Results for 'Guy Van de Beuque'

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  1.  20
    The safety paradox in ethics training: a case study on safety dynamics within a military ethics train-the-trainer course.Eva van Baarle, Ineke van de Braak, Desiree Verweij, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):107-117.
    There is considerable support for the idea that an atmosphere of safety can foster learning in groups, especially during ethics training courses. However, the question how safety dynamics works during ethics courses is still understudied. This article aims to investigate safety dynamics by examining a critical incident during a military ethics train-the trainer course during which safety was threatened. We examine this incident by means of a four-factor analysis model from the field of Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI). We show that during (...)
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    Moral values of Dutch physicians in relation to requests for euthanasia: a qualitative study.Guy Widdershoven, Natalie Evans, Fijgje de Boer & Marjanne van Zwol - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundIn the Netherlands, patients have the legal right to make a request for euthanasia to their physician. However, it is not clear what it means in a moral sense for a physician to receive a request for euthanasia. The aim of this study is to explore the moral values of physicians regarding requests for euthanasia. MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with nine primary healthcare physicians involved in decision-making about euthanasia. The data were inductively analyzed which lead to the emergence of themes, (...)
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  3. Effectiveness of CURA: Healthcare professionals’ moral resilience and moral competences.Malene van Schaik, H. Roeline R. W. Pasman, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Janine De Snoo-Trimp & Suzanne Metselaar - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (6):1140-1155.
    Background: Clinical ethics support instruments aim to support healthcare professionals in dealing with moral challenges in clinical practice. CURA is a relatively new instrument tailored to the wishes and needs of healthcare professionals in palliative care, especially nurses. It aims to foster their moral resilience and moral competences. Aim: To investigate the effects of using CURA on healthcare professionals regarding their Moral Resilience and Moral Competences. Design: Single group pre-/post-test design with two questionnaires. Methods: Questionnaires used were the Rushton Moral (...)
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    Schneider's apraxia and the strained relation between experience and description.Guy C. Van Orden & Marian A. Jansen op de Haar - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):247-259.
    Borrett, Kelly and Kwan [ Phenomenology, dynamical neural networks and brain function, Philosophical Psychology, 13, 000-000] claim that unbiased, self-evident, direct description is possible, and may supply the data that brain theories account for. Merleau-Ponty's [ Phenomenology of perception, London: Routledge] description of Schneider's apraxia is offered as a case in point. According to the authors, Schneider's apraxia justifies brain components of predicative and pre-predicative experience. The description derives from a bias, however, that parallels modularity's morphological reduction. The presence of (...)
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    Eugen Finks Phänomenologie des Todes.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1996 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 22:139-164.
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    El desarrollo de la idea de psicología en W. Dilthey. En torno a las Ideas y su lectura fenomenológica.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1999 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 21:157.
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    IV. Die Frontstellung des Menschen.Guy van Kerckhoven - 2009 - In Epiphanie: Reine Erscheinung Und Ethos Ohne Kategorie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 29-38.
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  8. Zur Genese des Begriffs Lebenswelt bei Edmund Husserl.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1985 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 29:182-203.
  9.  35
    In verlegenheit geraten. Die befangenheit Des menschen AlS anthropolischer leitfaden in Hans lipps "die menschliche natur".Guy van Kerckhoven - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 26:55-84.
    in his last work, the phenomenological philosopher hans lipps raises the cuestion of human nature. this nature can only be revealed by striking the concepcion of its very essence. this conception has to be found within the realm of the differenciating possibilities, in which human nature appears. one of these is the possibility of having affections. through his phenomenological analysis of the human embarrassment and its expresion, lipp calls into question the "psycho-physical nature" of man by showing its original embodiment. (...)
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    L'espace, les phénomènes, l'existence: de l'architectonique phénoménologique à l'architecture.Guy van Kerckhoven & Robert Alexander (eds.) - 2017 - Louvain: Peeters.
