Results for 'Hafeez Malik'

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  1.  61
    Iqbal, poet-philosopher of Pakistan.Hafeez Malik (ed.) - 1971 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
  2.  65
    The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory.Chai M. Tyng, Hafeez U. Amin, Mohamad N. M. Saad & Aamir S. Malik - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:235933.
    Emotion has a substantial influence on the cognitive processes in humans, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. Emotion has a particularly strong influence on attention, especially modulating the selectivity of attention as well as motivating action and behavior. This attentional and executive control is intimately linked to learning processes, as intrinsically limited attentional capacities are better focused on relevant information. Emotion also facilitates encoding and helps retrieval of information efficiently. However, the effects of emotion on learning and (...)
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    Single Trial EEG Patterns for the Prediction of Individual Differences in Fluid Intelligence.Emad-ul-Haq Qazi, Muhammad Hussain, Hatim Aboalsamh, Aamir Saeed Malik, Hafeez Ullah Amin & Saeed Bamatraf - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  4.  20
    Reply to fudin and lembessis's critique of Malik and paraherakis's commentary regarding the capacity of the unconscious.Rajesh Malik & Antonios Paraherakis - 2001 - Perceptual and Motor Skills 92 (1):299-300.
  5.  20
    Prevention of occupational injuries and accidents: A social capital perspective.Hira Hafeez, Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah, Amir Riaz & Imran Shafique - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12354.
    Prior research has consistently established the pragmatic nature of literature regarding occupational injuries and accidental happenings faced by nursing professionals. However, current realities require a subjective approach to identify preventative measures that could influence occupational health and safety in healthcare sectors. A qualitative design followed a descriptive approach to assess unbiased opinions towards occupational obstructions that lead to accidental happenings. This study used the social capital framework in particular as a support resource to eliminate its detrimental effects on nurse's capacity (...)
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  6. Kant, the State, and Revolution.Reidar Maliks - 2013 - Kantian Review 18 (1):29-47.
    This paper argues that, although no resistance or revolution is permitted in the Kantian state, very tyrannical regimes must not be obeyed because they do not qualify as states. The essay shows how a state ceases to be a state, argues that persons have a moral responsibility to judge about it and defends the compatibility of this with Kantian authority. The reconstructed Kantian view has implications for how we conceive authority and obligation. It calls for a morally demanding definition of (...)
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    A Foreword By Charles Malik.Charles Malik - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (1):8-8.
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    Metaanalysis of research studies related to effects of televised-violence on society.Erum Hafeez - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (1):75-86.
    With the advent and popularity of Television by the end of 1950s and early 1960s, researchers focused the role and effects of this new medium on its growing audience. Himmelweit and Schramm are considered the pioneer researchers in the field. The volume of scientific studies regarding televised violence was largely increased following the landmark State Reports in US published between 1972 and 1982. These reports indicated that the proliferation of TV has exposed children to media violence at home. However, violence (...)
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  9.  41
    Justice in the International Order.Charles Malik - 1962 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 36:1-10.
  10.  52
    The Categories of Charles PeirceEugene Freeman.Charles Mâlik - 1935 - Isis 23 (1):296-297.
  11.  23
    Kant and the French Revolution.Reidar Maliks - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    To Kant, the French revolution's central events were the transfer of sovereignty to the people in 1789 and the trial and execution of the monarch in 1792-1793. Through a contextual study, this Element argues that while both events manifested the principle of popular sovereignty, the first did so in lawful ways, whereas the latter was a perversion of the principle. Kant was convinced that historical examples can help us understand political philosophy, and this Element seeks to show this in practice.
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  12. Christ and Crisis.C. MALIK - 1962
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    Ethics and Aesthetics: Essays in Indian Literature.Seema Malik & Seema Kashyap (eds.) - 2010 - Creative Books.
