Results for 'Growing Old'

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  1. James C. Bradford, ed., The Military and Conflict Between Cultures. Col-lege Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University Press, 1997, 233 pp. ISBN 0-89096-743-1, $37.95 (Hb). Jacqueline Brunning and Paul Forster, The Rule of Reason: The Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. Toronto, Canada: The University of Toronto. [REVIEW]Growing Old - 1998 - Journal of Value Inquiry 32:439-442.
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    Growing Old Together: A Shared Achievement.John Carvalho - 2023 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):42-55.
    In this essay, I account for what we mean by old, what it means to grow old, and what we might mean by a shared achievement in the case of growing old together. I turn to the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz for some early insights on the shared time embodied in growing older together and how a ‘werelationship’ shored up by this temporal structure is the foundation for constituting the social world. I follow Schutz’s attempt to use this (...)
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    Growing Old: A Journey of Self-Discovery.Danielle Quinodoz - 2009 - Routledge.
    People react very differently to the process of ageing. Some people shy away from old age for as long as they can and eventually spend it reflecting on times when they were physically and mentally stronger and more independent. For others old age is embraced as a new adventure and something to look forward to. In this book psychoanalyst Danielle Quinodoz highlights the value of old age and the fact that although many elderly people have suffered losses, either of their (...)
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    Growing Old: On Becoming a Stranger.Jerry Williams - 2017 - Schutzian Research 9:13-28.
    This essay considers how normal aging might over the long run be thought of as undermining to “thinking as usual” in a society undergoing rapid social change. Informed by the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz, the criteria for thinking as usual are considered. Derived from his essay “The Stranger,” these criteria were developed by Schutz about the experience of an immigrant stranger approaching a new culture. Here it is argued that they might also help us better understand the experience of aging. (...)
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    How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life.Marcus Tullius Cicero (ed.) - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
    Timeless wisdom on growing old gracefully from one of ancient Rome's greatest philosophers Worried that old age will inevitably mean losing your libido, your health, and possibly your marbles too? Well, Cicero has some good news for you. In How to Grow Old, the great Roman orator and statesman eloquently describes how you can make the second half of life the best part of all—and why you might discover that reading and gardening are actually far more pleasurable than sex (...)
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    Growing Old in the Future.Richard Keatinge - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (4):213-214.
  7. Let me grow old: Verse.Francis Mason - 1931 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 12 (4):275.
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    How to grow old.Marcus Tullius Cicero - 2016 - In How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-178.
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    The art of growing old: environmental manipulation, physiological rhythms, and the advent of Microcebus murinus as a primate model of aging.Lucie Gerber - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2):1-29.
    In the early 1990s, Microcebus murinus, a small primate endemic to Madagascar, emerged as a potential animal model for the study of aging and Alzheimer’s disease. This paper traces the use of the lesser mouse lemur in research on aging and associated neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on a basic material precondition that made this possible, namely, the conversion of a wild animal into an experimental organism that lives, breeds, and survives in the laboratory. It argues that the “old” mouse lemur model (...)
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  10. Do Nations Grow Old?R. M. Maciver - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22:458.
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    I Shall Never Grow Old.Alexander García Düttmann - unknown
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    ‘Their memories will never grow old’: The politics of remembrance in the athenian funeral orations.Julia L. Shear - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):511-536.
    Every winter in the classical period, on a specifically chosen day, Athenians gathered together to mourn the men who had died in war. According to Thucydides, the bones of the dead killed in that year lay in state for two days before being carried in ten coffins organized by tribe to thedêmosion sêmawhere they were buried and then a speech was made in honour of the dead men by a man chosen by the city. As his description makes clear, this (...)
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    Aging Across Cultures: Growing Old in the Non-Western World.Helaine Selin (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume brings together chapters about aging in many non-Western cultures, from Africa and Asia to South America, from American Indians to Australian and Hawaii Aboriginals. It also includes articles on other issues of aging, such as falling, dementia, and elder abuse. It was thought that in Africa or Asia, elders were revered and taken care of. This certainly used to be the case. But the Western way has moved into these places, and we now find that elders are often (...)
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    Allowed to Grow Old: Portraits of Elderly Animals from Farm Sanctuaries.J. Keri Cronin - 2021 - Journal of Animal Ethics 11 (1):110-112.
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    Allowed to Grow Old: Portraits of Elderly Animals from Farm Sanctuaries by Isa Leshko.Aden Bar-Tura - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (3):436-437.
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    Do Nations Grow Old?R. M. MacIver - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (2):127-143.
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    A World Growing Old: the Coming Health Care Challenges.H. Series - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (1):56-57.
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    The Right and Wrong of Growing Old: Assessing the Argument from Evolution.Bennett Foddy - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):547-560.
