious Mind.Gabriel Marcel - 1960 - Philosophy Today 4 (4):252-262.
  48. Searchings.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - New York,: Newman Press.
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  49. What is a free man.Gabriel Marcel - 1974 - In Robert Solomon (ed.), Existentialism. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 124--133.
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  50. Droit et médecine: réflexion éthique.Gabriel Mrejen - 2003 - In Laurence Azoux-Bacrie (ed.), Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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