Results for 'Marie-Xavière Catto'

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  1.  61
    Three Arguments Against Institutional Conscientious Objection, and Why They Are (Metaphysically) Unconvincing.Xavier Symons & Reginald Mary Chua - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (3):298-312.
    The past decade has seen a burgeoning of scholarly interest in conscientious objection in healthcare. While the literature to date has focused primarily on individual healthcare practitioners who object to participation in morally controversial procedures, in this article we consider a different albeit related issue, namely, whether publicly funded healthcare institutions should be required to provide morally controversial services such as abortions, emergency contraception, voluntary sterilizations, and voluntary euthanasia. Substantive debates about institutional responsibility have remained largely at the level of (...)
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    Resting state functional connectivity predicts subsequent motor sequence learning.Mary Alison, Wens Vincent, Op De Beeck Marc, Leproult Rachel, De Tiège Xavier & Peigneux Philippe - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Images of numbers, or “when 98 is upper left and 6 sky blue”.Xavier Seron, Mauro Pesenti, Marie-Pascale Noël, Gérard Deloche & Jacques-André Cornet - 1992 - Cognition 44 (1-2):159-196.
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    Procréation assistée et filiation: AMP et GPA au prisme du droit, des sciences sociales et de la philosophie: actes du colloque.Marie-Xavière Catto, Kathia Martin-Chenut & Elodie Bertrand (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Organismal death, the dead-donor rule and the ethics of vital organ procurement.Xavier Symons & Reginald Mary Chua - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):868-871.
    Several bioethicists have recently discussed the complexity of defining human death, and considered in particular how our definition of death affects our understanding of the ethics of vital organ procurement. In this brief paper, we challenge the mainstream medical definition of human death—namely, that death is equivalent to total brain failure—and argue with Nair-Collins and Miller that integrated biological functions can continue even after total brain failure has occurred. We discuss the implications of Nair-Collins and Miller’s argument and suggest that (...)
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    The innate schema of natural numbers does not explain historical, cultural, and developmental differences.Marie-Pascale Noël, Jacques Grégoire, Gaëlle Meert & Xavier Seron - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):664-665.
    Rips et al.'s proposition cannot account for the facts that (1) a historical look at the word number systems suggests that the concept of natural numbers has been progressively elaborated; (2) people from cultures without an elaborate counting system do not master the concept of natural numbers; (3) children take time to master natural numbers; and (4) the competing advantage of the postulated math schema in the natural selection process is not obvious.
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    Visual experience influences the interactions between fingers and numbers.Virginie Crollen, Marie-Pascale NoëL, Xavier Seron, Pierre Mahau, Franco Lepore & Olivier Collignon - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):91-96.
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    Developmental Trajectories of Hand Movements in Typical Infants and Those at Risk of Developmental Disorders: An Observational Study of Kinematics during the First Year of Life.Lisa Ouss, Marie-Thérèse Le Normand, Kevin Bailly, Marluce Leitgel Gille, Christelle Gosme, Roberta Simas, Julia Wenke, Xavier Jeudon, Stéphanie Thepot, Telma Da Silva, Xavier Clady, Edith Thoueille, Mohammad Afshar, Bernard Golse & Mariana Guergova-Kuras - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Assessment of auditory statistical learning by magnetic frequency tagged responses.Farthouat Juliane, Op De Beeck Marc, Mary Alison, Delpouve Julie, Leproult Rachel, Franco Ana, De Tiège Xavier & Peigneux Philippe - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11.  25
    Ciencia e industria en el desarrollo de la radiactividad: el caso de Marie Curie.Xavier Roqué - 1997 - Arbor 156 (613):25-49.
    Se argumenta que Marie Curie desarrolló sus investigaciones en radiactividad en estrecha relación con la industria de los radioelementos. Esta relación incluyó desde el desarrollo de procedimientos de extracción para diversas sustancias radiactivas, hasta la promoción de su propio laboratorio industrial. La actividad industrial de Curie se aviene mal con su imagen heroica de científica pura, sacrificada y carente de medios, imagen que, paradójicamente, se retrotrae a las campañas de Curie en los años 1920 por dotar a su laboratorio (...)
