Results for 'Ḥāmid Ārḍāʼī va-Asmāʼ Asadī'

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  1. Part II. End-of-Life Care in Islamic Studies: 3. Muqārabāt falsafīyah akhlāqīyah li-rihāb al-mawt fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Islāmīyah: dirāsat ārāʼ Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā al-Rāzī, wa-Abī ʻAlī Maskawayh, wa-Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī.Ḥāmid Ārḍāʼī va-Asmāʼ Asadī - 2022 - In Mohammed Ghaly, End-of-life care, dying and death in the Islamic moral tradition. Boston: Brill.
  2.  9
    Ḥadīs̲-i ārizūmandī: barʹrasī-i ārā-yi insānʹshināsānah-i Haydigir va Mullā Ṣadrā = Word of desire: human in the thinks [sic] of Heidegger and Sadra.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Asadī - 2008 - Tihrān: Vizārat-i Farhang va Irshād-i Islāmī, Sāzmān-i Chāp va Intishārāt.
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    Nīchah, ʻirfān va jahān-i Īrānī =.Hamid Foulâdvind - 2018 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Shumā bā hamkārī-i Intishārāt-i Bahjat.
    Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 -- Criticism and interpretation. ; Philosophers -- Germany -- 19th century.
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    Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Hamāyish-i Barʹrasī-i Mutūn va Manābiʻ-i Ḥawzahʹhā-yi Falsafah, Kalām, Adyān va ʻIrfān (ASMĀʼ): 30-31 Farvardīn va avval Urdībihisht, Tihrān-Qum.Ḥusayn Kalbāsī Ashtarī (ed.) - 2005 - Tihrān: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī va Muṭālaʻāt-i Farhangī.
  5.  44
    Endocytosis of the apical junctional complex: mechanisms and possible roles in regulation of epithelial barriers.Andrei I. Ivanov, Asma Nusrat & Charles A. Parkos - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (4):356-365.
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    Amr̥tānubhavācyā vāṭene--.Va Di Kulakarṇī - 2005 - Puṇe: Utkarsha Prakāśana.
    Interpretation of Amr̥tānubhava, work on Advaita philosophy, by Jñānadeva, fl. 1290.
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  7. Cārvāka: aitihāsika āṇi tāttvika mīmãsā.ḌīVāya Hāḍekara - 2000 - Puṇe: Sugāvā Prakāśana.
    Study on the philosophy of Cārvāka, classical Indian materialist.
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  8. Hamid Vahid Dispositions and the problem of the basing relation.Hamid Vahid - 2022 - In Adam Carter, Well-Founded Belief New Essays on the Epistemic Basing Relation. Routledge.
    The basing relation is a relation that obtains between a belief and the evidence or reason for which it is held. It is a highly controversial question in epistemology how such a relation should be characterized. Almost all epistemologists believe that causation must play a role in articulating the notion of the basing relation. The causal account however faces the serious problem of the deviant causal chains. In this paper, I will be particularly looking at the philosophers’ appeal to the (...)
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    Matter and Objecthood.Arda Denkel - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (1):3-.
    In this paper I will combat the claim that concrete matter can exist independently of objecthood. This view is a denial of the Aristotelian principles that only particular objects exist apart, and that as a condition of concreteness, matter must have acquired form. For, it propounds that matter can be concrete and general.
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  10.  43
    Matter, Form and Object: Rejoinder to Sidelle.Arda Denkel - 1995 - Dialogue 34 (2):381-.
    Aristotelian notions such as matter, form and substance should be used carefully; not only is the rich tradition in their background marked by variety of interpretation, even Aristotle's own use of these concepts is far from uniform. In his different works, matter, form and substance display contents that do not always agree. There is reason for believing that in the Metaphysics Zeta the notion of form embodies essence, and that accordingly something without essence does not qualify as substance. This cannot (...)
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  11.  55
    Transience and Identity.Arda Denkel - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 2:153-160.
    Mellor’s theory of time includes the doctrines that (a) objectively, time does not embody tense or temporal properties other than those contained in the B-series, (b) particular objects are endurers, and (c) objectively, time does not flow. I show that these theses cannot all be true together, and that one must be rejected. Since (a) is basic to Mellor’s approach, then assuming that he would not adopt a perdurantist ontology, it follows that he should give up (c). Denying (c), however, (...)
