Results for 'Indian Forestry Service'

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  1.  64
    Indian Science for Indian Tigers?: Conservation Biology and the Question of Cultural Values. [REVIEW]Michael Lewis - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):185 - 207.
    The implementation of Project Tiger in India, 1973-1974, was justly hailed as a triumph of international environmental advocacy. It occurred as a growing number of conservation-oriented biologists were beginning to argue forcefully for scientifically managed conservation of species and ecosystems -- the same scientists who would, by the mid-1980s, call themselves conservation biologists. Although India accepted international funds to implement Project Tiger, it strictly limited research posts to Government of India Foresters, against the protests of Indian and US biologists (...)
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    Multicultural Commemoration and West Indian Military Service in the First World War.Richard Smith - 2016 - Environment, Space, Place 8 (2):7-28.
    West Indian military service in the First World War is recalled in many settings. During the war, race and class boundaries of colonial society were temporarily eroded by visions of imperial unity, but quickly restated through post-war assertions of imperial authority. However, recollections of wartime sacrifices were kept alive by Pan-African, ex-service and emerging nationalist groups before being incorporated into independent Caribbean national identity and migrant West Indian communities. During the centenary commemorations, West Indian participation (...)
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    Making Research Consent Forms Informative and Understandable: The Experience of the Indian Health Service.William L. Freeman - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (4):510.
    The mission of the Indian Health Service affects what research is done and how It is reviewed and managed and in turn affects the forms and process used to obtain informed consent. Consent forms must be Informative and understandable to American Indian and Alaska Native potential volunteers; the process used to obtain informed consent must minimize any institutional pressure to participate. The IHS Institutional Review Boards developed seven research Model Volunteer Consent Forms.
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    The Early History of Bengal. By F. J. Monahan, late of the Indian Civil Service. Pp. xii + 248, and 6 illustrations. Milford, 1925. [REVIEW]J. N. Farquhar - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (5-6):140-140.
  5.  41
    Managerial Views of Corporate Impacts and Dependencies on Ecosystem Services: A Case of International and Domestic Forestry Companies in China.D. D’Amato, M. Wan, N. Li, M. Rekola & A. Toppinen - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1011-1028.
    A line of research is emerging investigating the private sector impacts and dependencies on critical biodiversity and ecosystem services, and related business risks and opportunities. While the ecosystem services narrative is being forwarded globally as a key paradigm for promoting business sustainability, there is scarce knowledge of how these issues are considered at managerial level. This study thus investigates managerial views of corporate sustainability after the ecosystem services concept. We analyse interviews conducted with 20 managers from domestic and international (...) companies operating with a plantation-based business model in China. Content analysis was employed to analyse the data, with a focus on four key areas: interviewee familiarity with the ecosystem services concept; their views of corporate dependencies and impacts on ecosystem services; related business risks and opportunities; and viability of existing instruments and practices that can be employed in detecting and addressing business impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services. Through an inductive approach to the empirical findings, we refined a framework that holds operational value for developing company response strategies to ecosystem services impact/dependence assessment, ensuring that all issues are addressed comprehensively, and that related risks and opportunities are properly acknowledged. (shrink)
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    Environmental Subsidiarity as a Guiding Principle for Forestry Governance: Application to Payment for Ecosystem Services and REDD+ Architecture.Pablo Martinez de Anguita, Maria Ángeles Martín & Abbie Clare - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):617-631.
    This article describes and proposes the “environmental subsidiarity principle” as a guiding ethical value in forestry governance. Different trends in environmental management such as local participation, decentralization or global governance have emerged in the last two decades at the global, national and local level. This article suggests that the conscious or unconscious application of subsidiarity has been the ruling principle that has allocated the level at which tasks have been assigned to different agents. Based on this hypothesis this paper (...)
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    Examining inter-generational differentials in maternal health care service utilization: Insights from the indian demographic and health survey.Prashant Kumar Singh & Lucky Singh - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (3):1-20.
