Results for 'Hugues Corriveau'

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  1.  96
    Gilbert Simondon and the Philosophy of Information: An Interview with Jean-Hugues Barthélémy.Jean-Hugues Barthélémy & Andrew Iliadis - 2015 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 23 (1):102-112.
  2.  76
    Abraham Lincoln and Harry Potter: Children’s differentiation between historical and fantasy characters.Kathleen H. Corriveau, Angie L. Kim, Courtney E. Schwalen & Paul L. Harris - 2009 - Cognition 113 (2):213-225.
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    Phenomenology, Psychology, and Radical Behaviorism: Skinner and Merleau-Ponty On Behavior.Michael Corriveau - 1972 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 3 (1):7-34.
    Scientific points of view, according to which my existence is a moment of the world's, are always both naive and at the same time dishonest, because they take for granted, without explicitly mentioning it, the other point of view, namely that of consciousness, through which from the outset a world forms itself round me and begins to exist for me.
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    Young Children’s Deference to a Consensus Varies by Culture and Judgment Setting.Kathleen H. Corriveau, Elizabeth Kim, Ge Song & Paul L. Harris - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (3-4):367-381.
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    The Structure of Appearance.Hugues Leblanc - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (3):447-448.
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    Judgments About Fact and Fiction by Children From Religious and Nonreligious Backgrounds.Kathleen H. Corriveau, Eva E. Chen & Paul L. Harris - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (2):353-382.
    In two studies, 5- and 6-year-old children were questioned about the status of the protagonist embedded in three different types of stories. In realistic stories that only included ordinary events, all children, irrespective of family background and schooling, claimed that the protagonist was a real person. In religious stories that included ordinarily impossible events brought about by divine intervention, claims about the status of the protagonist varied sharply with exposure to religion. Children who went to church or were enrolled in (...)
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  7. Nondesignating singular terms.Hugues Leblanc - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (2):239-243.
  8.  45
    Truth-value semantics for a logic of existence.Hugues Leblanc - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (2):153-168.
  9.  15
    Learning about teaching requires thinking about the learner.Kathleen H. Corriveau - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
    Kline argues for an expanded taxonomy of teaching focusing on the adaptive behaviors needed to solve learning problems. Absent from her analysis is an explicit definition of learning, or a discussion of the iterative nature of the relationship between teaching and learning. Including the learner in the discussion may help to distinguish among the adaptive values of different teaching behaviors.
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    Cognitive Mechanisms Associated with Children’s Selective Teaching.Kathleen H. Corriveau, Samuel Ronfard & Yixin Kelly Cui - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):831-848.
    Whereas a large body of research has focused on the development of children as learners, relatively little research has focused on the development of children as teachers. Moreover, even less research has focused on the potential cognitive mechanisms associated with high-quality teaching. Here, we review evidence that children’s selective teaching is associated with at least three cognitive skills: the ability to represent mental states, the ability to infer mental states in real-time, as well as executive function skills. We note potential (...)
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  11.  22
    La mathématisation comme problème.Hugues Chabot & Sophie Roux (eds.) - 2011 - Paris (France): Édiitons des Archives contemporaines.
    L'histoire des sciences suffit à réfuter la thèse de la mathématisation impossible, selon laquelle la mathématisation procéderait d'un formalisme abstrait manquant les choses mêmes ou la spécificité d'un domaine d'objets. Cette histoire montre en effet qu'on n'a pas cessé de mathématiser des choses dont il avait été longtemps dit qu'elles devaient, étant donné leur nature, éternellement résister à la mathématisation. À la thèse de la mathématisation impossible, il est dès lors tentant d'opposer la thèse de la mathématisation inéluctable, selon laquelle (...)
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  12.  14
    Analyse comparée de deux stratégies de développement du leadership authentique dans une perspective de développement durable.Anne-Marie Corriveau & Joanne Roch - 2021 - Revue Phronesis 10 (4):38-59.
    The implementation of sustainable development goals forces the leaders of organizations to develop cognitive and behavioural capacities to manage the resulting complexity. These abilities can be associated with authentic leadership. Reflective approaches are recognized as showing promise for developing this type of leadership. However, they are rarely used in the context of university training. This article compares two learning approaches that target leadership development in master’s level students. It emerges that experiential learning through collaborative action games would help to develop (...)
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  13.  32
    A developmental perspective on the cultural evolution of prosocial religious beliefs.Kathleen H. Corriveau & Eva E. Chen - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  14.  27
    Lazare, du mort vivant au disciple bien-aimé: Le cycle et la trajectoire narrative de Lazare dans le quatrième évangile.Hugues Garcia - 1999 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 73 (3):259-292.