    Papers presented at the Seminar on Ethics and Aesthetics in Indian Literary Practices, held at Udaipur in Rajasthan, India in 2009; organized by Department of English, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, India.
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  14. From Myth to Story: The Origins, Advancement and Breakdown of Grand Stories.Branislav Malik - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (1):45-56.
    The article deals with the breakdown of the co called „grand narratives“ and with processes that preceded it. The author focuses on the degradation of the traditional meaningful forms, such as myth and grand narrative, and their becoming a „story“. He offers a detailed examination of the essential characteristics of a story. He sees the particular forms of the codification of the world as related to following developments: the rise of grand narratives as related to the transition to linear alphabetical (...)
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  15.  49
    Justice to Nature and to the Disadvantaged.Arif S. Malik - 2011 - World Futures 67 (2):106-114.
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    The wonder of being.Charles Habib Malik - 1974 - Waco, Tex.,: Word Books.
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    Is Ibn Khaldūn “Obsessed” with the Supernatural?Malik Mufti - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3):681.
    This article argues against the depiction of Ibn Khaldūn as someone whose preoccupation and credulity regarding mysticism or the occult diminish the rationalism and reformism of his thought, rendering it irrelevant to our concerns today. Instead, it argues that he consistently tries to steer his readers away from such pursuits by exposing them as fake when possible, or—in cases where their reality is attested to by unimpeachable religious sources—by highlighting the dangers they pose to both religion and state.
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    Cvcvta Ab Rationibvs Neronis Avgvsti: A Joke at nero's Expense?Shushma Malik - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):783-792.
    On the outside wall and in the vestibule of the ‘House of Publius Paquius Proculus’ in Pompeii (building I.7.1) three graffiti containing the name Cucuta can be found. The first simply readsCucuta(CIL4.8065 [outside wall]). The second tells us that Cucuta was an attendant of the Emperor Nero (CIL4.8066 [outside wall]):Cu(cuta) | Cucuta Ner(onis).From the third we learn that Cucuta was a financial secretary (a rationibus) of Nero (CIL4.8075 [vestibule]):Cucuta ab ra[t]ioni[b]us | Neronis Augusti. While the meaning and significance of these (...)
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  19. An appreciation of professor Whitehead with special reference to his metaphysics and to his ethical and educational significance.Charles Malik - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (21):572-582.
  20.  18
    The quest for a moral compass: a global history of ethics.Kenan Malik - 2014 - London: Atlantic Books.
    In this work, Kenan Malik explores the history of moral thought as it has developed over three millennia, from Homer's Greece to Mao's China, from ancient India to modern America. It tells the stories of the great philosophers, and breathes life into their ideas, while also challenging many of our most cherished moral beliefs.
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    Kant and the Debate over Theory and Practice.Reidar Maliks - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 741-752.
  22.  42
    God, Information and the World: The Metaphysics of William Dembski and Al-Ghazālī.Shoaib Ahmed Malik - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (4):547-576.
    This article intends to review William Dembski's recent monograph entitledBeing as Communion: A Metaphysics of Information, in which he establishes an entire information-centric metaphysics. This viewpoint is compared with al-Ghazālī’s perspective, a Muslim philosophical theologian from the Medieval period. It is concluded that what Dembski defines as information, which for him is the ontological basis of the natural world, seems remarkably close to al-Ghazālī’s notion of God's will and omnipotence. This article is an explorative comparison of their metaphysical frameworks that (...)
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  23.  16
    Autoficción "Con buena letra". figuración de autor en los peritextos editoriales.Cecilia Malik de Tchara - 2022 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (54):189-198.
    Desde la aparición y divulgación del término autoficción hace casi cuarenta años, mucho se ha reflexionado acerca de sus características, sus dimensiones ontológicas, formales y pragmáticas. Esa forma autobiográfica “bajo sospecha” se extendió de la narrativa a la poesía con gran naturalidad, hecho que ha sido ya analizado...
