Results for 'Information Processing'

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  1.  41
    Synergistic Information Processing Encrypts Strategic Reasoning in Poker.Seth Frey, Dominic K. Albino & Paul L. Williams - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (5):1457-1476.
    There is a tendency in decision‐making research to treat uncertainty only as a problem to be overcome. But it is also a feature that can be leveraged, particularly in social interaction. Comparing the behavior of profitable and unprofitable poker players, we reveal a strategic use of information processing that keeps decision makers unpredictable. To win at poker, a player must exploit public signals from others. But using public inputs makes it easier for an observer to reconstruct that player's (...)
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  2. Is human information processing conscious?Max Velmans - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):651-69.
    Investigations of the function of consciousness in human information processing have focused mainly on two questions: (1) where does consciousness enter into the information processing sequence and (2) how does conscious processing differ from preconscious and unconscious processing. Input analysis is thought to be initially "preconscious," "pre-attentive," fast, involuntary, and automatic. This is followed by "conscious," "focal-attentive" analysis which is relatively slow, voluntary, and flexible. It is thought that simple, familiar stimuli can be identified (...)
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  3. Information Processing and Thermodynamic Entropy.Owen Maroney - unknown
    Are principles of information processing necessary to demonstrate the consistency of statistical mechanics? Does the physical implementation of a computational operation have a fundamental thermodynamic cost, purely by virtue of its logical properties? These two questions lie at the centre of a large body of literature concerned with the Szilard engine (a variant of the Maxwell's demon thought experiment), Landauer's principle (supposed to embody the fundamental principle of the thermodynamics of computation) and possible connections between the two. A (...)
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    Information Processing and Dynamics in Minimally Cognitive Agents.Randall D. Beer & Paul L. Williams - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (1):1-38.
    There has been considerable debate in the literature about the relative merits of information processing versus dynamical approaches to understanding cognitive processes. In this article, we explore the relationship between these two styles of explanation using a model agent evolved to solve a relational categorization task. Specifically, we separately analyze the operation of this agent using the mathematical tools of information theory and dynamical systems theory. Information-theoretic analysis reveals how task-relevant information flows through the system (...)
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  5. Information processing, computation, and cognition.Gualtiero Piccinini & Andrea Scarantino - 2011 - Journal of Biological Physics 37 (1):1-38.
    Computation and information processing are among the most fundamental notions in cognitive science. They are also among the most imprecisely discussed. Many cognitive scientists take it for granted that cognition involves computation, information processing, or both – although others disagree vehemently. Yet different cognitive scientists use ‘computation’ and ‘information processing’ to mean different things, sometimes without realizing that they do. In addition, computation and information processing are surrounded by several myths; first and (...)
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  6.  19
    Risk Information Processing and Rational Ignoring in the Health Context.Barbara Osimani - 2012 - Journal of Socio-Economics 41:169-179.
    Findings about the desire for health-risk information are heterogeneous and sometimes contradictory. In particular, they seem to be at variance with established psychological theories of information-seeking behavior.The present paper posits the decision about treating illness with medicine as the causal determinant for the expected net value of information, and attempts to explain idiosyncrasies in information-seeking behavior by using the notion of decision sensitivity to incoming information.Furthermore, active information avoidance is explained by modeling the expected (...)
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  7. Visual information processing and phenomenal consciousness.Ansgar Beckermann - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh.
    As far as an adequate understanding of phenomenal consciousness is concerned, representationalist theories of mind which are modelled on the information processing paradigm, are, as much as corresponding neurobiological or functionalist theories, confronted with a series of arguments based on inverted or absent qualia considerations. These considerations display the following pattern: assuming we had complete knowledge about the neural and functional states which subserve the occurrence of phenomenal consciousness, would it not still be conceivable that these neural states (...)
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    Notationality and the information processing mind.Vinod Goel - 1991 - Minds and Machines 1 (2):129-166.
    Cognitive science uses the notion of computational information processing to explain cognitive information processing. Some philosophers have argued that anything can be described as doing computational information processing; if so, it is a vacuous notion for explanatory purposes.An attempt is made to explicate the notions of cognitive information processing and computational information processing and to specify the relationship between them. It is demonstrated that the resulting notion of computational information (...)
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  9. Information-processing models of consciousness: Possibilities and problems.T. Shallice - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
  10.  23
    Information Processing: The Language and Analytical Tools for Cognitive Psychology in the Information Age.Aiping Xiong & Robert W. Proctor - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:362645.
