Results for 'Har Dayal'

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  1. The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature.Har Dayal - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):356-357.
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    Personality and super-personality.Har Dayal - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 9:28-31.
    La conscience, qui est un attribut de tous les êtres vivants, se développe, chez l’homme, en conscience de soi et personnalité. Dans le sommeil, l’hypnose et l’évanouissement reste seule la subconscience. Mais la conscience de soi disparaît aussi dans l’activité créatrice artistique, dans la contemplation du grand art, dans la concentration de la recherche scientifique, dans l’expérience émotionnelle de l’accroissement de pouvoir et dans la psychologie des foules. Dans des cas de ce genre, la connaissance de soi et la dualité (...)
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    Har Dayal: Hindu Revolutionary and Rationalist.Jagdish P. Sharma & Emily C. Brown - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):467.
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    The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. By Har Dayal Ph.D., M.A. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.1932, Pp xx + 392. Price 18s.). [REVIEW]C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):356-.
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    Self, Spencer and swaraj: Nationalist thought and critiques of liberalism, 1890–1920.Shruti Kapila - 2007 - Modern Intellectual History 4 (1):109-127.
    In giving a historically specific account of the self in early twentieth-century India, this article poses questions about the historiography of nationalist thought within which the concept of the self has generally been embedded. It focuses on the ethical questions that moored nationalist thought and practice, and were premised on particular understandings of the self. The reappraisal of religion and the self in relation to contemporary evolutionary sociology is examined through the writings of a diverse set of radical nationalist intellectuals, (...)
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    Dharma and Destruction: Buddhist Institutions and Violence.Christopher Ives - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):151-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DHARMA AND DESTRUCTION: BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS AND VIOLENCE Christopher Ives Stonehill College Photographs ofgentle monks in saffron, the cottageindustry ofbooks on mindfulness, and the Dalai Lama's response to the Chinese invasion of Tibet have all helped portray Buddhism as the "religion of nonviolence." This representation ofBuddhism finds support in Buddhist texts, doctrines, and ritual practices, which often advocate ahimsa, nonharming or non-violence. The historical record, however, belies the portrayal of (...)
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  7. Polar kyaa: Y/N or Speech Act Operator.Veneeta Dayal & Rajesh Bhatt - unknown
    We dub the kyaa in (2a) polar kyaa, which we distinguish from the homophonous thematic kyaa ‘what’. in (3). In (3), kyaa is the theme argument of the verb diyaa ‘gave’. The same has been argued for the scope marking construction, at least under the indirect dependency approach (Dayal 1994 among others). The preverbal position has been argued to be the unmarked position for wh-words in Hindi-Urdu (Kidwai 2000, among others).
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    7. quantification in correlatives.Veneeta Dayal - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 2--179.
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  9. Hindi pseudo incorporation.Veneeta Dayal - manuscript
    This paper argues that Hindi incorporation is, in fact, pseudoincorporation, involving noun phrases rather than nouns. Furthermore, it shows that there is no requirement that the incorporated nominal form a morphological or even a syntactic unit with the verb. Such loosely aligned nominals can nevertheless be identified as incorporation on the basis of semantic intuitions having to do with number interpretation, anaphora, and certain properties typically associated with lexical processes. Contrary to standard assumptions, it is argued that the targets of (...)
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  10. Number marking and (in)definiteness in kind terms.Veneeta Dayal - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (4):393-450.
    This paper explores the link between number marking and(in)definiteness in nominals and their interpretation. Differencesbetween bare singulars and plurals in languages without determinersare explained by treating bare nominals as kind terms. Differencesarise, it is argued, because singular and plural kinds relatedifferently to their instantiations. In languages with determiners,singular kinds typically occur with the definite determiner, butplural/mass kinds can be bare in some languages and definite inothers. An account of singular kinds in terms of taxonomic readingsis proposed, with number marking playing (...)
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    Managing ecstasy: A subaltern performative of resistance.Samir Dayal - 2001 - Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 6 (1):75-90.
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  12. Any as inherently modal.Veneeta Dayal - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (5):433-476.
    The primary theoretical focus of this paper is on Free Choice uses of any, in particular on two phenomena that have remained largely unstudied. One involves the ability of any phrases to occur in affirmative episodic statements when aided by suitable noun modifiers. The other involves the difference between modals of necessity and possibility with respect to licensing of any. The central thesis advanced here is that FC any is a universal determiner whose domain of quantification is not a set (...)
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    Scope marking as indirectwh-dependency.Veneeta Srivastav Dayal - 1993 - Natural Language Semantics 2 (2):137-170.
