Results for 'Giancarlo Marinelli'

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  1.  56
    Towards ontological foundations for conceptual modeling: The unified foundational ontology (UFO) story.Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner, João Paulo Andrade Almeida & Renata S. S. Guizzardi - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):259-271.
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  2. Unified dynamics for microscopic and macroscopic systems.GianCarlo Ghirardi, Alberto Rimini & Tullio Weber - 1986 - Physical Review D 34 (D):470–491.
  3.  49
    Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.) - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity of (...)
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    Collapse theories.Giancarlo Ghirardi - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Quantum mechanics, with its revolutionary implications, has posed innumerable problems to philosophers of science. In particular, it has suggested reconsidering basic concepts such as the existence of a world that is, at least to some extent, independent of the observer, the possibility of getting reliable and objective knowledge about it, and the possibility of taking (under appropriate circumstances) certain properties to be objectively possessed by physical systems. It has also raised many others questions which are well known to those involved (...)
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  5.  24
    (1 other version)Elements of Physical Reality, Nonlocality and Stochasticity in Relativistic Dynamical Reduction Models.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Philip Pearle - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:35 - 47.
    The problem of getting a relativistic generalization of the CSL dynamical reduction model, which has been presented in part I, is discussed. In so doing we have the opportunity to introduce the idea of a stochastically invariant theory. The theoretical model we present, that satisfies this kind of invariance requirement, offers us the possibility to reconsider, from a new point of view, some conceptually relevant issues such as nonlocality, the legitimacy of attributing elements of physical reality to physical systems and (...)
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    The Work of Roberto Busa SJ: Open Spaces between Computation and Hermeneutics.Giancarlo Bolognesi, Luigi Dadda, Adriano De Maio & Tullio Gregory - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:465-476.
    A review of the achievements of Fr. Busa over the course of his 60 years of work in the area of computational linguistics: internal hypertexts, the systematization of allographs, lemmatization, homographs and typologies; the lexical system; the laws of economy for graphemes, for semantic typology, for heterogeneity among terms, and of the two lexical hemispheres. Finally, the project of disciplined languages is mentioned, a response to the linguistic challenge resulting from informational globalization.
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  7. Deismo inglese e dintorni: alcuni studi recenti.Giancarlo Carabelli - 1978 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 33 (4):418.
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  8.  16
    Note sur Maimon et sa critique du principe de causalité chez Kant.Maria Caterina Marinelli - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 109 (1):27-33.
    Cet article expose la critique de Maimon du principe kantien de causalité. Pour ce faire, nous considérerons les deux niveaux sur lesquels cette critique se développe, l’un formel et l’autre matériel. Au premier niveau, Maimon soulève trois objections au jugement hypothétique, relativement à son origine, sa fonction et sa modalité. Selon le deuxième, Maimon développe deux objections, dont la première concerne en général la démonstration kantienne de la validité des catégories, tandis que la seconde concerne en particulier celle du principe (...)
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  9.  27
    Ricardo de Almeida Falbo (1964–2020).Giancarlo Guizzardi, João Paulo A. Almeida, Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Renata Silva Souza Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):241-243.
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  10.  32
    Realistic tunnelling states for the magnetic effects in non-metallic real glasses.Giancarlo Jug, Silvia Bonfanti & Walter Kob - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):648-703.
  11.  6
    Adam, "new Born and Perfect": The Renaissance Promise of Eternity.Giancarlo Maiorino - 1987
  12. Claritas e amor carnalis. Categorie estetiche in un mistico del XV secolo.G. Marinelli - 1985 - Rivista di Estetica 26 (21):85-98.
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  13.  28
    Does the mean adequately represent reading performance? Evidence from a cross-linguistic study.Chiara V. Marinelli, Joanna K. Horne, Sarah P. McGeown, Pierluigi Zoccolotti & Marialuisa Martelli - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  14. Esperienza e Rivelazione. Le Meditazioni bibliche di JG Hamann (1730-1788).G. Marinelli - 1990 - Studium 86 (5):751-775.
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  15. Giuridicita e durata.Vincenzo Marinelli - 1994 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 71 (3):438-451.
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  16.  15
    Introduction to In Dialogue with Putnam: Pragmatism, Realism, and Normativity.Giancarlo Marchetti - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Five years have passed since the death of Hilary Putnam. Through this symposium, we would like to celebrate the thought and work of one of the most influential, imaginative, fine, distinctive, and often provocative minds in twentieth-century American philosophy. We do not seek to do this through an entirely eulogizing approach; rather, we want to recognize the limits and challenges of his thought, as well as its potential generativity. The authors of this symposium engage with Putnam’s work n...
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  17.  19
    Interview with Jennifer Hornsby.Giancarlo Marchetti - 2002 - Philosophy Now 36:33-36.
