Results for 'Hernán Giudice'

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  1. Próspero de Aquitania, La vocación de todos los pueblos, introducción, traducción y notas, Hernán Giudice y Julio César Lastra Sheridan.José Luis Narvaja - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):225-225.
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    Il giudice senza qualità.Enzo Lo Giudice - 2001 - Milano: Lupetti.
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    Michael Giudice.Michael Giudice - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    The regular practice of morality in law.Michael Giudice - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (1):94-106.
    This article examines the possibility of moral considerations and arguments serving as validity conditions of law in legal positivist theory. I argue that, despite recent attempts, this possibility has yet to be established. My argument turns on a defense of Joseph Raz's Sources Thesis, yet I do not adopt his famous “argument from authority.” Rather, I offer a renewed defense of the distinction between creation and application of law and argue that moral considerations and arguments, whether recognized in law or (...)
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  5. Filippo Bruno e Fra Giordano. L'abito non fa il monaco.Guido Del Giudice - 2023 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (1):50-54.
    C'è un particolare che può apparire secondario, ma che assume un'importanza fondamentale per la ricostruzione della vicenda personale di Giordano Bruno. Si tratta dell'abito monacale.
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    Cognitive gadgets: A provocative but flawed manifesto.Marco Del Giudice - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The argument against innatism at the heart of Cognitive Gadgets is provocative but premature, and is vitiated by dichotomous thinking, interpretive double standards, and evidence cherry-picking. I illustrate my criticism by addressing the heritability of imitation and mindreading, the relevance of twin studies, and the meaning of cross-cultural differences in theory of mind development. Reaching an integrative understanding of genetic inheritance, plasticity, and learning is a formidable task that demands a more nuanced evolutionary approach.
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    Basic functional trade-offs in cognition: An integrative framework.Marco Del Giudice & Bernard J. Crespi - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):56-70.
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  8. Giordanisti, brunisti, bruniani e discepoli del Nolano.Guido del Giudice - 2008 - Diogene Magazine 10 (3):59-63.
    Intervista a Guido del Giudice sulla "Bruno Renaissance".
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  9. Giordano Bruno nella "libraria" di Saint Victor.Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (10):84-88.
    Quando la biblioteca diventa un confessionale. Nel 1585, Giordano Bruno ritorna a Parigi dopo il soggiorno londinese, e comincia a frequentare l’abbazia di Saint Victor, famosa per la sua ” libraria “, immortalata da Rabelais. Il bibliotecario, Guillaume Cotin, trasforma lo “scriptorium” in un confessionale, dove il filosofo dà libero sfogo ai suoi ricordi e al suo impetuoso carattere. -/- When the library becomes a confessional. In 1585, Giordano Bruno, returns to Paris after his stay in London, and begins to (...)
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    Monismo versus pluralismo: límites y alcances del pluralismo en la filosofía de la ciencia contemporánea.Hernán Lucas Accorinti, Mariana Córdoba & Cristian López - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):203-236.
    Scientific pluralism has gained supporters in philosophy of science during the last decades, since it seems to accurately account for the plural and varied development of science. Arguments in defense of robust, non-merely epistemic pluralistic positions can be found in several contemporary philosophical works. According to these positions, to hold pluralism does not suppose to assume an epistemic position regarding truth and a non-realistic view on scientific theories. Monism can be thought as the “natural” opponent of scientific pluralism. In this (...)
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    Correction to: A Critical Review of Students’ and Teachers’ Understandings of Nature of Science.Hernán Cofré, Paola Núñez, David Santibáñez, José M. Pavez, Martina Valencia & Claudia Vergara - 2020 - Science & Education 29 (1):221-232.
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    Cross-Cultural Validity of the Child and Adolescent Dispositions Model in a Clinical Sample of Children With Externalizing Behavior Problems.Teresa Del Giudice, Janina Tervoort, Christopher Hautmann, Daniel Walter & Manfred Döpfner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13. Fisica quantistica e vuoto.Emilio Del Giudice - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 102 (2):253.
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    La funzione del poeta secondo Tagore.Laura Del Giudice - 2000 - Idee 45:57-64.
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  15. The psycho-emotional-physical unity of living organisms as an outcome of quantum physics.E. del Giudice - 2004 - In Gordon G. Globus, Karl H. Pribram & Giuseppe Vitiello (eds.), Brain and Being: At the Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language and Arts. John Benjamins.
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    Activation of the Nrf2–ARE signaling pathway: a promising strategy in cancer prevention.Aldo Giudice & Maurizio Montella - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (2):169-181.
