Results for 'Geoffrey Lindell'

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  1.  13
    The Mason Papers:(Sir Anthony Mason).Geoffrey Lindell, Reviewer Michael Flynn & McGuinness Eley - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Testing hypotheses in macroevolution.Lindell Bromham - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 55:47-59.
  3.  92
    Does nothing in evolution make sense except in the light of population genetics?: Michael Lynch: Origins of Genome Architecture, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland Mass, 2007, 340 pp, hardback, ISBN-10: 0878934847.Lindell Bromham - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (3):387-403.
    “ The Origins of Genome Architecture ” by Michael Lynch (2007) may not immediately sound like a book that someone interested in the philosophy of biology would grab off the shelf. But there are three important reasons why you should read this book. Firstly, if you want to understand biological evolution, you should have at least a passing familiarity with evolutionary change at the level of the genome. This is not to say that everyone interested in evolution should be a (...)
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    Wandering drunks and general lawlessness in biology: does diversity and complexity tend to increase in evolutionary systems?: Daniel W. McShea and Robert N. Brandon: Biology’s first law: the tendency for diversity and complexity to increase in evolutionary systems, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London, 2010.Lindell Bromham - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (6):915-933.
    Does biology have general laws that apply to all levels of biological organisation, across all evolutionary time? In their book “Biology’s first law: the tendency for diversity and complexity to increase in evolutionary systems” (2010), Daniel McShea and Robert Brandon propose that the most fundamental law of biology is that all levels of biological organisation have an underlying tendency to become more complex and diverse over time. A range of processes, most notably selection, can prevent the expression of this tendency, (...)
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    On the interrelation between reduced lateralization, schizotypy, and creativity.Annukka K. Lindell - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  6. The student lovers.Kristina Lindell & John DeFrancis - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    The mystery of pain.Paul J. Lindell - 1974 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg Pub. House.
  8.  50
    Curiously the same: swapping tools between linguistics and evolutionary biology.Lindell Bromham - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):855-886.
    One of the major benefits of interdisciplinary research is the chance to swap tools between fields, to save having to reinvent the wheel. The fields of language evolution and evolutionary biology have been swapping tools for centuries to the enrichment of both. Here I will discuss three categories of tool swapping: conceptual tools, where analogies are drawn between hypotheses, patterns or processes, so that one field can take advantage of the path cut through the intellectual jungle by the other; theoretical (...)
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    Consistently Showing Your Best Side? Intra-individual Consistency in #Selfie Pose Orientation.Annukka K. Lindell - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Media and basic desires: An approach to measuring the mediatization of daily human life.Johan Lindell, André Jansson, Karin Fast & Stina Bengtsson - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):275-296.
    The extended reliance on media can be seen as one indicator of mediatization. But even though we can assume that the pervasive character of digital media essentially changes the way people experience everyday life, we cannot take these experiences for granted. There has recently been a formulation of three tasks for mediatization research; historicity, specificity and measurability, needed to empirically verify mediatization processes across time and space. In this article, we present a tool designed to handle these tasks, by measuring (...)
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    What is a gene for?Lindell Bromham - 2016 - Biology and Philosophy 31 (1):103-123.
    The word “gene” means different things to different people, and can even be used in multiple ways by the same individual. In this review, I follow a particular thread running through Griffith and Stotz’s “Genetics and Philosophy: an introduction”, which is the way that methods of investigation influence the way we define the concept of “gene”, from nineteen century breeding experiments to twenty-first century big data bioinformatics. These different views lead to a set of gene concepts, which only partially overlap (...)
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    The small picture approach to the big picture: using DNA sequences to investigate the diversification of animal body plans.Lindell Bromham - 2011 - In Brett Calcott & Kim Sterelny, The Major Transitions in Evolution Revisited. MIT Press.
    This chapter is concerned with the Cambrian explosion. It considers only one particular kind of explanation for the Cambrian radiation: that major innovations in animal body plan were produced from relatively few genetic changes of large phenotypic effect. It investigates the developmental genetic hypothesis of the origin and maintenance of body plans. This chapter suggests that the genetic architecture underlying body plans was not set during the Cambrian and has been immutable since. It shows that the link between body plan (...)
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    Is Conscious Stimulus Identification Dependent on Knowledge of the Perceptual Modality? Testing the “Source Misidentification Hypothesis”.Morten Overgaard, Jonas Lindeløv, Stinna Svejstrup, Marianne Døssing, Tanja Hvid, Oliver Kauffmann & Kim Mouridsen - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  14.  32
    Meaning and Purpose: Using Phylogenies to Investigate Human History and Cultural Evolution.Lindell Bromham - 2023 - Biological Theory 18 (4):284-302.
