Results for 'Ichiro Sora'

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  1.  42
    Current Status of Neurofeedback for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Systematic Review and the Possibility of Decoded Neurofeedback.Toshinori Chiba, Tetsufumi Kanazawa, Ai Koizumi, Kentarou Ide, Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel, Shuken Boku, Akitoyo Hishimoto, Miyako Shirakawa, Ichiro Sora, Hakwan Lau, Hiroshi Yoneda & Mitsuo Kawato - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Yamamoto Ichirō hito to shisō.Ichirō Yamamoto (ed.) - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
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    The Process Model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication: CSR Communication and its Relationship with Consumers’ CSR Knowledge, Trust, and Corporate Reputation Perception.Sora Kim - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1143-1159.
    Using a national survey of US consumers, this study demonstrates the positive effects of corporate social responsibility communication factors on consumers’ CSR knowledge, trust, and perceptions of corporate reputation. The study also examines the role of a stakeholder-specific factor of consumer–company identification in the process of CSR communication. The findings suggest that the positive effects of CSR informativeness are enduring and independent of consumers’ identification levels with a company, whereas the positive consequences of the personal relevance, transparency, and factual tone (...)
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    Disrupting the “empathy machine”: The power and perils of virtual reality in addressing social issues.Carles Sora-Domenjó - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article looks through a critical media lens at mediated effects and ethical concerns of virtual reality applications that explore personal and social issues through embodiment and storytelling. In recent years, the press, immersive media practitioners and researchers have promoted the potential of virtual reality storytelling to foster empathy. This research offers an interdisciplinary narrative review, with an evidence-based approach to challenge the assumptions that VR films elicit empathy in the participant—what I refer to as the VR-empathy model. A review (...)
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    What’s Worse in Times of Product-Harm Crisis? Negative Corporate Ability or Negative CSR Reputation?Sora Kim - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (1):157-170.
    This study examines the dimensional consequences of having positive prior corporate associations and negative prior corporate associations in times of product-harm crisis by applying two dimensions of corporate associations. The findings indicate that the disadvantages of having negative prior corporate ability associations are bigger than having negative corporate social responsibility associations in times of product-harm crisis, whereas the advantages of having positive prior CSR associations are bigger than having positive CA associations. This study also provides directions for how to manage (...)
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    Neutralization and homophony avoidance in phonological learning.Sora Heng Yin & James White - 2018 - Cognition 179 (C):89-101.
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    Usage Patterns of Telepsychology and Face-to-Face Psychotherapy: Clients’ Profiles and Perceptions.Beatriz Sora, Rubén Nieto, Adrian Montesano & Manuel Armayones - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCurrently, most people who might need mental health care services do not receive them due to a number of reasons. Many of these reasons can be overcome by telepsychology, in other words, the use of ICT technologies for therapy ; given that it facilitates access to specialized interventions. In fact, telepsychology is currently offered as an active service in many psychotherapy centers. However, its usage, how it is perceived, and who uses it are still largely unknown.ObjectiveThe aim of this study (...)
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    The Development of the Discourse Surrounding ‘Social Improvement’ during the Anglo-Irish Trade Dispute, 1695–1800.Sora Sato - 2023 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 21 (1):1-18.
    The idea of social improvement, including the concept of ‘reciprocity’, had substantially been developed in the Anglo-Irish trade disputes since the late seventeenth century. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, however, commentators became more sceptical of ‘reciprocity’. The Irish reception of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations must be situated in this historical context, and the article explores the implications of the relevant discourses for John Robertson's concept of Enlightenment. Like in Scotland, ‘improvement’ was considered significant in eighteenth-century Ireland. Nevertheless, (...)
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    Edmund Burke's Ideas on Historical Change.Sora Sato - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (5):675-692.
    Burke's view of history is an aspect of his thought that has been largely neglected by scholars, despite the wide recognition of its importance. In Burke's view, history, led by providence and by a human nature designed by God, is necessarily progressive. It is, nevertheless, human beings who are largely responsible for building their nations. A variety of civilisations could be generated if people governed a nation in harmony with its peculiar manners and circumstances. Nations can, however, be unstable, because (...)
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  10.  16
    Always On and Always With Mobile Tablet Devices: A Qualitative Study on How Young Adults Negotiate With Continuous Connected Presence.Sora Park - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (5-6):182-190.