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  12. La Vierge Marie de Paul Claudel.Xavier Tilliette - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (3):577-588.
    La Vierge Marie est omniprésente dans l'oeuvre de Paul Claudel, autant dans la poésie et le théâtre que dans son oeuvre exégétique. Le présent article examine, dans l'ensemble foisonnant de ses commentaires bibliques, deux livres explicitement consacrés à la Vierge, L'Epée et le Miroir et La Rose et le Rosaire , qui représentent la synthèse de la mariologie claudélienne, et forment un dyptique dont les images se répondent. Le premier est une méditation sur les Sept Douleurs de la Vierge (...)
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    Modeling and correcting for linear spatial leakage effects in MEG seed-based functional connectivity mapping.Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Mary Alison, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Goldman Serge, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  14.  17
    François-Xavier Druet, Langage, images et visages de la mort chez Jean Chrysostome.Anne-Marie Guillaume - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (85):102-104.
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    Élodie B ertrand, Marie-Xavière C atto et Alicia-Dorothy M ornington (dir.), Les Limites du marché : la marchandisation de la nature et du corps, Paris, Éditions Mare & Martin, « Collection de l’Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne », vol. lvi, 2020. [REVIEW]Alice Le Goff - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 117 (1):131-133.
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    Saint Augustin et la définition du peuple. Aux antipodes de l’« augustinisme politique ».Jean-Marie Salamito - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 137 (2):27-52.
    Cet article comprend deux parties nettement distinctes. La première retrace l’histoire, de 1925 à 1955, de ce que Henri-Xavier Arquillière a cru bon d’appeler l’« augustinisme politique ». Cette théorie ne prolonge nullement les travaux de Pierre Mandonnet et d’Étienne Gilson ; elle est tissée de nombreuses contradictions ; elle procède d’une erreur sur les idées augustiniennes de nature et de justice. Comme l’avait déjà montré Henri de Lubac en 1984, le prétendu « augustinisme politique » n’est qu’un mythe. La (...)
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    Vertiginous Mirrors: The Animation of the Visual Image and Early Modern Travel.San Juan & Rose Marie - 2011 - Distributed in the United States Exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
    Introduction. Dying to see -- The anthropomorphic image : negotiations of space between body and landscape -- The imperfect replica : departures and arrivals from Naples to Nagasaki -- The visionary image : the return of the image from Brazil to Rome -- The utopic image : unsettling circuits between Chile and Rome -- Epilogue : The proliferation of the body : Francis Xavier in Goa.
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    Anne-Marie Bavoux, Xavier Thévenot, Un chemin de croix pour aujourd'hui. Saint-Maurice, Éditions Saint-Augustin, 2002, 128 p.Anne-Marie Bavoux, Xavier Thévenot, Un chemin de croix pour aujourd'hui. Saint-Maurice, Éditions Saint-Augustin, 2002, 128 p. [REVIEW]Simonne Plourde - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (3):641-642.
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    THÉVENOT, Xavier, THIEL, Marie-Jo, Pratiquer l'analyse éthique. Étudier un cas. Examiner un texteTHÉVENOT, Xavier, THIEL, Marie-Jo, Pratiquer l'analyse éthique. Étudier un cas. Examiner un texte. [REVIEW]Pierre Gaudette - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (2):392-392.
  20.  11
    Le droit malgré tout: hommage à François Ost.François Ost & Yves Cartuyvels (eds.) - 2018 - Bruxelles: Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis.
    Depuis Droit, mythe et raison (1980) écrit avec Jacques Lenoble jusqu’aux récents À quoi sert le droit? Usages, fonctions et finalités (2016) ou Le droit, objet de passions (2018), François Ost ne cesse de questionner les rapports de nos sociétés au droit et la place de celui-ci dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Avec Le droit malgré tout, il s’agit de rendre hommage à l’œuvre et à la carrière d’une figure centrale de la théorie du droit contemporaine et aussi au fondateur, avec (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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    Estudios sobre el pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano.Damián Pachón Soto - 2015 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Desde Abajo.
