Results for 'Helen Norton'

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  1. What's old is new again (and vice-versa).Helen Norton - 2018 - In Ronald K. L. Collins (ed.), Robotica: speech rights and artificial intelligence. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Fisher, Helen. 2016. Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. xii, 450 pages, 2 halftones. [REVIEW]Liana S. E. Hone - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (2):131-134.
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    Concord and Liberty. By Jose Ortega y Gasset. Translated from the Spanish by Helene Weyl. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1946. Pp. 182. [REVIEW]Homer H. Dubs - 1946 - Ethics 57 (3):222-224.
  4. Introduction.Helen Beebee & Julian Dodd - 2005 - In Helen Beebee & Julian Dodd (eds.), Truthmakers: The Contemporary Debate. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
  5.  61
    Clinical AI: opacity, accountability, responsibility and liability.Helen Smith - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):535-545.
    The aim of this literature review was to compose a narrative review supported by a systematic approach to critically identify and examine concerns about accountability and the allocation of responsibility and legal liability as applied to the clinician and the technologist as applied the use of opaque AI-powered systems in clinical decision making. This review questions if it is permissible for a clinician to use an opaque AI system in clinical decision making and if a patient was harmed as a (...)
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    Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein.Gregory J. Morgan (ed.) - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    In this, the first book devoted to Peter Achinstein's influential work in philosophy of science, twenty distinguished philosophers, including four Lakatos award winners, address various aspects of Achinstein's influential views on the nature of scientific evidence, scientific explanation, and scientific realism. It includes short essays by Steve Gimbel and Jeff Maynes, Nancy Cartwright, Jordi Cat, Victor DiFate, Jerry Doppelt, Adam Goldstein, Philip Kitcher, Fred Kronz, Deborah Mayo, Greg Morgan, Helen Longino, John Norton, Michael Ruse, Bas van Fraassen, Stathis (...)
  7.  31
    Food justice for all?: searching for the ‘justice multiple’ in UK food movements.Helen Coulson & Paul Milbourne - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):43-58.
    In this paper, we examine diverse political philosophical conceptualisations of justice and interrogate how these contested understandings are drawn upon in the burgeoning food justice scholarship. We suggest that three interconnected dimensions of justice—plurality, the spatial–temporal and the more-than-human—deserve further analytical attention and propose the notion of the ‘justice multiple’ to bring together a multiplicity of framings and situated practices of (food) justice. Given the lack of critical engagement food justice has received as both a concept and social movement in (...)
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    OPRR and FDA propose revised expedited review categories.Helen McGough - 1997 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 20 (1):9-11.
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  9. Nihil Obstat: Lewis’s Compatibilist Account of Abilities.Helen Beebee, Maria Svedberg & Ann Whittle - 2020 - The Monist 103 (3):245-261.
    In an outline of a paper found amongst his philosophical papers and correspondence after his untimely death in 2001—“Nihil Obstat: An Analysis of Ability,” reproduced in this volume—David Lewis sketched a new compatibilist account of abilities, according to which someone is able to A if and only if there is no obstacle to their A-ing, where an obstacle is a ‘robust preventer’ of their A-ing. In this paper, we provide some background context for Lewis’s outline, a section-by-section commentary, and a (...)
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  10. The Bibliothèque raisonnée Review of Volume 3 of the Treatise: Authorship, Text, and Translation.David Fate Norton and Dario Perinetti - 2006 - Hume Studies 32 (1):3-52.
    Volumes 1 and 2 of Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature, first published in January 1739, were soon after publication the subject of five notices and four reviews. Volume 3, published at the end of October 1740, received no notices and was reviewed only in the Bibliothèque raisonnée. This anonymous review of vol. 3 is of interest not only for David Norton is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, McGill University, and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Victoria. His address is 8-4305 (...)
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    Effect of induced muscle tension on acquisition and retention of verbal material.Helen C. Beh & Carole A. Hawkins - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):206.
