Results for 'Hiszpania, A.A. Chaufen, wiara, wolność, ekonomia, scholastycy, wojna, konkwista, W. Buchner, Złoty Wiek, polityka'

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  1. rec. W. Buchner \"Wojna i konkwista. Hiszpańska myśl polityczna Złotego Wieku"\ A.A. Chaufen \"Wiara i wolność. Myśl ekonomiczna późnych scholastyków"\.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2008 - In Dorota Sepczyńska & Mieczysław Jagłowski, Między Złotym a Srebrnym Wiekiem kultury hiszpańskiej. Instytut Cervantesa w Warszawie, Instytut Filozofii UWM w Olsztynie, Instytut Kulturoznawstwa OWIiZ im. T. Kotarbińskiego. pp. 445-456.
    Recenzja książek W. Buchner, Wojna i konkwista. Hiszpańska myśl polityczna Złotego Wieku i A.A. Chaufe, Wiara i wolność. Myśl ekonomiczna późnych scholastyków.
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    Wolność i zło w polityce. Rozważania wokół wojny i totalitaryzmu w myśli Jana Patočki.Marek Drwięga - 2022 - Principia 69 (Tom 69, Polityka i zło):5-22.
    W artykule autor chciałby, na przykładzie XX‑wiecznego czeskiego filozofa Jana Patočki, przedstawić problem wolności człowieka skonfrontowanej z dwojakiego rodzaju doświadczeniami: wojny oraz przemocy politycznej reprezentowanej przez państwo totalitarne. Te dwa doświadczenia można z pewnością traktować jako historyczne doświadczenia zła. Chodzi więc o konfrontację między ludzką wolnością a złem. W tym kontekście czeski myśliciel starał się odpowiedzieć na pytanie: jakiego rodzaju odpowiedzi moralnej w takiej sytuacji może czy nawet powinien udzielić człowiek? Jak człowiek może lub powinien się zachowywać, doświadczając zła? Freedom (...)
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    Wojna rosyjsko-turecka 1768–1774 w depeszach papieskich dyplomatów w Europie.Wojciech Kęder - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (2):59-72.
    W 1768 roku Turcja zagrożona ekspansywną polityką Moskwy, w tym zwłaszcza rozwojem sytuacji w Rzeczypospolitej, wypowiedziała Rosji wojnę. Toczyła się ona do 1774 roku i zakończona została klęską Turcji i podpisaniem pokoju w Küczük Kajnardży, na mocy którego Rosja umocniła się kosztem Turcji w basenie Morza Czarnego, a caryca Katarzyna II zrealizowała dążenia podjęte już za Piotra I Wielkiego. Zmagania wojenne Rosji z Turcją obserwowane były w Rzymie z dużą uwagą, a nuncjusze papiescy starali się nadsyłać do Rzymu wszelkie informacje, (...)
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    Межі й можливості методу дослідження констеляцій.Віталій Терлецький - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):169-178.
    The study of Kant’s anthropology, proposed by Viktor Kozlovskyi in its original and thorough monograph, is an entirely new interpretation of Kant’s answer to the fundamental question “What is man?”. On the basis of the philosopher’s heritage and taking into account the large body of research lit-erature, Kozlovskyi reconstructs five conceptual “human models” in Kant’s anthropological discourse. However, this study contains a number of problematic statements and conclusions. I argue first, that there is some inconsistency between Kant’s understanding of the (...)
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    Нове видання досократичних фрагментів: матеріали Геркуланумських папі- русів. Vassallo, C. (2021). The Presocratics at Herculaneum. A Study of Early Greek Philosophy in the Epicurean Tradition. Berlin: De Gruyter. [REVIEW]Віталій Туренко - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):166-176.
    Review of Vassallo, C.. The Presocratics at Herculaneum. A Study of Early Greek Philosophy in the Epicurean Tradition. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Knowledge and society : a philosophical approach to modern civilization.George Plimpton Adams & William Ray Dennes - 1938 - D. Appleton-Century Company.
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  7. KEATINGE, M. W. -Studies in the History of Teaching. [REVIEW]John Adams - 1910 - Mind 19:425.
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  8. Kant on Platonic Scepticism.C. Adair-Toteff - 1998 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 9.
  9. Knowledge of Universals and Particulars in the Baghdad School.Peter Adamson - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:141-164.
    L'analisi dell'aristotelismo «platonizzante» nell'ambito della filosofia araba prima della sistemazione della Shifa di Avicenna, secondo cui Dio non avrebbe conoscenza dei particolari, consente all'A. di dimostrare come ci siano stati anche approcci platonici ad Aristotele , che non sono passati attraverso il filtro dei neoplatonici greci. L'altra cosa significativa è il fatto che all'interno della scuola di Baghdad vi sono modi diversi di intendere lo stato ontologico degli universali. L'A. tenta anche di ridimensionare la figura di al-Farabi all'interno della scuola (...)
