Results for 'Henryk Pietras'

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  1. Lettera di Costantino alla Chiesa di Alessandria e Lettera del sinodo di Nicea agli Egiziani (325) i falsi sconosciuti da Atanasio?Henryk Pietras - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (4):727-739.
    The article proposes the hypothesis that the letters known as direct witnesses to the work of the council of Nicea are indeed false: that is, they are letters written after the episcopate of Athanasius. The political-ecclesial situation of Alexandria in the years 373-378 appears to be that described in the two letters and the only one possible, in my opinion, that corresponds to their tone and content. For this reason, their contents should not be considered a valid source for our (...)
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  2. Le ragioni della convocazione del concilio niceno da parte di costantino il grande: Un'investigazione storico-teologica.Henryk Pietras - 2001 - Gregorianum 82 (1):5-35.
    La thèse de l'article est que Constantin aurait invité les évêques à Nicée pour fêter son jubilé. L'arianisme ne pouvait en être la raison, car à la fin de 324 l'empereur le considérait une chose de peu d'importance, même si scandaleuse. En tant que Pontifex Maximus, il était aussi responsable pour établir le calendrier des fêtes de la nouvelle religion et était tenu de conserver les formules sacrées. Les chrétiens n'avaient pas réussi jusqu'alors à se mettre d'accord sur la date (...)
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    Henryk Pietras, SJ., L’escatologia della Chiesa: Dagli scritti giudaici fino al IV secolo. [REVIEW]Ilaria Ramelli - 2008 - Augustinianum 48 (1):247-253.
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  4. Nicolaia Hartmanna projekt syntezy dyskursu i intuicji.Alicja Pietras - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 85 (1):335-350.
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    Making a Difference or Making a Statement? Finance Research and Socially Responsible Investment.Pietra Rivoli - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (3):271-287.
    What does socially responsible investing (SRI) accomplish for investors and for society? Proponents of SRI claim that the practiceyields competitive portfolio returns for investors, while at the same time achieving better outcomes for society at large. Skepticsview SRI as ineffective at best and ill-conceived marketing hype at worst. My objective in this paper is to apply mainstream finance research findings to the question of whether SRI may be expected to lead to superior social outcomes. I conclude that under the perfectmarkets (...)
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    Ethical aspects of investor behavior.Pietra Rivoli - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (4):265 - 277.
    The neoclassical paradigm assumes that shareholders'' utility is solely a function of their wealth, and prescribes that management should act in a manner consistent with share price maximization. The stakeholder view also assumes that shareholders'' utility derives from wealth, but prescribes that managers must balance the shareholder wealth maximization objective against the rights of other constituencies. Thus, while neoclassicists and stakeholder theorists have different prescriptives for management behavior, their definitions of the shareholders'' interest are consistent — shareholders are self-interested economic (...)
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  7. Kilka uwag o postępie w filozofii.Alicja Pietras - 2009 - Diametros 22:160-171.
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    Labor standards in the global economy: Issues for investors. [REVIEW]Pietra Rivoli - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):223 - 232.
    In the mid-1990s, global labour standards emerged as a new and important are of concern for socially responsible investors, especially with respect to investments in the "problematic" footwear, apparel, and toy industries. In this paper, I elucidate the primary areas of concern for investors and discuss a framework for evaluating firms'' labor standards performance. In addition, I argue that today''s sweatshop debates follow closely those of centuries ago, with the standard economic defense of low wage manufacturing on the one hand, (...)
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  9. Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Filozofia Nicolaia Hartmanna”.Alicja Pietras - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (3).
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  10. Otto Weininger e la crisi della cultura austriaca.Roberto Della Pietra - 1985 - Napoli: Libreria Sapere.
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    Art training and personality traits as predictors of aesthetic experience of different art styles among Polish students.Karolina Pietras & Karolina Czernecka - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:466-474.
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    Connaissance pratique et narrations. Une hypothèse pour l’histoire des idées.Laurent Pietra - 2019 - Noesis 33:77-88.
    Si l’histoire des idées exige de prendre en compte la relation entre les pensées et les actes, la philosophie, dès lors qu’elle porte ses recherches sur le domaine pratique, esquisse les mouvements d’une narration, et justifie pleinement cet usage des symboles, ou des métaphores. Les narrations permettraient une « présentation indirecte » des concepts pratiques, des connaissances, mais aussi des méconnaissances. Les narrations, reprises de civilisations en civilisations, produisent des objets transhistoriques qui permettent de comparer les époques, les principes civilisationnels, (...)