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    Why so timely? Politics of representation and its entanglement in presentism.Arda Güçler - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (2):224-246.
    What gives representation its democratic essence? The recent democratic theory literature, particularly spearheaded by Nadia Urbinati, defends representative mediation as a facilitator of ongoing democratic contestation and revision. While I agree with this agonistic defence, I take issue with how Urbinati construes it. For her, representative contestation works in the teleological sense of testing opinions over time and sublimating them into ideological forms as a safeguard against the threat of immediacy. This article locates the traces of such presentism within Urbinati’s (...)
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    Good Things for Those Who Wait: Predictive Modeling Highlights Importance of Delay Discounting for Income Attainment.William H. Hampton, Nima Asadi & Ingrid R. Olson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:359023.
    Income is a primary determinant of social mobility, career progression, and personal happiness. It has been shown to vary with demographic variables like age and education, with more oblique variables such as height, and with behaviors such as delay discounting, i.e., the propensity to devalue future rewards. However, the relative contribution of each these salary-linked variables to income is not known. Further, much of past research has often been underpowered, drawn from populations of convenience, and produced findings that have not (...)
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  14. Perishable Traces: Reconstructing the History of Iranian Women Architects.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Eva María Alvarez Isidro, ICAG 2023 - VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender. Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. pp. 522-530.
    In this paper, I seek to address the underrepresentation of Iranian women architects in historical narratives, exploring the perishable traces of their work and contributions to the field of architecture. Inspired by Carla Lonzi's call for women to consider their narrative incomplete and the International Archive of Women in Architecture (IAWA), I delve into the unique challenges Iranian women architects face and their impact on architectural history. I examine the historiographical review of Iranian women architects, their work, and their contributions (...)
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  15.  77
    Implicit bias as unintentional discrimination.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-21.
    In this paper, I argue that instead of primarily paying attention to the nature of implicit attitudes that are taken to cause implicit discrimination, we should investigate how discrimination can be implicit in itself. I propose to characterize implicit discrimination as unintentional discrimination: the person responds to facts unintentionally and often unconsciously which are, given their end, irrelevant and imply unfair treatment. The result is a unified account of implicit bias that allows for the different ways in which it can (...)
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    From causation to conscious control.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (3):1-17.
    Surprisingly little attention has been paid to the nature of conscious control. As a result, experiments suggesting that we lack conscious control over our actions cannot be properly evaluated. Joshua Shepherd (2015; 2021) aims to fill this gap. His proposal is grounded in the standard causalist account of action, according to which, simply put, bodily movements are controlled by the agent if and only if they are caused, in the right way, by the relevant psychological states. In this paper, I (...)
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  17.  28
    There Is No Free Won't: The Role Definitions Play.L. Asma - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (5-6):8-23.
    In this paper, I analyse how neuroscientists come to the conclusion that the brain 'decides' what we will do. I do so by focusing on a recent study on free won't, from which it is concluded that the decision to veto is not free. First, I argue that assumptions about voluntariness and freedom that underlie this and other Libet-style experiments are more stringent than assumed by other critics. Second, I claim that these assumptions lead to an experimental setting in which (...)
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  18.  67
    The Guidance Theory of Action: A Critical Review.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2021 - Topoi 40 (3):687-694.
    Theories based on Frankfurt’s (Am Philos Q 15(2):157–162, 1978) view of action have recently been developed to account for passive, automatic, and habitual actions. What these theories share is that they aim to distinguish between actions and mere bodily movements without appealing to psychological states as causes. Instead, agents have guidance control over their actions. In this paper I argue that the versions of the theory that have been proposed are problematic. I propose to pay attention to Frankfurt’s other claim (...)
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  19. Habitual virtuous action and acting for reasons.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (7):1036-1056.
    How can agents act virtuously out of habit? Virtuous actions are done for the right reasons, and acting for (right) reasons seems to involve deliberation. Yet, deliberation is absent if an agent’s action is habitual. That implies that the relationship between reasons and actions should be characterized in such a way that deliberation is unnecessary. In this paper, I examine three possible solutions: radical externalism, unconscious psychologism, and unconscious factualism. I argue that these proposals all fail to cast reasons in (...)
