Results for 'Greville Vaughan Turner Cooke'

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  1.  8
    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity.Nancy Armstrong, Deborah Cook, James Cruise, Lisa Eck, Megan Heffernan, David Jenemann, Nigel Joseph, Tom McCall, Lucy McNeece, JoAnne Myers, Julie Orlemanski, Jonathon Penny, Dale Shin, Vivasvan Soni, Frederick Turner & Philip Weinstein (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Individualism: The Cultural Logic of Modernity is an edited collection of sixteen essays on the idea of the modern sovereign individual in the western cultural tradition. Reconsidering the eighteenth-century realist novel, twentieth-century modernism, and underappreciated topics on individualism and literature, this volume provocatively revises and enriches our understanding of individualism as the generative premise of modernity itself.
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  2. The language of music.Deryck Cooke - 1959 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    First published in 1959, this original study argues that the main characteristic of music is that it expresses and evokes emotion, and that all composers whose music has a tonal basis have used the same, or closely similar, melodic phrases, harmonies, and rhythms to affect the listener in the same ways. He supports this view with hundreds of musical examples, ranging from plainsong to Stravinsky, and contends that music is a language in the specific sense that we can identify idioms (...)
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    Anita McConnell, Instrument Makers to the World: A History of Cooke, Troughton & Simms. York: William Sessions Ltd, 1992. Pp. xii + 116. ISBN 1-85072-096-7. £16.00. [REVIEW]G. L'E. Turner - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (2):249-249.
  4.  56
    Reenvisioning Freedom: Human Agency in Times of Ecological Disaster.Maeve Cooke - 2023 - Constellations 30 (2):119-127.
  5. Dual character of concepts and the discourse theory of law.Maeve Cooke - 2012 - In Matthias Klatt (ed.), Institutionalized reason: the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  6. The Ethical Side of Takeovers and Mergers.Cooke Robert Allan & Young Earl - forthcoming - Madsen, Essentials of Business Ethics.
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    Philosophy and the Social Sciences: Reflections on a Meeting.Maeve Cooke - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (3):260-261.
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  8. Articles review.Andrea Spencer-Cooke - 1996 - Business Ethics 15 (7).
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  9. Critical pluralism unmasked.Brandon Cooke - 2002 - British Journal of Aesthetics 42 (3):296-309.
    Artworks frequently are the objects of multiple and apparently conflicting aesthetic judgements. This commonplace of the artworld poses a challenge for realist metaphysics, because to assert conflicting judgements of an artwork seems to amount to asserting p & p. Critical pluralism is an ever-more frequently invoked solution to this impasse. What its varieties share in common is the claim that the disagreement between judgements is only an apparent one. I argue, however, that critical pluralism masquerades either as relativism or anti-realism. (...)
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  10. Interactive Team Cognition.Nancy J. Cooke, Jamie C. Gorman, Christopher W. Myers & Jasmine L. Duran - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):255-285.
    Cognition in work teams has been predominantly understood and explained in terms of shared cognition with a focus on the similarity of static knowledge structures across individual team members. Inspired by the current zeitgeist in cognitive science, as well as by empirical data and pragmatic concerns, we offer an alternative theory of team cognition. Interactive Team Cognition (ITC) theory posits that (1) team cognition is an activity, not a property or a product; (2) team cognition should be measured and studied (...)
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  11.  77
    The Artful Mind: Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity.Mark Turner (ed.) - 2006 - Oup Usa.
    All normal human beings alive in the last fifty thousand years appear to have possessed, in Mark Turner's phrase, 'impressively atful minds'. Cognitively modern minds produced a staggering list of behavioural singularities - science, religion, mathematics, language, advanced tool use, decorative dress, dance, culture, art - that seems to indicate a mysterious and unexplained discontinuity between us and all other living things. This brute fact gives rise to some tantalizing questions: How did the artful mind emerge? What are the (...)
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    Language and Reason: A Study of Habermas's Pragmatics.Maeve Cooke - 1997 - MIT Press.
    Language and Reason opens up new territory for social theorists by providing thefirst general introduction to Habermas's program of formal pragmatics: his reconstruction of theuniversal principles of possible understanding that, he argues, ...
