Results for 'Gaventa’s “power cube”'

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  1.  93
    Power and Participation: An Examination of the Dynamics of Mental Health Service-User Involvement in Ireland.Liz Brosnan - 2012 - Studies in Social Justice 6 (1):45-66.
    Discourse and rhetoric of service-user involvement are pervasive in all mental health services that see themselves as promoting a Recovery ethos. Yet, for the service-user movement internationally, ‘Recovery’ was articulated as an alternative discourse of overcoming and resisting an institutionalized and oppressive psychiatric model of care. Power is all pervasive within mental health services yet often overlooked in official discourse on user-involvement. Critical research is required to expose the unacknowledged structural and power constraints on participants. My research problematizes practices of (...)
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    Exploring power dynamics in a food bank in Bolivia. A case study during the Covid-19 pandemic.Galindo Darío, Gruberg Helga & Dessein Joost - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-30.
    Hunger reduction, a universal goal, is often pursued through the concept of food security, which partially shifts the responsibility from national states to food banks. However, the active involvement of various stakeholders in food banks is frequently overlooked. The first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security to acknowledge the necessity of stakeholders´ participation in achieving food security. Despite the significant influence of power relations (...)
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    Places of Power in Paul’s Letter to the Romans.Beverly Roberts Gaventa - 2022 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 76 (4):293-302.
    When Paul writes about God’s power in Romans 1:16, he takes us to the heart of his understanding of the gospel. His understanding centers on power, the divine power that rescues humanity from captivity to Sin and Death, the power by which God pursues God’s own purposes even as it empowers the creatures it redeems.
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    Leibniz’s Logic and the “Cube of Opposition”.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (2-3):171-189.
    After giving a short summary of the traditional theory of the syllogism, it is shown how the square of opposition reappears in the much more powerful concept logic of Leibniz. Within Leibniz’s algebra of concepts, the categorical forms are formalized straightforwardly by means of the relation of concept-containment plus the operator of concept-negation as ‘S contains P’ and ‘S contains Not-P’, ‘S doesn’t contain P’ and ‘S doesn’t contain Not-P’, respectively. Next we consider Leibniz’s version of the so-called Quantification of (...)
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    Hungarian Cubes: Subversive Ornaments in Socialism.Katharina Roters (ed.) - 2014 - Park Books.
    "Hungarian Cubes" proposes an aesthetical typology of the ornamentation of cubic houses from the 1960s 70s in Hungary. The book is based on the artistic project Magyar Kocka Hungarian Cube, which German-Hungarian artist Katharina Roters is pursuing since 2005. The origins of the Hungarian Cube, a standardized type of residential house, date back to the 1920s, when the cube as prototype of a radically functional design first appeared in plans for single-family homes in Budapest s suburbs and also in social (...)
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    On a problem of p(α, δ, π) concerning generalized alexandroff S cube.Jaros?aw Achinger - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):293 - 300.
    Universality of generalized Alexandroff's cube plays essential role in theory of absolute retracts for the category of , -closure spaces. Alexandroff's cube. is an , -closure space generated by the family of all complete filters. in a lattice of all subsets of a set of power .Condition P(, , ) says that is a closure space of all , -filters in the lattice ( ).
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    The neural system for the inhibition of startle.Donald S. Leitner, Alice S. Powers & Howard S. Hoffman - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (6):410-412.
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    Erratum to: The neural system for the inhibition of startle.Donald S. Leitner, Alice S. Powers & Howard S. Hoffman - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):89-89.
  9.  11
    Narratives of Tampering in the Earliest Commentaries on the Qurʾān. By Gordon Nickel.David S. Powers - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (3).
    Narratives of Tampering in the Earliest Commentaries on the Qurʾān. By Gordon Nickel. History of Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 13. Leiden: Brill, 2011. Pp. xx + 244. $146.
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  10. Caught in the cycle of overwork: Why is the idea of working less such a heresy to Americans?S. J. Power - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    Textes des Purāṇa sur la Théorie MusicaleTextes des Purana sur la Theorie Musicale.Harold S. Powers, Alain Daniélou, N. R. Bhatt & Alain Danielou - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):157.