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    Titles and Semantic Violations Affect Eye Movements When Viewing Contemporary Paintings.Joanna Ganczarek, Karolina Pietras, Anna Stolińska & Magdalena Szubielska - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The role of titles in perception of visual art is a topic of interesting discussions that brings together artists, curators, and researchers. Titles provide contextual cues and guide perception. They can be particularly useful when paintings include semantic violations that make them challenging for viewers, especially viewers lacking expert knowledge. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of titles and semantic violations on eye movements. A total of 127 participants without expertise in visual art viewed 40 paintings (...)
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  14.  13
    V Zlot Filozoficzny.Joanna Szydłowska & Piotr Pietras - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (2):211-217.
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    Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters.Karolina Pietras & Krzysztof Mudyń - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (2):62-68.
    Explicit and implicit values of polish grandmothers and their granddaughters The authors tried to determine if and to what extent maternal granddaughters share the explicit and implicit values of their grandmothers. 80 grandmothers-granddaughter dyads were surveyed using Schwartz' SVS and Mudyń's RN-02, an instrument assigned to identify "ontological orientations". The results indicate that: 1) grandmothers differ significantly from granddaughters in all ontological orientations, especially in Theoretical and Religious orientation, 2) they differ also in personal values, except for Universalism and Power, (...)
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    Sage comme une image: figures de la philosophie dans les arts.Régine Pietra - 1992 - Paris: Félin.
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    La traduction de la persécution.Laurent Pietra - 2013 - Noesis 21:371-385.
    Emmanuel Lévinas interprète une page talmudique en affirmant que la persécution ne peut être traduite dans une autre langue que celle de la victime. Si l’éthique lévinassienne laisse comprendre pourquoi la traduction de la parole douloureuse des persécutés redoublerait la dévalorisation de la parole singulière de ces victimes déjà induite par la persécution, elle semble aussi se fonder, en l’occurrence, sur une conception de la traduction qui mériterait peut-être d’être élargie à partir des réflexions de Walter Benjamin ; prise en (...)
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  18. Lettera pròs Germanòn di Dionigi Alessandrino: osservazioni e prova di ricostruzione.H. Pietras - 1990 - Gregorianum 71 (3):573-583.
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    O dwóch pojęciach rzeczy samej w sobie.Alicja Pietras - 2007 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 19 (19).
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  20. The Ontology of Processual Being: Nicolai Hartmann’s interpretation of the Hegelian Dialectical Process.Alicja Pietras - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 14 (1):62-65.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Neurodialectics: A Proposal for Philosophy of Cognitive and Social Sciences” by Nicolas Zaslawski. Abstract: In this commentary I maintain that in order to improve the dialectical approaches of cognition by using the Hegelian concept of the dialectical process it is necessary to take into account Hartmann’s ontology of processual being.
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  21.  23
    ‘Enough is enough: this cycle of violence has to come to an end’: Practical reasoning in the editorials during the extradition bill crisis of Hong Kong.Simon Wang & John Della Pietra - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (4):415-432.
    Practical reasoning as an important form of argumentation in politics has received limited research attention in critical discourse studies despite the proposal of an analytical model. Focusing on argument development surrounding events related to the extradition bill crisis of Hong Kong, this paper analyzes 48 editorials published in the South China Morning Post during the crisis period adopting Fairclough’s model. A number of recurrent themes have been identified in the corpus in association with the four argument components within the model (...)
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    Hans Wagner’s Transcendental Argument for the Idea of Human Dignity.Alicja Pietras - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):261-272.
    Hans Wagner (1917–2000), using the achievements of German transcendental philosophy, gives a transcendental argument for the idea of human dignity. He claims that to ground the validity of human thinking and all its products (e.g. culture), we must accept the validity of the idea of human dignity. The structure of my paper is as follows: First, I consider what it means to give a transcendental justification of something. I reconstruct the neo-Kantian’s understanding of transcendental method. Then I argue that Wagner’s (...)
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  23.  22
    On Two Concepts of Thing-in-itself.Alicja Pietras - 2007 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 19:57-76.