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  13.  38
    Existentially lived truth or communicative reason? Habermas’ critique of Kierkegaard.Maeve Cooke - 2021 - Constellations 28 (1):51-59.
  14.  36
    The Ethics of Touch and the Importance of Nonhuman Relationships in Animal Agriculture.Steve Cooke - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-20.
    Animal agriculture predominantly involves farming social animals. At the same time, the nature of agriculture requires severely disrupting, eliminating, and controlling the relationships that matter to those animals, resulting in harm and unhappiness for them. These disruptions harm animals, both physically and psychologically. Stressed animals are also bad for farmers because stressed animals are less safe to handle, produce less, get sick more, and produce poorer quality meat. As a result, considerable efforts have gone into developing stress-reduction methods. Many of (...)
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    When Art Can’t Lie.Brandon Cooke - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (3):259-271.
    Pre-philosophically, an artwork can lie in virtue of some authorial intention that the audience comes to accept as true something that the author believes to be false. This thought forces a confrontation with the debate about the relation between the interpretation of a work and the intentions of its author. Anti-intentionalist theories of artwork meaning, which divorce work meaning from the actual author’s intentions, cannot license the judgment that an artwork lies. But if artwork lying is a genuine possibility, then (...)
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  16.  78
    Animal Kingdoms: On Habitat Rights for Wild Animals.Steve Cooke - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (1):53-72.
    The greatest threat faced by wild animals often comes from the destruction of their habitats by humans. Traditional environmental-conservation paradigms often fail to prevent this destruction. This paper claims that, where access to habitat is a necessary condition of their continued existence or wellbeing, wild animals have sufficiently strong interests in their habitat to generate rights to it. The paper argues that these rights should be instantiated in the form of collective usufructuary property rights, and, in cases of serious and (...)
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  17.  80
    Redeeming redemption: The utopian dimension of critical social theory.Maeve Cooke - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):413-429.
    Critical social theory has an uneasy relationship with utopia. On the one hand, the idea of an alternative, better social order is necessary in order to make sense of its criticisms of a given social context. On the other hand, utopian thinking has to avoid ‘bad utopianism’, defined as lack of connection with the actual historical process, and ‘finalism’, defined as closure of the historical process. Contemporary approaches to critical social theory endeavour to avoid these dangers by way of a (...)
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    Argumentation and Transformation.Maeve Cooke - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (1):81-110.
    I consider argumentation from the point of view of context-transcendent cognitive transformation through reference to the critical social theory of Jürgen Habermas. My aim is threefold. First, to make the case for a concept of context-transcendent cognitive transformation. Second, to clarify the transformatory role of argumentation itself by showing that, while argumentation may contribute constructively to context-transcendent cognitive transformation, such transformation presupposes the existence of a reality conceptually independent of argumentation. Third, to cast light on the problem of how to (...)
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  19. Salvaging and secularizing the semantic contents of religion: the limitations of Habermas’s postmetaphysical proposal.Maeve Cooke - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):187-207.
    The article considers Jürgen Habermas's views on the relationship between postmetaphysical philosophy and religion. It outlines Habermas's shift from his earlier, apparently dismissive attitude towards religion to his presently more receptive stance. This more receptive stance is evident in his recent emphasis on critical engagement with the semantic contents of religion and may be characterized by two interrelated theses: the view that religious contributions should be included in political deliberations in the informally organized public spheres of contemporary democracies, though translated (...)
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  20.  98
    Translating truth.Maeve Cooke - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):479-491.
    The article considers the role of translation in encounters between religious citizens and secular citizens. It follows Habermas in holding that translations rearticulate religious contents in a way that facilitates learning. Since he underplays the complexities of translation, it takes some steps beyond Habermas towards developing a more adequate account. Its main thesis is that the required account of translation must keep sight of the question of truth. Focusing on inspirational stories of exemplary figures and acts, it contends that a (...)
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  21.  8
    Moral substitution reimagined.William Cooke, Drew Craddock & Sandra Visser - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 96 (3):191-197.
    In this paper, we suggest that those asking contemporary moral questions involving the punishment of groups, such as the justice of requiring corporations to make recompense for past wrongs or whether one race ought to make reparation payments to another, would find it fruitful to consider an older response to the question of moral substitution. We argue that Anselm of Canterbury’s theory of substitutionary atonement offers some surprising insights into the conditions under which one moral agent making recompense for another’s (...)