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    Normative Violence in Domestic Service: A Study of Exploitation, Status, and Grievability.Rohit Varman, Per Skålén, Russell W. Belk & Himadri Roy Chaudhuri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):645-665.
    This paper contributes to business ethics by focusing on consumption that is characterized by normative violence. By drawing on the work of Judith Butler this study of kajer lok—a female subaltern group of Indian domestic service providers—and their higher status clients shows how codes of status-based consumption shaped by markets, class, caste, and patriarchy create a social order that reduces kajer lok to “ungreivable” lives. Our study contributes to business ethics by focusing on exploitation and coercion in consumption (...)
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    (1 other version)La Numeración de los indios del partido del Río Salado. Santiago del Estero, 1607. Encomiendas y servicio personalThe Indian Numbering in the partido of Río Salado. Santiago del Estero, 1607. Encomiendas and personal service[REVIEW]Isabel Castro Olañeta - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (2).
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    Abortion services and ethico‐legal considerations in India: The case for transitioning from provider‐centered to women‐centered care.Saurav Basu - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (2):74-77.
    Nearly a million Indian women lack access to safe and dignified abortion services from public healthcare facilities and instead opt to induce abortions by themselves or with the help from unskilled and unauthorized practitioners. Unsafe abortions account for an estimated 9% of all maternal deaths in India despite the legalization of abortion on all grounds since 1971 via the MTP Act. However, the Act technically does not make any provision for abortion based on a woman’s request alone, subjecting her (...)
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    Policy Issues in American Indian Health Governance.Donald Warne - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):42-45.
    Perhaps the most significant law affecting the provision of health services to the American Indian and Alaska Native population is the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975. This Act allows tribes to assume the management and control of health care programs from Indian Health Service and to increase flexibility in health care program development. Under ISDEAA, tribes have the option to contract or compact with IHS to deliver health services using pre-existing IHS resources, third (...)
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    Ecosystem Management in the Northeast: A Forestry Paradigm Shift?Andrew F. Egan, Kathy Waldron, Jason Raschka & John Bender - 1999 - Journal of Forestry 97 (10):24-30.
    A survey of professional foresters in the northeastern United States was conducted to determine whether professional forest resource managers viewed forest ecosystem management and other "new" forestry language as representing practical constructs, and whether there is a difference between USDA Forest Service foresters and private-sector foresters in the degree to which they have applied "new" forestry. Results suggested that the forest management behaviors of most foresters in the region may be influenced more by traditional forestry concepts (...)
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  13.  7
    Violence in North-American Indian Sports Games.Fabrice Delsahut - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (2).
    North American Indians have often been perceived as violent, bloodthirsty human beings. The horrified fascination exerted by this violence on the European imagination takes hold of all historical accounts and lies at the heart of the smallest social productions. The sports games, whose imposing corpus is intriguing to the colonists, are also perceived as a cultural element of this gratuitous violence, a biological one, even, as inherent to their “wild nature”. And yet, far from being instinctual, this violence takes on (...)
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    Navigating Embeddedness: Experiences of Indian IT Suppliers and Employees in the Netherlands.Ernesto Noronha, Premilla D’Cruz & Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):95-113.
    In this article, we shift the usual analytical attention of the GPN framework from lead firms to suppliers in the network and from production to IT services. Our focus is on how Indian IT suppliers embed in the Netherlands along the threefold characterization of societal, territorial and network embeddedness. We argue that Indian IT suppliers attempt to display societal embeddedness when they move to The Netherlands. Our findings reveal that the endeavour by Indian IT suppliers to territorially (...)
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  15.  26
    The Effects of Sequestration on Indian Health.Marilynn Malerba - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (6):17-21.
    The budget battles have hit the Indian Health Service hard: sequestration forced a 5 percent reduction in funds, followed by an additional 0.2 percent rescission in the recently passed Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. Exempted from sequestration (and rightly so) were other very important health care programs such as the Veterans Administration Health Programs, the State Children's Health Insurance Programs, and Medicaid. Medicare has been reduced by only 2 percent, with that cut targeted to provider reimbursement so (...)