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    Henry Oldenburg: Shaping the Royal Society.Franco Giudice - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (1):107-108.
    Book review of Marie Boas Hall, Henry Oldenburg: Shaping the Royal Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), pp. xii + 369.
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  18. Il dramma della scuola elementare nei programmi didattici del 1955.Lo Giudice & Francesco[From Old Catalog] - 1969 - Cosenza,: MIT Press.
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    Trazar caminos: la propuesta pedagógica de Edith Stein como consecuencia de su antropología integral.Cecilia Giudice - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 109:241-254.
    Edith Stein no concibe la pedagogía sin tener en cuenta sus fundamentos antropológicos y éticos. Su anhelo por ver encarnada a la filosofía en su realidad personal la llevó a dedicarse fecundamente a la educación en el ámbito católico, del cual ya era parte activa. De la antropología integral de Edith Stein se desprende como consecuencia una pedagogía de la misma índole. Stein considera como misión de la educación llevar al hombre al desarrollo integral de las potencias del entendimiento, afecto (...)
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  20. Universal jurisdiction and the duty to govern.Michael Giudice & Matthew Schaeffer - 2012 - In Francois Tanguay-Renaud & James Stribopoulos (eds.), Rethinking Criminal Law Theory: New Canadian Perspectives in the Philosophy of Domestic, Transnational, and International Criminal Law. Hart Publishing.
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    Breve documento sulla nuova filosofia.Santi Lo Giudice - 1978 - Messina: Sortino.
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    Il soggetto plurale: regolazione sociale e mediazione simbolica.Alessio Lo Giudice - 2006 - Milano: Giuffrè.
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    Tracce di filosofia del finito.Santi Lo Giudice - 2007 - Cosenza: L. Pellegrini.
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    Producción y reproducción de sentidos generizados en la industria de videojuegos. Un estudio exploratorio desde la interdisciplina.Hernan Palermo & Daniela Denise Krepki - 2023 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 31:129-151.
    ¿Son los videojuegos ámbitos exclusivos para varones?; ¿es el desarrollo de videojuegos un trabajo exclusivamente masculino? A partir de estos y otros interrogantes, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo problematizar la producción y reproducción de sentidos generizados en la industria de videojuegos argentina, tanto en la elaboración de los contenidos como en la fase de creación y el momento del consumo. Partiendo de un enfoque cualitativo, centrado en una revisión bibliográfica sistemática, planteamos que las instancias de creación, diseño y consumo (...)
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    Social construction of law: potential and limits.Michael Giudice - 2020 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This illuminating book explores the theme of social constructionism in legal theory. It questions just how much freedom and power social groups really have to construct and reconstruct law. Michael Giudice takes a nuanced approach to analyse what is true and what is false in the view that law is socially constructed. He draws on accounts of European Union law as well as Indigenous legal orders in North America to demonstrate the contingency of particular concepts of law. Utilising evidence (...)
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    Unconstitutionality, Invalidity, and Charter Challenges.Michael Giudice - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 15 (1):69-83.
    Inclusive legal positivism maintains that the existence and content of laws may, but need not, depend on standards of morality. As Wil Waluchow argues, inclusive positivism derives much of its plausibility through its explanation of Charter societies such as Canada. On his account, the fundamental rights of political morality contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms serve as ultimate criteria of the existence or validity of all laws in Canada, and thus form part of Canada’s rule of recognition. (...)
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  27. Analytical jurisprudence and contingency.Michael Giudice - 2011 - In Maksymilian Del Mar (ed.), New waves in philosophy of law. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
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    Deployment dynamics of hypnotic anger modulation.Hernán Anlló, Joshua Hagège & Jérôme Sackur - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103118.
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    Test case for perspectivism: incompatible models in quantum chemistry.Hernan Lucas Accorinti & Juan Camilo Martínez González - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-12.
    The incompatibility within the context of modeling cannot be established simpliciter. The fact that modeling is understood as an activity whose representational power can only be partially established, may minimize the supposed existence of incompatible models. Indeed, it is argued from perspectivism that incompatibility can be dissolved, meaning that it becomes trivial or simply false due to the inherently pragmatic and partial nature of the act of representation and modeling. From this perspective, incompatibility can only be a consequence of a (...)
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    La hegemonia en su mutuo anudamiento óntico-ontológico en la teoria política de Ernesto Laclau.Hernán Fair - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (2):165-194.
