Results for 'Guest Editors Dave Elder-Vass'

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  1.  21
    Call for papers: Special issue of Journal of Critical Realism on Critical Realism and Pragmatism.Guest Editors Dave Elder-Vass & Karin Zotzmann - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (1):123-123.
    Submission by 31st July 2021 The relationship between pragmatism and critical realism is open to many interpretations. On the one hand, compared to more traditional approaches, the two approaches s...
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  2. Symposium on The Space That Separates: A Realist Theory of Art.Dave Elder-Vass, Andrew Sayer, Tobin Nellhaus, Ian Verstegen, Alan Norrie & Nick Wilson - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (1):90-121.
    Editor’s NoteThanks to the initiative of Alan Norrie, we are pleased to present here a symposium on Nick Wilson’s book The Space that Separates: A Realist Theory of Art. Several authors have contri...
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  3. The editor wishes to thank the following for acting as readers over the past year. Antonio, R. Archer, M. Averill, J.J. Barbalet, Michael Billig, C. Bourg, P. Callero, A. Cicourel, B. Cohen, R. Collins, P. Collett, Gerard Duveen & Dave Elder-Vass - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):0021-8308.
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    ‘Materially social’ critical realism: an interview with Dave Elder-Vass.Dave Elder-Vass & Jamie Morgan - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2):211-246.
    In this wide-ranging interview, Dave Elder-Vass discusses his main contributions to critical realist theory over two decades. In the first half, he explains his early work on emergence, agency, str...
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    The Causal Power of Social Structures: Emergence, Structure and Agency.Dave Elder-Vass - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The problem of structure and agency has been the subject of intense debate in the social sciences for over 100 years. This book offers a solution. Using a critical realist version of the theory of emergence, Dave Elder-Vass argues that, instead of ascribing causal significance to an abstract notion of social structure or a monolithic concept of society, we must recognise that it is specific groups of people that have social structural power. Some of these groups are (...)
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  6.  18
    The Reality of Social Construction.Dave Elder-Vass - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    'Social construction' is a central metaphor in contemporary social science, yet it is used and understood in widely divergent and indeed conflicting ways by different thinkers. Most commonly, it is seen as radically opposed to realist social theory. Dave Elder-Vass argues that social scientists should be both realists and social constructionists and that coherent versions of these ways of thinking are entirely compatible with each other. This book seeks to transform prevailing understandings of the relationship between realism (...)
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  7.  43
    Does critical realism need the concept of three domains of reality? A roundtable.Dave Elder-Vass, Tom Fryer, Ruth Porter Groff, Cristián Navarrete & Tobin Nellhaus - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):222-239.
    The concept of the three domains of reality is widely used in empirical critical realist research. However, there has been little scrutiny of how the domains are conceptualized and what they contribute to critical realism and how they should be applied in empirical research. This paper involves four arguments. First, Tom Fryer and Cristián Navarrete argue that the three domains of reality are redundant, confusing, and unsupported by Bhaskar’s theorizing. Second, Dave Elder-Vass argues that the three domains (...)
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  8.  15
    Profit and Gift in the Digital Economy.Dave Elder-Vass - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Our economy is neither overwhelmingly capitalist, as Marxist political economists argue, nor overwhelmingly a market economy, as mainstream economists assume. Both approaches ignore vast swathes of the economy, including the gift, collaborative and hybrid forms that coexist with more conventional capitalism in the new digital economy. Drawing on economic sociology, anthropology of the gift and heterodox economics, this book proposes a groundbreaking framework for analysing diverse economic systems: a political economy of practices. The framework is used to analyse Apple, Wikipedia, (...)
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  9. Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory of Action.Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Sociological Theory 25 (4):325 - 346.
    Margaret Archer and Pierre Bourdieu have advanced what seem at first sight to be incompatible theories of human agency. While Archer places heavy stress on conscious reflexive deliberation and the consequent choices of identity and projects that individuals make, Bourdieu's concept of habitus places equally heavy stress on the role of social conditioning in determining our behavior, and downplays the contribution of conscious deliberation. Despite this, I argue that these two approaches, with some modification, can be reconciled in a single (...)
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  10. For emergence: Refining Archer's account of social structure.Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (1):25–44.
