Results for 'Giovanna Lucci'

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  1.  54
    The American philosopher: conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn.Giovanna Borradori - 1994 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this lively look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's The American Scholar , this book explores the identity of the American philosopher. Through informal conversations, the participants discuss the rise of post-analytic philosophy in America and its relations to European thought and to the American pragmatist tradition. They comment on their own intellectual development as well as each others' work, charting the course of (...)
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    John Locke's Christianity.Diego Lucci - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    John Locke's religious interests and concerns permeate his philosophical production and are best expressed in his later writings on religion, which represent the culmination of his studies. In this volume, Diego Lucci offers a thorough analysis and reassessment of Locke's unique, heterodox, internally coherent version of Protestant Christianity, which emerges from The Reasonableness of Christianity and other public as well as private texts. In order to clarify Locke's views on morality, salvation, and the afterlife, Lucci critically examines Locke's (...)
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  3. The Feeling Body: Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind.Giovanna Colombetti - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  4. Le Concept du 11 Septembre Dialogues À New York, Octobre-Décembre 2001, Avec Giovanna Borradori.Giovanna Borradori, Jacques Derrida, Jürgen Habermas, Christian Bouchindhomme & Sylvette Gleize - 2004
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    Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida.Giovanna Borradori - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    The idea for _Philosophy in a Time of Terror_ was born hours after the attacks on 9/11 and was realized just weeks later when Giovanna Borradori sat down with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida in New York City, in separate interviews, to evaluate the significance of the most destructive terrorist act ever perpetrated. This book marks an unprecedented encounter between two of the most influential thinkers of our age as here, for the first time, Habermas and Derrida overcome their (...)
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  6.  23
    The biblical roots of Locke's theory of personal identity.Diego Lucci - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):168-187.
    Locke’s consciousness-based theory of personal identity resulted not only from his agnosticism on substance, but also from his biblical theology. This theory was intended to complement and sustain Locke’s moral and theological commitments to a system of otherworldly rewards and sanctions as revealed in Scripture. Moreover, he inferred mortalist ideas from the Bible, rejecting the resurrection of the same body and maintaining that the soul dies at physical death and will be resurrected by divine miracle. Accordingly, personal identity is neither (...)
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  7. Extending the extended mind: the case for extended affectivity.Giovanna Colombetti & Tom Roberts - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (5):1243-1263.
    The thesis of the extended mind (ExM) holds that the material underpinnings of an individual’s mental states and processes need not be restricted to those contained within biological boundaries: when conditions are right, material artefacts can be incorporated by the thinking subject in such a way as to become a component of her extended mind. Up to this point, the focus of this approach has been on phenomena of a distinctively cognitive nature, such as states of dispositional belief, and processes (...)
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    Completeness theorem for Dummett's LC quantified and some of its extensions.Giovanna Corsi - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (2):317 - 335.
    Dummett's logic LC quantified, Q-LC, is shown to be characterized by the extended frame Q+, ,D, where Q+ is the set of non-negative rational numbers, is the numerical relation less or equal then and D is the domain function such that for all v, w Q+, Dv and if v w, then D v . D v D w . Moreover, simple completeness proofs of extensions of Q-LC are given.
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    Humility Expression and its Effects on Moral Suasion: An Empirical Study of Ocasio-Cortez’s Communication.Giovanna Leone, Ernestina Lamponi, Peter Bull & Francesca D’Errico - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):101-117.
    Humble leadership can be described as a positive psychological feature that allows leaders to admit their limitations, be open to new ideas, and give a voice to others while also recognizing their merits. The present study (n = 268 participants) explored the persuasive effects of a female politician communicating a humble stance by considering the role emotional displays at play (joy, calmness, sadness, and anger) when discussing a moral issue (hosting immigrants). The results revealed that the politician elicited positive emotions (...)
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  10.  43
    Locke and the Socinians on the Natural and Revealed Law.Diego Lucci - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (1):115-147.
