Results for 'He Wu-Jing'

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  1. Emotional Reactions Mediate the Effect of Music Listening on Creative Thinking: Perspective of the Arousal-and-Mood Hypothesis.He Wu-Jing, Wong Wan-Chi & N.-N. Hui Anna - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A 4-Year Longitudinal Study of the Sex-Creativity Relationship in Childhood, Adolescence, and Emerging Adulthood: Findings of Mean and Variability Analyses.Wu-Jing He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gender Differences in the Distribution of Creativity Scores: Domain-Specific Patterns in Divergent Thinking and Creative Problem Solving.Wu-Jing He & Wan-chi Wong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study examined gender differences in the distribution of creative abilities through the lens of the greater male variability hypothesis, which postulated that men showed greater interindividual variability than women in both physical and psychological attributes. Two hundred and six undergraduate students in Hong Kong completed two creativity measures that evaluated different aspects of creativity, including: a divergent thinking test that aimed to assess idea generation and a creative problem-solving test that aimed to assess restructuring ability. The present findings (...)
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  4.  14
    Middle School Students From China’s Rice Area Show More Adaptive Creativity but Less Innovative and Boundary-Breaking Creativity.Wu-Jing He & Wan-chi Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:749229.
    The present study aimed to conduct a cross-cultural comparison of creative thinking among Chinese middle school students from the rice- and wheat-growing areas in China through the lens ofthe rice theory, which postulates that there are major psychological differences among the individuals in these agricultural regions. Differences in cultural mindsets and creativity between the rice group (n= 336) and the wheat group (n= 347) were identified using the Chinese version of (1) the Auckland Individualism and Collectivism Scale (AICS) and (2) (...)
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  5.  21
    Social responsibility and subjective well-being of volunteers for COVID-19: The mediating role of job involvement.Chao Wu, Sizhe Cheng, Yinjuan Zhang, Jiaran Yan, Chunyan He, Zhen Sa, Jing Wu, Yawei Lin, Chunni Heng, Xiangni Su & Hongjuan Lang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    AimOur study aimed to investigate the effect of social responsibility on the subjective well-being of volunteers for COVID-19 and to examine the mediating role of job involvement in this relationship.BackgroundNowadays, more and more people join volunteer service activities. As we all know, volunteer work contributes to society without any return. Volunteers often have a strong sense of social responsibility and reap subjective well-being in their dedication. Although research shows that social responsibility will drive them to participate in volunteer work actively, (...)
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  6.  38
    Cognitive Correlates of Reading Fluency in Chinese School-Aged Children.Jing Bai, Wenlong Li, Yang Yang, Jianhui Wu, Wei He & Min Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Teacher’s Type D Personality and Chinese Children’s Hyperactive Behaviors: Moderation Effect of Parental Type D Personality and Mediation Effect of Teacher–Student Relationship.Guan-Hao He, Esben Strodl, Li Liu, Zeng-Liang Ruan, Xiao-Na Yin, Guo-Ming Wen, Deng-Li Sun, Dan-Xia Xian, Hui Jiang, Jin Jing, Yu Jin, Chuan-An Wu & Wei-Qing Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8.  9
    The Essentials of Governance.Wu Jing - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    In the eighth century, Wu Jing selected exchanges between Emperor Taizong and his ministers that he deemed key to good governance. This collection of dialogues has been used for the education of emperors, political elites and general readers ever since, and is a standard reference work in East Asian political thought. Consisting of ten volumes, subdivided into forty topics, The Essentials of Governance addresses core themes of Chinese thinking about the politics of power, from the body politic, presenting and (...)
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    Lun li kun jing yu he xie su qiu: Dang dai she hui bian qian xia de lun li xian xiang tou shi.Qinfang Wu - 2012 - Beijing: Zhong guo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  10. Zhungguo zhe xue de te se he jing shen.Yi Wu - 1975 - [Taibei]: Gai bu.
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  11. Mo jing zhong di shu xue he wu li xue.Xiaobo Fang - 1983 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Di Mo.
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  12.  19
    "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" jian ming jiao cheng.Changchang Chen - 1992 - [Canton]: Guangdong sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
  13. "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" qian shi.Zhongping Chen - 1982 - Fuzhou: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin.