    One argument which is frequently levelled against the enhancement of human biology is that we do not understand the evolved function of our bodies well enough to meddle in our biology without producing unintended and potentially catastrophic effects. In particular, this argument is levelled against attempts to slow or eliminate the processes of human ageing, or ‘senescence’, which cause us to grow decrepit before we die. In this article, I claim that even if this argument could usefully be applied against (...)
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    How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life. [REVIEW]Stanley Shostak - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):214-215.
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    Growing Up and Growing Old: Ageing and Dependency in the Life Course. By Jenny Hockey, & Allison James. Pp. 200. (Sage, London, 1993.) £11.95. [REVIEW]Ronald Frankenberg - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (1):139-141.
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    Training Ethical Competence in a World Growing Old: A Multimethod Ethical Round in Hospital and Residential Care Settings.Federico Pennestrì, Giulia Villa, Noemi Giannetta, Roberta Sala, Duilio Fiorenzo Manara & Roberto Mordacci - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):279-294.
    Ethical challenges are traditionally described in a negative light, even though moral conflict can express the individual ability to perceive when something is not working and promote change. The true question, therefore, is not to how to silence moral conflict but how to educate it. Although the need for ethical support of health- and social-care professionals in elderly care is clearly perceived, there is no universal method for providing effective interventions. The authors hypothesize that adequate training sessions can help care (...)
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  22. How do we want to grow old? Anti‐ageing‐medicine and the scope of public healthcare in liberal democracies.Mark Schweda & Georg Marckmann - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (7):357-364.
    Healthcare counts as a morally relevant good whose distribution should neither be left to the free market nor be simply imposed by governmental decisions without further justification. This problem is particularly prevalent in the current boom of anti-ageing medicine. While the public demand for medical interventions which promise a longer, healthier and more active and attractive life has been increasing, public healthcare systems usually do not cover these products and services, thus leaving their allocation to the mechanisms of supply and (...)
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  23. I Love Growing Older but I’ll Never Grow Old.[author unknown] - 2013
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    Old World News: Ethics Review Needs to Grow up.Richard H. Nicholson - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (3):8.
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    The Roman life course M. Harlow, R. Laurence: Growing up and growing old in ancient Rome. A life course approach . Pp. VIII + 184, ills, pls. London and new York: Routledge, 2002. Paper, £14.99. Isbn: 0-415-20201-9 (0-415-20200-0 hbk). [REVIEW]Keith Bradley - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):168-.
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    Does old age make sense? Decisions and destiny in growing older.Avery D. Weisman - 1977 - Humanitas 13 (1).
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    Growing Up: Seeing Myself for Who I Am and Loving It.Kerry Magro - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):202-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Growing Up: Seeing Myself for Who I Am and Loving ItKerry MagroLast weekend, I traveled to see my cousin. He had graduated from St Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore and was being ordained as a Roman Catholic priest. The event was attended by many of my family members. Several of the littlest attendees struggled with all the commotion, some were said to be shy, some didn’t want to be (...)
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    Eleven-Year-Olds Grow up.John S. Macpherson - 1959 - British Journal of Educational Studies 7 (2):176-178.
  29. Belief Revision for Growing Awareness.Katie Steele & H. Orri Stefánsson - 2021 - Mind 130 (520):1207–1232.
    The Bayesian maxim for rational learning could be described as conservative change from one probabilistic belief or credence function to another in response to newinformation. Roughly: ‘Hold fixed any credences that are not directly affected by the learning experience.’ This is precisely articulated for the case when we learn that some proposition that we had previously entertained is indeed true (the rule of conditionalisation). But can this conservative-change maxim be extended to revising one’s credences in response to entertaining propositions or (...)
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    Eleven-year-olds grow up. A seven-year follow-up of a representative sample of the 1947 Scottish mental survey.Kenneth Hutton - 1959 - The Eugenics Review 50 (4):269.
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    Growing up godless: non-religious childhoods in contemporary England.Anna Strhan - 2025 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by Rachael Shillitoe.
    In Britain, as in many other countries across Europe, non-religion has now replaced Christianity as the cultural default, especially among younger age groups. There is for the first time a no-religion majority, and only around half the overall population now express belief in some kind of God. And while religion continues to feature prominently in children's education in countries like the UK, schools are, increasingly, making space in the classroom for nonreligious stances toward life. But as of yet, there has (...)
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    Growing Up in a Digital World – Digital Media and the Association With the Child’s Language Development at Two Years of Age.Annette Sundqvist, Felix-Sebastian Koch, Ulrika Birberg Thornberg, Rachel Barr & Mikael Heimann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Digital media, such as cellphones and tablets, are a common part of our daily lives and their usage has changed the communication structure within families. Thus, there is a risk that the use of DM might result in fewer opportunities for interactions between children and their parents leading to fewer language learning moments for young children. The current study examined the associations between children’s language development and early DM exposure.Participants: Ninety-two parents of 25months olds recorded their home sound environment during (...)
