Results for 'Human reproductive technology Law and legislation.'

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  1.  2
    International assisted reproductive technology.Stephen Page - 2024 - Chicago: American Bar Association, Family Law Section.
    A practical guide for fellow lawyers to navigate international ART law.
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    Personhood revisited: reproductive technology, bioethics, religion and the law.Howard Wilbur Jones - 2012 - Minneapolis, MN: Langdon Street Press.
    Howard W. Jones, Jr.'s Personhood Revisited chronicles reproductive technology's debate-evoking history meanwhile exploring the ongoing moral dilemmas of the twenty-first century, including: personhood, in vitro fertilization, conjugal love, eugenics, cloning, stem cell research, and more. Balanced readings on each reproductive topic represent conflicting viewpoints from legal, religious, and scientific perspectives. And Jones' personal experiences, such as meetings with the Vatican, add a unique look into the highly political yet benevolent world of reproductive medicine. Author Howard W. (...)
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    Bunūk al-nuṭaf wa-al-ajinnah wa-tahdīd jins al-janīn: dirāsah muqāranah bayna al-fiqh al-Islāmī wa-al-qānūn al-waḍʻī.Faraj Muḥammad Muḥammad Sālim - 2017 - ʻAmmān, al-Urdun: al-Warrāq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Human reproductive technology; law and legislation; religious aspects; Islam.
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  4. Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, germline therapy, and purchase of gametes and embryos: comments on Canadian legislation governing reproduction technologies.L. Bernier - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):527-532.
    In Canada, the Assisted Human Reproduction Act received royal assent on 29 March 2004. The approach proposed by the federal government responds to Canadians’ strong desire for an enforceable legislative framework in the field of reproduction technologies through criminal law. As a result of the widening gap between the rapid pace of technological change and governing legislation, a distinct need was perceived to create a regulatory framework to guide decisions regarding reproductive technologies.In this article the three main topics (...)
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    New productive technologies, ethics and legislation in Brazil: A delayed debate.Dirce Guilhem - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (3):218–230.
    This paper focuses on the debate about the utilization of new reproductive technologies in Brazil, and the paths taken in the Brazilian National Congress in an attempt to draw up legislation to regulate the clinical practice of human assisted reproduction. British documents, such as the Warnock Report and Human Fertilization and Embriology Authority (HFEA) are used for thorough reference. The analysis of the Law Projects in the National Congress, the Resolution by the Federal Medicine Council, Resolution 196/96 (...)
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    Making Sense of Child Welfare When Regulating Human Reproductive Technologies.John McMillan - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (1):47-55.
    Policy-makers have attempted to frame the ethical requirements that are relevant to the creation of human beings via reproductive technologies. Various reports and laws enacted in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, and Britain have introduced tests for how we should weigh child welfare when using these technologies. A number of bioethicists have argued that child welfare should be interpreted as a “best interests” test. Others have argued that there are ethical reasons why we should abandon this kind of test. (...)
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    Legal conceptions: the evolving law and policy of assisted reproductive technologies.Susan L. Crockin - 2010 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Howard Wilbur Jones.
    Embryo litigation -- Access to ART treatment : insurance and discrimination -- General professional liability litigation -- Paternity and donor insemination -- Maternity and egg donation -- Traditional and gestational surrogacy arrangements -- Posthumous reproduction : access and parentage -- Same-sex parentage and ART -- Genetics (PGD) and ART -- ART-related embryonic stem cell legal developments -- ART-related adoption litigation -- ART-related fetal litigation and abortion-related litigation.
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    Quali regole per la bioetica?: scelte legislative e diritti fondamentali.Roberta Dameno - 2003 - Milano: Guerini studio.
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    Surogacʻiis samartʻlebrivi regulirebis problemebi saertʻašoriso da erovnul doneze.Nino Bogveraże - 2019 - Tʻbilisi: Zviad Korżażis gamomcʻemloba.
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    La procreazione artificiale come libertà costituzionale.Carlo Magnani - 1999 - Urbino: Quattro venti.
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    Inochi no hō to rinri.Eijirō Kuzuu - 2004 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha. Edited by Makoto Kawami.
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    Assisted Reproductive Technology in Spain: Considering Women's Interests.Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):228.
    It might come as a surprise to many that Spain, a country with a strong Catholic tradition that officially banned contraceptive technologies until 1978, has some of the most liberal regulations in assisted reproduction in the world. Law No. 35/1988 was one of the first and most detailed acts of legislation undertaken on the subject of assisted-conception procedures. Indeed, not only did the law permit research on nonviable embryos, it made assisted reproductive technologies available to any woman, whether married (...)
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    Procréation et droits de l'enfant: actes des rencontres internationales organisées les 16, 17 et 18 septembre 2003 à Marseille par l'Observatoire international du droit de la bioéthique et de la médecine [sic].Gérard Teboul (ed.) - 2004 - Bruxelles: Nemesis.