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    When Scottish medicine hospitalized Indian magic: Dr James Esdaile's mesmeric surgery in mid-nineteenth-century Bengal.Kapil Raj - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-23.
    In order to explore the ways knowledge travels across spatial and cultural boundaries, this article focuses on the intriguing case of the Edinburgh-trained Scottish surgeon James Esdaile (1808–59), who, after practising conventional surgery for almost fifteen years in British colonial India, quite unexpectedly turned to mesmeric anaesthesia in the last five years of his service. By following his career and his mesmeric turn, the article describes Esdaile's subsequent public experiments in mesmeric anaesthesia in collaboration with indigenous practices and practitioners (...)
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    Ethics and news making in the changing indian mediascape.Shakuntala Rao & Navjit Singh Johal - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):286 – 303.
    The Indian mediascape has dramatically changed in the past 15 years. Gradual privatization and deregulation have resulted in increased entertainment-driven rather than public-service oriented news. This article explores the ethical issues Indian journalists face in such a globalized media environment. Our research was based on interactive workshops we conducted in various Indian cities. Findings from these workshops reveal that although journalists encounter serious ethical issues, media ethics is not a topic being widely discussed in Indian (...)
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  18. Where it Hurts: Indian Material for an Ethics of Organ Transplantation.Lawrence Cohen - 2003 - Zygon 38 (3):663-688.
    This article focuses on ethical issues surrounding the selling and buying of human organs. The author argues that most people who sell their organs in India do so in order to pay already existing debts. The transaction is only temporarily an exchange of “life for life,” and most “donors” are back in debt soon after the operation. The author discusses the flexible ethics that reduce reality to dyadic transactions and the purgatorial ethics that collapse real and imaginary exploitation in the (...)
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    The Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS): community‐based participatory research with a midwestern American Indian community.Tai J. Mendenhall, Jerica M. Berge, Peter Harper, Betty GreenCrow, Nan LittleWalker, Sheila WhiteEagle & Steve BrownOwl - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):359-372.
    MENDENHALL TJ, BERGE JM, HARPER P, GREENCROW B, LITTLEWALKER N, WHITEEAGLE S and BROWNOWL S. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 359–372 The Family Education Diabetes Series (FEDS): community‐based participatory research with a midwestern American Indian communityIndigenous people around the globe tend to struggle with poorer health and well‐being than their non‐indigenous counterparts. One area that this is especially evident is in the epidemic of diabetes in North America’s American Indians (AIs) – who evidence higher prevalence rates and concomitant disease‐related complications (...)
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    Review of Minds Without Fear: Philosophy in the Indian Renaissance. [REVIEW]Christian Coseru - 2018 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2018 (10):1-5.
    A prevailing view among specialists is that Indian philosophy "proper" can only be philosophy written in Sanskrit and a few other Prakrits (any of the several Middle Indo-Aryan vernaculars formerly spoken in India), in a doxographical style, and along more or less clearly drawn scholastic lines. As such, it encompasses the entirety of speculative and systematic thought in India up to the advent of British colonial rule in the 19th Century. Minds Without Fear challenges this dominant view of the (...)
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  21.  13
    Migrant Supplementarity: Remaking Biological Relatedness in Chinese Military and Indian Five-Star Hospitals.Lawrence Cohen - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (2-3):31-541.
    Social analysis of transplant organ demand often focuses on either small-scale (familial) tyrannies of the gift or large-scale (global) markets. Media accounts of the scandalous in transplant medicine stress the latter, a homogeneous model of flows of biovalue down gradients of economic and social capital. This article examines particular globalizations of tissue demand organized as much around claims of social similarity as gradients of social difference. To engage apparent ‘diasporic’ networks of organ purchase — Non-Resident Indians traveling to India and (...)
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  22.  35
    Are They Efficient in the Middle? Using Propensity Score Estimation for Modeling Middlemen in Indian Corporate Corruption.Malay Biswas - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):563-586.
