Results for 'Independent Commissioner'

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  1.  14
    Obstacles in the Process of Dealing With Child Sexual Abuse–Reports From Survivors Interviewed by the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany.Wiebke Schoon & Peer Briken - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Obstacles in dealing with child sexual abuse can hinder survivors in the process of coming to terms with their experiences. The present study aims to identify and analyze factors that may pose obstacles in the long-term process of dealing with CSA. It is part of a larger research consortium “Auf-Wirkung,” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and was conducted in cooperation with the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany. The IICSAG was appointed by (...)
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    Redesigning the Definition a Truth Commission, but Also Designing a Forward-Looking Non-Prescriptive Definition to Make Them Potentially More Successful.Jeremy Sarkin - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):349-368.
    This article argues that two new definitions are needed for what constitutes a truth commission. The first new definition that is needed is a different backward-looking definition that is used reflectively to contrast, compare and research past and present truth commissions. It is argued that the variety of definitions that exist about what constitutes a Truth Commission have a number of problems, and that a better definition is needed to categorise past mechanisms, make comparisons and improve comparative research. The second (...)
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    Health care law.Ron Paterson - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (1):43-55.
    New Zealand’s lack, until recently, of a ‘code of patients’ rights’ does not mean that health and disability services consumers have hitherto had no rights. There is already a significant body of professional guidelines, ethical precepts, and common law rules which govern interactions between providers and consumers. Much of the Code is entirely consistent with established codes of ethics and current law. Nonetheless, it represents an important advance in the legal recognition of consumers’ rights. Access to the Commissioner and (...)
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  4. La place de la bioéthique au sein du régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de santé et de services sociaux québécois.Marie-Ève Lemoine, Julien Brisson, Émilie Blackburn, Jean-Philippe Payment & Maude Laliberté - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (3):11.
    Au Québec, le régime d’examen des plaintes dans le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux contribue à l’amélioration continue des soins en permettant aux usagers de partager leur insatisfaction auprès d’une instance indépendante pouvant émettre des recommandations aux établissements. Le régime permet ainsi de renforcer la participation active de l’usager et donc de démocratiser les soins et services. En plus de sa parenté évidente avec cet objectif d’autonomisation, la bioéthique est omniprésente dans le travail des instances responsables de (...)
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    Framing the news: Socialism as deviance.Patrick J. Daley & Beverly James - 1988 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 3 (2):37 – 46.
    ?Objectivity?; has been a traditional ideal for American journalism despite recent characterizations of the principle as ?biased toward the status quo, against independent thinking, and against countenancing questions of morality and responsibility.?; This article explores the role of traditional objectivity in newspaper coverage of the nomination in Alaska of a socialist commissioner of environmental conservation and the subsequent ?framing?; of public discussion. The human qualities of sensitivity to history, to civil liberties, and to questions of morality appeared in (...)
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    The National Commission on AIDS.Donald S. Goldman & Jeff Stryker - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (4):339-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The National Commission on AIDSDonald S. Goldman (bio) and Jeff Stryker (bio)A decade after the first cases were recognized in the United States, AIDS continues to vex policymakers and fascinate the public. It has been said that AIDS acts as a prism, refracting a spectrum of controversial topics. For bioethicists, these topics include: equity in the allocation of resources for treatment and research; forgoing life-sustaining care and proxy decision (...)
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    Lands, Laws, & Gods: Magistrates & Ceremony in the Regulation of Public Lands in Republican Rome (review).T. Corey Brennan - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):143-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Laws, & Gods: Magistrates & Ceremony in the Regulation of Public Lands in Republican RomeT. Corey BrennanGargola, D. J. Lands, Laws, & Gods: Magistrates & Ceremony in the Regulation of Public Lands in Republican Rome. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995. x 1 270 pp. Cloth, $43.95. (Studies in the History of Greece and Rome)“Nothing could have contributed more to the safety, strength and profit of (...)
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    Resettling refugees: is private sponsorship a just way forward?Patti Tamara Lenard - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):300-310.
    According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are over 20 million refugees worldwide, less than 1% of whom are referred for resettlement to third countries permanently. One obstacle to resettlement stems from the alleged lack of resources in settlement countries. A possible way forward is a refugee selection and admission regime that shares costs between governments and private citizens, to permit states to admit greater numbers of refugees where their citizens are willing and able to contribute (...)
