Results for 'Humberto Barreto'

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  1.  37
    Typological thinking, statistical significance, and the methodological divergence of experimental psychology and economics.Charles F. Blaich & Humberto Barreto - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):405-405.
    While correctly describing the differences in current practices between experimental psychologists and economists, Hertwig and Ortmann do not provide a compelling explanation for these differences. Our explanation focuses on the fact that psychologists view the world as composed of categories and types. This discrete organizational scheme results in merely testing nulls and wider variation in observed practices in experimental psychology.
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  2. The tree of knowledge:The biological roots of human understanding.Humberto R. Maturana & Francisco J. Varela - 1992 - Cognition.
    "Knowing how we know" is the subject of this book. Its authors present a new view of cognition that has important social and ethical implications, for, they assert, the only world we humans can have is the one we create together through the actions of our coexistence. Written for a general audience as well as for students, scholars, and scientists and abundantly illustrated with examples from biology, linguistics, and new social and cultural phenomena, this revised edition includes a new afterword (...)
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  3. Humberto R. Maturana and Francisco J. Varela on science and the humanities: the Poerksen interviews.Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Humberto R. Maturana & Bernhard Poerksen - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetic Education.
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    Cajal and today's consciousness research.Ernest Barreto - 2002 - Complexity 7 (3):14-16.
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    Da mentira, de Gabriel Liiceanu.André Assi Barreto - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 10 (2):294-297.
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    Filosofía desde América: Temas, balances y perspectivas: (simposio del ICA 53).Ramírez Barreto & Ana Cristina (eds.) - 2011 - Quito-Ecuador: Abya Yala, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.
  7. La idea de una voluntad legisladora universal como constitución de la objetividad.Luz Marina Barreto - 2008 - Episteme (Porto Alegre) 28 (2):129-142.
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    Los padres capadocios y el concepto de persona / Cappadocian Fathers and the Concept of Person.Luz Marina Barreto - 2013 - Studia Gilsoniana 2:53-64.
    The thought of the Cappadocian fathers is linked to the Trinitarian nature of God. They strive for formulating a definition of divine person. The extent of the Cappadocian notion of person covers two other important ideas which refer to being someone: an ability to be in a fraternal relation with others, and a disposition to enter such a relation voluntarily. The Christian idea of divine person also implicates a concept of infinite dignity. The authoress shows that at the grassroots of (...)
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    Lo que la misteriosa autoridad de la motivación racional tiene que decirnos sobre la unidad de la razón.Luz Marina Barreto - 2006 - Signos Filosóficos 8 (15):153-159.
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  10.  14
    La racionalidad y el sentido moral: un estudio sobre fundamentación de la moral.Luz Marina Barreto - 2011 - Caracas: Fondo Editorial de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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    Por Que Revisitar o Debate entre Bergson e Einstein?1.Márcio Barreto - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (1):77-92.
    RESUMO: Bergson e Einstein participaram de uma conferência no Collège de France, em Paris, no mês de abril de 1922. Muitos desencontros entre o físico e o filósofo, no que diz respeito à questão do tempo, são já superados, se considerarmos a existência de processos dinâmicos instáveis, mas ainda permanece atual a questão da interioridade do tempo à ciência e, portanto, a possibilidade de retomada da complementaridade entre a ciência e a metafísica, proposta por Bergson, como necessária para a compreensão (...)
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    Violated Rights, Censured Memories: Histories of Violated Human Rights in Brazil and in the Southern Cone.Anna Flávia Arruda Lanna Barreto - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    La experiencia moral.Humberto Giannini - 1992 - Editorial Universitaria.
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    Panorama de la Filosofía Cubana.Humberto Piñera Llera - 1960 - Union Panamericana.
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    Size constancy and the problem of perceptual spaces.Humberto R. Maturana, Samy G. Frenk & Francisco G. Varela - 1972 - Cognition 1 (1):97-104.
    The phenomenon of size constancy is defined as the apparent perceptual invariance of the linear dimensions of a seen object as this approaches the eye or recedes from it. It has been interpreted as resulting from the application by the brain of a size correction, made possible by the subject's apprehension of distance cues present in the image. We present several observations which, by dissociating accommodation from distance of the seen object and by suppressing the optic effects of accommodation on (...)
