Results for 'Hermeneutics Methodology.'

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  1.  30
    Dilthey’s philosophy and methodology of hermeneutics: An approach and contribution to nursing science.Dara James & Pauline Komnenich - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (3):e12353.
    The purpose of this article was to examine the historical contribution of Wilhelm Dilthey's approach to the philosophy and methodology of hermeneutics in the demarcated context of nursing science. Dilthey's work made a fundamentally significant, yet ancillary, contribution to nursing science. Organically born from a need to deduce Biblical texts, hermeneutics later developed as a means to understand the truth of another's experience, in literal German language referred to as verstehen. A German‐born empiricist and devout hermeneutic scholar, Dilthey (...)
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    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part I: implications of its use as methodology in interpretive nursing research.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):154-163.
    Increasingly, nurses use the philosophy of hermeneutics, especially Heideggerian and Gadamerian hermeneutics, to inform interpretive research. However, application of the work of these philosophers to interpretive nursing research has proved problematic as it fails to recognise, or act upon, obligations inherent in their work. Through a review of hermeneutically informed nursing research, methodological implications regarding the use of hermeneutic philosophy are examined in relation to: (i) the need to address forestructures and pre‐understandings; (ii) checking interpretations with research participants; (...)
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  3. Methodology in the ontology of artworks: exploring hermeneutic fictionalism.Elisa Caldarola - 2020 - In Concha Martinez Vidal & José Luis Falguera Lopez (ed.), Abstract Objects: For and Against.
    There is growing debate about what is the correct methodology for research in the ontology of artworks. In the first part of this essay, I introduce my view: I argue that semantic descriptivism is a semantic approach that has an impact on meta-ontological views and can be linked with a hermeneutic fictionalist proposal on the meta-ontology of artworks such as works of music. In the second part, I offer a synthetic presentation of the four main positive meta-ontological views that have (...)
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  4. Precise methodological information concerning the implications and historical dimensions of the new hermeneutic paradigm for the interpretation of Plato.G. Reale - 1992 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 84 (2-3):219-248.
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    The methodology of hermeneutical research programmes in biblical studies: Some insights from the work of Imre Lakatos.Richard S. Briggs - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):109-115.
  6. Immigration, Ethics, and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Methodological Reflections on Joseph Carens’ The Ethics of Immigration.Alex Sager - 2014 - Ethical Perspectives 21 (4):590-99.
    In The Ethics of Immigration, Joseph Carens’ builds a sophisticated account of justice in immigration based on an interpretation of liberal states’ democratic principles and practices. I dispute Carens’ contention that his hermeneutic methodology supports a broadly liberal egalitarian consensus; instead, the consensus he detects on principles and practices appears because his interpretation presupposes liberal egalitarianism. Carens’ methodology would benefit by engaging with a “hermeneutics of suspicion” that explores the ideological and exclusionary facets of liberal egalitarian principles when applied (...)
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    Hermeneutic research: an experiential method.Sunnie D. Kidd - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Hermeneutic Research: An Experiential Method presents a method to investigate lived experiences. In doing so, this book integrates a broad range of philosophical topics, such as hermeneutics, the philosophy of consciousness, and the philosophy of being. We are conscious beings. Through every act of consciousness, something is presented to the experiencing person. Something--a theme--stands in the focus of attention. Within the dimensional human consciousness, this theme is related to other thoughts, a process that includes certain aspects of the theme (...)
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    Humanity in Schillebeeckx’s Hermeneutic Phenomenology. Towards a Methodology.Ramona Simuț - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):139-155.
    This paper offers an analysis of Edward Schillebeeckx’s insights on different perceptions of revelation as related to concepts like salvation, God, church, human experience and creation in the work Jesus in Our Western Culture. The incentive of Schillebeeckx’s hermeneutical method in nowadays Western phenomenology, upon which God “breathed his breath of life”, triggered our interest in meanings which Schillebeeckx ascribes to human history as the realm of God’s work for the benefit of men and women. This meaning is suggested in (...)
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    Theory and methodology of empirical ethics : a pragmatic hermeneutic perspective.Guy Widdershoven & Lieke van der Scheer - 2008 - In Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  10.  31
    Hermeneutics and its Problems: With Selected Essays in Phenomenology.Gustav Shpet - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Thomas Nemeth.
