Results for 'Gregory Eugene Spears'

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  1. What 'Really' Is Eugenics?Gregory K. Pike - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (4):47.
    Pike, Gregory K Eugenics is not usually a topic for polite conversation. The first thought that typically springs to mind is Hitler's euthanasia programme, the master race and the attempted extermination of the Jews. However, an examination of the social history of eugenics reveals that in practice it operated in many other contexts, and its conceptual meaning is much broader. And while that social history has usually been confined to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the core ideas (...)
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    Leo Strauss, the Straussians, and the Study of the American Regime.Kenneth L. Deutsch, John A. Murley, George Anastaplo, Hadley Arkes, Larry Arnhart, Laurence Berns With Eva Brann, Mark Blitz, Aryeh Botwinick, Christopher A. Colmo, Joseph Cropsey, Kenneth Deutsch, Murray Dry, Robert Eden, Miriam Galston, William A. Galston, Gary D. Glenn, Harry Jaffa, Charles Kesler, Carnes Lord, John A. Marini, Eugene Miller, Will Morrisey, John Murley, Walter Nicgorski, Susan Orr, Ralph Rossum, Gary J. Schmitt, Abram Shulsky, Gregory Bruce Smith, Ronald Terchek & Michael Zuckert - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Responding to volatile criticisms frequently leveled at Leo Strauss and those he influenced, the prominent contributors to this volume demonstrate the profound influence that Strauss and his students have exerted on American liberal democracy and contemporary political thought. By stressing the enduring vitality of classic books and by articulating the theoretical and practical flaws of relativism and historicism, the contributors argue that Strauss and the Straussians have identified fundamental crises of modernity and liberal democracy.
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    A critique of Kitcher on eugenic reasoning.Gregory Radick - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (4):741-751.
    Pre-natal genetic tests prompt questions about when, if ever, it is legitimate to choose against a potential life. Philip Kitcher has argued that test-based decisions should turn not on whether a potential life would have a disease (understood as dysfunction), but whether that life would be of low quality. I draw attention to difficulties with both parts of this argument, showing, first, that Kitcher ignores distinctions upon which the case for disease as dysfunction depends; and, second, that his analysis of (...)
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    Mysterium Tremendum.Gregory R. Peterson - 2002 - Zygon 37 (2):237-254.
    In recent years, interest in the scientific basis of religious experience has resurged. In particular, research and publications by V. S. Ramachandran and by Eugene d’Aquili and Andrew Newberg have sparked considerable curiosity and debate over the reality and basis of religious experience. This article puts such research into a broader context and examines the extent to which scientific research supports or undermines particular religious and theological claims. I argue that such experiments show that religious experience has some biological (...)
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    Parson Malthus's great-grandfather: Daniel Malthus, Royal apothecary.L. F. Gregory - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 53 (2):91.
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    Tricks of Transference: Oka Asajirō (1868–1944) on Laissez-faire Capitalism.Gregory Sullivan - 2010 - Science in Context 23 (3):367-391.
    ArgumentContrary to common portrayals of social Darwinism as a transference of laissez-faire values, the widely read evolutionism of Japan's foremost Darwinist of the early twentieth-century, Oka Asajirō (1868–1944), reflects a statist outlook that regards capitalism as the beginning of the nation's degeneration. The evolutionary theory of orthogenesis that Oka employed in his 1910 essay, “The Future of Humankind,” links him to a pre-Darwinian idealist tradition that depicted the state as an organism that develops through life-cycle stages. For Oka, laissez-faire capitalism (...)
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  7. Heraclitus Seminar by Martin Heidegger & Eugen Fink. [REVIEW]Gregory Johnson - 1994 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 88:58-59.
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    Professionalization and the Null Curriculum: The Case of the Popular Eugenics Movement and American Educational Studies.R. Gregory Browning, Harvey Neufeldt, Betty A. Sichel, John O. Geiger, John E. Carter, W. Paul Vogt, Gay L. Gullickson & William A. Reid - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):239-279.
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    Abortion laws.Max J. Gregory - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):147.
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  10. The Advent of the Genetic Quotient.Grégory Bénichou - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (195):20-26.
