Results for 'Hermann Lais'

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  1.  9
    Marxist Contributions to Library Practice.Laís Lupim Santos Gomes & Gleice Pereira - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7107.
    The research examines the impact of Marxist praxis on Library Science and Information Science through a methodological approach that combines bibliographic research and content analysis. The bibliographic research methodology involved systematic and critical consultation of sources such as specialized journals, reference works, and relevant studies available in academic databases like Brapci, Scielo, and Capes, as well as publications by renowned authors in Philosophy and Social Sciences. The research findings highlight the significance of Marxist praxis in transforming information services and managing (...)
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    I Presocratici.Hermann Diels, Walther Kranz, Giovanni Reale, Diego Fusaro & Vincenzo Cicero (eds.) - 2006 - Milano: Bompiani.
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    Kants Kritik am Eudämonismus und die Platonische Ethik.Hermann Weidemann - 2001 - Kant Studien 92 (1):19-37.
    The paper attempts to show that Kant's criticism of eudaemonism does not affect Plato's moral theory, because the kind of eudaemonism which Plato embraces is different from that rejected by Kant. Whereas the target of Kant's criticism is the view that virtuous actions are an instrumental means to becoming happy, Plato regards virtue as a constitutive part of happiness and is, thus, committed to what Gregory Vlastos has called a "noninstrumentalist form of eudaemonism".
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    Le continu et autres écrits.Hermann Weyl - 1994 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
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    Aristoteles und das Problem des kausalen Determinismus (Met. E 3).Hermann Weidemann - 1986 - Phronesis 31 (1):27-50.
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    Humanidade dividida: Crítica ao determinismo científico da sexualidade.Danuska Brosin & Maine Laís Tokarski - 2017 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 8 (15):12-32.
    Os discursos científicos são os principais veiculadores do modelo da diferença incomensurável entre os sexos, a partir do qual homens e mulheres passam a ser diferenciados em função de seus órgãos reprodutivos, hormônios e cromossomos. Portanto, pretende-se realizar uma investigação conceitual dedicada ao escrutínio do conceito biológico da natureza no que diz respeito à sexualidade, a partir da análise de fontes filosóficas que consideram criticamente o discurso científico tradicional.
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    Relação entre bem-estar subjetivo e ansiedade: análise da influência do gênero e faixa etária em estudantes.Janaina Chnaider, Laís Santos-Vitti & Tatiana de Cassia Nakano - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:353-366.
    Composto por uma dimensão afetiva (afetos) e uma cognitiva (satisfação com a vida), o bem-estar subjetivo é apontado como um fator que impacta a saúde mental, sendo prejudicado pela presença de ansiedade. Diante disso, a pesquisa avaliou os níveis de ansiedade e bem-estar em uma amostra composta por 172 estudantes de Ensino Técnico, com idades entre 15 e 51 anos (M=19,51; DP=6,70), 68% do sexo feminino. A Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos, Escala de Satisfação com a Vida e a (...)
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    A percepção do paciente quanto ao processo de mudança psicoterápica.Anelise Hauschild Mondardo, Laís Piovesan & Paulina Cecilia Mantovani - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:158-171.
  9.  14
    “Man is the lord of their actions”: The conception of choice in Thomas Aquinas and Jean-Paul Sartre.Terezinha Oliveira & Lais Boveto - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (3).
    In this paper we present an approach between the conceptions of choice in Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). The purpose is to offer elements for a refl ection on the permanency of essentially human characteristics under quite different historical – and theoretical – conditions. The analysis follows the assumptions of Social History, from Braudel’s perspective of Long Duration. In fact, it is possible to identify analogies between Thomas’ and Sartre’s concepts of choice, which allows us, in education, to (...)
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    Strukturanalytische Probleme der Wahrnehmung in der Phänomenologie Husserls.Hermann Ulrich Asemissen - 1957 - Kölner Universitäts-Verlag.
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  11. Kants Begründung der Ethik.Hermann Cohen - 1877 - F. Dümmler.