    This book details a history of the methodology of textual interpretation from Ancient Greece to the 20th century. It presents a complete English translation of Hermeneutics and Its Problems, written by Russian philosopher Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, along with insightful commentary. Written in 1918, Shpet's text remained unpublished in its original Russian until the collapse of the Soviet Union. This engaging translation will be of value to anyone interested in early phenomenology, Russian intellectual history, as well as the divergence of (...)
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    Methodological foundations for applying the hermeneutic approach when teaching the humanities. Part 2. Technique for understanding a visual text as exemplified by analyzing a work of fine art (R. Magritte “Song of Love”). [REVIEW]Veronika Bogdanova - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:90-101.
    The article is devoted to the application of the hermeneutic approach in philosophy classes. The author proposes a technique for understand- ing a visual text, which allows one to move from the figurative perception of a work of art to the conceptual and structural level. In her study, the author describes the experience of using this technique while interpreting R. Magritte’s painting “Song of Love”. As a result of analyzing the group and individual work of students, the author comes to (...)
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  12. Contemporary Bourgeois hermeneutics and methodological problems of historical and social-sciences.J. Cerny - 1978 - Filosoficky Casopis 26 (6):851-863.
  13. Theory and methodology of empirical ethics: a pragmatic hermeneutic perspective.Guy Widdershoven & van der Scheer & Lieke - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  14. Circularity and Philosophical Reflection: A Methodological Investigation Into Hermeneutics, Gadamer, and Kant.Linda J. Fisher - 1991 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    This dissertation investigates the possibility of a systematic yet non-methodological grounding for knowledge within the framework of hermeneutics. In opposition to formalistic and scientistic construals of philosophy, I argue that philosophy is essentially non-formalistic, nuanced, and contingent, characterized by circularity, ambiguity, and paradox. In rejecting formalized fixed positions and emphasizing circularity and contingency, I am concerned nevertheless to ensure that my account does not dissolve into random flux or empty indeterminacy. I look to articulate, therefore, a middle space between (...)
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    Hermeneutics and pragmatism offer a way of exploring the consequences of advanced assessment.Shelaine I. Zambas, Elizabeth A. Smythe & Jane Koziol-McLain - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (4):203-212.
    Linking specific nursing actions to outcomes in the healthcare setting is challenging. Patient outcomes are varied and influenced by a myriad of factors, and always involve a wider team than any one nurse. It is difficult to control for a single action or set of actions of a particular nurse. Furthermore, practice is seldom about any ‘one’ action, for one thing leads to another, all within a complex interplay of influencing factors. In this article, we outline a research method which (...)
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    Hermeneutic Philosophies of Social Science.Babette Babich (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Hermeneutic philosophies of social science offer an approach to the philosophy of social science foregrounding the human subject and including attention to history as well as a methodological reflection on the notion of reflection, including the intrusions of distortions and prejudice. Hermeneutic philosophies of social science offer an explicit orientation to and concern with the subject of the human and social sciences. Hermeneutic philosophies of the social science represented in the present collection of essays draw inspiration from Gadamer’s work as (...)
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    Hermeneutics as critique: science, politics, race and culture.Lorenzo Charles Simpson - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This book aims to develop the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics, the theoretical account of interpretive (as opposed to explanatory) understanding--the account of meanings and contexts rather than causes and predictions--usually restricted to the domain of literary and textual analysis, in new directions by exploiting its potential as an instrument of critique. It refutes commonly held claims that hermeneutic analyses are necessarily relativistic, Eurocentric, or critically impotent and demonstrates how hermeneutic procedures can inform analyses of urgent current and cross-cultural issues (...)
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    Hermeneutic strategies in Gerd Buchdahl’s Kantian philosophy of science.Nick Jardine - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):183-208.
    Gerd Buchdahl’s international reputation rests on his masterly writings on Kant. In them he showed how Kant transformed the philosophical problems of his predecessors and he minutely investigated the ways in which Kant related his critical philosophy to the contents and methods of natural science. Less well known, if only because in large part unpublished, are the writings in which Buchdahl elaborated his own views on the methods and status of the sciences. In this paper I examine the roles of (...)