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    English Divorce Law and the Report of the Royal Commission.Helen Bosanquet - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (4):443-455.
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    The Many Facets of DR William Hunter (1718–83).Helen Brock - 1994 - History of Science 32 (4):387-408.
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    Classification des Sciences. Les Idees Maitresses des Sciences et Leurs Rapports.Helen Huss Parkhurst - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):53-55.
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    A Bibliography of Patricia Russell.Kenneth Blackwell - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (1):83-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:June 25, 2012 (9:21 pm) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3201\russell 32,1 060 red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 32 (summer 2012): 83–6 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 ibliographies, rchival nventories, ndexes A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PATRICIA RUSSELL Kenneth Blackwell Russell Archives/Russell Research Centre / McMaster U. Hamilton, on, Canada l8s 4l6 [email protected] B ertrand Russell took his own advice not to marry a woman novelist, (...)
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    (18 other versions)Philosophy In Germany.Helen Knight - 1927 - Philosophy 2 (5):79-88.
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    Descartes on Forms and Mechanisms.Helen Hattab - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The modern view of causation can be traced back to the mechanistic science of Descartes, whose rejection of Aristotelian physics, with its concept of substantial forms, in favor of mechanical explanations was a turning-point in the history of philosophy. However the reasoning which led Descartes and other early moderns in this direction is not well understood. This book traces Descartes' groundbreaking theory of scientific explanation back to the mathematical demonstrations of Aristotelian mechanics and interprets these advances in light of the (...)
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  18.  48
    The Economic Foundations of SocietyAchille Loria.Helen Bosanquet - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 10 (1):109-113.
  19. Antigone, Psyche, and the Ethics of Female Selfhood: A Feminist Conversation with Paul Ricoeur's Theories of Self-Making in Oneself as Another.Helen M. Buss - 2002 - In John Wall, William Schweiker & W. David Hall (eds.), Paul Ricoeur and contemporary moral thought. New York: Routledge. pp. 64--79.
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    Conscious attitudes..Helen Maud Clarke - 1911 - [Worcester]: Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    On the Literature of the Shvetāmbaras of GujaratOn the Literature of the Shvetambaras of Gujarat.Helen M. Johnson & Johannes Hertel - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:75.
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  22. Index.Helen Huss Parkhurst - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (26):722.
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  23. Remembering the British soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan.Helen Parr - 2024 - In Frank Ledwidge, Helen Parr & Aaron Edwards (eds.), Ground truth: the moral component in contemporary British warfare. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Counterfactual Dependence and Broken Barometers: A Response to Flichman’s Argument.Helen Beebee - 1997 - Critica 29 (86):107-119.
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    Importance of domain-specific metacognition for explaining beliefs about politicized science: The case of climate change.Helen Fischer & Nadia Said - 2021 - Cognition 208:104545.
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    Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is associated with computer-based auditory training uptake, engagement, and adherence for people with hearing loss.Helen Henshaw, Abby McCormack & Melanie A. Ferguson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Experiences of infertility: liminality and the role of the fertility clinic.Helen Allan - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):132-139.
    This paper explores the experiences of infertile women who occupy a liminal space in society, and argues that the fertility clinic served as a space to tolerate women's experiences of liminality. It provided not only rituals aimed at transition to pregnancy, but also a space where women's liminal experiences, which are caused by the existential chaos of infertility, could be tolerated. The British experience seemed to differ from the American one identified in the literature, where self‐management and peer group support (...)
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  28. Conservation and Preservation.Bryan G. Norton - 1986 - Environmental Ethics 8 (3):195-220.
    Philosophers have paid little attention to the distinction between conservation and preservation, apparently because they have accepted John Passmore’s suggestion that conservationism is an expression of anthropocentric motives and that “true” preservationism is an expression of nonanthropocentric motives. Philosophers have therefore concentrated their efforts on this distinction in motives. This reduction,however, is insensitive to important nuances of environmentalist objectives: there are a wide variety of human reasons for preserving natural ecosystems and wild species. Preservationist policies represent a concem to protect (...)