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  20. نقد ایدئولوژی معماری در اندیشه ی مانفردو تافوری (Manfredo Tafuri’s Critique of Architectural Ideology).Asma Mehan & Iman Vaghefi - 2018 - FAZA VA DIALECTIC 7:1-6.
    تافوری (همانند فورتینی) تحقیق تاریخی را (که آوانگاردها هیچ وقت زیر بار این تحقیق تاریخی به‌عنوان پیش‌شرط پروژه‌هایشان نمی‌رفتند) ابزاری به‌غایت قدرتمند برای به پرسش‌کشیدن اثرات گسترش سرمایه‌داری بر عاملیت فکری می‌پنداشت. تاریخمندکردن ذهنیت‌های فکری بدان معنی است که حوزه‌ای که باید در آن مبارزه‌ی سیاسی کرد، خودِ حوزه‌ی کار فکری است. یعنی تأمل در ویژگی‌ها و کیفیات آن، در چگونگیِ تخصصی‌شدن کار فکری، و در اینکه چگونه در هر چرخه‌ی تولیدْ سرمایه‌داری وظیفه‌ی خاصی را برای نقش اجتماعی روشنفکران و (...)
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  21. The Port City’s ‘Cine-scapes’.Asma Mehan - 2020 - The Port City Futures Blog.
    Cinema acts as a significant mediator between urban reality and the imaginary sensory experience of the fictive world. Viewing the city through the lens of a camera enables us to build new narratives. Films have captured port cities within the flows of, goods, people, and ideas, making them ever-present in shared memories, historical narratives, and urban nostalgia. Cultural production plays a role in the on-going construction of local port cultures, whether films, festivals, music, literature, theater, advertisements, or events. Telling the (...)
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  22. How to Divide a(n Individual) Mind: Ontological Complexity Instead of Mental Monism (for a book symposium on Mark Textor's "Brentano's Mind").Hamid Taieb - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (8):1404-1419.
    This paper addresses the issue of how to best account for the diversity of our (synchronic) mental activities. The discussion starts with Mark Textor’s mental monism. According to mental monism, our mental life is constituted by just one simple mental act, in which different sub-acts can be conceptually distinguished. Textor grounds this view in the work of the early Brentano and contrasts it with the theory of the later Brentano, who introduces a mental substance into his philosophy. According to Textor, (...)
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  23. The relationship between free will and consciousness.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):823-839.
    Reflection on the relationship between free will and consciousness has mainly revolved around Libet-style experiments, for example by criticizing the claim that conscious intentions never cause what we do. Less attention has been paid to whether this response captures the sense in which consciousness is relevant for free will, however. In this paper I argue that scholars seem to accept two assumptions they should reject: (1) that the relationship between free will and consciousness is best characterized in terms of conscious (...)
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  24. Varieties of epistemic conservatism.Hamid Vahid - 2004 - Synthese 141 (1):97 - 122.
    According to the thesis of epistemic conservatism it would be unreasonable to change one's beliefs in the absence of any good reasons. Although it is claimed that epistemic conservatism has informed and resolved a number of positions and problems in epistemology, it is difficult to identify a single representative view of the thesis. This has resulted in advancing a series of disparate and largely unconnected arguments to establish conservatism. In this paper, I begin by casting doubt on the claim of (...)
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    The Prolegomena to the Qurʾan [Bayān fi tafsīr al-Qurʾān]The Prolegomena to the Quran [Bayan fi tafsir al-Quran].Asma Afsaruddin, al-Sayyid Abū al-Qāsim al-Mūsawī al-Khūʾī, Abdulaziz A. Sachedina & al-Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Musawi al-Khui - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):110.
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  26. The role of imagination and recollection in the method of phenomenal contrast.Hamid Nourbakhshi - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):710-733.
    The method of phenomenal contrast (in perception) invokes the phenomenal character of perceptual experience as a means to discover its contents. The method implicitly takes for granted that ‘what it is like’ to have a perceptual experience e is the same as ‘what it is like’ to imagine or recall it; accordingly, in its various proposed implementations, the method treats imaginations and/or recollections as interchangeable with real experiences. The method thus always contrasts a pair of experiences, at least one of (...)