    " Procréation et droits de l'enfant " : ce thème, caractérisé par un large éventail de problématiques, se situe au cœur d'un questionnement auquel les spécialistes de la natalité sont confrontés. Alors que, notamment, des techniques nouvelles viennent perturber nos approches traditionnelles de la procréation, il importe, sans renoncer aveuglément aux innovations de la science, de rester prudent devant des évolutions scientifiques qui pourraient mettre en périt notre Humanité. On trouvera, dans le présent ouvrage, des réflexions qui - émanant d'autorités (...)
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    A golden opportunity for South Africa to legislate on human heritable genome editing.D. W. Thaldar - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (3):91-94.
    Background. South Africa (SA) currently has a golden opportunity to legislate on human heritable genome editing (HHGE), as the country is revising its assisted reproductive technology regulations. A set of sub-regulations that deals with HHGE, which could seamlessly slot into the current regulations, has already been developed. The principles underlying the proposed set of sub-regulations are as follows: HHGE should be regulated to improve the lives of the people and should not be banned; the well-established standard of (...)
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    Rethinking parenthood within assisted reproductive technology: The need for regulation in Nigeria.Olohikhuae O. Egbokhare & Simisola O. Akintola - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):578-584.
    In Nigeria, reproduction is highly valued, with many people desiring to produce a child ‘in their own image and likeness’. Previously, aspiring parents often resorted to adoption. Today, the availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has provided options other than adoption for those desiring to procreate. Through ARTs, aspirations for a family may be attained through an exchange of reproductive goods and services, and not necessarily through traditional heterosexual relationships. ARTs have altered the perception of parenthood as it (...)
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    Clonar?: etica y derecho ante la clonación humana.Vicente Bellver Capella - 2000 - Granada: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.
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    Rechtsethik der Embryonenforschung: Rechtsharmonisierung in moralisch umstrittenen Bereichen.Minou Bernadette Friele - 2008 - Paderborn: Mentis.
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    Procreazione assistita e famiglia nel diritto internazionale.Cristina Campiglio - 2003 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Seishoku iryō to ijihō =.Katsunori Kai (ed.) - 2014 - Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
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    al-Injāb al-ṭibbī bayna al-ibāḥah wa-al-tajrīm: dirāsah muqāranah bayna al-tashrīʻ al-Miṣrī wa-al-Faransī wa-al-Injilīzī wa-al-Amrīkī wa-al-Īṭālī wa-al-Almānī.Muṣṭafá Saʻdāwī - 2020 - al-Shāriqah: Maktabat Kunūz al-Maʻrifah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    União homoafetiva feminina e dupla maternidade: a possibilidade jurídica de duas mães e um filho ante as técnicas de reprodução assistida.Ana Amélia Ribeiro Sales - 2014 - Curitiba: Juruá Editora.
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    Fu zhu sheng zhi ji shu ying yong zhong de re dian fa lü wen ti yan jiu =.Yuxia Xing - 2012 - Beijing: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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    Ren lei fu zhu sheng zhi fa lü zhi du bi jiao yan jiu.Fang Yang - 2022 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she.
    本书以人类辅助生殖法律制度为研究对象,对这一制度在不同国家,我国不同法域的产生,发展及未来方向作了全面分析,以比较分析的视角,从中总结出可为我国借鉴吸收的优秀成果,对于未来法制发展方向与具体制度的建构 提出了可行化的学者建议.
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    Código de leyes sobre genética.Romeo Casabona & Carlos María (eds.) - 1997 - Bilbao: Diputación Foral de Bizkaia.
    La obra incluye legislación de quince países, así como diversos documentos de la ONU, la UNESCO, el Consejo de Europa, la Unión Europea, Comités Nacionales de Ética, dictámenes y resoluciones de Instituciones Internacionales, jurisprudencia española y una selección bibliográfica con unas 1.300 referencias, clasificada por materias. Algunas leyes nacionales y los documentos del Consejo de Europa se publican traducidos al español y en su idioma original, cuando éste se ha considerado fácilmente asequible, con el fin de facilitar el acceso a (...)
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    Procréation assistée et filiation: AMP et GPA au prisme du droit, des sciences sociales et de la philosophie: actes du colloque.Marie-Xavière Catto, Kathia Martin-Chenut & Elodie Bertrand (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Biotecnologia e suas implicações ético-jurídicas.Romeo Casabona, Carlos María & Juliane Fernandes Queiroz (eds.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Del Rey.