    In certain languages, scope-marking structures are used to express long-distancewh-dependencies along with or instead of the more familiar extraction structure. The existence of these two strategies raises an interesting question for the mapping between syntactic structure and semantic representation. Should apparent semantic equivalence be taken as a guide and syntactic parallelism posited at an abstract level of syntax? Or should the surface syntactic distinction between them be maintained and an alternative explanation sought for the similarity in meaning? In this paper (...)
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    Gesture and coparticipation in the activity of searching for a word.Marjorie Harness Goodwin & Charles Goodwin - 1986 - Semiotica 62 (1-2):51-76.
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    Bare nominals: Non-specific and contrastive readings under scrambling.Veneeta Dayal - 2003 - In Simin Karimi (ed.), Word order and scrambling. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 67--90.
  16. The Language of Advertising.Veneeta Dayal - unknown
    The seminar will focus on linguistic strategies used by manufacturers to promote products. We will look at claims such as: “2 out of 3 doctors prescribed Medicine X”. Would this statement be false or merely misleading if exactly three doctors were included in the sample? The fundamental semantic distinction between entailment (what is stated) and implicature (what is implied) will be used to probe issues of truth in the language of advertising. The course will explore the topic in the wider (...)
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  17. 44 multiple-wh-questions.Veneeta Dayal - manuscript
    1.1 Wh-expressions as diagnostics of scope 1.1.1 Fronting and possible answers as indicators of scope 1.1.2 Constraints on Scope: ECP and Subjacency 1.1.3 Alternatives to Covert Movement 1.1.4 Overview of the chapter 1.2 Cross-linguistic variation in multiple -wh-questions 1.2.1 Non-fronting languages 1.2.2 Multiple -fronting languages 1.2.3 Languages without multiple -wh-questions 1.2.4 Optional-fronting languages 1.2.5 Explanations for typological variation 2 Superiority effects.
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    A text book of jurisprudence.Shiv Dayal - 1965 - Allahabad,: Central Law Agency. Edited by R. R. Pandey.
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  19. Chapter Nine Ethical Antihumanism.Samir Dayal - 2008 - In Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan (eds.), Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: reconstellating humanism and the global hybrid. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 220.
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    Managing ecstasy: A subaltern performative of resistance.Samir Dayal - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (1):75 – 90.
  21. South asian languages and semantic variation: A cross-linguistic study.Veneeta Dayal - manuscript
    This project investigates the possibility of variation in the semantic component, a new and dynamic area of study in formal approaches to semantics. Its particular focus is the effect on variation of language contact. The semantic status of classifier languages of South Asia, which have been described as marginal instances of this language type, is used to illustrate the nature of the investigation. Data from a small representative sample of such languages will be collected. The semantic system of these languages, (...)
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  22. Scope marking: Cross-linguistic variation in indirect.Veneeta Dayal - unknown
    Overview A scope marking structure is characterized by the fact that it has two clauses, each of which contains wh expressions [CP-1...wh1...][CP-2...wh2(...whn)...]. While wh- 1 is a fixed lexical item, wh-2...wh-n are not. A possible answer to the question seems to specify values not for wh1 but for wh2...whn. In recent years such structures have come under a lot of scrutiny and various analyses have been proposed to account for their properties. In spite of differences in detail, these analyses can (...)
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    Vedānta aura Bāibila kā tulanātmaka adhyayana.James Dayal - 1964
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    The truth about Islam: a historical study.Lakshmeshwar Dayal - 2010 - New Delhi: Anamika Publishers & Distributors.
    The study brings about the contribution of Islam to world civilization. It traces the rise of Muslim power in Asia, Europe and Africa over more than ten centuries combining political ascendancy with promotion of basic sciences, philosophy, literature and arts. It deals with the prevailing myths which have for long blocked the way to a correct understanding of the faith and the traditions of Islam. Vigorously debated issues, such as jihad, status of women, and national patriotism are discussed in their (...)
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    Aristotle’s conception of practical wisdom and what it means for moral education in schools.Atli Harðarson - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1518-1527.
    Aristotle took practical wisdom to include cleverness, and something more. The hard question, that he does not explicitly answer, is what this something more is. On my interpretation, the practically wise are not merely more knowledgeable about what is good for people. They are also better able to discern all the values at stake, in whatever circumstances they find themselves. This is an ability that good people develop, typically rather late in life, provided they are masters of their own affairs. (...)
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    (1 other version)Aims of Education: How to Resist the Temptation of Technocratic Models.Atli Harðarson - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4).
