Results for 'Hrafn Ásgeirsson'

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  1. On the Possibility of Non-Literal Legislative Speech.Asgeirsson Hrafn - 2017 - In Francesca Poggi & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 67–101.
    The existing literature on indeterminacy in the law focuses mostly on the use of vague terms in legislation – terms the use of which makes the content of the relevant utterance to some extent indeterminate. As I aim to show, however, not only is the content of a legislative utterance often indeterminate, it is often indeterminate what the content of such an utterance is. In the first two sections of the paper, I discuss in some detail the conditions for successful (...)
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    Can Legal Practice Adjudicate Between Theories of Vagueness?Asgeirsson Hrafn - 2016 - In Hrafn Asgeirsson (ed.), Vagueness and Law: Philosophical and Legal Perspectives. Oxford University Press. pp. 95–126.
    Scott Soames has recently argued that the fact that lawmakers and other legal practitioners regard vagueness as having a valuable power-delegating function gives us good reason to favor one theory of vagueness over another. If Soames is right, then facts about legal practice can in an important sense adjudicate between rival theories of vagueness. I argue that due to what I call the “Gappiness Problem” – raised by recent critics of the “communicative-content theory of law” – we have to give (...)
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    Expected Applications, Contextual Enrichment, and Objective Communicative Content: The Linguistic Case for Conception Textualism.Asgeirsson Hrafn - 2015 - Legal Theory 21 (3-4):115–135.
    Textualist and originalist legal reasoning usually involves something like the following thesis, whether implicitly or explicitly: the legal content of a statute or constitutional clause is the linguistic content that a reasonable member of the relevant audience would, knowing the context and conversational background, associate with the enactment. In this paper, I elucidate some important aspects of this thesis, emphasizing the important role that contextual enrichment plays in textualist and originalist legal reasoning. The aim is to show how the linguistic (...)
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  4. On the Instrumental Value of Vagueness in the Law.Hrafn Asgeirsson - 2015 - Ethics 125 (2):425-448.
    It is natural to think that law ought not to be vague. After all, law is supposed to guide conduct, and vague law seems poorly suited to do that. Contrary to this common impression, however, a number of authors have argued that vagueness in the law is sometimes a good thing, because it is a means to achieving certain valuable legislative ends. In this article, I argue that many authors—including Timothy Endicott and Jeremy Waldron—wrongly associate vagueness with instrumental roles that (...)
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    Vagueness and Power-Delegation in Law: A Reply to Sorensen.Hrafn Asgeirsson - 2013 - In Michael Freeman & Fiona Smith (eds.), Current Legal Issues: Law and Language. Oxford University Press.
    Roy Sorensen has argued that vagueness in the law cannot be justified by appeal to the value of power-delegation, and thereby threatens to take away one of the main reasons for thinking that vagueness can be valuable to law. Delegation of power to officials is justified, he thinks, only if these officials are in a better position to discover whether a particular x is F, a condition not satisfied in cases of vagueness. I argue that Sorensen’s argument is unsound: delegation (...)
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  6. The Sorites Paradox in Practical Philosophy.Hrafn Asgeirsson - 2019 - In Sergi Oms & Elia Zardini (eds.), The Sorites Paradox. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 229–245.
    The first part of the chapter surveys some of the main ways in which the Sorites Paradox has figured in arguments in practical philosophy in recent decades, with special attention to arguments where the paradox is used as a basis for criticism. Not coincidentally, the relevant arguments all involve the transitivity of value in some way. The second part of the chapter is more probative, focusing on two main themes. First, I further address the relationship between the Sorites Paradox and (...)
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  7.  26
    A Puzzle About Vagueness, Reasons, and Judicial Discretion.Hrafn Asgeirsson - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (3):210-234.
    The following two theses seem both plausible and consistent: in cases where it is indeterminate whether the relevant legal language applies to the relevant set of facts, officials are not bound to decide the case one way rather than the other, but may reason either way; all reasons for action are—in some relevant sense—knowable. In this paper, I point out what I take to be a robust but unacknowledged tension between these two claims. The tension requires some careful teasing out, (...)
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    Vagueness, Comparative Value, and the "Lawmakers' Challenge".Hrafn Asgeirsson - 2012 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 98 (3):299-316.
    In "The Value of Vagueness," Timothy Endicott argues that vague law can be better than precise law. I think he is in many respects correct, but will suggest that we modify and supplement his framework in order to get a firmer grip on what I call the Lawmakers' Challenge: the scenario in which lawmakers find themselves when they must determine whether the consequences of precision are worse than the consequences of vagueness. This will allow us to identify several points of (...)
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    Hrafn Asgeirsson, The Nature and Value of Vagueness in Law.Daniel Wodak - 2021 - Ethics 131 (4):777-781.
    Review of Hrafn Asgeirsson's The Nature and Value of Vagueness in Law (2020).
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  10. The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law.Hrafn Ásgeirsson - 2020 - Oxford: Hart Publishing.
    Sample chapter from H. Asgeirsson, The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law (Hart Publishing, 2020), in which I present and partially defend a version of what has come to be called the communicative-content theory of law. Book abstract: Lawmaking is – paradigmatically – a type of speech act: people make law by saying things. It is natural to think, therefore, that the content of the law is determined by what lawmakers communicate. However, what they communicate is sometimes vague (...)