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  9.  48
    Creative Work and Emotional Labour in the Television Industry.David Hesmondhalgh & Sarah Baker - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (7-8):97-118.
    In keeping with the focus of this special section, we concentrate initially on some of the problems of autonomist Marxist concepts such as `immaterial labour', `affective labour' and `precarity' for understanding work in the cultural industries. We then briefly review some relevant media theory (John Thompson's notion of mediated quasi-interaction) and some key recent sociological research on cultural labour (especially work by Andrew Ross and Laura Grindstaff, the latter drawing on Hochschild's concept of emotional labour), which we believe may be (...)
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  10.  44
    A stakeholder meeting exploring the ethical perspectives of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery.Matthew Quinn, Daniel Gray, Ahmed Shalaby Bardan, Mehran Zarei-Ghanavati, John Sparrow & Christopher Liu - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e44-e44.
    PurposeThe purported benefits and risks of immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery have been well described, yet the procedure remains controversial among UK ophthalmologists. As many of the controversies of ISBCS are underpinned by ethical dilemmas, the aim of this work was to explore the ethical perspectives of ISBCS from a variety of stakeholder viewpoints.MethodA semi-structured independent stakeholder meeting was convened at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists London headquarters in June 2018. In total, 29 stakeholders attended the meeting. The professional (...)
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    D-7000 Stuttgart.Application Aspects of Qualitative Conditional Independence - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh (eds.), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 31.
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    Choosing everything: Bataille’s perishable moments of sainthood.Konstantinos Kerasovitis Independent, Hermoupolis, Greecekonstantinos Kerasovitis Wrote His Doctoral Thesis on Georges Bataille, Digital Labourhis Research Interests Are Human Centric, Stretch From the Philosophy of Technology to Theology He Comes, A. Background In Design & is Currently Employed in the Greek Ministry Of Labour - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-15.
    To be human is to be autonomous, yet this is a trait that most of us lack. We are subject to forces external to our being. We are workers; we are citizens; we are needful creatures. Humanity-proper in these times of neoliberal omnipotence is defined differently. The key terms are familiar: personal betterment, personal responsibility, productivity, pleasantness. A forked tongue slithers in our conscience, tells us that these are the traits of the human condition. Through Bataille, this paper argues the (...)
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  13. Logic in Question. Talks from the Annual Sorbonne Logic Workshop (2011–2019).G. Guibert B. Sauzay Independent - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-2.
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  14. Why Personalism Needs the 'Dismal Science.Richard T. Allen Independent Scholar - 2020 - In James Beauregard, Giusy Gallo & Claudia Stancati (eds.), The person at the crossroads: a philosophical approach. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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  15. A Cognitive Approach to Temporal Information Independent Variable - 1990 - In Richard A. Block (ed.), Cognitive Models of Psychological Time. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  16.  7
    Storied Strings: The Guitar in American Art.Usa William M. Hawley Independent Scholar - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):576-578.
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  17. Sick bodies in healthcare culture : health communication that disciplines female bodies.Molly McKinney & Independent Scholar - 2018 - In Jennifer C. Dunn & Jimmie Manning (eds.), Transgressing feminist theory and discourse: advancing conversations across disciplines. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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  18.  10
    The Theoretical Unity of Aristotle’s Categorical Syllogistic and Sophistics.Gonzalo Llach Independent Researcher - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-18.
    The hypothesis of a theoretical unity between On Sophistical Refutations and Prior Analytics presents a major challenge to scholars attempting to unify the criteria of analysis. This paper examines this problem and proposes a middle ground between the perspectives of Woods and Boger to address this crucial question: If a unitary and coherent theory of deduction exists, why does not the technical apparatus of syllogistic modes for analyzing fallacies appear in SE? This paper makes useful contributions to the discussion on (...)
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    How to Take Skepticism Seriously.James Mellon Independent Scholar, Halifax & Canada - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-2.
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    The Road to Denmark – and Beyond ….D. N. Byrne Independent Researcher, Sydney & Australia - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-5.
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  21. Focusing on an object or reflexive self-awareness? Mindfulness, phenomenology and the Pāli suttas.Bhikkhu Akiñcano Independent Scholar, Bundala kuṭi & Sri Lanka - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-18.
