Results for 'Human reproduction Law and legislation'

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  1.  28
    Qualitative research in reproductive medicine: From description to action.Hana Konečná, Tonko Mardešić, Taťána Rumpíková & Tomáš Kučera - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (4):462-474.
    Assisted reproduction (ART), particularly that performed using donated gametes, increases the prospect of healthy babies being delivered to increasing numbers of people striving for parenthood. The psychosocial, ethical and legislative issues related both to the donation and receipt of gametes are perceived as extraordinarily complicated. In 2009, a research project aimed at mapping the issues was drawn up and implemented in the Czech Republic. The project should have provided material for consultation purposes, for the work of ethical and legislative (...)
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    Quali regole per la bioetica?: scelte legislative e diritti fondamentali.Roberta Dameno - 2003 - Milano: Guerini studio.
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    International assisted reproductive technology.Stephen Page - 2024 - Chicago: American Bar Association, Family Law Section.
    A practical guide for fellow lawyers to navigate international ART law.
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    On a Romanian attempt to legislate on medically assisted human reproduction.Daniela E. Cutas - 2007 - Bioethics 22 (1):56–63.
    ABSTRACT The paper presents and briefly analyses some of the provisions of a Romanian legislative proposal which arrived at the Presidency for ratification twice, in slightly different forms, and which was rejected twice: the first time at the Presidency in October 2004, and the second at the Constitutional Court in July 2005. The proposal was finally dropped in February 2006. My intention here is to point to some of the most problematic deficiencies of the legislative document in the hope that (...)
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    A golden opportunity for South Africa to legislate on human heritable genome editing.D. W. Thaldar - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (3):91-94.
    Background. South Africa (SA) currently has a golden opportunity to legislate on human heritable genome editing (HHGE), as the country is revising its assisted reproductive technology regulations. A set of sub-regulations that deals with HHGE, which could seamlessly slot into the current regulations, has already been developed. The principles underlying the proposed set of sub-regulations are as follows: HHGE should be regulated to improve the lives of the people and should not be banned; the well-established standard of safety and (...)
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    Bunūk al-nuṭaf wa-al-ajinnah wa-tahdīd jins al-janīn: dirāsah muqāranah bayna al-fiqh al-Islāmī wa-al-qānūn al-waḍʻī.Faraj Muḥammad Muḥammad Sālim - 2017 - ʻAmmān, al-Urdun: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Human reproductive technology; law and legislation; religious aspects; Islam.
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  7. Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, germline therapy, and purchase of gametes and embryos: comments on Canadian legislation governing reproduction technologies.L. Bernier - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):527-532.
    In Canada, the Assisted Human Reproduction Act received royal assent on 29 March 2004. The approach proposed by the federal government responds to Canadians’ strong desire for an enforceable legislative framework in the field of reproduction technologies through criminal law. As a result of the widening gap between the rapid pace of technological change and governing legislation, a distinct need was perceived to create a regulatory framework to guide decisions regarding reproductive technologies.In this article the three (...)
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    Pravo na roditeljstvo.Slobodan Panov - 1998 - Beograd: Savet projekta Konstituisanje Srbije kao pravne države.
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    Bioética e direitos humanos.Reinaldo Pereira E. Silva & Fernanda Brandão Lapa (eds.) - 2002 - Florianópolis, SC: OAB/SC Editora.
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    Reproduktivna prava i slobode pravo na nerađanje.Slobodanka Konstantinović-Vilić - 1999 - Niš: Ženski istraživački centar za edukaciju i komunikaciju. Edited by Nevena Petrušić.
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    Making Sense of Child Welfare When Regulating Human Reproductive Technologies.John McMillan - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (1):47-55.
    Policy-makers have attempted to frame the ethical requirements that are relevant to the creation of human beings via reproductive technologies. Various reports and laws enacted in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and Britain have introduced tests for how we should weigh child welfare when using these technologies. A number of bioethicists have argued that child welfare should be interpreted as a “best interests” test. Others have argued that there are ethical reasons why we should abandon this kind of test. I (...)