    After the publication of The Reasonableness of Christianity (1695), several critics depicted Locke as a follower of the anti-Trinitarian and anti-Calvinist theologian Faustus Socinus and his disciples, the Polish Brethren. The relation between Locke and Socinianism is still being debated. Locke’s religion indeed presents many similarities with the Socinians’ moralist soteriology, non-Trinitarian Christology, and mortalism. Nevertheless, Locke’s theological ideas diverge from Socinianism in various regards. Furthermore, there are significant differences between the Socinians’ and Locke’s views on the natural and revealed (...)
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  11.  11
    Réquiem para as margens.Giovanna Dealtry - 2018 - Cultura:199-209.
    Uma das constantes da obra de Bernardo Carvalho, por certo, é a investigação do passado compreendido como lacunar, em que a memória pessoal torna-se terreno inseguro e incapaz de oferecer uma imagem unificadora dos diversos relatos dos personagens. Em O filho da mãe, o autor cria personagens atravessados pela história de guerras que constitui a União Soviética, que, mais tarde, infligiu às repúblicas independentes não somente a miséria e a morte, mas a marca indelével de ser o “outro”, o não-desejado, (...)
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    Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt.Giovanna Caruso & Annika Schlitte - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):8-14.
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    Review. The logical status of diagrams. S-J Shin.Giovanna Corsi - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (2):290-291.
  14.  19
    Procl. in Eucl. 35, 17-42, 8: sullo statuto delle “scienze matematiche miste”.Giovanna R. Giardina - 2006 - Elenchos 27 (2):345-376.
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    On what does the issue of supervenience and psychophysical dependence depend?Giovanna Hendel - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):329-348.
    RÉSUMÉ: Prenant comme point de départ un article récent de Neil Campbell, j'examine la question de savoir si la survenance psychophysique peut assurer la dépendance psychophysique. Mes thèses principales sont que contrairement à ce que croit Campbell, il n'est pas clair que Kim ait montré de manière convaincante que les formulations de la survenance psychophysique en termes de propriétés soient inadéquates pour expliquer la dépendance psychophysique; la pertinence des difficultés soulevées par Kim tient surtout à la conception que l'on se (...)
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  16.  30
    An Eighteenth-Century Skeptical Attack on Rational Theology and Positive Religion: 'Christianity Not Founded on Argument' by Henry Dodwell the Younger.Diego Lucci - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (4):453-478.
    In the early 1740s, one book caused turmoil and debate among the English cultural elites of the time. Entitled Christianity Not Founded on Argument, it was attributed to Henry Dodwell the Younger (1706-1784). This book went through four editions between 1741 and 1746, and the controversy that followed its publication involved some of the major figures of English religious thought in the mid-eighteenth century. Dodwell purposely led a skeptical attack on any sort of rational theology, including deistic doctrines of natural (...)
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  17.  32
    Christian Hebraism in the Reformation Era (1500–1660): Authors, Books, and the Transmission of Jewish Learning.Diego Lucci - 2013 - Intellectual History Review 23 (2):279-281.
  18. Filodemo di Gadare e la» Logica «Epicurea.Gualberto Lucci - 1980 - Elenchos 1:363-72.
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    Giorgio Agamben: la vita delle forme.Antonio Lucci & Luca Viglialoro (eds.) - 2016 - Genova: Il Melangolo.
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    Getting started in mathematics.Stephen Lucci & Izidor Gertner - 1996 - Complexity 1 (4):27-28.
  21.  20
    L’ateismo dei moderni. Filosofia e negazione di Dio da Spinoza a d’Holbach.Diego Lucci - 2018 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 7 (2):118-124.
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  22.  30
    Ruth Boeker, Locke on Persons and Personal Identity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.Diego Lucci - 2021 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (1):119-122.
  23.  24
    Hegel’s Theory of Truth as a Theory of Self-Knowledge.Giovanna Miolli - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):128-133.
