Results for 'Grief Christianity.'

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  1.  36
    Is Grief Self-Regarding?Christiane Pohl - 1997 - Philosophy Now 17:23-27.
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    Grief, Death, and Longing in Stoic and Christian Ethics.Paul Scherz - 2017 - Journal of Religious Ethics 45 (1):7-28.
    The Stoic rejection of the passion of grief strikes many ethicists writing on dying as inhuman, selfish, or lacking appreciation for the world. This essay argues that Stoics rejected grief and the fear of death because these passions alienated one from the present through sorrow or anxiety for the future, disrupting one's ability to fulfill obligations of care for others and to feel gratitude for the gift of loved ones. Early Christian writers on death, such as Ambrose, maintained (...)
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    Brill's companion to Crantor of Soli.Christian Vassallo, Pia De Simone & Kilian Josef Fleischer (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    This book represents the first monograph (miscellany) entirely devoted to Crantor of Soli (app. 335-275 BCE), an outstanding figure of the Old Academy. He was in particular famous for his On Grief, an exemplary work of consolation literature, and for his being the first commentator of Plato's Timaeus. Unlike his darling Arcesilaus of Pitane, who initiated the Sceptical turn, Crantor seems to have stuck firm to the Academic teachings of Polemon and Plato. The contributions collected in this book aim (...)
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    Human Grief and Divine Power in Augustine’s In Iohannis euangelium tractatus.Alex Fogleman - 2024 - Augustinian Studies 55 (2):173-188.
    Augustine scholarship on grief has mostly focused on Confessiones 4 and 9 and De ciuitate dei 14.9, with a focus on how Augustine legitimates Christian expressions of grief. In this essay, I explore the ways in which his account of grief is inflected Christologically, with a primary focus on In Iohannis euangelium tractatus 49, 52, and 60, where Augustine reflects on a set of Johannine texts that speak of Jesus being “troubled”: John 11:33, 12:27, and 13:21. The (...)
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  5. Beautiful and Terrible Things: A Christian Struggle with Suffering, Grief, and Hope.[author unknown] - 2020
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    Hermeneutics of Grief as a Model for the Hermeneutics of Love in Jean-Luc Marion.Jorge Luis Roggero & Brian Becker - 2022 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):54-67.
    From Jean-Luc Marion’s examination of Gustave Courbet and his painting, it is shown how grief can operate as a model for the hermeneutics of love. This hermeneutics of grief, in turn, makes possible a consideration of all phenomena, and not only the human, as saturated phenomena.
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    The Problem of God in the Presence of Grief: Exchanging “Stages” of Healing for “Trajectories” of Recovery.John Perrine & Paul Maxwell - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):176-193.
    The bereaved Christian faces not only the difficult task of grief, but also the morally charged evaluations of the grief process: whether it should be fast or slow, whether God is necessary or unhelpful, and whether grief is “proper” for Christians in light of their call to “not grieve as others do who have no hope”.1 This article showcases these tensions involved in defining a “proper” Christian approach to grief, retrieves resources born in the engagement of (...)
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    Editing the Story of Life in the Experience of Grief: An Intercultural Pastoral Care of the Nias Church in Indonesia.Simon Rachmadi, Bambang Subandrijo & Alokasih Gulo - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (3):163-180.
    In the moment of grief, people need consolation coming from the very core of human existence: living communication with one’s source of being. This communication ensues stories of life-sustaining one’s self-identity and spiritual vitality. When a story of life enlightens one’s experience of grief, it becomes a curative force for one’s soul-healing process. Yet if the life story becomes ineffective, it needs an “editing” process—or a revision—to get a meaning reconstruction that is more compatible with the grief (...)
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    The Christian Funeral as Counter Witness.Thomas G. Long - 2021 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 75 (3):216-226.
    The proliferation of unconventional death practices in North America, however innovative, is in part an expression of societal confusion about the nature of death and grief. If the church can recover the theological and liturgical fabric of funerals, reclaiming their main purpose as public confession rather than private pastoral care, Christian funerals can serve as a hopeful counter-witness to an uncertain culture.