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    Sufi Music of India and Pakistan. Sound, Context and Meaning in Qawwali.Harold S. Powers & Regula Burckhardt Qureshi - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):702.
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  13. Zayd.David S. Powers - 2014
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    La Musique du Cambodge et du Laos.Harold S. Powers, Alain Daniélou & Alain Danielou - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (2):140.
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  15. Fatwas as sources for legal and social history: A dispute over endowment revenues from Fourteenth-century Fez.David S. Powers - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):295-342.
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  16.  34
    Is Galatians Just A “Guy Thing”?: A Theological Reflection.Beverly Roberts Gaventa - 2000 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 54 (3):267-278.
    Is there “good news” for women in Galatians? The letter points to God's new creation, which liberates both women and men from their worlds of achievement and identity. The most important thing to be said about us is that we are “in Christ.”.
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  17. A Critique of Foucault's Power And Knowledge.S. Panneerselvam - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1/2):13-28.
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    Consequences of Environmental Fluctuations on Taylor’s Power Law and Implications for the Dynamics and Persistence of Populations.C. Pertoldi & S. Faurby - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (2):173-180.
    Conservation Biologists have found that demographic stochasticity causes the mean time to extinction to increase exponentially with population size. This has proved helpful in analyses determining extinction times and characterizing the pathway to extinction. The aim of this investigation is to explore the possible interactions between environmental/demographic noises and the scaling effect of the mean population size with its variance, which is expected to follow Taylor’s power law relationship. We showed that the combined effects of environmental/demographic noises and the scaling (...)
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  19.  86
    Pentecost and Trinity.Beverly Roberts Gaventa - 2012 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 66 (1):5-15.
    Luke’s story of Pentecost gathers into itself many biblical motifs having to do with the work of the Spirit, which creates and re-creates communities of faith, even if it remains out of their control. Trinity Sunday returns us to the richness of Scripture’s reflections on God, where we find the constant feature to be the claim that, in all God’s doing, God acts for us and for our salvation.
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    Zayd. By David S. Powers.Knut S. Vikør - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4).
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    Studies in Qurʾān and Ḥadīth: The Formation of the Islamic Law of InheritanceStudies in Quran and Hadith: The Formation of the Islamic Law of Inheritance.Farhat J. Ziadeh & David S. Powers - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):487.
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    Destroying Mara forever: Buddhist ethics essays in honor of Damien Keown.Damien Keown, John Powers & Charles S. Prebish (eds.) - 2010 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications.
    Several contributions in the book show how these principles apply to contemporary problems and moral issues.
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  23. La escuela, el Estado y el mercado: delegación de poderes y elección en educación. Madrid: Morata.G. Whitty, S. Power & D. Halpin - forthcoming - Paideia.
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    The Anthropology of Justice: Law as Culture in Islamic Society.David S. Powers & Lawrence Rosen - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):790.
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  25. Rap, Black Rage, and Racial Difference.Steven Best & Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Ice Cube "What's a brother gotta do to get a message through to the Red, White, and Blue?" Ice-T Rap music has emerged as one of the most distinctive and controversial music genres of the past decade. A significant part of hip hop culture, [1] rap articulates the experiences and conditions of African-Americans living in a spectrum of marginalized situations ranging from racial stereotyping and stigmatizing to struggle for survival in violent ghetto conditions. In this cultural context, rap provides a (...)
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  26.  16
    The influence of retardation on the London-Van Der Waals force.M. R. Aub, E. A. Power & S. Zienau - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (16):571-572.
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  27. Nietzsche's Moral Aim and Will to Power.William Mackintire Salter - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:467.
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    Pareto's theory of social and economic cycles: A formal model and simulation.Charles H. Powers & Robert A. Hanneman - 1983 - Sociological Theory 1:59-89.
    In his sociological works Pareto developed a theory of cyclical social change within the general equilibrium framework. Building on an earlier propositional formalization, we translate Pareto's theory into a series of simultaneous equations and simulate the equation system. The dynamic behavior of the simulation is consistent with Pareto's predictions and demonstrates the internal logic of the theory.
