Results for 'Hilary Conroy'

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    Official Relations between China and Japan, 1368-1549.Hilary Conroy & Wang Yi-T'ung - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (3):173.
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    Japan Examined.Sharon Nolte, Harry Wray & Hilary Conroy - 1984 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 104 (2):355.
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    Comments on Michael Devitt's “hilary and me”.Hilary Putnam - 2012 - In Maria Baghramian, Reading Putnam. New York: Routledge. pp. 121.
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  4. Knowledge and its place in nature.Hilary Kornblith - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hilary Kornblith argues for a naturalistic approach to investigating knowledge. Knowledge, he explains, is a feature of the natural world, and so should be investigated using scientific methods. He offers an account of knowledge derived from the science of animal behavior, and defends this against its philosophical rivals. This controversial and refreshingly original book offers philosophers a new way to do epistemology.
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    How central are judgment and agency to epistemology?Hilary Kornblith - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2585-2597.
    Ernest Sosa’s Judgment and Agency marks an important change from his earlier work in epistemology. While belief was at the center of his earlier approach to epistemological issues, a far more sophisticated mental state, judgment, plays the central role here. This paper examines the significance of this change in focus, and argues that there is reason to favor the earlier belief-centered approach over this new judgment-centered account.
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  6. (1 other version)Hilary Putnam.Hilary Putnam - unknown
    In 1922 Skolem delivered an address before the Fifth Congress of Scandinavian Mathematicians in which he pointed out what he called a "relativity of set-theoretic notions". This "relativity" has frequently been regarded as paradoxical; but today, although one hears the expression "the Lowenheim-Skolem Paradox", it seems to be thought of as only an apparent paradox, something the cognoscenti enjoy but are not seriously troubled by. Thus van Heijenoort writes, "The existence of such a 'relativity' is sometimes referred to as the (...)
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  7. On Hilary Putnam’s Farewell Lecture.John Searle & Hilary Putnam - 2001 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 9 (1):4-6.
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    Fugit Hora: Fashion and the ethics of style.Hilary Radner - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (2):340-354.
    . Fugit Hora: Fashion and the ethics of style. Cultural Values: Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp. 340-354.
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  9. Philosophy of Mathematics Selected Readings. Edited and with an Introd. By Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam.Paul Benacerraf & Hilary Putnam - 1964 - Prentice-Hall.
  10.  9
    Investigating Knowledge Itself.Hilary Kornblith - 2002 - In Knowledge and its place in nature. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical investigations in general, and epistemological investigations in particular, typically begin with conceptual analysis. It is argued that an analysis of our concept of knowledge is no more relevant to epistemology than an analysis of our concept of gold would be relevant to the proper conduct of chemistry, for knowledge, like gold, is a natural kind. The role of intuition in philosophical theory construction is discussed, and a naturalistic account of the practice of appealing to intuitions is presented and defended.
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    Introduction: Russia's War Against Ukraine.Hilary Appel & Rachel A. Epstein - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):302-307.
    Russia's war against Ukraine has had devastating human consequences and destabilizing geopolitical effects. This roundtable takes up three critical debates in connection with the conflict: Ukraine's potential accession to the European Union; the role of Ukrainian nationalism in advancing democratization; and the degree of human rights accountability, not just for Russia, but also for Ukraine. In addition to challenging conventional wisdom on each of these issues, the contributors to this roundtable make a second, critically important intervention. Each essay explores the (...)
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  12. Are anti-particles particles.Hilary Greaves - unknown
    ordinary electron, except it’s attracted to normal electrons – we say it has positive charge. For this reason it’s called a ‘positron’. The positron is a sister..
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    Philosophie et notre vie mentale.Hilary Putnam & Mireille Duchastelle-Cabanes - 2012 - Philosophie 114 (3):23-34.
    Il était une fois un matérialiste pur et dur qui disait : « À quoi rime tout ce jargon mentaliste d’“esprits”, d’“idées”, et de “sensations”? En réalité, ces soi-disant entités ou événements “mentaux” n’existent tout simplement pas. Dans nos têtes – ô combien matérielles –, il n’y a que des processus physiques! » Il était une fois un autre philosophe qui lui rétorqua : « Quel chef-d’œuvre de confusion...
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    A Fair Share of the Research Pie or Re-Engendering Scientific and Technological Europe?Hilary Rose - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (1):31-47.