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  10.  18
    Formative Political Grief.C. Melissa Snarr - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (1):7-13.
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    Acquainted with Grief: the Atonement and Early Feminist Conceptions of Theodicy.Jill Graper Hernandez - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):97-111.
    This paper explores the relationship between the problem of evil and a kenotic view of the Atonement evidenced not just by feminist theologians, but by analytic philosophers of religion. I will argue that, although kenosis provides an interesting story about the ability of Christ to partake in human suffering, it faces debilitating problems for understanding divine concurrence with evil in the world. Most significantly, I will argue that the potential tensions between divine justice and divine love can be loosened by (...)
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    Interceding: Giving Grief to Management.Michael Hanby - 2004 - In Stanley Hauerwas & Samuel Wells (eds.), The Blackwell companion to Christian ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 237.
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    Human-Animal Reincarnation and Animal Grief in Kabbalah: Joseph of Hamadan’s Contribution.Leore Sachs-Shmueli - 2023 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 31 (1):30-56.
    In thirteenth-century Castile, the kabbalist R. Joseph of Hamadan offered an unprecedented articulation of the idea of reincarnation (gilgul), proposing that Jewish men could be reborn as gentiles, women, or even animals. This article studies the formation of the Jewish belief in the transmigration of human souls into animal bodies, focusing on the question of animal pain. It contextualizes the kabbalistic literary treatment of animals by examining the thirteenth-century European genre of bestiaries, which attempted to instill proper morals in readers (...)
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  14.  23
    Pastoral juxtaposition in spiritual care: Towards a caregiving faith theology in an evangelical Christian context.Victor Counted & Joe R. Miller - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-10.
    The problem for many troubled youths seeking help within a Christian context is that their need for meaningful connections and spiritual growth is attached to relationships with their significant others. When needs of attachment are not adequately met due to the effect of an insecure attachment working model in a relationship with God, the teen may end up leaving the faith community seeking a new caregiver or regress into spiritual struggles, depression, anxiety, self-doubt and other negative emotions. This paper responds (...)
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    The Trauma of Mothers: Motherhood, Violent Crime and the Christian Motif of Forgiveness.Esther Mcintosh - 2020 - In K. O'Donnell & K. Cross (eds.), Feminist Trauma Theologies: Body, Scripture & Church in Critical Perspective. SCM Press.
    In the face of violent crime, mothers are often the most vocal in fighting for justice. When those mothers are also active in a Christian Church, they are well versed in the motifs of sacrifice and forgiveness. From a feminist perspective, these motifs have been severely criticised for weighing more heavily on women than men, given Christianity’s long history of teaching the submission of women and the dominance of men, and, further, have been instrumental in keeping women in abusive relationships. (...)
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  16.  14
    When the rooster crows: God, suffering and being in the world.Vincent L. Perri - 2023 - Irvine: Universal Publishers.
    This book closely examines our commonly held beliefs about human suffering, and offers unique insights into God's role in why we suffer. Dr. Perri critically examines what it means to be human from a Judeo-Christian perspective, and extrapolates from the work of Carl Gustav Jung showing a deeply complex development of human transcendence in human suffering. On an interpersonal level, Dr. Perri elaborates on the work of Martin Buber and Emanuel Levinas and shows how our suffering can be shared and (...)
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  17.  16
    Holy unhappiness: God, goodness, and the myth of the blessed life.Amanda Held Opelt - 2023 - New York: Worthy.
    American Christians have developed a long list of expectations about what the life with God will feel like. Many Christians rightly deny the Prosperity Gospel-the idea that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy- but instead embrace its more subtle spin-off, the Emotional Prosperity Gospel, or the belief that God wants you to always experience happiness and fulfillment. Our society has become increasingly averse to sadness and emotional discomfort. Too often, people of faith assume that difficult feelings are a (...)
