Results for 'Ingrid Lacerda'

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  1.  23
    Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.Ingrid Miljeteig, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Elisabeth Schanche, Margrethe Schaufel & Kristine Husøy Onarheim - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):66-81.
    Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges on healthcare systems and professionals worldwide and introduced a ´maelstrom´ of ethical dilemmas. How ethically demanding situations are handled affects employees’ moral stress and job satisfaction. Aim: Describe priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians across medical specialties in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Norway. Research design: A cross-sectional hospital-based survey was conducted from 23 April to 11 May 2020. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval granted (...)
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    Governing Collaborative Value Creation in the Context of Grand Challenges: A Case Study of a Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in the Textile Industry.Ingrid Wakkee, Jakomijn van Wijk & Lori DiVito - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (5):1092-1131.
    The aim of this study is to understand how governance mechanisms in cross-sector collaborations (CSCs) for sustainability affect value creation and capture and subsequently the survival of this organizational form. Drawing on a longitudinal, participatory, single-case study of collaborative action in the textile industry, we identify three governance mechanisms—safeguarding, bundling and connecting—that coevolve with the rising and waning of collaborative tensions and the shifting levels of action in the CSC we studied. These mechanisms aided value creation and helped facilitate private (...)
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    (1 other version)A New Look at J. S. Beck's “Doctrine of the Standpoint”.Ingrid M. Wallner - 1984 - Kant Studien 75 (1-4):294-316.
  4.  20
    Soberania nacional, direitos humanos e o paradoxo democrático.Moara Ferreira Lacerda, Ricardo Corrêa de Araujo & Marcos Aurélio Pensabem Ribeiro Filho - 2023 - Controvérsia 19 (3):107-123.
    O artigo pretende analisar e sugerir uma saída para o paradoxo democrático, o dilema moral constitutivo entre a soberania nacional do Estado democrático liberal e o reconhecimento dos direitos humanos dos estrangeiros, apontado por Donatella Di Cesare. Para isso, serão reconstruídos o referido paradoxo, a partir das críticas da autora a Michael Walzer e David Miller, e a solução apontada por ela, que envolve a superação da ordem estadocêntrica e a criação de uma comunidade política que não seja centrada na (...)
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  5. Ideal theory in theory and practice.Ingrid Robeyns - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (3):341–62.
  6.  17
    Spatial Ethics Beyond the North–South Dichotomy: Moral Dilemmas in Favelas.Daniel S. Lacerda, Fabio B. Meira & Vanessa Brulon - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):695-707.
    Western representation of countries from the Global South implies a dichotomist view of business ethics: on the one hand, universal ethics largely reproduces commonsensical views of the South as ‘less ethical’, and on the other hand, voices from the South are often conditioned to present themselves as substantially indigenous and unambiguous to be accepted as legitimate ethical subjects. We join the growing interest in bridging this gap by drawing on studies from human geography, and ask to what extent the materiality (...)
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    How Art Therapists Observe Mental Health Using Formal Elements in Art Products: Structure and Variation as Indicators for Balance and Adaptability.Ingrid Pénzes, Susan van Hooren, Ditty Dokter & Giel Hutschemaekers - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  8.  21
    O século XVII e o debate contra a misoginia: história, violência e resistência.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2023 - Discurso 53 (1).
    Trata-se de refletir sobre o apagamento do nome das filósofas na narrativa canônica da Filosofia do século XVII. Essa opressão de gênero faz parte de um conjunto mais amplo de opressões derivadas da organização do capitalismo naquele momento. A chamada “querela das mulheres” (querelle des femmes), debate entre feministas e misóginos iniciado no século XV, mas reforçado no XVII, evidencia as opressões de gênero, mas deve ser posto em relação com a violência colonial que caracterizou o século XVII. A resistência (...)
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    Potencial analítico dos gêneros do discurso para os estudos variacionistas.Marcela Langa Lacerda, Edair Maria Görski & Sandra Mara Moraes Lima - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (3):e60113.