    This article is a preliminary attempt to map EU research policy from a feminist perspective hitherto absent. The framing and management of national and international research policy have reflected the priorities of an entrenched masculinist scientific elite. Despite the critical role of quantified data in policy analysis and formation, international research labour force statistics remain ungendered. Feminist approaches have been integral to the third wave of epistemological criticism of science this century, claiming that systematic knowledge of the natural, as well (...)
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  15. Freedom and Responsibility.Hilary Bok - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Can we reconcile the idea that we are free and responsible agents with the idea that what we do is determined according to natural laws? For centuries, philosophers have tried in different ways to show that we can. Hilary Bok takes a fresh approach here, as she seeks to show that the two ideas are compatible by drawing on the distinction between practical and theoretical reasoning.Bok argues that when we engage in practical reasoning--the kind that involves asking "what should (...)
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  16. Reason, Truth and History.Hilary Putnam - 1981 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hilary Putnam deals in this book with some of the most fundamental persistent problems in philosophy: the nature of truth, knowledge and rationality. His aim is to break down the fixed categories of thought which have always appeared to define and constrain the permissible solutions to these problems.
  17. The'Influence'of Ockham's Political Thinking.Hilary S. Offler - 1990 - In W. Vossenkuhl & R. Schönberger, Die Gegenwart Ockhams. Vch, Acta Humaniora. pp. 338--365.
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  18. Jewish Ethics?Hilary Putnam - 2005 - In William Schweiker, The Blackwell companion to religious ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 159--165.
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  19. (1 other version)What Makes Pragmatism So Different?Hilary Putnam - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1):19-34.
    As the title of this essay indicates, my concern will be with the ways in which pragmatism is a unique metaphysical tradition. This is something I have written about before,1 but in many quarters the idea still persists that pragmatism must be either the denial 2 that there is such a thing as an objectively warranted idea; or, on the other hand, just an outdated early twentieth century American movement with no real importance today. To show that it is neither (...)
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  20. Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19.Michael A. Peters, Fazal Rizvi, Gary McCulloch, Paul Gibbs, Radhika Gorur, Moon Hong, Yoonjung Hwang, Lew Zipin, Marie Brennan, Susan Robertson, John Quay, Justin Malbon, Danilo Taglietti, Ronald Barnett, Wang Chengbing, Peter McLaren, Rima Apple, Marianna Papastephanou, Nick Burbules, Liz Jackson, Pankaj Jalote, Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope, Aslam Fataar, James Conroy, Greg Misiaszek, Gert Biesta, Petar Jandrić, Suzanne S. Choo, Michael Apple, Lynda Stone, Rob Tierney, Marek Tesar, Tina Besley & Lauren Misiaszek - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-44.
    Michael A. Petersa and Fazal Rizvib aBeijing Normal University, Beijing, PR China; bMelbourne University, Melbourne, Australia Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to ‘no...
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    Inductive Inference and its Natural Ground.Hilary Kornblith - 1993 - MIT Press.
    Hilary Kornblith presents an account of inductive inference that addresses both its metaphysical and epistemological aspects. He argues that inductive knowledge is possible by virtue of the fit between our innate psychological capacities and the causal structure of the world. Kornblith begins by developing an account of natural kinds that has its origins in John Locke's work on real and nominal essences. In Kornblith's view, a natural kind is a stable cluster of properties that are bound together in nature. (...)
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  22. Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers.Hilary Putnam - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Professor Hilary Putnam has been one of the most influential and sharply original of recent American philosophers in a whole range of fields. His most important published work is collected here, together with several new and substantial studies, in two volumes. The first deals with the philosophy of mathematics and of science and the nature of philosophical and scientific enquiry; the second deals with the philosophy of language and mind. Volume one is now issued in a new edition, including (...)
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  23. Justifying conditionalization: Conditionalization maximizes expected epistemic utility.Hilary Greaves & David Wallace - 2006 - Mind 115 (459):607-632.
    According to Bayesian epistemology, the epistemically rational agent updates her beliefs by conditionalization: that is, her posterior subjective probability after taking account of evidence X, pnew, is to be set equal to her prior conditional probability pold(·|X). Bayesians can be challenged to provide a justification for their claim that conditionalization is recommended by rationality—whence the normative force of the injunction to conditionalize? There are several existing justifications for conditionalization, but none directly addresses the idea that conditionalization will be epistemically rational (...)