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    Coloquio sobre Dialéctica. Epilogo del Editor.Guy van Kerckhoven - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 10:259.
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    Epiphanie: Reine Erscheinung Und Ethos Ohne Kategorie.Guy van Kerckhoven - 2009 - Transcript Verlag.
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    V. Wehrlosigkeit.Guy van Kerckhoven - 2009 - In Epiphanie: Reine Erscheinung Und Ethos Ohne Kategorie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 39-50.
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    Wilhelm Dilthey: Leben und Werk in Bildern.Guy van Kerckhoven - 2008 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Alber. Edited by Hans-Ulrich Lessing & Axel Ossenkop.
    Betr. Diltheys Professur an der Universität Basel 1867-1868.
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    Exploiting local and repeated structure in Dynamic Bayesian Networks.Jonas Vlasselaer, Wannes Meert, Guy Van den Broeck & Luc De Raedt - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 232 (C):43-53.
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    Ethical issues in cardiovascular risk management.Marije S. Koelewijn-van Loon, Anneke van Dijk-de Vries, Trudy van der Weijden, Glyn Elwyn & Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):540-553.
    Involving patients in decisions on primary prevention can be questioned from an ethical perspective, due to a tension between health promotion activities and patient autonomy. A nurse-led intervention for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including counselling (risk communication, and elements of shared decision-making and motivational interviewing) and supportive tools such as a decision aid, was implemented in primary care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nurse-led intervention from an ethical perspective by exploring in detail the experiences of patients (...)
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  17.  14
    De economische actie van de Belgische Staat tijdens de crisis van de jaren 1930.Guy Vanthemsche - 1987 - Res Publica (Misc) 29 (2):127-152.
    Organized big business and the government basically upheld the same opinions concerning this action: Belgium being a small open, exporting economy, it could only survive by maintaining stable monetary parities, by defending free trade, by pursuing internal deflation and balanced budgets.Nevertheless, these traditional methods were only one aspect of the state's economie activity Juring this period. Due to the severity of the crisis, major parts of the economic structure were on the verge of collapse.Consequently, the state was dragged in a (...)
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    Die offene Unbestimmtheit des Heideggerschen Existenzbegriffs.Josef König, Guy van Kerckhoven & Hans-Ulrich Lessing - 1990 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 7:279-288.
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    Het effekt van de oppositie op het regeringsbeleid in België van 1965 tot 1971.Wilfried Dewachter, Edith De Graeve-Lismont & Guy Tegenbos - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (2):151-170.
    The government-opposition scheme of a two-party system does not function that clearly in a multiparty system which is the case in Belgium. To examine to what extent the opposition parties in a multi-partysystem are functional for policymaking, the period 1965-1971 was chosen for Belgium, providing a complete scale of government and opposition parties.A content analysis of all political parties' platforms in 1965 permits to determine the policy objectives, classified in policy areas, so that at the end of the six years (...)
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  20. Psychologie Als Erfahrungswissenschaft.Wilhelm Dilthey, Guy van Kerckhoven & Hans-Ulrich Lessing (eds.) - 1897 - B.G. Teubner.
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    De macht der staten : Een inventarisatie van de alternatieven tot kwantificering.Guy Tegenbos - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (1):133-159.
    Though the central concept in International Relations, not so much importance was yet attached to the operationalisation of national power.In his overview, the author distinguishes three conceptual approaches:1° exercised power ; 2° status ; 3° potential power.An operationalisation of exercised power is not yet available because of grave theoretical and practical difficulties. Indices of status are elaboratedbut the relevance of this concept seems to be low.Potential power, the most intresting approach is aften elaborated; the present-day operationalisations however don't correspond to (...)
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    Overeenkomst en tegenstelling in de verkiezingsplatformen : Een analyse van de verkiezingsprogramma's via de techniek van het programmogram.Guy Tegenbos - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (3-4):425-449.