    A Bioética, que podemos qualificar, sem a menor dúvida, como uma ciência jovem - embora cheia de vigor, dinamismo e em plena expansão - se ocupa, desde as multifacetadas óticas das grandes perguntas que se formula a cada dia, o homem moderno, em torno da vida. Neste livro, os autores tratam de alguns aspectos conceituais que, às vezes, são obliterados no discurso bioético. Por exemplo, quais as relações que se interpõem entre Bioética e Direito, começando por delimitar cada uma destas (...)
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  27. Philosophical Ruminations about Embryo Experimentation with Reference to Reproductive Technologies in Jewish “Halakhah”.Piyali Mitra - 2017 - IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion and Philosophy 3 (2):5-19.
    The use of modern medical technologies and interventions involves ethical and legal dilemmas which are yet to be solved. For the religious Jews the answer lies in Halakhah. The objective of this paper is to unscramble the difficult conundrum possessed by the halakhalic standing concerning the use of human embryonic cell for research. It also aims to take contemporary ethical issues arising from the use of technologies and medical advances made in human reproduction and study them from an (...)
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    Du corps humain à la dignité de la personne humaine: genèse, débats et enjeux des lois d'éthique biomédicale.Claire Ambroselli & Gérard Wormser (eds.) - 1999 - Paris: Centre national de documentation pédagogique.
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    Le virage bioéthique.Denis Berthiau - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La révision imminente de la loi bioéthique ouvre un moment où tout est possible. Ecrit par un juriste universitaire spécialisé dans les questions médicales et impliqué dans la pratique quasi quotidienne de l'éthique clinique depuis des années, cet essai éclaire l'urgence éthique qu'imposent certaines situations humaines souvent dramatiques. Face aux questions si complexes qu'elles soulèvent, il convie à abandonner le manteau du péremptoire et à endosser la responsabilité du faire réfléchir. Fin de vie, assistance médicale à la procréation, gestation pour (...)
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    Yi liao, fa lü yu sheng ming lun li =.Dingquan Huang - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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    al-Istinsākh, qatl al-shafaqah, kirāʼ al-arḥām: qaḍāyā ṭibbīiyah muʻāṣirah ʻalá ḍawʼ akhlāqīyāt mihnat al-ṭibb wa-al-adyān wa-al-qawānīn al-waḍʻīyah.Muḥammad Miftāḥ - 2012 - Manūbah [Tunisia]: Markaz al-Nashr al-Jāmiʻī.
    Medicine; religious aspects; laws and legislations.
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    Entre el nacer y el morir.Ascensión Cambrón & Manuel Atienza (eds.) - 1998 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    The Role of Male Consent in Assisted Reproductive Technology Procedures: an Examination of Japanese Court Cases.Yuko Muraoka, Minori Kokado & Kazuto Kato - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (2):165-183.
    With the development of assisted reproductive technologies, medical, ethical, legal, and social issues have arisen that did not exist when natural conception was the only means of childbirth. In Japan, men tend to believe that assisted reproductive technologies are not directly related to them, with the literature showing that men are often reluctant to be involved in fertility treatment processes. To better understand this situation, this study analyzes the role of male consent during assisted reproductive technology (...)
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    Procréation médicalement assistée et anonymat, panorama international.Brigitte Feuillet-Liger (ed.) - 2008 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Si, depuis quelques dizaines d'années, la médecine de la reproduction s'est considérablement développée pour venir en aide aux couples confrontés à l'impossibilité de concevoir naturellement un enfant, c'est généralement avec l'objectif initial de favoriser une conception avec les gamètes du couple. Le développement successif de l' " Insémination Artificielle " et de la " Fécondation in Vitro " a néanmoins permis dans le même temps de faire émerger différentes possibilités alternatives de conception, en transgressant notamment le principe de la filiation (...)
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    The New Eugenics: Selective Breeding in an Era of Reproductive Technologies.Judith Daar - 2017 - Yale University Press.
    _A provocative examination of how unequal access to reproductive technology replays the sins of the eugenics movement_ Eugenics, the effort to improve the human species by inhibiting reproduction of “inferior” genetic strains, ultimately came to be regarded as the great shame of the Progressive movement. Judith Daar, a prominent expert on the intersection of law and medicine, argues that current attitudes toward the potential users of modern assisted reproductive technologies threaten to replicate eugenics’ same discriminatory practices. (...)
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  36. Socializing the public: invoking Hannah Arendt’s critique of modernity to evaluate reproductive technologies. [REVIEW]Daniel Sperling - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (1):53-60.
    The article examines the writings of one of the most influential political philosophers, Hannah Arendt, and specifically focuses on her views regarding the distinction between the private and the public and the transformation of the public to the social by modernity. Arendt’s theory of human activity and critique of modernity are explored to critically evaluate the social contributions and implications of reproductive technologies especially where the use of such technologies is most dominant within Western societies. Focusing on empirical (...)
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    Beyond reproductive rights: Advocating for access to assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) for socially infertile individuals using the right to benefit from scientific progress – lessons for African countries.N. Mthembu - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e2061.