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    Growing democratic citizenship competencies: Fostering social studies understandings through inquiry learning in the preschool garden.Erin M. Casey, Cynthia F. DiCarlo & Kerry L. Sheldon - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (4):361-373.
    Essential skills and attitudes necessary for active citizenship need to be cultivated as early as prekindergarten. This exploratory study investigated if three and four-year olds could be actively engaged in social studies practices through inquiry learning in a school garden. Eleven children openly interacted and conducted personally-driven investigations on a daily basis in the school garden located on their playground over nine-months. Three interviews with children, teacher observation notes, and lesson plans were analyzed to discover whether NCSS preK-12 learning themes (...)
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    Establishing the Instances of Empathy and Friendship among Youth Peer Groups Involved in the Four Juvenile Sports Clubs Sports participation can develop the minds and bodies of young people. In this world of growing online interaction, young people can be.Conor Hogan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1877-1883.
    Sports participation can develop the minds and bodies of young people. In this world of growing online interaction, young people can benefit from what sport gives to them and develop them into good citizens. Within this paper, the instances of empathy and friendship among youth peer groups from 11 to 18 years old involved in the four juvenile sports clubs are identified. As a result of this paper, the young sporting participants demonstrated consistent empathy, are affected by others’ emotions, (...)
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    Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star Trek.Mark Jendrysik - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):359-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Utopian Enterprises: Growing Up with Star TrekMark Jendrysik (bio)It might be hard to imagine today, when new Star Trek entertainment product seems to be everywhere, that there was once a time when Star Trek meant the seventy-nine episodes of the original series and nothing else. And it might be hard to imagine a time when episodes of a television series had to be watched at one particular time, (...)
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    Could a child robot grow up to be a mathematician and philosopher?Aaron Sloman - manuscript
    Some old problems going back to Immanuel Kant about the nature of mathematical knowledge can be addressed in a new way by asking what sorts of developmental changes in a human child make it possible for the child to become a mathematician.
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    Voicing control: A child resource for “growing a head taller”.Hansun Zhang Waring - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (231):147-169.
    Dinner times provide rich opportunities for overt and covert socialization. Drawing upon a larger corpus of 35 video-recorded family meals involving the three-year-old Zoe and her parents, this conversation analytic study describes how Zoe displays such agency through the practice of “voicing control” – momentarily sounding and acting like an adult by performing a range of controlling acts such as leading, instructing, advising, assessing, and mediating. I argue that by playing with such activities bound to the category of a higher (...)
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    Old Age in Simone de Beauvoir and Martine Franck.Shirley Jordan - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35 (1-2):63-84.
    This article explores connections between Beauvoir’s work on aging and the photographic study of older people by humanist photographer Martine Franck. It traces entanglements between Beauvoir’s The Coming of Age and Franck’s photobook Time to Grow Old, focusing especially on differences related to gender and aging and on epistemologies of aging research. The author argues that the projects on aging by Beauvoir and Franck illuminate each other in important ways and underscore blind spots in Beauvoir’s approach.
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    Dual Language Competencies of Turkish–German Children Growing Up in Germany: Factors Supportive of Functioning Dual Language Development.Beyhan Ertanir, Jens Kratzmann, Maren Frank, Samuel Jahreiss & Steffi Sachse - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:371496.
    This paper is about the first (L1) and second language (L2) skills of Turkish-German dual language learners (DLLs), the interrelatedness of the L1 and L2 skills, and their relation to other selected child and family variables. The first aim of the study was to examine L1 and L2 performance and the relation between the languages. Second, the study sought to explore the conditions in which functioning dual language development can be achieved, while trying to predict the extent to which child (...)
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    Folded wisdom: notes from Dad on life, love, and growing up.Joanna Guest - 2019 - New York, NY: Celadon Books. Edited by Robert Guest.
    For her entire childhood, Joanna's father, Bob, had a ritual: wake up at dawn, walk the dog, and sit down at the kitchen table with a blank pad of paper and plenty of colored markers to craft notes for his two children. Over the years, word games and puzzles for five-year-olds morphed into thoughtful guidance and reflections for his teenagers approaching adulthood. Now, with more than 3,500 of her father's colorful notes in hand, Joanna has decided that the lessons tucked (...)
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    An old GBT’s new solution.Nihel Jhou - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    An advantage of a typical growing block theory (GBT) or moving spotlight theory (MST) is that it can easily account for tenseless or tensed truths involving past entities. The paper indicates what is required for such an advantage is that a particular like a rock doesn’t change its status of being a rock when turning past from being present. But a typical GBT or MST, which implies that a particular’s turning past from being present doesn’t make a physical difference, (...)
