Results for 'Gary Charness'

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  1.  38
    A Spanish Adaptation of the Computer and Mobile Device Proficiency Questionnaires for Older Adults.Carmen Moret-Tatay, María José Beneyto-Arrojo, Eugenia Gutierrez, Walter R. Boot & Neil Charness - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The role of intuition and deliberative thinking in experts’ superior tactical decision-making.Jerad H. Moxley, K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness & Ralf T. Krampe - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):72-78.
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    Explaining exceptional performance: Constituent abilities and Touchstone phenomena.Neil Charness - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):410-411.
    Investigations of innate talent should narrow the definition of talent to deal with constituent abilities, identify touchstone phenomena, and provide detailed explanations of these phenomena. A list of relevant phenomena is proposed.
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  4. From political culture to economic theology.Charly Coleman - 2024 - In Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro, The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas. New York: Routledge.
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    Identifying Ethical Considerations for Machine Learning Healthcare Applications.Danton S. Char, Michael D. Abràmoff & Chris Feudtner - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):7-17.
    Along with potential benefits to healthcare delivery, machine learning healthcare applications raise a number of ethical concerns. Ethical evaluations of ML-HCAs will need to structure th...
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    GeorGe Quasha In DIaloGue WIth Gary hIll.Gary Hill - 2011 - In Thomas Bartscherer & Roderick Coover, Switching Codes: Thinking Through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts. University of Chicago Press. pp. 249.
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    Important Design Questions for Algorithmic Ethics Consultation.Danton Char - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):38-40.
    Answering the design questions inherent to building and deploying machine learning tools —based on algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on large data sets without being explicitl...
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    4 Virtual space.Char Davies - 2004 - In François Penz, Gregory Radick & Robert Howell, Space: in science, art, and society. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 15--69.
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    Predictors of Attitudes Toward Autonomous Vehicles: The Roles of Age, Gender, Prior Knowledge, and Personality.Neil Charness, Jong Sung Yoon, Dustin Souders, Cary Stothart & Courtney Yehnert - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:410319.
    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) hold considerable promise for maintaining aging adults’ mobility as they develop impairments in driving skill. Nonetheless, attitudes can be a significant barrier to adoption as has been shown for other technologies. We investigated how different introductions to AV, video with a driver in the front seat, the rear seat, and a written description, affected attitudes, as well as how individual difference variables such as age, gender, prior knowledge, and personality traits predict attitudes within a middle-aged (Median age (...)
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    Blood Money.Char Roone Miller - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):216-239.
    Contemporary responses to Plato’s Republic rarely examine its complex relationship to festivals and sacrifice. Recovering the importance of the festival to Plato’s concerns, this article reveals Plato’s displacement of the sacrificial violence of ancient Greek festivals with the language and possibilities (including notions of responsibility) of money. The first section introduces, through the opening scenes of the Republic, the significance of money in Ancient Greece, particularly its affiliation with the ritual dynamics of the festival. The second section focuses on animal (...)
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  11. Varner, Gary E. "do species have standing?" Environmental ethics 9 (1987): Pp. 57-72.Gary Varner - manuscript
    In his recent article Should Trees Have Standing? Revisited" Christopher D. Stone has effectively withdrawn his proposal that natural objects be granted legal rights, in response to criticism from the Feinberg/McCloskey camp. Stone now favors a weaker proposal that natural objects be granted what he calls legal "considerateness". I argue that Stone's retreat is both unnecessary and undesirable. I develop the notion of a "de facto" legal right and argue that species already have de facto legal rights as statutory beneficiaries (...)
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    Review of Gary S. Becker: A Treatise on the Family[REVIEW]Gary S. Becker - 1983 - Ethics 94 (1):152-153.
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    Unintended Effects on Morale of Mandatory Postincident Testing.Danton S. Char - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (12):42-44.
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  14. The Role of Imagination in Ernst Mach’s Philosophy of Science: A Biologico-economical View.Char Brecevic - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):241-261.