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    Filosofía y literatura: aproximaciones.Humberto Piñera - 1975 - Madrid: Playor.
  17. Combatiendo en dos frentes.Humberto M. Rasi - 1994 - Enfoques 6 (1):15.
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    The first voyage around the world: From Pigafetta to García Márquez.Humberto E. Robles - 1985 - History of European Ideas 6 (4):385-404.
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    Science Teaching, Disagreements and Intellectual Autonomy.Uarison Rodrigues Barreto - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (3).
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  20. Sobre os Artis Grammaticae Praecepta de Estêvao Cavaleiro.M. Saraiva Barreto - 1981 - Humanitas 33:31-47.
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    La investigación participativa: sus aportes a la extensión crítica.Humberto Tommasino & Marcelo Pérez Sánchez - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-21.
    En el presente trabajo se propone un estudio comparativo de las producciones de algunos referentes de la Investigación Participativa. Se revisan algunos de los textos de Orlando Fals Borda, Paulo Freire, João Bosco Guedes Pinto, Michel Thiollent, María Teresa Sirvent y Joel Martí. Este trabajo se inscribe en el proceso reciente de transformación universitaria en Uruguay, en particular, en una de sus iniciativas: la de la integración curricular de la extensión a través de lo que se ha denominado “prácticas universitarias (...)
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  22. Concept of Legal Certainty.Humberto Ávila - 2016 - In Humberto Ávila (ed.), Certainty in Law. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    El motivo trascendental en Kant y Husserl.Jaime Javier Villanueva Barreto - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 39:55-80.
    El artículo explora el sentido en que tanto Kant como Husserl entienden lo trascendental y la importancia de este concepto para sus respectivas filosofías. El autor aborda esta relación con la intención de mostrar que ambos filósofos parten de una reflexión radical sobre las condiciones de posibilidad de la experiencia, llegando a conclusiones diferentes sobre ésta. Se pasa revista de las consecuencias de establecer una filosofía trascendental y la enorme diferencia que ambos autores establecen sobre el tema de la experiencia (...)
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  24. Autopoiesis, structural coupling and cognition.Humberto Maturana - manuscript
  25. Brain, Language and the Origin of Human Mental Functions.Humberto Maturana - unknown
    We propose that to understand the biological and neurophysiological processes that give rise to human mental phenomena it is necessary to consider them as behavioral relational phenomena. In particular, we propose that: a) these phenomena take place in the relational manner of living that human language constitutes, and b) that they arise as recursive operations in such behavioral domain. Accordingly, we maintain that these phenomena do not take place in the brain, nor are they the result of a unique operation (...)
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    The Stern–Gerlach Phenomenon According to Classical Electrodynamics.Humberto M. França - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (10):1177-1190.
    We present a description of the Stern–Gerlach type experiments using only the concepts of classical electrodynamics and the Newton’s equations of motion. The quantization of the projections of the spin (or the projections of the magnetic dipole) is not introduced in our calculations. The main characteristic of our approach is a quantitative analysis of the motion of the magnetic atoms at the entrance of the magnetic field region. This study reveals a mechanism which modifies continuously the orientation of the magnetic (...)
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  27. Self-consciousness: how? when? where?Humberto R. Maturana - 2006 - Constructivist Foundations 1 (3):91-102.
    Purpose: To show how is it that that which we connote with notions of self and consciousness are configurations of sensorialities that arise in the flow of our living in recursive coordinations of doings which eventually they guide, and not entities independent of our doings. Approach: Following the consequences of our condition of structure determined systems that do not distinguish in the experience whether what they live is a perception or an illusion. Findings: That we human beings occur as relational (...)
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    El árbol del conocimiento: las bases biológicas del conocimiento humano.Humberto R. Maturana & Francisco J. Varela - 1990 - Madrid: Editorial Debate. Edited by Francisco J. Varela.
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    From Environmental Ethics to Nature Conservation Policy: Natura 2000 and the Burden of Proof.Humberto Rosa & Jorge Silva - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2):107-130.
