Results for 'Giacomo Bottà'

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  1.  24
    Giacomo Cives: mediazione pedagogica e educazione attiva.Giacomo Cives - 2022 - Roma: Studium edizioni. Edited by Marco Antonio D'Arcangeli, Furio Pesci & Paola Trabalzini.
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    Modulation of Response Times During Processing of Emotional Body Language.Alessandro Botta, Giovanna Lagravinese, Marco Bove, Alessio Avenanti & Laura Avanzino - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:616995.
    The investigation of how humans perceive and respond to emotional signals conveyed by the human body has been for a long time secondary compared with the investigation of facial expressions and emotional scenes recognition. The aims of this behavioral study were to assess the ability to process emotional body postures and to test whether motor response is mainly driven by the emotional content of the picture or if it is influenced by motor resonance. Emotional body postures and scenes (IAPS) divided (...)
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  3. Thinking Babel Universality, Multiplicity, Difference.Giacomo Marramao - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):3-20.
    In introducing his argument - which resumes and develops the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of globalisation advanced in his book Westward Passage (forthcoming from Verso, London-New York) - Giacomo Marramao takes the film Babel, by the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu, as the point of departure for his discussion: the film depicts the globalised world as a complex space at once interdependent and differentiated in character, constituted like a mosaic, composed of a multiplicity of "asynchronic" ways and forms (...)
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  4. Understanding undermining defeat.Giacomo Melis - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (3):433-442.
    Taking the inspiration from some points made by Scott Sturgeon and Albert Casullo, I articulate a view according to which an important difference between undermining and overriding defeaters is that the former require the subject to engage in some higher-order epistemic thinking, while the latter don’t. With the help of some examples, I argue that underminers push the cognizer to reflect on the way she formed a belief by challenging the epistemic worthiness of either the source of justification or the (...)
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  5. The Logic of Rational Play in Games of Perfect Information.Giacomo Bonanno - 1991 - Economics and Philosophy 7 (1):37-65.
    For the past 20 years or so the literature on noncooperative games has been centered on the search for an equilibrium concept that expresses the notion of rational behavior in interactive situations. A basic tenet in this literature is that if a “rational solution” exists, it must be a Nash equilibrium. The consensus view, however, is that not all Nash equilibria can be accepted as rational solutions. Consider, for example, the game of Figure 1.
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  6. Potentiality: Actualism minus naturalism equals platonism.Giacomo Giannini & Matthew Tugby - 2020 - Philosophical Inquiries 1 (8):117-40.
    Vetter (2015) develops a localised theory of modality, based on potentialities of actual objects. Two factors play a key role in its appeal: its commitment to Hardcore Actualism, and to Naturalism. Vetter’s commitment to Naturalism is in part manifested in her adoption of Aristotelian universals. In this paper, we argue that a puzzle concerning the identity of unmanifested potentialities cannot be solved with an Aristotelian conception of properties. After introducing the puzzle, we examine Vetter’s attempt at amending the Aristotelian conception (...)
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    Il testamento letterario di Giacomo Leopardi: pensieri dello Zibaldone.Giacomo Leopardi & Vincenzo Cardarelli - 1985 - Fògola.
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    When endogenous spatial attention improves conscious perception: Effects of alerting and bottom-up activation.Fabiano Botta, Juan Lupiáñez & Ana B. Chica - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:63-73.
  9.  15
    Come Leopardi vide il mondo: aforismi, epigrammi, pensieri, sentenze tratti dall'opera di Giacomo Leopardi.Giacomo Leopardi - 1999 - Osanna Edizioni.
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    Da usina ao assentamento: as lutas dos boias frias no século XX entre invisibilidades e releituras.Vera Lucia Silveira Botta Ferrante, Henrique Carmona Duval & Osvaldo Aly Junior - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    O artigo apresenta as lutas dos trabalhadores rurais boias frias no Brasil, valorizando sua riqueza e protagonismo em momentos históricos em que elas eram invisibilizadas tanto pela ditadura como por visões pré-concebidas de quem seriam os sujeitos das lutas por reforma agrária. O universo empírico da pesquisa é a região de Ribeirão Preto e Araraquara, no estado de São Paulo, representativa das contradições entre uma agricultura produtivista e a proletarização de um amplo contingente de trabalhadores. A partir deste contexto, propõe-se (...)
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    La via del colore.Katia Botta - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 29.
    The article aims to define the role assumed by Paul Cézanne’s pictorial landscape within aesthetic reflections on landscape. Starting with the testimonies of Emile Bernard, Joachim Gasquet and Maurice Denis, the aim is to identify those concepts and components that aesthetically constitute and characterise the landscape of Mont Sainte-Victoire. In this sense we wish to proceed with an investigation aimed at the aesthetic-perceptual reading provided by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, focusing on the parameters of vision, colour and depth, and then turn our (...)
