Results for 'Germana Meroni'

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  1.  27
    TRIM/RBCC, a novel class of ‘single protein RING finger’ E3 ubiquitin ligases.Germana Meroni & Graciana Diez-Roux - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (11):1147-1157.
    The TRIM/RBCC proteins are defined by the presence of the tripartite motif composed of a RING domain, one or two B‐box motifs and a coiled‐coil region. These proteins are involved in a plethora of cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell cycle regulation and viral response. Consistently, their alteration results in many diverse pathological conditions. The highly conserved modular structure of these proteins suggests that a common biochemical function may underlie their assorted cellular roles. Here, we review recent data indicating that (...)
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    Studi campanelliani: per Germana Ernst.Anna Cerbo & Germana Ernst (eds.) - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  3.  10
    FORUM on B. Bégout, Le concept d’ambiance.Germana Alberti - 2023 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 19.
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    The world and knowledge as emergences. Expressive emergence and originary co-emergence in the work of Mikel Dufrenne.Germana Alberti - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 23.
    One key aspect of Phenomenology, i.e. the relationship between consciousness and phenomena, has been described, with regard to when this relationship be-gins to arise, as a co-emergence of the subject and the world. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how the theme of emergence may also be found in the philosophy of Mikel Dufrenne. First of all, strictly speaking, what emerges is what manifests itself and exerts influence due to the merging of some proper-ties, although what emerges cannot (...)
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    Texte et Contexte. Georges Bataille Lecteur de Nietzsche dans la Revue Acéphale.Germana Berlantini - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):197-215.
    This essay analyzes the first among the three moments of Georges Bataille’s reception of Nietzsche’s thought. During the 1930s, in the context of the review Acéphale, the French writer takes position in the debate about the relationship between Nietzscheism and fascism. He lays claim on the heritage of the German thinker as the source of a “heterogeneous” politics. This group of articles provides the context in which Bataille can start to delineate an original meditation on the relationship between work and (...)
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    «Humilitas est magnes virtutum». L'autoritratto del filosofo nell'Ethica di Campanella.Germana Ernst - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):111-123.
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  7. Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639) : The revolution of knowledge from the prison.Germana Ernst - 2010 - In Paul Richard Blum (ed.), Philosophers of the Renaissance. Catholic University of America Press.
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    Demand for quality and design ideas competition: experimentation to discover good practices.Maria Luisa Germanà - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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    The Creuzerstreit and Hegel's Philosophy of History.Nicholas A. Germana - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2):271-288.
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  10.  14
    (1 other version)Wittgenstein Zen.Joseph Germana - 1980 - Behaviorism 8:149-150.
  11.  18
    (2 other versions)Milano: “Filosofia e medicina in Italia fra Medioevo e prima età moderna”.Michele Meroni - 2020 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 62:403-411.
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  12. On not being led down the kindergarten path.Luisa Meroni - unknown
    Studies of adult sentence processing have established that the referential context in which sentences are presented plays an immediate role in their interpretation, such that referential features of the context mitigate, and even eliminate, so-called ‘garden-path’ effects. Perceivers experience garden path effects almost exclusively when they are attempting to parse locally ambiguous linguistic structures in the absence of context, or in infelicitous contexts. The finding that the referential context ordinarily obviates garden path effects is compelling evidence for the Referential Theory (...)
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  13. Some initial observations on 'missio ad gentes': A theological-pastoral reflection on the extraordinary missionary month, October 2019.Fabrizio Meroni - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (4):387.
    Let me start by saying that on 1 December 2015, I left the university environment for the Roman Curia to become Secretary General of the Pontifical Missionary Union and Director of the International Center for Mission and Formation, in addition to my directing 'Fides', the News Agency of the Pontifical Mission Societies. Much time is required of me to renew these institutions and to research, together with others in charge of the PMS, possible ways of reform for the future of (...)
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  14.  19
    Codice e tempo.Germana Pareti - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia 95 (2):215-246.
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  15.  28
    Entanglement, Agency and Phenomena. Quantum Physics and Philosophy after Schelling.Germana Pareti - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:159-180.
    The topic of this essay concerns the interest that the conception of nature in Schelling has aroused in the philosophical culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I propose to examine the retrieval of the philosophy of the nature of Schelling from the history of philosophy and history of science standpoints. Therefore, my paper will be divided into three parts. In particular, I will start by examining the state of the art on the reevaluation of Schelling in the context of (...)
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  16.  16
    Il paesaggio tra l'ordine e il corpo.Germana Pareti - 2021 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  17. Il tatto e la profondità: la rivincita dei sensi oscuri.Germana Pareti - 2024 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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  18.  21
    È possibile una storia delle neuroscienze?Germana Pareti - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia 98 (3):417-436.