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    Making Sense of Dynamic Systems: How Our Understanding of Stocks and Flows Depends on a Global Perspective.Helen Fischer & Cleotilde Gonzalez - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):496-512.
    Stocks and flows are building blocks of dynamic systems: Stocks change through inflows and outflows, such as our bank balance changing with withdrawals and deposits, or atmospheric CO2 with absorptions and emissions. However, people make systematic errors when trying to infer the behavior of dynamic systems, termed SF failure, whose cognitive explanations are yet unknown. We argue that SF failure appears when people focus on specific system elements, rather than on the system structure and gestalt. Using a standard SF task, (...)
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  30.  22
    The Cosmological Woes of Newtonian Gravitation Theory.John D. Norton - 1982 - In John Norton (ed.).
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    Sacred Rhythms, Tired Rhythms: Dino Campana's Poetry.Helen Abbott - 2010 - Paragraph 33 (2):260-279.
    Early twentieth-century Italian poetry experiences a crisis in confidence concerning the expressibility of rhythm. Dino Campana's writings exemplify the processes the poet goes through in order to write rhythm. Rhythm is difficult to deal with because it is both sacred and tired. These two incarnations of rhythm lead Campana to different modes of expression; from more traditional definitions through to more fluid definitions. Two strands of analysis reveal themselves as central to understanding Campana's theoretical stance, namely fluidity and movement. These (...)
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  32. Wortgeschichtliche studien zum leib/seele-problem.Helen Adolf - 1937 - [Wien,: Verlag der Internationalen religionspsychologischen gesellschaft].
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    Managing as if faith mattered: Christian social principles in the modern organization.Helen J. Alford - 2001 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Michael Naughton.
    Making us whole : avoiding split personalities -- The purpose of business : working together for the common good -- The virtues : human development in the corporate community -- Job design : prudence and subsidiarity in operations -- Just wages : justice and the subjective dimension of work in human resources -- Corporate ownership : temperance and common use in finance -- Marketing communication and product development : courage and solidarity in marketing -- Faith, hope and charity : authentic (...)
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    Learning (and Leaving) the Comforts of Home: A Radical Pedagogy of Homeplace.Helen Marie Anderson - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:103-111.
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    Performing Philosophy of Education “Whitely”: Reliable Narration as Racialized Practice.Helen Marie Anderson - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:144-152.
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    Motherhood and apple pie.Helen Carr - 1998 - Paragraph 21 (3):269-289.
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    Piers Plowman and the Poor (review).Helen Cooper - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (2):313-313.
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    Reminiscences of Vijaya Dharma SūriVijaya Dharma Sūri. His Life and WorkReminiscences of Vijaya Dharma SuriVijaya Dharma Suri. His Life and Work.Helen M. Johnson, Vijaya Indra Sūri, A. J. Sunavala & Vijaya Indra Suri - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:328.
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    The Pravacana-sāra of Kunda-kunda Ācārya, Together with the Commentary, Tattva-dīpikā, by Amṛtacandra SūriPravacanasāra, Śrī Kundakundācārya'sThe Pravacana-sara of Kunda-kunda Acarya, Together with the Commentary, Tattva-dipika, by Amrtacandra SuriPravacanasara, Sri Kundakundacarya's.Helen M. Johnson, Amṛtacandra Sūri, Barend Faddegon, F. W. Thomas, A. N. Upadhye & Amrtacandra Suri - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):523.
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    Imitation Is Necessary for Cumulative Cultural Evolution in an Unfamiliar, Opaque Task.Helen Wasielewski - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (1):161-179.
    Imitation, the replication of observed behaviors, has been proposed as the crucial social learning mechanism for the generation of humanlike cultural complexity. To date, the single published experimental microsociety study that tested this hypothesis found no advantage for imitation. In contrast, the current paper reports data in support of the imitation hypothesis. Participants in “microsociety” groups built weight-bearing devices from reed and clay. Each group was assigned to one of four conditions: three social learning conditions and one asocial learning control (...)