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    Aspects légaux et éthiques du commencement de la vie.Anne-Marie Duguet (ed.) - 2015 - Bordeaux: LEH édition.
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  13. Sheng ming lun li wen ti de guo ji fa gui zhi yan jiu.Jing Hao - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    International survey of laws on assisted procreation.Jan Stepan (ed.) - 1990 - Zürich: Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag.
  15. Petition to Include Cephalopods as “Animals” Deserving of Humane Treatment under the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.New England Anti-Vivisection Society, American Anti-Vivisection Society, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Jennifer Jacquet, Becca Franks, Judit Pungor, Jennifer Mather, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Lori Marino, Greg Barord, Carl Safina, Heather Browning & Walter Veit - forthcoming - Harvard Law School Animal Law and Policy Clinic.
  16.  9
    Procréation médicalement assistée et anonymat, panorama international.Brigitte Feuillet-Liger (ed.) - 2008 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Si, depuis quelques dizaines d'années, la médecine de la reproduction s'est considérablement développée pour venir en aide aux couples confrontés à l'impossibilité de concevoir naturellement un enfant, c'est généralement avec l'objectif initial de favoriser une conception avec les gamètes du couple. Le développement successif de l' " Insémination Artificielle " et de la " Fécondation in Vitro " a néanmoins permis dans le même temps de faire émerger différentes possibilités alternatives de conception, en transgressant notamment le principe de la (...)
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  17.  46
    Perfecting pregnancy: law, disability, and the future of reproduction.Isabel Karpin - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kristin Savell.
    Prenatal and preimplantation testing technologies have offered unprecedented access to information about the genetic and congenital makeup of our prospective progeny. Future developments such as preconception testing, non-intrusive prenatal testing and more extensive preimplantation testing promise to increase that access further still. The result may be greater reproductive choice, but it also increases the burden on women and men to avail themselves of these technologies in order to avoid having a child with a disability. The overwhelming question for legislators has (...)
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  18.  57
    Uncertain legislator: Georges Cuvier's laws of nature in their intellectual context.Dorinda Outram - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (3):323-368.
    We should now be able to come to some general conclusions about the main lines of Cuvier's development as a naturalist after his departure from Normandy. We have seen that Cuvier arrived in Paris aware of the importance of physiology in classification, yet without a fully worked out idea of how such an approach could organize a whole natural order. He was freshly receptive to the ideas of the new physiology developed by Xavier Bichat.Cuvier arrived in a Paris also torn (...)
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  19.  5
    Rechtsethik der Embryonenforschung: Rechtsharmonisierung in moralisch umstrittenen Bereichen.Minou Bernadette Friele - 2008 - Paderborn: Mentis.
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    Legislative Research Bans on Human Cloning.Robyn S. Shapiro - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (4):393-400.
    Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives voted, for the second time in two years, to ban all human-cloning research, whether the research involves reproduction or creating cells that might be used to understand and treat disease. As I explain in this article, the proposed legislation has important implications not only for human cloning research but also for research in general.
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    Du corps humain à la dignité de la personne humaine: genèse, débats et enjeux des lois d'éthique biomédicale.Claire Ambroselli & Gérard Wormser (eds.) - 1999 - Paris: Centre national de documentation pédagogique.
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    Fu zhu sheng zhi ji shu ying yong zhong de re dian fa lü wen ti yan jiu =.Yuxia Xing - 2012 - Beijing: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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  23. Bioethics legislation in selected countries.Wendy I. Zeldin, Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Edith Palmer, Sayuri Umeda, Laney Zhang, Ruth Levush, Tariq Ahmad, Hanibal Goitom, Kelly Buchanan, Eduardo Soares & Peter Roudik (eds.) - 2012 - Washington, DC: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
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    Human tissue legislation: listening to the professionals.A. V. Campbell, S. A. M. McLean, K. Gutridge & H. Harper - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (2):104-108.