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  12. Physics, logic, and history.Hermann Bondi, Wolfgang Yourgrau & Allen duPont Breck (eds.) - 1970 - New York,: Plenum Press.
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    Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft.Hermann Kantorowicz - 1906 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
    The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The materials in this archive are drawn from three world-class American law libraries: the Yale Law Library, the George Washington University Law Library, and the Columbia Law Library.Now for the first time, (...)
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    Pherekydes of Syros.Hermann Sadun Schibli - 1990 - Clarendon Press.
    In the sixth century BC, Pherekydes of Syros, the reputed teacher of Pythagoras and contemporary of Thales and Anaximander, wrote a book about the birth of the gods and the origin of the cosmos. Considered one of the first prose works of Greek literature, Pherekydes' book survives only in fragments. On the basis of these as well as the ancient testimonies, the author attempts to reconstruct the theo-cosmological schema of Pherekydes. An introductory chapter on the life of Pherekydes is followed (...)
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  15.  20
    Les fondements philosophiques de la mécanique quantique.Grete Hermann - 1996 - Vrin.
    Au cours de l'année 1934, une jeune philosophie et mathématicienne allemande, Grete Hermann, se rend à Leipzig pour participer au séminaire organisé par l'un des plus célèbres pionniers de la physique quantique, W. Heisenberg. C.F. von Wizsäcker y est présent, entre autres éminents scientifiques. Fervente adepte de la philosophie kantienne réinterprétée par J.F. Fries et L. Nelson, G. Hermann arrive avec un objectif précis : démontrer la compatibilité entre physique quantique et philosophie kantienne. En particulier, concilier la catégorie (...)
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    Numerische Methoden: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch.Hermann Friedrich & Frank Pietschmann - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Elementary textbook introducing several topics from numerical mathematics, with many exercises and solutions. For students and practitioners from engineering and natural sciences.
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    Front Lines of Community.Kappelhoff Hermann - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 10 (2):11-24.
    What kind of world emerges as a common world for the spectator in the staging of the events of war? And how can the film-analytical reconstruction of a sense of commonality open up historical consciousness in the first place? Focusing on the combat report With the Marines at Tarawa (USA 1944) this text shows how the ramifications of genre poetics can be explored as a network of experiential modalities that make history graspable as a continuous process of delineating the limits (...)
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  18.  27
    Psychological targeting: nudge or boost to foster mindful and sustainable consumption?Erik Hermann - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):961-962.
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    Religion nach der Aufklärung.Hermann Lübbe - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 33 (2):165 - 183.
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    Die Grundlagen von Kants Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft.Hermann Baumgart - 1904 - [Halle a.S.?:
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    Kommentar I.Hermann Bockhorn - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (2):149-150.
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    Animal rationale: Ortsbestimmung einer anthropologisch fundierten Ethik.Hermann Braun - 2020 - Darmstadt: Wbg Academic.
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  23.  15
    Philosophische Schriften.Hermann Broch - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Was wollte Kant?Hermann Schmitz - 1989 - Bonn: Bouvier Verlag.
  25.  19
    Academic Illusions.Hermann Almstedt & Martin Schutze - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (6):630.
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    (1 other version)Egologische reflexion.Hermann Ulrich Asemissen - 1958 - Kant Studien 50 (1-4):262-272.
  27. Ein Beitrag zur Textkritik von Kalidasas Meghaduta.Hermann Beckh - 1907 - The Monist 17:635.
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  28. Kant's Begründung der Ethik nebst ihren Anwendungen auf Recht, Religion und Geschichte.Hermann Cohen - 1911 - Mind 20 (77):119-121.
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    Is There a Metaphysics of Community? A Continental Perspective on American Philosophy.Hermann Deuser, Cathrine Lincoln & Ulrich Lincoln - 1997 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 11 (2):79 - 96.
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    Kuno Fischer und Karl Rosenkranz.Hermann Glockner - 1931 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 40 (1):106-116.
