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Håkan Törnebohm [31]Håkan[From Old Catalog] Törnebohm [1]
  1. The Estimation of Probabilities: An Essay on Modern Bayesian Methods.I. J. Good, Ian Hacking, R. C. Jeffrey & Håkan Törnebohm - 1966 - Synthese 16 (2):234-244.
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  2.  62
    Two studies concerning the Michelson-Morley experiment.Håkan Törnebohm - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (1):47-56.
    In the first of these two studies it is argued that the discrepancy between the predicted and actual outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment is due to the use of Newton's velocity addition theorem in conjunction with an electromagnetic theory of light. The ether hypothesis is not directly affected at all. The second study is a case study of the removal of a clash in physics generated from the outcome of an experiment. The clash due to the Michelson-Morley experiment gave rise (...)
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  3. A logical analysis of the theory of relativity.Håkan[From Old Catalog] Törnebohm - 1952 - Stockholm,: Almqvist & Wiksell.
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  4.  46
    (1 other version)Forschung AlS innovatives system: Entwurf einer integrativen sehweise, die modelle erstellt zur beschreibung und kritik Von forschungsprozessen.Håkan Törnebohm & Gerard Radnitzky - 1971 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 2 (2):239-290.
    Summary Research is regarded as transformations of complexes composed of knowledge, problems and (hardware and software) instruments. Sequences of such transformations are embedded in human settings in which they are given directions. Problems and the work of solving them are divided into empirical and theoretical ones. In an advanced science like physics empirical and theoretical work are interrelated by means of flows of problem-generating information. Empirical and theoretical researchers work also on problems of their own making. Residuals of knowledge which (...)
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  5.  19
    The Growth of a Theoretical Model: A Simple Case Study.Håkan Törnebohm - 1970 - In Hermann Bondi, Wolfgang Yourgrau & Allen duPont Breck, Physics, logic, and history. New York,: Plenum Press. pp. 79--88.
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  6. Information and Confirmation.Håkan Törnebohm - 1964 - [Elanders Boktr.].
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  7.  53
    A Study in Hobbes' Theory of Denotation and Truth.Håkan Törnebohm - 1960 - Theoria 26 (1):53-67.
  8.  62
    (1 other version)Discourse analysis.Hakan Törnebohm - 1955 - Theoria 21 (1):42-54.
  9.  57
    On the confirmation of hypotheses about regions of existence.Håkan Törnebohm - 1968 - Synthese 18 (1):28 - 45.
  10.  38
    (1 other version)Wissenschaftstheorie AlS forschungswissenschaft.Gerard Radnitzky, Håkan Törnebohm & Göran Wallén - 1971 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 2 (1):115-119.
    Summary The theory of research under development at this Institute aims at systematically describing and evaluating research and its products. It conceives research as an innovative sytem in which knowledge, problems and instruments are produced and processed. It proceeds by tacking between case studies of research enterprises (past or on-going) and constructing models over such features as data generation, hypothesis checking, systematization of pieces of knowledge, etc. Its auxiliaries are systems-theory, information theory, etc. It results should make possible a critical (...)
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  11.  36
    The chronicle section.Gunnar Andersson, Jan Bärmark, Aant Elzinga, Johan Lindström, Gerard Radnitzky, Håkan Törnebohm, Göran Wallén, Theodore Kisiel & Gert König - 1971 - Man and World 4 (2):230-240.
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  12.  47
    Comments on Professor Grünbaum's: "The Clock Paradox in the Special Theory of Relativity".Håkan Törnebohm - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (3):231 - 232.
  13.  35
    Epistemological Reflexions over the Special Theory of Relativity and Milne's Conception of Two Times.Håkan Törnebohm - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):57 - 69.
    In this paper we shall discuss the relativistic space-time metric. Even if all inertial frames of reference are treated as equivalent in the formalism of the theory of relativity, there is an important difference between them if we take possible observers into account. The class of possible frames of reference for human or man-made observers is a proper part of the class of conceivable frames of reference. This subclass is privileged with respect to human knowledge: Descriptions of physical phenomena with (...)
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  14.  59
    The Lorentz-Formulae and the Metrical Principle.Håkan Törnebohm - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (3):269 - 278.
    The Lorentz-formulae are deduced from three factual statements the physical meaning of which is explained in terms of operations with clocks, light-signals and measuring rods. These statements are: (1) The time-length of a process is invariant. (2) The velocity of light is the same in all inertial systems. (3) The velocity of light is independent of the source. It is also shown that these statements can be deduced from the Lorentz-formulae. They are the physical content of the latter. The principle (...)
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  15.  29
    Research, ethics and development.Tore Nordenstam & Håkan Törnebohm - 1979 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 10 (1):54-66.
    We argue that the transmission of "normal science" is not enough to secure high-quality research, especially in the underdeveloped parts of the world. We survey some of the problems raised by the role of science in development. A simple model for "research-practice complexes" is presented. It is suggested that research-practice complexes ought to fulfil the three basic criteria of efficiency, perceptiveness, and sensitivity. The role of joint paradigm discussions in research-practice complexes is particularly emphasized.
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  16.  55
    An essay on knowledge-formation.Håkan Törnebohm - 1975 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (1):37-64.
    This essay is concerned with piecemeal knowledge-formation and with the formation of syntheses of knowledge such as theories in physics. A formalism will be presented and employed. Basic notions in this formalism are those of information overlap and degree of truth.
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  17.  38
    A Study in Modal Logic.Håkan Törnebohm - 1961 - Theoria 27 (3):151-164.
  18.  50
    Content of information.Håkan Törnebohm - 1955 - Theoria 21 (2-3):146-157.
  19.  49
    Durations and distances in time.Hakan Törnebohm - 1971 - Theoria 37 (3):209-226.
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  20. Hur förhåller sig vetenskapsteori till filosofi?Håkan Törnebohm - 1980 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1 (2):14.
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  21.  18
    Inquiring Systems and Paradigms.Håkan Törnebohm - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky, Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 635--654.
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  22. Notes on modal operators.Håkan Törnebohm - 1958 - Theoria 24 (2):130.
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  23.  52
    (1 other version)Outlines of a Boolean tensor algebra with applications to the lower functional calculus.Håkan Törnebohm - 1958 - Theoria 24 (1):39-47.
  24.  55
    On the concepts of distance and length in the special theory of relativity.Håkan Törnebohm - 1963 - Theoria 29 (3):283-289.
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  25.  54
    On truth, implication, and three-valued logic.Håkan Törnebohm - 1956 - Theoria 22 (3):185-198.
  26.  60
    On two logical systems proposed in the philosophy of quantum-mechanics.Håkan Törnebohm - 1957 - Theoria 23 (2):84-101.
  27.  62
    Two concepts of simultaneity in the special theory of relativity.Håkan TöRnebohm - 1963 - Theoria 29 (2):147-153.
  28.  50
    The clock paradox and the notion of clock retardation in the special theory of relativity.Håkan Törnebohm - 1963 - Theoria 29 (1):79-90.