Results for 'Giinter Abel'

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  1. Brinkman, Martien (red.)." Kom Heilige Geest, vernieuw de hele schepping", 12 Nederlandse commentaren bij internationale oecumenische ontwikkelingen met het oog op de 7e assemblee van de Wereldraad. [REVIEW]Giinter Abel & Krisis der Metaphysik - 1990 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 51 (3).
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    Abel Bergaigne's Vedic religion.Abel Bergaigne - 1978 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Maurice Bloomfield.
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    On the definition of life.Abel Schejter & Joseph Agassi - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (1):97 - 106.
    Schrödinger's definition of life needs a slight modification to absorb the criticism of it. It is the comparison of the entropy level of a system before and after a process which makes one view it as living: we consider the stability of the deviation from the probable a sign of life. This explains why we do not hesitate to consider as remnants of living systems skeletons and fossils anywhere and physical culture on any archeological site.
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  4. Forgiveness at the border of law.Oliver Abel - 2021 - In Marc De Leeuw, George H. Taylor & Eileen Brennan (eds.), Reading Ricoeur Through Law. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  5. Character Traits.Abel Pablo Iannone - 1975 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
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    Fundamental Limits of Control: A Quantum Approach to the Second Law.Giinter Mahler, Jochen Gemmer & Alexander Otte - 2002 - In Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop (eds.), Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 279.
  7. Die theologischen Voraussetzungen der Hegelschen Lehre vom Staat.Giinter Rohrmoser - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  8. Lewis Carroll's visual logic.Francine F. Abeles - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (1):1-17.
    John Venn and Charles L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) created systems of logic diagrams capable of representing classes (sets) and their relations in the form of propositions. Each is a proof method for syllogisms, and Carroll's is a sound and complete system. For a large number of sets, Carroll diagrams are easier to draw because of their self-similarity and algorithmic construction. This regularity makes it easier to locate and thereby to erase cells corresponding with classes destroyed by the premises of an (...)
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    Descartes’ Dog: a Clock with Passions?Abel B. Franco - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (1):101-130.
    Although much has been written on Descartes’ thought on animals, not so much has originated in, or has taken full account of, Descartes’ views on emotions. I explore here the extent to which the latter can contribute to the debate on whether he embraced, and to which extent, the doctrine of the bête machine. I first try to show that Descartes’ views on emotions can help offer new support to the skeptical position without necessarily creating new tensions with other central (...)
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  10. In search of truth.Abel John Jones - 1945 - New York [etc.]: T. Nelson and Sons.
  11. Der Brief Kaiser Heinrichs von Konstantinopel vom 13. Januar 1212'.Giinter Prinzing - 1973 - Byzantion 43:412.
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  12. Der Brief Kaiser Heinrichs von Konstantinopel vom 13. Januar 1212. Überlieferungsgeschichte, Neuedition und Kommentar.Giinter Prinzing - 1973 - Byzantion 43:395-431.
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  13. Fiction: A Philosophical Analysis.Catharine Abell - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this book is to provide a unified solution to a wide range of philosophical problems raised by fiction. While some of these problems have been the focus of extensive philosophical debate, others have received insufficient attention. In particular, the epistemology of fiction has not yet attracted the philosophical scrutiny it warrants. There has been considerable discussion of what determines the contents of works of fiction, but there have been few attempts to explain how audiences identify their contents, (...)
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    Our Everyday Aesthetic Evaluations of Architecture.Abel B. Franco - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (4):393-412.
    I argue that our everyday evaluations of architecture are primarily evaluations of spaces and, in particular, of their inhabitability— that is, whether they serve or can serve to the realization of our individual ideal of life. Inhabitability is not only a functional criterion but an aesthetic one as well. It is aesthetic insofar as the evaluations about inhabitability include evaluations about the quality of the experience of actually doing something in —or simply occupying—a particular space. This aesthetic aspect of our (...)
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    What is Distinctive of Film Emotions?Abel B. Franco - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):380-393.
    Film emotions are genuine emotions whose formation and development is affected by conflictive factors. Whereas their arousal, similar to that of real-life emotions, is disproportionately strengthened by the cinematographic medium, their subsequent course is both weakened and interrupted. Their objects, which I view as members of our personal emotional world (not in terms of their supposed fictionality, as often assumed), are also proper intentional objects of emotions: our fear is about the shark on the screen, our pity about the main (...)
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    The Aesthetic Value of Film.Abel B. Franco - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (2):36-53.