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  27. Aiming at Truth: Doxastic vs. Epistemic Goals.Hamid Vahid - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (2):303-335.
    Belief is generally thought to be the primary cognitive state representing the world as being a certain way, regulating our behavior and guiding us around the world. It is thus regarded as being constitutively linked with the truth of its content. This feature of belief has been famously captured in the thesis that believing is a purposive state aiming at truth. It has however proved to be notoriously difficult to explain what the thesis really involves. In this paper, I begin (...)
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  28. God in the Gap: Rethinking Divine Gender and Moving Toward Reconciliation.Hamid Nourbakhshi - forthcoming - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    In this paper, I explore how Christian theology grapples with whether God has a gender—or if God transcends gender altogether—and how these perspectives influence both doctrine and worship. Many theologians insist on referring to God as exclusively masculine, while feminist and egalitarian voices challenge this practice, claiming that an overtly gendered God can conflict with the ideals of equality and with the principle of the imago Dei. After examining the socio-linguistic and historical factors behind the predominance of masculine divine imagery, (...)
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  29. “Gauging Gender: A Metaphysics”.Stephen Asma - 2011 - Chronicle of Higher Education 1.
    An academic division of labor resulted from the distinction between sex and gender. Sex remained a productive topic (excuse the pun) for biologists, who are interested in the genetic, developmental, and chemical pathways of male/female dimorphism. People in the social sciences and humanities, by contrast, made gender, not sex, the subject of their work. In gender studies, we learn about the ways that men and women “perform” their respective roles—people of male sex can perform as female gender, and vice versa, (...)
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    (1 other version)Faith: intention to form theistic beliefs.Hamid Vahid - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (1):39-50.
    Despite the important role of faith in a religious way of life, there is no consensus on how this notion is to be understood. It is nevertheless widely believed that faith is a multifaceted concept possessing affective, evaluative, practical, and cognitive aspects. My goal in this paper is to provide an account of the nature of propositional faith (in religious contexts) that is flexible enough to encompass different strengths or grades of faith. To do so, I focus on Howard-Snyder’s account (...)
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    Explaining Unconscious Discrimination: Misattribution and Rationalization.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    Implicit bias involves unintentionally disadvantaging persons in virtue of their membership of a certain social group. It is not completely clear, however, why agents sometimes are conscious of unintentionally discriminating, while in other scenarios they are not. Typically, this is explained in terms of characteristics of the individual agent, for example whether they are motivated or have the cognitive resources to reflect on their initial evaluation. In the paper, I argue that we need to consider characteristics of the decision-making situation (...)
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  32. Darwin's causal pluralism.Stephen T. Asma - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (1):1-20.
    Traditionally, Darwin has been grouped with the functionalists because natural selection (an adaptational mechanism) plays the prominent role in shaping organic form. In this paper, I sketch the dichotomy of functionalism versus structuralism and then argue that Darwin cannot be characterized adequately with this dichotomy. I argue that Darwin can incorporate both causal stories because he makes two important modifications to the traditional metaphysical presuppositions. I then offer some brief reflections on the import of Darwin's causal pluralism for the Philosophy (...)
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    On the nature of implicit motives.Lieke Asma - 2023 - Theory and Psychology 33 (4).
    David McClelland’s research on the different kinds of (implicit) motives and how to measure them has a substantial influence on contemporary psychology of motivation. He did not, however, reflect on the nature of implicit motives in much detail. In this paper I fill this gap. I argue that implicit motives should not be understood as mental states the agent has no introspective access to. Instead, I propose that the implicit motives that McClelland and others in the field distinguish – the (...)
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  34. A dispositional analysis of propositional and doxastic justification.Hamid Vahid - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (11):3133-3152.
    An important question in epistemology concerns how the two species of justification, propositional and doxastic justification, are related to one another. According to the received view, basing one’s belief p on the grounds that provide propositional justification to believe p is sufficient for the belief to be doxastically justified. In a recent paper, however, John Turri has suggested that we should reverse the direction of explanation. In this paper, I propose to see the debate in a new light by suggesting (...)
