Results for 'Giacomo Maritain'

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  1. Lo stato attuale della filosofia tedesca.Giacomo Maritain - 1921 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 13:VI:307.
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    The Philosopher and the Provocateur: The Correspondence of Jacques Maritain and Saul Alinsky.Jacques Maritain & Saul David Alinsky - 1994
    Far more telling than mere biography, this collection of the extant letters exchanged between philosopher Jacques Maritain and social activist Saul Alinsky reveals a deep and intimate friendship, however unexpected and unlikely. Indeed, to all who knew or knew of them the dignified, prominent philosopher and the earthy, truculent genius of social reform seemed antithetical to one another in almost every way. The Maritain-Alinsky correspondence began in 1945, shortly after they met, and continued until Alinsky's death in 1972. (...)
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    The education of man: the educational philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1967 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Donald Arthur Gallagher & Idella J. Gallagher.
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    Giacomo Cives: mediazione pedagogica e educazione attiva.Giacomo Cives - 2022 - Roma: Studium edizioni. Edited by Marco Antonio D'Arcangeli, Furio Pesci & Paola Trabalzini.
  5. A Maritain reader: selected writings.Jacques Maritain - 1966 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Image Books. Edited by Donald Arthur Gallagher & Idella Gallagher.
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    The Maritain volume of the Thomist: dedicated to Jacques Maritain on the occasion of his sixtieth anniversary.Jacques Maritain (ed.) - 1978 - Great Neck, N.Y.: Core Collection Books.
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    Péguy au porche de l'Eglise: correspondance inédite Jacques Maritain, Dom Louis Baillet.Jacques Maritain - 1997 - Paris: Cerf. Edited by René Mougel, Robert Burac & Louis Baillet.
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  8. The Intertwinement of Propositional and Doxastic Justification.Giacomo Melis - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):367-379.
    One important distinction in the debate over the nature of epistemic justification is the one between propositional and doxastic justification. Roughly, while doxastic justification is a property of beliefs, propositional justification is a property of propositions. On a rather common view, which accounts for doxastic justification in terms of propositional justification plus the so-called ‘basing relation’, propositional justification is seen as the prior notion, and doxastic justification is explained in terms of it. According to the opposing view, the direction of (...)
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    Jacques Maritain, Yves Simon: correspondance.Jacques Maritain - 2008 - Tours: CLD. Edited by Yves René Marie Simon, Florian Michel, René Mougel & Anthony O. Simon.
    t. 1. Les années françaises, 1927-1940 -- t. 2. Les années américaines, 1941-1961.
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    The person and the common good.Jacques Maritain - 1947 - New York,: C. Scribner's Sons. Edited by John J. Fitzgerald.
    Presenting with moving insight the relations between man, as a person and as an individual, and the society of which he is a part, Maritain's treatment of a lasting topic speaks to this generation as well as those to come. Maritain employs the personalism rooted in Aquinas's doctrine to distinguish between social philosophy centered in the dignity of the human person and that centered in the primacy of the individual and the private good.
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    Jacques Maritain e Gabriel Marcel: un'amicizia attraverso la corrispondenza (1928-1967).Giovanni Botta, Jacques Maritain & Gabriel Marcel (eds.) - 2016 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
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  12. Untrammeled Approaches: The Collected Works of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1996 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Bernard E. Doering.
    With this new volume of the _Collected Works of Jacques Maritain_, the University of Notre Dame Press is publishing the first English edition of a remarkable group of essays which Maritain prepared for publication in the year before his death. He brings together various writings which had previously not appeared in print or had circulated privately. The heart of the book is to be found in two series of articles. The first consists of ten philosophical essays. There are essays (...)
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    Being in the world: a quotable Maritain reader.Jacques Maritain - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling.
    Aristotle -- Art and the artist -- Being -- The Christian life -- Christian philosophy -- The Church -- Culture and civilization -- Democracy and democratic society -- Descartes and Cartesian philosophy -- Philosophy of education -- Evil -- Ethics -- Faith -- Freedom -- God -- History -- Humanism -- Intellect and intelligence -- Knowing and knowledge -- Man -- Marx and Marxism -- Metaphysics and metaphysicians -- Moral philosophy -- Mystery and mysticism -- Natural law and human rights (...)