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    From Writing to Philosophizing: A Lesson from Platonic Hermeneutics for the Methodology of the History of Philosophy.Dimitrios Vasilakis - 2020 - Conatus 5 (2):133.
    In this paper, I try to exploit some lessons drawn from reading Plato in order to comment on the methodological ‘meta-level’ regarding the relation between philosophizing and writing. After all, it is due to the medium of written word that we come to know past philosophers. I do this on the occasion of the ostensible conclusion in Plato’s Meno. This example illuminates the ‘double-dialogue’ hermeneutics of Plato and helps to differentiate Plato’s dialogues from dialogical works written by other philosophers, (...)
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  20. Historicity as Methodology or Hermeneutics: Collingwood’s Influence on Skinner and Gadamer.Kenneth B. McIntyre - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (2):138-166.
    In this paper, I offer both a brief study of Collingwood's conception of historical explanation and epistemological historicity, and an examination of the influence of Collingwood's work on the historical methodology of Quentin Skinner and on Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy. Collingwood's work on the philosophy of history manifests a tension between the realist implications of the doctrine of reenactment and the logic of question and answer on the one hand, and, on the other, the constructionist tendency of the rest of his (...)
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  21. Philosophy as Hermeneutics: Reflections on Roger Ames, Translation, and Comparative Methodology.Steve Coutinho - 2021 - In Ian M. Sullivan & Joshua Mason (eds.), One corner of the square: essays on the philosophy of Roger T. Ames. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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    The Problem of Methodological Justification in Fundamental Ontology - Focusing on Authenticity, Hermeneutic Repetition, and Authentic Being-with -. 설민 - 2020 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 145:133-160.
    이 글의 목표는 하이데거가 『존재와 시간』에서 전개한 기초존재론이 어떻게 방법론적 정당화라는 과제에 부응할 수 있는지를 고찰하는 것이다. 일부 선행 연구가 보여준 바와 같이 기초존재론의 탐구는 탐구자 스스로 실존의 본래성에서 착수할 때만 정당성을 얻을 수 있다. 그러나 실존의 본래성만으로 기초존재론의 정당성 문제가 해결되는 것은 아니다. 나는 실존의 본래성 외에도, 해석학적 순환에 따라서 하나의 해석이 더 고차적인 해석 단계에서 성공적으로 재해석될 때 내적인 검증이 이루어진다는 사실 그리고 본래적 공동존재에서 해석학적 순환이 “상호주관적으로” 확장된다는 사실이 기초존재론의 방법론적 정당화에 이바지한다는 것을 보이고자 한다. 끝으로 하이데거의 (...)
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    The Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Reflection on the Methodological Assumptions of the Grounded Theory. 이종주 - 2017 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 75:69-108.
    본 연구는 현재 상담심리학을 포함해서 사회과학의 여러 분야에서 질적 연구방법으로 각광 받고 있는 근거이론을 연구대상으로 삼아 그것의 발생과 분기과정에서 드러나는 존재론적, 인식론적, 방법론적 전제에 대한 현상학적-해석학적 반성을 수행하고자 한다. 이를 위해서 먼저 근거이론의 등장과 분기의 과정과 구조를 대표적인 근거이론가들인 스트라우스-코빈(Strauss-Corbin)의 축코딩의 패러다임 모델을 활용해서 밝혀볼 것이다. 나아가 축코딩의 패러다임으로 밝혀지지 않는 글레이저(Glaser), 스트라우스-코빈 그리고 차마즈(Charmaz)의 대표적인 근거이론들의 존재론적, 인식론적, 방법론적 전제들을 비판적으로 성찰해봄으로써 각각 어떤 이론적 곤경에 처해 있는지 그리고 그것을 어떻게 극복하는지를 밝혀볼 것이다. 끝으로 근거이론이 겪고 있는 이론적 곤경들의 (...)
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    Religion and the hermeneutics of contemplation.D. Z. Phillips - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Leading philosopher of religion D. Z. Phillips argues that intellectuals need not see their task as being for or against religion, but as one of understanding it. What stands in the way of this task are certain methodological assumptions about what enquiry into religion must be. Beginning with Bernard Williams on Greek gods, Phillips goes on to examine these assumptions in the work of Hume, Feuerbach, Marx, Frazer, Tylor, Marett, Freud, Durkheim, Le;vy-Bruhl, Berger and Winch. The result exposes confusion, but (...)