    Natura 2000 is a network of natural sites whose aim is to preserve species and habitats of relevance in the European Union. The policy underlying Natura 2000 has faced widespread opposition from land users and received extensive support from environmentalists. This paper addresses the ethical framework for Natura 2000 and the probable moral assumptions of its main stakeholders. Arguments for and against Natura 2000 were analyzed and classified according to “strong” or “weak” versions of the three main theories of environmental (...)
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  30.  21
    A New Statistical Approach for fNIRS Hyperscanning to Predict Brain Activity of Preschoolers’ Using Teacher’s.Candida Barreto, Guilherme de Albuquerque Bruneri, Guilherme Brockington, Hasan Ayaz & Joao Ricardo Sato - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Hyperscanning studies using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy have been performed to understand the neural mechanisms underlying human-human interactions. In this study, we propose a novel methodological approach that is developed for fNIRS multi-brain analysis. Our method uses support vector regression to predict one brain activity time series using another as the predictor. We applied the proposed methodology to explore the teacher-student interaction, which plays a critical role in the formal learning process. In an illustrative application, we collected fNIRS data of the (...)
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    Dos ideários neoliberais à constituição de políticas de formação docente brasileira: tempos de recessão ideológica ou alienação mercadológica?Anderson Cristian Barreto, Maria Luisa Costa & Vânia de Fátima Matias Souza - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021010.
    A formação docente brasileira foi marcada por interlocuções epistêmicas, mudanças e transformações estruturais e conjunturais, atreladas aos âmbitos sociais, culturais, econômicos, jurídicos e políticos, influenciando e configurando as dimensões do ser professor. Sua configuração, como um ser social, permite a transposição dicotômica entre conhecimentos científicos e senso comum, possibilitando reflexões a uma análise conjuntural acerca da realidade posta, efetivando a essencialidade do processo formativo elucidada a partir do rompimento alienado efetivado por meio dos princípios ideológicos que regem, fragilizam e fragmentam (...)
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  32.  16
    El lenguaje de la modernidad.Luz Marina Barreto - 1994 - Caracas, Venezuela: Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana.
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  33. ¿ Es posible una ética de las emociones?Luz Marina Barreto - 1997 - Ideas Y Valores 46 (103):3-20.
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    Los costos constitucionales de la Guerra contra las drogas: Dos estudios de Caso de las transformaciones de las comunidades políticas de las américas.Antonio Barreto Rozo & Alejandro Madrazo Lajous - 2015 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 43:151-193.
    El texto busca ofrecer un marco analítico y comparativo para estudiar en detalle un fenómeno que hasta hoy ha pasado prácticamente inadvertido: los costos constitucionales de la guerra contra las drogas. En las Américas, las políticas públicas adoptadas en un esfuerzo por suprimir los mercados de drogas ilícitas, han requerido o justificado reformas legales y transformaciones institucionales sustantivas. Estos escenarios son estudiados mediante una categoría que llamamos “costos constitucionales” y se ofrece, como punto de partida de una evaluación potencialmente más (...)
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  35. Los fundamentos de la moral cristiana y el problema de su especificidad.Luz Marina Barreto - 2010 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 1:49-65.
    El propósito de este ensayo es discutir si existe una tal cosa como una moral cristiana “específica” y cómo hemos de definirla y comprenderla. Sugiero que si existe, ella no debería ser entendida como un sistema moral que sería válido en un sentido realista, “objetivista” o convencional, sino que más bien su especificidad debería basarse en la clase de motivación a la que daría lugar. Esto quiere decir que lo que pudiéramos definir como una moral cristiana genuina es una nueva (...)
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  36. La reflexión ética y la constitución de una cultura política orientada al entendimiento.Luz Marina Barreto - 2011 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 4:35-52.
    Una cultura política orientada al entendimiento y la paz requiere, sostendré, no sólo que se tengan las disposiciones correctas, sino, ante todo, la convicción de que incluso nuestras disposiciones morales se encuentran enraizadas en la razón y la reflexión. Bajo este punto de vista, el cultivo de una cultura política respetuosa del otro y sensata supone que tanto la sociedad como sus instituciones ya han contribuido a un clima moral deliberativo, uno que no cree simplemente que la moral es sólo (...)
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  37. Motivos y razones.Luz Marina Barreto - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 6.