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    Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier (1929-1939).Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier & Jacques Petit - 1973 - [Paris]: Desclée de Brouwer. Edited by Emmanuel Mounier & Jacques Petit.
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  15. Mirrors in the Brain: How our minds share actions and emotions.Giacomo Rizzolatti & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    When we witness a great actor, musician, or sportsperson performing, we share something of their experience. Only recently has it become clear just how this sharing of experience is realised within the human brain. 'Mirrors in the brain' provides an accessible overview of mirror neurons, written by the man who first discovered them.
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  16. Superdeterminism: a reappraisal.Giacomo Andreoletti & Louis Vervoort - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-20.
    This paper addresses a particular interpretation of quantum mechanics, i.e. superdeterminism. In short, superdeterminism i) takes the world to be fundamentally deterministic, ii) postulates hidden variables, and iii) contra Bell, saves locality at the cost of violating the principle of statistical independence. Superdeterminism currently enjoys little support in the physics and philosophy communities. Many take it to posit the ubiquitous occurrence of hard-to-digest conspiratorial and coincidental events; others object that violating the principle of statistical independence implies the death of the (...)
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  17. Journet Maritain Correspondance.Charles Journet & Jacques Maritain - 1996
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    Rational choice and agm belief revision.Giacomo Bonanno - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (12-13):1194-1203.
    We establish a correspondence between the rationalizability of choice studied in the revealed preference literature and the notion of minimal belief revision captured by the AGM postulates. A choice frame consists of a set of alternatives , a collection E of subsets of (representing possible choice sets) and a function f : E ! 2 (representing choices made). A choice frame is rationalizable if there exists a total pre-order R on..
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  19. Jacques Et Raïssa Maritain Œvres Complètes.Jacques Maritain, Jean-Marie Allion, Raïssa Maritain & Cercle D'études Jacques et Raïssa Maritain - 1982
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    (1 other version)A Maritain Anthology On Art and Poetry.Jacques Maritain - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (3):325-341.
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    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Scribner.
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    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain: selected readings.Jacques Maritain - 1976 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Joseph William Evans & Leo R. Ward.
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    The social and political philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - New York,: Scribner.
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    Fausto A. Torrefranca e l’estetica musicale italiana d’inizio Novecento.Giacomo Fronzi - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):99-111.
    At the beginning of the XX century music’s aesthetic is not an autonomous discipline with defined borders. Scholars dealing with it are neither philosophers in the strict sense nor merely historians or critics of music. In this paper, I wonder about the possibility of finding the traces of the first Italian aesthetics of music among the folds of a composite and ongoing reflection and through the study of some generally-considered musicological production also having some philosophical profile. Along this path, some (...)
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    "Forse più là dove meno appare": testualità, retorica, letteratura nei dialoghi italiani di Giordano Bruno.Giacomo Morbiato - 2021 - Firenze: Franco Cesati editore.
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    Essere per: il concetto di "funzione" tra scienze, filosofia e senso comune.Giacomo Romano - 2006 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Une amitié américaine: Jacques et Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman: 1942-1971.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer. Edited by Raïssa Maritain, Emily Holmes Coleman & Claire Coleman.
    New York, été 1942. Peu après la déclaration de la guerre, les Maritain ont quitté la France et se sont réfugiés aux Etats - Unis. Tout en poursuivant son oeuvre littéraire, Jacques donne des cours et des conférences à travers le pays. Raïssa publie Les grandes amitiés et achève la rédaction de ses souvenirs, souvent interrompue par la maladie et les souffrances qui l'accablent. L'arrachement à leur pays, le désastre en Europe et le sort des Juifs ne cessent de (...)
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    An Essay on Christian Philosophy.Jacques Maritain - 1955 - Philosophical Library.
    This original translation, by Edward H. Flannery, brings you one of Maritain s most eye-opening studies of Christianity. Although not his most famous work, Maritain s An Essay on Christian Philosophy provides readers with an in-depth analysis and careful philosophical approach to the study of theology and, at the time of original publication, was considered to be the definitive statement of the Thomistic position. Discover his theses for yourself as Maritain considers the nature of philosophy, morality, and (...)