    Internet-enabled mobile devices expand the virtual spaces of Internet users. Mobile Internet users encounter continuous connectivity where they are not only always on but also always with the device. Users are presented with situations of continuous connected presence requiring them to deal with the overwhelming volume of virtual interaction. This study reports from a longitudinal study of 35 university students in Australia conducted in 2011/2012. Mobile tablet devices were given to participants who had never owned one before, to be observed (...)
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  11.  22
    Commerce and Manners in Edmund Burke's political economy.Sora Sato - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (2):340-343.
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    Edmund Burke's Views of Irish History.Sora Sato - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (3):387-403.
    SummaryAlthough ‘Burke and Irish history’ is a theme which has long been known to modern commentators, it has not necessarily been addressed sufficiently. This essay seeks to put forward a more comprehensive account of Burke's views on Irish history than has previously been offered by scholars. According to Burke, the protection of Christianity had brought flourishing science to seventh- and eighth-century Ireland. Nevertheless, the nation was plunged into a barbarous state after the invasions of the Danes and other northern tribes. (...)
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  13. Critica de întâmpinare.Simona Sora - 2003 - Dilema 529:14.
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    Corporate Management.Sebastian A. Sora - 1988 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 63 (1):95-104.
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  15. Dincolo de inefabil. Interviu cu Vera Şandor, preşedinta Societăţii Române de Psihanaliză.Simona Sora - 2002 - Dilema 462:20.
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    Ferias internacionales de libros.Trabajo de campo, archivo y arqueología reflexivaInternational book fairs. Fieldwork, archives and reflexive archaeology.Gustavo Sorá - 2021 - Corpus.
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  17. Oraşul ca operă de artă.Simona Sora - 2002 - Dilema 487:14.
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  18. Scrisori către un tânăr romancier.Simona Sora - 2003 - Dilema 548:15.
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  19. Spania şi Romania: identităţi locale şi europene.Simona Sora - 2002 - Dilema 491:14.
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  20. "Zece motive pentru a citi" Orbitor".Simona Sora - 2002 - Dilema 488:14.
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  21. Chaotic itinerancy as a dynamical basis of hermeneutics in brain and mind.Ichiro Tsuda - 1991 - World Futures 32 (2):167-184.
    We propose a new dynamical mechanism for information processing in mind and brain. We emphasize that a hermeneutic process is one of the key processes manifesting the functions of the brain and that it can be formulated as an itinerant motion in ultrahigh dimensional dynamical systems, which may give a new realm of the dynamic information processing. Our discussions are based on the notion of chaotic information processing and the observations of biological chaos.
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  22. Toward an interpretation of dynamic neural activity in terms of chaotic dynamical systems.Ichiro Tsuda - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):793-810.
    Using the concepts of chaotic dynamical systems, we present an interpretation of dynamic neural activity found in cortical and subcortical areas. The discovery of chaotic itinerancy in high-dimensional dynamical systems with and without a noise term has motivated a new interpretation of this dynamic neural activity, cast in terms of the high-dimensional transitory dynamics among “exotic” attractors. This interpretation is quite different from the conventional one, cast in terms of simple behavior on low-dimensional attractors. Skarda and Freeman (1987) presented evidence (...)
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  23.  9
    Passive Synthesis und Intersubjektivität bei Edmund Husserl.Ichiro Yamaguchi - 1982 - Hingham, MA: Springer.
    Das Problem der Intersubjektivitiit Intersubjektivität ist Husserl schon seit der Darstellung der Ideen I in Zusammenhang mit dem Problem der phiinomenologischen phänomenologischen Reduk tion sehr stark bewusst und wird, wie die neue VerOffentlichung Veröffentlichung 'Zur Phänome Phiinome nologie der Intersubjektivität'l Intersubjektivitiit'l ausdrücklich ausdrucklich zeigt, zeit seines Lebens in seinem Denken mit mehr oder weniger Intensitiit Intensität behandelt. Bekanntlich hat Husserl Hussed die Einfühlungslehre EinfUhlungslehre in seinem spiiten späten Versuch mit der 'Selbstobjektivation' 'Selbstobjektivation',, 'Selbstauslegung' des absoluten, anonymen, transzen 2 dentalen ego (...)
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  24.  13
    Gendai kagaku, hatten no shūen: Murakami Yōichirō vs. Hiro Sachiya taidanshū.Yōichirō Murakami - 1994 - Tōkyō: Shufu no Tomosha. Edited by Sachiya Hiro.
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    Activation of transmembrane cell-surface receptors via a common mechanism? The “rotation model”.Ichiro N. Maruyama - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):959-967.