    Primera parte. Problemas teóricos en torno a la filosofia latinoamericana. A modo de introducción : la historia de las ideas en América Latina -- Breve trazo de un camino -- Crítica de la Crítica de la razón latinoamericana de Santiago Castro-Gómez -- Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot y José Luis Romero : historiografía e identidad latinamericana -- El colonialismo intelectual en América Latina y su crítica -- La historiografía como "carta de batalla" -- El rastacuerismo y nuestra cultura política -- La secularización (...)
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  23.  45
    Xavier Léon/Élie Halévy Correspondance (1891-1898).Xavier Léon, Élie Halévy & Perrine Simon-Nahum - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1/2):3 - 58.
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  24.  39
    Xavier Zubiri texts.Xavier Zubiri - unknown
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    Mary Shepherd's An essay upon the relation of cause and effect.Mary Shepherd - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Don Garrett.
    Mary Shepherd's An Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, first published in 1824, was a pioneering work in metaphysics and epistemology. Together with her 1827 Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, they make her one of the most important philosophers of her era. Although widely neglected by the history of philosophy in the decades after her death, her works have recently begun to attract the attention and sustained study they deserve. In the course of her writings, (...)
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    RESEÑA de: Escribano, Xavier. Sujeto encarnado y expresión creadora : aproximación al pensamiento de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Cabrills : Prohom edicions, 2004.Xavier Escribano - 2005 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:281.
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    Mary Shepherd's Essays on the perception of an external universe.Mary Shepherd - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first modern edition of the works of Lady Mary Shepherd, one of the most important women philosophers of the early modern period. Shepherd has been widely neglected in the history of philosophy, but her work engaged with the dominant philosophers of the time - among them Hume, Berkeley, and Reid. In particular, her 1827 volume Essays on the Perception of an External Universe outlines a theory of causation, perception, and knowledge which Shepherd presents as an alternative to (...)
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  28.  18
    Festschrift für Xavier Tilliette anlässlich der Verleihung der Humboldt-Medaille durch das Institut für Philosophie der Humboldt-Universität.Xavier Tilliette & Elke Hahn (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Total-Verl..
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  29.  14
    La filosofia come santità della ragione: scritti in onore di Xavier Tilliette.Xavier Tilliette, Antonio Russo & Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron (eds.) - 2004 - Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste.
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  30. 'Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ': Some Observations and Comments.Marie Farrell - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (3):259.
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    Mary Legends in Italian Manuscripts in the Major Libraries of Italy. Groups I-III.Mary Vincentine Gripkey - 1952 - Mediaeval Studies 14 (1):9-47.
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  32. Mary Astell on Self-Government and Custom.Marie Jayasekera - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):452-472.
    This paper identifies, develops, and argues for an interpretation of Mary Astell’s understanding of self-government. On this interpretation, what is essential to self-government, according to Astell, is an agent’s responsiveness to her own reasoning. The paper identifies two aspects of her theory of self-government: an ‘authenticity’ criterion of what makes our motives our own and an account of the capacities required for responsiveness to our own reasoning. The authenticity criterion states that when our motives arise from some external source without (...)
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  33.  7
    Avons-nous encore une âme?Xavier Lacroix - 2017 - Paris: Salvator.
    Pourquoi parle-t-on si facilement de l'âme d'un violon, d'une poutre, d'un canon et avec plus d'embarras, de l'âme humaine? Le mot "âme" a des résonances qui pour beaucoup paraissent suspectes. Nombre de nos contemporains pensent ou préfèrent se passer de la notion d'âme qu'ils jugent désuète, mythique ou trop chargée de religieux. Et s'il y avait une relation étroite entre le refoulement du religieux et celui de l'âme? se demande Xavier Lacroix. De même que le religieux est porteur d'une signification (...)