    Phylogenies are increasingly being used to investigate human history, diversification and cultural evolution. While using phylogenies in this way is not new, new modes of analysis are being applied to inferring history, reconstructing past states, and examining processes of change. Phylogenies have the advantage of providing a way of creating a continuous history of all current populations, and they make a large number of analyses and hypothesis tests possible even when other forms of historical information are patchy or nonexistent. In (...)
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    Multi-criteria analysis in legal reasoning.Bengt Lindell - 2017 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Overall assessments and balancing of interests -- Multi-criteria analysis -- Intuition -- Legal examples of decision-making with SAW -- Decision-making under uncertainty -- Evidentiary aspects.
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    Complexity Theory and Interaction.Steven Lindell - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):1091.
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    Book review. [REVIEW]Steven Lindell & Scott Weinstein - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (2):233-239.
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    Thriving and Surviving: Approach and Avoidance Motivation and Lateralization.Helena J. V. Rutherford & Annukka K. Lindell - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):333-343.
    Two core motivational systems have been conceptualized as underlying emotion and behavior. The approach system drives the organism toward stimuli or events in the environment, and the avoidance system instead deters the organism away from these stimuli or events. This approach—avoidance dichotomy has been central to theories of emotion. Advances in neuroscience complementing well-designed behavioral experiments have begun to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying approach—avoidance motivation, suggesting that these two systems exist in parallel and are lateralized in the brain. This (...)
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    Author Reply: More Than Evaluation: Lateralization of the Neural Substrates Supporting Approach and Avoidance Motivational Systems.Helena J. V. Rutherford & Annukka K. Lindell - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):347-348.
    Rutherford and Lindell (2011) review the theoretical and empirical research conceptualizing emotion and emotional processing within an approach-avoidance framework. This is accompanied by an extensive discussion of the cerebral lateralization of approach-avoidance. Berntson, Norman, and Cacioppo (2011) extend this discussion by presenting a bivariate evaluative model of emotion which adopts a valence-based (positive, negative) dictum. Here we discuss this latter model in the context of an approach-avoidance perspective.
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    Elementary Properties of the Finite Ranks.Anuj Dawar, Kees Doets, Steven Lindell & Scott Weinstein - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):349-353.
    This note investigates the class of finite initial segments of the cumulative hierarchy of pure sets. We show that this class is first-order definable over the class of finite directed graphs and that this class admits a first-order definable global linear order. We apply this last result to show that FO = FO.
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  21. Indexicality and deixis.Geoffrey Nunberg - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (1):1--43.
    Words like you, here, and tomorrow are different from other expressions in two ways. First, and by definition, they have different kinds of meanings, which are context-dependent in ways that the meanings of names and descriptions are not. Second, their meanings play a different kind of role in the interpretations of the utterances that contain them. For example, the meaning of you can be paraphrased by a description like "the addressee of the utterance." But an utterance of (1) doesn't say (...)
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  22.  17
    The Untamed Politics of Urban Informality: “Gray Space” and Struggles for Recognition in an African City.Christine Ampaire & Ilda Lindell - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):257-282.
    This Article examines the ways in which market vendors in Kampala, Uganda, responded to plans to redevelop their markets through the concession of long-term leases to private investors. These plans met with massive resistance from the marketers, with significant outcomes. The Article uncovers how the marketers actively negotiated a “gray space” between legality and illegality and creatively used the law, with a view to asserting themselves as the legitimate rulers of their markets. It shows how the marketers engaged in highly (...)
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    Hemifacial preferences for the perception of emotion and attractiveness differ with the gender of the one beheld.Candice J. Dunstan & Annukka K. Lindell - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):907-915.
  24.  9
    Swedish Women's Partner Relationship and Contraceptive Methods.Ingegerd Bergbom Engberg & Marianne Lindell - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (1):97-106.
    The aim of the study was to describe and compare whether women who used the pill or condoms discussed the choice of contraceptive method with their partner, and their sexual activity and interaction with their partner. It also studied women's thoughts about the attitudes of their partner and close others concerning unplanned pregnancy and abortion. A total of 134 women, aged 23-29, who had a stable partner relationship, answered three questionnaires. The contraceptive pill was used by 94 of the women (...)
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  25. Studies on pulmonary circulation in provoked bronchial asthma.E. Helander, Se Lindell, B. Soderholm & H. Westling - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 58.