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    O Conceito de Natureza Humana nas Preleções Sobre a Pedagogia de Kant.S. Barreto - 2012 - Páginas de Filosofía 4 (1):55-69.
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    On Sayre’s Alternative View of Environmental Ethics.Luis Barreto - 1990 - Environmental Ethics 14 (4):377-377.
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    Universidad y bio/ética.Ramírez Barreto, Ana Cristina, Arellano Rodríguez, José Salvador, José Mendívil, Mayorga Madrigal & Alberto Cuauhtémoc (eds.) - 2017 - México: MAPorrúa, Librero-Editor.
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    Knowledge of People.Humberto Brito - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (1):207-214.
    Philosophers such as Elizabeth Anscombe and Donald Davidson have explained that we cannot derive predictions from judgments such as "he boasted from vanity." Such judgments are also the source of countless painful mistakes. However, are they necessarily unreliable? Often enough, even if only gradually and partially, we get people right. Assuming that we do is already assuming that there must be a connection, if not causal then at least casual, between what a person is, what she does, and how she (...)
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    Os desafios da compreensão: um ensaio sobre a hermenêutica da complexidade.Humberto Calloni & Filipi Vieira Amorim - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67).
    Neste artigo, objetivamos investigar os desafios da compreensão da complexidade imanente às múltiplas realidades. Metodologicamente, dada a natureza teórica do ensaio, fomos acompanhados pelas reflexões de Edgar Morin sobre "O Método". Tomamos como ponto de partida a ruptura entre as ciências da natureza e as ciências do espírito que, por consequência, encerraram a ciência e a filosofia em compartimentos disciplinares aparentemente incomunicáveis. Com vistas à superação deste isolamento, reivindicamos uma hermenêutica da complexidade de modo que possamos compreender as relações, colaborações (...)
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    The philosopher and concrete existence.Humberto Diaz Casanueva - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (1):36-52.
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    As duas alternativas da pesquisa em espiritualidade e saúde.Humberto Schubert Coelho - 2021 - Horizonte:998.
    Na medida em que o termo espiritualidade é em si mesmo ambíguo, o desafio específico da pesquisa em espiritualidade e saúde enquanto campo é definir de que maneiras o conceito ‘espiritualidade’ pode ser frutiferamente aplicado à saúde física e mental. Uma vez que a relatividade hermenêutica de um conceito humanístico tem de se relacionar com os resultados mensuráveis das ciências empíricas, algumas dificuldades inevitavelmente surgem. Isso não impediu, contudo, a formação de duas abordagens claramente definidas na pesquisa em espiritualidade e (...)
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    En búsqueda de una evidencia razonable de las creencias religiosas.S. J. Fredy Humberto Castañeda Vargas - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):129-150.
    This article inquires whether or not religious beliefs are rational, that is to say, whether or not they can be rationally sustained. The point of the article is not to prove the existence of God, but rather simply to show whether or not religious language has real meaning. To do this, we shall examine the concept of belief in general. Then we shall look at religious beliefs in particular from two opposing points of view: on the one hand, from the (...)
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    Os estudos estéticos de Benedetto Croce na cena brasileira, em comemoração ao jubileu de seu falecimento.Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (33):171-183.
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    Bioética para as ciências naturais: conferências e casos de estudo do FLAD/NSF International Bioethics Institute.Humberto D. Rosa (ed.) - 2004 - Lisboa: Fundação Luso-Americana.
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    La noción de política en los escritos del joven Marx.Humberto Schettino - 2004 - Critica 36 (107):3-38.
    This paper deals mainly with Marx's conception of politics. My contention is that in Marx's works two basic and opposed conceptions of politics coexist. On the one hand we find a negative, instrumental and realist conception that sees politics as nothing but domination of one class over another and the State as the main instrument of that domination. On the other, we find a positive conception that understands politics as community self-rule. I trace the conceptual origins of these two conceptions (...)
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  49. Lógica y ética.Humberto Vidal - 1944 - Cuzco,: Perú, H. G. Rozas sucesores.
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    La realidad: Fundamentos biológicos del conocimiento.Humberto R. Maturana & Jorge Mpodozis Marín - 1995
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