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  14. "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" ti yao.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin (ed.) - 1986 - [Shanghai]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  15. "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" jiao cheng.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin (ed.) - 1984 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  16. "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" jie shuo.Ming Ma - 1985 - Fuzhou: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  17. "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" jiang yi.Huanzhang Yang - 1980 - Tianjin: Tianjin shi xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  18.  38
    Differences in practice and preferences associated with truth-telling to cancer patients.Jing Wu, Yan Wang, Xiaodong Jiao, Jingting Wang, Xuchun Ye & Bei Wang - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):272-281.
    Background: Doctors should disclose the diagnosis to patients according to the principle of autonomy. However, not disclosing the diagnosis and prognosis to cancer patients remains common in mainland China. Objective: The study explored the experiences and attitudes of patients with cancer, family members, and the medical staff in truth-telling. Research design: A quantitative survey with three closed-ended questionnaires was conducted. Participants: In all, 137 patients with cancer, 134 family members caring for cancer cases, and 54 medical staff were surveyed. Descriptive (...)
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    Jian chi he hong yang che di wei wu zhu yi jing shen: Yang Xianzhen dan chen 100 zhou nian ji nian wen ji.Xianzhen Yang (ed.) - 1997 - Beijing: Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she.
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  20.  18
    WeChat-platform-based education and care program as a candidate approach to relieve anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of pediatric and adolescent patients with osteosarcoma.Jing Wu, Jie Meng & Honghe Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundWeChat is the main social platform in China, characterized by its versatility and ease of communication. This study aimed to explore the effect of a WeChat-platform-based education and care program on relieving anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of pediatric and adolescent patients with osteosarcoma.MethodsIn total, 48 patients and 86 parents were enrolled in this randomized, controlled study and then assigned to the WBEC program and the usual education and care program for 6 months as a 1:1 ratio.ResultsParents (...)
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  21.  12
    Communication-Efficient Modeling with Penalized Quantile Regression for Distributed Data.Aijun Hu, Chujin Li & Jing Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In order to deal with high-dimensional distributed data, this article develops a novel and communication-efficient approach for sparse and high-dimensional data with the penalized quantile regression. In each round, the proposed method only requires the master machine to deal with a sparse penalized quantile regression which could be realized fastly by proximal alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm and the other worker machines to compute the subgradient on local data. The advantage of the proximal ADMM algorithm is that it could (...)
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  22.  20
    The Risk Priority Number Evaluation of FMEA Analysis Based on Random Uncertainty and Fuzzy Uncertainty.Xiaojun Wu & Jing Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    The risk priority number calculation method is one of the critical subjects of failure mode and effects analysis research. Recently, RPN research under a fuzzy uncertainty environment has become a hot topic. Accordingly, increasing studies have ignored the important impact of the random sampling uncertainty in the FMEA assessment. In this study, a fuzzy beta-binomial RPN evaluation method is proposed by integrating fuzzy theory, Bayesian statistical inference, and the beta-binomial distribution. This model can effectively realize real-time, dynamic, and long-term evaluation (...)
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  23.  14
    Topic modeling and sentiment analysis of Chinese people’s attitudes toward volunteerism amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Ruheng Yin, Jing Wu, Rui Tian & Feng Gan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for volunteers to complement overwhelmed public health systems. This study aims to explore Chinese people’s attitudes toward volunteerism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we identify the latent topics in volunteerism-related microblogs on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter using the topic modeling analysis via Latent Dirichlet Allocation. To further investigate the public sentiment toward the topics generated by LDA, we also conducted sentiment analysis on the sample posts using the open-source (...)
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  24.  22
    Empirical Naturalism and Ecological Aesthetic Education: Realizability and Transcendality of Ecological Aesthetic Education.Ying Zhou & Jing Wu - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 3:003.
  25.  6
    Makesi zhu yi ren shi lun fa zhan di yi ge xin jie duan: "Wei wu zhu yi he jing yan pi pan zhu yi" yan jiu.Yantian Li - 1988 - Wuchang Luojiashan: Xin hua shu dian Hubei fa xing suo jing xiao. Edited by Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin.
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    Ru jia wen ming, zui qiang da de tong zhi gong ju: Kongzi si xiang ru he jing guo wu jie duan gai zao, cong min zhu si wei bian zhong yang ji quan.Dayong Ma - 2022 - Taibei Shi: Ren xing chu ban.