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  24.  14
    The Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognition: How Heart Rate Variability Can Predict Cognitive Performances.Giovanna Sannino, Ivanoe De Falco, Giuseppe De Pietro & Saverio Stranges - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Objectives: Investigate and identify the relationship between physical exercise and cognitive performance measured by using different cognitive tests taken from Cambridge Brain Science.Methods: Thirty subjects, divided into two groups, undergo twelve cognitive tests from CBS. A comparison between the pre- and post-exercise results in terms of cognitive performance differences is carried out. Regression analysis between Heart Rate Variability features and CBS tests results is performed.Results: In most CBS tests, there is an improvement, or at least a confirmation, of the subject's (...)
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  25. Die ersten Leibnizschen Ansätze zur Rhetorik: Jakob Thomasius' Beredsamkeitslehre und Melanchthons grammatisches Erbe.Giovanna Varani - 1999 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (1):6-33.
    L'éducation scolaire et universitaire de Leibniz en matière de langue et rhétorique se déroule conformément aux coutumes du XVII e siècle en Allemagne et s'assimile à la tradition sans notable écart. On conserve à Hanovre deux cahiers de 1662, «Liber Observationum» et «Loci Rhetorici»; ce sont les premières documents qui montrent l'intérêt du jeune Leibniz pour les études linguistiques et font le point sur l'enseignement reçu par lui. Pour en comprendre la genèse, il est d'extrême importance de reconstituer le milieu (...)
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  26.  14
    Mathematics and physics in classical Islam: comparative perspectives in the history and the philosophy of science.Giovanna Lelli (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    This book highlights the emergence of a new mathematical rationality and the beginning of the mathematisation of physics in Classical Islam. Exchanges between mathematics, physics, linguistics, arts and music were a factor of creativity and progress in the mathematical, the physical and the social sciences. Goods and ideas travelled on a world-scale, mainly through the trade routes connecting East and Southern Asia with the Near East, allowing the transmission of Greek-Arabic medicine to Yuan Muslim China. The development of science, first (...)
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  27.  27
    The Tacitly Situated Self: From Narration to Sedimentation and Projection.Giovanna Colombetti & Juan Diego Bogotá - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):607-615.
    Recent analytic-philosophical works in the field of situated cognition have proposed to conceptualize the self as deeply entwined with the environment, and even as constituted by it. A common move has been to characterize the self in narrative terms, and then to argue that the narrative self is partly constituted by narratives about the past that are scaffolded (shaped and maintained) by, or distributed over, a variety of objects that can rekindle episodic memories. While we are sympathetic to these approaches, (...)
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  28. Scaffoldings of the affective mind.Giovanna Colombetti & Joel Krueger - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (8):1157-1176.
    In this paper we adopt Sterelny's framework of the scaffolded mind, and his related dimensional approach, to highlight the many ways in which human affectivity is environmentally supported. After discussing the relationship between the scaffolded-mind view and related frameworks, such as the extended-mind view, we illustrate the many ways in which our affective states are environmentally supported by items of material culture, other people, and their interplay. To do so, we draw on empirical evidence from various disciplines, and develop phenomenological (...)
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  29. What language does to feelings.Giovanna Colombetti - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):4-26.
    This paper distinguishes various ways in which language can act on our affect or emotion experience. From the commonsensical consideration that sometimes we use language merely to report or describe our feelings, I move on to discuss how language can constitute, clarify, and enhance them, as well as induce novel and oft surprising experiences. I also consider the social impact of putting feelings into words, including the reciprocal influences between emotion experience and the public dissemination of emotion labels and descriptions, (...)
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    Horace in the Kyiv Mohylanian Poetics . Poetic Theory, Metrics, Lyric Poetry by Giovanna Siedina. [REVIEW]Giovanna Brogi - 2019 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 6:217-221.
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    A logic characterized by the class of connected models with nested domains.Giovanna Corsi - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (1):15 - 22.
    The main aim of this paper is to introduce the logic QE-LC whose language contains the existence predicate E and which is characterized by the class of connected (Kripke) E-models with nested domains.
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  32.  20
    Critique and Speculation: Reconsidering Hegel's Early Dialectical Logic.Giovanna Luciano - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (2):251-274.