    The controversies in Bristol, Alder Hey and elsewhere in the UK surrounding the removal and retention of human tissue and organs have led to extensive law reform in all three UK legal systems. This paper reports a short study of the reactions of a range of health professionals to these changes. Three main areas of ethical concern were noted: the balancing of individual rights and social benefit; the efficacy of the new procedures for consent; and the helpfulness for professional (...)
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    Legislative epidemics: the role of model law in the transnational trend to criminalise HIV transmission.Daniel Grace - 2013 - Medical Humanities 39 (2):77-84.
    HIV-related state laws are being created transnationally though the use of omnibus model laws. In 2004, the US Agency for International Development funded the creation of one such guidance text known as the USAID/Action for West Africa Region Model Law, or N'Djamena Model Law, which led to the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS laws, including the criminalisation of HIV transmission, across much of West and Central Africa . In this article, I explicate how an epidemic of highly problematic legislation spread (...)
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    Biotecnologia e suas implicações ético-jurídicas.Romeo Casabona, Carlos María & Juliane Fernandes Queiroz (eds.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Del Rey.
    A Bioética, que podemos qualificar, sem a menor dúvida, como uma ciência jovem - embora cheia de vigor, dinamismo e em plena expansão - se ocupa, desde as multifacetadas óticas das grandes perguntas que se formula a cada dia, o homem moderno, em torno da vida. Neste livro, os autores tratam de alguns aspectos conceituais que, às vezes, são obliterados no discurso bioético. Por exemplo, quais as relações que se interpõem entre Bioética e Direito, começando por delimitar cada uma destas (...)
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    Continuous Reproductive Surveillance.Michael R. Ulrich & Leah R. Fowler - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):570-574.
    The Dobbs opinion emphasizes that the state’s interest in the fetus extends to “all stages of development.” This essay briefly explores whether state legislators, agencies, and courts could use the “all stages of development” language to expand reproductive surveillance by using novel developments in consumer health technologies to augment those efforts.
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    Surogacʻiis samartʻlebrivi regulirebis problemebi saertʻašoriso da erovnul doneze.Nino Bogveraże - 2019 - Tʻbilisi: Zviad Korżażis gamomcʻemloba.
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    La procreazione artificiale come libertà costituzionale.Carlo Magnani - 1999 - Urbino: Quattro venti.
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    Traités de Législation Civile Et Pénale (Classic Reprint).Jeremy Bentham & Etienne Dumont - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Traites de Legislation Civile Et PenaleMais ce n'est pas un panegyrique que je fais. Il faut bien avouer que le soin d'arranger et de polir a peu d' attraits pour le genie de l'auteur. Tant qu'il est pousse par une force creatrice, il ne sent que le plaisir de la composition. S'agit-il de donner des formes, de rediger, de finir, il n'en sent plus que la fatigue. Que l'ouvrage soit interrompu, le mal est irreparable: le charme disparait, (...)
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  31.  20
    Rethinking parenthood within assisted reproductive technology: The need for regulation in Nigeria.Olohikhuae O. Egbokhare & Simisola O. Akintola - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):578-584.
    In Nigeria, reproduction is highly valued, with many people desiring to produce a child ‘in their own image and likeness’. Previously, aspiring parents often resorted to adoption. Today, the availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has provided options other than adoption for those desiring to procreate. Through ARTs, aspirations for a family may be attained through an exchange of reproductive goods and services, and not necessarily through traditional heterosexual relationships. ARTs have altered the perception of parenthood as it exists (...)
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  32.  7
    Human Rights Legislation as a Substitute for the Judicial Review of Legislation on the Basis of Bills of Rights.Tom Campbell - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):265-284.
    In this paper I argue, from the point of view of a legal positivist conception of law and its associated approach to legal interpretation, that having a ‘democratic Bill of Rights’ as a basis for enacting ‘human rights legislation’ is more legitimate and likely to be more effective with respect to promoting human rights than the contemporary model of using ‘juridical Bills of Rights’ as a basis for modifying or overriding enacted legislation.Resumen:Desde una concepción positivista del (...)