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  24.  11
    Philosophie, religion, conseil.Laurent Pietra - 2015 - Noesis 24.
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    Review of: Jonas Vanbrabant (ed.), Philosophers on the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, Germany, Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2023, 123 pages, ISBN 978-3-95948-602-6, € 18,00. [REVIEW]Alicja Pietras - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-9.
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    Henryk Elzenberg, 1887-1967: dziedzictwo idei: filozofia-aksjologia-kultura: materiały z ogólnopolskiej konferencji, Torunʹ, 15-16 maja 1997 r.Henryk Elzenberg & Włodzimierz Tyburski (eds.) - 1999 - Toruń: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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    Henryk Skolimowski’s Papers.Henryk Skolimowski - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (4):7-7.
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    The Address from Henryk Jabłoński, President of the Council of State.Henryk Jabłoński - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):6-6.
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    The Letter from Henryk Jabłoński, President of the Council of State.Henryk Jabłoński - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (2):4-4.
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    Wolność.George Santayana, Adam Grzeliński, Rafał Michalski & Alicja Pietras - 2023 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 14 (3):147-166.
    Niniejszy esej stanowi piąty rozdział tomu The Realm of Spirit kończącego cykl The Realms of Being. Podstawą przekładu jest pierwsze wydanie dzieła: George Santayana, The Realms of Being (London: Constable and Co., Ltd., Toronto: The Macmillan Company, 1940), 67–89. -/- This essay is the fifth chapter of The Realm of Spirit volume concluding The Realms of Being series. The translation is based on the first edition of the work: George Santayana, The Realms of Being (London: Constable and Co., Ltd., Toronto: (...)
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    Wspomnienia o Profesorze Andrzeju J. Norasie.Gabriela Besler, Marcin Furman, Andrzej Gniazdowski, Artur Jochlik, Agnieszka Kotulska, Tomasz Kubalica, Piotr Łaciak, Alicja Pietras, Barbara Szotek & Marta Ples-Bęben - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 47:1-13.
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    Aspectos Clínicos da Má Nutrição Na Covid-19.Adriana Aparecida de Oliveira Barbosa, Gabriel Cunha Beato, Pietra Antônia Filiol Belin & Larissa Ramos Araújo - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):01-19.
    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has sparked discussions among health professionals about the role of food and nutrition in the infectious condition caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in different population groups. Malnutrition, including obesity, may reflect more severe outcomes in the physiopathology of infection and systemic responses caused by COVID-19. The present work aims to make considerations directed to the nutritionist about the susceptibility of COVID-19 in individuals submitted to malnutrition, highlighting possible outcomes of the disease and the (...)
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    Being an adult sibling of an individual with autism spectrum disorder may be a predictor of loneliness and depression – Preliminary findings from a cross-sectional study.Kasper Sipowicz, Marlena Podlecka, Łukasz Mokros, Tadeusz Pietras & Kamila Łuczyńska - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study is to compare depression and loneliness among adult siblings of people on the autism spectrum, adult siblings of normotypic individuals, and adults raised alone. In recent years, an increasing interest in the perspective of siblings of children diagnosed with autism has been observed, with studies among this population particularly concerned with the developmental trajectories of children and adolescents at “high risk” for ASD, rarely focusing on their mental well-being.MethodsThe respondents filled out: the survey on sociodemographic (...)
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    Review of T he Direction of Time.Henryk Mehlberg - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (1):99.
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  35. The social and economic roots of the scientific revolution: texts by Boris Hessen and Henryk Grossmann.Boris Hessen, Henryk Grossmann, Gideon Freudenthal & Peter McLaughlin (eds.) - 2009 - [Dordrecht]: Springer.
    The volume collects classics of Marxist historiography of science, including a new translation of Boris Hessen's “The Social and Economic Roots of Newton's ...
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  36. The Reach of Science.Henryk Mehlberg - 1958 - Studia Logica 9:258-260.
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    Polish analytical philosophy.Henryk Skolimowski - 1967 - New York,: Humanities Press.
    Rhymed text and movable pictures present a variety of amusing situations.
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    In Defence of Sustainable Development.Henryk Skolimowski - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (1):69 - 70.