    The information age can be dated to the work of Norbert Wiener and Claude Shannon in the 1940s. Their work on cybernetics and information theory, and many subsequent developments, had a profound influence on reshaping the field of psychology from what it was prior to the 1950s. Contemporaneously, advances also occurred in experimental design and inferential statistical testing stemming from the work of Ronald Fisher, Jerzy Neyman, and Egon Pearson. These interdisciplinary advances from outside of psychology provided the (...)
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  11.  13
    Sequential information processing in persuasion.Roman Linne, Jannis Hildebrandt, Gerd Bohner & Hans-Peter Erb - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We present a theory of sequential information processing in persuasion. It extends assumptions of the heuristic-systematic model, in particular the idea that information encountered early in a persuasion situation may affect the processing of subsequent information. SIP also builds on the abstraction from content-related dichotomies in accord with the parametric unimodel of social judgment. SIP features one constitutional axiom and three main postulates: Persuasion is the sequential processing of information that is relevant to (...)
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  12.  16
    Information processing and problem solving.Charles M. Solley & Fred W. Snyder - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (4):384.
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    The Informative Process Model as a New Intervention for Attitude Change in Intractable Conflicts: Theory and Empirical Evidence.Nimrod Rosler, Keren Sharvit, Boaz Hameiri, Ori Wiener-Blotner, Orly Idan & Daniel Bar-Tal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Peacemaking is especially challenging in situations of intractable conflict. Collective narratives in this context contribute to coping with challenges societies face, but also fuel conflict continuation. We introduce the Informative Process Model, proposing that informing individuals about the socio-psychological processes through which conflict-supporting narratives develop, and suggesting that they can change via comparison to similar conflicts resolved peacefully, can facilitate unfreezing and change in attitudes. Study 1 established associations between awareness of conflict costs and conflict-supporting narratives, belief in the possibility (...)
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  14.  34
    2. Information Processing Systems Which Embody Computational Rules: The Connectionist Approach.Glyn W. Humphreys - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (3):201-12.
  15.  50
    Information processing, memories, and synchronization in chaotic neural network with the time delay.Vladimir E. Bondarenko - 2005 - Complexity 11 (2):39-52.
  16. More nonconcavities in information processing functions.Hagen Lindstädt - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):351-365.
    The productivity of (human) information processing as an economic activity is a question that is raising some interest. Using Marschak's evaluation framework, Radner and Stiglitz have shown that, under certain conditions, the production function of this activity has increasing marginal returns in its initial stage. This paper shows that, under slightly different conditions, this information processing function has repeated convexities with ongoing processing activity. Even for smooth changes in the signals' likelihoods, the function is only (...)
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  17.  50
    Information Processing Artifacts.Neal G. Anderson - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (2):193-225.
    What is a computer? What distinguishes computers from other artificial or natural systems with alleged computational capacities? What does use of a physical system for computation entail, and what distinguishes such use from otherwise identical transformation of that same system when it is not so used? This paper addresses such questions through a theory of information processing artifacts, the class of technical artifacts with physical capacities that enable agents to use them as means to their computational ends. Function (...)
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  18.  41
    Information processing as one key for a unification?Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):40-40.
    The human information-acquisition process is one of the unifying mechanisms of the behavioral sciences. Three examples (from psychology, neuroscience, and political science) demonstrate that through inspection of this process, better understanding and hence more powerful models of human behavior can be built. The target method for this – process tracing – could serve as a central player in this building process of a unified framework. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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    Information processing abstractions: The message still counts more than the medium.B. Chandrasekaran, Ashok Goel & Dean Allemang - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):26-27.
  20.  33
    Cognition, Information Processing, and Psychophysics: Basic Issues.Hans-Georg Geissler, Stephen W. Link & James T. Townsend (eds.) - 1992 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    The plan for this volume emerged during the international Leipzig conference commemorating the centenary of the death of Gustav Fechner.
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  21.  80
    Assessing miserly information processing: An expansion of the Cognitive Reflection Test.Maggie E. Toplak, Richard F. West & Keith E. Stanovich - 2014 - Thinking and Reasoning 20 (2):147-168.
    The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT; Frederick, 2005) is designed to measure the tendency to override a prepotent response alternative that is incorrect and to engage in further reflection that leads to the correct response. It is a prime measure of the miserly information processing posited by most dual process theories. The original three-item test may be becoming known to potential participants, however. We examined a four-item version that could serve as a substitute for the original. Our data show (...)
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  22. The instructional information processing account of digital computation.Nir Fresco & Marty J. Wolf - 2014 - Synthese 191 (7):1469-1492.