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  10. Knowing when disagreements are deep.David M. Adams - 2005 - Informal Logic 25 (1):65-77.
    Reasoned disagreement is a pervasive feature of public life, and the persistence of disagreement is sometimes troublesome, reflecting the need to make difficult decisions. Fogelin suggests that parties to a deep disagreement should abandon reason and switch to non-rational persuasion. But how are the parties to know when to make such a switch? I argue that Fogelin's analysis doesn't clearly address this question, and that disputes arising in areas like medical decision making are such that the parties to them have (...)
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    Social Imaginaries: Critical Interventions.Suzi Adams & Jeremy C. A. Smith (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Offering a field-defining survey of the topic, this is the first book to engage all the key figures in the social imaginaries field. It offers new perspectives on the productive tension between social imaginaries and the creative imagination, providing the first programmatic approach to the field as a whole.
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    The Knowledge of God’s Quid Sit in Dominican Theology.Igor Agostini - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):191-210.
    In this article I argue that although the prevailing interpretation within the Thomistic contemporary critical literature, claiming the inaccessibility of God’s quid sit, is faithful both to Saint Thomas and to John Capreolus’s account of Aquinas’s doctrine, it is far from being uncontroversial in the first steps of the history of Thomism. A central step in this history is marked by the Parisian Condemnation of 1277, which is at the origin of relevant debate within the Dominican Order on the question (...)
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  13. Global Ethics, Environmentally Applied: An Islamic View. Ip, K.A. Ahmad - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: Intercultural Perspectives.
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    Islamic microfinance; demand and challenges: A case study of district ghotki, sindh.Syed Ghazanfar Ahmed & Muhammad Ismile - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (2):125-142.
    Pakistan is a developing country and it has been showed remarkable development in many areas since its foundation in 1947. However, still some issues have not been handled properly, like poverty, corruption, load shedding, water crises etc. Apart from other issues, poverty is a big issue of the country and it can be observed more or less in every province. In this paper, we have analyzed the ground situation of district Ghotki, through surveys, which is considered last district of Sindh. (...)
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    A Journey From Meaning To Meaning Vagueness In Classical Turkish Literature.Oğuzhan ŞAHİN - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:710-722.
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    A Game of Poverty and Tragic Deliberation.Linell Ajello - 2014 - Constellations 21 (1):134-152.
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    From ‘Man is the Measure of all Things’ to Money is the Measure of All Things: A Dialogue between Protagoras and African Philosophy.Martin Odei Ajei & M. B. Ramose - 2008 - Phronimon 9 (1):22-40.
    Protagoras’ declaration that “man is the measure of all things” is conventionally discussed in the context of epistemology. There was, however, a communal or social dimension to this even in ancient Greece. In the unfolding process of time, this latter dimension assumed greater intensity and expanded systematically into all aspects of human relations. The centrality of money in these relations speaks to the transition from “man is the measure of all things” to money is the measure of all things. It (...)
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    Autonomy and paternalism in shared decision‐making in a Saudi Arabian tertiary hospital: A cross‐sectional study.Yousef Y. Alabdullah, Esra Alzaid, Safa Alsaad, Turki Alamri, Saleh W. Alolayan, Suliman Bah & Abdullah S. Aljoudi - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):260-268.
    Medical paternalism has long been a common medical practice. However, patient autonomy in healthcare has been recently adopted by doctors and patients alike. This study explored whether doctors and patients in a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia preferred autonomy or paternalism in shared decision‐making. A total of 118 participants (51 patients requiring total knee replacement, owing to stages 3–4 of osteoarthritis, and 67 doctors) from the Eastern province, Saudi Arabia. responded to a 17‐question category‐based questionnaire involving four scales of (...)
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  19. al-Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad lil-Ṭūsī wa sharḥ al-Dawwānī ʻalayhā.Mawlā Ḥusayn al-Ilāhī al-Ardabīlī - 2014 - In Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā & Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī, Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad. Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhuhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
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    Accommodating change.Latifa Al-Abdulkarim, Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 24 (4):409-427.
    The third of Berman and Hafner’s early nineties papers on reasoning with legal cases concerned temporal context, in particular the evolution of case law doctrine over time in response to new cases and against a changing background of social values and purposes. In this paper we consider the ways in which changes in case law doctrine can be accommodated in a recently proposed methodology for encapsulating case law theories, and relate these changes the sources of change identified by Berman and (...)
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    Review of A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas. [REVIEW]Gregory D. S. Anderson - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):441-442.
    A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas. By Jana Fortier. Harvard Oriental Series, vol. 88. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. xx + 276. $50.