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  24.  19
    Fixing Meaning: Intertextuality, Inference and the Horizon of the Publishable.Rachel Malik - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 124:13-26.
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  25. La defensa de la diversidad.Kenan Malik - 2020 - In Manuel Arias-Maldonado (ed.), En busca del presente: veinte años de ensayo y pensamiento contemporáneo en la revista Letras Libres. Ciudad de México, México: Gris Tormenta.
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    Lucy Pickering, Eric Friginal and Shelley Staples : Talking at Work: Corpus-Based Explorations of Workplace Discourse.Nazish Malik - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):207-209.
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  27. Multiculturalism and the Politics of Identity.Kenan Malik - 2006 - In Dolan Cummings (ed.), Debating humanism. Exeter: Imprint Academic. pp. 26--55.
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  28.  9
    Older Evangelical Voices I: What Younger Evangelicals Dare Never Forget.Charles Malik - 1985 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 2 (1):32-32.
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  29. Odamiĭlik mulki: (akhloq kitobi).Toḣir Malik - 2005 - Toshkent: Istiqlol.
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  30.  56
    The Role of Religion for an Alternative Sustainable Governance Theory.Maszlee Malik - 2013 - Cultura 10 (1):25-46.
    In post-modern times, there has been much empirical evidence to indicate that religions and faiths play a pro-active role in the field of civil society but more importantly in the development of societies, which is a major factor in political and economic development of a country, as well as its governance. Accordingly, the contemporary reality of plurality demands a fresh look into the narratives of different civilisations, cultures and ideologies, rather than imposed meta-narratives of modernity. Hence, explorations of religion and (...)
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  31.  38
    Two theories of resistance in the German Enlightenment.Reidar Maliks - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (4):449-460.
    ABSTRACTCan there be a legal or a moral right to resist the government? Scholarly interest in the right of resistance has rarely focused on German philosophy, which has often been considered unusually committed to authority. Yet, during the Enlightenment German philosophers regularly attempted to justify not just conscientious refusal but also revolution. This essay explores the two dominant justifications, which were based in Wolffian perfectionism and Kantian relational theory. It argues that we can best understand the complexity of these theories (...)
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  32. Where does meaning get its fix? Reply.R. Malik - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 127:60-60.
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  33.  36
    Phronesis in Medical Ethics: Courage and Motivation to Keep on the Track of Rightness in Decision-Making.Aisha Malik, Mervyn Conroy & Chris Turner - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):158-175.
    Ethical decision making in medicine has recently seen calls to move towards less prescriptive- based approaches that consider the particularities of each case. The main alternative call from the literature is for better understanding of phronesis concepts applied to decision making. A well-cited phronesis-based approach is Kaldjian’s five-stage theoretical framework: goals, concrete circumstances, virtues, deliberation and motivation to act. We build on Kaldjian’s theory after using his framework to analyse data collected from a three-year empirical study of phronesis and the (...)
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  34.  57
    Can Tacit Know-How Be Acquired via Testimony?Abida Malik - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (3):374-403.
    The role of testimony in the transmission and generation of knowledge has been debated vigorously in contemporary epistemology. More recently, types other than propositional knowledge are also being discussed, among them know-how. No special attention, however, has been paid so far to tacit forms of know-how. In this article, I am arguing for the thesis that testimony, if understood in an inclusive way, can play a central role in the transmission and generation of tacit know-how. This thesis is embedded in (...)
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  35.  99
    Value-Enhancing Capabilities of CSR: A Brief Review of Contemporary Literature.Mahfuja Malik - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):419-438.
    This study reviews and synthesizes the contemporary business literature that focuses on the role of corporate social responsibility to enhance firm value. The main objective of this review is to proffer a precise understanding of what has already been investigated and the findings of those investigations regarding the value-enhancing capabilities of CSR for public firms. In addition, this review identifies gaps in the existing literature, evaluates inconsistent findings, discusses possible data sources for empirical researchers, and provides direction for exploring other (...)