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    Are ethical conflicts irreconcilable?Maeve Cooke - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (2):1-19.
    The discussion starts with the fact of ethical disagreement in contemporary liberal democracies. In responding to the question of whether such conflicts are reconcilable, it proposes a normative model of deliberative democracy that seeks to avoid the privatization of ethical concerns. It is argued that many contemporary models of democracy privatize ethical matters either because of a view that ethical conflicts are fundamentally irreconcilable or because of a mis trust of the ideal of rational consensus in the fields of law (...)
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    Recall of participation in research projects in cancer genetics: some implications for research ethics.Sarah Cooke, Gillian Crawford, Michael Parker, Anneke Lucassen & Nina Hallowell - 2008 - Clinical Ethics 3 (4):180-184.
    The aim of this study is to assess patients' recall of their previous research participation. Recall was established during interviews and compared with entries from clinical notes. Participants were 49 patients who had previously participated in different types of research. Of the 49 patients, 45 (92%) interviewees recalled 69 of 109 (63%) study participations. Level of recall varied according to the type of research, some participants clearly recalled the details of research aims, giving consent and research procedures. Others recalled procedures (...)
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  24.  76
    ‘Guilty’ Pleasures are Often Worthwhile Pleasures.Brandon Cooke - 2019 - Journal of Scandinavian Cinema 9 (1):105-109.
    A guilty pleasure is something that affords pleasure while being held in low regard. Since there are more opportunities to experience worthwhile pleasures than one can experience in a finite life, it would be better to avoid guilty pleasures. Worse still, many guilty pleasures are thought to be corrupting in some way. In fact, many so-called guilty pleasures can contribute to a good life, because they are sources of pleasure and because they do not actually merit guilt. Taking pornography as (...)
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  25.  39
    Changing Lens: Broadening the Research Agenda of Women in Management in China.Fang Lee Cooke - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):375-389.
    Human resource management (HRM) is underpinned by, and contributes to, the business ethics of the organization. Opportunities available to men and women as managers, and the role of managers more broadly, are critical in shaping business ethics in contemporary organizations. Research on women in management therefore provides an important lens through which to understand the institutional and cultural context of HR ethics as part of the business ethics of a country. To date, women in management in China remains an under-charted (...)
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  26.  20
    Editors’ introduction to the Special Section: The ethics and politics of the Anthropocene.Maeve Cooke & John McGuire - 2023 - Constellations 30 (2):105-107.
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    Immanent Critique of the Immanent Frame: The Critical Potential of A Secular Age.Maeve Cooke - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (5):738-758.
    Charles Taylor’s method of philosophical argumentation is distinctive, interlacing historical, ontological, phenomenological, hermeneutical, theistic, and ethical strands. His writings contribute t...
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    Artworld Metaphysics.B. Cooke - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (4):469-471.
  29.  11
    Buddhism and American Thinkers. Ed. by Kenneth K. Inada and Nolan P. Jacobson.Alban Cooke - 1990 - Buddhist Studies Review 7 (1-2):182-185.
    Buddhism and American Thinkers. Ed. by Kenneth K. Inada and Nolan P. Jacobson. State University of New York, Albany 1984. xix, 180pp.
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    Buddhist Formal Logic. A study of Dignaga's Hetucakra and K'uei-chi's Great Commentary on the Nyayapravesa. R.S.Y. Chi.Alban Cooke - 1986 - Buddhist Studies Review 3 (1):79-81.
    Buddhist Formal Logic. A study of Dignaga's Hetucakra and K'uei-chi's Great Commentary on the Nyayapravesa. R.S.Y. Chi. Royal Asiatic Society, London 1969; revised edition, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1984. lxxxii + 222 pp. Rs. 100.
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    Fragments from Dinnaga. H. N. Randle.Alban Cooke - 1986 - Buddhist Studies Review 3 (1):81-82.
    Fragments from Dinnaga. H. N. Randle. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1981. xii + 93 pp. Rs. 40.
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    Injuries to unborn children: Extracts from the report of the Law Commission.Samuel Cooke, Claud Bicknell, Aubrey L. Diamond, Derek Hodgson, Norman S. Marsh & J. M. Cartwright Sharp - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (3):111-115.