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  18.  47
    The Image of God: The Problem of Evil and the Problem of Mourning.Eleonore Stump - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of evil has generated varying attempts at theodicy. To show that suffering is defeated for a sufferer, a theodicy argues that there is an outweighing benefit which could not have been gotten without the suffering. Typically, this condition has the tacit presupposition given that this is a post-Fall world. Consequently, there is a sense in which human suffering would not be shown to be defeated even if there were a successful theodicy because a theodicy typically implies that the (...)
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  19.  19
    The moral life: eight lectures.James F. Keenan - 2023 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    Most foundational texts on theological ethics address the person or the society; the point of departure determines, inevitably, fairly different trajectories. By starting with the experience of grief, this book posits the human as ineluctably social: grief is an epiphany that reveals how the human is inseparable from the collective. Indeed, grief inevitably summons us to grieve socially. Nothing discloses the human more rawly than grief that "it is not good for the human to be alone." (...)
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    Making Fetal Persons.Catherine Mills - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):88-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Making Fetal PersonsFetal Homicide, Ultrasound, and the Normative Significance of BirthCatherine MillsIn early 2012, the then attorney general of Western Australia, Christian Porter, announced plans to introduce fetal homicide laws that would “create a new offence of causing death or grievous bodily harm to an unborn child through an unlawful assault on its mother” (Porter 2012). While well established in the United States, fetal homicide laws are only beginning (...)
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  21.  5
    Forgiveness: An Alternative Account.Matthew Ichihashi Potts - 2022 - Yale University Press.
    _A deeply researched and poignant reflection on the practice of forgiveness in an unforgiving world__ “Broad in its philosophical sweep and fine in its literary analysis, this work redefines forgiveness as the modest yet heroic ability to hold pain and anger together with hope and nonviolence.”—Joie Szu-Chiao Chen, _Lion’s Roar__ Matthew Ichihashi Potts explores the complex moral terrain of forgiveness, which he claims has too often served as a salve to the conscience of power rather than as an instrument of (...)
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  22.  7
    Sehnsucht as Signpost: The Autobiographical Impulse of C. S. Lewis.Andrew Lazo - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (3):33-53.
    For half a century, readers of C. S. Lewis had only two problematic and at times obscure spiritual autobiographies to use in attempts to understand Lewis’s journey to faith through what he called Joy, Sehnsucht, or longing. Both books, though important and full of key insights, in some ways hid more than they revealed. Recent discoveries, however, have widened the arc of autobiography. Lewis’s landmark pre-Christian account of his conversion to theism, ‘Early Prose Joy’, published in 2013, monumentally widened and (...)
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  23.  4
    Looking Death Straight in the Eye: The Wisdom and Witness of the Saints.O. P. Paul Murray - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):923-941.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Looking Death Straight in the Eye:The Wisdom and Witness of the SaintsPaul Murray O.P.At the Basilica of San Clemente here in Rome, the tomb which lies directly under the high altar contains, according to received tradition, the relics of both St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Elsewhere, in the San Clemente complex, there is another tomb or sarcophagus, unknown to the public, whose original place may (...)
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    Too Expensive to Treat? Finitude, Tragedy, and the Neonatal ICU by Charles C. Camosy.Autumn Alcott Ridenour - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):209-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Too Expensive to Treat? Finitude, Tragedy, and the Neonatal ICU by Charles C. CamosyAutumn Alcott RidenourReview of Too Expensive to Treat? Finitude, Tragedy, and the Neonatal ICU CHARLES C. CAMOSY Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010. 208 pp. $18.00In Too Expensive to Treat? Charles Camosy makes an important contribution to bioethics and Christian ethics by making the case for the need to consider social factors when treating imperiled newborns. (...)
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  25. Toward a Philosophical Theology of Pregnancy Loss.Amber L. Griffioen - 2022 - In Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode (ed.), The Meaning of Mourning: Perspectives on Death, Loss, and Grief. Lexington Books.
    Issues surrounding pregnancy loss are rarely addressed in Christian philosophy. Yet a modest estimate based on the empirical and medical literature places the rate of pregnancy loss between fertilization and term at somewhere between 40–60%. If miscarriage really is as common as the research gives us to believe, then it would seem a pressing topic for a Christian philosophy of the future to address. This paper attempts to begin this work by showing how thinking more closely about pregnancy loss understood (...)