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    Maturana’s autopoietic hermeneutics versus Turing’s causal methodology for explaining cognition. [REVIEW]Stevan Harnad - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):599-603.
    Kravchenko suggests replacing Turing’s suggestion for explaining cognizers’ cognitive capacity through autonomous robotic modelling by ‘autopoiesis’, Maturana’s extremely vague metaphor for the relations and interactions among organisms, environments, and various subordinate and superordinate systems therein. I suggest that this would be an exercise in hermeneutics rather than causal explanation.
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    Toward a Hermeneutical Theory of International Human Rights Education.Fuad Al-Daraweesh & Dale T. Snauwaert - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (4):389-412.
    The purpose of this essay is to articulate and defend the epistemological foundations of international human rights education from the perspective of a hermeneutical interpretive methodology. Fuad Al-Daraweesh and Dale Snauwaert argue here that this methodology potentially alleviates the challenges that face the cross-cultural implementation of human rights education. While acknowledging the necessity of global human rights awareness, the authors maintain that local cultural conceptualization is imperative to the negotiated, local embrace of human rights. A critical, interpretive pedagogy emerges from (...)
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    Naturalistic hermeneutics.Chrysostomos Mantzavinos - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Naturalistic Hermeneutics proposes the position of the unity of the scientific method and defends it against the claim to autonomy of the human sciences. Mantzavinos shows how materials that are 'meaningful', more specifically human actions and texts, can be adequately dealt with by the hypothetico-deductive method, the standard method used in the natural sciences. The hermeneutic method is not an alternative method aimed at the understanding and the interpretation of human actions and texts, but it is the same as (...)
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    Hermenéutica de lo no-dicho. Una metodología para los estudios jurídicos | The hermeneutics of the not-said. A methodology for legal studies.Daniel J. García López - 2019 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:86-107.
    Resumen: En este artículo se propone una metodología para los estudios jurídicos basada en lo que se ha venido a llamar hermenéutica de lo no-dicho. A partir del pensamiento de Michel Foucault y Giorgio Agamben en torno a la arqueología y la genealogía, se plantea cómo enfocar el estudio del derecho en lo no-dicho como aquel saber sometido y no tematizado. Se trata de acudir a la intersección de saberes eruditos y saberes descalificados por la jerarquía epistémica con la intención (...)
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    Negative hermeneutics and the question of practice.Nicholas Davey - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How do words and images function hermeneutically? How does hermeneutic practice work? Answering these questions and more, Nicholas Davey develops the hermeneutical foundations of creative practice. In doing so, he not only uncovers the significance of philosophical hermeneutics for the arts and the humanities, but defends the humanities as a whole from the current scepticism inspired by deconstruction and post-structuralism. Taking Gadamer's language ontology as its cue, this pioneering volume not only addresses certain weaknesses that Davey observes in Gadamer's (...)
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    Reformation hermeneutics and the spirit of humanism.Jun Wang - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (3):8.
    The Reformation had a profound impact on hermeneutical practices by challenging ecclesiastical authority and emphasising interpretive freedom, addressing a crucial gap in historical theology. This study aimed to assess the influence of Martin Luther’s principle of self-interpretation of the Bible and Matthias Flacius’ organismic methodology, which builds on that principle, on the foundations of modern hermeneutics, particularly the methodological hermeneutics represented by Schleiermacher and Dilthey. Set within the context of the 16th-century Reformation, the study conducted a rigorous textual (...)
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    Digital hermeneutics: from interpreting with machines to interpretational machines.Alberto Romele, Marta Severo & Paolo Furia - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):73-86.
    Today, there is an emerging interest for the potential role of hermeneutics in reflecting on the practices related to digital technologies and their consequences. Nonetheless, such an interest has neither given rise to a unitary approach nor to a shared debate. The primary goal of this paper is to map and synthetize the different existing perspectives to pave the way for an open discussion on the topic. The article is developed in two steps. In the first section, the authors (...)
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    Cyprian Krause’s ‘justification of rituality in the face of the absurd’ – its potential for negative hermeneutics of liturgy and their methodological consequences.Edda Wolff - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (3):235-250.