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    Due interpreti dell'Etica di Spinoza: Harold H. Joachim e Karl Jaspers.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  13. Undermining Defeat and Propositional Justification.Giacomo Melis - 2016 - Argumenta 1 (2):271-280.
    I extend the Higher-Order View of Undermining Defeat (HOVUD) defended in Melis (2014) to account for the defeat of propositional justification. In doing so, I clarify the important notion of higher-order commitment, and I make some considerations concerning the defeat of externalist epistemic warrants.
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    Contingency, arbitrariness, and the basis of moral equality.Giacomo Floris - 2023 - Ratio 36 (3):224-234.
    Hardly anyone denies that (nearly) all human beings have equal moral status and therefore should be considered and treated as equals. Yet, if humans possess the property that confers moral status upon them to an unequal degree, how come they should be considered and treated as equals? It has been argued that this is because the variations in the degree to which the status‐conferring property is held above a relevant threshold are contingencies that do not generate differences in degrees of (...)
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    Agent planning programs.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Fabio Patrizi, Alessandro Saetti & Sebastian Sardina - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 231 (C):64-106.
  16. Common Knowledge and Convention.Giacomo Sillari - 2008 - Topoi 27 (1):29-39.
    This paper investigates the epistemic assumptions that David Lewis makes in his account of social conventions. In particular, I focus on the assumption that the agents have common knowledge of the convention to which they are parties. While evolutionary analyses show that the common knowledge assumption is unnecessary in certain classes of games, Lewis’ original account (and, more recently, Cubitt and Sugden’s reconstruction) stresses the importance of including it in the definition of convention. I discuss arguments pro et contra to (...)
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    L’adonné (el adonado) según Marion: el sujeto que se recibe de lo dado.Mario Di Giacomo - 2023 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 26 (51):25-53.
    En este artículo se analiza la noción de fenómeno saturado en el pensamiento de Marion, pero, ante todo, y relacionado con dicho fenómeno, el tipo de sujeto que corresponde a la afectación saturante. La discusión se centra en la superación de la figura del Yo trascendental, y de la Modernidad en general, para dar lugar a un sujeto disminuido, a una diminutio ipseitatis, debida fundamentalmente a una iniciativa que, alega Marion, no proviene tanto del sujeto afectado, cuanto del fenómeno que (...)
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    Two concerns about the rejection of social cruelty as the basis of moral equality.Giacomo Floris - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (3):408-416.
    In his recent book, Humanity without Dignity: Moral Equality, Respect, and Human Rights, Andrea Sangiovanni argues that the principle of moral equality should be grounded in the wrongness of treating others as inferiors insofar as this constitutes an act of social cruelty. In this short piece, I will raise two concerns about the rejection of social cruelty as the basis of moral equality: first, Sangiovanni’s account seems to give rise to disturbing implications as to how those beings that have basic (...)
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  19. Mirrors in the Brain: How our minds share actions and emotions.Giacomo Rizzolatti & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    When we witness a great actor, musician, or sportsperson performing, we share something of their experience. Only recently has it become clear just how this sharing of experience is realised within the human brain. 'Mirrors in the brain' provides an accessible overview of mirror neurons, written by the man who first discovered them.
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  20. Axiomatic characterization of the AGM theory of belief revision in a temporal logic.Giacomo Bonanno - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (2-3):144-160.
    Since belief revision deals with the interaction of belief and information over time, branching-time temporal logic seems a natural setting for a theory of belief change. We propose two extensions of a modal logic that, besides the next-time temporal operator, contains a belief operator and an information operator. The first logic is shown to provide an axiomatic characterization of the first six postulates of the AGM theory of belief revision, while the second, stronger, logic provides an axiomatic characterization of the (...)
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    Early theoretical chemistry: Plato’s chemistry in Timaeus.Francesco Di Giacomo - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (1):17-30.
    The Timaeus is the dialogue that was for many centuries the most influential of Plato’s works. Among its readers we find Descartes, Boyle, Kepler and Heisenberg. In the first division of Timaeus Plato deals with the theory of celestial motion, in the second he presents us with the first mathematical theory of the structure of matter. Here, in a gigantic step forward with respect to the preceding Democritean atomistic theory with its unalterable micro-entities, he introduces the intertransformability of elementary corpuscles (...)
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  22. Quantified logic of awareness and impossible possible worlds.Giacomo Sillari - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):514-529.
    Among the many possible approaches to dealing with logical omniscience, I consider here awareness and impossible worlds structures. The former approach, pioneered by Fagin and Halpern, distinguishes between implicit and explicit knowledge, and avoids logical omniscience with respect to explicit knowledge. The latter, developed by Rantala and by Hintikka, allows for the existence of logically impossible worlds to which the agents are taken to have access; since such worlds need not behave consistently, the agents’ knowledge is fallible relative to logical (...)