    A technocratic model of curriculum design that has been highly influential since the middle of last century assumes that the aims of education can be, and should be: 1. Causally brought about by administering educational experiences; 2. Specified as objectives that can be attained, reached or completed; 3. Changes in students that are described in advance. Richard S. Peters argued against the first of these three tenets by making a distinction between aims that are causally brought about by the means (...)
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    Why the Aims of Education Cannot Be Settled.Atli Harðarson - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (2):223-235.
    The dominant model of curriculum design in the last century assumed that school education could be organized around aims, defined primarily in terms of students' behaviour. The credentials of this model were questioned by, among others, Lawrence Stenhouse, who pointed out that education serves purposes that cannot be stated in terms of behavioural objectives. In this article, I offer support for Stenhouse's conclusion and go beyond it, showing that if education aims at critical understanding of its own value, then it (...)
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    The teacher is a learner: Dewey on aims in education.Atli Harðarson - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (5):538-547.
    In Chapter VIII of Democracy and Education, Dewey objects to all three of the following propositions: (1) education serves predefined aims; (2) Education serves aims that are external to the process of education; and (3) Education serves aims that are imposed by authority. From the vantage point of policy-makers and authors of curriculum guides, these three propositions seem plausible, even self-evident. In this paper, I set forth a critical interpretation and evaluation of Dewey’s objections to them and argue that he (...)
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    Contribution of S. Radhakrishnan to Indian religious thought.Har Nagendra Singh - 1979 - Patna: Bihar Granth Kutir.
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    The School as a Democratic Workplace: The Political Dimension of Dewey's Democracy and Education.Atli Harðarson - 2018 - Education and Culture 34 (1):3.
    In a paper published in 1930, John Dewey said that for many years Democracy and Education was the book where his philosophy “was most fully expounded”.1,2 If we add to this the fact that Dewey was known as the philosopher of democracy, then we have reason to expect the text to say something important, not only about education, but also about democracy. Nevertheless, all twenty-six chapters of the book are about schools and education and, when it was originally published in (...)
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  31. Mahakaviśrīharṣapraṇītaṃ Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādyam. Śrīharṣa - 1970 - Edited by Navikānta Jhā, Śaṅkaramiśra & Hanumanadas Sastri.
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  32. Ben shete gedot ha-nahar: mifgash bein Budhah ṿeha-Rambam.Avi Harʼel - 2021 - [Israel]: Sṭimatsḳi.
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    George Graham.Connectionism in Pavlovtan Harness - 1991 - In Terence E. Horgan & John L. Tienson (eds.), Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 143.
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    Tārīkh al-fikr al-ʻArabī fī nushūʼihi wa-taṭawwurihi bi-al-tarjamah wa-al-naql ʻan al-ḥaḍārah al-Yūnānīyah, wa-maqālāt ukhrá.Ismāʻīl Maẓhar - 1928
  35. An act of vandalism against culture.Leone Har - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4):819-819.
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  36. al-Mutʻah al-muḥarramah: al-liwāṭ wa-al-siḥāq fī al-tārīkh al-ʻArabī.Muntaṣir Maẓhar - 2001 - [Cairo]: al-Dār al-ʻĀlamīyah lil-Kutub wa-al-Nashr.
    Sodomy; lesbianism; Arab countries; history.
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    Le divan freudien : une situation inimitable.Alexandre Har & Roland Jouvent - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (3):327-335.
    Les recherches sur la théorie de la simulation en neurosciences cognitives ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives de compréhension des mécanismes implicites à l’œuvre dans la relation duelle en psychanalyse. À l’aide de la cognition sociale, une déconstruction par niveaux des aspects transactionnels élémentaires de la communication psychothérapeutique est entreprise. Nous proposons ensuite l’idée de co-simulation comme mode de partage caractéristique de la situation psychanalytique.Advances in cognitive neuroscience and simulation’s theory research open new perspectives in the quest to understand implicit mechanisms involved (...)
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    Un atto di vandalismo contro la cultura.Leone Har - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (4).
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    Can attempts to make schools more reliable render them less trustworthy?Atli Harðarson - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):42-51.
    This paper has two aims. One is to draw a distinction between two types of trust. The other is to argue for its applicability in academic discourse on educational policies. One of the two types of trust is ethical trust that rests on beliefs about others’ ethical virtues. The other is institutional trust that typically depends on law enforcement and economic incentives. Ideas about a social order based primarily on institutional trust have haunted political thought since the time of Thomas (...)
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    Purchasing and Marketing of Social and Environmental Sustainability for High-Tech Medical Equipment.Adam Lindgreen, Michael Antioco, David Harness & Remi van der Sloot - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):445 - 462.