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    Hunting and Fishing in a Kammu Village: Revisiting a Classic Study in Southeast Asian Ethnography.Damrong Tayanin & Kristina Lindell - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  27.  37
    Lesioning an attractor network: Investigations of acquired dyslexia.Geoffrey E. Hinton & Tim Shallice - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (1):74-95.
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    Some Demonstrations of the Effects of Structural Descriptions in Mental Imagery.Geoffrey Hinton - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (3):231-250.
    A visual imagery task is presented which is beyond the limits of normal human ability, and some of the factors contributing to its difficulty are isolated by comparing the difficulty of related tasks. It is argued that complex objects are assigned hierarchical structural descriptions by being parsed into parts, each of which has its own local system of significant directions. Two quite different schemas for a wire‐frame cube are used to illustrate this theory, and some striking perceptual differences to which (...)
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    The Economy of Esteem:An Essay on Civil and Political Society: An Essay on Civil and Political Society.Geoffrey Brennan & Philip Pettit - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    This groundbreaking book revisits the writings of classic theorists in an effort re-evaluate the importance and influence the psychology of esteem has on the economy. The authors explore ways the economy of esteem may be reshaped to improve overall social outcomes and offer new ways of thinking about how society works and may be made to work.
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  30. Derridabase.Geoffrey Bennington - 1993 - In Jacques Derrida: Geoffrey Bennington y Jacques Derrida. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  31. Metalogic: an introduction to the metatheory of standard first order logic.Geoffrey Hunter - 1971 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    This work makes available to readers without specialized training in mathematics complete proofs of the fundamental metatheorems of standard (i.e., basically ...
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  32. The Presocratic Philosophers. A Critical History with a Selection of Texts.Geoffrey Stephen Kirk & John Earle Raven - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. E. Raven & Malcolm Schofield.
    A history of the pre-Socratic philosophers, with selected writings and texts.
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    Nurses’ professional values and attitudes toward collaboration with physicians.Sara S. Brown, Deborah F. Lindell, Mary A. Dolansky & Jeannie S. Garber - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):205-216.
    Background: Growing evidence suggests that collaborative practice improves healthcare outcomes, but the precursors to collaborative behavior between nurses and physicians have not been fully explored. Research question: The purpose of this descriptive correlational study was to describe the professional values held by nurses and their attitudes toward physician–nurse collaboration and to explore the relationships between nurses’ characteristics (e.g. education, type of work) and professional values and their attitudes toward nurse–physician collaboration. Research design: This descriptive correlational study examines the relationship between (...)
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  34. Mathematical Structuralism.Geoffrey Hellman & Stewart Shapiro - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The present work is a systematic study of five frameworks or perspectives articulating mathematical structuralism, whose core idea is that mathematics is concerned primarily with interrelations in abstraction from the nature of objects. The first two, set-theoretic and category-theoretic, arose within mathematics itself. After exposing a number of problems, the book considers three further perspectives formulated by logicians and philosophers of mathematics: sui generis, treating structures as abstract universals, modal, eliminating structures as objects in favor of freely entertained logical possibilities, (...)
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  35. Sorting Things out: Classification and Its Consequences.Geoffrey C. Bowker & Susan Leigh Star - 2001 - Journal of the History of Biology 34 (1):212-214.
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  36. The feasibility issue.Geoffrey Brennan & Philip Pettit - 2005 - In Frank Jackson & Michael Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 258--279.
  37. Indefinite extensibility and the principle of sufficient reason.Geoffrey Hall - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (2):471-492.
    The principle of sufficient reason threatens modal collapse. Some have suggested that by appealing to the indefinite extensibility of contingent truth, the threat is neutralized. This paper argues that this is not so. If the indefinite extensibility of contingent truth is developed in an analogous fashion to the most promising models of the indefinite extensibility of the concept set, plausible principles permit the derivation of modal collapse.
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    Word shape, orthographic regularity, and contextual interactions in a reading task.Geoffrey Underwood & Katherine Bargh - 1982 - Cognition 12 (2):197-209.
  39. Physicalist materialism.Geoffrey Hellman & Frank Wilson Thompson - 1977 - Noûs 11 (4):309-45.
  40.  42
    Neil Immerman. Descriptive complexity. Graduate texts in computer science. Springer, New York, Berlin, and Heidelberg, 1999, xvi + 268 pp. [REVIEW]Steven Lindell - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):525-527.