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    Le corps humain et le droit international.Juliana Rangel de Alvarenga Paes - 2005 - Lille: ANRT, Atelier national de reproduction des thèses. Edited by Jacques Foyer.
  34.  6
    Saengmyŏng ŭi sijak kwa chugŭm: yulli nonjaeng kwa pŏp hyŏnsil.In-yŏng Yi - 2009 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Samusa.
    제 1장 생명의 시작과 관련된 생명윤리와 입법 제 1절. 인간배아의 도덕적 지위와 헌법상의 지위에 관한 논변 제 2절. 인간복제 연구와 생식권에 관한 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 3절. 인간배아 연구, 체세포복제배아 연구의 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 2장 탄생과 관련된 생명윤리와 입법 제 1절. 체외수정에 관한 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 2절. 난자 공여에 관한 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 3절. 대리모출산에 관한 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 4절. 태아보호와 관련된 윤리논쟁과 낙태죄 입법 제 3장 죽음과 관련된 생명윤리와 입법 제 1절. 생명의 종기로서 뇌사에 관한 윤리논쟁과 입법 제 2절. 안락사, (...)
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  35.  96
    Beyond choice: reproductive freedom in the 21st century.Alexander Sanger - 2004 - New York: Public Affairs.
    The origins of choice -- The reproductive rights debate that ignored reproduction -- Putting reproduction back into reproductive freedom -- Reproductive freedom and human evolution -- Enlisting men in support of reproductive freedom -- Defending reproductive freedom from the dangers of reproductive technology -- Ought there be a law? -- Beyond choice.
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    Menneske, natur og fødselsteknologi: verdivalg og rettslig regulering.Anne Hellum, Aslak Syse & Henriette Sinding Aasen (eds.) - 1990 - Oslo: Ad Notam.
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    Legislating for the new predictive genetics.David J. Galton & Katherine O'Donovan - 1999 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 6 (2):39-48.
  38.  9
    Procréation et droits de l'enfant: actes des rencontres internationales organisées les 16, 17 et 18 septembre 2003 à Marseille par l'Observatoire international du droit de la bioéthique et de la médecine [sic].Gérard Teboul (ed.) - 2004 - Bruxelles: Nemesis.
    " Procréation et droits de l'enfant " : ce thème, caractérisé par un large éventail de problématiques, se situe au cœur d'un questionnement auquel les spécialistes de la natalité sont confrontés. Alors que, notamment, des techniques nouvelles viennent perturber nos approches traditionnelles de la procréation, il importe, sans renoncer aveuglément aux innovations de la science, de rester prudent devant des évolutions scientifiques qui pourraient mettre en périt notre Humanité. On trouvera, dans le présent ouvrage, des réflexions qui - émanant d'autorités (...)
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    Derecho genético y procreático.Enrique Varsi Rospigliosi - 2005 - La Paz, Bolivia: Comisión de Bioética y Derecho Genético del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de La Paz.
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    MacKellar, Calum (ed.): Reproductive Medicine and Embryological Research. A European Handbook of Bioethical Legislation[REVIEW]Christiane Woopen - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (1):86-86.
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    Assisted Reproductive Technology in Spain: Considering Women's Interests.Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):228.
    It might come as a surprise to many that Spain, a country with a strong Catholic tradition that officially banned contraceptive technologies until 1978, has some of the most liberal regulations in assisted reproduction in the world. Law No. 35/1988 was one of the first and most detailed acts of legislation undertaken on the subject of assisted-conception procedures. Indeed, not only did the law permit research on nonviable embryos, it made assisted reproductive technologies available to any woman, whether (...)
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  42. The role of law in reproductive medicine: a new approach.D. Jabbari - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):35-40.