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    The nature and value of vagueness in the law: by Hrafn Asgeirsson, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020, 216 pp., £58.50 (hardback), ISBN 9781849466066.Ana Escher - 2021 - Jurisprudence 12 (4):612-619.
    If a sound philosophical curiosity as to what might possibly drive the lawmaker to employ vague words in normative drafting brought you to this book, y...
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    The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law. Hrafn Asgeirsson, 2020. Oxford, Hart Publishing. x + 204 pp, $81.00. [REVIEW]Hesam Mohamadi & Jenna Yuzwa - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):180-182.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    No arousal-biased competition in focused visuospatial attention.Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Sander Nieuwenhuis - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):191-204.
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  14. Categorical Foundations of Formalized Condensed Mathematics.Dagur Asgeirsson, Riccardo Brasca, Nikolas Kuhn, Filippo Alberto Edoardo Nuccio Mortarino Majno di Capriglio & Adam Topaz - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-28.
    Condensed mathematics, developed by Clausen and Scholze over the last few years, proposes a generalization of topology with better categorical properties. It replaces the concept of a topological space by that of a condensed set, which can be defined as a sheaf for the coherent topology on a certain category of compact Hausdorff spaces. In this case, the sheaf condition has a fairly simple explicit description, which arises from studying the relationship between the coherent, regular, and extensive topologies. In this (...)
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    Pyrrho and early Pyrrhonism.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2010 - In Richard Arnot Home Bett (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Pyrrho’s dogmatic nature.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52 (1):248-256.
  17.  2
    How does color distribution learning affect goal-directed visuomotor behavior?Léa Entzmann, Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson & Árni Kristjánsson - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106002.
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    Gadamer’s Harmonizing Reading of Plato and Aristotle.William Konchak & Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (4):326-340.
    Contrary to many contemporary readings of Plato and Aristotle, Hans-Georg Gadamer sees harmony in their thought. A challenge to this reading is that Aristotle criticizes Plato’s forms and the good. Aware of these criticisms, Gadamer understands these two thinkers as having significant commonalities and pursuing related goals. Gadamer’s interpretation is less a historical approach than an attempt to explain and justify aspects of his own philosophical views, in particular those regarding the relation between metaphysics and practical thought. We critically examine (...)
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  19. The Pyrrhonian idea of a good life.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2015 - In Øyvind Rabbås, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, Hallvard Fossheim & Miira Tuominen (eds.), The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  20. (1 other version)Pyrrho's undecidable nature.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 27:249-95.
  21.  24
    Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory.Yurii Khomskii & Hrafn Valtýr Oddsson - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):965-995.
    We present a novel treatment of set theory in a four-valued paraconsistent and paracomplete logic, i.e., a logic in which propositions can be both true and false, and neither true nor false. Our approach is a significant departure from previous research in paraconsistent set theory, which has almost exclusively been motivated by a desire to avoid Russell’s paradox and fulfil naive comprehension. Instead, we prioritise setting up a system with a clear ontology of non-classical sets, which can be used to (...)
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    Disturbance in the Outlines of Sextus Empiricus.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - forthcoming - Phronesis:1-24.
    Sextus seems to offer inconsistent accounts of the sceptics’ achievement of tranquillity, apparently saying both that the sceptics’ tranquillity is achieved by suspending judgement on all issues and that it is achieved by suspending judgement only on the issue of there being objective goods and evils. It is argued that Sextus does not make the latter claim. The reason for the sceptics’ achievement of tranquillity is to be found in the original perplexity that instigated scepticism and left them immune to (...)
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  23. On happiness and godlikeness before Socrates.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2015 - In Øyvind Rabbås, Eyjólfur Kjalar Emilsson, Hallvard Fossheim & Miira Tuominen (eds.), The Quest for the Good Life: Ancient Philosophers on Happiness. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  24. Tranquillity of Sceptics: Sextus Empiricus on Ethics.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 1998 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    This inquiry regarding the ethical parts of the works of Sextus Empiricus is mainly concerned with answering four questions. Firstly, how is one to understand his Pyrrhonian arguments against the claim that there are natural goods and evils? Secondly, how is one to understand the argument with which Sextus purports to show that one is disturbed by having the opinion that there are natural goods and evils, even if there are such things? Thirdly, in what sense is tranquillity the moral (...)
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    Plato on forms and conflicting appearances: The argument of phaedo 74a9–c6.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59 (1):60-.
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    Investigation and Tranquillity in Sextus Empiricus.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2024 - Phronesis 69 (1):97-121.
    Sextus Empiricus tells us that the sceptics conduct investigations. Genuine investigations are commonly taken to have some connection with the aim of discovering truth. Sextus also tells us that the sceptics aim at tranquillity in their investigations. But they do this only by suspending judgement. In what sense, then, are their investigations connected with the aim of discovering truth? This article argues that there is a sense in which Sextus can reasonably take sceptical investigations to be connected with the aim (...)
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    Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonism into Poetry.Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson - 2011 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 1 (2):151-154.
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    Was Pyrrho the Founder of Skepticism? [REVIEW]Renata Ziemińska - 2011 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):149-156.
    The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism. R. Bett (Ed.), New York: Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 380+xii, ISBN 780521697545. -/- The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism, edited by Richard Bett, consists of an Introduction and fifteen papers written by international authors (three of them have been diligently translated into English by the editor). The volume presents the major figures of ancient skepticism and the major interpretational problems. Separate papers are devoted to Pyrrho of Elis (Svavar Hrafn Svavarsson), Arcesilaus and (...)
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