Results for 'Giorgio Salvini'

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  1.  27
    Nairi e Iraṭri. Contributo alla storia della Formazione del regno di UrartuNairi e Iratri. Contributo alla storia della Formazione del regno di Urartu.Giorgio Buccellati & Mirjo Salvini - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):297.
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    Il regno di Van, Urartu.Giorgio Buccellati, B. B. Piotrovskij & Mirjo Salvini - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):166.
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    Edoardo Amaldi. Da via Panisperna all’America: I fisici italiani e la seconda guerra mondial. Edited by, Giovanni Battimelli and Michelangelo De Mari. Foreword by, Ugo Amaldi. 198 pp. Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1997. [REVIEW]Giorgio Salvini - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):295-295.
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    Integrative Psychotherapy Works.Cristina Zarbo, Giorgio A. Tasca, Francesco Cattafi & Angelo Compare - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Complementary Specializations of the Left and Right Sides of the Honeybee Brain.Lesley J. Rogers & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Honeybees show lateral asymmetry in both learning about odours associated with reward and recalling memory of these associations. We have extended this research to show that bees exhibit lateral biases in their initial response to odours: viz., turning towards the source of an odour presented on their right side and turning away from it when presented on their left side. The odours we presented were the main component of the alarm pheromone, iso-amyl acetate (IAA), and four floral scents. The significant (...)
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    The School of Padua and the Emergence of Modern Science. John Herman Randall, Jr.Giorgio de Santillana - 1963 - Isis 54 (2):300-302.
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    Pitch as the Main Determiner of Italian Lexical Stress Perception Across the Lifespan: Evidence From Typical Development and Dyslexia.Martina Caccia, Giorgio Presti, Alessio Toraldo, Anthea Radaelli, Luca Andrea Ludovico, Anna Ogliari & Maria Luisa Lorusso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8. (1 other version)La giustizia.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1924 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli.
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    Altered resting-state EEG source functional connectivity in schizophrenia: the effect of illness duration.Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Andrea Daverio, Fabiola Ferrentino, Emiliano Santarnecchi, Fabio Ciabattini, Leonardo Monaco, Giulia Lisi, Ylenia Barone, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Cinzia Niolu, Stefano Seri & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  10.  26
    Gender Agreement: a psycholinguistic and aphasia case study.Franzon Francesca, Arcara Giorgio, Peressotti Francesca & Semenza Carlo - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Justice.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1952 - Edinburgh,: University Press. Edited by A. H. Campbell.
  12. (1 other version)Die gerechtigkeit.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1940 - Basel,: Verlag für recht und gesellschaft a.-g.. Edited by Friedrich Darmstaedter.
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  13. Filosofía del derecho.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1942 - Barcelona,: Bosch. Translated by Luis Legaz Y. Lacambra.
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  14. Reflections on Men and Ideas.Giorgio de Santillana - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):301-302.
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  15. (1 other version)Il concetto della natura e il principio del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1908 - Milano: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Sull'idea di una scienza del diritto universale comparato.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1909 - Torino [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca.
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  17. Continuous Computation and the Emergence of the Discrete.Giorgio de Santillana - 1994 - In Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Origins: Brain and Self Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  18.  58
    Criss-crossing a Philosophical Landscape.Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1992 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 42 (1):211-227.
    Beginning with an analysis of the notion of repetition as an essential factor shaping linguistic, logical, mathematical and scientific procedures some parallels are drawn between Psychoanalysis and Wittgensteinian Philosophy. The view is put forward that in the case of Freud's concept of neurosis as well as in Wittgenstein's concept of rule-following there is not just a monotonous and unvarying replay of one and the same content but rather a steady modification. Thus generating new moments again and again both in Wittgenstein's (...)
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    Un libro su la filosofia analitica.Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1962 - Edizione di "Filosofia".
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  20. Lezioni e saggi di filosofia del diritto, Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di filosofia del diritto dell'Università di Roma, X.Francesco Filomusi Guelfi & Giorgio del Vecchio - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:550-551.
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    Heidegger e la teologia: atti del Convegno tenuto a Trento l'8-9 febbraio 1990.Hugo Ott & Giorgio Penzo (eds.) - 1995 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    The Moral Case for ANT-Derived Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines.Rev Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (3):517-537.
