Results for 'Gervais Rousseau'

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  1.  7
    Rousseau Juge de Jean Jacques Dialogues.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Brooke Boothby - 1780 - Chez J. Jackson, aux Depens de l'Editeur Chez Dodsley, Cadell, Elmsley, Et Strahan.
    One of Rousseau’s later and most puzzling works and never before available in English, this neglected autobiographical piece was the product of the philosopher’s old age and sense of persecution. Long viewed simply as evidence of his growing paranoia, it consists of three dialogues between a character named “Rousseau” and one identified only as “Frenchman” who discuss the bad reputation and works of an author named “Jean-Jacques.” Dialogues offers a fascinating retrospective of his literary career.
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    On the deep structure of social affect: Attitudes, emotions, sentiments, and the case of “contempt”.Matthew M. Gervais & Daniel M. T. Fessler - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e225.
    Contempt is typically studied as a uniquely human moral emotion. However, this approach has yielded inconclusive results. We argue this is because the folk affect concept “contempt” has been inaccurately mapped onto basic affect systems. “Contempt” has features that are inconsistent with a basic emotion, especially its protracted duration and frequently cold phenomenology. Yet other features are inconsistent with a basic attitude. Nonetheless, the features of “contempt” functionally cohere. To account for this, we revive and reconfigure thesentimentconstruct using the notion (...)
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    The Definition of Death: Contemporary Controversies.Karen G. Gervais, Stuart J. Youngner, Robert M. Arnold & Renie Shapiro - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (5):45.
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    Plausibility versus richness in mechanistic models.Raoul Gervais & Erik Weber - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (1):139-152.
    In this paper we argue that in recent literature on mechanistic explanations, authors tend to conflate two distinct features that mechanistic models can have or fail to have: plausibility and richness. By plausibility, we mean the probability that a model is correct in the assertions it makes regarding the parts and operations of the mechanism, i.e., that the model is correct as a description of the actual mechanism. By richness, we mean the amount of detail the model gives about the (...)
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    Rousseau and Liberty.Robert Wokler & Rousseau and the Cause Of Liberty - 1995
    Rousseau is considered to be at once the most modern political thinker of the 18th century and the most ancient in his allegiance to classical republicanism. These essays address the place of liberty in his moral and political philosophy, and the origins, meaning, strength, weakness and significance of his argument.
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    Override the controversy: Analytic thinking predicts endorsement of evolution.Will M. Gervais - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):312-321.
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  7. Political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, the (in 2 vols).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - unknown
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    Les missions divines de saint Justin à Origène.Gervais Aeby - 1958 - Fribourg, Suisse,: Editions universitaires.
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  9. Dialogues : Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; Le Lévite d'Éphraïm, coll. « GF ».Jean-Jacques Rousseau & D'erick Leborgne - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (2):243-243.
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    Rousseau: the discourses and other early political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Victor Gourevitch.
    A comprehensive and authoritative anthology of Rousseau's important early political writings in faithful English translations. This volume includes the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts and the Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men - the so-called First and Second Discourses - together with Rousseau's extensive Replies to Critics of these Discourses; the Essay on the Origin of Languages; the Letter to Voltaire on Providence; as well as several minor but illuminating writings - (...)
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  11.  64
    A framework for inter-level explanations: Outlines for a new explanatory pluralism.Raoul Gervais - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 48:1-9.
  12.  64
    The essential Rousseau: The social contract, Discourse on the origin of inequality, Discourse on the arts and sciences, The creed of a Savoyard priest.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1974 - New York,: New American Library. Edited by Lowell Bair.
    With splendid new translations, these four major works offer a superlative introduction to a great social philosopher whose ideas helped spark a revolution that has still not ended. Can individual freedom and social stability be reconciled? What is the function of government? What are the benefits and liabilities of civilization? What is the original nature of man, and how can he most fully realize his potential? These were the questions that Jean-Jacques Rousseau investigated in works that helped set the (...)