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  35. Uncrossed bridges: Islam, feminism and secular democracy.Asma Barlas - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (4-5):417-425.
    In this article I review two contrasting approaches to Muslim women’s rights: those that want Muslims to secularize the Qur’an as the precondition for getting rights and those that emphasize the importance of a liberatory Qur’anic hermeneutics to Muslim women’s struggles for rights and equality. As examples of the former, I take the works of Nasr Abu Zayd and Raja Rhouni and, of the latter, my own. In addition to joining the debates on Muslim women’s rights, this exercise is meant (...)
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  36. Following Form and Function: Reflections on Nineteenth Century Biophilosophy.Stephen T. Asma - 1994 - Dissertation, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
    This work is an examination of the metaphysical presuppositions involved in the science of organic form. Taking the dichotomy of structuralism versus functionalism in nineteenth century biology as the central subject of my study, I explore a network of unquestioned premises and isolate areas where empirical research programs and underlying metaphysical commitments both inform and hinder each other. ;I begin with the Cuvier-Geoffroy debate of 1830--a debate that clearly articulates the tensions between structuralist and functionalist approaches to organic form. On (...)
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    Teleology Rises from the Grave.Stephen Asma - 2018 - Philosophy Now 126:20-23.
    My short history of alternative teleology traditions should help us recognize that biological goal-directedness is not dependent on mind, that is, on divine design or occult prescient forces. Following Kant’s ‘instrumental’ teleology, I have shown that one can be anti-reductionist about biology without nesting holism in mind. The order of both knowledge and the process is incorrectly reversed in such mind-dependent philosophy. So against the philosophers who think mind precedes biology, I submit that biological teleology actually precedes the sophisticated purposiveness (...)
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  38. Quar'anic ethics and said nursi's risale-I nur.Asma Afsaruddin - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir, Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
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    The Hermeneutics of Inter‐Faith Relations: Retrieving Moderation and Pluralism as Universal Principles in Qur'anic Exegeses.Asma Afsaruddin - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (2):331-354.
    This article discusses the exegeses of two Qur'anic verses: Qur'an 2:143, which describes righteous Muslims as constituting a “middle/moderate community” (umma wasat) and Qur'an 5:66, which similarly describes righteous Jews and Christians as constituting a “balanced/moderate community” (umma muqtasida). Taken together, these verses clearly suggest that it is subscription to some common standard of righteousness and ethical conduct that determines the salvific nature of a religious community and not the denominational label it chooses to wear. Such a perspective offers the (...)
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    Neurowetenschappen en de Illusie van Vrije Wil.Lieke Asma - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (3):339-358.
    Neuroscience and the Illusion of Free WillCurrently, few neuroscientists and philosophers still defend the claim that neuroscience has shown the brain ‘decides’ what we do and that free will is an illusion. This does not imply, however, that this kind of neuroscientific researchcould notsay anything about the existence of free will. Neuroscience can offer insights in the unconscious causes and underlying processes of our actions and, because of this, could perhaps show whether we act out of free will or not. (...)
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  41. Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh với vấn đề đạo đức cách mạng.Văn Các Phan (ed.) - 1986 - Hà Nội: Thông tin lý luận.
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  42. Austro-German Transcendent Objects before Husserl.Hamid Taieb - 2017 - In Hamid Taieb & Guillaume Fréchette, Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 41-62.
    In the famous Appendix to paragraphs 11 and 20 of his 5th Logical Investigation, Husserl criticizes the concept of ‘immanent object’ defended by Brentano and his pupils. Husserl holds that intentional objects, even non-existent ones, are ‘transcendent’. Yet long before Husserl’s criticism, Brentano and his pupils, in their theories of intentionality, besides immanent objects also took into account transcendent ones, in a similar way to Husserl, since such transcendent objects were not necessarily objects that exist. The ‘immanent object’ (immanenter Gegenstand) (...)
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    Cognitive penetration, the downgrade principle, and extended cognition.Hamid Vahid - 2014 - Philosophical Issues 24 (1):439-459.