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  24. On Reflection.Hilary Kornblith - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Hilary Kornblith presents a new account of mental reflection, and its importance for knowledge, reasoning, freedom, and normativity. He argues that reflection cannot solve the philosophical problems it has traditionally been thought to, and offers a more realistic, demystified view of its nature which draws on dual process approaches to cognition.
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    11. Bruno and the Victorians.Hilary Gatti - 2010 - In Essays on Giordano Bruno. Princeton University Press. pp. 220-246.
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    Chapter 2. Liberty and Religion.Hilary Gatti - 2015 - In Ideas of Liberty in Early Modern Europe: From Machiavelli to Milton. Princeton University Press. pp. 31-80.
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    Feminist Filmmaking on Television: Lacan, Phallic Enjoyment, and Jane Campion's Top of the Lake.Hilary Neroni - 2017 - Intertexts 21 (1-2):115-135.
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    Philosophy as Dialogue.Hilary Putnam - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Mario De Caro & David Macarthur.
    This anthology edited by Mario De Caro and David Macarthur offers an insightful presentation of Hilary Putnam's philosophical method by collecting his reflections on many other philosophers, including such major figures as Richard Rorty, Jürgen Habermas, Bernard Williams, Ned Block, Michael Dummett, W.V. Quine, Hans Reichenbach, Tyler Burge, John McDowell, Charles Parsons, and Ian Hacking.
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  29. The Case for Strong Longtermism.Hilary Greaves & William MacAskill - 2019 - Gpi Working Paper.
  30. Population axiology.Hilary Greaves - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (11):e12442.
    Population axiology is the study of the conditions under which one state of affairs is better than another, when the states of affairs in ques- tion may differ over the numbers and the identities of the persons who ever live. Extant theories include totalism, averagism, variable value theories, critical level theories, and “person-affecting” theories. Each of these the- ories is open to objections that are at least prima facie serious. A series of impossibility theorems shows that this is no coincidence: (...)
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  31. Jamblique et l'Egypte.Hilary Armstrong - 1987 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:521.
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  32. The Diversity of the Sciences: Global'versus' Local Methodological Approaches.Hilary Putnam - 1986 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 15 (3-4):217-229.
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    Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid-19: An EPAT Collective Project.Lauren Misiaszek, Tina Besley, Marek Tesar, Rob Tierney, Lynda Stone, Michael Apple, Suzanne S. Choo, Petar Jandrić, Gert Biesta, Greg Misiaszek, James Conroy, Aslam Fataar, Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, Pankaj Jalote, Liz Jackson, Nick Burbules, Marianna Papastephanou, Rima Apple, Peter McLaren, Wang Chengbing, Ronald Barnett, Danilo Taglietti, Justin Malbon, John Quay, Susan Robertson, Marie Brennan, Lew Zipin, Yoonjung Hwang, Moon Hong, Radhika Gorur, Paul Gibbs, Gary McCulloch, Fazal Rizvi & Michael A. Peters - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (6):717-760.
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  34. Representation and Reality.Hilary Putnam - 1987 - MIT Press.
    Hilary Putnam, who may have been the first philosopher to advance the notion that the computer is an apt model for the mind, takes a radically new view of his...
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  35. Mindscapes and landscapes : rendering (of) self through a body of work.Hilary Leighton - 2020 - In Ellyn Lyle, Identity landscapes: contemplating place and the construction of self. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Using practical wisdom to facilitate ethical decision-making: a major empirical study of phronesis in the decision narratives of doctors.Chris Turner, Alan Brockie, Catherine Weir, Catherine Hale, Aisha Y. Malik & Mervyn Conroy - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundMedical ethics has recently seen a drive away from multiple prescriptive approaches, where physicians are inundated with guidelines and principles, towards alternative, less deontological perspectives. This represents a clear call for theory building that does not produce more guidelines. Phronesis (practical wisdom) offers an alternative approach for ethical decision-making based on an application of accumulated wisdom gained through previous practice dilemmas and decisions experienced by practitioners. Phronesis, as an ‘executive virtue’, offers a way to navigate the practice virtues for any (...)
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  37. Epistemic Decision Theory.Hilary Greaves - 2013 - Mind 122 (488):915-952.