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  29. Thinking Babel Universality, Multiplicity, Difference.Giacomo Marramao - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):3-20.
    In introducing his argument - which resumes and develops the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of globalisation advanced in his book Westward Passage (forthcoming from Verso, London-New York) - Giacomo Marramao takes the film Babel, by the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu, as the point of departure for his discussion: the film depicts the globalised world as a complex space at once interdependent and differentiated in character, constituted like a mosaic, composed of a multiplicity of "asynchronic" ways and forms (...)
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    The Concept of Property Between Technology, Anthropology and Ontology.Giacomo Pezzano - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-7.
    The article _Anthropological crisis or crisis in moral __status: a philosophy of technology approach to the moral consideration of artificial intelligence_ questions the anthropology of properties commonly assumed in philosophical discussions about the relationship between humans and technologies and the attribution of moral status. By beginning to develop the possible link between the ontology of properties and the anthropological question aptly outlined by that contribution, this short commentary suggests that the adoption of a truly relational or non-proprietary approach in the (...)
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    Bergsonian Philosophy and Thomism.The Social and Political Philosophy of Jacques Maritain.Jacques Maritain, Joseph W. Evans & Leo R. Ward - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (4):561-562.
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    Extrait d'une lettre de Jacques Maritain à Lucien Lévy-Bruhl.Jacques Maritain - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):475 - 477.
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  33. The range of reason.Jacques Maritain - 1952 - New York,: Scribner.
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    Il testamento letterario di Giacomo Leopardi: pensieri dello Zibaldone.Giacomo Leopardi & Vincenzo Cardarelli - 1985 - Fògola.
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    Come Leopardi vide il mondo: aforismi, epigrammi, pensieri, sentenze tratti dall'opera di Giacomo Leopardi.Giacomo Leopardi - 1999 - Osanna Edizioni.
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  36. A Simple Modal Logic for Belief Revision.Giacomo Bonanno - 2005 - Synthese 147 (2):193-228.
    We propose a modal logic based on three operators, representing intial beliefs, information and revised beliefs. Three simple axioms are used to provide a sound and complete axiomatization of the qualitative part of Bayes’ rule. Some theorems of this logic are derived concerning the interaction between current beliefs and future beliefs. Information flows and iterated revision are also discussed.
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    Oligopoly equilibria when firms have local knowledge of demand.Giacomo Bonanno - 1988 - International Economic Review 29 (1):45-55.
    The notion of Nash equilibrium in static oligopoly games is based on the assumption that each firm knows its entire demand curve (and, therefore, its entire profit function). It is much more likely, however, that firms only have some idea of the outcome of small price variations within some relatively small interval of prices. This is because firms can only learn their demand functions through price experiments and if they are risk-averse and/or have a low discount factor, they will be (...)
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    Forma e idea: l'interpretazione di Platone nella Scuola di Marburgo e in Ernst Cassirer.Giacomo Borbone - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Lokale und globale Idealisierungen: Das Wissenschaftsmodell von Ernst Cassirer.Giacomo Borbone - 2020 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (2):189-217.
    Ernst Cassirer’s epistemological trilogy – Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff (1910), Zur Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie (1921) and Determinismus und Indeterminismus (1937) – is well known to Western scholars, some of whom recently devoted a number of in-depth and interesting studies to Cassirer’s epistemology. Nonetheless, they overlooked aspects of Cassirer’s concept of idealisation and his model of science as found in his last epistemological work: Determinismus und Indeterminismus. In this essay I will consider these two almost disregarded aspects of Cassirer’s epistemology in order to (...)
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  40. La concezione speculativa dell' attività giuridica.Giacomo Perticone - 1932 - Roma,: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto.
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  41. Modality in Brandom's Incompatibility Semantics.Giacomo Turbanti - 2011 - In María Inés Crespo, Dimitris Gakis & Galit Weidman-Sassoon (eds.), Proceedings of the Amsterdam Graduate Conference - Truth, Meaning, and Normativity. ILLC Publications.