    ABSTRACTThe essay analyses the potential for a negative hermeneutic in liturgical studies, taking as its basis Cyprian Krause’s ‘justification of the ritual in the face of the absurd’. It then examines consequent challenges for other theological subjects. The method of negative hermeneutics focusses on the limits of and gaps within the process of sense. This article explores how different aspects of negativity of sense can help to study otherwise ignored and liminal aspects of liturgy. A negative hermeneutics of (...)
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  33. Poetics and Hermeneutic: The Methodology of Interpretation.David Couzens Hoy - 1972 - Dissertation, Yale University
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    Heideggerian phenomenological hermeneutics: Working with the data.Elizabeth Smythe & Deb Spence - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (4):e12308.
    It is one thing to read about the methodology and methods of Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenological research, the ontic description. It is quite another thing to be faced with an interview transcript. This article draws on a study that asked doctoral students about their experience of doing such research. How did they become “phenomenological/hermeneutic” in their thinking and writing? What helped them to find their way? We offer this article as a means of letting others learn from our own experiences. We (...)
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    Digital hermeneutics for the new age of cinema.Stacey O. Irwin - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2207-2215.
    Philosophical and technoculture studies surrounding the existential understanding of the human–technology–world experience have seen a slow but steady increase that makes a turn to material hermeneutics in the second decade of the twenty-first century (Ihde in Postphenomenology: essays in the postmodern context. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 1993; Capurro in AI Soc 25(1):35–42, 2010; Romele in Digital hermeneutics: philosophical investigations in new media and technologies. Routledge, Abingdon, 2020; among others). This renewed focus makes sense because human–technology–world experiences need to (...)
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    Hermeneutic Dialogue and Shaping the Landscape of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: The Work of Frank Richardson.Robert C. Bishop - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    This volume introduces the methodological value of hermeneutic dialogue in the field of theoretical and philosophical psychology. It reflects on the works of Frank Richardson, who has made, and continues to make, seminal contributions to the field, as well as having influenced the work of many of the practitioners engaged in this field today. Each chapter explores a major topic of hermeneutic dialogue and is authored by a scholar whose work has been directly impacted by Richardson's life and research. The (...)
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    Hermeneutics in African philosophy.Ademola Kazeem Fayemi - 2016 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 5 (2):2-18.
    The aim of this paper is to re-examine the hermeneutic in the ongoing discourse on methodology in African philosophy. The diverse understanding of hermeneutics is not only limited to Western philosophy; in the few decades of its history in African philosophy, hermeneutics has also assumed different meanings. This paper discusses not only the historical evolution and development of hermeneutists in the West, but also the African hermeneutists: Tsenay Serequeberhan, Okonda Okolo, Sophie Oluwole, Raphael Madu, and Bruce Janz. Through (...)
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    Machine hermeneutics, postphenomenology, and facial recognition technology.Soraj Hongladarom - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2151-2158.
    I would like to introduce the notion of machine hermeneutics in this paper. The notion refers to hermeneutical activity performed by machines. Machines are now capable of making the very interpretive tasks, using artificial intelligence algorithms based on the technology of machine learning that used to be the exclusive domain of human beings. In making this claim, I am not talking about possible conscious machines of the future, but those existing here and now. With facial recognition algorithms, for example, (...)
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  39. Hermeneutics and the hypothetico‐deductive method.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1979 - Dialectica 33 (3‐4):319-336.
    SummaryThe central thesis advocated by the author is that the so‐called hermeneutic method is actually the same as the hypothetico‐deductive method applied to materials that are “meaningful” . Five different interpretations of the role of the stranger in Ibsens “Peer Gynt” are discussed and shown to be examples of how interpretation‐hypotheses can be judged by confronting them with the data . The conclusion drawn from the analysis is this: there is no fundamental methodological difference between natural sciences and humanities.
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  40. Social Studies Methodology Viewed as in a Hermeneutic Perspective.M. E. Berci & B. Griffith - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (4):45.
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    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts.Rene Geanellos - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (2):112-119.
    Exploring Ricoeur’s hermeneutic theory of interpretation as a method of analysing research texts Increasingly, researchers use hermeneutic philosophy to inform the conduct of interpretive research. Congruence between the philosophical foundations of a study, and the methodological processes through which study findings are actualised, obliges hermeneutic researchers to use (or develop) hermeneutic approaches to research interviewing and textual analysis. Paul Ricoeur’s theory of interpretation provides one approach through which researchers using hermeneutics can achieve congruence between philosophy, methodology and method.Ricoeur’s theory (...)