    The question of social structure and its relationship to human agency remains one of the central problems of social theory. One of the most promising attempts to provide a solution has been Margaret Archer's morphogenetic approach, which invokes emergence to justify treating social structure as causally effective. Archer's argument, however, has been criticised by a number of authors who suggest that the examples she cites can be explained in reductionist terms and thus that they fail to sustain her claim for (...)
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  11.  85
    Disassembling Actor-network Theory.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (1):100-121.
    One of the strikingly iconoclastic features of actor-network theory is its juxtaposition of the claim to be a realist perspective with denials that supposedly natural phenomena existed before scientists “made them up.” This paper explains and criticizes such arguments in the work of Bruno Latour. By combining referent and reference in the concept of assemblages, Latour provides a superficially viable way to reconcile these apparently incompatible claims. This paper will argue, however, that this conflation of referent and reference leads Latour’s (...)
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  12. Emergence and the realist account of cause.Dave Elder-Vass - 2005 - Journal of Critical Realism 4 (2):315-338.
    This paper aims to improve critical realism's understanding of emergence by discussing, first, what emergence is and how it works; second, the need for a compositional account of emergence; and third, the implications of emergence for causation. It goes on to argue that the theory of emergence leads to the recognition of certain hitherto neglected similarities between real causal powers and actual causation. (edited).
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  13.  40
    Pragmatism, critical realism and the study of value.Dave Elder-Vass - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (3):261-287.
    This paper examines the relationship between pragmatism and critical realism, first as alternative philosophies for the social sciences in general, and second, as an illustration, in the social stu...
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  14.  45
    Realism, values and critique.Dave Elder-Vass - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):314-318.
    ABSTRACTThis is a lightly edited transcript of a plenary talk given at the Beyond Positivism conference, Montreal, August 8–10 2017. The talk followed others by Christopher Winship and Frédéric Van...
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  15. Social structure and social relations.Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (4):463–477.
    This paper replies to Porpora, King, and Varela's responses to my earlier paper “For Emergence”, focussing on the relationship between the concepts of social structure and social relations. It recognises the importance of identifying the mechanisms responsible whenever we make claims for the emergence of causal powers, and discusses the mechanism underlying one case of social structure: normative institutions. It also shows how critical realism reconciles the claims that both social structures and human individuals have emergent causal powers that combine (...)
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  16.  53
    Redescription, Reduction, and Emergence.Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):792-797.
    In response to Hansson Wahlberg, this paper argues, first, that he misunderstands the redescription principle developed in my book The Causal Power of Social Structures, and second, that his criticisms rest on an ontological individualism that is taken for granted but in fact lacks an adequate ontological justification of its own.
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  17. A Method for Social Ontology: Iterating Ontology and Social Research.Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Journal of Critical Realism 6 (2):226-249.
    How should critical realism affect the practice of social science? This paper responds to this and related questions by suggesting some methodological implications of the realist theory of emergence. Given that critical realism understands causation as the interaction of emergent causal powers, and that the theory of emergence describes the type of structural relations that underpins such powers, we can practise social ontology by seeking to identify these structural relations in the social domain. Such methods, however, cannot stand or fall (...)
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  18.  85
    Realist Critique without Ethical Naturalism and Moral Realism.Dave Elder-Vass - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (1):33-58.
    The grounds for critique offered by Roy Bhaskar have developed over the course of his work, but two claims have remained central: ethical naturalism and moral realism. I argue that neither of these is compatible with a scientific realist understanding of values: a scientific realist approach commits one to treating values as socially produced and historically contingent. This does not, however, prevent us from reasoning about values, nor from developing critiques by combining ethical reasoning with a theoretical understanding of the (...)
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  19.  29
    Developing Social Theory Using Critical Realism.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (1):80-92.
    How should critical realists do social theory? This paper considers several issues raised by this question, in response to Jamie Morgan’s recent article in this journal, and comments on his discussion of norm circles.
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  20. Luhmann and emergentism: Competing paradigms for social systems theory?Dave Elder-Vass - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (4):408-432.
    Social systems theory has been dominated in recent years by the work of Niklas Luhmann, but there is another strand of systems thinking, which is receiving increasing attention in sociology: emergentism. For emergentism, the core problems of systems thinking are concerned with causation and reductionism; for Luhmann, they are questions of meaning and self-reference. Arguing from an emergentist perspective, the article finds that emergentism addresses its own core problem successfully, while Luhmann's approach is incapable of resolving questions of causation and (...)