    The 'Discussion' section of this issue contains the following responses to Wilfred Beckerman's article 'Sustainable Development: Is it a Useful Concept?' Environmental Values 3,3 (1994): 191-209. Herman Daly, 'On Wilfred Beckerman's Critique of Sustainable Development'; Michael Jacobs, 'Sustainable Development, Capital Substitution and Humility: A Response to Beckerman'; and Henryk Skolimowski, 'In Defence of Sustainable Development'. These criticisms are answered by Beckerman in Environmental Values 4,2.
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    The incompleteness theorems after 70 years.Henryk Kotlarski - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):125-138.
    We give some information about new proofs of the incompleteness theorems, found in 1990s. Some of them do not require the diagonal lemma as a method of construction of an independent statement.
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    Full satisfaction classes: a survey.Henryk Kotlarski - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):573-579.
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    The present situation in the philosophy of mathematics.Henryk Mehlberg - 1960 - Synthese 12 (4):380 - 414.
  42.  10
    Rękopisy etyczne (do druku przygotowali Ulrich Schrade i Bogusław Wolniewicz).Henryk Elzenberg - 1988 - Etyka 24:249-264.
    Henryk Elzenberg is one of the most prominent Polish philosophers of this century. His main publications are: the brilliant Foundations of Leibniz’s Metaphysics of 1917; a philosophical diary published in 1963 as Trouble with Being; and a collection of papers Man and Value. Elzenberg’s principal field of inquiry was axiology, in which he put forward a deep and original conception of his own. That, however, remains still mostly in the form of manuscripts and lecture notes, of which we publish (...)
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    (1 other version)The Social Foundations of Mechanistic Philosophy and Manufacture.Henryk Grossmann - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (1):129-180.
    The ArgumentFranz Borkenau's book,The Transition from Feudal to Modern Thought(Der Übergang vom feudalen zum bürgerlichen Weltbild[literally:The Transition from the Feudal to the Bourgeois World-Picture]), serves as background for Grossmann's study. The objective of this book was to trace the sociological origins of the mechanistic categories of modern thought as developed in the philosophy of Descartes and his successors. In the beginning of the seventeenth century, according to Borkenau, mechanistic thinking triumphed over medieval philosophy which emphasized qualitative, not quantitative considerations. This (...)
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    On the incompleteness theorems.Henryk Kotlarski - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (4):1414-1419.
    We give new proofs of both incompleteness theorems. We do not use the diagonalization lemma, but work with some quickly growing functions instead.
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    Przekształcanie się problemów filozoficznych w kulturoznawcze jako wyraz procesu humanizacji świata.Henryk Mamzer - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):263-278.
    Author: Mamzer Henryk Title: TRANSFORMATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS INTO THE CULTURAL STUDIES ONES AS THE DEMONSTRATION OF THE PROCESS OF WORLD’S HUMANIZATION (Przekształcanie się problemów filozoficznych w kulturoznawcze jako wyraz procesu humanizacji świata) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 263-278 Keywords: NOTION OF CULTURE, CULTURAL STUDIES, PROCESS OF WORLD’S HUMANIZATION Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:This text is inspired by main research problem undertaken by Jerzy Kmita in (...)
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    The participatory mind: a new theory of knowledge and of the universe.Henryk Skolimowski - 1994 - New York: Arkana/Penguin Books.
    We take I.Q. tests but not Compassion Aptitude tests. Yet mind and emotions need to be seen as two different parts of the same spectrum if the battered human psyche is to be mended. Skolimowski sees the opportunity for a new order to be brought about if the Western mind can return to, then reintegrate, the spiritual.
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    Other Proofs of Old Results.Henryk Kotlarski - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):474-480.
    We transform the proof of the second incompleteness theorem given in [3] to a proof-theoretic version, avoiding the use of the arithmetized completeness theorem. We give also new proofs of old results: The Arithmetical Hierarchy Theorem and Tarski's Theorem on undefinability of truth; the proofs in which the construction of a sentence by means of diagonalization lemma is not needed.
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  48. Polish Analytical Philosophy.Henryk Skolimowski - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (166):399-402.
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    The Change in the Original Plan for Marx’s Capital and Its Causes.Henryk Grossman - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):138-164.
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  50. The Participatory Mind: A new Theory of Knowledge and of the Universe.Henryk Skolimowski - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (2):183-186.
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