    This article is intended to be both an analysis, and also an account: that of a generation of young citizens, to which I belong, which is both enthusiastic about and worried by recent advances in genetics. In the modern world mind set evolves very rapidly. In the late 1960s women demanded ‘a baby when I want!’ The right to contraception followed. Then, in the early 1970s, another slogan was heard: ‘a baby if I want.’ Shortly afterwards, a woman's right to (...)
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    Emigration from the British isles.J. W. Gregory - 1930 - The Eugenics Review 22 (1):63.
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    Studies on the structure and development of vertebrates.William K. Gregory - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 22 (4):286.
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    International migrations. Vol. II. Interpretations.J. W. Gregory - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (3):256.
  14.  57
    Gregory Michael Dorr. Segregation's Science: Eugenics and Society in Virginia. xi + 297 pp., illus., tables, bibls., index. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008. $45. [REVIEW]Alexandra Stern - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):232-233.
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    Gregory Michael Dorr. Segregation's Science: Eugenics and Society in Virginia. xi + 297 pp., illus., bibl., index. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008. $45. [REVIEW]Edward Larson - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):180-180.
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    Gregory King and the Population of England and Wales at the End of the Seventeenth Century.D. V. Glass - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 37 (4):170.
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    Bernard Dionysius Geoghegan, Code: From Information Theory to French Theory.Carolyn Pedwell - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):293-299.
    Assembling a distinctive genealogy of cybernetic thought situated in relation to Progressive Era technocracy, industrial capitalism, (de)colonial relations, and eugenic machinery, Code uncovers the vital interdependence of informatics, the humanities, and the human sciences in the 20th century. Rather than figuring cybernetics as emerging from Second World War military technologies and post-war digital computing, Code argues that liberal technocrats’ inter-war visions of social welfare delivered via ‘neutral’ communication techniques shaped the informatic interventions of both the Second World War and the (...)
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    The Light that Binds: A Study in Thomas Aquinas's Metaphysics of the Natural Law by Stephen Brock.Angel Perez-Lopez - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):981-984.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Light that Binds: A Study in Thomas Aquinas's Metaphysics of the Natural Law by Stephen BrockAngel Perez-LopezThe Light that Binds: A Study in Thomas Aquinas's Metaphysics of the Natural Law by Stephen Brock (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2020), xv + 277 pp.How does the natural law fit the definition of law? Opinions clash among different interpreters of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Stephen Brock's book provides both a magisterial (...)
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  19.  10
    Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (review).Roland Millare - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):307-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. AnyamaRoland MillarePrimacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2021), xii + 263 pp.In the famous dispute between Erich Przywara and Karl Barth, Przywara held the view that the analogy of being is the "formal principle of Catholic thought," (...)
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    E.P. Sanders: An Assessment of Two Recent Works: 1. ‘Having His Cake and Eating It’ Paul on the Law.Tom Deidun - 1986 - Heythrop Journal 27 (1):43-52.
    How to Read the Old Testament. By Etienne Charpentier. Pp.124, London, SCM Press, 1982, £3.95. How to Read the New Testament. By Etienne Charpentier. Pp.129, London, SCM Press, 1982. £3.95. Beginning Old Testament Study. Edited by John Rogerson., 157, London, SPCK, 1982, £3.95. Welt aus der die Bibel kommt Welt aus der die Bibel kommt: Biblische Hil ‘swissenschaften’. By Mechthild Kellermann, Stanisław Medala, Michele Piccirillo and Eugene Sitarz. Pp.263, Kevelaer, Butzon und Bercker; Stuttgart, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1982, DM (...)
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  21.  8
    East Coast Wineries: A Complete Guide from Maine to Virginia.Charles M. Sherover & Brenda L. Moore - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy & the Hi.
    In this study, Charles M. Sherover argues that there is a single, substantial line of development that can be traced from the work of Leibniz through Kant and Royce to Heidegger. Sherover traces a movement from deep within the roots of German idealism through Royce's insights into American pragmatism to the ethical ramifications of Heidegger's existential phenomenology, and then provides an analysis of the neglected ethical and political implications of Heidegger's Being and Time. The essays lead finally to Sherover's own (...)