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    Dharmopadeśamālā-Vivaraṇa of Śrī Jayasiṃha SūriDharmopadesamala-Vivarana of Sri Jayasimha Suri.Helen M. Johnson, Lālacandra Bhagavāndāsa Gāndhī & Lalacandra Bhagavandasa Gandhi - 1951 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 71 (4):278.
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    Ecology as politics.Helen Longino - 1983 - Environmental Ethics 5 (2):189-190.
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    Nonunitary function of the hippocampus in the monkey.Helen Mahut - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):337-338.
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    The adapted CoRE-Values framework: A decision-making tool for new clinical ethics advisory groups.Helen Manson, Elizabeth Fistein, James Heathcote, Anne Whiteside, Laura Wilkes, Kevin Dodman & Marcia Schofield - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):155-159.
    A new Clinical Ethics Advisory Group was created to contribute to NHS Trust policies and guidelines in response to ethical issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. An ethical analysis framework used in medical education, the CoRE-Values Compass and Grid, was adapted to form a step-wise ‘ABC’ decision-making process. CEAG members found the framework simple to understand and use and the model facilitated time-efficient decisions that were explicitly justifiable on moral, ethical, professional and legal grounds. The adapted CoRE-Values framework might help (...)
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    Getting away with murder: why virtual murder in MMORPGs can be wrong on Kantian grounds.Helen Ryland - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology (2).
    Ali (Ethics and Information Technology 17:267–274, 2015) and McCormick (Ethics and Information Technology 3:277–287, 2001) claim that virtual murders are objectionable when they show inappropriate engagement with the game or bad sportsmanship. McCormick argues that such virtual murders cannot be wrong on Kantian grounds because virtual murders only violate indirect moral duties, and bad sportsmanship is shown across competitive sports in the same way. To condemn virtual murder on grounds of bad sportsmanship, we would need to also condemn other competitive (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Hume.David Fate Norton & Jacqueline Taylor (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although best known for his contributions to the theory of knowledge, metaphysics, and philosophy of religion, Hume also influenced developments in the philosophy of mind, psychology, ethics, political and economic theory, political and social history, and aesthetic theory. The fifteen essays in this volume address all aspects of Hume's thought. The picture of him that emerges is that of a thinker who, though often critical to the point of scepticism, was nonetheless able to build on that scepticism a constructive, viable, (...)
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    In Praise of Prometheus. Humanism and Rationalism in Aeschylean Thought.Helen H. Bacon & Leon Golden - 1969 - American Journal of Philology 90 (3):374.
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    Transforming Arma Virvmqve: Syntactical, Morphological and Metrical Dis- Membra-Ment in Statius’ Thebaid.Helen E. B. Dalton - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):286-309.
    Arma uirumque cano… ‘Je chante les armes et l'homme …’ ainsi commence l’Énéide, ainsi devrait commencer toute poésie.It is far from an overstatement to make the claim that in the surviving corpus of Latin poetry no phrase is more immediately identifiable than the pronouncement of the Virgilian narrator on the ‘arms and the man’ of his subject matter. The presence ofarma uirumquein a particular formation cannot fail to put us in mind of theAeneidand its concomitant ideological associations. A consequence of (...)
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    What the papers say: Polycomb and friends.Helen Epstein - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):411-413.
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    A Phenomenology of “The Other World”.Helen A. Fielding - 2007 - Chiasmi International 9:221-234.
    As we know, Merleau-Ponty was struggling with a dynamic shift in his thinking at the premature end of his life. In those last notes he raises the question of how to elaborate a phenomenology of “’the other world’, as the limit of a phenomenology of the imaginary and the ‘hidden’”—a phenomenology that would open onto an invisible life, community, other and culture (VI, Jan. 1960). In her essay on “Eye and Mind”, “To Paint the Invisible”, Luce Irigaray shows why Merleau-Ponty (...)
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