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    Les Bursarii Ovidianorum de Guillaume d'Orléans.Hugues-V. Shooner - 1981 - Mediaeval Studies 43 (1):405-424.
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  16.  13
    What Direct Electrostimulation of the Brain Taught Us About the Human Connectome: A Three-Level Model of Neural Disruption.Hugues Duffau - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  17.  39
    On relativizing Kolmogorov's absolute probability functions.Hugues Leblanc & Peter Roeper - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30 (4):485-512.
  18.  34
    (1 other version)A simplified account of validity and implication for quantificational logic.Hugues Leblanc - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):231-235.
  19.  47
    A revised version of Goodman's confirmation paradox.Hugues Leblanc - 1963 - Philosophical Studies 14 (4):49 - 51.
  20. The autonomy of probability theory (notes on Kolmogorov, rényi, and popper).Hugues Leblanc - 1989 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40 (2):167-181.
    Kolmogorov's account in his [1933] of an absolute probability space presupposes given a Boolean algebra, and so does Rényi's account in his [1955] and [1964] of a relative probability space. Anxious to prove probability theory ‘autonomous’. Popper supplied in his [1955] and [1957] accounts of probability spaces of which Boolean algebras are not and [1957] accounts of probability spaces of which fields are not prerequisites but byproducts instead.1 I review the accounts in question, showing how Popper's issue from and how (...)
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  21.  54
    Truth, Syntax, and Modality: Proceedings Of The Temple University Conference On Alternative Semantlcs.Hugues Leblanc (ed.) - 1973 - Amsterdam and London: North-Holland Publishing Company.
    Provability, Computability and Reflection.
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  22.  13
    L'incubateur multimédia belle de mai.Hugues Bonnetain - 2008 - Hermes 50:149.
    Dans le cadre d'une politique publique de soutien à l'innovation focalisée sur le transfert de technologies des laboratoires publics vers les entreprises, les incubateurs publics français ont été conçus comme des outils d'accompagnement de l'innovation descendante. L'incubateur multimédia Belle de Mai constitue un cas original dans le dispositif français d'incubation. Intervenant dans un domaine thématique où l'innovation horizontale est largement répandue, il a dû repenser et adapter le processus d'incubation. Alors que les dispositifs de soutien spécialisés dans les TIC se (...)
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  23.  14
    Elections françaises de mars 1967 : Préparation et résultats.Hugues Falaize & Fabien Dunand - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (1):5-50.
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  24.  44
    On logically false evidence statements.Hugues Leblanc - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):345-349.
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    On Meyer and Lambert's quantificational calculus FQ.Hugues Leblanc - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):275-280.
  26. On so-called degrees of confirmation.Hugues Leblanc - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (40):312-315.
  27.  82
    Royce Josiah. Error and truth. Royce's logical essays, Wm. C. Brown Company, Dubuque 1951, pp. 98–124.Hugues Leblanc - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):143-143.
  28.  29
    Art et Société.Hugues Neveux, Joël Cornette, Philippe Bonolas, Michel Faure & Françoise Berlan - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (4):478-492.
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  29. La justice peut-elle naître du contrat social?Hugues Poltier - 1997 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 129 (2):141-160.
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  30.  44
    That principia mathematica, first edition, has a predicative interpretation after all.Hugues Leblanc - 1975 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 4 (1):67 - 70.
  31.  27
    Truth-value semantics.Hugues Leblanc - 1976 - New York: distributor, Elsevier/North-Holland.
  32.  17
    Alternatives to Standard first-order Semantics.Hugues Leblanc, D. Gabbay & F. Guenthner - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1483-1484.
  33.  33
    Proof routines for the propositional calculus.Hugues Leblanc - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (2):81-104.
  34.  92
    Emergent phenomena belong only to biology.Hugues Bersini - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):257-272.
    In this philosophical paper, I discuss and illustrate the necessary three ingredients that together could allow a collective phenomenon to be labelled as “emergent.” First, the phenomenon, as usual, requires a group of natural objects entering in a non-linear relationship and potentially entailing the existence of various semantic descriptions depending on the human scale of observation. Second, this phenomenon has to be observed by a mechanical observer instead of a human one, which has the natural capacity for temporal or spatial (...)
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  35. Philosophical and scientific perspectives on emergence.Hugues Bersini, Pasquale Stano, Pier Luigi Luisi & Mark A. Bedau - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):165-169.