    The concept of mindfulness within the contemporary mindfulness movement was the subject of a recent phenomenological critique. The present article confronts that critique in order to develop a phenomenologically viable interpretation of mindfulness that corresponds with how the word sati is used in the Pāli suttas. By clarifying the distinction between intentional objects and intentional acts, it can be shown that mindfulness was not originally conceived of as an exercise in focusing on a meditation object, but as reflexive self-awareness. Consequently, (...)
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    Putting the Agency in Agent-Regret.Jake Wojtowicz Independent Researcher - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):21-22.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 21-22.
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  23. Chapter outline.A. Personal, Corporate Indispensability, B. Personal, Corporate Infallibility, A. God—Humanism, C. Family—Career, D. Work—Leisure, E. Interdependence—Independence, I. Thrift—Debt & J. Absolute—Relative - forthcoming - Moral Management: Business Ethics.
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    Travels in the Americas: Notes and Impressions of a New World.Usa William M. Hawley Independent Scholar - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):579-581.
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    From the fixity of the past to the fixity of the independent.Andrew Law - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1301-1314.
    There is an old but powerful argument for the claim that exhaustive divine foreknowledge is incompatible with the freedom to do otherwise. A crucial ingredient in this argument is the principle of the “Fixity of the Past”. A seemingly new response to this argument has emerged, the so-called “dependence response,” which involves, among other things, abandoning FP for an alternative principle, the principle of the “Fixity of the Independent”. This paper presents three arguments for the claim that FI ought (...)
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  26. Language created, language independent entities.Stephen Schiffer - 1996 - Philosophical Topics 24 (1):149-167.
  27. (1 other version)A bayesian account of independent evidence with applications.Branden Fitelson - 2000 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S123-.
    outlined. This account is partly inspired by the work of C.S. Peirce. When we want to consider how degree of confirmation varies with changing I show that a large class of quantitative Bayesian measures of con-.
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    The activities of a military university cadets in the context of the inclusion of case technologies in the process of independent training.Elena Konstantinovna Gitman, Alexey Anatolyevich Laptev & Marina Leonidovna Badashkeeva - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):240-244.
    The purpose of the study is to justify the feasibility and prospects of including case technology in the process of independent training of cadets in a military higher educational institution. Scientific novelty lies in justifying the increase in the effectiveness of independent training through the implementation of case study technology. The article analyzes the impact of case technology on the development of professionalism of future officers, determines the stages of work on cases, examines the activities of cadets and (...)
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    Age of Man Environmentalism and Respect for an Independent Nature.Ned Hettinger - 2021 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 24 (1):75-87.
    The debate about a new geological epoch ‘The Anthropocene’ has helped spawn ‘Age of Man Environmentalism’ (AME). According to AME, humans’ planetary impact indicates that respect for independent nature can no longer serve as a guiding value for environmentalism. Traditional goals of nature preservation and restoration are grounded in the illusory ideal of pristine nature. Humans are now fully integrated into nature and must become responsible managers of an earth we have created, governing it by our ideals. This essay (...)
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    Dependent and Independent Reasons.Robert J. Yanal - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (3).
    How are dependent (or linked) premises to be distinguished from independent (or convergent) premises? Deductive validity, sometimes proposed as a necessary condition for depende'nce, cannot be, for the premises of both inductive and deductive but invalid arguments can be dependent. The question is really this: When do multiple premises for a certain conclusion fonn one argument for that conclusion and when do they form multiple arguments? Answer: Premises are dependent when the evidence they offer for their conclusion is more (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought.M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton & C. N. Macrae - 2007 - Science 315 (5810):393-395.
  32. Musical works are mind-independent artifacts.Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė - 2023 - Synthese 203 (1):1-28.
    Realism about musical works is often tied to some type of Platonism. Nominalism, which posits that musical works exist and that they are concrete objects, goes with ontological realism much less often than Platonism: there is a long tradition which holds human-created objects (artifacts) to be mind-dependent. Musical Platonism leads to the well-known paradox of the impossibility of creating abstract objects, and so it has been suggested that only some form of nominalism becoming dominant in the ontology of art could (...)
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  33. On the Concept of Independent Nature.J. Michael Scoville - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (2):237-265.
    Multiple concepts of nature are at play in environmental theory and practice. One that has gripped several theorists is the idea of nature as referring to that which is independent of humans and human activity. This concept has been subject to forceful criticism, notably in the recent work of Steven Vogel. After clarifying problematic and promising ways of charac­terizing independent nature, I engage Vogel’s critique. While the critique is compelling in certain respects, I argue that it fails to (...)