    It has been argued that just as, say, prejudice or wishful thinking can generate ill-founded beliefs, the same is true of experiences. The idea is that the etiology of cognitively penetrated experiences can downgrade their justificatory force. This view, known as the Downgrade Principle, seems to be compatible with both internalist and externalist conceptions of epistemic justification. An assessment of the credentials of the Downgrade Principle is particularly important in view of the fact that not all cases of cognitive penetration (...)
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  44. Relations and Intentionality in Brentano’s Last Texts.Hamid Taieb - 2015 - Brentano-Studien 13:183-210.
    This paper will present an analysis of the relational aspect of Brentano’s last theory of intentionality. My main thesis is that Brentano, at the end of his life, considered relations (relatives) without existent terms to be genuine relations (relatives). Thus, intentionality is a non-reducible real relation (the thinking subject is a non-reducible real relative) regardless of whether or not the object exists. I will use unpublished texts from the Brentanian Nachlass to support my argument.
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  45. Rationalizing beliefs: evidential vs. pragmatic reasons.Hamid Vahid - 2010 - Synthese 176 (3):447-462.
    Beliefs can be evaluated from a number of perspectives. Epistemic evaluation involves epistemic standards and appropriate epistemic goals. On a truthconducive account of epistemic justification, a justified belief is one that serves the goal of believing truths and avoiding falsehoods. Beliefs are also prompted by nonepistemic reasons. This raises the question of whether, say, the pragmatic benefits of a belief are able to rationalize it. In this paper, after criticizing certain responses to this question, I shall argue that, as far (...)
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    The dispositional architecture of epistemic reasons.Hamid Vahid - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (7):1887-1904.
    Epistemic reasons are meant to provide justification for beliefs. In this paper, I will be concerned with the requirements that have to be met if reasons are to discharge this function. It is widely recognized, however, that only possessed reasons can justify beliefs and actions. But what are the conditions that have to be satisfied in order for one to possess reasons? I shall begin by motivating a particular condition, namely, the ‘treating’ requirement that has been deemed to be necessary (...)
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    Knowledge and varieties of epistemic luck.Hamid Vahi - 2001 - Dialectica 55 (4):351–362.
    It is generally thought that knowledge is incompatible with epistemic luck as the post‐Gettier literature makes it abundantly clear. Examples are produced where although a belief is true and justified, it nevertheless falls short of being an instance of knowledge because of the intrusion of luck. Knowledge is regarded as being distinct from lucky guesses. It is, nevertheless, acknowledged by a number of epistemologists that some kind of luck is in fact an inevitable component of the process of knowledge acquisition. (...)
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  48. The Early Husserl on Typicality.Hamid Taieb - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard, Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 263–278..
    This paper presents and evaluates the early Husserl’s account of typicality. In the Logical Investigations, Husserl holds that the meaning of ordinary language (common) names is sensitive to typicality: this meaning depends on typical examples which vary in different contexts and are more or less similar to one another. This seems to entail that meanings, which according to Husserl are concepts, are “fluctuating” (schwankend) and vague. Prima facie, such a claim contravenes his theory of ideal meanings, or concepts, which are (...)
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  49. Wolff’s Science of Teleology and Kant’s Critique.Nabeel Hamid - 2019 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 6.
    This essay examines Wolff’s science of teleology, which has historically been dismissed as a crude physico-theology resting on a simple confusion between uses and purposes. Focusing especially on his two German volumes (German Teleology, 1723, and German Physiology, 1725), I argue that, first, Wolff never intended teleology to be a self-standing theology; and second, that teleology, as a part of physics, is primarily an applied or practical discipline. In its theological function, teleology presupposes the ontological and cosmological arguments for the (...)
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  50. What is Cognition? Peter Auriol’s Account.Hamid Taieb - 2018 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 85 (1):109-134.
    My paper aims at presenting Peter Auriol’s theory of cognition. Auriol holds that cognition is “something which makes an object appear to someone.” This claim, for Auriol, is meant to be indeterminate, as he explicitly says that the “something” in question can refer to any type of being. However, when he states how cognition is “implemented” in cognizers, Auriol specifies what this “something” is: for God, it is simply the deity itself; for creatures, cognition is described as something “absolute,” i.e. (...)
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