    We are printing, by kind permission of the Law Commission, two sections of the report of the Law Commission on injuries to unborn children. This report was the result of a request to the Law Commission by the Lord Chancellor at the time (Lord Hailsham of Saint Marylebone) to advise on `what the nature and extent of civil liability for antenatal injury should be'. The Law Commission followed its usual practice in such circumstances of consulting various bodies and obtaining expert (...)
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    Keine Wahrheit außer Wahrheit.Maeve Cooke - 2008 - In Herta Nagl-Docekal, Ludwig Nagl & Wolfgang Kaltenbacher (eds.), Viele Religionen, eine Vernunft?: Ein Disput zu Hegel. Akademie Verlag. pp. 176-192.
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    Sounding Off: Eleven Essays in the Philosophy of Music.Brandon Cooke - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):161-163.
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    The Monk and the Philosopher. Jean-François Revel and Matthieu Ricard. Translated by John Canti.Alban Cooke - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (1):136-138.
    The Monk and the Philosopher. Jean-François Revel and Matthieu Ricard. Translated by John Canti. Thorsons, London 1998. ix, 310 pp. £16.99. ISBN 0-7225-3649-6.
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  36.  61
    The pragmatic Maxim: Essays on Peirce and pragmatism by Christopher Hookway.Elizabeth F. Cooke - 2014 - Analysis 74 (1):170-171.
  37.  22
    (1 other version)The Problem of Value.J. E. Turner - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (9):41-48.
    Few current problems have become so confused as that of Value. Its increasing importance in all departments of modern thought has made it the focal point of so many diverse aspects that the result seems a mass of formidable contradictions. But these can never be overcome by attempting to simplify the situation, which must on the contrary be recognized from the outset as presenting an extreme complexity that will inevitably advance pan passu with the advancing complexities of human experience. If, (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Social Theory of Practices.Stephen Turner - 1994 - Human Studies 20 (3):315-323.
    The concept of "practices"—whether of representation, of political or scientific traditions, or of organizational culture—is central to social theory. In this book, Stephen Turner presents the first analysis and critique of the idea of practice as it has developed in the various theoretical traditions of the social sciences and the humanities. Understood broadly as a tacit understanding "shared" by a group, the concept of a practice has a fatal difficulty, Turner argues: there is no plausible mechanism by which (...)
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  39. Experts in uncertainty: opinion and subjective probability in science.Roger M. Cooke (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is an extensive survey and critical examination of the literature on the use of expert opinion in scientific inquiry and policy making. The elicitation, representation, and use of expert opinion is increasingly important for two reasons: advancing technology leads to more and more complex decision problems, and technologists are turning in greater numbers to "expert systems" and other similar artifacts of artificial intelligence. Cooke here considers how expert opinion is being used today, how an expert's uncertainty is (...)
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    Emergent Spacetime, the Megastructure Problem, and the Metaphysics of the Self.Susan Schneider - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):314-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Emergent Spacetime, the Megastructure Problem, and the Metaphysics of the SelfSusan Schneider (bio)The aim of this article is to introduce new thoughts on some pressing topics relating to my book, Artificial You, ranging from the fundamental nature of reality to quantum theory and emergence in large language models (LLM) like GPT-4. Since Artificial You was published, the innovations in the domain of AI chatbots like GPT-4 have been rapid-fire, (...)
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  41.  65
    Paleontology: A Philosophical Introduction.Derek Turner - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the wake of the paleobiological revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, paleontologists continue to investigate far-reaching questions about how evolution works. Many of those questions have a philosophical dimension. How is macroevolution related to evolutionary changes within populations? Is evolutionary history contingent? How much can we know about the causes of evolutionary trends? How do paleontologists read the patterns in the fossil record to learn about the underlying evolutionary processes? Derek Turner explores these and other questions, introducing the (...)
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  42. Betraying Animals.Steve Cooke - 2019 - The Journal of Ethics 23 (2):183-200.