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    The Morals of Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1910 - Sisley's.
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    L'Emilio di Rousseau e il problema della sua interpretazione tra '800 e '900.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Mario Trombino - 1991
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    Faut-il aller vivre dans les bois?: lettre de J.-J. Rousseau à monsieur Philopolis.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2012 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Roger Bruyeron.
    « Quelques semaines après la parution du Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de l’inégalité parmi les hommes, Charles Bonnet, savant genevois, publie dans le Mercure de France sous le pseudonyme de Philopolis, un article qui remet en cause l’usage que Rousseau fait du mot perfectibilité. Il comprend ce mot de telle sorte qu’il est conduit à dénoncer une inconséquence, voire une contradiction, dans la démarche de son concitoyen. Rousseau ne voit pas, selon Bonnet, que si l’homme est (...)
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    Rousseau on International Relations.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Jean Jacques Rousseau's thinking on the nature and dynamics of international politics represents a brilliant and disturbing contribution to our understanding of international affairs. This book attempts to make Rousseau's thinking on international relations easily accessible by collecting for the first time selections from Rousseau's important writings in which he develops his unique international perspective, and by providing a detailed interpretation of this perspective.
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    Confessions.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Niklaus - 2008 - Oxford Paperbacks.
    In his Confessions Jean-Jacques Rousseau tells the story of his life, from the formative experience of his humble childhood in Geneva, through the achievement of international fame as novelist and philosopher in Paris, to his wanderings as an exile, persecuted by governments and alienated from the world of modern civilization. In trying to explain who he was and how he came to be the object of others' admiration and abuse, Rousseau analyses with unique insight the relationship between an (...)
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  18. Redefining Death.Karen Grandstrand Gervais - unknown
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  19.  33
    Towards an effective transnational regulation of AI.Daniel J. Gervais - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):391-410.
    Law and the legal system through which law is effected are very powerful, yet the power of the law has always been limited by the laws of nature, upon which the law has now direct grip. Human law now faces an unprecedented challenge, the emergence of a second limit on its grip, a new “species” of intelligent agents (AI machines) that can perform cognitive tasks that until recently only humans could. What happens, as a matter of law, when another species (...)
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    Richard de Saint-Victor et l'idée chrétienne de l'amour.Gervais Dumeige - 1952 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  21.  14
    An interpolation in Claudian, de raptv proserpinae 2.343–7.Kyle Gervais - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):449-453.
    In his recent monograph on textual criticism, Richard Tarrant discusses the history, problems and practices of diagnosing interpolations in Latin texts, and persuasively argues for ‘restor[ing] interpolation to the editor's armoury’. In the hopes of better arming future editors, I identify a possible interpolation in the second book of Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae. The passage in question describes the celebrations in the underworld that attend the wedding of Pluto and Proserpina; joining in the holiday mood, the Furies let their snaky (...)
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  22. Geld, verklarende diepte, Darwin.Raoul Gervais & Jan de Winter - 2010 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 102 (2):145-147.
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  23.  23
    Le Marxisme de Sartre: Signification et Projet.Charles Gervais - 1969 - Dialogue 8 (2):272-292.
    La première grande question qui se pose au lecteur de la Critique de la Raison Dialectique est certainement celle des rapports entre les problématiques sartrienne et marxiste. Dans sa conclusion à Questions de Méthode, Sartre la forrnule clairement en écrivant que l'existentialisme « ne remet rien en question, sauf un déterminisme mécaniste qui n'est précisément pas marxiste et qu'on a introduit du dehors dans cette philosophie totale. Il veut, lui aussi, situer l'homme dans sa classe et dans les conflits qui (...)
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  24.  15
    Le péché originel selon Alfred Vanneste.Michel Gervais - 1975 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 31 (1):75.
  25.  7
    Rousseau: Selections.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Maurice William Cranston - 1988 - Macmillan College.