    ABSTRACT This text aims to reflect on why speech genres are relevant to variation studies, especially for third wave studies, whose central issue is the notion of style. Through bibliographic research, we examine part of the literature of the third wave of variation studies and part of the literature of the Bakhtinian approach, focusing on the notion of style, to (i) highlight some connections between these approaches and to (ii) articulate them, in some other points. The results of this reflection (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries for “Ethical Considerations of Providing Screening Tests to Individuals When Evidence is Insufficient to Support Screening Populations”.Ingrid M. Burger & Nancy E. Kass - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):1-2.
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  11. A ameaça do analfabetismo: uma análise do discurso oficial na década de 1940.Natalia de Lacerda Gil - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (2):p - 117.
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    AI from Concrete to Abstract.Rubens Lacerda Queiroz, Fábio Ferrentini Sampaio, Cabral Lima & Priscila Machado Vieira Lima - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    Artificial intelligence has been adopted in a wide range of domains. This shows the imperative need to contribute to making citizens insightful actors in debates and decisions involving the adoption of AI mechanisms. Currently, existing approaches to the teaching of basic AI concepts through programming treat machine intelligence as an external element/module. After being trained, that external module is coupled to the main application. Combining block-based programming and WiSARD weightless artificial neural networks, this article presents the conceptualization and design of (...)
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    Desarollos actuales de la metateoría estructuralista: problemas y discussiones.Inês Lacerda Araújo - 2003 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 15 (17):89.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction to the JPS Special Issue on Sport and Aesthetics.Teresa Oliveira Lacerda - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):183-184.
  15.  28
    Leibniz: A infinitude divina E o Infinito em nós.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 34:39-63.
    O verdadeiro infinito, afirma Leibniz em seus Novos ensaios, não é um modo da quantidade, é anterior a qualquer composição e não é formado pela adição de partes. O infinito, para Leibniz, é atual e é propriedade de todas as coisas. Como criaturas finitas conhecem o infinito? Neste artigo, investigamos que tipo de relação pode ter o infinito matemático, quantitativo, para o conhecimento da infinitude divida e do infinito atual que existe no mundo. A ordem ideal da matemática instrui sobre (...)
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    Lefort: democracia e direitos humanos.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2018 - Discurso 48 (1):221-229.
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  17.  22
    (1 other version)Leibniz: liberdade e verdade.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2014 - Doispontos 11 (2).
    Não há, para Leibniz, separação entre uma esfera ética, na qual seriam consideradas as ações voluntárias dos homens e sua busca pelo bem, e uma esfera epistemológica, pela qual se explicaria a busca pela verdade. Procuramos mostrar, primeiro, em que sentido se pode dizer que o conhecimento é uma ação voluntária; e, segundo, como a ação moral só é verdadeiramente livre se fundamentada no conhecimento do verdadeiro, por isso o modelo de homem livre é o homem sábio.
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  18.  65
    Ethics of global development: Agency, capability, and deliberative democracy - by David A. Crocker.Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (4):426-427.
  19.  35
    Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-examined.Ingrid Robeyns - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publisher.
    This monograph on the capability approach does two things. First, it provides an advanced introduction to the capability approach, as an account used in philosophy, as well as other disciplines. Second, it provides an account of the capability approach which is able to encompass all existing views and theories on the capability approach, including the writings on the capability approach by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen.
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  20.  25
    The PETA practical guide to animal rights: simple acts of kindness to help animals in trouble.Ingrid Newkirk - 2009 - New York: St. Martin's Griffin.
    With more than two million members and supporters, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the world’s largest animal-rights organization, and its founder and president, Ingrid Newkirk, is one of the most well-known and most effective activists in America. She has spearheaded worldwide efforts to improve the treatment of animals in manufacturing, entertainment, and elsewhere. Every day, in laboratories, food factories, and other industries, animals by the millions are subjected to inhumane cruelty. In this accessible guide, Newkirk (...)