    Some popular views of Ernst Mach cast him as a philosopher-scientist averse to imaginative practices in science. The aim of this analysis is to address the question of whether or not imagination is compatible with Machian philosophy of science. I conclude that imagination is not only compatible, but essential to realizing the aim of science in Mach’s biologico-economical view. I raise the possible objection that my conclusion is undermined by Mach’s criticism of Isaac Newton’s famous “bucket experiment.” I conclude that (...)
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    Challenges of Local Ethics Review in a Global Healthcare AI Market.Danton Char - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):39-41.
    Last year the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released its report on the unprecedented amassing of biodata by the People’s Republic of China, the profit to be had through accumulati...
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    Supervised Controlled Substance Use.Danton Char - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):56-58.
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    Kann Autonomie „fremdvertreten” werden?: Philosophische, medizinische und juristische Überlegungen zur Einstellung lebenserhaltender Therapie bei Schwerstkranken unter Wahrung der Autonomie der Betroffenen.Charly Gaul - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (3):160-169.
    Zusammenfassung. Im Wandel vom paternalistischen zum partnerschaftlichen Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis werden auch Konfliktsituationen am Ende des Lebens aus einem anderen Blickwinkel gesehen. Der Fortschritt der Intensivmedizin und die zunehmende Zahl chronisch Kranker schaffen hier neue ethische Probleme. Am Fall eines Patienten, der an einer Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose litt, wird der Autonomiekonflikt zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung verdeutlicht. Juristische, medizinische und ethische Argumente werden fallbezogen dargestellt und der Stellenwert von Patientenverfügungen und das derzeitige deutsche Betreuungsrecht diskutiert.
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    Fastening the philosophical buttons: John Preston: Interpreting Mach: Critical essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, 287 pp, $99.99 HB.Char Brecevic - 2021 - Metascience 30 (3):387-390.
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    Ethical Concerns Raised Among Pediatric Heart Failure Clinicians.Danton S. Char - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):36-37.
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    Interdisciplinary Lessons Learned While Researching Fake News.Char Sample, Michael J. Jensen, Keith Scott, John McAlaney, Steve Fitchpatrick, Amanda Brockinton, David Ormrod & Amy Ormrod - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:537612.
    The misleading and propagandistic tendencies in American news reporting have been a part of public discussion from its earliest days as a republic (Innis, 2007;Sheppard, 2007). “Fake news” is hardly new (McKernon, 1925), and the term has been applied to a variety of distinct phenomenon ranging from satire to news, which one may find disagreeable (Jankowski, 2018;Tandoc et al., 2018). However, this problem has become increasingly acute in recent years with the Macquarie Dictionary declaring “fake news” the word of the (...)
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  21.  7
    The Ethics of Human Rights Advocacy in the Ukraine War.Charli Carpenter - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):354-368.
    Amid Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, the human rights community has understandably focused its attention on human rights violations committed by the Russian state. This has, however, left the human rights implications of the martial law Ukraine has put in place for civilians largely unexamined. This essay highlights the ways Ukraine's travel restriction on “battle-aged” civilian men has harmed three overlapping groups—civilian men, the families of the men (including women and children), and trans and nonbinary individuals—and shows that the restriction (...)
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    A Framework to Evaluate Ethical Considerations with ML-HCA Applications—Valuable, Even Necessary, but Never Comprehensive.Danton Char, Michael Abràmoff & Chris Feudtner - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):W6-W10.
    Machine learning is fundamental to multiple visions of health care’s future, from precision medicine 2020) to a model of health delivery and research...
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    The Fall of Robespierre: Twenty-Four Hours in Revolutionary Paris.Charly Coleman - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):199-201.
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    Islam: the test of globalization.Abdelmajid Char - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (3-4):295-307.
    Globalization has consequences for the religious sphere, but it does not constitute a break with the previous situation. It constitutes rather an acceleration of a process begun with the birth of nation-states. The impact of the values of modernity is general, since even those in power, whatever their tendency, invoke values of democracy, progress, freedom and justice, whereas submission is what was required of subjects. Nevertheless, people today look to religion for fixed reference points, because of the brutal transition from (...)
