Results for 'Gail Hochachka'

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  1. Case study I: Integrating interiority in sustainable community development : a case study with San Juan del Gozo community, El Salvador.Gail Hochachka - 2009 - In Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (ed.), Integral ecology: uniting multiple perspectives on the natural world. Boston: Integral Books.
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    Integrating interiority in community development.Gail Hochachka - 2005 - World Futures 61 (1 & 2):110 – 126.
    This article explores Integral community development; an approach that integrates material needs (such as economic growth, resource management, and decision-making structures) and interior needs (such as cultural, spiritual, and psychological wellness). Including "interiority" in development is unique to conventional and alternative development practices, and analysis suggests it is necessary for sustainability. Integral community development works in three domains of action/application, dialogue/process, and self-growth/reflection, and recognizes the importance of changes in worldviews. Using this approach in a case study in El Salvador, (...)
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  3. The Possibility of Inquiry: Meno’s Paradox from Socrates to Sextus.Gail Fine - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Meno's Paradox from Socrates to Sextus Gail Fine. sense that they consider the issues it raises; and they argue, against its conclusion, that inquiry is possible. Like Plato and Aristotle, they also explain what makes inquiry possible; and they do ...
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    Body Images: Embodiment as Intercorporeality.Gail Weiss - 1999 - Routledge.
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  5. Interview with Professor Gail Weiss.Gail Weiss, Luna Dolezal & Sheena Hyland - 2008 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):3-8.
    An interview with Gail Weiss concerning her interests and influences, especially the body and embodiment.
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  6. Aristotle's Criticisms of Plato.Gail Fine - 1992 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:13-41.
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    Fine tuning the HIF‐1 'global' O2 sensor for hypobaric hypoxia in Andean high‐altitude natives.Peter W. Hochachka & Jim L. Rupert - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (5):515-519.
    Included in the acute response of lowlanders exposed to reduced oxygen availability is an elevated red blood cell count due to increased erythropoietin (Epo) synthesis. According to current thinking, hypoxia is “sensed” by hydroxylases that permit Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1α (HIF‐1α) to complex with HIF‐1β to form a transcriptional activator (HIF‐1) that drives expression of hypoxia‐sensitive genes (such as EPO) under hypoxic conditions. In altitude‐adapted Andean natives, the Epo hypoxic response may be blunted; however, our data indicate that the DNA (...)
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    Going malignant: the hypoxia‐cancer connection in the prostate.P. W. Hochachka, J. L. Rupert, L. Goldenberg, M. Gleave & P. Kozlowski - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (8):749-757.
    The metabolic organization of both normal and malignant prostate cellular phenotypes involves some unusual and surprising features. In particular, both conditions exhibit ratios of NADH/NAD+ and NADPH/NADP+ charactersitic of high oxidative states despite a chronic shortage of O2 in both conditions. In this paper, we observe that, in prostate cancer cells, the oxidizing power of the fatty acid synthesis (FAS) pathway is so large that redox is stabilized more favorably (more oxidized) than in normal prostate cells. This FAS‐facilitated redox improvement (...)
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  9. The Strange Woman: Power and Sex in the Bible.Gail Corrington Streete - 1997
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  10. Aristotle on Knowledge.Gail Fine - unknown
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    What is a Humanized Mouse? Remaking the Species and Spaces of Translational Medicine.Gail Davies - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):126-155.
    This article explores the development of a novel biomedical research organism, and its potential to remake the species and spaces of translational medicine. The humanized mouse is a complex experimental object in which mice, rendered immunodeficient through genetic alteration, are engrafted with human stem cells in the hope of reconstituting a human immune system for biomedical research and drug testing. These chimeric organisms have yet to garner the same commentary from social scientists as other human–animal hybrid forms. Yet, they are (...)
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    Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: Regulating the Research Use of Human Biospecimens.Gail H. Javitt - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (2):424-439.
    Access to human biospecimens is widely regarded as essential to the progress of medical research, and in particular, to the success of “personalized medicine.” Understanding the influence of genetic variation on human health and disease requires that researchers conduct genetic and other studies on thousands of human specimens. Over the past decade, human “biobanks” — vast collections of human biospecimens — have proliferated both in the United States and internationally. These biobanks are subject to a heterogeneous mix of standards that (...)
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    (1 other version)Using Wittgenstein Critically.Gaile Pohlhaus & John R. Wright - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (6):800-827.
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    Inference during reading.Gail McKoon & Roger Ratcliff - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):440-466.
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    Image or neural coding of inner speech and agency?Gail Zivin - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):534-535.