    As the functional capabilities of high-tech medical products converge, supplying organizations seek new opportunities to differentiate their offerings. Embracing product sustainability-related differentiators provides just such an opportunity. This study examines the challenge organizations face when attempting to understand how customers perceive environmental and social dimensions of sustainability by exploring and defining both dimensions on the basis of a review of extant literature and focus group research with a leading supplier of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning equipment. The study encompasses seven (...)
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    Mahābhārata meṃ śishṭācāra.Devi Dayal Aggarwal - 2017 - Naī Dillī: Kāverī Buksa.
    Depiction of etiquette or good manners in Mahābhārata, Hindu classical epic.
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    Education for Self-Control: Some Similarities Between Dewey's Experience and Education and Locke's Theory of Rational Agency.Atli Harðarson - 2023 - Education and Culture 38 (2):47-65.
    Abstract:One of the themes that runs through Dewey’s Experience and Education is an argument to the effect that education aims at self-control. The details of this argument reveal close affinity between Dewey’s philosophy of education and the ideals of the Enlightenment. They are also strikingly similar to John Locke’s thoughts about freedom and education published in the seventeenth century. Comparison of their texts shows that Dewey and Locke worked with similar distinctions between positive and negative freedom. They both saw freedom (...)
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  43. Maqālāt-i tarbīyat.Muḥammad Munīr Aẓhar (ed.) - 2009 - Faiṣalābād: Dār al-Tarbīyah lil-Nashr va al-Tālīf.
    On Ahl-i Hadīth and Islamic ethics; contributed articles.
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    Can BCG vaccine protect against COVID‐19 via trained immunity and tolerogenesis?Preetam Basak, Naresh Sachdeva & Devi Dayal - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000200.
    As the number of infections and mortalities from the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic continues to rise, the development of an effective therapy against COVID‐19 becomes ever more urgent. A few reports showing a positive correlation between BCG vaccination and reduced COVID‐19 mortality have ushered in some hope. BCG has been suggested to confer a broad level of nonspecific protection against several pathogens, mainly via eliciting “trained immunity” in innate immune cells. Secondly, BCG has also been proven to provide benefits in autoimmune diseases (...)
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    Personal agency beliefs in self-regulation: the exercise of personal responsibility, choice and control in learning.Wan Har Chong - 2006 - New York: Marshall Cavendish Academic.
    Self-regulatory processes have predominantly been linked to the study of academic achievement in terms of learning behavior, cognitive engagement, and specific academic performance measures. If poorly regulated, academic behavior can have repercussions on social adaptation. Motivational processes constitute the other key element in ensuring successful regulation, as studies indicate that self-regulation can effectively influence achievement outcomes if learners have positive beliefs about their personal ability to negotiate difficulties and work towards the desired learning outcomes. This book takes a critical look (...)
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    The Role of 'High Potentials' in Integrating and Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility.Adam Lindgreen, Valérie Swaen, David Harness & Marieke Hoffmann - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):73-91.
    The Samenleving and Bedrijf (S&B) network of Dutch organizations seeks to embed corporate social responsibility (CSR) within business practices but faces challenges with regard to how to do so across various organizational practices, processes, and policies. The integration of CSR demands cultural change driven by senior management and other change agents, who push CSR principles throughout the organization. This study examines the change processes that S&B member organizations have initiated, with a particular focus on the role of high potentials—those persons (...)
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    ‘Life after Death – the Dead shall Teach the Living’: a Qualitative Study on the Motivations and Expectations of Body Donors, their Families, and Religious Scholars in the South Indian City of Bangalore.Aiswarya Sasi, Radhika Hegde, Stephen Dayal & Manjulika Vaz - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):149-172.
    In India, there has been a shift from using unclaimed bodies to voluntary body donation for anatomy dissections in medical colleges. This study used in-depth qualitative interviews to explore the deeper intent, values and attitudes towards body donation, the body and death, and expectations of the body donor, as well as their next of kin and representative religious scholars. All donors had enrolled in a body bequest programme in a medical school in South India. This study concludes that body donors (...)
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    Rūam botkhwām Phraphutthasātsanā kap pratyā.Winai Phončharœ̄n - 2019 - [Bangkok, Thailand]: Winai Phončharœ̄n.
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    Context, activity and participation.Charles Goodwin & Marjorie Harness Goodwin - 1992 - In Peter Auer & Aldo Di Luzio (eds.), The Contextualization of language. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  50. (3 other versions)Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya. Śrīharṣa - 1961 - Edited by Caṇḍīprasāda Sukula, Śrīkr̥ṣṇa Panta & Govinda Narahari Vaijāpurakara.
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