    The aim of this article is to clarify the critical role of Hegel's early logic, through an assessment of the dialectical process of sublation [Aufhebung] of the determinations of finite thinking at stake within its exposition. I want to show that the dialectical-critical work of logic has a speculative meaning for Hegel, thereby displaying the inward correspondence between critical and speculative aspects of philosophical activity. By pointing out the evidence from fragmentary texts on logic relating to Hegel's teaching activity in (...)
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  33.  24
    Deduction, Computation, Experiment: Exploring the Effectiveness of Proof.Giovanna Corsi & Rossella Lupacchini (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin and Milano: Springer.
    The essays collected in this volume address such questions from different points of view and will interest students and scholars in several branches of scientific knowledge.
  34.  8
    Locke on Religious Enthusiasm as a Form of Madness.Diego Lucci - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 53 (3):241-252.
    In John Locke’s An Essay concerning Human Understanding, madness is described as “the association of ideas,” which consists in (mistakenly) associating ideas not inherently connected to each other. When criticizing religious enthusiasts for relying exclusively on “immediate inspiration,” Locke blamed them for engaging in the “association of ideas.” Thus, he considered enthusiasm as a sort of madness. This essay examines Locke’s analysis of madness against the backdrop of his “way of ideas,” thereby highlighting the specificity of his “ideational” account of (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: A Content Analysis in Family and Non-family Firms.Giovanna Campopiano & Alfredo De Massis - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):511-534.
    Family firms are ubiquitous and play a crucial role across all world economies, but how they differ in the disclosure of social and environmental actions from non-family firms has been largely overlooked in the literature. Advancing the discourse on corporate social responsibility reporting, we examine how family influence on a business organization affects CSR reporting. The arguments developed here draw on institutional theory, using a rich body of empirical evidence gathered through a content analysis of the CSR reports of 98 (...)
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    Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, Vorlesungen über Ästhetik.Giovanna Pinna (ed.) - 2017 - Hamburg, Germany: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    The first commented edition of K.W.F. Solger's Vorlesungen über Ästhetik (1819), edited by Giovanna Pinna.
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  37. Enactive appraisal.Giovanna Colombetti - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (4):527-546.
    Emotion theorists tend to separate “arousal” and other bodily events such as “actions” from the evaluative component of emotion known as “appraisal.” This separation, I argue, implies phenomenologically implausible accounts of emotion elicitation and personhood. As an alternative, I attempt a reconceptualization of the notion of appraisal within the so-called “enactive approach.” I argue that appraisal is constituted by arousal and action, and I show how this view relates to an embodied and affective notion of personhood.
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  38. Bf, Cbf And Lewis Semantics.Giovanna Corsi - 2003 - Logique Et Analyse 46.
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  39. Psychophysical supervenience: Digging in its foundations.Giovanna Hendel - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:115-141.
    I put forward and defend the thesis (Th) that psychophysical supervenience (PS) in its full generality can be satisfactorily supported if and only if one is willing to make one or another of some substantial assumptions (the Assumptions) about the nature of mental and physical properties. I first deal with the “if” part of the claim by presenting and considering the Assumptions. I then argue for the inadequacy of suggestions of support for PS that do not require any of the (...)
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  40.  18
    La Guida dei perplessi di Maimonide nella biblioteca di Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.Giovanna Murano - 2022 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 63:365-382.
    Two different copies of the influental Jewish philosophical and theological Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed, one in Hebrew and a second in Latin, are recorded in Pico’s library. A third copy, probably also belonged to him, is now the ms. Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt, 2° theol. 67. The manuscript now in Kassel shows that Pico was not only a reader of Maimonides’ Guide but also a translator. Numerous passages have in fact been revised by Pico (...)
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  41. Narrative, Interpretation, and Plagiarism in Mr. Robertson's 1778 History of Ancient Greece.Giovanna Ceserani - 2005 - Journal of the History of Ideas 66 (3):413-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative, Interpretation, and Plagiarism in Mr. Robertson's 1778 History of Ancient GreeceGiovanna CeseraniDays after the successful debut of his History of Scotland in 1759, Dr. William Robertson was busy consulting his friends about what project to undertake next. David Hume solicitously responded by expressing doubts about two of the possible topics—the age of Pope Leo Xth and the Emperor Charles Vth. The first would be difficult because it would (...)