    Corrupt regulatory environment encourages firms to deploy middlemen for speedy and assured acquisition of different services from regulatory agencies. Using a World Bank dataset of 2210 Indian manufacturing firms, this article examines how firms with middlemen deal with corrupt governmental agencies for its operational efficiency. Our results demonstrate that deployment of middlemen by the firms is often accompanied by a substantial increase in operational delay, relatively trigger more consumption of senior management’s time on regulatory disentanglement, enhance the likelihood/tendency to (...)
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  23.  55
    Governance of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Indian Government-owned Firms.Nava Subramaniam, Monika Kansal & Shekar Babu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):543-563.
    This study provides evidence on the governance of CSR policies and activities by Indian central government-owned companies [i.e. Central Public Sector Enterprises ] within a unique mandatory regulatory setting. We utilise the multi-level ‘Logic of governance’ conceptual framework and draw upon interview data collected from 25 senior managers in 21 CPSEs to assess the dynamics of CSR implementation within CPSEs. Our findings indicate most managers believe that a mandatory policy has enhanced the accountability and commitment of governing boards and (...)
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  24.  39
    Responsible business practices and some Indian SMEs.Chhanda Chakraborti & Debadutta Mishra - 2018 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 7 (2):177-203.
    Studies on small and medium enterprises or SMEs in India are scarce. What little is known shows that there is a need to know more about this sector, specially on their performance on responsible business practices. This paper reports the findings on the environmental awareness and practices of some Indian SMEs, from a study conducted by the present authors on 200 SMEs, in the manufacturing and service sectors, in the two Indian states of West Bengal and Odisha. (...)
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    Cultural and Ethical Issues Concerning Research on American Indian Youth.Arlene Rubin Stiffman, Eddie Brown, Catherine Woodstock Striley, Emily Ostmann & Gina Chowa - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):1-14.
    A study of American Indian youths illustrates competing pressures between research and ethics. A stakeholder-researcher team developed three plans to protect participants. The first allowed participants to skip potentially upsetting interview sections. The second called for participants flagged for abuse or suicidality to receive referrals, emergency 24-hr clinical backup, or both. The third, based on the community's desire to promote service access, included giving participants a list of service resources. Interviewers gave referrals to participants flagged as having (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility in an Indian Public Sector Organization.Shashank Shah & A. Sudhir Bhaskar - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (2):143-156.
    The society and local community is the resource pool from which any organization gets its manpower and also so to say ‘the license to operate’. The society is the entity to which an organization owes its existence. The organization exists in the society because of the inputs received from it—material and human—and ultimately sells its products and services to it. Any organization must pay its due in various ways to this important constituency. In this article, the authors have used the (...)
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    The Equity-Complexity Trade-Off in Tax Policy: Lessons From the Goods and Services Tax in India.Shruti Rajagopalan - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):139-187.
    Developing countries often rely on consumption taxes, because these are broad, easy to administer, and harder to evade. However, the taxation system becomes inherently regressive. To counter this problem of the regressive nature of consumption taxes, there is a temptation among policymakers to address equity concerns through a multiplicity of rates, making the consumption tax system complex. Here, complexity is considered the by-product, or companion, to pursuing goals of equity. Complex tax systems, however, pose a different problem relating to equity. (...)
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    The Meaning of Life in Indian Philosophy: A Contemporary Reconstruction.Rajakishore Nath - 2018 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 35 (2):249-265.
    In this paper, I would like to discuss the meaning of life in Indian philosophy. All Indian philosophies are philosophies of life. Indian philosophy is not merely an intellectual activity but has practical application which enables men to lead an enlightened life. Any philosophy, either Indian or Western which makes no difference to human life, is not a philosophy. The human life always strives towards freedom, duty, wisdom, well-being, etc. These are the noble values in (...) philosophy that play a very vital role in shaping the meaning of life. All schools of Indian philosophy give importance to individual freedom for self-realization. Every school of Indian philosophy prescribes its way of overcoming ignorance, and thereby overcoming pain, to achieve the goal of life. Thus, every human being has to look within, understand his nature, and figure out her or his way to self-realization. The way to reach this goal includes selfless love, service to others, self-control, and self-purification. Because of their practicality, each system of Indian philosophy is as new today as it was 3000 years ago. These are the ideas which we can find in Vivekananda, Gandhi, Aurobindo, and many others. All these philosophical schools/thinkers hold that philosophy and practical life are necessarily integrated. (shrink)
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    A study of time in Indian philosophy.Anindita Niyogi Balslev - 1983 - Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz.