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  21.  99
    The Causal Power of Discourse.Dave Elder-Vass - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):143-160.
    This paper outlines a realist approach to the social ontology of discourse. It seeks to synthesise some elements of the approach to discourse found in the early work of Michel Foucault with a critical realist understanding of the causal power of social structures. It will argue that discursive structures can be causally significant when they are normatively endorsed and enforced by specific groups of people; that it is not discourse as such but these groups—discursive circles—that are causally effective; and that (...)
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  22.  53
    The nature of social reality: issues in social ontology.Dave Elder-Vass - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (3):322-328.
    Tony Lawson’s book The Nature of Social Reality is an impressive overview of a philosophically coherent social ontology that he has been developing for at least a decade. The book, and the earlier...
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  23.  31
    Free gifts and positional gifts: Beyond exchangism.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (4):451-468.
    Social theories of giving have often been shaped by anthropological accounts that present it as a form of pre-market reciprocal exchange, yet this exchangist discourse obscures important contemporary giving practices. This article discusses two types of giving that confound the exchangist model: (1) sharing practices within the family; and (2) free gifts to strangers. Once we reject understandings of giving derived from analyses of non-modern economies, it is possible to see that the gift economy is not a rare survival but (...)
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  24.  37
    Giving and Social Transformation.Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Journal of Critical Realism 13 (3):261-285.
    Giving plays an important role in the contemporary economy, but this has been obscured by the perspectives of both mainstream economics and Marxist political economy. This paper draws on the work of J. K. Gibson-Graham to argue that this stunts our imagination about alternative futures, and on the work of Erik Olin Wright to suggest that gift-oriented economic practices could play a significant part in such futures. The most promising alternative economic futures involve not the replacement of a monolithic capitalism (...)
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  25.  28
    Social Emergence: Relational or Functional?Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):5-16.
    This paper outlines a relational variety of the theory of emergence and claims that it can be applied more fruitfully to sociology than the functional variety advocated by Keith Sawyer. Sawyer argues that the wildly disjunctive multiple realizability of social properties justifies a nonreductive approach to causal explanation in the social sciences (but also ontological individualism). In response, this paper argues, first, that the social properties he discusses are not wildly disjunctive, and secondly, that we can explain their causal significance (...)
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  26.  31
    Overlapping traditions with divergent implications? Introduction to the special issue on pragmatism and critical realism.Dave Elder-Vass & Karin Zotzmann - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (3):257-260.
    Intellectual traditions can be seen as complex patchworks of ideas, constructed differently by each observer as they learn about the tradition, and harmonized to an extent through the boundary work...
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    Ethics and emancipation in action: concrete utopias.Dave Elder-Vass - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (5):539-551.
    This is an edited transcript of a keynote paper given at IACR's 2021 Annual Conference. The paper outlines a critical realist approach to critique and illustrates its application to the contemporary economy. It argues that responsible, constructive critique depends on ethics, on causal explanation, and on the development of utopian visions. Utopias are tools, and concrete utopias are not visions of whole alternative ready-made societies, but rather partial models that can be built in practice as elements of the larger social (...)
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  28.  50
    Collective Intentionality and Causal Powers.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (2):251–269.
    Bridging two traditions of social ontology, this paper examines the possibility that the concept of collective intentionality can help to explain the mechanisms underpinning the causal powers of some social entities. In particular, I argue that a minimal form of collective intentionality is part of the mechanism underpinning the causal power of norm circles: the social entities causally responsible for social norms. There are, however, many different forms of social entity with causal power, and the relationship of collective intentionality to (...)
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  29.  25
    The Moral Economy of Digital Gifts.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - International Journal of Social Quality 5 (1):35-50.
    The significance of giving as a contemporary socio-economic practice has been obscured both by mainstream economics and by the influence of the anthropological tradition. Andrew Sayer’s concept of moral economy offers a more fruitful framework for an economic sociology of contemporary giving, and one that appears to be largely consistent with social quality approaches. This article analyzes giving from the perspective of moral economy, questioning the view that giving is a form of exchange, and opening up the prospect of seeing (...)
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  30.  29
    Lifeworld and systems in the digital economy.Dave Elder-Vass - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2):227-244.