  16. Separation: A Reply to Morrison.Gail Fine - 1985 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 3:159-65.
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    Notes on 'latency' in overlap onset.Gail Jefferson - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (2-3):153 - 183.
  18. The one over many.Gail Fine - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (2):197-240.
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  19. Empowering Teachers Through Technology.Gail Slye & Ed Williamson - forthcoming - Complexity.
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    Essays in Ancient Epistemology.Gail Fine - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume draws together a series of thirteen essays on ancient epistemology by Gail Fine. She discusses knowledge, belief, subjectivity, and scepticism in Plato, Aristotle, and the Pyrrhonian sceptics. They consider such questions as: is episteme knowledge? Is doxa belief? Do the ancientshave the notion of subjectivity? Do any of them countenance external world scepticism? Several essays compare these philosophers with one another, as well as with more recent discussions of knowledge, belief, subjectivity, and scepticism, asking how if at (...)
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    Philosophy and the Special Sciences.Gail Belaief - 1977 - Journal of Critical Analysis 6 (4):101-109.
  22. Working with Deleuze and Guattari in early childhood research and education.Gail Boldt - 2022 - In Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky (eds.), Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Effects of positive and negative force-contingent reinforcement on the frustration effect in humans.Gail Ditkoff & Ronald Ley - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):818.
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    Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by Herself (review).Gail K. Hart - 2010 - Intertexts 14 (1):68-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by HerselfGail K. Hart (bio)Confessions of a Poisoner, Written by Herself. Translated and introduced by Raleigh Whitinger and Diana Spokiene. New York: MLA, 2009. xliii + 196 pp. $12.95.Confessions of a Poisoner is an epistolary, autobiographical novel, first published anonymously in German as Bekenntnisse einer Giftmischerin in 1803. Lurid accounts of sex, incest, murder, and other crimes contributed to its status as a (...)
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  25. Collaborative configurations: Researching the literacies of technology.Gail E. Hawisher & Cynthia L. Selfe - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7:22.
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    (2 other versions)Building better robots.Gail F. Melson - 2014 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 15 (2):173-179.
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    The Quality of Primary Care/consultant Relationships in Managed Care: Have We Gone Forward or Backward?Gail J. Povar - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (1):66-70.
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  28. Varieties of Epistemic Injustice.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2017 - In Ian James Kidd & José Medina (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice. New York: Routledge.
  29. Intertwined Identities: Challenges to Bodily Autonomy.Gail Weiss - 2009 - Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):22-37.
    Over the last decade, the international media has devoted increasing attention to operations that separate conjoined twins. Despite the fairly low odds that a child or adult will survive the operation with all of their vital organs intact, most people fail to question the urgency of being physically separated from one’s identical twin. The drive to surgically tear asunder that which was originally joined, I suggest, is motivated in part by a refusal to acknowledge intercorporeality as a basic condition of (...)
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    Sexual Difference as Model: An Ethics for the Global Future.Gail M. Schwab - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):76-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sexual Difference as Model: An Ethics for the Global FutureGail SchwabIn Éthique de la différence sexuelle (1984), Luce Irigaray targeted language and love—for her, inseparable from each other—as the two areas of focus for the elaboration of an ethics of sexual difference. The heterosexual couple seemed to have taken on a new, and somehow inappropriately central, importance in Irigaray’s thought in the early eighties; however, the projected mutations in (...)
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    Women and the law in Irigarayan theory.Gail Schwab - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (1-2):146-177.
    “Women and the Law in Irigarayan Theory” by Gail Schwab is a reading of French feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray's writings on law together with texts of American feminist jurisprudence. The first part of the article summarizes many of the conflicts surrounding the concept of equality in American feminist legal thought and attempts to move beyond them with the Irigarayan principle of equivalence or equivalent rights. The second part of the article deals more generally with the symbolic changes that will (...)
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  32. Relational Knowing and Epistemic Injustice: Toward a Theory of Willful Hermeneutical Ignorance.Gaile Pohlhaus - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (4):715-735.
    I distinguish between two senses in which feminists have argued that the knower is social: 1. situated or socially positioned and 2. interdependent. I argue that these two aspects of the knower work in cooperation with each other in a way that can produce willful hermeneutical ignorance, a type of epistemic injustice absent from Miranda Fricker's Epistemic Injustice. Analyzing the limitations of Fricker's analysis of the trial of Tom Robinson in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird with attention to the (...)
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    De-Naturalizing the Natural Attitude: A Husserlian Legacy to Social Phenomenology.Gail Weiss - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (1):1-16.