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    Stoic Ethics: Epictetus and Happiness as Freedom.William O. Stephens - 2007 - London, UK: Continuum.
    The impact of Stoicism on Roman culture and early Christianity was considerable. Unfortunately, little survives of the early writings on Stoicism. Our knowledge of it comes largely from a few later Stoics. In this unique book, William O. Stephens explores the moral philosophy of the late Stoic Epictetus, a former slave and dynamic Stoic teacher. His philosophy, as recorded by one of his students, is the most earnest and most compelling defense of ancient Stoicism that exists. Epictetus' teachings dramatically capture (...)
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    Original Dwelling Place: Zen Essays (review).Robert Goss - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):212-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Dwelling Place: Zen EssaysRobert E. GossOriginal Dwelling Place: Zen Essays. By Robert Aitken. Upland, California: Counterpoint, 1996. 241 pp.Robert Aitken narrates his over forty-year journey into Zen, elucidating not only his spiritual journey but also reflecting the Americanization of Zen Buddhism. He was introduced to Zen Buddhism during World War II as an internee in a camp for enemy civilians in Kobe, Japan. Original Dwelling Place is Aitken’s (...)
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  28. Philo of Alexandria and the Origins of the Stoic Πρoπαειαι.Margaret Graver - 1999 - Phronesis 44 (4):300-325.
    The concept of πρoπαειαι or "pre-emotions" is known not only to the Roman Stoics and Christian exegetes but also to Philo of Alexandria. Philo also supplies the term πρoπαεια at QGen 1.79. As Philo cannot have derived what he knows from Seneca, nor from Cicero, who also mentions the point, he must have found it in older Stoic writings. The πρoπαεια concept, rich in implications for the voluntariness and phenomenology of the passions proper, is thus confirmed for the Hellenistic period. (...)
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    George Khushf.Christianity as an Alternative Healing System - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:123.
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    Sorrow and Consolation in Italian Humanism.George W. McClure - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    George McClure offers here a far-reaching analysis of the role of consolation in Italian Renaissance culture, showing how the humanists' interest in despair, and their effort to open up this realm in both social and personal terms, signaled a shift toward a heightened secularization in European thought. Analyzing works by fourteenth-and fifteenth-century writers, from Petrarch to Marsilio Ficino, McClure examines the treatment of such problems as bereavement, fear of death, illness, despair, and misfortune. These writers, who evinced a belief in (...)
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    The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Theology.Francis Oakley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):437-461.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century TheologyFrancis Oakley[W]e must cautiously abandon [that more specious opinion of the Platonist and Stoick]... in this, that it... blasphemously invades the cardinal Prerogative of Divinity, Omnipotence, by denying him a reserved power, of infringing, or altering any one of those Laws which [He] Himself ordained, and enacted, and chaining up his armes in the adamantine fetters of Destiny.Walter (...)
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    The 'Lamia' and Aristotle's Beaver: The Consequences of a Mistranscription.Hana Šedinová - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):295-306.
    In Greek mythology, Lamia, daughter of the king of Libya, bore several children to Zeus, but his jealous wife, Hera, killed all but one of them. Transformed by grief and anger, Lamia became a monster with the manners and physical traits of an animal. The word lamia can also be found in the form of an appellative. In the book of Isaiah in the Vulgate, the lamia is among the animals, beasts and monsters which will despoil Jerusalem when God's (...)
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    Abortion and multifetal pregnancy reduction: An ethical comparison.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:51-73.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction has increasingly been a subject of debate in Norway. The intensity of this debate reached a tentative maximum when the Legislation Department delivered their interpretative statement, Section 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act, in 2016 in response to a request from the Ministry of Health that the Legislation Department consider whether the Abortion Act allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that the current abortion legislation [as of (...)
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    The moral challenges of economic equality and diversity.Jordan J. Ballor - 2013 - Philosophia Reformata 78 (2):196-208.