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    A Court Case From Fourteenth-century North Africa.David S. Powers - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):229-254.
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    Education and the Middle Class.S. Power, T. Edwards, G. Whitty & V. Wigfall - 2003 - British Journal of Educational Studies 51 (4):427-428.
  31. Spinoza’s Geometry of Power.Valtteri Viljanen - 2011 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This work examines the unique way in which Benedict de Spinoza combines two significant philosophical principles: that real existence requires causal power and that geometrical objects display exceptionally clearly how things have properties in virtue of their essences. Valtteri Viljanen argues that underlying Spinoza's psychology and ethics is a compelling metaphysical theory according to which each and every genuine thing is an entity of power endowed with an internal structure akin to that of geometrical objects. This allows Spinoza to offer (...)
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  32.  48
    The Common Origins of Philosophical and Political Power in Plato's Gorgias.Lydia Winn - 2021 - Plato Journal 21:7-19.
    Plato’s Gorgias concerns the tension between political and philosophical power. In it, Socrates and Gorgias discuss rhetoric’s power, which Gorgias claims is universal, containing all powers, enabling the rhetorician to rule over others politically. Polus and Callicles develop Gorgias’s understanding of rhetoric’s universal power. Scholars addressing power’s central focus rightly distinguish Socrates’ notion of philosophical power from Gorgias’s. However, these authors make this distinction too severe, overlooking the kinship between philosophy and politics. This paper argues that Socrates’ notion of power (...)
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    Kant’s Power of Imagination.Rolf-Peter Horstmann - 2018 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element is a study of how the power of imagination is, according to Kant, supposed to contribute to cognition. It is meant to be an immanent and a reconstructive endeavor, relying solely on Kant's own resources when he tries to determine what material, faculties, and operations are necessary for cognition of objects. The main discourse is divided into two sections. The first deals with Kant's views concerning the power of imagination as outlined in the A- and B- edition of (...)
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    Who’s in the Place of Power? A de Certeauan Account of User Practice on the Web.Yoni Van Den Eede - 2012 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 4 (1):29-45.
    Is the World Wide Web (WWW) the true Citizens’ Medium? This issue has been ardently debated in recent years: some herald the WWW as an emancipating technological tool, others claim it to be just another ploy of capitalism. As empirical proof corroborating both sides proliferates, the correct answer must probably be situated somewhere at the intersection. Of this heterogenic ‘middle’ field the work of Michel de Certeau helps us to make sense. We take three de Certeauan concepts, sketched out as (...)
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    Social niche construction and evolutionary transitions in individuality.P. A. Ryan, S. T. Powers & R. A. Watson - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (1):59-79.
    Social evolution theory conventionally takes an externalist explanatory stance, treating observed cooperation as explanandum and the positive assortment of cooperative behaviour as explanans. We ask how the circumstances bringing about this positive assortment arose in the first place. Rather than merely push the explanatory problem back a step, we move from an externalist to an interactionist explanatory stance, in the spirit of Lewontin and the Niche Construction theorists. We develop a theory of ‘social niche construction’ in which we consider biological (...)
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  36. Modes, aspects, power: Spinoza’s relational metaphysics.Emanuele Costa - 2019 - Dissertation,
    The core aim of the dissertation is the identification of criteria for the individuation of singular, finite modes within Spinoza’s monist system. The analysis encompasses two main routes. First, the characterisation of the notion of ‘mode’, contrasted with ‘substance’ and ‘attribute’. This route leads me to examine several interpretations, which have attempted a description of the core concepts of Spinoza’s metaphysics, and to propose a novel reading that makes a robust use of the historical notion of distinction of reasoned reason (...)
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    Plato's Invisible Cities: Discourse and Power in the Republic.David Rankin - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (2):72-74.
  38. Human Nature: The Categorial Framework.P. M. S. Hacker (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This major study examines the most fundamental categories in terms of which we conceive of ourselves, critically surveying the concepts of substance, causation, agency, teleology, rationality, mind, body and person, and elaborating the conceptual fields in which they are embedded. The culmination of 40 years of thought on the philosophy of mind and the nature of the mankind Written by one of the world’s leading philosophers, the co-author of the monumental 4 volume _Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations_ Uses broad (...)