    It has long been thought that transmembrane cell‐surface receptors, such as receptor tyrosine kinases and cytokine receptors, among others, are activated by ligand binding through ligand‐induced dimerization of the receptors. However, there is growing evidence that prior to ligand binding, various transmembrane receptors have a preformed, yet inactive, dimeric structure on the cell surface. Various studies also demonstrate that during transmembrane signaling, ligand binding to the extracellular domain of receptor dimers induces a rotation of transmembrane domains, followed by rearrangement and/or (...)
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  26.  22
    L’avocat dans la culture japonaise.Ichiro Kitamura - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):255-268.
    L’avocat japonais a été institué en 1872 à l’image de l’avocat français, au cours du mouvement de modernisation qui a suivi l’ouverture du pays. Mais l’état d’esprit y était et reste celui de la bureaucratie judiciaire. L’avocat n’a obtenu son indépendance qu’en 1949. Malgré les apparences, son rôle ne semble pas suffisamment développé pour permettre à la Justice d’avancer pleinement dans le sens de la protection des droits et libertés. Après avoir dressé un aperçu général de l’évolution et de l’état (...)
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  27. Gendai hyūmanizumu kōza.Ichirō Hara, Risaku Mutai, Tetsuzō Tanikawa & Senroku Uehara (eds.) - 1969
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  28. Hyūmanizumu.Ichirō Hara - 1965
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    Semantics of higher-order quantum computation via geometry of interaction.Ichiro Hasuo & Naohiko Hoshino - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (2):404-469.
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    Idenshi sōsa to hō: shirisugiru chi no tōsei.Ichirō Hokimoto - 1994 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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    Folk Religion in Japan.Ichiro Hori, Joseph M. Kitagawa & Alan L. Miller - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (1):92-93.
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  32. The appearance of individual self-consciousness in Japanese religion and its historical transformation.Ichiro Hori - 1967 - In Charles Alexander Moore, The Japanese mind. Honolulu,: East-West Center Press. pp. 201--227.
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    Zen and Healing.Okumura Ichiro - 1999 - Journal of Dharma 24:6-17.
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  34. Ju Dō shishi meigen kō.Ichirō Igarashi (ed.) - 1978 - Kasama Shoin.
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  35. Itō Jinsai.Ichirō Ishida - 1960
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    Nihon shisōshi jiten.Ichirō Ishida & Tadashi Ishige (eds.) - 2013 - Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō Shuppan.
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    Nihon shisō shi gairon.Ichirō Ishida - 1963 - Yoshikawa Kobunkan.
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  38. Shintō shisōshū.Ichirō Ishida - 1970 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Tarō Okamoto.
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  39. Messhi to wa dō suru no ka.Ichirō Kai - 1941
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  40. Shindō, Bukyō shōgaku.Ichirō Kobayashi - 1941
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    心理学的考察「いきが合う」.Ichirō Koura - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Kitaōji Shobō.
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  42. Shinrigakuteki kōsatsu "iki ga au".Ichirō Koura - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Kitaōji Shobō.
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  43. Shinkō Hōtokuki.Ichirō Kuroiwa - 1967 - Edited by Kōkei Tomita.
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  44. Attitudes of Genetic Decision Making in Culturally Diverse Populations.Ichiro Matsuda, Satoshi Hasegawa, Desheng Liang & David Harvey - 2011 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 21 (5):159-163.
    To understand the public opinion concerning the genethics in culturally different populations, we conducted two focus groups in Japan, with one focus group each in China and Panama between April 2008 and August 2009. Generally, the participants in Japan were more cautious to disclose their personal thinking in a clear manner. Most participants in China and Panama hoped to have children free from any genetic disease if at all possible. The major difference between China and Panama seems to be whether (...)
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  45. F12. Background of the proposed guidelines for genetic counselling and testing in Japan.Ichiro Matsuda - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  46. Kinsei tetsugaku shisō kenkyū.Ichirō Matsuura - 1975
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  47. Shi to tanjō: Haidegā Kuki Shūzō Ārento = Tod und Geburt: Martin Heidegger, Shuzo Kuki, Hannah Arendt.Ichirō Mori - 2008 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
  48. Jinsei to wa nani ka.Ichirō Murakami - 1963
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  49. Sekai no shisokatachi.Ichirō Murakami - 1966
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    Untersuchungen zum Gottesbescheid in Mari. Die "Mariprophetie" in der alttestamentlischen Forschung.Ichiro Nakata & Edward Noort - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):166.
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