Results for 'Hans Elsässer'

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  1.  29
    Reflections on a Biometrics of Organismal Form.Fred L. Bookstein - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (3):177-211.
    Back in 1987 the physicist/theoretical biologist Walter Elsasser reviewed a range of philosophical issues at the foundation of organismal biology above the molecular level. Two of these are particularly relevant to quantifications of form: the concept of ordered heterogeneity and the principle of nonstructural memory, the truism that typically the forms of organisms substantially resemble the forms of their ancestors. This essay attempts to weave Elsasser’s principles together with morphometrics for one prominent data type, the representation of animal forms by (...)
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  2. Reflections on a theory of organisms: holism in biology.Walter M. Elsasser - 1987 - Baltimore, Md: Published for the Johns Hopkins Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Are living organisms--as Descartes argued--just machines? Or is the nature of life such that it can never be fully explained by mechanistic models? In this thought-provoking and controversial book, eminent geophysicist Walter M. Elsasser argues that the behavior of living organisms cannot be reduced to physico-chemical causality. Suggesting that molecular biology today is at the same point as Newtonian physics on the eve of the quantum revolution, Elsasser lays the foundation for a theoretical biology that points the way toward a (...)
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    A reformulation of Bergson's theory of memory.Walter M. Elsasser - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (1):7-21.
    The book of Bergson underlying the present study appeared in 1896. It is entitled “Matter and Memory” and is a philosophical disquisition into the relation and mutual limitations of organic life and inert matter. Bergson proposes to deal with this very general problem under the special aspect of a theory of the functioning of the human brain and the mechanism of ordinary memory. Such use of the inductive method, which starts from a special problem in order to arrive at results (...)
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  4. Kroppens selvfornemmelse: En psykologiskfænomenologisk analyse af den psykosomatiske relation.Peter Elsass & J. Jespersen - 1993 - Philosophia (Misc.) 3:61-83.
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  5. New Living in Jenfeld-Future-oriented development on the periphery of Hamburg.Christoph Elsässer - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 70:36.
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    Quantum mechanics, amplifying processes, and living matter.Walter M. Elsasser - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (4):300-326.
    A quarter of a century has elapsed since quantum mechanics was discovered. Perhaps it is not too much to say, in retrospect, that the time was ripe for this particular development. This is attested, not only by the speed with which the edifice of the theory was completed immediately following the basic discoveries of Heisenberg and Schrödinger, but also by the rapidity, well-nigh unprecedented in the history of science with which the new results were applied to almost every branch of (...)
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  7. Atome et organisme.Walter M. Elsasser - 1966 - Paris,: Gauthier-Villars.
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  8. Brugerindflydelse: en retfærdiggørelse for omstruktureringer.Peter Elsass - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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  9. The Chief Abstractions of Biology.W. M. Elsasser - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):383-389.
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    The physical foundation of biology.Walter M. Elsasser - 1958 - New York,: Pergamon Press.
  11.  16
    Atom and organism.Walter Maurice Elsasser - 1966 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    "The time-honored dualism of the mutually exclusive systems of thought, mechanistic biology on the one hand and vitalism on the other, expresses a pair of theoretical approaches which are both inadequate. We shall show how they can be replaced by an abstractly descriptive system of a different type that is far better adapted to the nature of biology"--Preface.
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    The chief abstractions of biology.Walter M. Elsasser - 1975 - New York: American Elsevier Pub. Co..
  13.  77
    Defending Einstein: Hans Reichenbach's writings on space, time, and motion.Hans Reichenbach - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Steven Gimbel & Anke Walz.
    Hans Reichenbach, a philosopher of science who was one of five students in Einstein's first seminar on the general theory of relativity, became Einstein's bulldog, defending the theory against criticism from philosophers, physicists, and popular commentators. This book chronicles the development of Reichenbach's reconstruction of Einstein's theory in a way that clearly sets out all of its philosophical commitments and its physical predictions as well as the battles that Reichenbach fought on its behalf, in both the academic and popular (...)
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  14. The Physical Foundation of Biology.W. M. Elsasser - 1961 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 151:530-530.
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    (1 other version)Ehrenberg, Hans, Dr., Privatdozent. Die Parteiungder Philosophie. Studien wider Hegel und die Kantianer.Hans Ehrenberg - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
  16. Kompliance: et forførende begreb om samarbejdet mellem profession og lægmand.Peter Elsass - forthcoming - Philosophia.