    Since its first publication, A Study of Time in Indian Philosophy has been acclaimed as having successfully shown •the simple falsityê of such clich_s that the Indian view of time is •cyclicê or that it is exclusively •illusoryê. Given the variety of views discussed in this work, it is evident that the theme of time is intimately related to such basic concepts as being and becoming, change and causality, creation and annihilation. It has been therefore, observed that this (...)
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  30. Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System (review).Christopher S. Queen - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:168-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste SystemChristopher S. QueenDr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System. By Christophe Jaffrelot. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. xiii + 205 pp.Outside of India, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar remains virtually unknown. Everyone knows that Mahatma Gandhi led the fight for Indian independence and that his nonviolent marches inspired Dr. King and the American civil rights movement. (...)
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    Ethical dilemmas in palliative care in traditional developing societies, with special reference to the Indian setting.S. K. Chaturvedi - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8):611-615.
    Background: There are intriguing and challenging ethical dilemmas in the practice of palliative care in a traditional developing society.Objective: To review the different ethical issues involved in cancer and palliative care in developing countries, with special reference to India.Methods: Published literature on pain relief and palliative care in the developing countries was reviewed to identify ethical issues and dilemmas related to these, and ways in which ethical principles could be observed in delivery of palliative care in such countries are discussed.Results: (...)
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  32.  16
    Plastic Bodies: Women Workers and Emerging Body Rules in Service Work in Urban India.Asiya Islam - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (3):422-444.
    Drawing on the narratives of young lower-middle-class women employed in cafés, call centers, shopping malls, and offices in Delhi, India, in this paper I identify malleability or “plasticity” of the body as an important feature of contemporary service work. As neophyte service professionals, young women mold themselves to the middle-/upper-class milieu of their workplaces through clothes, makeup, and body language. Such body plasticity can be experienced as enabling: Identifying with the image of the “New Indian Woman,” young (...)
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  33. Understanding risk in forest ecosystem services: implications for effective risk management, communication and planning.Kristina Blennow, Johannes Persson, Annika Wallin, Niklas Vareman & Erik Persson - 2014 - Forestry 87:219-228.
    Uncertainty, insufficient information or information of poor quality, limited cognitive capacity and time, along with value conflicts and ethical considerations, are all aspects thatmake risk managementand riskcommunication difficult. This paper provides a review of different risk concepts and describes how these influence risk management, communication and planning in relation to forest ecosystem services. Based on the review and results of empirical studies, we suggest that personal assessment of risk is decisive in the management of forest ecosystem services. The results are (...)
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    ‘Life after Death – the Dead shall Teach the Living’: a Qualitative Study on the Motivations and Expectations of Body Donors, their Families, and Religious Scholars in the South Indian City of Bangalore.Aiswarya Sasi, Radhika Hegde, Stephen Dayal & Manjulika Vaz - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):149-172.
    In India, there has been a shift from using unclaimed bodies to voluntary body donation for anatomy dissections in medical colleges. This study used in-depth qualitative interviews to explore the deeper intent, values and attitudes towards body donation, the body and death, and expectations of the body donor, as well as their next of kin and representative religious scholars. All donors had enrolled in a body bequest programme in a medical school in South India. This study concludes that body donors (...)
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    The human capital dimension of collaboration among government, NGOs, and farm families: Comparative advantage, complications, and observations from an Indian case. [REVIEW]R. G. Alsop, R. Khandelwal, E. H. Gilbert & J. Farrington - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (2):3-12.