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  21.  40
    Borderlands of Life: IVF Embryos and the Law in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.Ingrid Metzler & Sheila Jasanoff - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1001-1037.
    Human embryos produced in labs since the 1970s have generated layers of uncertainty for law and policy: ontological, moral, and administrative. Ontologically, these lab-made entities fall into a gray zone between life and not-yet-life. Should in vitro embryos be treated as inanimate matter, like abandoned postsurgical tissue, or as private property? Morally, should they exist largely outside of state control in the zone of free reproductive choice or should they be regarded as autonomous human lives and thus entitled to constitutional (...)
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  22. Everyday Ethics in the Care of Elderly People.Ingrid Ågren Bolmsjö, Lars Sandman & Edith Andersson - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (3):249-263.
    This article analyses the general ethical milieu in a nursing home for elderly residents and provides a decision-making model for analysing the ethical situations that arise. It considers what it means for the residents to live together and for the staff to be in ethically problematic situations when caring for residents. An interpretative phenomenological approach and Sandman’s ethical model proved useful for this purpose. Systematic observations were carried out and interpretation of the general ethical milieu was summarized as ‘being in (...)
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  23. Why Limitarianism?Ingrid Robeyns - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (2):249-270.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 249-270, June 2022.
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  24.  50
    An Intercultural Nursing Perspective on Autonomy.Ingrid Hanssen - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):28-41.
    This article is based on an empirical study regarding ethical challenges in intercultural nursing. The focus is on autonomy and disclosure. Autonomy is a human capacity that has become an important ethical principle in nursing. Although the relationship between autonomy and patients’ possibly harmful choices is discussed, the focus is on ‘forced’ autonomy. Nurses seem to equate respect with autonomy; it seems to be hard to cope with the fact that there are patients who voluntarily undergo treatment but who actively (...)
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  25.  7
    Making kind choices: everyday ways to enhance your life through earth-and animal-friendly living.Ingrid Newkirk - 2005 - New York: St. Martin's Griffin.
    Choosing a compassionate lifestyle that makes you feel good and positively impacts on the environment and on animals has never been easier. In this practical and accessible handbook, loaded with resources for all products that are mentioned, Ingrid Newkirk presents fabulous options that will not only enhance your life, but those of your neighbors, your community, animals, and the earth itself. From comfortable home furnishings, to delicious foods, to fashionable clothing there are a myriad of choices to be made (...)
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    Older, self‐identifying gay men's conceptualisations of psychological well‐being (PWB): A Canadian perspective.Ingrid Handlovsky, Tessa Wonsiak & Anthony T. Amato - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12466.
    Many older gay men experience diminished psychological well‐being (PWB) due to unique circumstances including discrimination, living with HIV, and aging through the HIV/AIDS crisis. However, there remains ambiguity as to how older gay men define and understand PWB. Our team interviewed and analyzed the accounts of 26 older (50+) self‐identifying English‐speaking men living in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. We drew on tenets of constructivist grounded theory and intersectionality to account for unique contextual considerations and power relations. Semi‐structured Zoom interviews were (...)
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  27. From Ode to Sport To Contemporary Aesthetic Categories of Sport: Strength Considered as an Aesthetic Category.Teresa Lacerda - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (4):447 - 456.
    The standpoint of this paper is the distinguished Ode to Sport from Pierre de Coubertin, specifically the second part of the elegy, the one concerning beauty. Starting with ?O Sport, you are Beauty!?, Pierre de Coubertin mentions, beyond beauty, an assemblage of aesthetic categories such as sublime, abject, balance, proportion, harmony, rhythm and grace. He also mentions strength, power and suppleness. Although the first quoted categories are general categories of aesthetics, it seems quite relevant to emphasize the need of the (...)
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  28.  12
    Notas sobre tempo e história. Homenagem a Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):98-112.