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  19.  36
    On the Islamic Judicial Logic in al-Ghazālī’s ’Asās al-qiyās.Germana Porcasi - 2008 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 3:68-111.
  20. I Sal 42-43 nella storia dell'esegesi.Germana Strola - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (4):637-688.
    L'histoire de l'interprétation des Ps 42-43 se révèle être une véritable Wirkungsgeschichte qui, dans l'évolution des méthodes de lecture, permet de percevoir la force d'une Parole Vivante, toujours actualisée dans les différentes époques de l'exégèse. Même dans la coexistence de tendances non parfaitement homogènes, on peut discerner deux orientations principales: une interprétation mystique et christologique, à partir des reprises néotestamentaires de ces psaumes, a cédé progressivement le pas, à partir des Maîtres Juifs du XIe siècle et de la Renaissance, à (...)
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  21.  27
    München: “Medieval Arabic and Latin Conceptions of Spirit”.Michele Meroni - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 64:390-402.
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  22.  14
    Natura confortata per medicinam operatur per se. The Role of Medicine in Albert the Great’s Early Theology and Aristotelian Paraphrases.Michele Meroni - 2023 - Quaestio 23:109-136.
    Albert the Great’s Aristotelian paraphrases (De animalibus, Parva Naturalia) are famous for their extensive use of medical doctrines. Their use is not unprecedented in other Albertinian works, though. This article tries to show how Albert’s early theological works (De homine, Commentarium super libros Sententiarum) provide crucial evidence to understand the rationale behind Albert’s integration of medico-philosophical doctrines into his mature works of natural philosophy. In the first place, the early works assert that medicine – at least, its theoretical part – (...)
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  23.  5
    Il carcere, il politico, il profeta: saggi su Tommaso Campanella.Germana Ernst - 2002 - Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali.
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    Tommaso Campanella: il libro e il corpo della natura.Germana Ernst - 2002 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
  25.  16
    Une lettre retrouvée : Campanella à Peiresc, le 19 juin 1636 / A letter recovered : Campanella to Peiresc, June 19th 1636.Germana Ernst & Eugenio Canone - 2002 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 55 (2):273-286.
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    Una lettera ritrovata: Campanella a Peiresc, 19 giugno 1636.Germana Ernst - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  27. (1 other version)An Object Lesson in Modern Behaviorism.Joseph Germana - 1986 - Behaviorism 14 (2):211-212.
    In a science fiction story, the author finds clear cases of our tendency to attribute internal control, and various forms of thought and perception, when we are ignorant of the actual, environmental determiners of behavior.
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    (1 other version)Cantata for 2 pianos.J. Germana - 1988 - Behaviorism 16 (1):63-68.
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    Response characteristics and the orienting reflex.Joseph Germana - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (4p1):610.
  30. How Children Avoid Kindergarten Paths.Luisa Meroni - unknown
    Many experimental investigations of human sentence processing have shown that listeners do not wait until they reach the end of a sentence before they begin to compute an interpretation. Rather, listeners incrementally make commitments to an interpretation as the linguistic input unfolds in real time. A consequence of this property of sentence comprehension is that it sometimes gives rise to so-called garden-path effects. In the presence of a temporary ambiguity, listeners may assign an interpretation that later turns out to be (...)
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    Leo Strauss e la destra americana.Germana Paraboschi - 1993 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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    Percezione, spazio e azioni: le neuroscienze e le suggestioni dei filosofi.Germana Pareti - 2013 - Rivista di Estetica 52:263-284.
    1. Dal mito delle facoltà alle reti neurali «Neurophysiologica sunt, non leguntur!» Rifacendo il verso a una celebre battuta fregeana, questa esortazione sembra condensare il fastidio di molti filosofi di fronte all’ingerenza dei neuroscienziati, i quali s’illuderebbero di risolvere i massimi problemi di filosofia della mente, soprattutto quelli legati al sorgere della coscienza e agli aspetti qualitativi delle sensazioni. Viceversa, forse per sentirsi legittimati a trattare quei problemi, g...
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  33.  17
    Scienza, etica e società. Nuove prospettive o il solito" ménage à trois"? Note a margine di un convegno.Germana Pareti - 2006 - Rivista di Filosofia 97 (2):283-292.
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    Profecja, natura i polityka: studia nad myślą Tommaso Campanelli.Germana Ernst - 2003 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN.