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  22. Why the Repugnant Conclusion is Inescapable.Mark Budolfson & Dean Spears - unknown
    The spectre of the repugnant conclusion and the search for a population axiology that avoids it has endured as a focus of population ethics. This is in part because the repugnant conclusion is often interpreted as a defining problem for totalism, while the implications of averagism and related views are taken to illustrate the theoretical cost of avoiding the repugnant conclusion. However, we show that this interpretation cannot be sustained unless one focuses only on a special case of the repugnant (...)
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  23.  70
    After Modernity: Husserlian Reflections on a Philosophical Tradition James Richard Mensch Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996, 309 pp. [REVIEW]Jeff Mitscherling - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (1):223-.
    There has been a sudden explosion of works announced as alternatives to contemporary postmodern attempts to move "beyond modernity." Some of these, like Eugene Goodheart's The Reign of Ideology, are primarily polemical and fail ultimately to convince, while others, such as Gregory Bruce Smith's Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Transition to Postmodernity, are erudite, thorough, and persuasive. Mensch's book falls into the latter camp.
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  24. Race, Genes, and the Ethics of Belief: A review of Nicholas Wade, A Troublesome Inheritance. [REVIEW]Jonny Anomaly - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (5):51-52.
    A Troublesome Inheritance, by Nicholas Wade, should be read by anyone interested in race and recent human evolution. Wade deserves credit for challenging the popular dog­ma that biological differences between groups either don't exist or cannot ex­plain the relative success of different groups at different tasks. Wade's work should be read alongside another re­cent book, The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution, by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. Together, these books represent a ma­jor turning point in the (...)
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  25.  83
    Does the Repugnant Conclusion have important implications for axiology or for public policy?Mark Budolfson & Dean Spears - 2022 - In Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Tim Campbell & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns, The Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 350–C15.P105.
    Formal arguments have proven that avoiding the Repugnant Conclusion is impossible without rejecting one or more highly plausible population principles. To many, such proofs establish not only a deep challenge for axiology, but also pose an important practical problem of how policymaking can confidently proceed without resolving any of the central questions of population ethics. Here we offer deflationary responses: first to the practical challenge, and then to the more fundamental challenge for axiology. Regarding the practical challenge, we provide an (...)
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  26.  37
    Quantifying Animal Well-being and Overcoming the Challenges of Interspecies Comparisons.Mark Budolfson & Dean Spears - 2019 - In Bob Fischer, Routledge Handbook of Animal Ethics. New York: Routledge.
    Animals, like humans, experience different levels of well-being depending on decisions made by others. As a result, the well-being of animals must be included in any full accounting of the well-being consequences of decisions. However, this is almost never done in large-scale policy and investment analyses, even though it is common to quantify the consequences for human welfare in these decision analyses. This is partly due to prejudice, but increasingly also because we do not currently have good methods for quantifying (...)
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  27.  82
    Public Policy, Consequentialism, the Environment, and Non-Human Animals.Mark Budolfson & Dean Spears - 2020 - In Douglas W. Portmore, The Oxford Handbook of Consequentialism. New York, USA: Oup Usa. pp. 592-615.
    The focus of this chapter is public policy and consequentialism, especially issues that arise in connection with the environment – i.e. the natural world, including non-human animals. We integrate some of the existing literature on environmental economics, welfare economics, and policy with the literature on environmental values and philosophy. The emphasis on environmental policy is motivated by the fact that it is arguably the most philosophically interesting and challenging application of consequentialism to policy, as it includes all the challenges of (...)
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  28. Does Climate Change Policy Depend Importantly on Population Ethics? Deflationary Responses to the Challenges of Population Ethics for Public Policy.Mark Budolfson, Gustaf Arrhenius & Dean Spears - 2021 - In Budolfson Mark, McPherson Tristram & Plunkett David, Philosophy and Climate Change. Oxford University Press. pp. 111-136.
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  29.  72
    Gregory Landini. Zermelo and Russell’s Paradox: Is There a Universal Set?: Correction Notice.Gregory Landini - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):142-142.
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  30. Egyptians, Aliens, and Okies: Against the Sum of Averages.Christian Tarsney, Michael Geruso & Dean Spears - 2023 - Utilitas 35 (4):320-326.