    What is nontrivial digital computation? It is the processing of discrete data through discrete state transitions in accordance with finite instructional information. The motivation for our account is that many previous attempts to answer this question are inadequate, and also that this account accords with the common intuition that digital computation is a type of information processing. We use the notion of reachability in a graph to defend this characterization in memory-based systems and underscore the importance (...)
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  23.  5
    Visual information processing and phenomenal consciousness.Ansgar Beckermann - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh.
    As far as an adequate understanding of phenomenal consciousness is concerned, representationalist theories of mind which are modelled on the information processing paradigm, are, as much as corresponding neurobiological or functionalist theories, confronted with a series of arguments based on inverted or absent qualia considerations. These considerations display the following pattern: assuming we had complete knowledge about the neural and functional states which subserve the occurrence of phenomenal consciousness, would it not still be conceivable that these neural states (...)
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  24.  67
    Information processing and dynamical systems approaches are complementary.David Spurrett - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (5):639-640.
    Shanker & King (S&K) trumpet the adoption of a “new paradigm” in communication studies, exemplified by ape language research. Though cautiously sympathetic, I maintain that their argument relies on a false dichotomy between “information” and “dynamical systems” theory, and that the resulting confusion prevents them from recognizing the main chance their line of thinking suggests.
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  25. An information processing framework for research on human reasoning.Richard E. Mayer & Russell Revlin - 1978 - In Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer (eds.), Human reasoning. New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
  26. Dragan Milovanovich.Touching you, Touching Me In Law & Justice : Toward A. Quantum Holographic Process-Informational Understanding - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  27.  15
    Information Processing in Affective Disorders: Did an Ancient Peptide Regulating Intercellular Metabolism Become Co‐Opted for Noxious Stress Sensing?David A. Lovejoy & David W. Hogg - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):2000039.
    Affective disorders arise in stressful situations from aberrant sensory information integration that affects energetic nutrient (i.e., glucose) utilization to the cognitive centers of the brain. Because energy flow is mediated by molecular signals and receptors that evolved before the first complex brains, the phylogenetically oldest signaling systems are essential in the etiology of affective disorders. The corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF) peptide subfamily is a phylogenetically old metazoan peptide family and is pivotal for regulating organismal energy response associated with stress. Highly (...)
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  28. Information processing and the nature of conscious and unconscious processes.E. Peterfreund & J. T. Schwartz - 1971 - Psychological Issues 7:219-29.
  29.  45
    Information Processing Biases in the Brain: Implications for Decision-Making and Self-Governance.Anthony W. Sali, Brian A. Anderson & Susan M. Courtney - 2016 - Neuroethics 11 (3):259-271.
    To make behavioral choices that are in line with our goals and our moral beliefs, we need to gather and consider information about our current situation. Most information present in our environment is not relevant to the choices we need or would want to make and thus could interfere with our ability to behave in ways that reflect our underlying values. Certain sources of information could even lead us to make choices we later regret, and thus it (...)
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  30.  27
    Training in Temporal Information Processing Ameliorates Phonetic Identification.Aneta Szymaszek, Anna Dacewicz, Paulina Urban & Elzbieta Szelag - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:322638.
    Many studies revealed a link between temporal information processing (TIP) in a millisecond range and speech perception. Previous studies indicated a dysfunction in TIP accompanied by deficient phonemic hearing in children with specific language impairment (SLI). In this study we concentrate in SLI on phonetic identification, using the voice-onset-time (VOT) phenomenon in which TIP is built-in. VOT is crucial for speech perception, as stop consonants (like /t/ vs. /d/) may be distinguished by an acoustic difference in time between (...)
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  31. Information processing by cortical subthreshold and suprathreshold activity.K. Kirschfeld - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 2-2.
  32. Information Processing and Consciousness.Robert L. Solso (ed.) - 1975 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
  33.  5
    Briggs' Information Processing Model of the Binary Classification Task.Samuel Mudd - 1983 - Psychology Press.
    First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Information processing and the decremental effect of intermittent reinforcement schedules in human conditioning.William F. Prokasy & William C. Williams - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):57-60.
  35.  39
    Information process, systems behavior, and the study of religion.J. W. Bowker - 1976 - Zygon 11 (4):361-379.
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    Information-processing predictors of emotional response to stress.Cynthia L. S. Pury - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (5):667-683.
  37. Information Processing as an Account of Concrete Digital Computation.Nir Fresco - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (1):31-60.
    It is common in cognitive science to equate computation (and in particular digital computation) with information processing. Yet, it is hard to find a comprehensive explicit account of concrete digital computation in information processing terms. An information processing account seems like a natural candidate to explain digital computation. But when ‘information’ comes under scrutiny, this account becomes a less obvious candidate. Four interpretations of information are examined here as the basis for an (...)
