Results for 'I. Pla'

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  1.  25
    La regla quarta del Mètode i la Geometria.Josep Pla I. Carrera - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:145-154.
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  2. Modelling for planning soil and water conservation.I. Pla - 2002 - A Critical Review. Trans 17:2123-11.
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    (1 other version)Alfred Tarski i la teoria de conjunts.I. Carrera Josep Pla - 1989 - Theoria 4 (2):343-417.
    The work on set theory made by A. Tarski in the years 1924-1950 is very interesting, but little know.We develope partial questions in set theory in the moment that A. Tarski intervenes and his contributionsand also influences.The principals aims in this development are:1. The axiom of choice [A.C.] and his equivalents;2. the general continuum hypothesis [G.C.H.] and the A.C.;3. the dual trichotomy principle;4. the inaccessible cardinals and his relation with the A.C. and the G.C.H.;5. the notion of finite set and (...)
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  4. Ellis on the limitations of dispositionalism.Joel Katzav - 2005 - Analysis 65 (1):92-94.
    FIRST PARAGRAPH I have argued that dispositionalism is incompatible with the Principle of Least Action (PLA) (Katzav 2004). In ‘Katzav on the Limitations of Dispositionalism,’ Brian Ellis responds, arguing that while naïve dispositionalism is incompatible with the PLA, sophisticated dispositionalism is not. Naive dispositionalism, according to Ellis, is the view that the world is ultimately something like a conglomerate of objects and their dispositions, and that, therefore, dispositions are the ultimate ontological units that explain events. Sophisticated dispositionalism, according to Ellis, (...)
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    The “grammatical” nature of Wittgenstein's private language investigation.Francis Y. Lin - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (2):139-163.
    In this paper, I examine the grammatical nature of Wittgenstein's private language argument (PLA). On my interpretation, the definition of private language implies that the private speaker has no natural expressions for his sensations. This in turn implies that he has no criterion of correctness for using his sensation‐words. This then implies, together with the grammatical rule that a word is senseless without a criterion of correctness for its use, that private sensation‐words are senseless, and hence also that private language (...)
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  6. Dispositions and the principle of least action.J. Katzav - 2004 - Analysis 64 (3):206-214.
    My aim is to argue for the incompatibility of one of the central principles of physics, namely the principle of least action (PLA), with the increasingly popular view that the world is, ultimately, merely something like a con- glomerate of objects and irreducible dispositions. First, I argue that the essentialist implications many suppose this view has are not compatible with the PLA. Second, I argue that, irrespective of whether this view has any essentialist implications, it is not compatible with the (...)
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    Escenarios contrafácticos. Una reflexión sobre la Teoría institucional del arte.Adrià Harillo Pla - 2024 - Perseitas 12:273-285.
    Siguiendo la definición de Osvaldo Pessoa Jr., un “escenario contrafáctico” sería “una situación posible que no se realizó, como una posibilidad futura en algún instante del pasado”. Este concepto no es nuevo. De hecho, tiene una presencia significativa en campos como la filosofía analítica, la economía, las ciencias experimentales o la psicología. La pretensión de este texto es presentar, mediante el rigor teórico, conceptual, y el método inductivo, una reflexión no derivada de investigación. Esta reflexión es la importancia de la (...)
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  8. What We Can Learn about Phenomenal Concepts from Wittgenstein’s Private Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):125-152.
    This paper is both systematic and historical in nature. From a historical viewpoint, I aim to show that to establish Wittgenstein’s claim that “an ‘inner process’ stands in need of outward criteria” (PI §580) there is an enthymeme in Wittgenstein’s private language argument (henceforth PLA) overlooked in the literature, namely Wittgenstein’s suggestion that both perceptual and bodily experiences are transparent in the relevant sense that one cannot point to a mental state and wonder “What is that?” From a systematic viewpoint, (...)
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  9. The tension between the mathematical and metaphysical strands of Maupertuis' Principle of Least Action.Yannick Van den Abbeel - 2017 - Noctua 4 (1-2):56-90.