    Scientific and technological innovations have increasingly enabled humans to overcome biological limitations. Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs), for instance, offer persons facing medical or social barriers to parenthood the opportunity to realise their dream of building a family. However, in many African Anglophone countries, persons who are socially infertile—gay and single persons—are legally excluded from accessing ARTs to build their families. Relying on reproductive rights to argue against these inhibitive legal provisions may offer some hope, but reproductive rights (...)
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  38. New reproductive technologies in the treatment of human infertility and genetic disease.Lee M. Silver - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (2).
    In this paper I will discuss three areas in which advances in human reproductive technology could occur, their uses and abuses, and their effects on society. First is the potential to drastically increase the success rate and availability of in vitro fertilization and embryo freezing. Second is the ability to perform biopsies on embryos prior to the onset of pregnancy. Finally, I will consider the adding or altering of genes in embryos, commonly referred to as genetic engineering.As (...)
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    Bioética laica: vida, muerte, género, reproducción y familia.Pauline Capdevielle, Medina Arellano & María de Jesús (eds.) - 2018 - México: Cátedra Extraordinaria "Benito Juárez" UNAM.
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    ʻAqd Ijārat al-raḥim: dirāsah muqāranah.Isrāʼ Jumʻah ʻAbd al-Ḥasan Kaʻb - 2022 - al-Qāhirah: al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Le droit de la filiation face aux évolutions de l'assistance médicale à la procréation.Clotilde Brunetti-Pons (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Editions Mare & Martin.
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    Problems faced with legislating for IVF technology in a Roman Catholic Country.Pierre Mallia - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):77-87.
    Malta traditionally enjoys a Roman Catholic Society, with the official religion of the country being cited in the second article of the constitution. Recently the government proposed to legislate to regulate human reproductive technology, in particular In Vitro Fertilization, which has been practiced for over two decades without controlling legislation. A Parliamentary Committee for social affairs was set up to study the situation inviting most stakeholders. The arguments gravitated mostly on issues of the status of the embryo (...)
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    Freedom and responsibility in reproductive choice.John R. Spencer & Antje Du Bois-Pedain (eds.) - 2006 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    What responsibilities, if any, do we have towards our genetic offspring, before or after birth and perhaps even before creation, merely by virtue of the genetic link? What claims, if any, arise from the mere genetic parental relation? Should society through its legal arrangements allow 'fatherless' or 'motherless' children to be born, as the current law on medically assisted reproduction involving gamete donation in some legal systems does? Does the possibility of establishing genetic parentage with practical certainty necessitate reform of (...)
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    Sheng ming xing fa yuan li.Junxin Kang - 2009 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban you xian gong si.
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    Artificial reproductive technologies (ART) applications in Turkey as viewed by feminists.Serap Sahinoglu-Pelin - 2001 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 8 (1):7-10.
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    Aspects légaux et éthiques du commencement de la vie.Anne-Marie Duguet (ed.) - 2015 - Bordeaux: LEH édition.
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    The new Italian law on assisted reproduction technology (Law 40/2004).V. Fineschi - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):536-539.
    The Italian parliament passed the law on assisted reproduction after a heated debate. The promulgation of this law (Law 40/2004) is the end point of a long and troubled journey that has seen many bills come and go, all of which have failed. The law consists of a whole set of regulations that will have a great impact on health and on society in general. The law is against many of the technical practices of assisted reproduction; several such practices are (...)
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    Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Failure to Cover Does Not Violate ADA, Title VII, or PDA.Valerie Gutmann - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (2):314-316.
    In Saks v. Franklin Covey Co., the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit held that the American with Disabilities Act, Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and New York state law do not proscribe an employer's self-insured employee health plan from excluding surgical impregnation procedures from its coverage. Although the court found that infertility qualifies as a disability under the ADA, it restricted required coverage of certain infedty treatments.Title I of the ADA prohibits (...)
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    Artificial reproduction technologies (RTs) – all the way to the artificial womb?Frida Simonstein - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):359-365.
    In this paper, I argue that the development of an artificial womb is already well on its way. By putting together pieces of information arising from new scientific advances in different areas, (neo-natal care, gynecology, embryology, the human genome project and computer science), I delineate a distinctive picture, which clearly suggests that the artificial womb may become a reality sooner than we may think. Currently, there is a huge gap between the first stages of gestation (using in vitro fertilization) (...)
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  50. Reprodução humana assistida e suas consequências nas relações de família: a filiação e a origem genética sob a perspectiva da repersonalização.Ana Cláudia Brandão de Barros Correia Ferraz - 2009 - Curitiba: Juruá Editora.
    Estudo comparado sobre o tratamento dado à reprodução humana assistida no direito do Brasil, Estados Unidos, Portugal, Espanha e Itália.
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