    ◎孔子為何周遊列國?因為沒有一個國君想用儒家治國,他只好到處教書遊說。 ◎秦國用法家統一天下,漢高祖劉邦用道家蓄積國力,直到漢武帝登基,儒家才被注意。 ◎儒學為何從沒人理,轉眼變治國工具?這得從董仲舒的「解釋」說起。 ◎儒學就像作業系統,幾千年來更新過四次版本,孔子的儒學不等於現在的儒學。 作者馬大勇,清華大學、上海交通大學國學特聘教授。 曾被推舉為最受歡迎的中文教授。 在本書中,他將儒家文明分為五個時期: 孔子奠基期、孟子成熟期、兩漢經學期、宋代理學期和明代心學期。 解析儒家思維是如何像電腦作業系統一樣,歷經四次的版本更新, 從原本的中庸之道、民為貴、君為輕的民主思想, 一步步變成君權神授,天人感應, 成為各朝代帝王穩固皇權的最佳推手。 就此儒學變成帝王學,開啟了千年以來人民為皇權奴隸的中央集權體制。 ◎孔子的儒學,是教你如何當君子 《論語》中,仁字出現了104次,禮字出現74次, 孔子的重要理念「中庸之道」,更成為宋元以後科舉考試的必讀書。 這個具有人道主義的思維,為何不被當時的統治者如春秋諸侯或秦國採納? 因為亂世中,做君子的好處太少,當小人能得到的利益比較多。 ◎孟子是民主思想的啟蒙者,但被後代皇帝刪掉了 孟子思想的最大亮點就是「民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕」, 這套民主思維後來為何會消失? 因為明太祖朱元璋看到「君為輕」三個字,就把《孟子》一書狠狠摔地上, 刪節版《孟子》就此誕生,往後一百年,學生學到的孔孟儒學知識都是不完整的。 ◎因為董仲舒的「特殊解釋」,從此百家遭罷黜,皇帝獨尊儒術 秦國用法家思想滅六國一統天下,漢高祖劉邦用道家治國,修生養息, 兩大皇權都對儒家思維沒興趣,直到漢武帝劉徹時期, 董仲舒為了拍皇帝馬屁,重新解釋,儒術從此轉化帝王術。 他口中的儒教,跟孔孟闡述的儒學,哪裡不一樣?差在造神。 ◎宋元明清重新詮釋儒學,想當官者必讀四書 宋、元之後,孔子的《中庸》又重新被提起, 因為它教你用大學之道維持國家秩序。 儒學家朱熹更讓《四書集注》成為為官者的必讀聖書。 至於為什麼是宋朝與明朝,跳過了大唐盛世? 因為東漢黨錮之禍殺害許多知識分子,儒家文化走向低谷; 南北朝興盛佛教;至於唐朝則儒、釋、道並重。 直到韓愈寫的《原道》為儒家文明打下基礎,在宋代發揚光大。 打天下靠武力,龍椅要坐穩就靠統治, 儒家思想如何經過五階段改造,從民主思維變中央集權, 而且延續千年「至今」不墜。 本書特色 儒學為何從沒人理,轉眼變治國工具?這得從董仲舒的「解釋」說起。 孔子的儒學,如何經過五階段改造,從民主思維變中央集權。 名人推薦 淡江大學中文系教授/高柏園.
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    Robust decentralized adaptive synchronization of general complex networks with coupling delayed and uncertainties.Ping He, Chun-Guo Jing, Tao Fan & Chang-Zhong Chen - 2014 - Complexity 19 (3):10-26.
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    Effectiveness of Dance-Based Interventions on Depression for Persons With MCI and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Ying Wang, Mandong Liu, Youyou Tan, Zhixiao Dong, Jing Wu, Huan Cui, Dianjun Shen & Iris Chi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: There is a growing need to offer appropriate services to persons with mild cognitive impairment and dementia who are faced with depression and anxiety distresses beyond traditional pharmacological treatment. Dance-based interventions as multi-dimensional interventions address persons' physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of well-being. However, no meta-analysis of randomized controlled treatment trials has examined the effectiveness of dance-based interventions on depression and anxiety among persons with MCI and dementia, and the results of RCTs are inconsistent. The study aimed to (...)
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    Yi Jing.Wu Jing-Nuan - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (2):323-325.