    Without doubt, the principle of least action is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics. Contemporary physicists, however, consider the PLA as a purely mathematical principle – even an axiom which they cannot completely justify. Such an account stands in sharp contrast with the historical meaning of the PLA. When the principle was introduced in the 1740s, by Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, its meaning was much more versatile. For Maupertuis the principle of least action signified that nature is thrifty or economical (...)
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    Between Privacy, Alienation and Community.Francesca Scapinello - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):175-196.
    This paper is concerned with Stanley Cavell’s reading of the notion of privacy as it appears in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s private language argument (PLA). Defined as a fantasy or fear either of inexpressiveness or excessive expressiveness (cf. Cavell 1979: 254), I argue that such an account is partial, in that it does not represent those individuals that are exposed to epistemic injustice. Drawing on Miranda Fricker’s seminal work Epistemic Injustice (2007) and on Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks (1952), I trace (...)
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  11.  49
    The principle of least action and teleological explanation in physics.David Glick - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-15.
    The principle of least action (PLA) has often been cited as a counterexample to the dominant mode of causal explanation in physics. In particular, PLA seems to involve an appeal to final causes or some other teleological ideology. However, Ben-Menahem (Causation in science, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2018) argues that such implications no longer apply given that PLA can be recovered as limiting case from quantum theory. In this paper, I argue that the metaphysical implications of PLA-based explanations are not (...)
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    What We Can Learn about Phenomenal Concepts from Wittgenstein’s Private Language.Roberto Sá Pereira - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):125-152.
    This paper is both systematic and historical in nature. From a historical viewpoint, I aim to show that to establish Wittgenstein’s claim that “an ‘inner process’ stands in need of outward criteria” there is an enthymeme in Wittgenstein’s private language argument overlooked in the literature, namely Wittgenstein’s suggestion that both perceptual and bodily experiences are _transparent_ in the relevant sense that one cannot point to a mental state and wonder “What is that?” From a systematic viewpoint, I aim to show (...)
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  13.  48
    Russell and Whitehead on the Process of Growth in Education.Howard Woodhouse - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (2):135-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSELL AND WHITEHEAD ON THE PROCESS OF GROWTH IN EDUCATION1 HOWARD WOODHOUSE Educational Foundations / University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N owo 1. RUSSELL, WHITEHEAD, AND PROCESS PHILOSOPHY W ere there no similarities between the philosophies of education of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead, one would want to know why. Russell, after all, was Whitehead 's student as an undergraduate at Cambridge, his colleague and collaborator for (...)
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    Anonymous Versus Open Donation and Queerness as Political: Comments on Groll’s Conceiving People.Amanda Roth - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (1):166-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anonymous Versus Open Donation and Queerness as Political:Comments on Groll's Conceiving PeopleAmanda Roth (bio)1. IntroductionIn this commentary on Daniel Groll's 2021 book Conceiving People: Genetic Knowledge and the Ethics of Sperm and Egg Donation, I examine a number of the book's major themes, especially around the idea that donor-conceived children have a significant interest in genetic knowledge and therefore, donor-conceiving parents are morally required to use an open donor.1 (...)
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    Beylikler Devri Türk-İslam Ciltlerinin Kapak İçlerinde Bir Dua İbaresi: el-İzzü’d-D'im ve’l-İkb'l.Fatma Şeyma Boydak - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):291-317.
    Beylikler devri Türk-İslam ciltleri hem tezyînatları hem de üzerlerindeki dini içerikli ibareler, dua ve mücellid mühürleri vasıtasıyla cilt sanatı araştırmacılarının yayınlarına konu olmuştur. Ancak ciltlerdeki dua ifadelerini müstakil olarak konu edinen yayın sayısı oldukça azdır. Türk-İslam ciltlerinin gerek kapak yüzeyinde gerekse kapak içlerinde dua içerikli ibarelere rastlamak mümkündür. Makalenin konusu, Beylikler devrinde üretilen Türk-İslam ciltlerinin deri kaplı kapak içlerinde yer alan el-İzzü’d-Dâim ve’l-İkbâl (العزّ الدّائم والإقبال) yazısı, bu yazının yer aldığı desen kompozisyonu ve yazının analizidir. Makaledeki amaç, şimdiye kadar cilt (...)