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    A Critical Inquiry into Jürgen Habermas’ Hermeneutical Reflection as a Methodology of Social Science.Tizar Shahwirman - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):257-291.
    This paper aims to examine and evaluate Habermas’ thoughts on hermeneutical reßection as a methodology of social science based on his work titled Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften (On The Logic of The Social Sciences). By starting from a theory of action approach focusing on the process of inquiring and understanding intentional action, Haber-mas developed a hermeneutical reßection approach emphasizing the importance of communicative experience between the researcher and the subject examined. This approach has emancipatory power because it encourages researchers to (...)
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    Classical and Philosophical Hermeneutics.Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (1):29-56.
    Hermeneutics is a mantic art involved in the translation of the unintelligible into the intelligible. However, within modern contexts the term possesses a more methodological sense - ‘a universal doctrine for the interpretation of signs’. This conception of hermeneutics was given impetus during the Renaissance with the quest for theological objectivity, but it was with Schleiermacher and other philosophers of the Romantic movement that hermeneutics was viewed as a universal ‘dialogical’ condition. The Romantic conception of hermeneutics (...)
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    An Inquiry of Methodological Principles for Moral Education Based on Narrative Hermeneutics.Jae-Ho Lee - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (3):215.
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    Material hermeneutics as cultural learning: from relations to processes of relations.Cathrine Hasse - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (5):2037-2044.
    What is the relation between material hermeneutics, bodies, perception and materials? In this article, I shall argue cultural learning processes tie them together. Three aspects of learning can be identified in cultural learning processes. First, all learning is tied to cultural practices. Second, all learning in cultural practice entangle humans’ ability to recognize a material world conceptually, and finally the boundaries of objects, the object we perceive, are set by shifting material-conceptual entanglements. All these aspects are important for material (...)
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    Hermeneutics and critical theory in ethics and politics.Michael Kelly (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    These twelve essays, written by philosophers, examine the usefulness, objectivity, and range of applicability of interpretive methods in ethics and politics, with the goal of isolating the role of methodology to allow debate to focus on substantive conflicts.
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    A hermeneutics of the natural sciences? The debate updated.Theodore Kisiel - 1997 - Man and World 30 (3):329-341.
    The initial obstacle to the development of a hermeneutics of the natural sciences has been the inadequate translation, and thus misunderstanding, of the basic terms of Heidegger's ontological analysis ofthe protopractical human situation and its progressive technicization. Pragmatism's parallel analyses of the problem situation of scientists has promoted a more idiomatically English vocabulary. But 1) Gadamer's exclusion of domains and disciplines working with technical methods from his universal hermeneutics continues to be influential, this in spite of the genesis (...)
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    Between the Excavated and Transmitted Hermeneutic Traditions: Interpretations of "The Cry of the Osprey" (Guanju) and Related Methodological Issues.Xing Wen - 2008 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 39 (4):78-93.
  49. Ecological Hermeneutic Phenomenology: A Method to Explore the Ontic and Ontological Structures of Technologies in the World.Vincent Blok - 2024 - In Bas de Boer & Jochem Zwier (eds.), PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY. openbook publishers. pp. 27-51.
    In this chapter, we propose an ecological hermeneutic phenomenology to study both the ontic and ontological structures of new and emerging technologies. In section 2, we first consult the traditional concept of phenomenology to find an entry point for our methodological considerations. It will become clear that Heidegger provides a progressive concept of hermeneutic phenomenology, although we are critical of his essentialism and linguistic focus in which there seems to be no room for the phenomenological consideration of ontic phenomena. The (...)
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    Critical hermeneutics and higher education: a perspective on texts, meaning and institutional culture.Anthea H. M. Jacobs - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):297-310.
    This paper is a discussion of critical hermeneutics as a research methodology employed in a conceptual analytic study of the concept ‘institutional culture’ within the context of higher education. The research was undertaken to develop an understanding of the concept and to explore its construction in university policy documents. The aim of this paper is to motivate the choice of critical hermeneutics as a research methodology for the mentioned study. I explore both aspects of critical hermeneutics, namely (...)
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