    Attention to economic inequality has increased in the wake of the global financial crisis, and along with this increased attention has come the need for reconsideration of the dynamics of moral reflection on inequality. Inequality is often viewed as a negative in terms of economic and social costs. But there are also moral challenges that arise from inequality. The Christian tradition emphasizes the diversity, and therefore the inequality, of the created order, and as such inequality is not simply a result (...)
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    Zu Theodor Haecker.Max Horkheimer - 1936 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 5 (3):372-383.
    If Haecker's book on History and the Attitude of the Christian be considered as an index, there seems to be a strong humanistic current in present day Catholicism. Haecker develops in his book the Christian belief that history manifests the will of God, and that all wars, upheavals and revolutions really occur for the salvation of the soul of the individual. He opposes the modern trend to deify nation and race, and presents the elevation of man from his fall, and (...)
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    Herbert’s The Temple as Early Modern Psychomachia.Michael Vander Weele - 2022 - Renascence 74 (3-4):211-251.
    One does not read very far in the second and by far the longest section of Herbert’s The Temple before the single-minded exhortations of the speaker in “The Church Porch” and the early Lenten “complaints” of Christ to his people in “The Sacrifice” turn to the unpredictable elements of the speaker’s human condition: puzzlement, striving, grief, joy. The quick movement between these elements is due not only to Herbert’s poetic sensibility, I argue, but also to his anthropological understanding and (...)
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    Quarrel and Quandary (review).Myrna Goldenberg - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):456-458.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 456-458 [Access article in PDF] Quarrel & Quandary, by Cynthia Ozick; xiii & 247 pp. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000, $25.00. Ask Cynthia Ozick to define a Jewish book and she launches into an extended defense of the integrity of the body of traditional Jewish writing: Torah, Talmud, liturgy, ethics, and philosophy. Ozick takes her Judaism seriously; its literature, in the broad sense, (...)
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  38. Nostra Aetate : Historical genesis, key elements, and reception by the church in Australia.Raymond Canning - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (4):387.
    Canning, Raymond I was born on 15 September 1947. That same year, on 5 August, the International Council of Christians and Jews, meeting in Switzerland, had issued what have become known as 'The Ten Points of Seelisberg'.1 As grief and shame over the Shoah took root, the necessity for a radical change of theological, cultural and political attitudes on the part of Christians became clear. These Ten Points articulate key dimensions of that growing perception. They can therefore be understood (...)
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    Faith has its reasons.Julie Kemp - 2018 - San Antonio, Texas: Halo Publishing International.
    "Faith Has Its Reasons" shows readers how struggles, heartache, and tears can transform from a nightmare into a ministry. This book contains the encouragement to take the first steps out of grief and climb the mountain out of the valley of the shadow of death. This book will also inspire those that may question heaven. A child's amazing visits to heaven gave him the courage to tell others about Jesus. His bravery and boldness after dying and losing his father (...)
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    Idolatrous Friendship in Augustine’s Confessions.Kyle Hubbard - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):43-57.
    In Book Four of his Confessions, Augustine recalls his grief at the death of his closest friend. Augustine believes he grieved excessively because he loved his friend as an idol, in the place of God. To illuminate the problems with Augustine’s friendship, I will draw on Jean-Luc Marion’s helpful analyses of the idol and the icon. In doing so I seek to clarify not only Augustine’s position on proper human love in the Confessions, but also suggest a way to (...)
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    Theory and practice.James Rachels - 2001 - In Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte Becker (eds.), Encyclopedia of Ethics, 2nd edition. Routledge.
    The idea that some things are fine in theory, but do not work in practice, was already an “old saying” when Kant wrote about it in 1793. Kant, who was annoyed that a man named Garve had criticized his ethical theory on this ground, responded by pointing out that there is always a gap between theory and practice. Theory provides general rules but it cannot tell us how to apply them--for that, practical judgment is needed. “[T]he general rule,” said Kant, (...)
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    Resurrection and Reason: A Patristic Consolation of the Bereaved1.Stefana Dan Laing - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (1):8-27.