    Resumen: Este artículo analiza cómo se encadenan los planos de lo ontológico y lo óntico en la Teoría Política del Discurso de Ernesto Laclau. Se concluye que, desde el plano ontológico, la hegemonía constituye una forma político-discursiva de articulación y universalización relativa, precaria, contingente y parcial de los particularismos en significantes vacíos que actúan como puntos nodales. Desde el nivel fenoménico-político, Laclau pone en juego estos conceptos para mostrar el desplazamiento y contaminación discursiva entre lo particular y lo universal en (...)
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  31. Il magico unguento delle streghe.Guido Del Giudice - 2022 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (2):48-54.
    La fantasia popolare è stata sempre affascinata dalla possibilità che tra le pagine di antichi manoscritti si celassero arcani segreti, la cui rivelazione potesse conferire poteri occulti. Libri costati enormi sacrifici, che erano stati per i loro autori una ragione di vita e, al tempo stesso, la fonte di mille pericoli. La “Magia Naturalis” di Giovan Battista Della Porta fu uno dei testi più diffusi fra XVI e XVII secolo. Attorno ad esso ruotò per decenni un ampio dibattito, che spaziava (...)
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    La Sagrada Escritura en la vida de la Iglesia de América Latina y El Caribe. -La impronta bíblica del Concilio Vaticano II-.Hernán Cardona Ramírez & Carlos Montaño Vélez - 2020 - Perseitas 9:265-291.
    En el Concilio Vaticano II, la Sagrada Escritura logró un protagonismo inusitado en la Iglesia y en la vida de los creyentes en Latinoamérica y El Caribe. ¿Cómo impactó en el Continente?, ¿cuáles fueron los efectos de la interpretación de la Biblia en la región? Un repaso de prácticas usuales llevadas a cabo antes del Concilio, cuando la Biblia se usó para legitimar el derecho a la conquista del Nuevo Mundo, como el examen de la actual diversificación hermenéutica, creadora de (...)
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    The Ego is not Master in its Own House: A Systematic Revisitation of Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Subjectivity.Hernán Gabriel Inverso - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:43-73.
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  34. Cassirer and Bohr on Intuitive and Symbolic Knowledge in Quantum Physics.Hernán Pringe - 2014 - Theoria 29 (3):417-429.
    This paper compares Cassirer´s and Bohr´s views on symbolic knowledge in quantum physics. Although both of them consider quantum physics as symbolic knowledge, for Cassirer this amounts to a complete renunciation to intuition in quantum physics, while according to Bohr only spatio-temporal images may provide the mathematical formalism of the theory with physical reference. We show the Kantian roots of Bohr´s position and we claim that his Kantian concept of symbol enables Bohr to account for the sensible content of quantum (...)
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    Causal inference: what if.Miguel A. Hernan - 2024 - Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. Edited by James M. Robins.
    Written by pioneers in the field, this practical book presents an authoritative yet accessible overview of the methods and applications of causal inference. The text provides a thorough introduction to the basics of the theory for non-time-varying treatments and the generalization to complex longitudinal data.
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    Legalidad empírica y realidad efectiva.Hernán Pringe - 2015 - Ideas Y Valores 64 (158):21-39.
    Se investigan las condiciones que la doctrina de Kant establece para la predicación de la realidad efectiva de objetos empíricos determinados. Se sostiene: a) que para tal predicación no solo es necesario que haya percepción, sino que también se requiere cierta homogeneidad de los datos sensibles y b) que el conocimiento de la existencia de objetos empíricos determinados depende de la aplicación de principios regulativos de la experiencia.
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    What Is at Stake in the Formalization of a Chronostratigraphic Unit? A Case Study on the Anthropocene.Hernán Bobadilla - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1024-1033.
    The prospective formalization of the Anthropocene as a chronostratigraphic unit by the International Commission on Stratigraphy has been intensely debated. This paper explores and assesses the stakes of this process from a philosophical perspective. I distinguish two senses of formalization—the descriptive and the evaluative—and argue that: 1) there are descriptive and evaluative formalizations of the Anthropocene beyond the confines of the ICS; 2) incoherencies between Anthropocene proposals and the ICS’s current tenets are not a decisive reason for deferring descriptive formalization; (...)
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    Suicidio soberano y suicidio patológico.Hernán Neira - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):151-179.
    Al definir “suicidio”, la Real Academia Española toma una opción filosófica que se aleja de algunos propósitos y puntos de vista de la salubridad pública, y acentúa su carácter de actividad íntima que realiza un sujeto capaz de acción. Los límites del concepto no son claros; hay un continuo entre el suicidio y encontrar la muerte por causa natural, accidental o conducta de riesgo. Pero el suicidio solo puede ser fruto de un acto soberano, de modo que quien esté privado (...)