    This article aims to present a framework for comparative analysis ofelectoral programs.A content analysis of the programs of the last Belgian elections delivered a number of program items, classified in policy sectors : financial, cultural, social, economic, internal and foreign policy. For each item of each party was checked up if each other party agreed or disagreed with it, or didn't give an opinion upon it. These data were the basis to calculate the consensus and dissension between the parties.These data (...)
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  23.  12
    "Conference Committees" in het Congres van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika.Guy Tillekaerts - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):603-618.
    The conference committee is one of the most important joint committees in het American Congress, appointed to reconcile differences between bills adopted in the two houses of Congress in different forms.Each house is authorized to call for a conference. Usually, only the most important bills are submitted to a conference committee, and minor bills wilt be adopted by concessions of one of the houses.Each house commits his conferees, and can give them instructions on how to vote. These instructions however are (...)
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  24.  14
    De machtshiërarchie van de staten.Wilfried Dewachter, Guy Tegenbos & Edi Clijsters - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (1):5-22.
    Most theorists on International Relations agree on recognizing natural resources, economic strength, technologica! development, political stability and military strength as the five bases of a state's power.This unanimity is in sharp contrast with the divergence in the operationalizations of the power of states. Most operationalizations use only one or two bases of a state's power and thus are very limited in scope.Therefore, the demand for an operationalization sticking as closely as possible to the unanimity among theorists, farces itself on the (...)
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    Van Steenberghen, Fernand, maître siger de Brabant.Guy-H. Allard - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (1):98.
  26.  12
    De sociale verkiezingen van 1991.Guy Tegenbos - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (2):263-274.
    The four-yearly social elections in Belgium took place for the tenth time in june 1991.The results show a renewed victory for the christian trade union ACV; all the other unions and lists lost. The socialist union ABW, which was once the most powerful in Belgium, felt the decline most strongly. It could maintain a narrow relative majority in votes in Wallonia but was outnumbered in seats by the ACV.For many years Wallonia was considered to be a "red bastion". Another important (...)
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  27. Hypnosis, Meditation, and Self-Induced Cognitive Trance to Improve Post-treatment Oncological Patients’ Quality of Life: Study Protocol.Charlotte Grégoire, Nolwenn Marie, Corine Sombrun, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Ilios Kotsou, Valérie van Nitsen, Sybille de Ribaucourt, Guy Jerusalem, Steven Laureys, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse & Olivia Gosseries - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionA symptom cluster is very common among oncological patients: cancer-related fatigue, emotional distress, sleep difficulties, pain, and cognitive difficulties. Clinical applications of interventions based on non-ordinary states of consciousness, mostly hypnosis and meditation, are starting to be investigated in oncology settings. They revealed encouraging results in terms of improvements of these symptoms. However, these studies often focused on breast cancer patients, with methodological limitations. Another non-ordinary state of consciousness may also have therapeutic applications in oncology: self-induced cognitive trance. It seems (...)
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    VI. cartesianische Meditation: Die Idee einer transzendentalen Methodenlehre.Eugen Fink, Hans Ebeling, Jann Holl, Edmund Husserl & Guy van Kerckhoven - 1988 - Springer.
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    Guy van Kerckhoven: Hans Lipps. Fragilität der Existenz. Phänomenologische Studien zur Natur des Menschen.Thomas Kessel - 2012 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 65 (3):239-245.
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    Dictionnaire des Lettres françaises, publié sous la direction du Cardinal Georges Grente. Le Moyen Age, ouvrage préparé par Robert Bossuat, Louis Pichard et Guy Raynaud de Lage. Édition entièrement revue et mise à jour sous la direction de Geneviève Hasenohr et Michel Zink, Professeurs à la Sorbonne.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (90):312-313.
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    Onmenselijke schoonheid? Bemerkingen bij Lacans interpretatie van Sophocles' Antigone.Guy Guldentops - 1998 - de Uil Van Minerva 14 (3):169-178.
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    Axel Ossenkop/Guy van Kerckhoven/Rainer Fink (Hgg.), Eugen Fink 1905–1975. Lebensbild des Freiburger Phänomenologen.Klaus Neugebauer - 2016 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 123 (2):604-606.