    This article examines the dual consolatory approach of Theodoret of Cyrus, a fifth-century Syriac bishop. Theodoret's method of grief counseling may be examined by drawing upon several of his letters of consolation as guiding examples. Using the philosophical theme of reason's control of the passions together with the Christian hope of the resurrection, Theodoret consoled his mourning friends, yielding an instructive model for contemporary pastors and counselors to consider. Theodoret practiced letter writing as a valid and constructive consolatory medium, (...)
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    Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century by Raffaella Cribiore (review).Robert J. Penella - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (3):537-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century by Raffaella CribioreRobert J. PenellaRaffaella Cribiore. Libanius the Sophist: Rhetoric, Reality, and Religion in the Fourth Century. Townsend Lectures/Cornell University Studies in Classical Philology. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2013. x + 260 pp. Cloth, $49.95.Raffaella Cribiore has earned her Libanian stripes, especially with her The School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch (Princeton 2007). When she (...)
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    God and Evil: The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain.Chad Meister & James K. Dew (eds.) - 2013 - InterVarsity Press.
    The question of evil—its origins, its justification, its solution—has plagued humankind from the beginning. Every generation raises the question and struggles with the responses it is given. Questions about the nature of evil and how it is reconciled with the truth claims of Christianity are unavoidable; we need to be prepared to respond to such questions with great clarity and good faith. God and Evil compiles the best thinking on all angles on the question of evil, from some of the (...)
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  45. Abort og fosterreduksjon: En etisk sammenligning.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2019 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:89-111.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) has increasingly been the subject of debate in Norway, and the intensity reached a tentative maximum when Legislation Department delivered the interpretative statement § 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act in 2016 in response to the Ministry of Health (2014) requesting the Legislation Department to consider whether the Law on abortion allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that current abortion laws allow MFPR within the framework (...)
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    Through the dark field: the incarnation through an aesthetics of vulnerability.Susie Paulik Babka - 2016 - Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press.
    Theology, vulnerability, and art as the consciousness of grief -- Christology positive and im-positive -- Dedication to vulnerability in the form of art -- Visual art as a resource for theology of the incarnation -- Beyond language, beyond reason: vulnerability, art, and the problem of catastrophic suffering -- The presence of the absent God: incarnation and abstract expressionism.
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    Why So Serious: On Philosophy and Comedy.Russell Ford (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    The Western philosophical tradition has shown a marked and perennial fondness for tragedy. From Plato and Aristotle, through the development of Christianity, to German idealism, and even to contemporary reflections on the murderous violence of the twentieth century, philosophy has repeatedly looked to tragedy for resources to make suffering, grief, and death thinkable. But what if by showing such a preference for tragedy, philosophical thought has unwittingly and unknowingly aligned itself with a form of thinking that accepts human suffering (...)
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  48. Humility and Despair.Alina Beary - 2021 - Journal of Psychology and Christianity 40 (3):267-271.
    Since the wife-husband team of Anne Case and Angus Deaton popularized the term deaths of despair, psychologists have become more interested in decoupling despair from clinical depression and anxiety. Despair’s central marker is the loss of hope. It is characterized by feelings of social and spiritual isolation, meaninglessness, hopelessness, helplessness, demoralization, and shame. Causes of despair are complex, ranging from individual (e.g., grief, bad health, addiction, abuse), to societal (e.g., social and cultural dislocation, unemployment, economic disaster, poverty), to a (...)
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  49. Hugo Meynell.on Improving Christianity - 1991 - In Harry A. Lewis (ed.), Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 229.
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  50.  26
    A New Natural Interpretation of the Empty Tomb.Leonard Irwin Eisenberg - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 80 (2):133-143.
    Clues in the Gospels, evidence from Jewish historian Josephus, belief in the transmigration of souls, and well-documented examples of erroneous declarations of death, combine to support a natural explanation for the Easter story: Jesus survives his short stay on the cross, and is discovered to be barely alive by the few followers who retrieve him. Fearful because they have illegally retrieved a condemned man, they carry out a decoy burial in a tomb. Jesus expires soon after, and is buried quietly (...)
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