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  23. Sei anni di studi petrarcheschi.Pier Giorgio Ricci - 1950 - Rinascimento 1:341-54.
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  24. Diritto e personalità umana nella storia del pensiero.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1904 - Bologna,: Stab. tip. Zamorani e Albertazzi.
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  25. Il sapere senza fondamenti.Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1975 - [Torino : G. Einaudi],:
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  26. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    Notes & Correspondence.Giorgio de Santillana, J. Keynes, Herman Henkle, E. Kennedy & C. Hellman - 1958 - Isis 49 (2):173-178.
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    Introduzione a Wittgenstein..Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1973 - Roma-Bari,: Laterza.
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  29. Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo by Stillman Drake. [REVIEW]Giorgio de Santillana - 1956 - Isis 47:378-379.
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    Giorgio Baruchello tries to distinguish between thaw and meltdown.Giorgio Baruchello - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 47 (47):43-46.
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    Giorgio Baruchello: Why So Serious? Philosophy and Comedy, Russell Ford, ed. Routledge, 2018. pp. x + 157.Giorgio Baruchello - 2020 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 1 (1):305-308.
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    Il mondo di Vico, Vico nel mondo: in ricordo di Giorgio Tagliacozzo.Giorgio Tagliacozzo & Franco Ratto (eds.) - 2000 - [Perugia]: Guerra Edizioni.
  33.  18
    Las vocaciones de Giorgio Tagliacozzo.Giorgío G. Pintan - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:10.
    Semblanza de G. Tagliacozzo a través de las distintas voces que, desde su infancia hasta su muerte, lo llamaron en su vida: las primeras vocaciones de grandeza , las voces de la academia , la voz de América , la impelente voz de Vico , la voz de los caminos que la naturaleza recorre .Semblance of G. Tagliacozzo through the voices that he followed from his younger age to his death: the first calls for greatness , the voices of academy (...)
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts (Extracts).Giorgio Levi Della Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian fascist regime was introduced in October 1931, opted not to accept that act of submission. His memoirs, Fantasmi ritrovati, were published in 1966; (...)
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    Scientific models and ethical issues in hybrid bionic systems research.Pericle Salvini, Edoardo Datteri, Cecilia Laschi & Paolo Dario - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (3):431-448.
    Research on hybrid bionic systems (HBSs) is still in its infancy but promising results have already been achieved in laboratories. Experiments on humans and animals show that artificial devices can be controlled by neural signals. These results suggest that HBS technologies can be employed to restore sensorimotor functionalities in disabled and elderly people. At the same time, HBS research raises ethical concerns related to possible exogenous and endogenous limitations to human autonomy and freedom. The analysis of these concerns requires reflecting (...)
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts(Extracts).Giorgio Dellaa Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, belonging to that tradition of Italian Oriental studies that stretches from Ignazio Guidi to Leone Caetani, Carlo Alfonso Nallino and Francesco Gabrieli - he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian (...)
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  37.  44
    Etymologies of What Can(not) be Said: Candrakīrti on Conventions and Elaborations.Mattia Salvini - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (4):661-695.
    Madhyamaka philosophers, like most Buddhist authors writing in Sanskrit and Pāli, often express their philosophical positions through the etymological expansion and interpretation of specific key terms. Their format and style reflect an attitude towards language that, while being largely shared by the entire Sanskrit tradition, is also attuned to uniquely Buddhist concerns. I shall here reconstruct and discuss some Sanskrit and Pāli etymologies, offering a possible context for the understanding of Madhyamaka thought in India. As it would be unfeasible to (...)
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  38.  14
    Human Presence and Robotic Mediations: An Alternative Framework for Explicating Human Enhancement.Pericle Salvini - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26).
    In this essay I propose an alternative theoretical framework for explicating human enhancement. The framework is based on the concepts of reciprocity, which I consider a fundamental aspect of human presence, and of mediation, which I consider a fundamental aspect of the relation between human beings and science and technology. I argue that enhancement is given by the way in which technological and scientific mediation alters the structure of the network of reciprocity characterising human presence. As a matter of fact, (...)