    Stronger collaboration between government organizations (GOs), NGOs, and rural people has long been advocated as a means of enhancing the responsiveness, efficiency, and accountability of GOs and NGOs. This paper reviews the arguments and evidence for specific types of collaboration for sustainable agricultural development, setting it into the context of Korten's (1980) concept of “learning process.” Taking recent examples from Udaipur District in India, it reviews the experiences and potential of collaboration, arguing that, while informal interaction increases and enriches the (...)
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  36. National Consultation on University and College Counselling Services in India: Key Recommendations.Vikas Baniwal & Anshu - 2016 - Indian Journal of School Health and Wellbeing 2 (3):1-8.
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  37. F33. Genetics and Biomedical Technology: The Emerging Milieu and the Indian Context.R. R. Kishore - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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    Indigenous research ethics and Tribal Research Review Boards in the United States: examining online presence and themes across online documentation.Nicole S. Kuhn, Ethan J. Kuhn, Michael Vendiola & Clarita Lefthand-Begay - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):574-603.
    Researchers seeking to engage in projects related to Tribal communities and their citizens, lands, and non-human relatives are responsible for understanding and abiding by each Tribal nation’s research laws and review processes. Few studies, however, have described the many diverse forms of Tribal research review systems across the United States (US). This study provides one of the most comprehensive examinations of research review processes administered by Tribal Research Review Boards (TRRBs) in the US. Through a systematic analysis, we consider TRRBs’ (...)
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    Bureaucracy: Ethical Perspectives.Shekhar Sen & Pradip Bhattacharya - 2003 - Journal of Human Values 9 (2):117-130.
    The LBS National Academy of Administration, Government of India, had invited the authors to present before 30 officers of the Indian Administrative Service their views regarding the role of ethics in public administration as part of a five-day training programme on the subject. The participants' experience ranged from 12 to 31 years. The paper seeks to bring home to administrators that for carrying out the responsibilities that the Constitution of India has entrusted to the civil services there is (...)
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    Education of a Civil Servant's Daughter: Readings from Monica Chanda's Memoirs.Malavika Karlekar - 2000 - Feminist Review 65 (1):127-144.
    Nineteenth-century Bengal was a period of change, conflict and accommodation both among the bhadralok – literally translated to mean the gentle folk, the middle classes – as well as between them and the British rulers. The world view of the bhadralok and its search for a new paradigm had its material basis in changes in existing land relations, the emergence of the market and of urban spaces as well as the spread of education and literacy. Often changes in familial patterns, (...)
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    Global Health Careers: Serving the Navajo Community.Maricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu & Sonya Shin - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):86-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Global Health Careers:Serving the Navajo CommunityMaricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu, and Sonya ShinGallup Indian Medical Center (GIMC) sits on a hilltop in Gallup, New Mexico, a town of 20,000 in the four corners region of the Southwestern United States. From its third story windows one can see the red cliffs of the nearby Navajo Nation, a 27,000 square mile reservation that reaches into Arizona, northern New Mexico, and the (...)
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    Protecting the navajo people through tribal regulation of research.Doug Brugge & Mariam Missaghian - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):491-507.
    This essay explores the process and issues related to community collaborative research that involves Native Americans generally, and specifically examines the Navajo Nation’s efforts to regulate research within its jurisdiction. Researchers need to account for both the experience of Native Americans and their own preconceptions about Native Americans when conducting research about Native Americans. The Navajo Nation institutionalized an approach to protecting members of the nation when it took over Institutional Review Board (IRB) responsibilities from the US Indian Health (...)
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    Innovation on the Reservation: Information Technology and Health Systems Research among the Papago Tribe of Arizona, 1965–1980.Jeremy A. Greene, Victor Braitberg & Gabriella Maya Bernadett - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):443-470.
    In May 1973 a new collaboration between NASA, the Indian Health Service, and the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company promised to transform the way members of the Papago (now Tohono O’odham) Tribe of southern Arizona accessed modern medicine. Through a system of state-of-the-art microwave relays, slow-scan television links, and Mobile Health Units, the residents of the third-largest American Indian reservation began to access physicians remotely via telemedical encounters instead of traveling to distant hospitals. Examining the history of (...)