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  42.  13
    Exit (digital) humanity: Critical notes on the anthropological foundations of “digital humanism”.Antonio Lucci & Andrea Osti - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 17 (C):100077.
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    John Toland’s Argument for Religious Toleration in Nazarenus.Diego Lucci - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):163-197.
    In Nazarenus: Or, Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity, written in 1709–10 but published in 1718, the Irish-born freethinker and republican John Toland (1670–1722) provided a novel, heterodox account of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which he described as the three phases or manifestations of the same monotheistic tradition. Toland wrote Nazarenus after examining, in Amsterdam, an Italian manuscript that was believed to be a translation of a “Gospel of the Mahometans.” Identifying this text with the apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas, Toland argued (...)
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  44.  9
    Recoding Metaphysics: The New Italian Philosophy.Giovanna Borradori (ed.) - 1988 - Northwestern University Press.
    Recoding Metaphysics: The New Italian Philosophy presents for the first time in English the work of many leading Italian contemporary thinkers. It suggests a third way in the hitherto almost exclusively French and German discussion of the deconstructive critique of poststructuralism on one hand, and the emancipatory convictions of post-Marxist discourse on the other. Each essay attempts to establish the validity of this third way, some by developing the concept of "weak thought" through rigorous analysis of Marxism and a reinterpretation (...)
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  45.  34
    La Fine Della Modernita.Giovanna Borradori - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (3):306-307.
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    Die Lebensbahn.Giovanna Alvoni - 2005 - Hermes 133 (2):243-244.
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    When the Place Matters: Moving the Classroom Into a Museum to Re-design a Public Space.Giovanna Barzanò, Francesca Amenduni, Giancarlo Cutello, Maria Lissoni, Cecilia Pecorelli, Rossana Quarta, Lorenzo Raffio, Claudia Regazzini, Elena Zacchilli & Maria Beatrice Ligorio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519746.
    In this case-report we describe an experience where alternative places – rather than the classroom – are exploited to implement learning processes. We maintain that this experience is a good example of materiality because it focuses on a project where students had the opportunity to re-design a public space. To this aim, various objects and tools are used to support discussions and exchanges with new stakeholders. Our theoretical vision combines Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s tradition with an innovative framework called the Trialogical (...)
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  48. Nancy S. Struever.Giovanna Borradori - 1990 - New Vico Studies 7:56.
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  49. Les sourires et les larmes: Observations en marge de quelques textes hagiographiques musulmans = Las sonrisas y las lágrimas, Observaciones en torno a algunos textos hagiográficos musulmanes.Giovanna Calasso - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (2):445-456.
    La obra del hagiógrafo magrebí Ibn Qunfud, Uns al-faqir wa-`izz al-haqir, ha sido escogida como punto de partida de una investigación acerca de las modalidades medievales de la escritura de los sentimientos y de las emociones religiosas. El cuerpo se nos aparece en los relatos hagiográficos como vehículo de conocimientos espirituales y, entre los sentidos corporales, la vista, el tacto y el gusto tienen preeminencia. Se perfila una jerarquía entre las formas de saber centradas en la palabra y la transmisión (...)
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    « L’Algèbre apprend à discourir » La notion de problème de Peletier à Descartes.Giovanna Cifoletti - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 143 (3-4):257-320.
    Résumé Lucien Febvre proposait d’étudier comment se formait la raison des gens du XVIe siècle, notamment en langue, logique et mathématiques. Il se trouve que c’est autour de ces trois éléments que Jacques Peletier du Mans écrivit son L’algèbre en 1554 et René Descartes ses Regulae. J’avais montré ailleurs, par une étude lexicale, comment la notion de problème est cruciale dans les Regulae. Je mets ici en évidence les nombreuses correspondances entre les textes algébriques du XVIe siècle et les propos (...)
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