    This essay focuses on Husserl’s conception of the natural attitude, which, I argue, is one of his most important contributions to contemporary phenomenology. I offer a critical exploration of this concept’s productive explanatory potential for feminist theory, critical race theory, queer theory, and disability studies. In the process, I draw attention to the rich, multi-faceted, and ever-changing social world that can be brought to life through this particular phenomenological concept. One of the most striking features of the natural attitude, as (...)
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    (1 other version)Audre Lorde: Vignettes and Mental Conversations.Gail Lewis - 1990 - Feminist Review 34 (1):100-114.
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    Heidegger, Humanism, and the Destruction of History.Gail Soffer - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):547 - 576.
    Heidegger's attacks against humanism have come under renewed scrutiny, especially in France, as the latest wave of polemics over his political engagement has metamorphosed into a debate over the nature of humanism itself. Yet these recent discussions give rise to a number of perplexities. Firstly, for all their differences, it is remarkable how Heidegger's critics and defenders alike distort his position. On the one side, his French defenders hold that humanism is the attribution of a fixed essence to man, according (...)
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    Toward the World and Wisdom of Wittgenstein's `Tractatus.'.Gail C. Stine - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (4):570.
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    Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness, and Absence.Gail Davies, Brian Rappert & Sabina Leonelli - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (2):191-202.
    This editorial critically engages with the understanding of openness by attending to how notions of presence and absence come bundled together as part of efforts to make open. This is particularly evident in contemporary discourse around data production, dissemination, and use. We highlight how the preoccupations with making data present can be usefully analyzed and understood by tracing the related concerns around what is missing, unavailable, or invisible, which unvaryingly but often implicitly accompany debates about data and openness.
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  38. Immanence.Gail Fine - 1986 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 4:71-97.
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    Young Children's Trust in Overtly Misleading Advice.Gail D. Heyman, Lalida Sritanyaratana & Kimberly E. Vanderbilt - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (4):646-667.
    The ability of 3- and 4-year-old children to disregard advice from an overtly misleading informant was investigated across five studies (total n = 212). Previous studies have documented limitations in young children's ability to reject misleading advice. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that these limitations are primarily due to an inability to reject specific directions that are provided by others, rather than an inability to respond in a way that is opposite to what has been indicated by (...)
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  40. Plato on knowledge and forms: selected essays.Gail Fine - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato on Knowledge and Forms brings together a set of connected essays by Gail Fine, in her main area of research since the late 1970s: Plato's metaphysics and epistemology. She discusses central issues in Plato's metaphysics and epistemology, issues concerning the nature and extent of knowledge, and its relation to perception, sensibles, and forms; and issues concerning the nature of forms, such as whether they are universals or particulars, separate or immanent, and whether they are causes. A specially written (...)
  41. Medical Encounter.Gail Coover, Dale Guenter, Elizabeth Clark, Janet Hortin, Joseph F. O’Donnell, Michael W. Rabow, Rachel N. Remen, Aanand D. Naik, Krista Hirschmann & Nancy Berlinger - 2007 - Complexity 21 (1).
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  42. University of California admissions under Proposition 209: unheralded gains face an uncertain future.Gail Heriot - 2001 - Nexus 6:163.
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  43. Ascétisme et libération.Gail Huon, Alexandre Huillet & Jeffrey Warnock - 2001 - Iris 22:251-259.
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  44. Gender differences in science competitions.Gail Jones - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):159-167.
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    Comment on professor Bernstein's paper, "John Dewey's metaphysics of experience".Gail Kennedy - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (1):14-21.
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    The hidden link in Dewey's theory of evaluation.Gail Kennedy - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (4):85-94.
  47. Should Women love 'Wisdom'?Gail M. Presbey - 2013 - In African Philosophy in Ethiopia: Ethiopian Philosophical Studies, II. Washington, DC, USA: pp. 139-158.
  48. Creating inter-sexuate inter-subjectivity in the classroom? / Luce Irigarays Linguistic Research in Its Latest Iteration.Gail Schwab - 2016 - In Mary C. Rawlinson (ed.), Engaging the World: Thinking after Irigaray. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Perception and its causes. In.Gail Soffer - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 37--56.
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  50. Body Image Intercourse: A Corporeal Dialogue between Merleau-Ponty and Schilder.Gail Weiss - 1999 - In Dorothea Olkowski & James Morley (eds.), Merleau-Ponty, Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life, and the World. State University of New York Pressolkowski, Dorothea.
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