    The digital economy has provided opportunities for new forms of economic practice. At their purest, these forms deliver economic benefits as gifts and depend on cooperation without authority. Drawing loosely on Habermas, we may call this a lifeworld economy – an economy that is coordinated by communicative interaction – as opposed to the systems economy of market and state, coordinated by money and power. This formulation, however, faces both theoretical and practical challenges. On the theoretical side, the notion of a (...)
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    Call for papers: Special issue of Journal of Critical Realism on Critical Realism and Pragmatism.Dave Elder-Vass & Karin Zotzmann - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (1):123-123.
    Submission by 31st July 2021The relationship between pragmatism and critical realism is open to many interpretations. On the one hand, compared to more traditional approaches, the two approaches sh...
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  32.  74
    Debate: Seven Ways to be A Realist About Language.Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (3):249-267.
    There are many differing ways to be a realist about language. This paper seeks to classify some of these and to examine the implications of each for the study of language. The principle of classification it adopts is that we may distinguish between realisms on the basis of what exactly it is that they take to be real. Examining in turn realisms that ascribe reality to the external world in general, to causal mechanisms, to innate capacities, to linguistic signs, to (...)
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  33.  42
    Cultural System or norm circles? An exchange. [REVIEW]Dave Elder-Vass & Margaret S. Archer - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (1):93-115.
    This article takes the form of a debate between the two authors on the social ontology of propositional culture. Archer applies the morphogenetic approach, analysing culture as a cycle of interaction between the Cultural System and Socio-Cultural Interaction. In this model, the Cultural System is comprised of the objective content of intelligibilia, as theorized by Karl Popper with his concept of objective World 3 knowledge. Elder-Vass agrees that culture works through an interplay between subjective belief and an external (...)
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  34.  49
    Re-examining Bhaskar's three ontological domains : the lessons from emergence.Dave Elder-Vass - 2006 - In Clive Lawson, John Latsis & Nuno Martins, Contributions to Social Ontology. New York: Routledge. pp. 15--160.
  35.  18
    Moral economies of the digital.Dave Elder-Vass - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2):141-147.
    Within thirty years of first appearing, the networked digital economy has spread its tentacles into the lives of half the population of the world, and transformed the balance of power in the commercial economy. Social theory has been slow to recognize the significance and scale of these developments, and this special issue is a contribution to redressing the balance. It is organized around the concept of moral economies: the values and norms that underpin and shape our participation in larger economic (...)
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  36.  47
    Of Babies and Bathwater. A Review of Tuukka Kaidesoja Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology.Dave Elder-Vass - 2015 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (2):327–331.
    Tuukka Kaidesoja’s new book is a welcome addition to the literature on critical realism. He shows good judgement in defending Roy Bhaskar’s argument for causal powers while criticising its framing as a transcendental argument. In criticising Bhaskar’s concept of a real-but-not-actual ontological domain, however, he discards an essential element of a realist ontology, even a naturalised one: a recognition of the transfactual aspect of causal power.
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    Reply to Sealey and Carter on Realism and Language.Dave Elder-Vass - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (3):282-287.
    This short reply seeks to clarify the concept of linguistic norm circles and to correct some misunderstandings of it implicit in Sealey & Carter's response. It also reinforces some doubts over their version of the linguistic system. Norm circles, it argues, provide an important part of the explanation for linguistic practices, but always in conjunction with other interacting causal powers.
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  38.  41
    (1 other version)Social causation and biographical research: philosophical, theoretical and methodological arguments.Dave Elder-Vass - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (1):119-121.
    Giorgos Tsiolis and Michalis Christodoulou have written a deeply theoretical book arguing that we should see reconstructive biographical research as a method for constructing causal accounts of soc...
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    Putting philosophy to work: developing the conceptual architecture of research projects.Adam J. Nichol, Catherine Hastings & Dave Elder-Vass - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (3):364-383.
    Research necessarily entails the close interrelation of concepts and arguments, including solutions to a range of meta-questions, whether acknowledged explicitly or not. Despite this, few detailed accounts currently exist that support researchers to develop their complex conceptual architectures, especially in critical realist spheres. Indeed, many published accounts often omit much of this ‘messiness’ that sits behind, yet is foundational to, research projects. Those accounts that do seek to portray how/why researchers have made decisions (e.g. about connections between research philosophy, methodology, (...)