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    States and Intergenerational Bonds.Tiziana Andina & Jacopo Domenicucci - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68:123-130.
    Institutions are naturally seen as the stable and relatively fixed backbone of the social world. While the structural role of institutions is usually discussed in social ontology, the temporal implications of this regulation are often overlooked. It is indeed tempting to take a present-centred approach to institutions. The latter clearly are instrumental in stabilizing and structuring the social coordination between a number of actors. But it is all too easy to focus only on their role in syn...
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    Selective Conscientious Objection.Mark Anderson & William O’Meara - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14 (9999):1-19.
    The purpose of this paper is to consider the following three problems:(1) Whether selective conscientious objection is morally reasonable in general; and if so,(2) Whether selective conscientious objection should be recognized as a constitutional right by judicial interpretation; or(3) Whether selective conscientious objection should become part of any new draft law that would be passed by Congress.
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    Simulations, D iagnostics and recent results of the visa II experiment.G. Andonian, A. Murokh, C. Pellegrini, S. Reiche, J. Rosenzweig & J. Huang - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 600.
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    Smith, Murray. 2017. Film, Art, and the Third Culture: A Naturalized Aesthetics of Film. [REVIEW]David Andrews - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (1):133-136.
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    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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    Kiyoshi Iséki. An algebra related with a propositional calculus. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 42 , pp. 26–29. - Yoshinari Arai, Kiyoshi Iséki, and Shôtarô Tanaka. Characterizations of BCI, BCK-algebras. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 42 , pp. 105–107. - Kiyoshi Iséki. Algebraic formulation of propositional calculi with general detachment rule. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 43 , pp. 31–34. [REVIEW]R. B. Angell - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):465-466.
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    Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Language.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2019 - London, UK: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Through accessible analyses of Merleau-Ponty’s views of linguistic expression and understanding, and by tracing the evolution of these views throughout the course of his philosophical career, Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Language offers a comprehensive picture of his engagement with the philosophy of language.
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    Courageous Role Model or Threatening Villain: A Parallel Mediation Model of Corporate Activism and Citizen Political Engagement.Moritz Appels, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons & Daniel Korschun - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Through their sociopolitical activism, business leaders increasingly call for citizens to become more politically engaged in favor of a partisan position. This research develops and tests a framework that reveals that corporate sociopolitical activism can indeed elicit such political engagement but runs the risk of simultaneously inciting backlash from citizens who oppose the company’s envisioned political ends. Whereas politically congruent citizens perceive a company’s activism to be morally courageous and are thus inspired to support the company’s stance, politically incongruent citizens (...)
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural Philosophy (...)
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  31. Dimensões culturais da globalização. A modernidade sem peias, trad. Telma Costa com revisão científica de Conceição Moreira, Lisboa: Ed.Arjun Appadurai - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    De Platon à Foucault: la philosophie au cœur du pouvoir.Yann Appere - 2005 - Combrit [France]: Frambar Editions.
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    Doing things the'Right'way: legitimating educational inequalities.Michael W. Apple - 2004 - In Jerome Satterthwaite, Elizabeth Atkinson & Wendy Martin, Educational Counter-Cultures: Confrontations, Images, Vision. Trentham Books. pp. 3--3.
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    Decisional versus performative capacities: Not exactly a new idea.Paul S. Appelbaum - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):31 – 32.
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    Making all cardinals almost Ramsey.Arthur W. Apter & Peter Koepke - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (7-8):769-783.
    We examine combinatorial aspects and consistency strength properties of almost Ramsey cardinals. Without the Axiom of Choice, successor cardinals may be almost Ramsey. From fairly mild supercompactness assumptions, we construct a model of ZF + ${\neg {\rm AC}_\omega}$ in which every infinite cardinal is almost Ramsey. Core model arguments show that strong assumptions are necessary. Without successors of singular cardinals, we can weaken this to an equiconsistency of the following theories: “ZFC + There is a proper class of regular almost (...)
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    Measurability and degrees of strong compactness.Arthur W. Apter - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (2):249-254.
    We prove, relative to suitable hypotheses, that it is consistent for there to be unboundedly many measurable cardinals each of which possesses a large degree of strong compactness, and that it is consistent to assume that the least measurable is partially strongly compact and that the second measurable is strongly compact. These results partially answer questions of Magidor on the relationship of strong compactness to measurability.
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    Ascetismo, Arte e Forma de Vida No Pensamento Do Nietzsche Tardio.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2022 - Dissertatio 55:45-63.
    Pretendemos mostrar neste artigo que Nietzsche também compreende de modos positivos o ascetismo em sua filosofia tardia. A partir da reconstrução dos sentidos do ascetismo na filosofia do espírito livre e na obra Assim falou Zaratustra, defendemos que Nietzsche estimasempre mais o ascetismo dos filósofos em suas obras Além do bem e do mal e na Genealogia da moral. Entretanto, é em 1888, que ele aprofunda a concepção de arte como forma de vida, estreitamente ligada a formas de ascetismo filosófico. (...)