  17. Lægfolks og lægers opfattelse af sundhed.Peter Elsass, K. Hastrup & C. E. Mabeck - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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  18. Glock, Hans Johann (2001). Wittgenstein and reason. In: Klagge, J. Wittgenstein: Biography and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 195-220.Hans Johann Glock & J. Klagge (eds.) - 2001
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  19. Atom and Organism.Walter M. Elsasser - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):89-92.
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  20. Sundhedsfremme: Et sundhedspsykologisk perspektiv for samarbejdet mellem lægfolk og professionelle.Peter Elsass - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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    Zimmer,Hans,Dr. Männer, Bücher, Probleme.Hans Zimmer - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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  22. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Semantics: Why rules ought to matter. In: Beran, Ondrej; Kolman, Vojtech; Koren, Ladislav. From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism. London, 63-80.Hans Johann Glock, Ondrej Beran, Vojtech Kolman & Ladislav Koren (eds.) - 2018
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  23. Glock, Hans Johann (1991). Investigations §128: Theses in philosophy and undogmatic procedure. In: Glock, Hans Johann; Arrington, Robert. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations. London/New York: Routledge, 69-88.Hans Johann Glock & Robert Arrington (eds.) - 1991
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  24.  27
    Musik--zu Begriff und Konzepten: Berliner Symposion zum Andenken an Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht.Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht, Michael Beiche & Albrecht Riethmüller (eds.) - 2006 - [Stuttgart]: Franz Steiner.
    Aus ganz unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln, sei es aus musikhistorischer oder ethnomusikologischer Sicht, umkreisen zehn Beitrage das Thema aMusik - Zu Begriff und Konzepteno. Unter dieses Thema ein internationales Symposion in Berlin zu stellen, das zum Gedenken an Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht (1919-1999) veranstaltet wurde, erschien umso naheliegender, zumal Eggebrecht die Frage aWas ist Musik'o existenziell beruhrte, sie grundierte und sein Forscherleben als Musikwissenschaftler von den fruhen Veroffentlichungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zu den letzten Arbeiten durchzog. Inhalt Bruno Nettl: Was ist (...)
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    Hans Georg Gadamer: Esquisses Hermeneutiques: Essais Et Conferences.Hans Georg Gadamer - 2004 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Gadamer (1900-2002) nous confie un veritable testament philosophique. Abordant des questions centrales de la pensee contemporaine, le maitre de l'hermeneutique livre ici ses dernieres reflexions sur des themes qui lui tiennent a coeur: l'art et la poesie, la reconnaissance et l'humanisme, l'amitie et l'ecoute. L'hermeneutique, selon Gadamer, est la theorie selon laquelle nous devons apprendre a ecouter.
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  26. (3 other versions)Han Feizi.Fei Han - 1913
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  27. Han Feizi.Fei Han - 1977
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  28. Han Feizi xuan zhu.Fei Han (ed.) - 1976 - [Beijing]: Beijing ren min chu ban she.
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  29. (1 other version)Han Feizi xuan.Fei Han - 1965 - Edited by Wang, Huan-Piao & [From Old Catalog].
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  30.  22
    Between Hegel and Kierkegaard: Hans L. Martensen's Philosophy of Religion.Hans L. Martenson (ed.) - 1997 - Oup Usa.
    In the late 1830s and early 1840s Hans. L. Martensen helped to introduce the thought of G.W.F. Hegel to the intellectual world of Copenhagen. Between Hegel and Kierkegaard offers the first English translations of three important early writings of Martensen in the philsophy of religion. These treatises evidence an original and critical interpretation of Hegel's thought from a speculative theological point of view. The heart of Martensen's philosophy of religion is the idea of freedom or personality grounded in its (...)
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hermeneutic Phenomenalogy.James S. Hans - 1978 - Philosophy Today 22 (1):3-19.
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  32. Computere i psykiatrien. En undersøgelse af lægers og ergoterapeuters" i-tale-sættelse" af computerens anvendelsesmuligheder i arbejdet med psykiatriske patienter.P. Lauritsen, K. Kaasgaard & Peter Elsass - forthcoming - Philosophia.
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    Interactions between lattice dislocations and twin boundaries in tungsten: A comparative atomistic simulation study.M. Mrovec, C. Elsässer & P. Gumbsch - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3179-3194.
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  34.  10
    Han Qingxiang lun wen xuan.Qingxiang Han - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
  35. Hanʼguk yuhak simnihak: Hanʼguk yuhak ŭi simnihaksŏl kwa Yugyo munhwa e kwanhan simnihakchŏk chŏpkŭn.Tŏg-ung Han - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Sigŭma Pʻŭresŭ.