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  16.  46
    Is a sensation a concept-involving object?Haiqiang Dai - 2021 - South African Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):99-116.
    In the private language argument (PLA), Wittgenstein raises a paradox, namely that a sensation is not a something, but not a nothing either. McDowell argues that Wittgenstein unnecessarily eliminates inner sensations. By contrast, McDowell insists that sensations are perfectly good somethings, namely concept-involving objects. Hao Tang praises McDowell’s idea that Wittgenstein’s target is the myth of the inner given, namely the private object, but he criticises McDowell’s interpretation of Wittgenstein as eliminating inner sensations. On his interpretation, Wittgenstein does not eliminate (...)
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  17.  82
    Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry (review).R. M. Dancy - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):634-636.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to PorphyryR. M. DancyGeorge E. Karamanolis. Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006. Pp. x + 419. Cloth, $125.00.Coleridge wrote: “Every man is born an Aristotelian or a Platonist. I do not think it possible that anyone born an Aristotelian can become a Platonist; and I am sure that (...)
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  18. Language Models and the Private Language Argument: a Wittgensteinian Guide to Machine Learning.Giovanni Galli - 2024 - Anthem Press:145-164.
    Wittgenstein’s ideas are a common ground for developers of Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems and linguists working on Language Acquisition and Mastery (LAM) models (Mills 1993; Lowney, Levy, Meroney and Gayler 2020; Skelac and Jandrić 2020). In recent years, we have witnessed a fast development of NLP systems capable of performing tasks as never before. NLP and LAM have been implemented based on deep learning neural networks, which learn concepts representation from rough data, but are nonetheless very effective in tasks (...)
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  19. Maupertuis, Euler, and the Leibnizian Metaphysics behind the Principle of Least Action.Ansgar Lyssy - 2022 - Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment Series 2022:123–152.
    Maupertuis and Euler had an ambivalent and tense relationship to their Leibniz, especially concerning his grounding of physics in metaphysics. Consequently, this paper has two intersecting goals: first, it attempts to flesh out some aspects of the reception of Leibnizian thought in the context of Enlightenment physics, more precisely, in the deduction of the Principle of least action (henceforth PLA). Second, it also highlights a specific approach towards the intersection of physics and metaphysics that was championed by the Berlin Academy, (...)
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  20.  7
    No tinc temps per pensar: ni gairebé per llegir.Josep Muñoz Redon - 2011 - Barcelona: Octaedro. Edited by Manuel Güell Barceló.
    No tenim temps per a res. La família, els amics, l’esport o altres dèries sempre queden en un segon pla. També el cultiu del pensament, que suposadament és una de les coses que identifica més i millor la nostra espècie, resta a l’espera. La pressa ens aclapara. En aquest context precipitat necessitem temps per descobrir el temps. Un oasi de pensament que comencem a explorar gràcies a parar atenció aquí i allà: ressenyem les observacions resultants, plantegem sengles qüestions estimulants i (...)
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    A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–Love.L. Van der Stockt - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):575-599.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–LoveLuc Van der StocktHypomnemata and QuellenforschungPlutarch's "hypomnemata statement" in the introduction to De Tranquillitate Animi has elicited much industrious activity from the scholarly world, and rightly so. The sentence (464F) invites one naturally to apply the method of classical hermeneutics (as understood by Babilas 1961, 30, 51–52), consisting in the confrontation of an author's oeuvre (its inventio, dispositio, and elocutio) with all the elements of (...)
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    Macintyre’s Republic.J. K. Swindler - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):343-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MACINTYRE'S REPUBLIC J. K. SWINDLER Westminster College Fulton, Missouri CONTRARY TO HIS own evident intentions and perceptions, in After Virtue A'lasdair Macinty!l.·e is much more of a Ptlatonist 1than the A1 ristotelian he aims to be. I hase this judgment both on the positive evidence that Macintyre and Plato (in the Republic) m1gue for and against the same crucial theses and on the negative evidence that Plato has read (...)