    The article presents a dialogue, made over time, about the concept of time. Thus, it recovers Franklin Leopoldo e Silva's interpretation of time in Bergson's philosophy and puts this interpretation in relation to an interpretation of time in Leibniz inspired by Deleuze and Benjamin's readings of the seventeenth-century author. I use testimony as a philosophical category to narrate my dialogue with Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, which began in 1993.
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    Is Procreation Special?Ingrid Robeyns - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (4):643-661.
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    Inovação social ou compensação? Reflexões acerca das práticas corporativas.Luiz Felipe Barboza Lacerda & Adriane Vieira Ferrarini - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    As fraturas da sociedade salarial e o aumento da precariedade de vida levam diferentes setores a se engajarem em ações sociais. O artigo analisa o papel das corporações no enfrentamento dos problemas sociais a partir de um debate sobre o tipo de racionalidade subjacente ao modelo de desenvolvimento globalizado (pautado na razão indolente de Boaventura de Sousa Santos) e da análise da imbricação da economia na estrutura social (através da sociologia econômica). Os resultados demonstram que, apesar de alguns avanços historicamente (...)
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    Herrschaft und Liebe Zur Rolle und Darstellung des ‘Helden’ im Roman d’Eneas und in Veldekes Eneasroman.Ingrid Kasten - 1988 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (2):227-245.
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    A disputa ideológica entre Isócrates e Platão: consequências para a Filosofia e a Retórica.Ticiano Curvelo Estrela de Lacerda - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (2).
    No contexto da restauração da democracia ateniense no séc. IV AEC, Isócrates e Platão instituíram duas das mais proeminentes escolas filosóficas da Antiguidade e certamente as duas mais importantes do Período Clássico. Em alguma medida influenciados pela moralidade socrática voltada para o debate das virtudes, ambos são radicais opositores dos sofistas de seu tempo e do século anterior, que promoviam, segundo eles, uma educação erística ora imoral ora lisonjeadora. Com o objetivo de oferecer novas alternativas pedagógicas para a formação política (...)
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  33.  19
    A imaginação no diálogo entre Leibniz E Sophie Charlotte.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 42:77-97.
    A imaginação é um sentido interno que reúne as impressões dos sentidos externos, afirma Leibniz em uma carta à rainha Sophie Charlotte. Esta é uma das únicas definições da imaginação formulada explicitamente por Leibniz. Não temos as cartas escritas por SophieCharlotte, o que é uma marca do silenciamento imposto às mulheres ao longo de séculos, por isso propomos um exercício de imaginação para reconstituir a importância desse diálogo. Outras raras ocorrências do termo “imaginação” em textos de Leibniz mostram a importância (...)
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    A Stress Reduction Program Adapted for the Work Environment: A Randomized Controlled Trial With a Follow-Up.Shirley S. Lacerda, Stephen W. Little & Elisa H. Kozasa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35.  44
    Education for the Aesthetics of Sport in Higher Education in the Sports Sciences – The Particular Case of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries.Teresa Oliveira Lacerda - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 39 (2):235-250.
    In this paper it is argued why and how the aesthetics of sport should be included in higher education curricula in sport sciences. It is claimed that within the scope of philosophy of sport, aesthetics has its own role to play, since it provides a ‘sensible knowledge’ that should not be undervalued, and philosophers of sport must be aware of this. Providing examples from Portugal and Brazil, it is enunciated how these countries have been taking seriously and incorporated (if only (...)
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  36.  39
    Leibniz: a afirmação da liberdade como determinação contingente.Tessa Lacerda - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 2:05-18.
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    Singular.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 36:89-105.
    O trabalho da obra de Marilena Chaui, em seu A nervura do real – volume ii, é espinosano no sentido pleno do termo: como Espinosa, Marilena Chaui precisa desconstruir um discurso cristalizado e mostrar que a substância única espinosana gera, em uma complexa rede causal, seres singulares. Os seres singulares existem como efeitos da substância única e como efeitos da série infinita de causas da Natureza. A coisa singular é resultado, portanto, de uma dupla causalidade, e se não se pode (...)