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    (1 other version)Confessions of J. J. Rousseau (complete).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - unknown
  27.  5
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: fundamental political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2018 - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press. Edited by Matthew William Maguire & David Lay Williams.
    This classroom edition includes On the Social Contract, the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, the Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, and the Preface to Narcissus. Each text has been newly translated and includes a full complement of explanatory notes. The editors’ introduction offers students diverse points of entry into some of the distinctive possibilities and challenges of each of these fundamental texts, as well as an introduction to Rousseau’s life and historical situation. The volume also includes (...)
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  28. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Confessions in Two Volumes.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Robert Niklaus - 1992
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  29. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Textes Choisis Et Commentés.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Albert Bazaillas - 1913 - Plon-Nourrit.
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    The Living Thoughts of Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Romain Rolland - 1943 - Cassell.
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    Correspondance originale et inédite de J.J. Rousseau avec Mme Latour de Franqueville et M. Du Peyrou.Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Marianne Alissan de La Tour & Pierre Alexandre Du Peyrou - 1803 - Giguet Et Michaud.
    Dans l'"Avis des éditeurs", on explique en quoi consiste l'intérêt particulier de ce recueil de lettres privées, non destinées à la publication. En plus, on apprend les circonstances grâce auxquelles une partie importante des papiers de Rousseau est entrée à la Bibliothèque de la ville (actuelle Bibliothèque publique et universitaire) de Neuchâtel: "J'entends que tous les papiers manuscrits de Jean-Jacques Rousseau [...] soient recueillis et rassemblées en paquets étiquetés et cachetés, pour être déposés dans une bibliothèque publique bien (...)
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    Le Marxisme de Sartre: Mystification ou réalité?Charles Gervais - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (4):727-742.
    Dans un premier article sur le rapport à établir entre les problématiques sartrienne et marxiste é la lumière de la Critique de la Raison Dialectique, nous avions tenté de circonscrire projet spécifique de Sartre face au Savoir marxiste.Nous aimerions poursuivre aujourd'hui notre réflexion par une analyse de quelques thèmes majeurs nous permettant de voir dans quelle mesure et dans quel sens ces deux problématiques se recoupent ou non. A cet effet, nous distinguerons: I) le problème du matérialisme et de la (...)
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  33.  5
    Sentiments Organize Affect Concepts in Yasawa, Fiji: a Cultural Domain Analysis.Matthew M. Gervais - 2024 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 24 (3-4):127-181.
    For decades, intensive research on emotion has advanced general theories of culture and cognition. Yet few theories can comfortably accommodate both the regularities and variation empirically manifest in affective phenomena around the world. One recent theoretical model (Gervais & Fessler, 2017) aims to do so. The Attitude-Scenario-Emotion (ASE) model of sentiments specifies an evolved psychological architecture that potentiates regular variation in affective experience and behavior in lived interaction with social, ecological and normative contexts. This model holds that sentiments – (...)
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  34.  7
    Le discours sur l'inégalité de Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2004 - Québec, Québec: Collection Résurgences. Edited by Gérald Allard.
  35. Jean-Jacques Rousseau Fragments Inedits.Albert Jansen & Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1882 - Sandoz and Thuillier; [Etc., Etc.].
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  36.  20
    International students’ knowledge and emotions related to academic integrity at Canadian postsecondary institutions.Lisa Vogt, Loie Gervais, Brenda M. Stoesz & Hafizat Sanni-Anibire - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    This study investigated the knowledge of academic integrity and associated emotions of a small sample of international students studying at Canadian postsecondary institutions using survey methodology. Depending on the survey item, 25–60 participants provided responses. Many respondents appeared knowledgeable about academic integrity and misconduct and reported that expectations in their home countries and in Canada were similar. There was, however, disagreement on the concept of duplicate submission/self-plagiarism, indicating an important gap in educating students about specific aspects of policy in postsecondary (...)