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  38. Aproximación a la función social de la literatura desde el neopragmatismo.Itxaso Arias Arana - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 36 (110):105-126.
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    Resolving A Few Conflicts in Evolutionary Psychology with Cognitive Fluidity.Robert Arp - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):105-115.
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    Le darwinisme littéraire à l’heure du défi esthétique.Bruno Arquié - 2015 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 15 (1):69-81.
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    Ethics and corporate social responsibility in latin American small and medium sized enterprises: Challenging development.M. C. Arruda - 2009 - African Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):37.
    Considering the lack of substantive scientific or theoretical studies about ethics in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America, this paper examines the context of an existent paradox, based upon the perspective of experts and academicians of Latin America and the Caribbean. These countries live different realities, due to their respective European cultural influences, as well as to racial and economic issues. Such facts impact the size and characteristics of their industries. On the other hand, the SMEs face (...)
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  42. A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation.Naim Stifan Ateek - 2008
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    A test of risk vulnerability in the wider population.Philomena M. Bacon, Anna Conte & Peter G. Moffatt - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):37-50.
    Panel data from the German SOEP is used to test for risk vulnerability in the wider population. Two different survey responses are analysed: the response to the question about willingness-to-take risk in general and the chosen investment in a hypothetical lottery. A convenient indicator of background risk is the VDAX index, an established measure of volatility in the German stock market. This is used as an explanatory variable in conjunction with HDAX, the stock market index, which proxies wealth. The impacts (...)
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  44. Aspects and the Alteration of Temporal Simples.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (4):169-181.
    ABSTRACT According to David Lewis, alteration is "qualitative difference between temporal parts of something." It follows that moments, since they are simple and lack temporal parts, cannot alter from future to present to past. Here then is another way to put McTaggart's paradox about change in tense. I will appeal to my theory of Aspects to rebut the thought behind this rendition of McTaggart. On my theory, it is possible that qualitatively differing things be numerically identical. I call these differing, (...)
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    Christology in Dialogue with Muslims:A critical analysis of Christian presentations of Christ for Muslims from the ninth and twentieth centuries.Ivor Mark Beaumont - 2003 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 20 (4):251-251.
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    Utopian and Dystopian Themes in Tolkien’s Legendarium.Chris Lynch Becherer - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):187-190.
    Mark Doyle's Utopian and Dystopian Themes in Tolkien's Legendarium reads Tolkien's work through the history of utopian and dystopian thought. The aim of this new study is not to prove that Tolkien set out to write dystopian fiction or create a blueprint for a utopian society, but that utopian and dystopian societies and settings crucially inform his legendarium. By placing his study outside of its usual fantasy context, Doyle gives us a valuable societally focused and historicized contribution to both Tolkien (...)
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    XIV. Zur Quellenanalyse des Charisius.J. W. Beck - 1889 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 48 (1-4):255-267.
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    A Review of Literature on Community Responses to Environmental Crises. [REVIEW]Natalia Bełdyga - 2022 - Filosofija. Sociologija 33 (4).
    In the light of the environmental crisis caused by unprecedented accelerating interrelated changes accompanied by the most recent ones caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the humanitarian, refugee, and nuclear crisis provoked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, contemporary society has been challenged to confront these complex and uncertain times and to recognise a considerable need to respond not only to the environmental crisis but to multiple crises in general. Another critical question to be answered by contemporary society, which is (...)
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    Phenomenologist at Work.Elizabeth A. Behnke - 2011 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 18 (1):6-16.
    This paper reflects on certain working assumptions of Husserlian phenomenological practice, using an investigation of interkinaesthetic affectivity as an example. I suggest that in some cases, Husserl’s “stratificational” model should be replaced with the notion of the ongoing dynamic efficacy of mutually co-founding, interpenetrating, and interfunctioning moments-“through”-which experience proceeds. Finally, I relate the latter model to Patočka’s call for a genuine integration of the three movements of embodied human life.
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    Le loisir contemporain: essai de philosophie sociale.Michel Bellefleur - 2002 - Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Depuis des temps immémoriaux, le loisir a existé sous les formes du jeu, de la tête, de la vie contemplative, créative ou récréative et, d'une façon générale, de la consommation de l'abondance lorsque cette dernière a pu être obtenue ou réalisée. Élément majeur d'un mode de vie pour les nantis et les classes privilégiées, épiphénomène plus ou moins occasionnel pour les masses dominées ou laborieuses, il acquerra graduellement un droit de cité plus étendu pour devenir, avec le XXe siècle, un (...)
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