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    Criminología: introducción a sus principales pensamientos.Ingrid Plessen - 2021 - [Ciudadela, Argentina]: Dosyuna Ediciones Argentinas.
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  39. Are transcendental theories of justice redundant?Ingrid Robeyns - 2012 - Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (2):159 - 163.
    Journal of Economic Methodology, Volume 19, Issue 2, Page 159-163, June 2012.
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    Clinical ethics dilemmas in a low-income setting - a national survey among physicians in Ethiopia.Ingrid Miljeteig, Frehiwot Defaye, Dawit Desalegn & Marion Danis - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-13.
    Ethical dilemmas are part of medicine, but the type of challenges, the frequency of their occurrence and the nuances in the difficulties have not been systematically studied in low-income settings. The objective of this paper was to map out the ethical dilemmas from the perspective of Ethiopian physicians working in public hospitals. A national survey of physicians from 49 public hospitals using stratified, multi-stage sampling was conducted in six of the 11 regions in Ethiopia. Descriptive statistics were used and the (...)
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  41. Polysemy: Current perspectives and approaches.Ingrid Lossius Falkum & Agustin Vicente - 2015 - Lingua:DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2015.02.00.
  42.  30
    What Do You Think You Are Measuring? A Mixed-Methods Procedure for Assessing the Content Validity of Test Items and Theory-Based Scaling.Ingrid Koller, Michael R. Levenson & Judith Glück - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  43. The capability approach in practice.Ingrid Robeyns - 2006 - Journal of Political Philosophy 14 (3):351–376.
  44.  66
    Existential loneliness: An attempt at an analysis of the concept and the phenomenon.Ingrid Bolmsjö, Per-Anders Tengland & Margareta Rämgård - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1310-1325.
    Background: According to ethical guidelines, healthcare professionals should be able to provide care that allows for the patients’ values, customs and beliefs, and the existential issues that are communicated through them. One widely discussed issue is existential loneliness. However, much of the debate dealing with existential loneliness concludes that both the phenomenon and the concept are quite vague. Aim: To clarify what constitutes existential loneliness, and to describe its lived experiences. A further aim was to provide a definition of existential (...)
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    Everyday Ethical Problems in Dementia Care: A teleological Model.Ingrid Ågren Bolmsjö, Anna-Karin Edberg & Lars Sandman - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):340-359.
    In this article, a teleological model for analysis of everyday ethical situations in dementia care is used to analyse and clarify perennial ethical problems in nursing home care for persons with dementia. This is done with the aim of describing how such a model could be useful in a concrete care context. The model was developed by Sandman and is based on four aspects: the goal; ethical side-constraints to what can be done to realize such a goal; structural constraints; and (...)
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    From human ability to ethical principle: An intercultural perspective on autonomy.Ingrid Hanssen - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (3):269-279.
    Based on an empirical study regarding ethical challenges within intercultural health care, the focus of this article is upon autonomy and disclosure, discussed in light of philosophy and anthropology. What are the consequences for patients if the patients’ right to be autonomous and to participate in treatment and care decisions by health care workers is interpreted as an obligation to participate? To force a person to make independent choices who is socio-culturally unprepared to do so, may violate his/her integrity. This (...)
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  47. Gender and the Metric of Justice.Ingrid Robeyns - unknown
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    Kant’s impact on moral philosophy.Ingrid Schreiber - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1337-1339.
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    Conflitos morais insolúveis e sistemas racionalistas: uma abordagem sobre consistência moral.Lauren de Lacerda Nunes & Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade - 2011 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 18 (30):4.
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    The conception of value: an analysis about the objectivity of values proposed by P. Grice.Lauren de Lacerda Nunes & Gabriel Garmendia Da Trindade - 2012 - Discusiones Filosóficas 13 (21):105 - 118.
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