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  34. Is there an independent principle of causality in physics.John D. Norton - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (3):475-486.
    Mathias Frisch has argued that the requirement that electromagnetic dispersion processes are causal adds empirical content not found in electrodynamic theory. I urge that this attempt to reconstitute a local principle of causality in physics fails. An independent principle is not needed to recover the results of dispersion theory. The use of ‘causality conditions’ proves to be the mere adding of causal labels to an already presumed fact. If instead one seeks a broader, independently formulated grounding for the conditions, (...)
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    Do conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms? A meta-contrast study.Ziv Peremen & Dominique Lamy - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 24:22-32.
    There is currently no consensus regarding what measures are most valid to demonstrate perceptual processing without awareness. Likewise, whether conscious perception and unconscious processing rely on independent mechanisms or lie on a continuum remains a matter of debate. Here, we addressed these issues by comparing the time courses of subjective reports, objective discrimination performance and response priming during meta-contrast masking, under similar attentional demands. We found these to be strikingly similar, suggesting that conscious perception and unconscious processing cannot be (...)
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  36. How Gene–Culture Coevolution Can—but Probably Did Not—Track Mind-Independent Moral Truth.Nathan Cofnas - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (2):414-434.
    I argue that our general disposition to make moral judgments and our core moral intuitions are likely the product of social selection—a kind of gene–culture coevolution driven by the enforcement of collectively agreed-upon rules. Social selection could potentially track mind-independent moral truth by a process that I term realist social selection: our ancestors could have acquired moral knowledge via reason and enforced rules based on that knowledge, thereby creating selection pressures that drove the evolution of our moral psychology. Given (...)
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    Category Independent Aesthetic Experience: The Case of Wine.David Sackris - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (1-2):111-120.
    Kendall Walton’s “Categories of Art” seeks to situate aesthetic properties contextually. As such, certain knowledge is required to fully appreciate the aesthetic properties of a work, and without that knowledge the ‘correct’ or ‘true’ aesthetic properties of a work cannot be appreciated. The aim of this paper is to show that the way Walton conceives of his categories and art categorization is difficult to square with certain kinds of aesthetic experience—kinds of experience that seems to defy this claim of category-dependence (...)
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    State Toleration of a New Faith in Post-Soviet Society: A Case Study of Latter-day Saints in Independent Ukraine.Говард Л Біддулф - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:63-85.
    This study combines author's experiences as an analyst of post-Soviet politics and religious liberty with personal participation in the founding and public acceptance of a new faith in independent Ukraine during a quarter- century. Theattempt here is not only to describe a specific outcome, but to propose factors that offer explanation for why Ukraine is among the few Communist successor states in which new minority faiths have been relatively successful in achieving full toleration [Biddulph: 2016]. Religious liberty has been (...)
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  39. Epistemic Normativity is Independent of our Goals.Alex Worsnip - 2024 - In Blake Roeber, Ernest Sosa, Matthias Steup & John Turri (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
    In epistemology and in ordinary life, we make many normative claims about beliefs. As with all normative claims, philosophical questions arise about what – if anything – underwrites these kinds of normative claims. On one view, epistemic instrumentalism, facts about what we (epistemically) ought to believe, or about what is an (epistemic, normative) reason to believe what, obtain at least partly in virtue of our goals (or aims, ends, intentions, desires, etc.). The converse view, anti-instrumentalism, denies this, and holds that (...)
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    No Harm, Still Foul: On the Effect-Independent Wrongness of Slurring.Ralph Difranco & Andrew Morgan - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (3):471-489.
    Intuitively, a speaker who uses slurs to refer to people is doing something morally objectionable even if no one is measurably affected by their speech. Perhaps they are only talking to themselves, or they are speaking with bigots who are already as vicious as they can be. This paper distinguishes between slurring as an expressive act and slurring as the act of causing a psychological effect. It then develops an expression-focused ethical account in order to explain the intuition that slurring (...)
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  41.  31
    How device-independent approaches change the meaning of physical theory.Alexei Grinbaum - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 58:22-30.
  42.  74
    Are There Experimental Arguments Independent of Theories? In Defense of a Hackingian Approach to the Scientific Realism Debate.Ruey-Lin Chen - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):279-297.