  41.  81
    (1 other version)The effect of culture on consumers' willingness to punish irresponsible corporate behaviour: Applying hofstede's typology to the punishment aspect of corporate social responsibility.Geoffrey Williams & John Zinkin - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (2):210–226.
    This paper explores the relationship between attitudes to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the cultural dimensions of business activity identified by Hofstede & Hofstede using a sample of nearly 90,000 stakeholders drawn from 28 countries. We develop five general propositions relating attitudes to CSR to aspects of culture. We show that the propensity of consumers to punish firms for bad behaviour varies in ways that appear to relate closely to the cultural characteristics identified by Hofstede. Furthermore, this variation appears to (...)
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    (1 other version)Structuralism.Geoffrey Hellman - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    With developments in the 19th and early 20th centuries, structuralist ideas concerning the subject matter of mathematics have become commonplace. Yet fundamental questions concerning structures and relations themselves as well as the scope of structuralist analyses remain to be answered. The distinction between axioms as defining conditions and axioms as assertions is highlighted as is the problem of the indefinite extendability of any putatively all-embracing realm of structures. This chapter systematically compares four main versions: set-theoretic structuralism, a version taking structures (...)
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  43. Against reviving republicanism.Geoffrey Brennan & Loren Lomasky - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):221-252.
    University of Virginia, USA, lel3f{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> The strategy of this article is to consider republicanism in contrast with liberalism. We focus on three aspects of this contrast: republicanism’s emphasis on ‘social goods’ under various conceptualizations of that category; republicanism’s emphasis on political participation as an essential element of the ‘good life’; and republicanism’s distinctive understanding of freedom (following the lines developed by Pettit). In each case, we are skeptical that what republicanism (...)
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    (1 other version)Berkeley.Geoffrey James Warnock - 1953 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Ted Honderich.
    Berkeley is one of the most influential and yet most misunderstood of eighteenth-century philosophers. In this new, revised edition of his classic introduction, G.J. Warnock examines all Berkeley's major philosophical works and discusses his most original and interesting contributions to questions still debated by philosophers today. The aim of the book is to help the reader learn not so much about Berkeley, but rather, through Berkeley, something about philosophy itself.
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  45. Pluralism and the Foundations of Mathematics.Geoffrey Hellman - 2006 - In ¸ Itekellersetal:Sp. pp. 65--79.
    A plurality of approaches to foundational aspects of mathematics is a fact of life. Two loci of this are discussed here, the classicism/constructivism controversy over standards of proof, and the plurality of universes of discourse for mathematics arising in set theory and in category theory, whose problematic relationship is discussed. The first case illustrates the hypothesis that a sufficiently rich subject matter may require a multiplicity of approaches. The second case, while in some respects special to mathematics, raises issues of (...)
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  46. On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory.Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 2012 - Economic Thought 1 (1).
    The value of rational choice theory for the social sciences has long been contested. It is argued here that, in the debate over its role, it is necessary to distinguish between claims that people maximise manifest payoffs, and claims that people maximise their utility. The former version has been falsified. The latter is unfalsifiable, because utility cannot be observed. In principle, utility maximisation can be adapted to fit any form of behaviour, including the behaviour of non-human organisms. Allegedly 'inconsistent' behaviour (...)
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  47. Is Consciousness Vague?Geoffrey Hall - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):670-684.
    1. Is consciousness vague? This paper will argue that it is. But, first, we need to get clear on the meaning of the question.I will take vagueness to consist in the possibility of borderline cases....
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  48.  85
    On Taking Back Forgiveness.Geoffrey Scarre - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):931-944.
    I argue that the effectiveness of forgiveness in the healing of relationships is dependent on both the givers and recipients of forgiveness understanding that once it has been granted, forgiveness is not normally able to be retracted. When we forgive, we make a firm commitment not to return to our former state of moral resentment against the offender, replacing it by good-will. This commitment can be broken only where the forgiving party makes some significant cognitive adjustment to her appraisal of (...)
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  49.  69
    Do iconic hand gestures really contribute anything to the semantic information conveyed by speech? An experimental investigation.Geoffrey Beattie & Heather Shovelton - 1999 - Semiotica 123 (1-2):1-30.
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    The basis of equality.Geoffrey Cupit - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (1):105-125.
    This paper considers on what basis justice may require that people be treated as equals. It begins with an examination of the argument that people are to be treated as equals because they are equals, and suggests reasons for thinking that such an argument is unlikely to succeed. The remainder of the paper considers, and tries to make plausible, the argument that justice requires people be treated as equals because they are individuals. Thus the paper offers some support for the (...)
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