  30.  27
    Yu yan de kun jing yu tu wei: wen xue de yan yi guan xi yan jiu = Yuyan de kunjing yu tuwei: wenxue de yanyi guanxi yanjiu.Zhuo Zhang - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu tong guo yin ru xi fang xian dai yu yan zhe xue, mei xue de fang fa yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua zhi si zhan dui hua yu jiao liu, shi jie, wen xue de ben zhi guan lian ru shou, jie shi chu xing cheng yan yu yi zhi jian mao dun yu zhang li de ben yuan: cun zai ben shen zi xing xian xian (cheng ming) bing zi xing yin ni (zhe bi) de te (...)
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  31. Experience of Medical Disputes, Medical Disturbances, Verbal and Physical Violence, and Burnout Among Physicians in China.Yinuo Wu, Feng Jiang, Jing Ma, Yi-Lang Tang, Mingxiao Wang & Yuanli Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMedical disputes, medical disturbances, verbal and physical violence against physicians, and burnout have reached epidemic levels. They may negatively impact both physicians and the healthcare system. The experience of medical disputes, medical disturbances, verbal, and physical violence, and burnout and the correlates in physicians working in public hospitals in China needed to be investigated.MethodsA nationwide cross-sectional survey study was conducted between 18 and 31 March 2019. An anonymous online questionnaire was administered. The questionnaire included the 22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services (...)
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  32.  47
    Managers’ Unethical Fraudulent Financial Reporting: The Effect of Control Strength and Control Framing.Yi-Jing Wu, Arnold M. Wright & Xiaotao Kelvin Liu - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):295-310.
    In response to numerous recent cases involving materially misstated financial information arising from fraudulent financial reporting, companies, auditors, and academics have increased their focus on strengthening internal controls as a means of deterring such unethical behaviors. However, prior research suggests that stronger controls may actually exacerbate the very opportunistic behavior the controls are intended to curb. The current study investigates whether the efficacy of an implemented control is conditioned on not only the strength of the control, but also on how (...)
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  33.  27
    Role of Creativity in the Effectiveness of Cognitive Reappraisal.Xiaofei Wu, Tingting Guo, Tengteng Tang, Baoguo Shi & Jing Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  34. Tai Chi Chuan and Baduanjin Mind-Body Training Changes Resting-State Low-Frequency Fluctuations in the Frontal Lobe of Older Adults: A Resting-State fMRI Study.Jing Tao, Xiangli Chen, Jiao Liu, Natalia Egorova, Xiehua Xue, Weilin Liu, Guohua Zheng, Ming Li, Jinsong Wu, Kun Hu, Zengjian Wang, Lidian Chen & Jian Kong - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Transdermal Optical Imaging Reveal Basal Stress via Heart Rate Variability Analysis: A Novel Methodology Comparable to Electrocardiography.Jing Wei, Hong Luo, Si J. Wu, Paul P. Zheng, Genyue Fu & Kang Lee - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  36.  37
    Event-Related Brain Potential Investigation of Preparation for Speech Production in Late Bilinguals.Yan Jing Wu & Guillaume Thierry - 2011 - Frontier in Psychology 2.
  37.  87
    Do analytic philosophers in China think differently? A survey and comparative study.Su Wu, Jiawei Xu, Hao Zhan, Ruoding Wang, Yucheng Wang, Junwei Huang, Jun You & Jing Zhu - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-24.
    Analytic philosophy has been developing in China for over a century, and philosophers shaped by the analytic tradition have grown into an important philosophical community in China. The views of contemporary analytic philosophers in China on central philosophical issues and their similarities and differences with analytic philosophers in English-speaking countries have not been systematically investigated. Bourget and Chalmers have conducted two large-scale online questionnaire surveys on analytic philosophers in English-speaking countries. Inspired by their studies, a survey on analytic philosophers in (...)
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    Non-selective lexical access in bilinguals is spontaneous and independent of input monitoring: Evidence from eye tracking.Yan Jing Wu, Filipe Cristino, Charles Leek & Guillaume Thierry - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):418-425.