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    GRONDIN, Jean, L'Horizon herméneutique de la pensée contemporaineGRONDIN, Jean, L'Horizon herméneutique de la pensée contemporaine.Hugues Brouillet - 1997 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 53 (1):251-254.
  37. L'enfant vieillard, l'enfant aux cheveux blancs et le Christ polymorphe.Hugues Garcia - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (4):479-501.
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    (1 other version)Langage du tissu.Patrice Hugues - 1986 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 2:102-105.
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  39.  62
    A new semantics for first-order logic, multivalent and mostly intensional.Hugues Leblanc - 1984 - Topoi 3 (1):55-62.
  40.  31
    II. two probability concepts.Hugues Leblanc - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (22):679-688.
  41.  21
    Les fonctions de probabilité: la question de leur définissabilité récursive.Hugues Leblanc & Peter Roeper - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):643-.
    Pensons aux divers énoncés qui peuvent être composés à partir d'un ensemble fini ou dénombrable d'énoncés atomiques à l'aide de, disons, ‘˜’ et ‘&’; soit A n'importe lequel de ces énoncés; et soit l'ensemble SA des composantes atomiques de A. La valeur de vérité de A dépend évidemment des valeurs de vérité de certains membres de SA. En effet, si aux valeurs de vérité Vrai et Faux sont substitués les entiers 1 et 0, respectivement; la valeur de vérité VVV d'une (...)
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  42.  57
    N. L. Wilson. Psychologism, logic, and Mr. Myhill. Philosophia mathematica, vol. 1 no. 1 , pp. 1–4.Hugues Leblanc - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):366.
  43.  15
    On chances and estimated chances of being true.Hugues Leblanc - 1959 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 57 (54):225-239.
  44.  98
    Probability functions: The matter of their recursive definability.Hugues Leblanc & Peter Roeper - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (3):372-388.
    This paper studies the extent to which probability functions are recursively definable. It proves, in particular, that the (absolute) probability of a statement A is recursively definable from a certain point on, to wit: from the (absolute) probabilities of certain atomic components and conjunctions of atomic components of A on, but to no further extent. And it proves that, generally, the probability of a statement A relative to a statement B is recursively definable from a certain point on, to wit: (...)
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  45.  7
    Penser avec Jankélévitch: Une âme résistante.Hugues Lethierry - 2012 - Lyon: Chronique sociale. Edited by Patricia Verdeau & A. Pérès.
    On ne cherchera pas dans ce livre ni l'exhaustivité bien sûr, ni l'érudition non plus. Il vise à fournir des clés dans la lecture de Vladimir Jankélévitch (1903-1985), philosophe de l'action, amateur d'humour, engagé, point pédant pour un sou, mais exigeant en matière de pensée et d'implication dans la vie. En dehors de tout " prêchi-prêcha " consensuel, ou ridicules rodomontades, cet ouvrage " vend la mèche " au sens où il rend compréhensibles pour aujourd'hui les mots " à coucher (...)
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  46.  22
    Robert Descimon, les Seize et la Sainte Ligue.Hugues Neveux - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (2):269-276.
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  47.  11
    Sur les données historiques.Hugues Neveux - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (1-2):39-51.
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  48.  33
    Sciences Sociales et Histoire.Hugues Neveux, Pierre Monzani, Vincent Milliot, François Hincker, Patrice Pinell, Pierre Macherey, Tristan Lecoq, Guillaume Le Loup, A. Hussain Aziz, Philippe Bonolas, Serge Berstein & Claude Blanckaert - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):549-578.
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    Jbs jbs jbs.Hugues Plourde, Bertrand Nolin, Olivier Receveur, Marielle Ledoux, Masoumeh Simbar, Fatemeh Nahidi, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Monika Krzyz, Olayinka O. Omigbodun & Kofoworola I. Adediran - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (5).
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  50.  15
    Ontologie et « activité finaliste » dans Néo-finalisme de Raymond Ruyer.Hugues Poltier - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 107 (3):309-319.
    L’objet de cette étude est de clarifier la notion d’« activité finaliste » dans Néo-finalisme de Ruyer. Après avoir montré que la réactivation de la notion décriée de finalisme trouve sa motivation dans le constat de l’impossibilité de penser le moment subjectif dans l’épistémologie mécaniste, largement héritée de Descartes, l’auteur s’attache à reconstruire le motif néo -finaliste de Ruyer et à en indiquer, outre sa parenté avec la monadologie leibnizienne, sa force intrinsèque, conceptuelle et ontologique. Étonné par sa non-réception en (...)
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