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    Walden.Sheila A. Laffey, Henry David Thoreau, Fred Cardin, Douglas S. Clapp & John D. Ogden - 1981 - First Run/Icarus Films (Distributor).
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  40. Nietzsche’s Doctrine of the Will to Power: Neither Ontological nor Biological.Maudemarie Clark - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (3):119-135.
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    The Power Problem of False in Deleuze and Badiou's Theory of Cinema.Sun-Hyung Kang - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 56:235-267.
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    The Juridical Act: A Study of the Theoretical Concept of an Act That Aims to Create New Legal Facts.H. D. S. Van der Kaaij - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book puts forward a new theoretical concept of the juridical act, this concept is not described from the perspective of a specific national legal system, but instead represents the commonalities and ideas that stem from the Western legal tradition. Since the concept is system-independent, it does not rely on national or state laws. The book begins by detailing those characteristics that distinguish juridical acts from the general group of acts. It offers clear distinctions between the different aspects of juridical (...)
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  43. Foucault's analysis of the concept of power and power relationships.I. Buraj - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (2):71-81.
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    Supreme Power: A Neglected Source of Tension in Kant’s Views on Political Resistance.Stefano Lo Re - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1807-1816.
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  45. Power in Locke's Essay.Vere Chappell - 2007 - In Lex Newman (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". New York: Cambridge University Press.
  46. The Cube, the Square and the Problem of Existential Import.Saloua Chatti & Fabien Schang - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (2):101-132.
    We re-examine the problem of existential import by using classical predicate logic. Our problem is: How to distribute the existential import among the quantified propositions in order for all the relations of the logical square to be valid? After defining existential import and scrutinizing the available solutions, we distinguish between three possible cases: explicit import, implicit non-import, explicit negative import and formalize the propositions accordingly. Then, we examine the 16 combinations between the 8 propositions having the first two kinds of (...)
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    Event-Related Desynchronization During Mirror Visual Feedback: A Comparison of Older Adults and People After Stroke.Kenneth N. K. Fong, K. H. Ting, Jack J. Q. Zhang, Christina S. F. Yau & Leonard S. W. Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Event-related desynchronization, as a proxy for mirror neuron activity, has been used as a neurophysiological marker for motor execution after mirror visual feedback. Using EEG, this study investigated ERD upon the immediate effects of single-session MVF in unimanual arm movements compared with the ERD effects occurring without a mirror, in two groups: stroke patients with left hemiplegia and their healthy counterparts. During EEG recordings, each group performed one session of mirror therapy training in three task conditions: with a mirror, with (...)
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  48. Nietzsche's theory of the will-to-power as critique of the traditional rule of reason.K. Gloy - 1997 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 104 (2).
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    Fodor’s Vindication of Folk Psychology and the Charge of Epiphenomenalism.Nicholas P. Power - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Research 21 (January):183-196.
    Jerry Fodor has long championed the view, recently dubbed “scientific intentional realism” (Loewer and Ray, 1991, p. xiv), that “a scientifically adequate psychology will contain laws that quantify over intentional phenomena in intentional terms.” On such a view our belief/desire psychology will be “vindicated” through empirical investigation; that is, it will be shown to denote the explanatory (or causally salient) states or events in the production of thought and behavior. That intentional properties, states, or events have causal efficacy---are not mere (...)
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    Chronicles of communication and power: informed consent to sterilisation in the Namibian Supreme Court’s LM judgment of 2015.Nyasha Chingore-Munazvo, Katherine Furman, Annabel Raw & Mariette Slabbert - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (2):145-162.
    The 2015 judgment of the Namibia Supreme Court in Government of the Republic of Namibia v LM and Others set an important precedent on informed consent in a case involving the coercive sterilisation of HIV-positive women. This article analyses the reasoning and factual narratives of the judgment by applying Neil Manson and Onora O’Neill’s approach to informed consent as a communicative process. This is done in an effort to understand the practical import of the judgment in the particular context of (...)
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