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    Old orders for new: ecology, animal rights, and the poverty of humanism.Cary Wolfe - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):21-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Old Orders for New Ecology, Animal Rights, and the Poverty of HumanismCary Wolfe (bio)Luc Ferry. The New Ecological Order. Trans. Carol Volk. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995.1Early on in The New Ecological Order, the French philosopher Luc Ferry characterizes the allure and danger of ecology in the postmodern moment. What separates it from various other issues in the intellectual and political field, he writes, is thatit can call (...)
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    The old, the new, or the old made new? Everyday counter-narratives of the so-called fourth agricultural revolution.David Christian Rose, Anna Barkemeyer, Auvikki de Boon, Catherine Price & Dannielle Roche - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):423-439.
    Prevalent narratives of agricultural innovation predict that we are once again on the cusp of a global agricultural revolution. According to these narratives, this so-called fourth agricultural revolution, or agriculture 4.0, is set to transform current agricultural practices around the world at a quick pace, making use of new sophisticated precision technologies. Often used as a rhetorical device, this narrative has a material effect on the trajectories of an inherently political and normative agricultural transition; with funding, other policy instruments, and (...)
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    Character ethics and the Old Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.R. Carroll, M. Daniel & Jacqueline E. Lapsley (eds.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the Old Testament, the stories, laws, and songs not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral, but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. This book presents the most up-to-date academic work in Old Testament character ethics, covering topics throughout the Torah, (...)
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    Old Practice, but Young Research Field: A Systematic Bibliographic Review of Personal Branding.Stefan Scheidt, Carsten Gelhard & Jörg Henseler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Before engaging with the already intensive and still increasing personal branding activities in many fields of practice, a scholarly approach would call for a more specific definition of the concept of personal branding processes and the resulting human brands. A multi-step analysis of the growing body of literature on personal branding is employed, integrating a framework that covers six key research streams of personal branding, (1) terminology and definition, (2) underlying theories, (3) classes and categories, (4) benefits, (5) antecedents, (...)
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    The New Inequality of Old Age: Implications for Law.Anne L. Alstott - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (1):111-124.
    Inequality isn’t just for the young anymore. People over age sixty-five face large and growing inequalities in health, wealth, work, and family. The widening gap between better- and worse-off older Americans has begun to undermine legal institutions that once worked to correct inequality, including Social Security, Medicare, private pensions, and family law. In this Article, I briefly document the inequalities that have transformed old age in the last fifty years and then analyze three common justifications for reform: budget solvency, (...)
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    Explaining old worlds.Rogan Kersh - 1995 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 38 (1):83-97.
    This Comment treats each of Spinosa, Flores, and Dreyfus's three subjects ‐entrepreneurship, democratic activity, and cultivation of solidarity ‐ in turn. Though marred by inattention to moral consequences and an accordingly unjustified meliorism, the authors’ insights reaffirm and strengthen a number of convictions obscured in current political‐theory debates. In particular, their account of the virtuous citizen, and of a variant of solidarity which grows out of such citizens’ activity, deserves recognition. The basic contention that humans are ‘at their best’ when (...)
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    No Country for Old Men.Daniel Nettle, Rebecca Coyne & Agathe Colléony - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (4):375-385.
    Within affluent societies, people who grow up in deprived areas begin reproduction much earlier than their affluent peers, and they display a number of other behaviors adapted to an environment in which life will be short. The psychological mechanisms regulating life-history strategies may be sensitive to the age profile of the people encountered during everyday activities. We hypothesized that this age profile might differ between environments of different socioeconomic composition. We tested this hypothesis with a simple observational study comparing the (...)
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    A Chip Off the Old Block: Parents’ Subtle Ethnic Prejudice Predicts Children’s Implicit Prejudice.Sabine Pirchio, Ylenia Passiatore, Angelo Panno, Fridanna Maricchiolo & Giuseppe Carrus - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:315535.
    The increasing flow of immigrants in many European countries and the growing presence of children from immigrant families in schools makes it relevant to study the development of prejudice in children. Parents play an important role in shaping children’s values and their attitudes toward members of other ethnic groups; an intergenerational transmission of prejudice has been found in a number of studies targeting adolescents. The present study aims to investigate the intergenerational transmission of ethnic prejudice in 3- to 9- (...)
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    Dying of ‘Old Age’ in Israel.Mical Raz, Carmel Shalev & Sharon Amit - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (3):363-375.
    This article examines the current state of end-of-life care in internal medicine wards in Israel, through an analysis of medical practice and the existing legal framework. The authors demonstrate the processes that lead chronically ill, elderly patients to perceive death as an unexpected phenomenon that is to be avoided at all costs. This perception stems, among other things, from the lack of public debate on questions relating to the end of life and the dominant cultural expectation that physicians provide curative (...)
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