    This paper presents a new way of thinking about the relationship between humans and the nonhuman animals in their care. Most ethical analysis of the treatment of nonhuman animals has focussed on questions of moral status, justice, and the wrongness of harming them. This paper does something different, it examines the role played by trust in interspecies relationships. In both agriculture and laboratory settings, humans deliberately foster trusting relationships with nonhuman animals. An intrinsic feature of the trusting relationship in these (...)
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  43. Questioning autonomy: The feminist challenge and the challenge for feminism.Maeve Cooke - 1999 - In Richard Kearney & Mark Dooley (eds.), Questioning ethics: contemporary debates in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 258--282.
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  44. Peirce, fallibilism, and the science of mathematics.Elizabeth F. Cooke - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (2):158-175.
    In this paper, it will be shown that Peirce was of two minds about whether his scientific fallibilism, the recognition of the possibility of error in our beliefs, applied to mathematics. It will be argued that Peirce can and should hold a theory of fallibilism within mathematics, and that this position is more consistent with his overall pragmatic theory of inquiry and his general commitment to the growth of knowledge. But to make the argument for fallibilism in mathematics, Peirce's theory (...)
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  45. Civil disobedience and conscientious objection.Maeve Cooke & Danielle Petherbridge - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):953-957.
    The question of civil disobedience has preoccupied philosophical discourse at least since Thoreau's articulation of disobedience as a form of non-compliance and Rawls' classic definition outlined in the wake of the civil rights and student protest movements of the 1960s. It has become increasingly clear, however, that these classic definitions are being challenged and rethought from a variety of traditions in the wake of contemporary protests. These articles engage with the most recent debates surrounding civil disobedience and conscientious objection, opening (...)
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  46. Transcendence in Postmetaphysical Thinking. Habermas' God.Maeve Cooke - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):21-44.
    Habermas emphasizes the importance for critical thinking of ideas of truth and moral validity that are at once context-transcending and immanent to human practices. in a recent review, Peter Dews queries his distinction between metaphysically construed transcendence and transcendence from within, asking provocatively in what sense Habermas does not believe in God. I answer that his conception of “God” is resolutely postmetaphysical, a god that is constructed by way of human linguistic practices. I then give three reasons for why it (...)
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  47. Fake News, Relevant Alternatives, and the Degradation of Our Epistemic Environment.Christopher Blake-Turner - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 1.
    This paper contributes to the growing literature in social epistemology of diagnosing the epistemically problematic features of fake news. I identify two novel problems: the problem of relevant alternatives; and the problem of the degradation of the epistemic environment. The former arises among individual epistemic transactions. By making salient, and thereby relevant, alternatives to knowledge claims, fake news stories threaten knowledge. The problem of the degradation of the epistemic environment arises at the level of entire epistemic communities. I introduce the (...)
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  48. Detecting racial bias in algorithms and machine learning.Nicol Turner Lee - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (3):252-260.
    Purpose The online economy has not resolved the issue of racial bias in its applications. While algorithms are procedures that facilitate automated decision-making, or a sequence of unambiguous instructions, bias is a byproduct of these computations, bringing harm to historically disadvantaged populations. This paper argues that algorithmic biases explicitly and implicitly harm racial groups and lead to forms of discrimination. Relying upon sociological and technical research, the paper offers commentary on the need for more workplace diversity within high-tech industries and (...)
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  49. Is Trilled Smell Possible? How the Structure of Olfaction Determines the Phenomenology of Smell.Ed Cooke & Erik Myin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):59-95.
    Smell 'sensations' are among the most mysterious of conscious experiences, and have been cited in defense of the thesis that the character of perceptual experience is independent of the physical events that seem to give rise to it. Here we review the scientific literature on olfaction, and we argue that olfaction has a distinctive profile in relation to the other modalities, on four counts: in the physical nature of the stimulus, in the sensorimotor interactions that characterize its use, in the (...)
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    On the relevance of statistical relevance theory.Stephen Turner - 1982 - Theory and Decision 14 (2):195-205.
    In Salmon's discussion of his account of statistical relevance and statistical explanation there is a peculiarity in the selection of examples. Where he wishes to show that statistical accounts are reasonably treated as explanatory, he draws examples from the social sciences, such as juvenile delinquency. But when he explains the concept of 'causal' relevance, the examples are selected from the natural sciences. This conceals difficulties with salmon's account of causality in the face of multiple causes such as are characteristic of (...)
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