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  36.  29
    El derecho de la igualdad: Resolviendo conflictos de igualdad Y derechos humanos. La experiencia británica.Maleiha Malik - 2011 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:109-146.
    This paper examines conflicts of rights and competing interests in the context of the British equalities framework. The expansion of the grounds of European Union and domestic discrimination law beyond the traditional categories of race and sex to also include disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or belief and age has made this an important issue. In addition, the increasing recognition of ‘equality’ and ‘non-discrimination’ as important rights raises the spectre of conflict with other human rights such as the right (...)
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  37.  25
    Field-induced transition from homeotropic to planar geometry in the SmC* phase of an electroclinic liquid crystal.Anu Malik, Indrani Coondoo, Amit Choudhary & Ashok M. Biradar - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2733-2747.
  38.  44
    The Metaphysics of Freedom.Charles Malik - 1966 - New Scholasticism 40 (3):312-330.
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    The Magnitude of the Challenge.Charles Malik - 1952 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 27 (4):485-499.
  40.  46
    Collected Papers of Charles Sanders PeirceCharles Sanders Peirce Charles Hartshorne Paul Weiss.Charles Mâlik - 1935 - Isis 23 (2):477-483.
  41.  38
    Subjectivity in flux: Contextualizing Don DeLillo’s White Noise.Irfan Mohammad Malik - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (3):241-252.
    The idea of the subject as a construct, of various external influences, was not new to the cultural and literary circles in the 1980s when DeLillo published White Noise. In the second half of the twentieth century, post-structuralist and postmodern theories unsettled the established ideas of the humanist tradition like the concept of the subject. The idea that the subject is constituted by external factors posed a challenge to the modernist notion of the subject as authentic and independent consciousness. Influenced (...)
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  42.  34
    The actorʼs view of automated planning and acting: A position paper.Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau & Paolo Traverso - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 208 (C):1-17.
  43. Planification et décision.Malik Ghallab - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Kant's Politics in Context.Reidar Maliks - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    An introduction to the political philosophy of Kant, exploring how he developed his views in a context shaped by controversies following the French revolution. It provides new information on his followers and critics as they engaged in high stakes political debates on freedom's relation to the state at this key turning point in history.
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  45.  82
    Al-ghazālī's divine command theory.Shoaib Ahmed Malik - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (3):546-576.
    This article reviews al‐Ghazālī's conception of Divine Command Theory (DCT) in light of contemporary philosophical developments. There are two well‐known objections against DCT. These include the problem of arbitrariness (PoA), which states that God randomly chose our moral framework for no reason given His capability to choose any moral commands; and the problem of God's goodness (PoGG), which questions God's goodness if morality could be other than what it is. Modern defenders of DCT have attempted to counter these objections through (...)
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  46.  47
    Social exclusion reduces the sense of agency: Evidence from intentional binding.Rubina A. Malik & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 71:30-38.
  47. Infección y Resistencia: Discurso Biológico en la" Comparació de Cathalunya ab Troya".Cynthia J. Malik - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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    Introduction to the symposium on Islam and evolution.Shoaib Ahmed Malik - 2022 - Zygon 57 (2):389-392.
    Zygon®, Volume 57, Issue 2, Page 389-392, June 2022.
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    Tacit Knowing: What it is and Why it Matters.Abida Malik - 2023 - Episteme 20 (2):349-366.
    Tacit knowing as a concept and legitimate topic of scholarship came up in philosophical research in the second half of the 20th century in the form of some influential works by Michael Polanyi (although similar concepts had been discussed before). Systematic epistemological studies on the topic are still scarce, however. In this article, I support the thesis that tacit knowing pervades all our common major divisions of knowledge and that it therefore must not be neglected in epistemological research. By this (...)
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  50. A Christian Reflection on Martin Heidegger.Charles H. Malik - 1977 - The Thomist 41 (1):1.
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