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    Ricerca filosofica, religione naturale e sospetti libertini: I primi due capitoli del ritrovato Ateismo trionfato di Campanella.Germana Ernst - 1997 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  36. (1 other version)Tommaso Campanella.Germana Ernst & Nicola Badaloni - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (4):447-448.
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    Il ritrovato" Apologeticum" di Campanella al Bellarmino in difesa della religione naturale.Germana Ernst - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  38.  7
    Bordi. Un confronto tra arte, filosofia e psicologia.Germana Pareti - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 80:130-151.
    For at least a century, light and homogeneous space, but also occluding and covering edges of surfaces, attract the interest of philosophers, psychologists and architectural theorists. In different fields, scholars and artists have explored the effects of edges and borders. Among them, the initiator of the ecological approach to visual perception, James J. Gibson, a visionary artist like James Turrell and Nordic and American architects imbued with phenomenological and Heideggerian suggestions. In their theories of perception and environmental psychology, these scholars (...)
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  39.  5
    Che fare, quando fare, se fare: un'indagine sui processi reconditi dell'atto volontario.Germana Pareti & Antonio G. Zippo (eds.) - 2016 - [Turin]: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    Labirinti e strutture nascoste nell'opera di Camillo Golgi.Germana Pareti - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (3):495-500.
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  41.  14
    An asymmetric universal in child language.A. Gualmini, L. Meroni & Stephen Crain - unknown
  42.  41
    Hey Little Sister, Who's the Only One? Modulating Informativeness in the Resolution of Privative Ambiguity.Francesca Foppolo, Marco Marelli, Luisa Meroni & Andrea Gualmini - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1646-1674.
    We present two eye-tracking experiments on the interpretation of sentences like “The tall girl is the only one that …,” which are ambiguous between the anaphoric and the exophoric interpretation. These interpretations differ in informativeness: in a positive context, the exophoric reading entails the anaphoric, while in a negative context the entailment pattern is reversed and the anaphoric reading is the strongest one. We tested whether adults rely on considerations about informativeness in solving the ambiguity. The results show that participants (...)
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  43. Le ali del pensiero: Rosmini e oltre: le sfide della modernità.Emilio Butturini & Germana Canteri (eds.) - 2009 - Verona: Mazziana.
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  44.  10
    Enciclopedia bruniana e campanelliana.Eugenio Canone & Germana Ernst (eds.) - 2006 - Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali.
    v. 1. Proceedings, Rome, 2001-2004 -- v. 2. Giornate di studi, 2005-2008.
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  45. How adults and children manage stress in ambiguous contexts.Silvia Gennari, Andrea Gualmini & Luisa Meroni - unknown
    This paper investigates the influence of contrastive stress in resolving potential semantic ambiguities. The sentences under investigation contain the focus operator only. Sentences with only have three main properties: (a) some sentential element is typically in focus, (b) the speaker presupposes that a set of alternatives to the focus element (the contrast set) has previously been introduced in the context; and (c) the speaker makes the assertion that the focus element has some unique property which other members of the reference (...)
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  46.  27
    Everybody Knows.Andrea Gualmini, Stephen Crain & Luisa Meroni - unknown
    Much current research is devoted to children’s non-adult responses to sentences containing the universal quantifier every. In this chapter we review two alternative views: one that attributes children’s responses to nonadult grammars and one that focuses on extra-linguistic factors to explain children’s non-adult responses. We argue that the grammatical view faces several theoretical concerns, and, in light of research experimental findings, we demonstrate that it also suffers from limited explanatory power.
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  47.  21
    Moral Decision-making as Compared to Economic and Shopping Contexts. Gender Effects and Utilitarianism.Claudio Lucchiari, Francesca Meroni & Maria Elide Vanutelli - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (1):49-64.
    : How do people make decisions? Previous psychological research consistently shed light on the fact that decisions are not the result of a pure rational reasoning, and that emotions can assume a crucial role. This is particularly true in the case of moral decision-making, which requires a complex integration of affective and cognitive processes. One question that is still open to debate concern the individual factors that can affect moral decisions. Gender has been consistently identified as a possible variable of (...)
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  48. Monarchie d'Espagne. Monarchie de France, « Fondements de la politique ».Tommaso Campanella, Germana Ernst, Serge Walbaum & Nathalie Fabry - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (2):229-231.
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    Dialogus: il dialogo filosofico fra le religioni nel pensiero tardo-antico, medievale e umanistico.Mario Coppola, Germana Fernicola & Lucia Pappalardo (eds.) - 2014 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  50. Metafore in neuroscienza: Illusioni o realtà?Armando De Palma & Germana Pareti - 2006 - Rivista di Estetica 46 (31):173-190.
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