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  39.  7
    Il buono dell'economia: etica e mercato oltre i luoghi comuni.Gianpaolo Salvini - 2010 - Milano: Università Bocconi. Edited by Luigi Zingales & Salvatore Carrubba.
  40. Il volontariato inatteso. Nuove identità nella solidarietà organizzata in Toscana.Andrea Salvini & Luca Corchia (eds.) - 2012 - Firenze: Cesvot.
    Maggior specializzazione del volontariato e azioni di advocacy più mirate. Questi alcuni dei tratti inediti del volontariato toscano che emergono dalla nuova ricerca promossa da Cesvot e condotta dall'Università di Pisa. Un volontariato ‘inatteso', come recita il titolo del libro, che sta modificando il concetto di solidarietà, che come scrive Andrea Salvini, “cessa di essere un'idea o un progetto politico-culturale, ma diviene sempre più un insieme di pratiche che producono significati differenti, in situazioni specifiche”. Nel volume sono pubblicati molti (...)
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  41.  14
    The fire and the tale.Giorgio Agamben - 2017 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Lorenzo Chiesa.
    What is at stake in literature? Can we identify the fire that our stories have lost, but that they strive, at all costs, to rediscover? And what is the philosopher's stone that writers, with the passion of alchemists, struggle to forge in their word furnaces? For Giorgio Agamben, who suggests that the parable is the secret model of all narrative, every act of creation tenaciously resists creation, thereby giving each work its strength and grace. The ten essays brought together (...)
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    Means Without End: Notes on Politics.Giorgio Agamben - 2000 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    He proposes, in his characteristically allusive and intriguing way, a politics of gestureOCoa politics of means without end.Among the topics Agamben takes up are the properly political paradigms of experience, as well as those generally not ...
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  43.  54
    Dependent Arising, Non-arising, and the Mind: MMK1 and the Abhidharma.Mattia Salvini - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (4):471-497.
    The first Chapter of Nāgārjuna’s Mūlamadhyamakakārikā offers a critique of causation that includes the Abhidharmic category of the ‘four conditions’. Following the South-Asian commentarial tradition, this article discusses the precise relationship between Madhyamaka philosophy and its fundamental Abhidharmic background. What comes to light is a more precise assessment of Madhyamaka ideas about viable conventions, understood as the process of dependent arising. Since this is primarily in the sense of conceptual dependence, it involves sentiency as a necessary causal element, and the (...)
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  44.  58
    The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans.Giorgio Agamben - 2005 - Stanford University Press.
    In The Time That Remains, Agamben seeks to separate the Pauline texts from the history of the Church that canonized them, thus revealing them to be "the fundamental messianic texts of the West.
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  45.  28
    The Emergence of Biomathematics and the Case of Population Dynamics A Revival of Mechanical Reductionism and Darwinism.Giorgio Israel - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (2):469-509.
    The ArgumentThe development of modern mathematical biology took place in the 1920s in three main directions: population dynamics, population genetics, and mathematical theory of epidemics. This paper focuses on the first trend which is considered the most significant. Modern mathematical theory of population dynamics is characterized by three aspects (the first two being in a somewhat critical relationship): the emergence of the mathematical modeling approach, the attempt at establishing it in a reductionist-mechanist conceptual framework, and the revival of Darwinism. The (...)
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    La Critica d'arte della pura visibilità e del formalismo.Roberto Salvini (ed.) - 1977 - Milano: Garzanti.
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  47. Giorgio Tagliacozzo.(una Memoria).Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:11-20.
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  48. Studi Filosofico-Giuridici Dedicati a Giorgio Del Vecchio Nel Xxv Anno di Insegnamento. --.Giorgio del Vecchio - 1930
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    The signature of all things: on method.Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Cambridge: the MIT Press.
    What is a paradigm? -- Theory of signatures -- Philosophical archeology.
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  50. Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life.Giorgio Agamben - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    The work of Giorgio Agamben, one of Italy's most important and original philosophers, has been based on an uncommon erudition in classical traditions of philosophy and rhetoric, the grammarians of late antiquity, Christian theology, and modern philosophy. Recently, Agamben has begun to direct his thinking to the constitution of the social and to some concrete, ethico-political conclusions concerning the state of society today, and the place of the individual within it. In Homo Sacer, Agamben aims to connect the problem (...)
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