    Grill (2023) defends the sum of averages view (SAV), on which the value of a population is found by summing the average welfare of each generation or birth cohort. A major advantage of SAV, according to Grill, is that it escapes the Egyptology objection to average utilitarianism. But, we argue, SAV escapes only the most literal understanding of this objection, since it still allows the value of adding a life to depend on facts about other, intuitively irrelevant lives. Moreover, SAV (...)
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  31.  93
    Separable Social Welfare Evaluation for Multi-Species Populations.Stéphane Zuber, Dean Spears & Mark Budolfson - unknown
    If non-human animals experience wellbeing and suffering, such welfare consequences arguably should be included in a social welfare evaluation. Yet economic evaluations almost universally ignore non-human animals, in part because axiomatic social choice theory has failed to propose and characterize multi-species social welfare functions. Here we propose axioms and functional forms to fill this gap. We provide a range of alternative representations, characterizing a broad range of possibilities for multi-species social welfare. Among these, we identify a new characterization of additively-separable (...)
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  32. Civilization and Its Discontents.Jewel Spears Brooker - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 73 (1):59-69.
    This essay argues that the revolt against Cartesian dualism in the early 20th century was pivotal in the development of the modern mind and in the revolution in form that occurred in modern literature and the arts.
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    Haunted by Christ: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith.Jewel Spears Brooker - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):146-148.
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    Albert Schweitzers Ethik: ihre Grundlinien in seinem Denken und Leben: mit ausführlichem Literaturverzeichnis.Otto Spear - 1978 - Hamburg: H. Reich.
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    Faith and Creativity: Essays in Honor of Eugene H. Peters.Eugene H. Peters, George Nordgulen & George W. Shields - 1987 - Chalice Press.
    This collection of previously unpublished essays is a celebration of the life and thought of a beloved professor who died of cancer in 1983. (pb).
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  36. What Should We Agree on about the Repugnant Conclusion?Stephane Zuber, Nikhil Venkatesh, Torbjörn Tännsjö, Christian Tarsney, H. Orri Stefánsson, Katie Steele, Dean Spears, Jeff Sebo, Marcus Pivato, Toby Ord, Yew-Kwang Ng, Michal Masny, William MacAskill, Nicholas Lawson, Kevin Kuruc, Michelle Hutchinson, Johan E. Gustafsson, Hilary Greaves, Lisa Forsberg, Marc Fleurbaey, Diane Coffey, Susumu Cato, Clinton Castro, Tim Campbell, Mark Budolfson, John Broome, Alexander Berger, Nick Beckstead & Geir B. Asheim - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):379-383.
    The Repugnant Conclusion served an important purpose in catalyzing and inspiring the pioneering stage of population ethics research. We believe, however, that the Repugnant Conclusion now receives too much focus. Avoiding the Repugnant Conclusion should no longer be the central goal driving population ethics research, despite its importance to the fundamental accomplishments of the existing literature.
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    Acquisition and extinction after initial trials without reward.Norman E. Spear, Winfred F. Hill & Denis J. O'Sullivan - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):25.
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  38.  64
    The Effects of Instructor Fear Appeals and Moral Appeals on Cheating-Related Attitudes and Behavior of University Students.Jennifer Akeley Spear & Ann Neville Miller - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (3):196 - 207.
    Little attention has been paid in academic dishonesty literature to empirically testing the effectiveness of different instructor communication strategies to minimize cheating. Using a quasi-experimental design, we compared the effectiveness of instructor fear appeals and moral appeals on student cheating-related attitudes and behavior. Cheating was most strongly associated with neutralizing attitudes in the moral appeal condition. Also, the relationship between observation of others cheating and self-reported cheating behaviors was stronger in both treatment conditions than in the control condition. Although a (...)
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  39. The Social Cost of Carbon: Valuing Inequality, Risk, and Population for Climate Policy.Marc Fleurbaey, Maddalena Ferranna, Mark Budolfson, Francis Dennig, Kian Mintz-Woo, Robert Socolow, Dean Spears & Stéphane Zuber - 2019 - The Monist 102 (1):84-109.
    We analyze the role of ethical values in the determination of the social cost of carbon, arguing that the familiar debate about discounting is too narrow. Other ethical issues are equally important to computing the social cost of carbon, and we highlight inequality, risk, and population ethics. Although the usual approach, in the economics of cost-benefit analysis for climate policy, is confined to a utilitarian axiology, the methodology of the social cost of carbon is rather flexible and can be expanded (...)