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  36. Han Fei ti fa hsüeh yü wen hsüeh.Han-chʻang Hsü - 1979
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  37.  45
    A natural philosophy of quantum mechanics based on induction.Walter M. Elsasser - 1973 - Foundations of Physics 3 (1):117-137.
    A systematic effort is here made to express some of the general results of quantum mechanics in a conceptual form closer to ordinary language than is the case with most modern physics. Many of the implications of the theory appear much more clearly thereby, in particular the fact that the laws of quantum mechanics are only statistical propositions about classes, not referring to individual objects. Conversely, the microscopic structure of an object cannot be precisely defined in quantum mechanical terms. To (...)
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  38. Hermeneutik, Ästhetik, Praktische Philosophie Hans-Georg Gadamer Im Gespräch.Hans Georg Gadamer & Carsten Dutt - 1993
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    History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberg Reader.Hans Blumenberg - 2020 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs & Joe Paul Kroll.
    History, Metaphors, and Fables collects the central writings by Hans Blumenberg and covers topics such as on the philosophy of language, metaphor theory, non-conceptuality, aesthetics, politics, and literary studies. This landmark volume demonstrates Blumenberg's intellectual breadth and gives an overview of his thematic and stylistic range over four decades. Blumenberg's early philosophy of technology becomes tangible, as does his critique of linguistic perfectibility and conceptual thought, his theory of history as successive concepts of reality", his anthropology, or his studies (...)
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  40. Han Feizi ji jie.Han Fei & B. C. d233 - 1960 - Edited by Hsien-shên Wang.
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  41.  9
    Politik, Bildung, Religion: Hans Maier zum 65. Geburtstag.Hans Maier, Theo Stammen, Heinrich Oberreuter, Paul Mikat & Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz (eds.) - 1996 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
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    Han Pija.Fei Han - 1976 - Sŏul: Hyŏnamsa. Edited by Man-sŏng Nam.
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    Struktur und Freiheit: Festschrift für Hans-Eduard Hengstenberg zum 85. Geburtstag.Hans-Eduard Hengstenberg & Gotthold Müller - 1990
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    Hans Reichenbach Papers 1884-1979 1909 - 1953.Hans Reichenbach - unknown
    The Hans Reichenbach Papers comprise published and unpublished manuscripts, lectures, correspondence, photographs, drawings, and related materials from his early student days until his death. The correspondence contains about 9000 pages to and from Reichenbach; it ranges over his entire career. Those with whom Reichenbach maintained lifelong contact include Rudolf Carnap, Ernst Cassirer, Herbert Feigl, Philip Frank, Carl Hempel, Sidney Hook, Paul Oppenheim and Wolfgang Pauli. In addition, there is significant correspondence with von Astor, Bergmann, Bertalanffy, Dingler, Dubislav, Einstein, Fraenkel, (...)
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    Atomistic study of structure and stability of thin Ni films on Fe surfaces.Adham Hashibon, Pim Schravendijk†, Christian Elsässer & Peter Gumbsch - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3413-3433.
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  46.  31
    Computers in Psychiatry.Peter Lauritsen Lauritsen & Peter Elsass - 2001 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (2):25-33.
    Within psychiatric research, the field of 'technotherapy' has been centred primarily on attempts to assess the computer as a treatment tool. The situation of daily clinical usage is, however, often ignored within such research, as for instance in controlled clinical trials. Our empirical study illustrates how health professionals and clients use different concepts of science and health in the attempts of formulating standards for using computers in psychiatric practice. The psychiatrists at a major psychiatric hospital decided and justified clients' use (...)
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    De maat van de techniek: zes filosofen over techniek, Günther Anders, Jacques Ellul, Arnold Gehlen, Martin Heidegger, Hans Jonas en Lewis Mumford.Hans Achterhuis, Paul van Dijk & Pieter Tijmes - 1992
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    Faszination Gott: Hans Waldenfels zum 70. Geburtstag.Hans Waldenfels, Heino Sonnemans & Thomas Fössel (eds.) - 2002 - Paderborn: Bonifatius.
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    Unterschied und Widerspruch: Perspektiven auf das Werk von Hans Heinz Holz.Hans Heinz Holz, Christoph Hubig & Jörg Zimmer (eds.) - 2007 - Köln: Dinter.
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  50.  10
    Yŏksajuŭi wa panyŏksajuŭi: "Yŏksajuŭi wa yŏksa ch'ŏrhak" ŭl kich'o ro saeropke chŏn'gae han yŏksajuŭi ŭi hyŏndaejŏk chaegusŏng kwa kŭ pip'an.Han-gu Yi - 2010 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Ch'ŏrhak kwa Hyŏnsilsa.
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