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    The advantages and disadvantages of altruistic and commercial surrogacy in India.Yuri Hibino - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-10.
    Background Comprehensive commercial surrogacy became legal in India in 2002, and many foreigners, including individuals and same-sex couples, sought Indian surrogacy services due to their affordability. Numerous scandals resulted, with increasing calls for the government to eliminate the exploitation of women in lower social strata. In 2015, the Indian government decided to exclude foreign clients and commercial surrogacy remained legal for local Indian couples only. Furthermore, to eliminate exploitation, the concept of altruistic surrogacy was introduced in 2016. (...)
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    Medical tourism in india: perceptions of physicians in tertiary care hospitals.Imrana Qadeer & Sunita Reddy - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:20.
    Senior physicians of modern medicine in India play a key role in shaping policies and public opinion and institutional management. This paper explores their perceptions of medical tourism (MT) within India which is a complex process involving international demands and policy shifts from service to commercialisation of health care for trade, gross domestic profit, and foreign exchange. Through interviews of 91 physicians in tertiary care hospitals in three cities of India, this paper explores four areas of concern: their understanding (...)
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  46. MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF VIOLA CORDOVA (V.F. CORDOVA), PH.D.Anne Schulherr Waters - 2003 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on American Indians in Philosophy, Vol.2, #2, Spring 2003.
    This article was prepared for the Prepared for the Memorial Service at the University of New Mexico on March 28, 2003. Compared are the philosophy of Standing Bear and Viola Cordova. "Both Standing Bear and Cordova recognized the ruptured consciousness into which Indian students frequently fall when we encounter colonial culture. Both critically challenged the academic education being taught to Native students, in method and content. Both recognized the importance of Native students receiving an education in consonance with (...)
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    Collective Action, Property Rights, and Decentralization in Resource Use in India and Nepal.Elinor Ostrom & Arun Agrawal - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (4):485-514.
    National governments in almost all developing countries have begun to decentralize policies and decision making related to development, public services, and the environment. Existing research on the subject has enhanced our understanding of the effects of decentralization and thereby has been an effective instrument in the advocacy of decentralization. But most analyses, especially where environmental resources are concerned, have been less attentive to the political coalitions that prompt decentralization and the role of property rights in facilitating the implementation of decentralized (...)
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  48. Pyrrhonism and the mādhyamaka.Adrian Kuzminski - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (4):482-511.
    : The question of possible Indian influence on Pyrrhonist skepticism was raised long ago by Diogenes Laertius in his biography of Pyrrho. Diogenes tells us that Pyrrho adopted his "most noble philosophy" as a result of his contacts with Indian sages when he accompanied Alexander the Great on his expedition in the fourth century B.C.E. Most modern Western scholars have downplayed Diogenes’ claim as unsubstantiated, but the striking parallels to be found in subsequent ancient Pyrrhonist and Mādhyamaka texts (...)
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    Comparing forests across climates and biomes: Qualitative assessments, reference forests, and regional inter-comparisons.Carl Salk, Ulrich J. Frey & Hannes Rusch - 2014 - PLoS ONE 9 (4):e94800.
    Communities, policy actors and conservationists benefit from understanding what institutions and land management regimes promote ecosystem services like carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. However, the definition of success depends on local conditions. Forests’ potential carbon stock, biodiversity, and rate of recovery following disturbance are known to vary with a broad suite of factors including temperature, precipitation, seasonality, species’ traits and land use history. Methods like forest changes over time , and comparison with 'pristine' reference forests have been proposed to compare (...)
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    Resistance to Systemic Oppression by Students of Color in a Diversity Course for Preservice Teachers.Stephanie House-Niamke & Takumi Sato - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (2):160-179.
    In a diversity course for pre-service teachers, we explored coursework by students of color to uncover instances in which they resisted the existence systemic oppression in K12 schools. First, we examined the written responses from three students of color (Asian-Indian, Asian immigrant, and Latina) who were largely agreeable to the existence of different forms of oppression presented in the course content. Our work illuminated instances of what we have described as narrative-based resistance. Students initially referred to narratives of (...)
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