  18.  33
    The Receding Animal: Theorizing Anxiety and Attachment in Psychoanalysis from Freud to Imre Hermann.Lydia Marinelli & Andreas Mayer - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (1):55-76.
    ArgumentAnimals played an important role in the formation of psychoanalysis as a theoretical and therapeutic enterprise. They are at the core of texts such as Freud's famous case histories of Little Hans, the Rat Man, or the Wolf Man. The infantile anxiety triggered by animals provided the essential link between the psychology of individual neuroses and the ambivalent status of the “totem” animal in so-called primitive societies in Freud's attempt to construct an anthropological basis for the Oedipus complex in Totem (...)
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  19. Filosofia e interdisciplinarità. Penati, Giancarlo & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1973 - L'Aquila,: L.U. Japadre.
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  20. Carteggio Croce - De Marinis.Giancarlo Petrella, Benedetto Croce & Tammaro De Marinis (eds.) - 2023 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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  21.  8
    Il tempo della postlibertà: destino e responsabilità in psicoanalisi.Giancarlo Ricci - 2019 - Milano: Sugarco edizioni.
  22. "Miracoli e magia in una" quaestio "di Giacomo da Forlì".Giancarlo Zanier - 1976 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):132.
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  23.  54
    Outcome predictions and property attribution: the EPR argument reconsidered.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Renata Grassi - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (3):397-423.
    We reconsider the nonlocal aspects of quantum mechanics with special reference to the EPR argument. We first confine our considerations to the correlations between the outcomes of measurements on spatially distant constituents, without worrying about the measurement problem. We pay particular attention to the relativistic aspects of the problem. Our first conclusion is that, when developed along the lines we follow, the EPR inference that quantum correlations and locality together imply incompleteness, is appropriate. We then investigate whether the other common (...)
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  24. UFO: Unified Foundational Ontology.Giancarlo Guizzardi, Alessander Bottes Benevides, Claudemir M. Fonseca, João Paulo A. Almeida, Tiago Prince Sales & Daniele Porello - 2022 - Applied ontology 1 (17):167-210.
    The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) was developed over the last two decades by consistently putting together theories from areas such as formal ontology in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophical logics. It comprises a number of micro-theories addressing fundamental conceptual modeling notions, including entity types and relationship types. The aim of this paper is to summarize the current state of UFO, presenting a formalization of the ontology, along with the analysis of a number of cases to illustrate the application of (...)
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  25.  41
    Medical students and controversial ethical issues: results from the multicenter study SBRAME.Giancarlo Lucchetti, Leandro R. De Oliveira, José R. Leite, Alessandra Lamas G. Lucchetti & $authorfirstName $authorlastName - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):85.
    Medical students will face ethical issues throughout their lives as doctors. The present study aims to investigate medical students’ opinions on controversial ethical issues and factors associated with these opinions.
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  26. New Nietzsche-philology.Giancarlo Lacchin - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (1):157-158.
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  27.  8
    Behind and Beyond the Fact/Value Dichotomy.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti - 2016 - In Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.), Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity. London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity of (...)
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  28.  13
    «Omnis causa est principium»: un breve confronto tra la dottrina delle cause e la dottrina dei principi nelle Disputationes Metaphysicae di Francisco Suárez.Giancarlo Colacicco - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (46):263-292.
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    Spelling Acquisition in English and Italian: A Cross-Linguistic Study.Chiara V. Marinelli, Cristina Romani, Cristina Burani & Pierluigi Zoccolotti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  30.  13
    If This is Science - The long century of physical and natural sciences (Se Questa è Scienza - Il secolo lungo delle scienze fisiche e naturali).Giancarlo Scalera - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):51-75.
    The last century was marked by a characteristic that has accompanied many human activities. In philosophy, attempts have been made to convince professionals, students and the more educated population that truth is unattainable, or does not even exist, or is only a reflection of thought. In the field of politics, ethics and morals, the new means of communication of the first half of the 20th century, first and foremost the radio followed by the press, and the powerful who controlled them, (...)
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  31. La obra de Roberto Busa SJ: espacios abiertos entre la informática y la hermeneútica.Giancarlo Bolognesi, Luigi Dadda, Adriano de Maio & Tullio Gregory - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (86):465-476.
  32.  41
    Introduction: Addressing the politics of fear. The challenge posed by pluralism to Europe.Giancarlo Bosetti - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):371-382.
    The introduction to this issue is meant to address the ways in which turbulent immigration is challenging European democratic countries’ capacity to integrate the pluralism of cultures in light of the current state of economic instability, strong public debt, unemployment and an aging resident population. The Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations Association has organized its annual Istanbul Seminars in order to fill the need for constructive dialogue dedicated to increasing understanding and implementing social and political change. Turkey’s accession to the European Union (...)