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    Mons Claudianus: Ostraca graeca et latina, I: Les Ostraca grecs de Douch , Fasc. 3: Mons Claudianus: Ostraca graeca et latina, I. [REVIEW]Jennifer A. Sheridan, Jean Bingen, Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Walter E. H. Cockle, Hélène Cuvigny, Lene Rubinstein, Wilfrid van Rengen, Guy Wagner, Adam Bulow-Jacobsen & Helene Cuvigny - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):529.
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    Jean Picard et les débuts de l'astronomie de précision au XVIIe siècle. Guy Picolet.Albert Van Helden - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):572-573.
  35.  26
    Eugen Fink, Sixième méditation cartésienne. Première partie: L'idée d'une théorie transcendantale de la méthode. Texte établi et édité par Hans Ebeling, Jann Holl et Guy Van Kerckhoven. Traduit de l'allemand par Nathalie Depraz. [REVIEW]Pavlos Kontos - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (1-2):207-208.
  36.  27
    Theory and methodology of empirical ethics : a pragmatic hermeneutic perspective.Guy Widdershoven & Lieke van der Scheer - 2008 - In Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  37.  50
    Do Interpersonal Conflict, Aggression and Bullying at the Workplace Overlap? A Latent Class Modeling Approach.Guy Notelaers, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Hannes Guenter, Morten Birkeland Nielsen & Ståle Valvetne Einarsen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:345888.
    An unresolved issue in the occupational health literature that is of both theoretical and practical importance is whether interpersonal conflicts, aggression and bullying at work are distinct or overlapping phenomena for exposed workers. In this study, we addressed this question empirically by employing a Latent Class (LC) analysis using cross-industry data from 6,175 Belgian workers. We found that a two-factor solution with a conflict-aggression factor and a bullying factor had the best fit. Employees with low exposure to workplace conflicts-aggression and (...)
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  38. The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A set-theoretic approach.Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire Delle Luche & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):691-723.
    We present a set-theoretic model of the mental representation of classically quantified sentences (All P are Q, Some P are Q, Some P are not Q, and No P are Q). We take inclusion, exclusion, and their negations to be primitive concepts. It is shown that, although these sentences are known to have a diagrammatic expression (in the form of the Gergonne circles) which constitute a semantic representation, these concepts can also be expressed syntactically in the form of algebraic formulas. (...)
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    The Interpretation of Classically Quantified Sentences: A Set‐Theoretic Approach.Guy Politzer, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Claire Delle Luche & Ira A. Noveck - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (4):691-723.
    We present a set-theoretic model of the mental representation of classically quantified sentences (All P are Q, Some P are Q, Some P are not Q, and No P are Q). We take inclusion, exclusion, and their negations to be primitive concepts. We show that although these sentences are known to have a diagrammatic expres- sion (in the form of the Gergonne circles) that constitutes a semantic representation, these concepts can also be expressed syntactically in the form of algebraic formulas. (...)
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  40.  24
    Conceptualizing and Fostering the Quality of CES Through a Dutch National Network on CES.Laura Hartman, Guy Widdershoven, Eva van Baarle, Froukje Weidema & Bert Molewijk - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (2):169-186.
    The prevalence of Clinical ethics support services is increasing. Yet, questions about what quality of CES entails and how to foster the quality of CES remain. This paper describes the development of a national network, which aimed to conceptualize and foster the quality of CES in the Netherlands simultaneously. Our methodology was inspired by a responsive evaluation approach which shares some of our key theoretical presuppositions of CES. A responsive evaluation methodology engages stakeholders in developing quality standards of a certain (...)