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  40.  51
    Round table: is the common ground between pragmatism and critical realism more important than the differences?Karin Zotzmann, Emily Barman, Douglas V. Porpora, Mark Carrigan & Dave Elder-Vass - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (3):352-364.
    One theme of this special issue is an incitement to reconsider the relationship between pragmatism and critical realism. While their advocates sometimes come into conflict, there are also clearly b...
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    The normative foundations of critical realism: a comment on Dave Elder-Vass and Leigh Price.Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):319-336.
    ABSTRACTAs a comment on the debate between Dave Elder-Vass and Leigh Price, I propose a dialogue between Bhaskar and Habermas. If we could introduce critical realism into critical theory, we might...
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    Elaborating Naturalized Critical Realism: Response to Ruth Groff, Dave Elder-Vass, Daniel Little and Petri Ylikoski.Tuukka Kaidesoja - 2015 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (2):359-375.
    This paper is a reply to the discussions of Ruth Groff, Dave Elder-Vass, Daniel Little, and Petri Ylikoski of Tuukka Kaidesoja : Naturalizing Critical Realist Social Ontology.
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    Guest Editors’ Preface.James Bahoh & Dave Mesing - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (3):252-254.
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    On the real workings of social construction: Dave Elder-Vass: The reality of social construction: Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 296pp, $103.00 HB, $32.99 PB.David Henderson - 2014 - Metascience 24 (2):271-274.
    This book provides a thorough and compelling argument for a realist form of moderate social constructionism. It argues that social scientists should provide an explanatory account of the construction of various elements of the social world. Such accounts should be realist because, “social construction is a real process and a process whose products are real” . The argument here furthers a tradition that includes work by Bhaskar and Searle. The book is a pleasure to read. Elder-Vass writes in (...)
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    Guest Editor's Preface.Fons Elders - 1996 - Dialogue and Universalism 6 (5):26-26.
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    On Elder-Vass: Refining a refinement.Douglas Porpora - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):195–200.
    This paper responds to Dave Elder-Vass's generally sympathetic critique of Margaret Archer's position on structure and emergence. Elder-Vass does helpfully emphasize the synchronic effects of structure. Yet, it is argued here, in his treatment of structure, Elder-Vass tends to concede too much to methodological individualism and to overemphasize social rules at the expense of social relations. Finally, a question is raised about how both Archer and Elder-Vass and Critical Realism in general (...)
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  47. Wholes, parts, form and powers: Dave Elder-Vass: The causal power of social structures: Emergence, structure and agency. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 240pp, US $85.00 HB.Ruth Porter Groff - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):399-402.
    Wholes, parts, form and powers Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9585-6 Authors Ruth Porter Groff, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University, 3750 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108-3412, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  48. Elder-Vass on the Causal Power of Social Structures.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):774-791.
    In this review essay, I examine the central tenets of sociologist Dave Elder-Vass’s recent contribution to social ontology, as put forth in his book The Causal Power of Social Structures: Emergence, Structure and Agency. Elder-Vass takes issue with ontological individualists and maintains that social structures exist and have causal powers in their own right. I argue that he fails to establish his main theses: he shows neither that social structures have causal powers “in their own (...)
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  49. Ontology and philosophy: Quine and the ontological turn in economics / John Latsis. Tracking down the transcendental argument and the synthetic a priori : chasing fairies or serious ontological business? / David Tyfield. Re-examining Bhaskar's three ontological domains : the lessons from emergence / Dave Elder-Vass. Real, invented, or applied? : some reflections on scientific objectivity and social ontology / Eleonora Montuschi. Theorising ontology. [REVIEW]Roy Bhaskar - 2006 - In Clive Lawson, John Latsis & Nuno Martins, Contributions to Social Ontology. New York: Routledge.
  50.  29
    Transformational Fallibilism and the Development of Understanding.Stephen Kemp - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (2):192-209.
    This article argues that inquirers should adopt an active orientation to the limits of their knowledge, an approach referred to as “Transformational Fallibilism”. Drawing on the Popperian tradition, this approach treats the fallibility of knowledge as more than a philosophical nicety, rather seeing the questioning of claims, including those that have been successful, as a key way to improve the understandings of inquirers. This is illustrated with reference to the example of Newtonian and Einsteinian understandings of gravity and time in (...)
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