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  40.  18
    John Gregory's Writings on Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine.John Gregory & Laurence B. McCullough - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume reprints in a scholar's edition the first English-language texts on bioethics, John Gregory's (1724-1773) Observations on the Duties and Offices of a Physician and on the Method of Prosecuting Enquiries in Philosophy (London, 1770) and Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician (London, 1772). Five previously unpublished manuscripts of Gregory's lectures are also included. An introduction places Gregory's medical ethics and philosophy of medicine in their eighteenth-century contexts of Scottish Enlightenment history and culture, (...)
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  41. Experience, Reason and Faith a Survey in Philosophy and Religion [by] Eugene Garett Bewkes [and Others].Eugene Garrett Bewkes - 1940 - Harper.
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    Dale Maurice Riepe.Andrew Spear - 2005 - In John R. Shook & Richard T. Hull, The dictionary of modern American philosophers. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum. pp. 127-129.
  43. Alleviation of forgetting in the infant rat.N. E. Spear, J. S. Miller & H. M. Arnold - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):477-477.
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  44. Civilization and Its Discontents: Eliot, Descartes, and the Mind of Europe.J. Spears Brooker - 1995 - Modern Schoolman 73:59-70.
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    Canace and Machaire.A. C. Spearing - 1990 - Mediaevalia 16:211-221.
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  46. Conditions of Cognitive Sanity and the Internalist Credo.Andrew D. Spear - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (3):300-321.
    BonJour has proposed background conditions on internalist justification, which Kornblith argues are inconsistent with a core internalist ‘credo’ – that subjects internally alike are justificationally alike – signaling the ‘death’ of internalism. The funeral arrangements are premature, though more systematic consideration of background conditions is needed. The majority of BonJour's conditions are not background conditions as their failure makes an epistemically relevant internal difference. This neutralizes Kornblith's criticisms and reveals how the proposed conditions are not departures from internalism. BonJour's background (...)
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  47. Husserl on Intentionality and Intentional Content.Andrew D. Spear - 2011 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Edmund Husserl (1859—1938) was an influential thinker of the first half of the twentieth century. His philosophy was heavily influenced by the works of Franz Brentano and Bernard Bolzano, and was also influenced in various ways by interaction with contemporaries such as Alexius Meinong, Kasimir Twardowski, and Gottlob Frege. In his own right, Husserl is considered the founder of twentieth century Phenomenology with influence extending to thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and to contemporary continental philosophy generally. (...)
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    Roland Breeur, Lies – Imposture – Stupidity. Vilinius: Jonas ir Jokūbas 2019.Andrew D. Spear - 2021 - HannahArendt. Net 10 (1):174 – 176.
    As the title suggests, Breeur’s project is to discuss three key ideas: lies, stupidity, and imposture. The book is organized into two parts of two chapters each, followed by an appendix. The individual chapters and sub-sections are well-written and philosophically sophisticated. However, the reader will be disappointed if they expect a sustained analysis of the relations among the book’s titular ideas or a unified account of their role in the breakdown of respect for truth more broadly. Breeur’s approach is more (...)
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  49. Building Ontologies with Basic Formal Ontology.Robert Arp, Barry Smith & Andrew D. Spear - 2015 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    In the era of “big data,” science is increasingly information driven, and the potential for computers to store, manage, and integrate massive amounts of data has given rise to such new disciplinary fields as biomedical informatics. Applied ontology offers a strategy for the organization of scientific information in computer-tractable form, drawing on concepts not only from computer and information science but also from linguistics, logic, and philosophy. This book provides an introduction to the field of applied ontology that is of (...)
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    Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the Inscriptions of the Psalms.Gregory of Nyssa - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Gregory of Nyssa made important contributions to both theological thought and the understanding of the spiritual life. He was especially significant in adapting the thought of Origen to fourth century orthodoxy. The early treatise on the inscriptions of the Psalms shows the early stages of the development of Gregory's thought. This book presents the first translation of the treatise in a modern language. The annotations show Gregory's indebtedness to the thought of classical antiquity as well as to (...)
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