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    Ernst Cassirer. Zur Würdigung seines Werkes anläßlich der 80. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages am 28. Juli 1954.Hermann Noack - 1954 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 8 (3):446 - 455.
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  32. Husserl.Hermann Noack - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (1):143-147.
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    Zwei nachlassWerke von Hinrich Knittermeyer Interpretation und Würdigung.Hermann Noack - 1967 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 21 (1):117 - 136.
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  34. Información.Hermann Wein - 1967 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 4 (8-9):171.
    Presentación de la constitución de un Centro de investigación sobre el pensamiento de Giambattista Vico . Informaciones. Fe de erratas vol. 7/8.
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  35.  12
    Le monde du pensable et le langage: Quelques réflexions sur la Critique linguistique Wittgensteinienne et sur ses conséquences.Hermann Wein - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (1/2):102 - 115.
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    Sartre und philosophische Anthropologie.Hermann Wein - 1968 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 22 (4):569 - 574.
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  37. Der formalismus in Kant's rechtsphilosophie.Hermann Bargmann - 1902 - Leipzig,: Druck von Oswald Schmidt.
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    Evangelische Ethik und Kirche.Hermann Barth - 2003 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 47 (1):153-155.
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  39. The World in the Making. Die Neuentstehende Welt... Translated by Maurice Samuel.Hermann Keyserling - 1927 - Harcourt.
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    The Path of God's Bondsmen from Origin to Return . A Sufi Compendium by Najm al-Dīn Rāzī, known as DāyaThe Path of God's Bondsmen from Origin to Return . A Sufi Compendium by Najm al-Din Razi, known as Daya.Hermann Landolt, Hamid Algar & Ehsan Yarshater - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):803.
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  41.  9
    Die Wirklichkeit und der gute Wille. Über Tendenzen der Moralisierung kognitiver Gehalte.Hermann Lübbe - 2002 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 27 (3):199-210.
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    Über „Philosophie“.Hermann Lübbe - 2010 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (3):243-264.
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  43. A Rural Transylvanian German-Rooted Elementary School Becomes a Hospital for All and a Home for Aged People.Hermann Schuster & Johann Muhr - 2005 - In Friedrich Wallner, Martin J. Jandl & Kurt Greiner (eds.), Science, medicine, and culture: festschrift for Fritz G. Wallner. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 203.
  44. Die ästhetische Problemstellung. Systematische Untersuchungen im Anschluss an ihre historische Entwicklung.Hermann Glockner - 1936 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 2:251.
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  45. Hegels Kritik des Christentums. Zwei Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Philosophen. II.Hermann Glockner - 1939 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 5:118.
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  46. The Interests of High-Technology Industry.Hermann G. Grimmeiss - 1985 - In Michael Gibbons & Björn Wittrock (eds.), Science as a commodity: threats to the open community of scholars. Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman. pp. 99.
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    The Nuclear Arms Race: A Soviet Emigré's Perspective.Hermann Hartfeld - 1988 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 5 (1):28-30.
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  48.  25
    Werke.Hermann Cohen - 1987 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Helmut Holzhey.
    Bd. 1. Kants Theorie der Erfahrung (3 v.) -- Bd. 2. Kants Begründung der Ethik -- Bd. 3. Kants Begründung der Ästhetik -- Bd. 4. Kommentar zu Immanuel Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft -- [Bd.] 5. Das Prinzip der Infinitesimal-Methode und seine Geschichte -- Bd. 6. System der Philosophie, 1. Teil -- Bd. 7. System der Philosophie, 2. Teil -- Bd. 8. System der Philosophie, 3. Teil, 1. Bd. -- Bd. 9. System der Philosophie, 3. Teil, 2. Bd. -- Bd. (...)
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  49. Hegele..Hermann Glockner - 1929 - Stuttgart,: F. Fromomann.
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    Die theorie der schönheit räumlicher formen bei den englischen und deutschen popularphilosophen im vorigen jahrhundert..Hermann Handke - 1896 - Freienwalde a. O.,: E. Pilger's buchdruckerei.
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