  39.  21
    Temporal Combination Pattern Optimization Based on Feature Selection Method for Motor Imagery BCIs.Jing Jiang, Chunhui Wang, Jinghan Wu, Wei Qin, Minpeng Xu & Erwei Yin - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Why Are High-Achieving Students Susceptible to Inhibition? An Idiographic Analysis of Student Self-Identity in China.Aruna Wu, Xiaowen Li, Jing Wang & Dan Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Bilingual Contexts Modulate the Inhibitory Control Network.Jing Yang, Jianqiao Ye, Ruiming Wang, Ke Zhou & Yan Jing Wu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gender Differences in Burnout Among Endocrinologists in China.Jing Wang, Lufa Zhang, Feng Jiang, Yuanli Liu, Mingxiao Wang, Yinuo Wu & Yi-Lang Tang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo survey the prevalence of burnout in a national sample of endocrinologists in China and to examine its correlates, with a special focus on gender differences.MethodsAn anonymous online survey was conducted among endocrinologists in 31 provincial government-owned “People’s Hospitals” of each province in mainland China. Demographic and work-related factors were collected from participants. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey was used to assess burnout, including emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment.ResultsA total of 711 endocrinologists completed the survey. Burnout was (...)
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    Finite-timel2−l∞synchronization for discrete-time nonlinear chaotic systems via information-constrained delayed feedback.Jing Wang, Hao Shen, Ju H. Park & Zheng-Guang Wu - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):138-146.
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    Effect of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia on endovascular therapy in acute posterior circulation infarction.Jing Zhou, Daizhou Peng, Dong Sun, Weipeng Dai, Ceng Long, Renliang Meng, Jing Wang, Zhizhong Yan, Tao Wang, Li Wang, Chengsong Yue, Linyu Li, Wenjie Zi, Lingling Wang, Xiaoming Wang, Youlin Wu & Guohui Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:946349.
    Background and purposeThis study aimed to analyze the feasibility and safety of endovascular therapy (EVT) in patients with acute posterior circulation stroke and vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia (VBD).Materials and methodsBASILAR was a national prospective registry of consecutive patients with symptomatic and imaging-confirmed acute stroke in the posterior circulation within 24 h of symptom onset. We evaluated EVT feasibility and safety in patients with VBD. Primary outcomes included improvement in modified Rankin Scale scores (mRS) at 90 days and mortality within 90 days. The (...)
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    Enhanced ultraviolet to near-infrared absorption by two-tier structured silicon formed by simple chemical etching.Jing Jiang, Shibin Li, Yadong Jiang, Zhiming Wu, Zhanfei Xiao & Yuanjie Su - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (34):4291-4299.
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    Effect of 1 Year of Qigong Exercise on Cognitive Function Among Older Chinese Adults at Risk of Cognitive Decline: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.Jing Jin, Yin Wu, Shaohua Li, Suhui Jin, Lin Wang, Jian Zhang, Chenglin Zhou, Yong Gao & Zhen Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Research on the Impact of Government R&D Funding on Regional Innovation Quality: Analysis of Spatial Durbin Model Based on 283 Cities in China.Jing Li & Xinlu Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-20.
    Based on the perspective of the regional innovation system, this study constructs an analytical framework for the influence of government R&D funding on regional innovation quality and uses 283 Chinese cities as research samples to empirically test the influence of government R&D funding methods such as subsidies and tax preferences on regional innovation quality by the spatial Durbin model. According to the study, China’s regional innovation quality has a positive spatial correlation. Subsidies can improve regional innovation quality, which is mainly (...)
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    Gender-based differences in the relationships among proactive personality, perceived entrepreneurial support and entrepreneurial intention of Chinese private college students: A moderated mediation model.Jing Tian, Mohan Zhang, Yunpeng Wu & Haitao Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Proactive personality is a key determinant of entrepreneurial intention. Few studies have explored the mediating and moderating mechanisms underlying this relationship. This study investigates the association between proactive personality and entrepreneurial intention and examines the mediating role of perceived entrepreneurial support and the moderating role of gender. Using a cross-sectional design, 1,515 senior students from Chinese private colleges were recruited using random cluster sampling. They completed a battery of self-reported online questionnaires on proactive personality, perceived entrepreneurial support, and entrepreneurial intention. (...)
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  49. Qing mo she hui si chao.Yannan Wu, Zuyi Feng, Zhongli Su & Jing Wang (eds.) - 1990 - Fuzhou Shi: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    The Mnemonic Effects of Novelty and Appropriateness in Creative Chunk Decomposition Tasks.Xiaofei Wu, Yu Liu & Jing Luo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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