    Abstract:I defend that the distinctive object of our aesthetic evaluation of films is the full emotional experience, taken as a unified whole, that we go through as we watch a film and that I call the viewer's film emotional life. The aesthetic value itself—the positive quality we perceive in the experience of having had a certain film emotional life—is in the significance we experience in that film emotional life insofar as it contributes to the discovery and the exploration of the (...)
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    Kreativität: XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 26.-30. September 2005 in Berlin: Sektionsbeiträge.Günter Abel (ed.) - 2005 - Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin.
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    É possível pensar o campo político a partir de Descartes?Abel Beserra - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 47:209-234.
    O presente artigo procura debater se é possível pensar o campo político a partir de Descartes. Em geral se considera que: 1) o tema teria sido praticamente ignorado por Descartes; 2) há indicações do que o filósofo pensa a respeito dessa temática, quer em sua correspondência, quer ao longo de seus trabalhos. Nossa posição se aproxima da segunda alternativa, pois Descartes teria conferido um lugar ao campo político por meio das implicações e desdobramentos relativos à união da alma e do (...)
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    Entre la retórica y la dialéctica.Abel Casanave - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):11-18.
    En este artículo proponemos que el examen del concepto de demostración de Oswaldo Chateaubriand en los capítulos 19, 20 y 21 de la Parte II de Logical Forms incluye aspectos retóricos y dialécticos .In this paper we argue that Oswaldo Chateaubriand’s conception of proof, in chapters 19, 20, and 21 of Part II of Logical Forms, incorporates rhetorical aspects , and dialectical aspects.
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  20. Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction.Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This volume of specially written essays by leading philosophers offers to set the agenda for the philosophy of depiction.
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  21. Real patterns and indispensability.Abel Suñé & Manolo Martínez - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):4315-4330.
    While scientific inquiry crucially relies on the extraction of patterns from data, we still have a far from perfect understanding of the metaphysics of patterns—and, in particular, of what makes a pattern real. In this paper we derive a criterion of real-patternhood from the notion of conditional Kolmogorov complexity. The resulting account belongs to the philosophical tradition, initiated by Dennett :27–51, 1991), that links real-patternhood to data compressibility, but is simpler and formally more perspicuous than other proposals previously defended in (...)
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    Exercise Addiction in Practitioners of Endurance Sports: A Literature Review.Abel Nogueira, Olga Molinero, Alfonso Salguero & Sara Márquez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Lewis Carroll's Formal Logic.Francine Abeles - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):33-46.
    Charles L. Dodgson's reputation as a significant figure in nineteenth-century logic was firmly established when the philosopher and historian of philosophy William Warren Bartley, III published Dodgson's ?lost? book of logic, Part II of Symbolic Logic, in 1977. Bartley's commentary and annotations confirm that Dodgson was a superb technical innovator. In this paper, I closely examine Dodgson's methods and their evolution in the two parts of Symbolic Logic to clarify and justify Bartley's claims. Then, using more recent publications and unpublished (...)
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    Grundlagen der Erklärung menschlichen Handelns: zur Kontroverse zwischen Konstruktivisten und kritischen Rationalisten.Bodo Abel - 1983 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.
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  25. Grundlagen der Erklärung in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Überlegungen zu einer Kontroverse zwischen Konstruktivisten und kritischen Rationalisten.Bodo Abel - 1981 - [Germany: [S.N.].
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  26. L'éthique minimale en discussion: Liminaire.Olivier Abel, François Dermange, Nathalie Maillard Romagnoli, Denis Müller & Christophe Pisteur - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (2):99-106.
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    Sprache, Zeichen, Interpretation.Günter Abel - 1999 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  28. Platon.Abel Hermant - 1925 - [Paris]: B. Grasset.
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    Identité et réalité: Par E. Meyerson.Abel Rey - 1909 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 17 (4):552 - 565.
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    La notion de progres devant la science actuelle.Abel Rey - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:240.
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    La théorie physique A propos des « Principes de la Physique » de N. R. Campbell.Abel Rey - 1925 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 100:139 - 146.
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    Philosophy in France, 1930.Abel Key - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (1):1-36.
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  33. Is Mental Privacy a Component of Personal Identity?Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:773441.
    One of the most prominent ethical concerns regarding emerging neurotechnologies is mental privacy. This is the idea that we should have control over access to our neural data and to the information about our mental processes and states that can be obtained by analyzing it. A key issue is whether this information needs more stringent protection than other kinds of personal information. I will articulate and support the view, underlying recent regulatory frameworks, that mental privacy requires a special treatment because (...)
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  34. The Epistemic Value of Photographs.Catharine Abell - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    There is a variety of epistemic roles to which photographs are better suited than non-photographic pictures. Photographs provide more compelling evidence of the existence of the scenes they depict than non-photographic pictures. They are also better sources of information about features of those scenes that are easily overlooked. This chapter examines several different attempts to explain the distinctive epistemic value of photographs, and argues that none is adequate. It then proposes an alternative explanation of their epistemic value. The chapter argues (...)