    I explore the prospects for modelling epistemic rationality (in the probabilist setting) via an epistemic decision theory, in a consequentialist spirit. Previous work has focused on cases in which the truth-values of the propositions in which the agent is selecting credences do not depend, either causally or merely evidentially, on the agent’s choice of credences. Relaxing that restriction leads to a proliferation of puzzle cases and theories to deal with them, including epistemic analogues of evidential and causal decision theory, and (...)
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  38. Cluelessness.Hilary Greaves - 2016 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 116 (3):311-339.
    Decisions, whether moral or prudential, should be guided at least in part by considerations of the consequences that would result from the various available actions. For any given action, however, the majority of its consequences are unpredictable at the time of decision. Many have worried that this leaves us, in some important sense, clueless. In this paper, I distinguish between ‘simple’ and ‘complex’ possible sources of cluelessness. In terms of this taxonomy, the majority of the existing literature on cluelessness focusses (...)
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  39. Aristotle in Plotinus: The Continuity and Discontinuity of psychē and nous.Hilary Armstrong - 1991 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:117-127.
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    Historicizing Slavery in West Indian Feminisms.Hilary McD Beckles - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):34-56.
    This paper traces the evolution of a coherent feminist genre in written historical texts during and after slavery, and in relation to contemporary feminist writing in the West Indies. The paper problematizes the category ‘woman’ during slavery, arguing that femininity was itself deeply differentiated by class and race, thus leading to historical disunity in the notion of feminine identity during slavery. This gender neutrality has not been sufficiently appreciated in contemporary feminist thought leading to liberal feminist politics in the region. (...)
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    Women as sherpas: Are global summits useful for women.Hilary Charlesworth - 1996 - Feminist Studies 22 (3):537-547.
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  42. Justified belief and epistemically responsible action.Hilary Kornblith - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (1):33-48.
  43. Understanding Deutsch's probability in a deterministic universe.Hilary Greaves - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (3):423-456.
    Difficulties over probability have often been considered fatal to the Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics. Here I argue that the Everettian can have everything she needs from `probability' without recourse to indeterminism, ignorance, primitive identity over time or subjective uncertainty: all she needs is a particular *rationality principle*. The decision-theoretic approach recently developed by Deutsch and Wallace claims to provide just such a principle. But, according to Wallace, decision theory is itself applicable only if the correct attitude to a future (...)
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  44. Epistemic normativity.Hilary Kornblith - 1993 - Synthese 94 (3):357 - 376.
    This paper examines the source and content of epistemic norms. In virtue of what is it that epistemic norms have their normative force? A semantic approach to this question, due to Alvin Goldman, is examined and found unacceptable. Instead, accounts seeking to ground epistemic norms in our desires are argued to be most promising. All of these accounts make epistemic norms a variety of hypothetical imperative. It is argued that such an account may be offered, grounding our epistemic norms in (...)
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    INTRODUCTION: Beginning as Negation in the Italian Dialogues of Giordano Bruno.Hilary Gatti - 2010 - In Essays on Giordano Bruno. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-14.
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    6. The Sense of an Ending in Bruno’s Heroici furori.Hilary Gatti - 2010 - In Essays on Giordano Bruno. Princeton University Press. pp. 127-139.
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    State Transition Modeling in Ultimate Frisbee: Adaptation of a Promising Method for Performance Analysis in Invasion Sports.Hilary Lam, Otto Kolbinger, Martin Lames & Tiago Guedes Russomanno - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although the body of literature in sport science is growing rapidly, certain sports have yet to benefit from this increased interest by the scientific community. One such sport is Ultimate Frisbee, officially known as Ultimate. Thus, the goal of this study was to describe the nature of the sport by identifying differences between winning and losing teams in elite-level competition. To do so, a customized observational system and a state transition model were developed and applied to 14 games from the (...)
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    Mozgovi u posudi.Hilari Patnam - 1997 - Theoria 40 (2):99-114.
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    Handwork or Landwork.Hilary Pepler - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (1/2):225-229.
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  50. Discounting for public policy: A survey.Hilary Greaves - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (3):391-439.
    This article is a critical survey of the debate over the value of the social discount rate, with a particular focus on climate change. The ma- jority of the material surveyed is from the economics rather than from the philosophy literature, but the emphasis of the survey itself is on founda- tions in ethical and other normative theory rather than highly technical details. I begin by locating the standard approach to discounting within the overall landscape of ethical theory, and explaining (...)
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