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    A Plutarchan hypomnema on self-love.Luc Van der Stockt - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):575-599.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Plutarchan Hypomnema on Self–LoveLuc Van der StocktHypomnemata and QuellenforschungPlutarch's "hypomnemata statement" in the introduction to De Tranquillitate Animi has elicited much industrious activity from the scholarly world, and rightly so. The sentence (464F) invites one naturally to apply the method of classical hermeneutics (as understood by Babilas 1961, 30, 51–52), consisting in the confrontation of an author's oeuvre (its inventio, dispositio, and elocutio) with all the elements of (...)
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  24.  39
    Psychology and psychical research in France around the end of the 19th century.Régine Plas - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):91-107.
    During the last third of the 19th century, the ‘new’ French psychology developed within ‘the hypnotic context’ opened up by Charcot. In spite of their claims to the scientific nature of their hypnotic experiments, Charcot and his followers were unable to avoid the miracles that had accompanied mesmerism, the forerunner of hypnosis. The hysterics hypnotized in the Salpêtrière Hospital were expected to have supernormal faculties and these experiments opened the door to psychical research. In 1885 the first French psychology society (...)
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    Conflicte ètic i joc estètic. Sobre el lloc històric-filosòfic de la tragèdia en Hegel i Nietzsche.Christoph Menke - 2001 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 32 (33):203-222.
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    The framing of Muslims on the Spanish Internet.Manuel Alcántara-Plá & Ana Ruiz-Sánchez - 2017 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 13 (2).
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    Acerca de la biotecnología ambiental.Rafael Blasco Pla & Francisco Castillo Rodríguez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (768):a157.
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    Postmodernism: philosophical foundations and values.José M. Fonollosa Pla - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 20:91.
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    Movimiento social del derecho de acceso a la información en México.Issa Luna Pla - 2009 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Las termitas ilustradas.Plácido Mora - 2018 - Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Lector Cómplice.
    Cuando observamos el apabullante momento histórico en que estamos viviendo, con el alto desarrollo tecnológico disponible, y nos informamos de los éxitos de la física teórica y física aplicada, los avances en la cosmología, la biología, la filosofía de la ciencia, los vuelcos que le damos a los conocimientos para ajustarlos a la circunstancias de la ciencia actual, observamos la conquista del hombre sobre el planeta y sus recursos, los cambios en la sociología mundial, los avances y prospección de avaneces (...)
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    Acerca de las potencialidades del concepto de clase para el campo de estudios de la movilidad social.Jésica Lorena Pla - 2013 - Aposta 58:7 - 29.
    Este artículo analiza la potencialidad teórica de los análisis de movilidad social desde una perspectiva de la clase social. La temática de la movilidad social ha sido una de las más relevantes dentro del mundo de la sociología, para dar cuenta del patrón de fluidez social. El tema ha sido dejado de lado acusando a los estudios de movilidad social de referir a una visión política según la cual los individuos tienen oportunidades de moverse hacia diferentes estratos sociales, y lo (...)
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  32. Crear: como se desarrolla una mente creativa 2. Mateo Corradini Narcea. Madrid 2011.Carmen Llopis Pla - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):93.
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    Crimen organizado, horror político y coraje cívico.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2011 - Astrolabio 12:128 - 132.
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  34. Diversidad cultural en un mundo globalizado.Carmen Llopis Pla - 2008 - Critica 58 (952):51-54.
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  35.  14
    De l'hypnotisme criminel à la suggestion collective dans un traité de droit pénal français: l'exemple de René Garraud.Régine Plas - 1989 - Hermes 5:107.
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  36. Etica postliberal, etnocentrismo 'razonable' y democrácias no inclusivas.Lluís Pla - 2005 - Astrolabio:5.
    Puede argumentarse que el hecho de que las democracias liberales occidentales no hayan sido ni sean en general lo suficientemente inclusivas es lo que permite desvelar en ellas una cierto componente de violencia. Sus más recientes justificaciones filosóficas, entre las que destaca la de Richard Rorty, contribuyen a fomentar esta argumentación en la medida que se declaran, con todas las cautelas ciertamente, etnocéntricas. Nos parece que el hecho de que sea factible cuestionar esta justificación ¿a la que denominamos, en la (...)