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  35. Pictorial implicature.Catharine Abell - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (1):55–66.
    It is generally recognised that an adequate resemblance-based account of depiction must specify some standard of correctness which explains how a picture’s content differs from the content we would attribute to it purely on the basis of resemblance. For example, an adequate standard should explain why stick figure drawings do not depict emaciated beings with gargantuan heads. Most attempts to specify a standard of correctness appeal to the intentions of the picture’s maker. However, I argue that the most detailed such (...)
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    Las doctrinas del conocimiento en un curso filosófico «ad mentem Scoti» del Chile colonial.Abel Marcelo Aravena Zamora & Patricio Alfonso Landaeta Mardones - 2023 - Pensamiento 78 (301):1855-1869.
    Este artículo analiza los aspectos fundamentales de la teoría del conocimiento expuestos en el curso dictado por fray Juan de Fuica (OFM), en 1689, en el Colegio San Diego de Alcalá (Santiago de Chile). Presentamos primero una breve descripción de los Comentarios filosóficos del fraile, volumen en el que se incluyen los Comentarios Acerca del alma sobre el que centraremos nuestro estudio. Luego, analizamos la doctrina del conocimiento ad mentem Scoti expuesta en este manuscrito inédito, testimonio exclusivo de la enseñanza (...)
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  37. Das Problem der Übersetzung = le Problème de la Traduction.Günter Abel - 1999
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  38. The Theme of Isolation in Hawthorne. Part II.Darrel Abel - 1951 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2):182.
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    Van Stilte en Eensaamheid.Abel Coetzee - 1956 - HTS Theological Studies 12 (1).
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  40. Mala praxis vs. negligencia:¿ hasta dónde llegan los límites del seguro y la responsabilidad civil?Abel B. Veiga Copo - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.), Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi. pp. 253--274.
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  41. Alimentación y publicidad.Abel Mariné & Mercè Piqueras - forthcoming - Humanidades Médicas. Barcelona, España.
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    Logique, mathématique et participation à la fin du V e siècle hellénique.Abel Rey - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 121 (5/6):338 - 371.
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    An efficient coding approach to the debate on grounded cognition.Abel Wajnerman Paz - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5245-5269.
    The debate between the amodal and the grounded views of cognition seems to be stuck. Their only substantial disagreement is about the vehicle or format of concepts. Amodal theorists reject the grounded claim that concepts are couched in the same modality-specific format as representations in sensory systems. The problem is that there is no clear characterization of format or its neural correlate. In order to make the disagreement empirically meaningful and move forward in the discussion we need a neurocognitive criterion (...)
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    Vers le positivisme absolu.Abel Rey - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:461-479.
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    La philosophie scientifique de M. Duhem.Abel Rey - 1904 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 12 (4):699 - 744.
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    Enthymemathical proofs and canonical proofs in Euclid's plane geometry.Abel Lassalle & Marco Panza - 2018 - In Claudio Bartocci (ed.), The Philosophers and Mathematics. Springer Verlag. pp. 127-144.
    Since the application of Postulate I.2 in Euclid's Elements is not uniform, one could wonder in what way should it be applied in Euclid's plane geometry. Besides legitimizing questions like this from the perspective of a philosophy of mathematical practice, we sketch a general perspective of conceptual analysis of mathematical texts, which involves an extended notion of mathematical theory as system of authorizations, and an audience-dependent notion of proof.
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  47. The Human Subject in the Image of a Body: Neither Instrument nor Idol.Olivier Abel - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (172):55-71.
    The somewhat disturbing success of bioethics as a discipline is probably due to the unique nature of its subject matter. Indeed what is it that happens when scientific interest, with its particular resources and language, turns toward the study of the human body? Can this body be instrumentalized like any other object, or do the sciences have to give way here before a taboo subject? Have the sciences not, without their knowing it, taken on an unprecedented signification? The truly prodigious (...)
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  48. Bezwarunkowość i perspektywiczność.Gunter Abel - 1991 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 4 (4):43-58.
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  49. Dos trets definitoris de l'estètica kantiana i una conclusió comparativa respecte a Schopenhauer i Nietzsche.Abel Cutillas - 2007 - Astrolabio 5:55-72.
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    Do It, Don’t Feel It, and Be Invincible: A Prolog of Exercise Addiction in Endurance Sports.Abel Nogueira, Maribel Tovar-Gálvez & Juan González-Hernández - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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