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    Bounded situation calculus action theories.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lespérance & Fabio Patrizi - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 237 (C):172-203.
  24. Guest Editors' Introduction.Giacomo Bonanno, James Delgrande & Hans Rott - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):1-5.
    The contributions to the Special Issue on Multiple Belief Change, Iterated Belief Change and Preference Aggregation are divided into three parts. Four contributions are grouped under the heading "multiple belief change" (Part I, with authors M. Falappa, E. Fermé, G. Kern-Isberner, P. Peppas, M. Reis, and G. Simari), five contributions under the heading "iterated belief change" (Part II, with authors G. Bonanno, S.O. Hansson, A. Nayak, M. Orgun, R. Ramachandran, H. Rott, and E. Weydert). These papers do not only pick (...)
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    Logic and the foundations of the theory of games and decisions: Introduction.Giacomo Bonanno - 2005 - Synthese 147 (2):189-192.
  26.  16
    Attentional distraction affects maintenance of information in visual sensory memory.Fabiano Botta, Elisa Martín Arévalo, Paolo Bartolomeo & Juan Lupiáñez - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 107 (C):103453.
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    Jacques Maritain e Gabriel Marcel: un'amicizia attraverso la corrispondenza (1928-1967).Giovanni Botta, Jacques Maritain & Gabriel Marcel (eds.) - 2016 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
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    Jacques Maritain e Igor Stravinsky.Giovanni Botta - 2014 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  29. Art and Perspicuous Vision in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Reflection.Giuseppe Di Giacomo - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (1):151-172.
    If today a decidedly analytical interpretation of Wittgenstein’s thought seems to be dominant in many ways, there are, in my opinion, countless reasons that lead instead to reintroduce the possibility, and even the opportunity, of a different reading: a proper philosophical-aesthetic reading – where “philosophical” is equivalent to “transcendental” in the Kantian sense – which certainly seems to me more productive in theoretical terms.
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  30. Ėtika i ėstetika.Giacomo Leopardi - 1978 - Edited by Mikhail Fedotovich[from old catalog] Ovsi͡annikov.
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    The passage West: philosophy and globalisation.Giacomo Marramao - 2012 - New York: Verso.
    Nostalgia for the present -- Identity and contingency: zones of conflict -- Dämmerung: the twilight of sovereignty: state, subjects, and fundamental rights -- The exile of the Nomos: Carl Schmitt and the Globale Zeit -- Gift, exchange, obligation: Karl Polanyi and social philosophy -- Universalism and politics of difference: democracy as a paradoxical community -- The oriental mirror: Voltaire and the roots of intolerance -- Ciphers of difference -- Europe after the Leviathan: technology, politics, constitution -- After Babel: towards a (...)
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  32. Which ontology after metaphysics? Conversations with Gianni Vattimo and Richard Rorty.Giacomo Marramao - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala (ed.), Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
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    Stress in Context: Morpho-Syntactic Properties Affect Lexical Stress Assignment in Reading Aloud.Giacomo Spinelli, Simone Sulpizio, Silvia Primativo & Cristina Burani - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    An accuracy characterisation of approximate coherence.Giacomo Molinari - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-25.
    Accuracy-first epistemologists argue that rational agents have probabilistically coherent credences. But why should we care, given that we can’t help being incoherent? A common answer: probabilistic coherence is an ideal to be approximated as best one can. De Bona (in: Philos Sci 84(2), 189–213, 2017) and Staffel (in: Unsettled thoughts: a theory of degrees of rationality, Oxford University Press, 2019) show how accuracy-firsters can spell out this answer by adopting an appropriate notion of approximate coherence. In this essay, I argue (...)
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    ConGolog, a concurrent programming language based on the situation calculus.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lespérance & Hector J. Levesque - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 121 (1-2):109-169.
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    Automatic behavior composition synthesis.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Fabio Patrizi & Sebastian Sardiña - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 196 (C):106-142.
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    Personal Identity Over Time and the Relational View of the Historical Past: A Heideggerian Reassessment.Giacomo Croci - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2024 (1):38-62.
    This article reassesses the notion of personal identity over time from a Heideggerian perspective, aiming to bridge the conceptual gap between concerns for personhood and continuity. Traditional approaches, including the psychological and moral approaches to the self, often inadequately address the relationship between personhood and temporal continuity. This article establishes an understanding of personhood as social agency, contending that this perspective encompasses both conceptual dimensions central to the question of personal identity over time. Following an initial exploration of the problem (...)
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    Passions.Giacomo Leopardi - 2014 - Yale University Press.