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  41.  20
    Combining rules and dialogue: exploring stakeholder perspectives on preventing sexual boundary violations in mental health and disability care organizations.Jan-Willem Weenink, Roland Bal, Guy Widdershoven, Eva van Baarle & Charlotte Kröger - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundSexual boundary violations in healthcare are harmful and exploitative sexual transgressions in the professional–client relationship. Persons with mental health issues or intellectual disabilities, especially those living in residential settings, are especially vulnerable to SBV because they often receive long-term intimate care. Promoting good sexual health and preventing SBV in these care contexts is a moral and practical challenge for healthcare organizations.MethodsWe carried out a qualitative interview study with 16 Dutch policy advisors, regulators, healthcare professionals and other relevant experts to explore (...)
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  42.  22
    Facing a Disruptive Face: Embodiment in the Everyday Experiences of “Disfigured” Individuals.Gili Yaron, Agnes Meershoek, Guy Widdershoven, Michiel van den Brekel & Jenny Slatman - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (2):285-307.
    In recent years, facial difference is increasingly on the public and academic agenda. This is evidenced by the growing public presence of individuals with an atypical face, and the simultaneous emergence of research investigating the issues associated with facial variance. The scholarship on facial difference approaches this topic either through a medical and rehabilitation perspective, or a psycho-social one. However, having a different face also encompasses an embodied dimension. In this paper, we explore this embodied dimension by interpreting the stories (...)
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  43. Moral Constraints on War: Principles and Cases.Ruben Apressyan, Carl Ceulemans, Anthony Hartle, Boris Kashnikov, Shen Zhixiong, Shi Yinhong & Guy Van Damme - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Moral Constraints on War offers a principle-by-principle presentation of the transcultural roots of the ethics of war in an age defined by the increasingly international nature of military intervention.
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    De harde kern van de westerse metafysica: een historisch-thematische en kritische studie.Jozef van de Wiele - 1986 - Leuven: Acco.
    Samenvatting van de grote wijsgerige systemen van Plato tot en met Hegel, gevolgd door een kritische analyse van de metafysica als uitingsvorm van westers intellectualisme.
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    L'antimodèle platonicien de la nouvelle rhétorique.Guy Bouchard - 1981 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):693 - 711.
    Dans son effort pour ébranler la dichotomie entre la raison calculatrice et le domaine de l'irrationnel, Ch. Perelman s'inspire de la rhétorique ancienne et, entre autres, de Platon. Il utilise celui-ci pour illustrer le mépris des philosophes à l'égard de la rhétorique, pour indiquer la voie d'une rhétorique différente, et pour caractériser la forme du dialogue. On montre que cette condamnation de la rhétorique est beaucoup plus systématique, chez Platon, que ne le laisse entendre Perelman; que la "rhétorique digne des (...)
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    De-Territorializing Labor Law.Guy Mundlak - 2009 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 3 (2):189-222.
    Labor law was traditionally a domestic project, defined on the basis of a geographic territory or a synthetic community; its norms were determined by the state and applied to employers and workers who resided within the state. Commonly, labor law is administered on a territorial basis, applies to incoming workers, and stops at the borders in respect of other states' sovereignty when capital migrates. Globalization affects the background in which labor law operates, including the increased interdependence of markets, the constitution (...)
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  47. De l'usage social de l'éthique: Ethique et politique.Guy Giroux, André Mineau & Yves Boisvert - 1996 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 19:9-22.
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  48. In de ban van de metafysica.Smart En Armstrong van de IdentiteitstheorieënPlace - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71:553-575.
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    Althusser's theorie Van de ideologie.A. van de Putte - 1977 - Bijdragen 38 (1):44-71.
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    De functie van de kabinetschef.Aloïs Van De Voorde - 1985 - Res Publica (Misc) 27 (2-3):297-310.
    In Belgium, as in most countries, each Minister or Secretary is assisted by a limited number of trusted collaborators who constitute the Ministerial Office.The article is an attempt to shed a light on the Chief Ministerial Officer who is the closest collaborator of the Minister.In order to show the role of the Chief Ministerial Officer, the article first describes the tasks, powers and composition of the Ministerial Office to proceed to a more extensive analysis of the functions, the appointment of (...)
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