    It is a common feature of debates on the regulation of reproductive medicine to find law portrayed as a crude form of intervention consisting in the imposition of inflexible rules on doctors and medical researchers. This paper argues that this view must be replaced by a more accurate assessment of the law's potential role in the regulation of reproductive medicine. From an analysis of the White Paper on human fertilisation and embryology, and in particular the proposed Statutory Licensing Authority, (...)
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    Legislative Intent/Essays.Gerald Cushing MacCallum - 1993 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    In the last years of his life, Gerald C. MacCallum, Jr., defied illness to continue his work on the philosophy of law. This book is a monument to MacCallum’s effort, containing fourteen of his essays, five of them published here for the first time. Two of those previously published are widely admired and reprinted: “Legislative Intent,” certainly one of the best papers ever published on its topic, and “Negative and Positive Freedom,” which offered a new way of looking at a (...)
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    The Legislator’s Educative Task In Rousseau’s Political Theory.Patrice Canivez - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:15-21.
    In Rousseau’s political theory, the Legislator’s task is to draft the best possible Constitution for a given people. His goal is to maintain the public liberties and to ensure the preservation and prosperity of the State. However, the main problem is “to put law above men” – that is: above the citizens in general and the members of the executive in particular. This paper examines how the Legislator takes up the problem by educating the citizens. The process of education implies (...)
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    Legislated Quantites.Nicholas Rescher - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (2):135-142.
    It would be unproblematically correct to say "the laws of Pennsylvania have it that a person is eligible to vote at age eighteen." But whether someone is actually mature enough to exercise his electoral franchise appropriately will very much depend on the individual. In setting the voting age by fiat, Society leaps in where Nature fears to tread. Many quantities that figure importantly in shaping our conduct of affairs are not specified by nature but are artifacts of human contrivance. (...)
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    Domestic Violence Legislation Reforms in the Republic of North Macedonia.Vedije Ratkoceri - 2023 - Seeu Review 18 (1):63-74.
    The phenomenon of domestic violence is as old as humanity itself, but legal protection against violence both internationally and nationally begins to be provided very late. In the Republic of North Macedonia, until 2004, there was no legal protection of victims of domestic violence, nor was adequate sanctioning of perpetrators. Only since 2004, with the amendments and additions to the Criminal Code in the criminal sphere, and the Law on the Family in the civil sphere, the phenomenon of domestic violence (...)
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    Physicians Controlling Women’s Reproductive Choices: The Slow Liberalization of Abortion Laws in Finland.Tuija Takala & Matti Häyry - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (3):391-396.
    This paper provides an overview of the development and the sociopolitical background of legislation pertaining to abortion in Finland from the nineteenth century to the current day. The first Abortion Act came to force in 1950. Before that, abortions were handled under criminal law. The 1950 law was restrictive and allowed abortions in very limited circumstances only. Its main aim was to reduce the number of abortions and especially illegal abortions. It was not very successful in reaching these goals, (...)
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    Sheng ming xing fa yuan li.Junxin Kang - 2009 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban you xian gong si.
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    Problems faced with legislating for IVF technology in a Roman Catholic Country.Pierre Mallia - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):77-87.
    Malta traditionally enjoys a Roman Catholic Society, with the official religion of the country being cited in the second article of the constitution. Recently the government proposed to legislate to regulate human reproductive technology, in particular In Vitro Fertilization, which has been practiced for over two decades without controlling legislation. A Parliamentary Committee for social affairs was set up to study the situation inviting most stakeholders. The arguments gravitated mostly on issues of the status of the embryo and (...)
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    Legally Recognizing Reproductive Coercion while Questioning Sexual Violence Exceptionalism.Jane Stoever - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):560-564.
    While sexual violence should not be the prerequisite for legal abortion, expanding definitions of abuse to include reproductive coercion can open avenues of access to abortion following the Dobbs decision. Understanding the increased danger and compounding challenges of intimate partner violence can inform legislative initiatives, healthcare responses, and movements for reproductive justice.
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