    _Selections from Leopardi’s prose masterwork, _Zibaldone_, one of the great intellectual diaries in European literature, expertly translated by Tim Parks__ _Revenge__—Revenge is so sweet one often wishes to be insulted so as to be able to take revenge, and I don’t mean just by an old enemy, but anyone, or even by a friend_._—from _Passions_ The extraordinary quality of Giacomo Leopardi’s writing and the innovative nature of his thought were never fully recognized in his lifetime. _Zibaldone_, his 4,500-page intellectual (...)
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    Messianism without delay: On the "post-religious" political theology of Walter Benjamin.Giacomo Marramao - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):397-405.
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    Nonconscious motor images.Giacomo Rizzolatti - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):220-220.
  41. A Simple Modal Logic for Belief Revision.Giacomo Bonanno - 2005 - Synthese 147 (2):193-228.
    We propose a modal logic based on three operators, representing intial beliefs, information and revised beliefs. Three simple axioms are used to provide a sound and complete axiomatization of the qualitative part of Bayes’ rule. Some theorems of this logic are derived concerning the interaction between current beliefs and future beliefs. Information flows and iterated revision are also discussed.
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  42. Rule-following as coordination: a game-theoretic approach.Giacomo Sillari - 2013 - Synthese 190 (5):871-890.
    Famously, Kripke has argued that the central portion of the Philosophical Investigations describes both a skeptical paradox and its skeptical solution. Solving the paradox involves the element of the community, which determines correctness conditions for rule-following behavior. What do such conditions precisely consist of? Is it accurate to say that there is no fact to the matter of rule following? How are the correctness conditions sustained in the community? My answers to these questions revolve around the idea that a rule (...)
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    Assurance Services for Sustainability Reports: Standards and Empirical Evidence. [REVIEW]Giacomo Manetti & Lucia Becatti - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):289 - 298.
    This article contributes to the growing scholarship on the topic of assurance services for sustainability reports. We first synthetically illustrate the main international standards for the implementation of assurance services regarding the subject documents. The second part of our article is an empirical analysis of reports drawn up on the basis of the current Global Reporting Initiative 2006 guidelines, and looks at how effectively these standards have been implemented, analyzing the different typologies of assurance statement.
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    Consciousness, Neuroscience, and Physicalism: Pessimism About Optimistic Induction.Giacomo Zanotti - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (2):283-297.
    Nowadays, physicalism is arguably the received view on the nature of mental states. Among the arguments that have been provided in its favour, the inductive one seems to play a pivotal role in the debate. Leveraging the past success of materialistic science, the physicalist argues that a materialistic account of consciousness will eventually be provided, hence that physicalism is true. This article aims at evaluating whether this strategy can provide support for physicalism. According to the standard objection raised against the (...)
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    Robert Brandom's Normative Inferentialism.Giacomo Turbanti - 2017 - Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    The philosophy of language of Robert Brandom is based on a theoretical structure composed of three main elements: the normative analysis of linguistic practices, the inferential characterization of conceptual contents and the expressive articulation of the relations between the former two. Normative pragmatics aims to explain how linguistic practices are sufficient to confer contentful states in those who engage in them. Inferential semantics provides a theory of such pragmatic significances in terms of the inferential relations that articulate conceptual contents. Rational (...)
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  46. A Logical Framework for Convention.Giacomo Sillari - 2005 - Synthese 147 (2):379-400.
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  47. Common belief with the logic of individual belief.Giacomo Bonanno - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (1):49-52.
    The logic of common belief does not always reflect that of individual beliefs. In particular, even when the individual belief operators satisfy the KD45 logic, the common belief operator may fail to satisfy axiom 5. That is, it can happen that neither is A commonly believed nor is it common belief that A is not commonly believed. We identify the intersubjective restrictions on individual beliefs that are incorporated in axiom 5 for common belief.
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  48. Towards the Inevitability of Non-Classical Probability.Giacomo Molinari - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1053-1079.
    This paper generalises an argument for probabilism due to Lindley [9]. I extend the argument to a number of non-classical logical settings whose truth-values, seen here as ideal aims for belief, are in the set $\{0,1\}$, and where logical consequence $\models $ is given the “no-drop” characterization. First I will show that, in each of these settings, an agent’s credence can only avoid accuracy-domination if its canonical transform is a (possibly non-classical) probability function. In other words, if an agent values (...)
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    Neural circuits for spatial attention and unilateral neglect.Giacomo Rizzolatti & Rosolino Camarda - 1987 - In Marc Jeannerod (ed.), Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect. Elsevier Science. pp. 45--289.
  50. The Legacy of Leszek Nowak.Giacomo Borbone - 2011 - Epistemologia 34:227-252.
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