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    Pediatric Acute Care Decision Implications of Genetically Discoverable Mental Disorders.Danton Char - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (4):32-33.
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    Gary Saul Morson and Caryl Emerson, Mikhal Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics. [REVIEW]Gary Saul Morson & Caryl Emerson - 1998 - Studies in East European Thought 50 (2):161-163.
  27. Rebooting Ai: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust.Gary Marcus & Ernest Davis - 2019 - Vintage.
    Two leaders in the field offer a compelling analysis of the current state of the art and reveal the steps we must take to achieve a truly robust artificial intelligence. Despite the hype surrounding AI, creating an intelligence that rivals or exceeds human levels is far more complicated than we have been led to believe. Professors Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis have spent their careers at the forefront of AI research and have witnessed some of the greatest milestones in (...)
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    Is this a good time to be a nurse?Charli Morris & Ann Gallagher - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):907-909.
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    De la disidencia: un tan funesto deseo Julián Sauquillo.Rene Char - 2006 - In Alvarez Alvarez, José Francisco, Roberto R. Aramayo & Javier Muguerza, Disenso e incertidumbre: un homenaje a Javier Muguerza. [Mexico]: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. pp. 2--411.
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    Good Faith and Credit.Char Roone Miller - 2010 - Theory and Event 13 (2).
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    by Gary Null, PhD, and Martin Feldman, MD.Gary Null - forthcoming - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal.
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    The dancing wu li masters: an overview of the new physics.Gary Zukav - 1979 - New York: Morrow.
    With its unique combination of depth, clarity, and humor that has enchanted millions, this beloved classic by bestselling author Gary Zukav opens the fascinating world of quantum physics to readers with no mathematical or technical background. "Wu Li" is the Chinese phrase for physics. It means "patterns of organic energy," but it also means "nonsense," "my way," "I clutch my ideas," and "enlightenment." These captivating ideas frame Zukav's evocative exploration of quantum mechanics and relativity theory. Delightfully easy to read, (...)
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  33.  5
    Whether Designated as Research or Not, Who Resolves Ethical Considerations Emerging with Healthcare AI?Danton Char - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):93-95.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 93-95.
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    Anesthesia Intraoperative Handoffs: Is Decision Ownership Compatible With Transitions of Care Providers?Danton Char - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (9):19-20.
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  35.  23
    Parental Refusal of Newborn Screening for Congenital Hearing Loss.Danton Char - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):33-35.
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    Sharing Decisions When Withdrawing a Technology Is Not the Same as Withholding It.Danton Char, Dana Gal & Seth Hollander - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):69-72.
    Unlike critically ill neonates, care of children with complex cardiac disease increasingly involves use of invasive technologies—such as ventricular assist devices (VAD)—or emergent surgical proced...
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    The Value of Dispossession: Rethinking Discourses of Selfhood in Eighteenth-Century France.Charly J. Coleman - 2005 - Modern Intellectual History 2 (3):299-326.
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    Democratic Civility and Modern Political Ideals.Char Roone Miller - 2001 - Symploke 9 (1):173-175.
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    Becoming Rhizomatic: Researching Flowing in/between Striated and Smooth Space.Charly Ryan, Gloria Jové Monclus & Ester A. Betrián Villas - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (3):355-376.
    Exploring long-term educational change, we investigate our re/construction of research methodology as we moved from a positivist framework to working with ideas drawn from Deleuze and Guattari. We reveal our becoming rhizomatic in data analysis in the metamodelling of the richness flowing horizontally through our practices. We tell of our struggles to escape hierarchical thinking and relations researching between the smooth and striated. A space of interactions, conversations and writings created relations between polyphonic voices, leading us to an emergent methodology. (...)
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  40. Joshua Hoffman Gary S. Rosenkrantz.Gary S. Rosenkrantz - 2003 - In Michael J. Loux & Dean W. Zimmerman, The Oxford handbook of metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 46.