    This paper defends a Hackingian approach to the scientific realism debate by arguing against mainstream realists’ and antirealists’ common claim that no experimental arguments for the reality of posited entities can be theory-independent. Opposing this claim, I argue that some experimental arguments can warrant belief in the existence of entities without depending on the truth of the theories that posit the entities and describe their properties and the theories that explain the interactions between the entities and the experimental devices. (...)
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  43.  17
    The user as producer in alternative media? The case of the Independent Communication Network.M. Emre Köksalan, Berrin Yanıkkaya, Barış Çoban & D. Beybin Kejanlıoğlu - 2012 - Communications 37 (3):275-296.
    This article focuses on the Independent Communication Network as an instance of alternative media in Turkey. Throughout the study we define “alternative” media as non-dominant, counter-hegemonic media that prioritizes its distinct relationship with its audience. We report research based on in-depth interviews with the producers of the network’s online site “BIANET news” combined with focus group studies with communication students and women activists that are identified as the main audience segments of BIANET news by the newsmakers. By focusing on (...)
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    Does Female Directorship on Independent Audit Committees Constrain Earnings Management?Jerry Sun, Guoping Liu & George Lan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (3):369 - 382.
    This study examines whether the gender of the directors on fully independent audit committees affects the ability of the committees in constraining earnings management and thus their effectiveness in overseeing the financial reporting process. Using a sample of 525 firm-year observations over the period 2003 to 2005, we are unable to identify an association between the proportion of female directors on audit committees and the extent of earnings management.
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  45. In defense of language-independent flexibility, or: What rodents and humans can do without language.Alexandre Duval - 2025 - Mind and Language 40 (1):93-119.
    There are two main approaches within classical cognitive science to explaining how humans can entertain mental states that integrate contents across domains. The language-based framework states that this ability arises from higher cognitive domain-specific systems that combine their outputs through the language faculty, whereas the language-independent framework holds that it comes from non-language-involving connections between such systems. This article turns on its head the most influential empirical argument for the language-based framework, an argument that originates from research on spatial (...)
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    The significance of independent decisions in uncertain dichotomous choice situations.Shmuel Nitzan & Jacob Paroush - 1984 - Theory and Decision 17 (1):47-60.
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    An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem.Răzvan Diaconescu - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (1):59 - 79.
    We formulate a general institution-independent (i.e. independent of the details of the actual logic formalised as institution) version of the Craig Interpolation Theorem and prove it in dependence of Birkhoff-style axiomatizability properties of the actual logic.We formalise Birkhoff-style axiomatizability within the general abstract model theoretic framework of institution theory by the novel concept of Birkhoff institution.
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    Home Literacy Activities and Children’s Reading Skills, Independent Reading, and Interest in Literacy Activities From Kindergarten to Grade 2.Gintautas Silinskas, Monique Sénéchal, Minna Torppa & Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    According to the Home Literacy Model (Sénéchal & LeFevre, 2002, 2014), young children can be exposed to two distinct types of literacy activities at home. First, meaning-related literacy activities are those where print is present but is not the focus of the parent–child interaction, for example, when parents read storybooks to their children. In contrast, code-related literacy activities focus on the print, for example, activities such as when parents teach their children the names and sounds of letters or to read (...)
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    A real-time fMRI neurofeedback system for the clinical alleviation of depression with a subject-independent classification of brain states: A proof of principle study.Jaime A. Pereira, Andreas Ray, Mohit Rana, Claudio Silva, Cesar Salinas, Francisco Zamorano, Martin Irani, Patricia Opazo, Ranganatha Sitaram & Sergio Ruiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Most clinical neurofeedback studies based on functional magnetic resonance imaging use the patient's own neural activity as feedback. The objective of this study was to create a subject-independent brain state classifier as part of a real-time fMRI neurofeedback system that can guide patients with depression in achieving a healthy brain state, and then to examine subsequent clinical changes. In a first step, a brain classifier based on a support vector machine was trained from the neural information of happy autobiographical (...)
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    What Implications Do a Consciousness-Independent Perspective on Moral Status Entail for Future Brain Organoid Research?Masanori Kataoka & Tsutomu Sawai - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):163-165.
    In his paper “Non-human moral status: problems with phenomenal consciousness,” Joshua Shepherd emphasized an objectivist understanding of welfare to establish the moral status of non-human entities...
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