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  37. Educar para la participación: ¿utopía o realidad?Carmen Llopis Pla - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (971):50-54.
    El artículo plantea dos ideas-eje: una, el poder y la posibilidad de repartirlo y la segunda, educar en la participación como una manera de ejercer la ciudadanía responsable. El significado más habitual del sustantivo poder es la capacidad para ordenar o ejecutar una tarea. También se utiliza como dominio que ejercen unos sujetos sobre otros o como relación entre sujetos, donde unos proponen y otros secundan las propuestas. Se habla también de poder, al control que un individuo ejerce para conseguir (...)
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  38.  8
    Konkurrenz der Paradigmata: zum Entstehungskontext der philosophischen Anthropologie.Guillaume Plas, Gérard Raulet & Manfred Gangl (eds.) - 2011 - Nordhausen: T. Bautz.
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  39. Las Constituciones españolas, una visión desde la educación.Carmen Llopis Pla - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (979):76-79.
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  40. La postmodemidad. Bases filosóficas y valores.José M. Fonollosa Pla - 1993 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 20:191-97.
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  41. Mujeres al poder, sin género de dudas.Carmen Llopis Pla - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (978):35-40.
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    Philosophische Anthropologie und Politik.Guillaume Plas, Gérard Raulet & Manfred Gangl (eds.) - 2013 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Stardust Memories: el yo que recuerda, experiencias de consumo y paternalismo libertario.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2019 - Laguna 44:71-91.
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    Un duelo desequilibrado: Joaquín Fortanet: Foucault y Rorty: Presente, resistencia y deserción, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, 2010.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:585 - 592.
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  45. The origins of French experimental psychology: experiment and experimentalism.Jacqueline Carroy & Régine Plas - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (1):73-84.
  46.  18
    S. García Dauder, Eulalia Pérez Sedeño. Las “mentiras” científicas sobre las mujeres [Scientific “lies” about women]. Editorial Catarata, Madrid, 2017, 256 pp. [REVIEW]Mònica Balltondre Pla - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (3):282-284.
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  47. Cómo personalizar la educación. Una solución de futuro. José Bernardo Carrasco (edit,). Javaloyes, J.J. y Caldero, J.F. Prólogo Pérez Yuste, R. [REVIEW]Carmen Llopis Pla - 2008 - Critica 58 (953):87.
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  48. Protagonistas de las clases de religión. Aproximación sociológica. Carlos Esteban. Fundación Santa María, Cuadernos nº 17, Madrid 2010. [REVIEW]Carmen Llopis Pla - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (971):111.
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    Identifying Relevant Topics for Inclusion in an Ethics Curriculum for Anesthesiology Trainees: A Survey of Practitioners in the Field.Madeline J. Pence, Raymond A. Pla, Eric Heinz, Rundell Douglas, Eduard Shaykhinurov & Breanne Jacobs - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-7.
    Anesthesiology training programs are tasked with equipping trainees with the skills to become medically and ethically competent in the practice of anesthesia and to be prepared to obtain board certification, yet there is currently no standardized ethics curriculum within anesthesia training programs in the United States. To bridge this gap, and to provide a validated ethics curriculum to meet the aforementioned needs, in July 2021, a survey was sent to anesthesia scholars in the field of biomedical ethics to identify key (...)
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    El neoepicureísmo y la concepción del placer en Charles de Saint-Évremond.Alejandro Pla Alfonso - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (300):1455-1477.
    Analizaremos en este artículo cómo Charles de Saint-Évremond (1613-1703), sin renunciar a la religiosidad, propone una ética que no reniega del mundo terrenal, como preconizaba la Iglesia en la Francia de finales del siglo XVII. El filósofo no sólo rehabilita los placeres mundanos, sino que restablece como rasgo antropológico del hombre el carácter de zoon politikón que ya subrayó Aristóteles e influenciaría a Epicuro. Del Estagirita toma también su fórmula del término medio en una ética cotidiana: no caer en el (...)
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