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  41. Agency and answerability: selected essays.Gary Watson - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Since the 1970s Gary Watson has published a series of brilliant and highly influential essays on human action, examining such questions as: in what ways are we free and not free, rational and irrational, responsible or not for what we do? Moral philosophers and philosophers of action will welcome this collection, representing one of the most important bodies of work in the field.
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    Genomic Contraindications for Heart Transplantation.Danton S. Char, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Aliessa Barnes, David Magnus, Michael J. Deem & John D. Lantos - 2017 - Pediatrics 139 (4).
  43.  8
    Social Democracy in the Making: Political and Religious Roots of European Socialism.Gary Dorrien - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    _An expansive and ambitious intellectual history of democratic socialism from one of the world’s leading intellectual historians and social ethicists_ The fallout from twenty years of neoliberal economic globalism has sparked a surge of interest in the old idea of democratic socialism—a democracy in which the people control the economy and government, no group dominates any other, and every citizen is free, equal, and included. With a focus on the intertwined legacies of Christian socialism and Social Democratic politics in Britain (...)
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  44. On the Rationality of Propaganda.Gary James Jason - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (3):1-14.
    In this article, I set forth a theory of propaganda explaining what it is, how it relates to marketing, and the nature and types of ideology. I discuss the criteria by which we can judge the rationality or deceitfulness of propaganda. I defend the view that while propaganda can be perfectly rational, it rarely is, and I explain why that is the case. I finish by explaining why the question of the rationality or deceitfulness of propaganda is different from the (...)
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    The virtues of abandon: an anti-individualist history of the French Enlightenment.Charly Coleman - 2014 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Specters of venality -- The mystic challenge -- The curse of quietism -- Spinoza's ghost -- The sleep of reason -- The politics of alienation -- Revolutionary reveries.
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  46. The Natural and the Normative: Theories of Spatial Perception From Kant to Helmholtz.Gary Carl Hatfield - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Gary Hatfield examines theories of spatial perception from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century and provides a detailed analysis of the works of Kant and Helmholtz, who adopted opposing stances on whether central questions about spatial perception were fully amenable to natural-scientific treatment. At stake were the proper understanding of the relationships among sensation, perception, and experience, and the proper methodological framework for investigating the mental activities of judgment, understanding, and reason issues which remain at the core of philosophical (...)
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  47.  29
    Preventive Genomic Sequencing and Care of the Individual Patient.Danton Char - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):32-33.
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    What Has the Study of Digital Games Contributed to the Science of Expert Behavior?Neil Charness - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):510-521.
    I review the historical context for modeling skilled performance in games. Using Newell's concept of time bands for explaining cognitive behavior, I categorize the current papers in terms of time scales, type of data, and analysis methodologies. I discuss strengths and weaknesses of these approaches for describing skill acquisition and why the study of digital games can address the challenges of replication and generalizability. Cognitive science needs to pay closer attention to population representativeness to enhance generalizability of findings, and to (...)
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  49.  14
    Muslims from Al-Andalus in the madrasas of late fatimid and Aiyubid Egypt.Gary Leiser - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (1):137-160.
    Este artículo describe el papel representado por los musulmanes andalusíes en el desarrollo temprano y posterior función pedagógica de las madrasas en Egipto, desde el período fāṭimí tardío hasta el final de la época ayyūbí. Este papel está relacionado con la riḥla, el viaje que hacían los andalusíes a Oriente «en busca de la ciencia». El artículo se inicia con una breve exposición de la situación de las escuelas legales en el Egipto fāṭimí. A esto sigue el estudio de los (...)
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    The Life and Times of the Ayyūbid Vizier al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr.Gary Leiser - 2020 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 97 (1):89-119.
    This is a description and assessment of the career of al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr (548–622/1153–1225), the most important vizier of Ayyūbid Egypt. Born in the Delta, and raised in an influential family, he studied to become a jurist. After serving as a judge (qāḍī), he entered the administration of Saladin and subsequently became the vizier of two Ayyūbid sultans, al-ʿĀdil and his son al-Kāmil. His ruthlessness in raising money for them by transforming the Egyptian vizierate into a fund raising institution was (...)
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