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  38.  25
    Information-processing and constructivist models of cognitive therapy: A philosophical divergence.William J. Lyddon - forthcoming - Journal of Mind and Behavior.
  39. Contentless consciousness and information-processing theories of mind.Philip R. Sullivan - 1995 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (1):51-59.
    Functionalist theories of mind sometimes have viewed consciousness as emerging simply from the computational activity of extremely complex information-processing systems. Empirical evidence suggests strongly, however, that experiences without content ("pure consciousness" events, or "core mystical experience") and devoid of subjectivity (no sense of agency or ownership) do happen. The occurrence of such consciousness, lacking all informational content, counts against any theory that equates consciousness with the mere "flow of information," no matter how intricate.
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    The information-processing approach to the brain-mind and its philosophical ramifications.Cliff A. Hooker - 1975 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (September):1-15.
  41. Asymmetries in Information Processing in a Decision Theory Framework.Luís Santos-Pinto - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (4):317-343.
    Research in psychology suggests that some individuals are more sensitive to positive than to negative information while others are more sensitive to negative rather than positive information. I take these cognitive positive–negative asymmetries in information processing to a Bayesian decision-theory model and explore its consequences in terms of decisions and payoffs. I show that in monotone decision problems economic agents with more positive-responsive information structures are always better off, ex ante, when they face problems where (...)
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  42.  17
    Visual information processing: A perspective.Michael H. Van Kleeck & Stephen M. Kosslyn - 1993 - In David E. Meyer & Sylvan Kornblum (eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 37.
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    Emotional information processing in repressors: The vigilance–avoidance theory.Nazanin Derakshan, Michael W. Eysenck & Lynn B. Myers - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1585-1614.
  44.  34
    Information-processing analysis of perceptual processes in problem solving.Herbert A. Simon & Michael Barenfeld - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (5):473-483.
  45.  65
    Conceptual coordination bridges information processing and neurophysiology.William J. Clancey - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):919-922.
    Information processing theories of memory and skills can be reformulated in terms of how categories are physically and temporally related, a process called conceptual coordination. Dreaming can then be understood as a story-understanding process in which two mechanisms found in everyday comprehension are missing: conceiving sequences (chunking categories in time as a higher-order categorization) and coordinating across modalities (e.g., relating the sound of a word and the image of its meaning). On this basis, we can readily identify isomorphisms (...)
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  46.  43
    A comparison of information processing and dynamical systems perspectives on problem solving.Stephen K. Reed & Robin R. Vallacher - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (2):254-290.
    This article compares the information processing and dynamical systems perspectives on problem solving. Key theoretical constructs of the information-processing perspective include “searching” a “p...
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  47. Information processing, phenomenal consciousness, and Molyneux's question.John Campbell - 2005 - In José Luis Bermúdez (ed.), Thought, reference, and experience: themes from the philosophy of Gareth Evans. New York : Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press.
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  48. Information Processing.Mark A. Elliott & Hermann J. Muller - 2004 - In Christian Kaernbach, Erich Schröger & Hermann Müller (eds.), Psychophysics Beyond Sensation: Laws and Invariants of Human Cognition. Psychology Press. pp. 137.
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    Neural Synchrony During Naturalistic Information Processing Is Associated With Aerobically Active Lifestyle and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Cognitively Intact Older Adults.Tamir Eisenstein, Nir Giladi, Talma Hendler, Ofer Havakuk & Yulia Lerner - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The functional neural mechanisms underlying the cognitive benefits of aerobic exercise have been a subject of ongoing research in recent years. However, while most neuroimaging studies to date which examined functional neural correlates of aerobic exercise have used simple stimuli in highly controlled and artificial experimental conditions, our everyday life experiences require a much more complex and dynamic neurocognitive processing. Therefore, we have used a naturalistic complex information processing fMRI paradigm of story comprehension to investigate the role (...)
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  50. An Information Processing Model of Psychopathy.Jeffrey White - 201? - In Unknown (ed.), moral psychology. Nova. pp. 1-34.
    Psychopathy is increasingly in the public eye. However, it is yet to be fully and effectively understood. Within the context of the DSM-IV, for example, it is best regarded as a complex family of disorders. The upside is that this family can be tightly related along common dimensions. Characteristic marks of psychopaths include a lack of guilt and remorse for paradigm case immoral actions, leading to the common conception of psychopathy rooted in affective dysfunctions. An adequate portrait of psychopathy is (...)
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