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  33.  8
    The Truth of Others: The Discovery of Pluralism in Ten Tales.Giancarlo Bosetti - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an account of ten crucial moments in the history of ideas, which represent ten key moments of the discovery of pluralism. From the Indian emperor Ashoka to Origen and from Nicola Cusano to Las Casas, Montaigne, Lessing, giants who opened the way to the thought of tolerance, challenging the dogma of a unique truth dictated by authority, followed in this reconstruction by other glowing thinkers of the twentieth century, such as Horace Kallen, Margaret Mead, and Jacques Dupuis. (...)
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  34.  6
    Intorno a Hume.Giancarlo Carabelli - 1992 - Milano: Milan: Mondadori.
  35. Sull'illuminismo scozzese.Giancarlo Carabelli - 1970 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 25 (4):410.
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  36.  47
    Mentalizing in schizophrenia is more than just solving theory of mind tasks.Giancarlo Dimaggio, Raffaele Popolo, Giampaolo Salvatore & Paul H. Lysaker - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  37.  10
    Jacques Maritain: un filosofo per il nostro tempo.Giancarlo Galeazzi - 1999 - Milano: Massimo.
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  38.  17
    Technology and the Growth of Civilization.Giancarlo Genta & Paolo Riberi - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Our natural world has been irretrievably altered by humans, for humans. From domesticated wheat fields to nuclear power plants and spacecraft, everything we see and interact with has in some way been changed by the presence of our species, starting from the Neolithic era so many centuries ago. This book provides a crash course on the issues and debates surrounding technology’s shifting place in our society. It covers the history of our increasingly black-box world, which some theorize will end with (...)
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  39.  74
    (1 other version)Dynamical Reduction Theories: Changing Quantum Theory so the Statevector Represents Reality.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Philip Pearle - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:19 - 33.
    The propositions, that what we see around us is real and that reality should be represented by the statevector, conflict with quantum theory. In quantum theory, the statevector can readily become a sum of states of comparable norm, each state representing a different reality. In this paper we present the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) theory, in which a modified Schrodinger equation, while scarcely affecting the dynamics of a microscopic system, rapidly "reduces" the statevector of a macroscopic system to a state (...)
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  40.  11
    The Cornucopian Mind and the Baroque Unity of the Arts.Giancarlo Maiorino - 1990 - Penn State Press.
    This comparative and interdisciplinary study focuses on a cluster of epoch-making themes that emerged in the late sixteenth century. Michelangelo and Giordano Bruno are taken as the founding fathers of the Baroque, and we see that beyond the Alps their lessons were echoed in Montaigne, Cervantes, and the Counter-Reformation culture of the Mediterranean basin. Maiorino shows that the common denominator that links the origins of the Baroque to its maturity is the concept of form as &"process,&" which is then articulated (...)
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  41. Attività ermeneutica e contesto giudiziario.Vincenzo Marinelli - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (2):192-207.
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  42.  47
    An Interview with Hilary Putnam.Giancarlo Marchetti - 1997 - Cogito 11 (3):149-157.
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  43.  30
    Intensive and pharmacological care in times of COVID-19: A “special ethics” for emergency?Enrico Marinelli, Francesco Paolo Busardò & Simona Zaami - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundThe Authors have laid out an analysis of Italian COVID-19 confirmed data and fatality rates, pointing out how a dearth of health care resources in northern regions has resulted in hard, ethically challenging decisions in terms of granting patient access to intensive care units (ICU).Main textHaving to make such decisions certainly entails substantial difficulties, and that has led many health care professional to seek ethical guidance. The Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI) has attempted to meet (...)
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  44.  31
    The author of the codex huygens.Sergio Marinelli - 1981 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1):214-220.
  45.  39
    Le ‘Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium’ di Seneca. Valore letterario e filosofico.Giancarlo Mazzoli - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1823-1877.
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  46. Alessandro di Afrodisia.Giancarlo Movia - 1970 - Padova,: Antenore.
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  47. Intervista.Giancarlo Parodi & A. Cura di Daniela Morelli - 1999 - In Luigi Garbini (ed.), Il profumo della musica sacra. Lucca [Italy]: Akademos.
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  48.  7
    Dialettica e trascendenza.Giancarlo Penati - 1973 - Milano,: Celuc.
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  49.  25
    Panlogia, ontologia, meontologia e metalogia: gli "oltrepassamenti" della metafisica.Giancarlo Penati - 1991 - Idee 16:53-67.
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  50. Trascendentalità, inferenza e trascendenza: Dopo Kant e Heidegger.Giancarlo Penati - 1996 - Giornale di Metafisica 18 (1-2):259-269.
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