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  34. Mary: The Complete Resource [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (4):500.
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    Philosophie, théologie, littérature: hommage à Xavier Tilliette, SJ, pour ses quatre-vingt-dix ans.Miklós Vetö, Xavier Tilliette & Simone Stancampiano (eds.) - 2011 - Louvain: Peeters.
    Le Pere Xavier Tilliette est l'un des plus grands historiens contemporains de la philosophie. Il est l'auteur d'une monumentale etude en deux volumes sur Schelling... qui il avait d'ailleurs consacre plusieurs autres ouvrages. Il a egalement ecrit d'excellents livres sur d'autres grandes figures de la philosophie occidentale notamment Fichte, Merleau-Ponty, Lequier. Il est aussi et surtout le representant le plus connu d'un genre unique de la philosophie de la religion, celui qui traite des grands themes de la theologie chretienne selon (...)
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  36. Credibility, Idealisation, and Model Building: An Inferential Approach.Xavier Donato Rodríguez & Jesús Zamora Bonilla - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (1):101-118.
    In this article we defend the inferential view of scientific models and idealisation. Models are seen as “inferential prostheses” (instruments for surrogative reasoning) construed by means of an idealisation-concretisation process, which we essentially understand as a kind of counterfactual deformation procedure (also analysed in inferential terms). The value of scientific representation is understood in terms not only of the success of the inferential outcomes arrived at with its help, but also of the heuristic power of representation and their capacity to (...)
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    The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Qur'an.Marie Farrell - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (4):439.
  38. La bruyère et le respect Des cultures.François Xavier Cuche - 2012 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 92 (1):49-68.
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    Building Happiness Indicators Some Philosophical and Political Issues.Xavier Landes - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (2):4-37.
    Xavier Landes | : Happiness has become a central theme in public debates. Happiness indicators illustrate this importance. This article offers a typology of the main challenges conveyed by the elaboration of happiness indicators, where happiness can be understood as hedonia, subjective well-being, or eudaimonia. The typology is structured around four questions: what to measure?—i.e., the difficulties linked to the choice of a particular understanding of happiness for building an indicator; whom to include?—i.e., the limits of the community monitored by (...)
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  40. Self-Transcendent Aspirations and Life Satisfaction: The Moderated Mediation Role of Gratitude Considering Conditional Effects of Affective and Cognitive Empathy.Xavier Oriol, Jesús Unanue, Rafael Miranda, Alberto Amutio & César Bazán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ideas for Mapping Lifeworld and Everyday Life in Practical Social Pedagogy.Xavier Úcar - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):593-614.
    Since the 1970s, the concepts of “lifeworld” and “everyday life” have been part of the discourse of social pedagogy and social and educational work in general. Xavier Úcar's objective in this article is to generate and communicate socio-pedagogical knowledge that helps social pedagogues to build socio-educational relationships that are more effective, more sustainable, more satisfactory, and ultimately richer in terms of both experiences and learning for participants. A conceptually oriented, nonsystematic analysis procedure was used to conduct this research. The procedure (...)
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  42.  19
    Accurate Diagnosis? Exploring Convergence and Divergence in Non-Western Missionary and Sociological Master Narratives of Christian Decline in Western Europe.Rebecca Catto - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (1):31-45.
    Non-Western Christian missionaries from a variety of backgrounds represent Europe as being in decline in terms of its religiosity and morals. Such evaluations are set against a backdrop of Christian demographic shift from the global North to the global South and secularization theory. The shift in demographics is, however, unfinished, as is the inversion of relations implied by the vocal, critical presence of Southern Christians in Europe. There is great religious variety within Europe, the West and the global South. Hence (...)
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  43. Marie-Laure Deroff, Homme/Femme : la part de la sexualité. Une sociologie de l’hétérosexualité.Marie-Carmen Garcia - 2008 - Clio 27:264-265.