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  39. On the relation of free bodies, inertial sets and arbitrariness.Hernán Gustavo Solari & Mario Alberto Natiello - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):7-26.
    We present a fully relational definition of inertial systems based in the No Arbitrariness Principle, that eliminates the need for absolute inertial frames of reference or distinguished reference systems as the ``fixed stars'' in order to formulate Newtonian mechanics. The historical roots of this approach to mechanics are discussed as well. The work is based in part in the constructivist perspective of space advanced by Piaget. We argue that inertial systems admit approximations and that what is of practical use are (...)
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    The Case of Phonons: Explanatory or Ontological Priority.Hernán Lucas Accorinti, Sebastián Fortín, Manuel Herrera & Jesús Alberto Jaimes Arriaga - 2023 - In Cristián Soto (ed.), Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: In Honor of Roberto Torretti. Springer Verlag. pp. 419-440.
    Recent discussions about the microstructure of materials generally focus on the ontological aspects of the molecular structure. However, there are many types of substances that cannot be studied by means of the concept of molecule, for example, salts. For the quantum treatment of these substances, a new particle, called phonon, is introduced. Phonons are generally conceived as a pseudo-particle, that is, a mathematical device necessary to perform calculations but which does not have a “real” existence. In this context, the aim (...)
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    Understanding Anti-Terrorism Legislation.Michael Giudice - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 3:17-21.
    There is widespread agreement that the significant threat of terrorist activity and the importance we attach to safety and security demands that terrorists and terrorist activity be stifled as quickly and effectively as possible. However, much dominant thought about the very nature or approach taken to anti-terrorism legislation has gone without critical reflection. Drawing on a recent article by contemporary political philosopher Ronald Dworkin, in this paper I shall examine whether the metaphor of a balance, with safety or security pitted (...)
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    Comentário ao artigo “Capitalismo como prática social?: os potenciais e desafios de uma aproximação entre o practice turn em teoria social e a interpretação do capitalismo”.Hernán Gabriel Borisonik - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):303-306.
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    Verdad y poder en la perspectiva de la ἀλήθεια. Una indagación sobre los fundamentos ontológicos de la biopolítica contemporánea en el Parménides de Heidegger.Hernán Javier Candiloro - 2017 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 29 (1):59-90.
    El artículo se propone reconstruir la genealogía de la verdad y el poder presentada por Heidegger en el tomo 54 de sus obras completas. Las formas históricas de la verdad y el poder aparecen allí desplegadas conjuntamente, y si por una parte remiten a la ἀλήϑεια como su origen común, por el otro extremo se manifiestan en tanto que dominación calculante, técnica y científica de lo viviente. Nuestro objetivo general consistirá en mostrar dicha genealogía en tanto que estrategia de resistencia (...)
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  44. El blog en la literatura. Un acercamiento estructural a la blogonovela.Hernán Casciari - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 65.
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    Emmanuel Lévinas e le teologie.Armando Del Giudice - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    Benedetto Croce.Gianfranco Giudice - 1994 - Rimini: Luisè.
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    Fractura social y resistencia.Francisco A. Giudice - 2001 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Dunken. Edited by Isabel Ares & Alberto Mendes.
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    Imperialism and Importance in Dworkin’s Jurisprudence.Michael Giudice - 2016 - In Wil Waluchow & Stefan Sciaraffa (eds.), The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Imperialism is the attempt to demonstrate the truth of a single methodological approach to understanding law to the exclusion of all others. Imperialism has done much to obscure particular debates in legal theory, because it privileges one incomplete theoretical approach over complementary or competitive approaches that have independent merits. To evaluate imperialism I focus on the most explicit and sustained example of this methodological approach: Ronald Dworkin’s Law’s Empire. I argue that there are sound arguments against Dworkin’s imperialist claims, but (...)
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    The devout but unorthodox Isaac Newton: Rob Iliffe: Priest of nature: The religious worlds of Isaac Newton. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017, 522pp, $34.95.Franco Giudice - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):241-243.
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    Understanding the nature of law: a case for constructive conceptual explanation.Michael Giudice - 2015 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Understanding the Nature of Law explores methodological questions about how best to explain law. Among these questions, one is central: is there something about law which determines how it should be theorized? This novel book explains the importance of conceptual explanation by situating its methods and goals in relation to, rather than in competition with, social scientific and moral theories of law.
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