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  37.  53
    Les imaginaires sociaux: mémoires et espoirs collectifs Bronislaw Baczko Paris: Payot, 1984. 242 p.Richard Gervais - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (3):551-553.
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  38.  10
    Note sur le caractère épiscopal.Michel Gervais - 1972 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (1):3.
  39.  18
    Op het snijvlak van cognitie, wetenschap en filosofie: inter-theoretische relaties in de twintigste eeuw.Raoul Gervais - 2012 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 104 (1):21-38.
    This article provides a critical survey of the debate on intertheoretic relations, with particular emphasis on the cognitive sciences. I begin by distinguishing two opposing sides, reductionism and antireductionism, and proceed by tracking the changes these positions underwent in the twentieth century. It appears that these changes consist to a significant degree in smoothing out the rough edges of both, so that the original positions can be understood as crude extremes. The monistic accounts of intertheoretic relations were traded in for (...)
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    (Re)fonder: les modalités du (re)commencement dans le temps et dans l'espace.Philippe Gervais-Lambony, Frédéric Hurlet & Isabelle Rivoal (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions de Boccard.
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  41.  6
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Lettres Philosophiques.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1974 - Paris: Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos. Edited by Henri Gouhier.
  42.  6
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Savoie: Annecy, Chambéry, Les Charmettes.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & François Vermale - 1922 - Dardel.
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    Lettres autographes de J.J. Rousseau à une dame de qualité.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1976 - Henri-Marie-Ludovic Vergne, Christian Jean Dit Cazaux, Commissaires-Priseurs Associés.
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  44. Lettre de J. J. Rousseau a Monsieur de Voltaire.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1763 - [S.N.].
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    Pages choisies des grands écrivains: J.-J. Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Samuel Rocheblave - 1899 - A. Colin & Cie.
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  46. Petits Chefs-d'Oeuvre de J.-J. Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1859 - Firmin-Didot.
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  47.  96
    Mechanistic and non-mechanistic varieties of dynamical models in cognitive science: explanatory power, understanding, and the ‘mere description’ worry.Raoul Gervais - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):43-66.
    In the literature on dynamical models in cognitive science, two issues have recently caused controversy. First, what is the relation between dynamical and mechanistic models? I will argue that dynamical models can be upgraded to be mechanistic as well, and that there are mechanistic and non-mechanistic dynamical models. Second, there is the issue of explanatory power. Since it is uncontested the mechanistic models can explain, I will focus on the non-mechanistic variety of dynamical models. It is often claimed by proponents (...)
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    Dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; suivis de Le Lévite d'Ephraïm.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1999
    Ecrits entre 1772 et 1776, les trois dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques apparaissent à première lecture comme une extension délirante des derniers livres des Confessions. Cette écriture du cauchemar repose en réalité sur une structure idéologique d'une extrême rigueur et révèle une logique fantasmatique d'une effrayante complexité, que l'on pourra comparer avec cet autre texte au sujet " abominable " qu'est Le Lévite d'Ephraïm, poème en prose composé par Rousseau sur la route de l'exil en juin 1762.
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  49.  36
    The Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas about society, culture, and government are pivotal in the history of political thought. His works are as controversial as they are relevant today. This volume brings together three of Rousseau’s most important political writings—_The Social Contract and The First Discourse _and_ The Second Discourse _—and_ _presents essays by major scholars that shed light on the dimensions and implications of these texts. Susan Dunn’s introductory essay underlines the unity of Rousseau’s political thought and explains why (...)
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  50.  56
    Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings : Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Discourse on Political Economy, on the Social Contract, the State of War.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 2011 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This substantially revised new edition of _Rousseau: The Basic Political Writings_ features a brilliant new Introduction by David Wootton, a revision by Donald A. Cress of his own 1987 translation of Rousseau's most important political writings, and the addition of Cress' new translation of Rousseau's _State of?War_. New footnotes, headnotes, and a chronology by David Wootton provide expert guidance to first-time readers of the texts.
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