    Les modèles traditionnels de la masculinité et de la féminité ont été bouleversés au cours des trente dernières années. On observe ainsi des rapprochements entre les expériences sociales féminines et masculines, une certaine porosité des frontières entre les sexes et l’élaboration d’identités sexuées aux contours mouvants. Partant de ces constats, le livre de Marie-Laure Déroff, confronte des modèles médiatisés de la masculinité et de la féminité et des récits de vie centrés sur la sexualité....
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    Questioning Racial Prescriptions: An Interview with Jonathan Xavier Inda.Sibille Merz & Jonathan Xavier Inda - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):338-349.
    In Racial Prescriptions, Jonathan Xavier Inda offers a critical and timely analysis of the making of BiDil, the first (and only) drug that was marketed exclusively to African Americans. Sibille Merz speaks to him about the re-articulation of racial politics under neoliberalism, the legacies of scientific racism and the molecularization of biopolitics in the genomic age.
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  45. Standard Gödel Modal Logics.Xavier Caicedo & Ricardo O. Rodriguez - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (2):189-214.
    We prove strong completeness of the □-version and the ◊-version of a Gödel modal logic based on Kripke models where propositions at each world and the accessibility relation are both infinitely valued in the standard Gödel algebra [0,1]. Some asymmetries are revealed: validity in the first logic is reducible to the class of frames having two-valued accessibility relation and this logic does not enjoy the finite model property, while validity in the second logic requires truly fuzzy accessibility relations and this (...)
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  46. Doctor Xavier EMMANUELLI.Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli, Leonid Roshal, Boris Cyrulnik, Hatem Kotrane, Alexey Ivanovitch Golovane, Norman Long & Pr Elena Rostislavovna Yarskaya-Smirnova - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    ‘Alive by default’: An exploration of Velleman’s unfair burdens argument against state sanctioned euthanasia.Xavier Symons & Reginald Chua - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (3):288-294.
    In this article we critically evaluate an argument against state‐sanctioned euthanasia made by David Velleman in his 1992 paper ‘Against the right to die’. In that article, Velleman argues that legalizing euthanasia is morally problematic as it will deprive eligible patients of the opportunity of staying ‘alive by default’. That is to say, those patients who are rendered eligible for euthanasia as a result of legislative reform will face the burden of having to justify their continued existence to their epistemic (...)
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    Maximality vs. Optimality in Dyadic Deontic Logic.Xavier Parent - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (6):1101-1128.
    This paper reports completeness results for dyadic deontic logics in the tradition of Hansson’s systems. There are two ways to understand the core notion of best antecedent-worlds, which underpins such systems. One is in terms of maximality, and the other in terms of optimality. Depending on the choice being made, one gets different evaluation rules for the deontic modalities, but also different versions of the so-called limit assumption. Four of them are disentangled, and compared. The main observation of this paper (...)
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    Insectos y arañas en la Historia Naturale de Ferrante Imperato, impresa en Nápoles en 1599.Xavier Bellés - 1999 - Arbor 163 (643-644):425-435.
    Entre otras cosas, la Historia Naturale de Ferrante Imperato, publicada en Nápoles en 1599, trata de varias especies de artrópodos que hoy podríamos identificar como la araña Lycosa tarentula (=Lycosa narbonensis), el ortóptero Gryllotalpa grillotalpa, y los coleópteros Mylabris variabilis, Oryctes nasicorsis, Cerambyx cerdo y Lucanus cervus. Es de destacar la notable fidelidad de las ilustraciones, así como el estilo directo de las descripciones, que mencionan frecuentemente el lugar de las observaciones. Ello da a la obra un valor añadido de (...)
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    La conception du Fils de Dieu dans le sein de Marie selon Jacques de Saroug († 521).Marie-Thérèse Elia - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (1):41-60.
    In his writings on the conception and the birth of the Son of God, Jacob of Sarug perceives Mary’s perpetual virginity as a mystery intimately linked to that of the Son of God. In fact, the Son of God has taken flesh from the Virgin for us men and for our salvation. Jacob presents two ways to describe the Incarnation : the conception of the Word of God through the ear, and his entrance in the world through the common door (...)
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