    In the fifth of his John Locke Lectures, Robert Brandom takes up the challenge to define a formal semantics for modelling conceptual contents according to his normative analysis of linguistic practices. The project is to exploit the notion of incompatibility in order to directly define a modally robust relation of entailment. Unfortunately, it can be proved that, in the original definition, the modal system represented by Incompatibility Semantics (IS) collapses into propositional calculus. In this paper I show how IS can (...)
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    The Medium Is the (Discriminatory) Message: The Medial Epistemic Injustices of Philosophy.Giacomo Pezzano - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):169.
    This paper brings the analysis of epistemic injustices and the perspective of media philosophy into dialogue by proposing the new concept of medial epistemic injustice. After introducing the topic, the contribution confronts some metaphilosophical stances in light of the recent medial turn in order to suggest that, despite all their controversies, philosophers seem to agree that doing philosophy uniquely involves writing texts. This discussion sets the stage for the claim that institutionally sanctioned philosophy manifests a mono-genreism that only admits one (...)
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  43. The Role of Stakeholders in Sustainability Reporting Assurance.Giacomo Manetti & Simone Toccafondi - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):363-377.
    The main purpose of this exploratory analysis is to understand whether, based on evidence gathered from international best practices selected among corporations which adopt the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines in sustainability reporting (SR), stakeholders are significantly consulted and involved—as international literature would indicate—by assurance providers, during assurance processes of SR. We aim at verifying if this practice—known as stakeholder assurance—is in fact widespread in SR assurance by carrying out empirical research, through content analysis, into a sample of 161 assurance statements (...)
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    Christianity and Democracy.Jacques Maritain - 2009 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 21 (1-2):143-152.
    In this engaging APSA address, Jacques Maritain outlines the essential relationship between Christianity and democracy. In Maritain's view, it is the Gospel or the Christian leaven which has awakened the secular, temporal consciousness to supreme moral principles and the real content of democracy understood as the earthly pursuit of Gospel truths conceming the transcendent origins and destiny of man and society. Christianity teaches the inalienable dignity of every human being fashioned in the image of God, the inviolability of (...)
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  45. C'est la lumière de saint Thomas qu'il vous faut: la correspondance Jacques Maritain--Wouter Lutkie, 1916-1926.Jacques Maritain - 2024 - Nimègue, Pays-Bas: Éditions Flanor. Edited by W. S. Huberts.
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    Agent planning programs.Giuseppe De Giacomo, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini, Fabio Patrizi, Alessandro Saetti & Sebastian Sardina - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 231 (C):64-106.
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    The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old Layman Questions Himself About the Present Time.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    At eighty-five, Jacques Maritain, the most distinguished Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, has written what he offers as his last book, and it turns out to be a shocker. The peasant, as Maritain calls himself in the title, is a man who calls a spade a spade; and a storm of controversy descended immediately on the book's publication in France, as both Right and Left reeled from the force of Maritain's criticism.The Peasant of the Garonne is (...)
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    Neural circuits for spatial attention and unilateral neglect.Giacomo Rizzolatti & Rosolino Camarda - 1987 - In Marc Jeannerod (ed.), Neurophysiological and Neuropsychological Aspects of Spatial Neglect. Elsevier Science. pp. 45--289.
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    Through the Newsfeed Glass: Rethinking Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers.Giacomo Figà Talamanca & Selene Arfini - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-34.
    In this paper, we will re-elaborate the notions of filter bubble and of echo chamber by considering human cognitive systems’ limitations in everyday interactions and how they experience digital technologies. Researchers who applied the concept of filter bubble and echo chambers in empirical investigations see them as forms of algorithmically-caused systems that seclude the users of digital technologies from viewpoints and opinions that oppose theirs. However, a significant majority of empirical research has shown that users do find and interact with (...)
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    Assurance Services for Sustainability Reports: Standards and Empirical Evidence. [REVIEW]Giacomo Manetti & Lucia Becatti - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):289 - 298.
    This article contributes to the growing scholarship on the topic of assurance services for sustainability reports. We first synthetically illustrate the main international standards for the implementation of assurance services regarding the subject documents. The second part of our article is an empirical analysis of reports drawn up on the basis of the current Global Reporting Initiative 2006 guidelines, and looks at how effectively these standards have been implemented, analyzing the different typologies of assurance statement.
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